Introduction and Chapter Objectives: Real Analog - Circuits 1 Chapter 1: Circuit Analysis Fundamentals
Introduction and Chapter Objectives: Real Analog - Circuits 1 Chapter 1: Circuit Analysis Fundamentals
Introduction and Chapter Objectives: Real Analog - Circuits 1 Chapter 1: Circuit Analysis Fundamentals
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Electrical Charge:
Electron flow is fundamental to operation of electric circuits; the concept of charge can be used to describe the distribution of electrons in the circuit. Charge can be represented as either positive or negative generally relative to some reference level. Charge is represented by the variable q and is measured in coulombs, abbreviated as C. The charge of one electron corresponds to -1.602210-19 C. Charge can only exist in integer multiples of the charge of a single electron. Charge, however, is not widely used in electrical circuit analysis; voltage and current are more convenient ways to represent the electric charge in a system.
Voltage is energy per unit charge. Energy is specified relative to some reference level; thus, voltages are more accurately specified as voltage differences between two points in a circuit. The voltage difference between two points can be thought of as a difference in potential energy between charges placed at those two points. Units of voltage are volts, abbreviated V. The voltage difference between two points indicates the energy necessary to move a unit charge from one of the points to the other. Voltage differences can be either positive or negative. Mathematically, voltage is expressed in differential form as:
dw dq
where v is the voltage difference (in volts), w is the energy (in joules), and q is the charge (in coulombs). The differences in equation (1.1) are all defined relative to different spatial positions; thus, the differentials dw and dq are between two different points in space, and the voltage is defined as being between these same two spatial points.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Current is the rate at which charge is passing a given point. Current is specified at a particular point in the circuit, and is not relative to a reference. Since current is caused by charge in motion, it can be thought of as indicating kinetic energy. Mathematically, current is represented as:
dq dt
where i is the current in amperes, q is the charge in coulombs, and t is time in seconds. Thus, current is the time rate of change of charge and units of charge are coulombs per second or amperes (abbreviated as A).
An electrical system is often used to drive a non-electrical system (in an electric stove burner, for example, electric energy is converted to heat). Interactions between electrical and non-electrical systems are generally described in terms of power. Electrical power associated with a particular circuit element is the product of the current passing through the element and the voltage difference across the element. This is often written as
where p(t) is the instantaneous power at time t, v(t) is the voltage difference at time t, and i(t) is the current at time t. Power can be either absorbed by a circuit element or generated by a circuit element; the determination as to whether the element is absorbing or generating power can be made by the relative signs of the values of voltage and current. These sign conventions are an important issue, and will be addressed separately in the next chapter. Units of power are watts, abbreviated W.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Symbol G M k m n p
Table 1.1. SI prefixes. Thus, for example, a voltage of 107 V can be represented as 10 MV, or ten mega-volts.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
The assumed direction of the current, i, passing through the element is shown by the arrow on Figure 1.1. In Figure 1.1, i is assumed to be positive if it is going into node a. A negative value of i simply indicates a change in direction of the current if i is negative, the current is going into node b (or, equivalently, out of node a). We will assume that our circuit elements do not accumulate charge, so any current entering node a must leave node b.
Example 1.1:
3 amperes (3 A) of current is passing through a circuit element connecting nodes a and b. The current is flowing from node a to node b. The physical situation can be represented schematically by any of the figures shown below all four figures represent the same current flow and direction.
3A a -3 A a a a
3A b b b
-3 A b
The assumed polarity of the voltage difference v across the element is shown by the + and signs on Figure 1.1. The polarity shown on Figure 1 indicates that a positive value for v indicates that the voltage at the terminal marked with a + sign is higher than the voltage at the terminal marked with a sign. (That is, the voltage at node a is higher than the voltage at node b.) A negative value for v simply reverses this polarity (negative voltage means that the voltage at node b is higher than the voltage at node a).
