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Unnatural narratology has recently focused our attention on unnatural representations of time. It is usually assumed that the ‘typical sjuzhet’ must be linear, while the ‘variable sjuzhet’ is unnatural and belongs exclusively to... more
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      Visual StudiesNarrativeComics StudiesVisual Narrative
Richards Reynolds (1992) has described the superhero genre as a modern mythology. He discusses how the genre often reflects the socio-political ideologies of society, and offers Alan Moore’s comic series Watchmen (1986-1987) as a key text... more
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      Comic Book StudiesIdentity (Culture)PoliticsIdeology
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      CinemaComics and Graphic NovelsWatchmen
Timely for a "Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen"
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      GeologyGlaciologyAnthropologyMetaphysics of Time
Analysis of trauma and time through Rorschach's character in Alan Moore's award-winning graphic novel Watchmen.
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      Comic Book StudiesComics/Sequential ArtGraphic NovelsLiterature and Trauma
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      ArtComics StudiesPsychogeographySituationism
What makes an anti-hero a true anti-hero? Why is a mask so important for the superhero? Do heroines still wear high heels? These are some of the questions I try to answer in this interview published on A2 kulturní čtrnáctideník.... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophyComic Book StudiesComics
A look at comic-book culture in Junot Diaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao with specific reference to Alan Moore's Watchmen
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      Postcolonial StudiesImmigrationComics StudiesRace and Ethnicity
This colloquium paper is an attempt to reflect my thoughts on stories, and telling thereof using visual sequential art as the media. It also briefly discusses my understanding of the art form and its parallel evolution over time, in... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesIllustrationManga and Anime Studies
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      HeroismFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerKierkegaard
The superhero wears a mask or a costume. The mask’s purpose is not only to hide who he/she is but also to show a completely new identity. The person behind the mask is forced to create a new identity after a tragic event, a trauma: the... more
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      Social IdentityFriedrich NietzscheMeaningJean Paul Sartre
Motion comics can be considered as an emerging form of digital animation that typically appropriates and remediates an existing comic book narrative and artwork into a screen-based animated narrative. One such example of motion comic... more
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      AnimationDigital MediaAuthenticityComics
Esta comunicación analiza dos de los once textos multimodales presentados al final de los capítulos del cómic Watchmen, de Alan Moore y Dave Gibbons, publicada en Brasil en 2011. Nuestro objetivo principal es entender el papel que estos... more
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      Comics StudiesWatchmenIntertextualidadTeoria Del Comic - Para Hacer Historietas
Pre-publication pages for a chapter in _Teaching the Graphic Novel_ (MLA). Carter reflects on teaching Alan Moore's _Watchmen_ directly after the attacks on September 11, 2001, and how that event informed his pedagogy, the class's reading... more
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      British LiteratureComics StudiesTeaching CompositionPedagogy
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      MarketingHealthy LifestylesWatchmen
Prova finale di tesi triennale in Scienze per la Comunicazione Internazionale dell'Università di Catania. Il testo propone una prima parte incentrata sugli studi di traduzione a partire dagli anni '70, anni in cui i Translation Studies... more
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      Cultural StudiesTranslation StudiesComics StudiesComics and Graphic Novels
El final de la década de los ochenta representa un cambio histórico para las historias de superhéroes, y la concepción que se tenía de ellos; nos encontramos con que eran violentas, maduras, serias, para adultos y complejas. Este... more
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      Comics StudiesComicsComics and Graphic NovelsSuperheroes
""UEA Thesis (2011) In this thesis I draw upon recent formulations of fantasy theory, from Rosemary Jackson’s psychoanalytic analysis to the socio-historical approaches of José Monleon and Mark Bould, and the poetics of fantasy... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesWorld Literatures
Unhappy is the land that needs an anti-hero: a land in crisis, without a clear moral, without truths. The anti-hero embodies competing values; on the one hand, he is born of a crisis, on the other exasperates it, leads it to the extreme... more
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      PhilosophyValuesComics StudiesComics
The course focuses on the reconstruction of comic books’ role in American culture. Comics as well as graphic novels are often seen as purely American medium and thus it important to discuss its uniqueness and well as its place among other... more
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      American StudiesPopular CultureVisual CultureComics Studies
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon is not the original macabre tale of the high seas. There are clear antecedents of Pym to be found in the oral legend of the Flying Dutchman and there were perhaps published predecessors to it that Edgar... more
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      RomanticismComics and Graphic NovelsEdgar Allan PoePiracy
Rather than a postmodern theme of recursive interpretation and destabilization of meaning, "Watchmen" is a comic book focused on the problems of power, in particular the principal-agent problem, and the impact of temporal constraints on... more
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      PhilosophyLiterary CriticismComics and Graphic NovelsWatchmen
Neste artigo, discutimos as possibilidades do uso de Histórias em Quadrinhos para o Ensino de História, por meio da HQ "Watchmen" de Alan Moore e Dave Gibbons. Para tanto, consideramos o lugar social dos autores da HQ para verificarmos... more
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      HistoryComicsTeaching HistoryComics and Graphic Novels
Polyphonic poetics is a reaction against authors dictating the thoughts of characters to support their own worldview and denying them a human being's innate free consciousness. Soviet litterateur Mikhail Bakhtin saw that Dostoevsky's... more
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      Comic Book StudiesBakhtinPoeticsWatchmen
Watchmen is a text which is undeniably engaged in the deconstruction of the superhero comic, and also in a criticism of the very idea of the superhero. However, this aspect of its narrative has been covered to the point of near exhaustion... more
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      Cultural StudiesPopular CulturePopular LiteratureComics and Graphic Novels
Esta pesquisa tem como foco analisar os textos multimodais apresentados ao final dos 11 primeiros capítulos de Watchmen, história em quadrinhos norte-americana roteirizada por Alan Moore e desenhada por Dave Gibbons, publicada nos Estados... more
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      Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ's, Comic Books, Mangás)WatchmenHipertextualidadeParatextos
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      Science FictionBob DylanLyricsComics and Graphic Novels
The antihero embodies competing values; he is the symptom of a crisis, and he exasperates it. During the 1980s these characters have their greatest success in superhero comics. The so-called Dark Age follows a profound crisis in American... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPopular CultureComics Studies
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      LiteratureNarrative TheoryComics and Graphic NovelsAlan Moore
Watchmen (2019), created by Lindelof, is built on the personal and family history of Angela Abar (Regina King). The protagonist's personal events trace the history of the United States. On one hand the tv show places historical facts side... more
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      RacismWatchmenTV Series
Yazı "XX.Yüzyıl Grafik Roman Tarihi" dersi kapsamında,  Alan Moore'un "Watchmen" adlı grafik romanı hakkında bir inceleme yazısıdır.
