Recent papers in Yokai
Global Perspectives on Japan (GPJ) is a yearly, Open Access, peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal on Japanese studies published by FORUM TAURİ Press. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Editor’s Note, Erdal Küçükyalçın Abstracts... more
Yokai is a catchall Japanese word for ghosts, demons, monsters, shape-shifters, tricksters, and other kinds of supernatural beings and mysterious phenomena. Although sometimes scary, these frightening beings are often portrayed as... more
Yokai, monstruos y fantasmas de Japón es una guía ilustrada de los yokai más importantes: su apariencia física, su carácter, las recetas para de librarse de ellos junto con las leyendas tradicionales de las que son protagonistas. Este... more
Vivid in Japanese art and imagination are creatures that are at once ghastly and humorous. The Japanese word yokai generally refers to a range of supernatural beings such as ghosts, demons, monsters, shapeshifters, tricksters, and other... more
Nada muy acá, solo me gustan los monstruitos tradicionales japoneses...
Esse trabalho busca analisar o estudo de Lafcadio Hearn sobre a mitologia das raposas (kitsune) e os seus impactos na sociedade japonesa da Era Meiji, principalmente na prefeitura de Shimane, dando especial atenção aos aspectos... more
Todas las sociedades modernas se asientan sobre una base mitológica que acompaña su evolución socio-cultural. Estos mitos se revelan a día de hoy como claves antropológicas que nos permiten entender el trasfondo que define los... more
64種類の「百鬼夜行絵巻」を対象に、その図像の編集過程の復元を試みた。描かれた「鬼」の図像配列の相違に着目し、情報学の編集距離を使って絵巻の系統樹を作成した。その結果、真珠庵本系統の「百鬼夜行絵巻」の祖本に最も近い図像配列を持つのは、日文研B本であるとの推定結果が得られた。また合本系の「百鬼夜行絵巻」についても図像配列を比較し、それらの編集過程の全体像を推定した。 『日本研究』第40集、2009年掲載。
Elementi macabri e soprannaturali hanno permeato tutte le forme di espressione artistica giapponese e sono oggigiorno inglobati nella più moderna espressione di "genere horror". La presente tesi prende in analisi la loro rappresentazione... more
This presentation compares contemporary popular culture versions of Japanese yôkai, ‘goblins’ to their historical forbears, and examines how the portrayal of their relationships to humans has changed. Many historical goblins emerged from... more
The present paper investigates the Japanese manga production dedicated to monster girls. In recent years, ecchi (erotic) products such as the Monster Musume series by Okayado have spread even in the Western market. In these products... more
- by Ryuhei Hirota
- Otherworlds, Yokai, 化け物, 妖怪
戦国期以降のキリシタン文献において、「天狗」といえば現代でいう「悪魔」のことであった。一方で、江戸後期の蘭学文献において「天狗」と呼ばれたのは、現代でいう「天使」のことであった。天使と悪魔は、少なくとも概念的には両極に位置する。しかしどういうわけか、日本の妖怪「天狗」は両義的な意味を担うことができてしまった。その背景には、キリスト教神学と語学辞書というテクストジャンルの違いや、反宗教的でも異類的でもある天狗の多義的属性があったと考えられる。本発表では、二つの時代における翻訳実... more
O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar a construção do tanuki, enquanto personagem em traduções de histórias folclóricas japonesas para o inglês, o francês e o português. O tanuki é um animal que existe naturalmente somente na Ásia... more
The "Light on the Tokaido. The symbolic transformation of «Tengu» (天狗)" part of the conference introduces to the public the main context of the Edo period art and also presents an example of iconographical and iconological... more
[Title translation] Yukionna: the modern reworkings of a myth In this work, we intend to make a comparative analysis between the Japanese fairytale Yukionna (" The Woman of the Snow "), by Lafcadio Hearn and two modern film adaptations,... more
This article proposes eco-intermediality as a cross-fertilization between what has been the hitherto predominantly thematic orientation of ecocriticism and the more form-oriented concerns of intermediality studies. To explore the... more
Animated television programs have been considered an integral element of the 'media mix' or transmedia in Japan. In multiple contexts, the place of such television shows has been framed as a '30-minute commercial' or 'program length... more
Hybrid bodies in pre-modern Japan: a study based on literary sources and bestiaries Abstract The hybrid body is an extremely popular theme in Japan's literature and visual arts that we can find in many genres and eras. Traces can be found... more
Considerando a atual popularidade da temática yokai, proponho uma compreensão a respeito de suas origens históricas. A partir de Foster (2009; 2015a) e Kazuhiko (2017), discutirei inicialmente o que entendemos pela palavra yokai,... more
The analysis conducted on Kyōgoku Natsuhiko's (b. 1963) literary production denoted a close connection with Japanese classical cultural heritage. In particular his works can be considered ipertexts derived from ipotexts like the... more
Низшие мифологические персонажи - лешие, домовые, банники, полевики, овинники и многие другие - являются традиционным объектом изучения этнографической науки. В большей части русскоязычных публикаций речь идет о низших персонажах... more
This transversal and transilient thought-experiment explores the application and significance of Japanese animism for environmental education and environmental philosophy. Through the exploration of indigenous knowledge found in... more