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Example 1.2:
A 5 volt (5 V) voltage potential difference is applied across a circuit element connecting nodes a and b. The voltage at node a is positive relative to the voltage at node b. The physical situation can be represented schematically by either of the figures shown below both figures represent the same voltage potential difference.
a + 5V b -5 V a
+ b
The assumed voltage polarity and current direction are not individually significant the assumed direction of voltage polarity relative to current direction is important. To satisfy our sign convention, we will assume that positive current enters the node at which the positive voltage polarity is defined. This sign convention is called the passive sign convention. In the passive sign convention, the relative assumed sign convention between voltage and current is as shown in Figure 1.1.
Example 1.3:
The passive sign convention is satisfied for either of the two voltage-current definitions shown below the current is assumed to enter the positive voltage node.
i + v i v +
The passive sign convention is not satisfied for either of the two voltage current definitions shown below the current is assumed to enter the negative voltage node.
i + v i v +
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Many students attempt to choose current directions and voltage polarities so that their calculations result in positive values for voltages and currents. In general, this is a waste of time it is best to arbitrarily assume either a voltage polarity or current direction for each circuit element. Choice of a positive direction for current dictates the choice of positive voltage polarity, per Figure 1.1. Choice of a positive voltage polarity dictates the choice of positive current direction, per Figure 1.1. Analysis of the circuit is performed using the above assumed signs for voltage and current. The sign of the results indicates whether the assumed choice of voltage polarity and current direction was correct. A positive magnitude of a calculated voltage indicates that the assumed sign convention is correct; a negative magnitude indicates that the actual voltage polarity is opposite to the assumed polarity. Likewise, a positive magnitude of a calculated current indicates that the assumed current direction is correct; a negative magnitude indicates that the current direction is opposite to that assumed.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Example 1.4:
The two figures below show identical ways of specifying the voltage across a circuit element. In the circuit to the left, the voltage v is the voltage potential between nodes a and b, with the voltage at node a being assumed positive relative to the voltage at node b. This can be equivalently specified as vab. In the figure to the right below, node b has been specified as our ground with the use of the symbol. In this figure, the voltage at node a can be specified simply as va, with the polarity being assumed positive relative to ground which is implied to be 0V. Thus, for the figures below,
v v ab v a
a + v b
P vi
The power is positive if the signs of voltage and current agree with the passive sign convention that is, if positive current enters the positive voltage polarity node. If the power is positive, the element is said to be absorbing power. The power is negative if the signs of voltage and current disagree with the passive sign convention that is, if positive current enters the negative voltage polarity node. If the power is negative, the element is said to be generating power.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Example 1.5:
In figure (a) below, the element agrees with the passive sign convention since a positive current is entering the positive voltage node. Thus, the element of figure (a) is absorbing energy. In figure (b), the element is absorbing power positive current is leaving the negative voltage node, which implies that positive current enters the positive voltage node. The element of figure (c) generates power; negative current enters the positive voltage node, which disagrees with the passive sign convention. Figure (d) also illustrates an element which is generating power, since positive current is entering a negative voltage node.
2A + 3V 2A 3V + -2 A + 3V 2A 3V +
(a) 6W absorbed
(b) 6W absorbed
(c) 6W generated
(c) 6W generated
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
Section Summary:
In this text, we will be primarily concerned with the movement of electrical charge. Electrical charge motion is represented by voltage and current. Voltage indicates the energy change associated with the movement of a charge from one location to another, while current is indicative of the rate of current motion past a particular point. a. Voltage is an energy difference between two physically separated points. The polarity of a voltage is used to indicate which point is to be assumed to be at the higher energy level. The positive terminal (+) is assumed to be at a higher voltage than the negative terminal (-). A negative voltage value simply indicates that the actual voltage polarity is opposite to the assumed polarity. b. The sign of the current indicates the assumed direction of charge motion past a point. A change in the sign of the current value indicates that the current direction is opposite to the assumed direction. The assumed polarity of the voltage across a passive circuit element must be consistent with the assumed current direction through the element. The assumed positive direction for current must be such that positive current enters the positive voltage terminal of the element. Since this sign convention is applied only to passive elements, it is known as the passive sign convention. c. The assumed current direction or the assumed voltage polarity can be chosen arbitrarily, but once one parameter is chosen, the other must be chosen to agree with the passive sign convention. The power absorbed or generated by an electrical circuit component is the product of the voltage difference across the element and the current through the element: p iv . The relative sign of the voltage and current are set according to the passive sign convention. Positive power implies that the voltage and current are consistent with the passive sign convention (the element absorbs or dissipates energy) while negative power indicates that the relative signs between voltage and current are opposite to the passive sign convention (the element generates or supplies energy to the circuit).