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      ComicsComics and Graphic NovelsAlan MooreWatchmen
Ensayo literario sobre el potencial generador de significados de Watchmen considerado desde la semiología y la teoría del caos.
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      SemioticsChaos TheoryDynamical systems and ChaosComics and Graphic Novels
An essay discussing violence in 'Watchmen' and 'The Dark Knight Returns' as means to solve social, political, and other issues.
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      Comics and Graphic NovelsFictionBatmanWatchmen
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      Gender StudiesComic Book StudiesGender and SexualityComics
Considero que puede resultar muy revelador un estudio de personajes, puesto que, en esta obra de Alan Moore, hay una ruptura con la visión del cómic popular del superhéroe y la estructuración maniquea del universo ficcional donde éstos se... more
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      Popular CultureComics StudiesSuperheroesAlan Moore
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      English LiteratureComics StudiesComicsPsychology of Unconscious
Introduction to a special issue of Literature/Film Quarterly dedicated to a range of questions raised by Damon Lindelof's 2019 HBO television 'remix' adaptation of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen. The issue features essay... more
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      Television StudiesIntermedialityDivinationComics
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      Dystopian LiteraturePosthumanismUtopian StudiesUtopian Literature
In this article I analyse a selection of Alan Moore’s characters and their vicious behaviour in three graphic novels that belong to the period when, according to Roger Luckhurst, a ‘contemporary trauma culture’ began to develop (2008: 2).... more
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      English LiteratureTerrorismLiteraturePolitical Violence and Terrorism
The various experiments in community defense of organized groups in Guerrero and Michoacán, Mexico, to confront the insecurity produced by organized crime are occurring in a social setting in which legality and illegality are blurred-a... more
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      Organized CrimeVigilantismEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoViolencia
Olhando para o caso da obra Watchmen, de Alan Moore e Dave Gibbons (1987), o texto estabelece uma análise do sistema da temporalidade narrativa empregado nesta obra, com especial atenção para os parâmetros "naturais" e "inaturais" de sua... more
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      Comics StudiesNarrative TheoryComics and Graphic NovelsGraphic Narrative
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      AestheticsAlan MooreWatchmenTheory of Time
En 1983 DC Comics le compró unos superhéroes a una editorial llamada Charlton Comics. Entre los personajes estaban Captain Atom (Capitán Átomo), The Question (La Pregunta), Thunderbolt (Rayo) y Blue Beetle (Escarabajo Azul). Alan Moore,... more
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      Comics/Sequential ArtDc ComicsAlan MooreWatchmen
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      Comics StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsAlan MooreWatchmen
This paper, constituting my MA major research project, proposes the concept of differential media and uses an ANT methodology to interrogate the narrative assemblage that makes up the media and materials surrounding WATCHMEN.
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      Textual CriticismMedia TheoryActor-Network-TheoryAuthorship
"In the composition of a bestiary of contemporary capitalism, the figure of the vigilante should be given particular attention. As a hybrid at the intersection of governmental police and civilians, the vigilante floats between forces... more
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      Political PhilosophyViolenceViolence PreventionPolitical Violence
Alan Moore, principal ejecutor conceptual de Watchmen -sin ánimo de quitarle méritos a Dave Gibbons-, plantea una obra que dentro de su fragmentación pretende ser unitaria. Esa sensación de unidad llega a través de los diferentes recursos... more
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      Alan MooreWatchmenThe Watchmen
Motion comics can be considered as an emerging form of digital animation that typically appropriates and remediates an existing comic book narrative and artwork into a screen-based animated narrative. One such example of motion comic... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryFilm AdaptationComics/Sequential Art
In Thomas Morus’ Utopia (1516) spielt das Religiöse eine merkwürdige Rolle. Denn so sehr der darin beschriebene Staat das Produkt menschlicher Vernunft ist, so sehr gehört zu seinen Existenzbedingungen die Erwartung eines strafenden... more
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      Utopian StudiesComics and Graphic NovelsAlan MooreWatchmen
I argue that "Watchmen," comic and film, attempts to develop a response to the principal-agent problem by developing its technocratic theme via the relationships among the concepts of technology, power, time and ethics, and also,... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesComics StudiesComic Book Studies