Recent papers in Winnicott
Ego is described by D. W. Winnicott as “that part of the growing human personality that tends, under suitable conditions, to become integrated into a unit.” The phenomenon of False Self and its companion concept, True Self contribute to... more
Resumo: O presente artigo é uma revisão bibliográfica que apresenta conceitos importantes da clínica winnicottiana. A interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente é um dos temas centrais na obra de Winnicott. Os conceitos apresentados neste... more
Cet article introduit quatre textes de D.W. Winnicott restés jusqu’alors inédits en français : « Jeu dans la situation analytique » (1954), « Le destin de l’objet transitionnel » (1959), « Notes sur le jeu » (non daté) et, enfin, « Le jeu... more
so clearly shows in his dissertation, between the 8 th and 14 th centuries there were illuminating phenomenological distinctions that were considered essential to understand the great perfection practice of awareness, becoming aware of... more
RESUMEN La función de espejo del rostro materno se constituye en un nudo cardinal de la red conceptual de Winnicott, donde confluyen varios hilos muy destacables de su urdimbre teórica. Entre ellos los que corresponden a la dependencia,... more
A partir de Donald Winnicott, l’auteur propose de penser la capacité d’illusion comme étant à la base de tout lien entre un individu et son environnement. Cette capacité n’est pas innée et s’acquiert, habituellement, à un stade précoce du... more
British psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott (1896-1971) developed an original theory involving controversial ideas such as the destruction of the patient and the merger of the subjective and objective worlds into a whole. He argued that C. G.... more
In this short essay I propose to conceptualise the Winnicottian notion of 'healing regression' and project its possible existential sense from the perspective of structural temporality of 'care' as ontological category. Resumen En este... more
Este trabajo intentará vincular los postulados de Winnicott y Piaget a partir de ciertas preguntas-guía: ¿Qué funciones cumple el «jugar» en tanto práctica especifica del niño a lo largo de su desarrollo? ¿Qué relaciones pueden... more
Se muestran los escritos autobiográficos y la producción visual de Dalí a la luz del
psicoanálisis, especialmente de las teorías de Winnicott, Freud y Lacan.
psicoanálisis, especialmente de las teorías de Winnicott, Freud y Lacan.
The existing body of psychoanalytic literature relating to the process of making visual art does not include formal studies of first-hand reports from contemporary artists. This thesis addresses that gap through the creation of a new... more
Se discuten las nuevas Bases Técnicas del Servicio Nacional de Menores (Sename) sobre políticas de adopción en la infancia, desde el pensamiento del psicoanalista Donald Winnicott. Se plantea que la teoría y clínica winnicottianas no se... more
Mind Alone For many years psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy was singularly centered on the unconscious mind and conscious mind. There was only mind and the mind could become aware of its own self and its own representational... more
This PDF doesn't include the integral video material. The two videos are both online:
SFR by Christian Keathley:
Uncanny Fusion: Journal to Mixed Up Files by Catherine Grant:
SFR by Christian Keathley:
Uncanny Fusion: Journal to Mixed Up Files by Catherine Grant:
Alison Bechdel is both a driver and beneficiary of the welcoming of comics into the mainstream. Indeed, the seemingly simple binary of outside/inside seems perpetually troubled throughout the career of this important comics artist, known... more
In this paper, I study the narrative structure of comics as a means to describe the ways that indeterminate modes of representation can allow the reader to imagine that which in childhood can never be fully expressed. Analyzing a number... more
Uma palestra sobre a forma como Winnicott situa a filosofia no espaço transicional. Procurei oferecer alguns argumentos e exemplos em suporte a isso, ressaltando, no entanto, que essa localização traz alguns problemas. Procurei indicar... more
As trust discourse has recently been in the center of public debate and has occupied public attention intensively, the focus of this research is to analyze different implications of trust in current social media environment and try to... more
By becoming aware of awareness we can experience the innermost sense or the felt sense of spaciousness and self-illumination. Within this state of open awareness, the openness of spacious luminous awareness, we can enter the experience of... more
O interesse recente pelo estudo dos trabalhos de Winnicott no meio psicanalítico reflete a necessidade de refletir sobre os desafios enfrentados pelos psicanalistas na prática clínica na atualidade. Não é só no fazer clínico, a vida... more
O estudo constata, de início, que, diferentemente da psicanálise freudiana para a qual é o complexo de Édipo que instaura o triângulo e a família, em Winnicott é a existência da família que propicia, pela instauração da saúde, a... more
Esse livro reúne a maior parte dos artigos que foram apresentados no XVII
Colóquio Internacional sobre o pensamento de Winnicott, realizado em 2012, na PUC de São Paulo, com o feliz título tirado de um artigo do autor, “E o pai?”.
Colóquio Internacional sobre o pensamento de Winnicott, realizado em 2012, na PUC de São Paulo, com o feliz título tirado de um artigo do autor, “E o pai?”.
In this paper we explore the metaphor of the cocoon as a vehicle for enriching our understanding of organizational life. Deployed in clinical psychoanalysis to convey both intrapsychic experiences and interpersonal dynamics, the cocoon... more
"Patterns of psychoanalysis and theory of recognition. Axel Honneth’s intersubjective psyche". An overview of the several scopes and patterns used over time by Axel Honneth in his “theory of recognition” is presented. After a discussion... more
摘要 基督徒該不該接受心理學的理論?相關爭議至今仍時有所聞。不過,筆者的立場是,心理學所探討的既是人類心理之種種,最簡單的作法或許便是肯定該學科對人類心理確實作出相關的觀察與分析,但卻不需要毫條件的、盲目的加以接納。至於它是人本或神本,不是筆者關心之所在。... more
The concept of transitional object inaugurated, in psychoanalysis, the investigation of the symbolic use of objects by the baby, in his/her initial experiences of separation. Other facets of the role played by the materiality and its... more
Artists are often addressed as experts of creativity – usually by understanding the term creativity in a more traditional theological sense: to create sthg. out of nothing. But there is another type of creativity, that is akin to the... more
Psychoanalytic writing rarely features on university ethics curricula, so the idea that psychoanalysis has a place in the history of ethics may be a surprise. The aim of the paper is to show that it should not be. The strategy is to... more