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
1. Assign reference voltage and current directions to the circuit elements represented by the shaded boxes in the circuits below. (a)
Voltage Source
+ -
Current Source
2. Either the reference voltage polarity or the reference current direction is provided for the circuit elements below. Provide the appropriate sign convention for the missing parameters.
Current Source
Voltage Source
+ -
+ V3 I4
V2 +
3. Determine the magnitude and direction of the current in the circuit element below if the element absorbs 10W.
Real Analog Circuits 1 Chapter 1.1: Basic Circuit Parameters and Sign Conventions
2V +
4. Determine the power absorbed or supplied by the circuit element below. State whether the power is absorbed or supplied.
+ 3V 2A
+ -
+ V -
Dependent Sources:
Dependent sources can be either voltage or current sources; Figure 1.5(a) shows the symbol for a dependent voltage source and Figure 1.5(b) shows the symbol for a dependent current source. Since each type of source can be controlled by either a voltage or current, there are four types of dependent current sources: Voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) Current-controlled voltage source (CCVS) Voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) Current-controlled current source (CCCS)
Figure 1.6 illustrates the voltage-controlled dependent sources, and Figure 1.7 illustrates the current-controlled dependent sources. In all cases, some electrical circuit exists which has some voltage and current combination at its terminals. Either the voltage or current at these terminals is used to set the voltage or current of the dependent source. The parameters and in Figures 1.6 and 1.7 are dimensionless constants. is the voltage gain of a VCVS and is the current gain of a CCCS. The parameter r is the voltage-to-current ratio of a CCVS and has units of volts/ampere, or ohms. The parameter g is the current-to-voltage ratio of a VCCS and has units of amperes/volt, or siemens. The units of ohms and siemens will be discussed in more depth in section 1.3.
i1 + Electrical Circuit v1 + + i1
vs = m v1
Electrical Circuit
v1 -
is = gv1
i1 + Electrical Circuit v1 +
i1 +
vs = ri1
Electrical Circuit
v1 -
is = bi1
Section Summary:
Circuit elements can be either active or passive. Active elements provide electrical energy from a circuit from sources outside the circuit; active elements can be considered to create energy (from the standpoint of the circuit, anyway). Passive elements will be discussed in section 1.3, when we introduce resistors. Active circuit elements introduced in this section are ideal independent and dependent voltage and current sources. a. Ideal independent sources presented in this section are voltage and current sources. Independent voltage sources deliver the specified voltage, regardless of the current demanded of them. Independent current sources provide the specified current, regardless of the voltage levels required to provide this current. Devices such as batteries are often modeled as independent sources. b. Dependent sources provide a voltage or current which is controlled by a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit. Devices such as operational amplifiers and transistors are often modeled as dependent sources. We will revisit the subject of dependent sources in chapter 5 of this text, when we discuss operational amplifier circuits.
1. The ideal voltage source shown in the circuit below delivers 12V to the circuit element shown. What is the current I through the circuit element?
+ -
V -
2. The ideal current source shown in the circuit below delivers 2A to the circuit element shown. What is the voltage difference V across the circuit element?
V -
v(t ) Ri (t )
where voltage and current are explicitly denoted as functions of time. Note that in Figure 1.8, the current is flowing from a higher voltage potential to a lower potential, as indicated by the polarity (+ and -) of the voltage and the arrow indicating direction of current flow. The relative polarity between voltage and current for a resistor must be as shown in Figure 1.8; the current enters the node at which the voltage potential is highest. Values of resistance, R, are always positive, and resistors always absorb power.
