Wissenschaft der Logik
Recent papers in Wissenschaft der Logik
PREVIEW ONLY: READ THE FULL TEXT HERE: https://doi.org/10.33929/sherm.2019.vol1.no2.07 This article argues that, given the historical and linguistic background of the terms involved, the study of theology can, in fact, be considered a... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The soul, duly prepared by exhortation to the study of true philosophy, finds herself in gradually advancing to the greater from the less. It should be noted that the... more
Exposición de «La Ciencia de la Lógica) para un reader publicado por la editorial Comares.
Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva (UNESP), em Do finito ao (mau) infinito, e além: um estudo da contradição entre finitude e má infinitude e sua resolução como verdadeira infinitude na Ciência da Lógica de Hegel, apresenta, analisa e discute o... more
Die Wissenschaft der Logik des Philosophen Hegel 1 ist bekanntlich eine der anspruchsvollsten Schriften der Philosophiegeschichte. Sie ist auch nicht immer freundlich behandelt worden, um es vorsichtig auszudrücken. So konstatierte der... more
Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva e Pedro Geraldo Aparecido Novelli em “A contradição na lógica de Hegel”, discutem o significado e a função da contradição na lógica elaborada por Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Para isso, utilizam tanto da... more
Die Stellung des ontologischen Gottesbeweises in der Hegelschen Philosophie ist rätselhaft. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, warum Hegel guten Grund hat, die philosophische Theologie systematisch aufzugreifen: Kants Widerlegungsversuch... more
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
Sia se analizzato sul piano della riflessione logico-speculativa sia se colto nell’orizzonte del pensiero etico-politico il concetto di libertà, nella trattazione hegeliana, si presenta come essenzialmente relato alla dimensione della... more
Surprisingly, perhaps, it turns out that the face is not only a finite object of art but also an infinite art object, yielding three inimitable standards of facial beauty, but what these really entail remains essentially unexplored.... more
Wenn man die vielen Ausdrucksformen des Selbstverständnisses berücksichtigt, die das zeitgenössische philosophische Denken auf verschiedene Weise und in weitläufigen Bereichen zeigt, scheint es nicht unangebracht, die zentrale Rolle, die... more
This article aims at pointing out the presence of the alterity in Hegel’s philosophy. The first part outlines the importance of the recovery of the alterity nowadays. The second part analyses the relation between Fenomenology and Science... more
The section on objectivity began from a " mechanical " system of independent objects that could be manipulated at least by combining and dividing them in various manners. Even if the objects themselves were not in any manner intrinsically... more
We began our study of objectivity from a system of objects reflecting one another and the whole system, somewhat like the system of Leibnizian monads. We then saw that we could model some " mechanical " processes within such a system: at... more
The topic of this division has been a process of self-modification and structures that can be modelled by its means. We have seen that we can differentiate between self-modification as an object in a particular state of development from... more
Ein »Selbst« konstituiert sich durch eine Verlegenheit: dass es sich als ein Selbst identifzieren muss oder, noch tautologischer formuliert, dass es sich selbst identifziert. Die Verlegenheit besteht offensichtlich darin, dass das Selbst... more
Gabriel Rodrigues da Silva, em "'Reich des reinen Gedankens' e 'Reich der Schatten': lógica e metafísica na Introdução da Ciência da Lógica de Hegel”, discute a concepção de lógica, a concepção de metafísica e a relação entre ambas... more
In meinem Beitrag möchte ich zeigen, dass der Begriff der " zweiten Natur " mit Hegel gerade dann, wenn er eine Ent-Substantialisierung bzw. eine Ent-Wesentlichung des Wesens der " älteren Metaphysik " zeigt, nützlich ist, um die Freiheit... more
The Modernity in singular meaning has seen in the finitude of the thought at the same time its destiny and the difference that separates it from the modern metaphysics. But for modern metaphysics the infinity of the thought or even its... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN A connected discussion of Absolute Physics and modern cosmology emphasizing gravitation and inertia, with concluding remarks on the rageful “spiritus mundi” that is said... more