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      Information SystemsUser ModelingMachine LearningMethodology
This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionEducational TechnologySocial Networks
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      PsychophysiologyUser ModelingAffective ComputingPlayer Experience
Nowadays modern society requires that every citizen always updates and improves her/his knowledge and skills necessary to working and researching. E-learning or distance learning gives everyone a chance to study at anytime and anywhere... more
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      User ModelingAdaptive learning
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      User ModelingSnowball SamplingSocial Network Analysis
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      User ModelingMachine LearningReliabilityConfidence intervals
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      User ModelingMultiagent SystemsTese
Learning style models constitute a valuable tool for improving individual learning by the use of adaptation techniques based on them. In this paper, we present how the benefit of considering learning styles with adaptation purposes, as... more
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingAdaptationContinuous Improvement
Dynamic aspects of Information Retrieval (IR), including changes found in data, users and systems, are increasingly being utilized in search engines and information filtering systems. Existing IR techniques are limited in their ability to... more
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      Information RetrievalUser ModelingReinforcement LearningProbabilistic Markov Modeling
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    • User Modeling
Creating an efficient user knowledge model is a crucial task for web-based adaptive learning environments in different domains. It is often a challenge to determine exactly what type of domain dependent data will be stored and how it will... more
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      BioinformaticsArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionSocial Networks
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      Food ScienceUser ModelingImplicit learningSentiment Analysis
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingUser eXperienceRecommender System
Recent studies have shown that the use of educational games during learning process is dramatically increased. Furthermore, researchers suggest the attachment of adaptive features in order to motivate students and assess their knowledge... more
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      User ModelingArithmeticAdaptive Educational Games
Our research agenda focuses on building software agents that can employ user modeling techniques to facilitate information access and management tasks. Personal assistant agents embody a clearly beneficial application of intelligent agent... more
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingResearch AgendaIntelligent Agent
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      User ModelingExperimental DesignAdaptive SystemEmpirical Evaluation
Literature on the modeling and simulation of complex adaptive systems (cas) has primarily advanced vertically in different scientific domains with scientists developing a variety of domain-specific approaches and applications. However,... more
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      Scientific VisualizationFormal Methods (Formal Verification)OntologyComplex Systems Science
Every student has individual features such as knowledge, goals, experiences, interests, backgrounds, personal traits, learning styles, learning activities, and study results. User model or learner model is constructed from these features.... more
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      User ModelingLearner ModelLearner ModelingAdaptive learning
Feedback on player experience and behaviour can be invaluable to game designers, but there is need for specialised knowledge discovery tools to deal with high volume playtest data. We describe a study with a commercial third-person... more
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      User ModelingUser Experience (UX)Player ExperienceGame Analytics
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
ABSTRACT The importance and concern given to the autonomy and independence of elderly people and patients suffering from some kind of disability has been growing significantly in the last few decades. Intelligent wheelchairs (IW) are... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceGeriatricsUser Modeling
""Computer-based learning has become a common phenomenon in the modern age. Many distance-learning systems distribute educational resources on the Internet and indeed entire study programmes are now widely available online. Such a large... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducational TechnologySocial SciencesAdaptive Hypermedia
Nowadays modern society requires that every citizen always updates and improves her/his knowledge and skills necessary to working and researching. E-learning or distance learning gives everyone a chance to study at anytime and anywhere... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringEducationUser Modeling
In this paper we are going to show how to discover interesting prediction rules from student usage information to improve adaptive web courses. We have used AHA! to make courses that adapt both the presentation and the navigation... more
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      User ModelingUM
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      User ModelingIndividual DifferencesCognitive Flexibility
Internet advertising is a fast growing business which has proved to be significantly important in digital economics. It is vitally important for both web search engines and online content providers and publishers because web advertising... more
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      Information RetrievalUser ModelingComputational Advertising
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial Networks
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      Expert SystemsUser ModelingData MiningTelecommunications
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      User ModelingUsabilityInteraction DesignHCI
Adaptive learning systems require well-organized user model along with solid inference mechanism. Overlay modeling is the method in which the domain is decomposed into a set of elements and the user model is simply a set of masteries over... more
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      User ModelingLearner ModelAdaptive learningBayesian Network
Abstract Preference elicitation is a challenging fundamental problem when designing recommender systems. In the present work we propose a content-based technique to automatically generate a semantic representation of the user's... more
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      Information SystemsUser ModelingEvaluationInformation Processing
The results presented in this paper come from an exploratory study of 19,379 mind maps created by 11,179 users from the mind mapping applications ‘Docear’ and ‘MindMeister’. The objective was to find out how mind maps are structured and... more
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      Information RetrievalUser ModelingInformation retrieval (Library Science)Mind Mapping
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      EngineeringRoboticsArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer Interaction
This paper describes the development of an educational adventure game which aims to be useful in learning arithmetic. The main game platform communicates with several arithmetic mini games. A student modeling component is used to create a... more
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      User ModelingEdutainmentEducational GamesArithmetic
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      User ModelingAffective ComputingChoice and preference (Learning)Player Experience
Considering the increasingly complex media landscape and diversity of use, it is important to establish a common ground for identifying and describing the variety of ways in which people use new media technologies. Characterising the... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaBehavioral SciencesUser Modeling
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    • User Modeling
Canada There has been a continuous increase in the design and application of computer games for purposes other than entertainment in recent years. Serious games—games that motivate behaviour and retain attention in serious contexts — can... more
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      User ModelingSerious GamesVideo GamesPersonalization
With the rapid growth of information on the Web, the study of information searching has let to an increased interest. Information behaviour (IB) researchers and information systems (IS) developers are continuously exploring user - Web... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUser ModelingUser Experience (UX)Information Behavior
In the past few years, the growing number of personal information shared on the Web (through Web 2.0 applications) increased awareness regarding privacy and personal data. Recent studies showed that privacy in Social Networks is a major... more
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesUser ModelingSemanticsPrivacy
This thesis introduced two novel reputation models to generate accurate item reputation scores using ratings data and the statistics of the dataset. It also presented an innovative method that incorporates reputation awareness in... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematicsComputer SciencePhysics
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      RoboticsEmotionInterpersonal CommunicationSocial Networks
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have grown rapidly in recent years in the context of computing with smart mobile phones that typically allows the devices to function in an intelligent manner. Popular AI techniques include machine... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceUser ModelingMachine LearningMobile Technology
This paper formulates the problem of building a context-aware predictive model based on user diverse behavioral activities with smartphones. In the area of machine learning and data science, a tree-like model as that of decision tree is... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceUser ModelingMachine LearningData Mining
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    • User Modeling
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      ServicesUser ModelingModelingLocalization
Many studies have investigated personalized information presentation in the context of mobile museum guides. In order to provide such a service, information about museum visitors has to be collected and visitors have to be monitored and... more
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      User ModelingUnsupervised LearningQualitative AnalysisEmpirical evidence
It is a widely held assumption that learning style is a useful model for quantifying user characteristics for effective personalized learning. We set out to challenge this assumption by discussing the current state of the art, in relation... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducational TechnologySocial SciencesAdaptive Hypermedia
Ontologies and semantic web services are the basics of next generation semantic web. This upcoming technologies are useful in many fields such as bioinformatics, business collaboration, Data integration and etc. E-learning is also the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingUser Modeling