The voltage-current relationship for resistors always agrees with the passive sign convention. Resistors always absorb power.
i(t) + v(t) R
Figure 1.9 shows a graph of v vs. i according to equation (1.5); the resulting plot is a straight line with slope R. Equation (1.5) thus describes the voltage-current relationship for a linear resistor. Linear resistors do not exist in reality all resistors are nonlinear, to some extent. That is, the voltage-current relationship is not exactly a straight line for all values of current (for example, all electrical devices will fail if enough current is passed through them). Figure 1.10 shows a typical nonlinear voltage-current relationship. However, many nonlinear resistors exhibit an approximately linear voltage-current characteristic over some range of voltages and currents; this is also illustrated in Figure 1.10. We will assume for now that any resistor we use is operating within a range of voltages and currents over which its voltage-current characteristic is linear and can be approximated by equation (1.5).
For the most part, we will consider only linear resistors in this text. These resistors obey the linear voltagecurrent relationship shown in equation (1.5). All real resistors are nonlinear to some extent, but can often be assumed to operate as linear resistors over some range of voltages and currents.
R 1 i
Conductance is an important quantity in circuit design and analysis. Conductance is simply the reciprocal of resistance, defined as:
1 R
The unit for conductance is siemens, abbreviated S. Ohms law, written in terms of conductance, is:
i(t ) Gv(t )
Some circuit analyses can be performed more easily and interpreted more readily if the elements resistance is characterized in terms of conductance.
In section 1.2, we characterized a current-controlled voltage source in terms of a parameter with units of ohms, since it had units of volts/amp. We characterized a voltage-controlled current source in terms of a parameter with units of siemens, since it had units of amps/volt.
Power Dissipation:
Instantaneous power was defined by equation (1.3) in section 1.1 as:
P(t ) Ri 2 (t )
v 2 (t ) R
Likewise, we can write the power dissipation in terms of the conductance of a resistor as:
P(t )
i 2 (t ) Gv 2 (t ) G
We can write the power dissipation from a resistor in terms of the resistance or conductance of the resistor and either the current through the resistor or the voltage drop across the resistor.
Practical resistors:
All materials have some resistance, so all electrical components have non-zero resistance. However, circuit design often relies on implementing a specific, desired resistance at certain locations in a circuit; resistors are often placed in the circuit at these points to provide the necessary resistance. Resistors can be purchased in certain standard values. Resistors are manufactured in a variety of ways, though most commonly available commercial resistors are carbon composition or wire-wound. Resistors can have either a fixed or variable resistance. Fixed resistors provide a single specified resistance value and have two terminals, as shown in Figure 1.5 above. Variable resistors or potentiometers (commonly called pots) have three terminals, two are fixed and one is movable. The symbol for a variable resistor is shown in Figure 1.11. The resistance between two of the terminals R23 in Figure 1.11 of a variable resistor can be set as some fraction of the overall resistance of the device R13 in Figure 1.11. The ratio of R23 to R13 is generally set by a dial or set screw on the side of the device.
2 R13 R23
Figure 1.11. Schematic for variable resistor. Resistors, which are physically large enough, will generally have their resistance value printed directly on them. Smaller resistors generally will use a color code to identify their resistance value. The color coding scheme is provided in Figure 1.12. The resistance values indicated on the resistor will provide a nominal resistance value for the component; the actual resistance value for the component will vary from this by some amount. The expected tolerance between the allowable actual resistance values and the nominal resistance is also provided on the resistor, either printed directly on the resistor or provided as an additional color band. The color-coding scheme for resistor tolerances is also provided in Figure 1.12.
Tolerance Resistor Color Code Exponent Color B A Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Resistor Tolerance Code Fourth Band None Silver Gold Tolerance 20% 10% 5% Green Blue Violet Grey White Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Example 1.6:
A resistor has the following color bands below. Determine the resistance value and tolerance. First band (A): Red Second band (B): Black Exponent: Orange Tolerance: Gold Resistance = (20+0)103 5% = 20 k 1 k
Section Summary:
The relationship between voltage and current for a resistor is Ohms Law: v iR . Since a resistor only dissipates energy, the voltage and current for a resistor must always agree with the passive sign convention. As noted in section 1.2, circuit elements can be either active or passive. Resistors are passive circuit elements. Passive elements can store or dissipate electrical energy provided to them by the circuit; they can subsequently return energy to the circuit which they have previously stored, but they cannot create energy. Resistors cannot store electrical energy, they can only dissipate energy energy by converting it to heat.
