In the past 15 years sedimentological studies (Valentine and Giannetti, 1995; Wilson and Hildreth, 1997; Rosi et al., 2001), physical models (Neri et al., 1988; Veitch and Woods, 2000; Kaminski and Jaupart, 2001) and laboratory...
moreIn the past 15 years sedimentological studies (Valentine and Giannetti, 1995; Wilson and Hildreth, 1997; Rosi et al., 2001), physical models (Neri et al., 1988; Veitch and Woods, 2000; Kaminski and Jaupart, 2001) and laboratory experiments (Carey et al., 1988) converge at defining a new eruptive regime transitional between the fully convective and the fully collapsing end -members. Buoyant columns and density currents are contemporaneously fed in the transitional dynamic regime and fall beds are intercalated with the density current deposits in the area invested by them. The sedimentological analysis of the well exposed 800yr B.P. plinian eruption of the volcano Quilotoa (Ecuador) enabled us to i) recognize a gradual evolution of the eruptive regime, ii) characterize the fall and density current deposits emplaced during the transitional regime. The eruptive activity began with at least two phreatic explosions and the effusion of a small volume lava dome. Eruptive behaviour then switched to explosive and fed a purely convective column that accumulated a reverse graded pumice fall while rising up to an height of 30 km. A small volume, diluted and slow density current (S1 current) was emplaced in the proximal SW sector just before the column reached its maximum height. Two group s of more voluminous and faster intra-plinian density currents (S2 and S3 currents) were subsequently emplaced contemporaneously with the accumulation of the lower and upper part respectively of a normal graded pumice fall bed. S2 and S3 currents were radially distributed around the crater and deposited bedded layers with facies of decreasing energy when moving away from the crater. Massive beds of small volume were emplaced only i) inside the proximal valley channel near the topography break in slope, ii) outside the valley channel in medial area where the currents impinged against relieves. A thick sequence of pyroclastic flow deposits (S4 currents) accumulated in the valley channels around the crater only in a post-plinian phase. During this phase, the convective plume was purely coignimbritic. The runout (from 4 to 11 km) and the degree of valley -confinement progressively increased from S1 to S4 currents. The eruption ended with the collapse of a 2.6 km summit caldera. During this last eruptive phase, coarse lithic-rich flow units with runout shorter than previously were emplaced. The parallel evolution of column height (grain-size), fountain height (size of ballistics) and flow properties (surges vs. flows) compares well with the numerical simulations of pyroclastic dispersion performed by Neri et al. (2002). In the whole dispersion area, the fall bed has a polymodal grain-size. The coarse modes of the fall appear related to the plinian column, while the fines ones have a co-ignimbrite fall origin. Sub-pop ulation analysis shows that the fine modes are related to ash aggregation that in transitional eruptions plays a significant role in the deposition of very fine sizzes also in very proximal areas. The fall deposit is totally eroded and reworked by the syn-plinian currents in the proximal areas and partially eroded in the medial areas. Grain-size and maximum clast analysis indicate that a significant fraction of the intraplinian beds is of primary fall origin. Strong similarities are found between the Quilot oa deposits and that accumulated during the transitional phase of the 1991 Pinatubo eruption (Rosi et al., 2001). These evidences should be carefully taken in account for risk assessment when analysing deposits accumulated in the transitional eruptive regi me with the aim at calculating the physical parameters characterizing the density currents ( Brissette and Lajoie, 1990). References : Brissette FP and Lajoie J (1990) Depositional mechanics of turbulent nuées ardentes (surges) from their grain-sizes. Bull Volcanol 53:60-66. Carey S, Sigurdsson H, Sparks RSJ (1988) Experimental studies of particle-laden plumes. J Geophys Res 93:15314-15328 Kaminski E and Jaupart C (2001) Marginal stability of atmospheric eruption columns and pyroclastic flow generation J Geophys Res 106: 21785-21798 Neri A, Papale P and Macedonio G (1998) The role of magma composition and water content in explosive eruptions: 2. Pyroclastic dispersion dynamics. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 87: 95-115 Neri A, Di Muro A, Rosi M (2002) Mass partition during collapsing and transitional columns by using numerical simulations. In press on J Volcanol Geotherm Res Rosi M., Paladio-Melosantos M.L., Di Muro A., Leoni R., Bacolcol T. (2001) Fall vs Flow Activity During the 1991 Climactic Eruption of Mt. Pinatubo (Philippines). Bull Volcanol 62: 549-566 Valentine G.A., Giannetti B. (1995) Single Pyroclastic beds deposited by simultaneous fallout and surge processes: Roccamonfina volcano, Italy. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 64:129-137. Veitch G and Woods A (2002) Particle recycling and oscillations of volcanic eruption columns. J of Geophys Res, 105: 2829-2842. Wilson C.J.N., Hildreth W. (1997) The Bishop Tuff: new insights from eruptive stratigraphy J of Geol. 105:407-439.