1. The ideal voltage source shown in the circuit below delivers 18V to the resistor shown. What is the current I through the resistor?
+ -
2. The ideal current source shown in the circuit below delivers 4mA to the resistor shown. What is the voltage difference V across the resistor?
V -
3. The ideal voltage source shown in the circuit below delivers 10V to the resistor shown. What is the current I in the direction shown?
+ -
Identification of circuit nodes will be extremely important to the application of Kirchoffs Laws. A node is a point of connection of two or more circuit elements. A node has a single, unique voltage. Since there is no voltage drop across a perfect conductor, any points in a circuit which are connected by perfect conductors will be at the same voltage and will thus be part of the same node.
Example 1.7:
The circuit below has four nodes, as shown. A common error for beginning students is to identify points a, b, and c as being separate nodes, since they appear as separate points on the circuit diagram. However, these points are connected by perfect connectors (no circuit elements are between points a, b, and c) and thus the points are at the same voltage and are considered electrically to be at the same point. Likewise, points d, e, f, and g are at the same voltage potential and are considered to be the same node. Node 2 interconnects two circuit elements (a resistor and a source) and must be considered as a separate node. Likewise, node 4 interconnects two circuit elements and qualifies as a node.
Node 1
a b c
Node 2
Node 4
+ -
Node 3
A loop is any closed path through the circuit which encounters no node more than once.
Example 1.7:
There are six possible ways to loop through the circuit of the previous example. These loops are shown below.
+ -
k 1
(t ) 0
Where ik(t) is the kth current entering the node and N is the total number of currents at the node.
Current directions (entering or leaving the node) are based on assumed directions of currents in the circuit. As long as the assumed directions of the currents are consistent from node to node, the final result of the analysis will reflect the actual current directions in the circuit.
Example 1.8:
In the figure below, the assumed directions of i1(t), i2(t) and i3(t) are as shown.
i2(t) i1(t) i3(t)
If we (arbitrarily) choose a sign convention such that currents entering the node are positive then currents leaving the node are negative and KCL applied at this node results in: i1(t) + i2(t) - i3(t )= 0 If, on the other hand, we choose a sign convention that currents entering the node are negative, then currents leaving the node are positive and KCL applied at this node results in: -i1(t) - i2(t) + i3(t )= 0 These two equations are the same; the second equation is simply the negative of the first equation. Both of the above equations are equivalent to the statement: i1(t) + i2(t) = i3(t )
Example 1.9:
Use KCL to determine the value of the current i in the figure below.
4A i -1A 2A
Summing the currents entering the node results in: 4A - (-1A) - 2A i = 0 i = 4A + 1A - 2A = 3A and i = 3A, leaving the node. In the figure below, we have reversed our assumed direction of i in the above circuit:
4A i -1A 2A
Now, if we sum currents entering the node: 4A - (-1A) - 2A + i = 0 i = -4A - 1A + 2A = -3A so now i = -3A, entering the node. The negative sign corresponds to a change in direction, so we can interpret this result to a +3A current leaving the node, which is consistent with our previous result. Thus, the assumed current direction has not affected our results.
We can generalize Kirchoffs Current Law to include any enclosed portion of a circuit. To illustrate this concept, consider the portion of a larger circuit enclosed by a surface as shown in Figure 1.13 below. Since none of the circuit elements within the surface store charge, the total charge which can be stored within any enclosed surface is zero. Thus, the net charge entering an enclosed surface must be zero. This leads to a generalization of our previous statement of KCL: The algebraic sum of all currents entering (or leaving) any enclosed surface is zero. Applying this statement to the circuit of Figure 1 results in: i1 + i2 + i3 = 0
i3 i1 vs(t) +
Figure 1.13 KCL applied to closed surface.
Kirchoffs Voltage Law (commonly abbreviated in these chapters as KVL) states: The algebraic sum of all voltage differences around any closed loop is zero. An alternate statement of this law is: The sum of the voltage rises around a closed loop must equal the sum of the voltage drops around the loop. A general mathematical statement for Kirchoffs Voltage Law is:
k 1
(t ) 0
Where vk(t) is the kth voltage difference in the loop and N is the total number of voltage differences in the loop.
Voltage polarities are based on assumed polarities of the voltage differences in the loop. As long as the assumed directions of the voltages are consistent from loop to loop, the final result of the analysis will reflect the actual voltage polarities in the circuit.
Example 1.10:
In the figure below, the assumed (or previously known) polarities of the voltages v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, and v6 are as shown. There are three possible loops in the circuit: a-b-e-d-a, a-b-c-e-d-a, and b-c-e-b. We will apply KVL to each of these loops.
Our sign convention for applying signs to the voltage polarities in our KVL equations will be as follows: when traversing the loop, if the positive terminal of a voltage difference is encountered before the negative terminal, the voltage difference will be interpreted as positive in the KVL equation. If the negative terminal is encountered first, the voltage difference will be interpreted as negative in the KVL equation. We use this sign convention for convenience; it is not required for proper application of KVL, as long as the signs on the voltage differences are treated consistently.
a + v1 v4 b v2 + c
Applying KVL to the loop a-b-e-d-a, and using our sign convention as above results in: v1 v4 v6 v3 = 0 The starting point of the loop and the direction that we loop in is arbitrary; we could equivalently write the same loop equation as loop d-e-b-a-d, in which case our equation would become: v6 + v4 v1 + v3 = 0 This equation is identical to the previous equation, the only difference is that the signs of all variables has changed and the variables appear in a different order in the equation. We now apply KVL to the loop b-c-e-b, which results in: -v2 + v5 + v4 = 0 Finally, application of KVL to the loop a-b-c-e-d-a provides: v1 v2 + v5 v6 v3 = 0
v3 d + v6 -
v5 e
Example 1.11:
For the circuit below, determine vab.
a 1W 12V + -
We are free to arbitrarily choose either the voltage polarity or the current direction in each element. Our choices are shown below: + v1 a i6 1W 3 W v3 6W 12V + +
Once the above voltage polarities and current directions are chosen, we must choose all other parameters in a way that satisfies the passive sign convention. (Current must enter the positive voltage polarity node.) Our complete definition of all circuit parameters is shown below: + v1 a
i1 12V + -
i3 v3 +
i6 + v6 -
We now apply the steps outlined above for an exhaustive circuit analysis. 1. Ohms law, applied for each resistor, results in: v1 = (1)i1; v3 = (3)i3; v6 = (6)i6 2. KCL, applied at node a: i1 + i3 i6 = 0 3. KVL, applied over any two of the three loops in the circuit: -12V + v1 v3 = 0 v3 + v6 = 0 The above provide six equations in six unknowns. Solving these for v3 results in v3 = -8V. Since v3 = -vab, vab = 8V
Example 1.12:
Determine v3 in the circuit shown below.
2A +
We choose voltages and currents as shown below. Since v3 is defined in the problem statement, we define it to be consistent with the problem statement.
KVL around the single loop in the circuit does not help us the voltage across the current source is unknown, so inclusion of this parameter in a KVL equation simply introduces an additional unknown to go with the equation we write. KVL would, however, be useful if we wished to determine the voltage across the current source. KCL at node a tells us that i2 = 2A. Likewise, KCL at node b tells us that i2 i3 = 0, so i3 = i2 = 2A. Ohms law tells us that v3 = (3)(i3) = (3)(2A) = 6V.
Section Summary:
Kirchoffs Current Law (KCL) and Kirchoffs Voltage Law (KVL) govern the interactions between circuit elements. Governing equations for a circuit are created by applying KVL and KCL and applying the circuit element governing equations, such as Ohms Law. Kirchoffs current law states that the sum of the currents entering or leaving a node must be zero. A node in a circuit is an point which has a unique voltage. a. A node is a point of interconnection between two or more circuit elements. A circuit node has a particular voltage. Nodes can be spread out with perfect conductors. Kirchoffs voltage law states that the sum of the voltage differences around any closed loop in a circuit must sum to zero. A loop in a circuit is any path which ends at the same point at which it starts. a. A loop is a closed path through a circuit. Loops end at the same node at which they start, and typically are chosen so that no node is encountered more than once.
1. For the circuit below, determine: a) The current through the 2 resistor b) The current through the 1 resistor c) The power (absorbed or generated) by the 4V power source
+ -