Newsletter 12.17.13
Newsletter 12.17.13
Newsletter 12.17.13
Pastors Notes: Woodruff Church of God has had one of the best Christmas weve had in a long time..and it is not even CHRISTMAS YET!!!!! From the weekend that the Music Ministry was in charge and the souls coming to Christand then this past Sunday with the Extreme Kidz Ministry in charge and at least 6 recommitting their lives to Christ..WHAT A TIME WE HAVE HAD!!!!! If using too many !!!!!!! is a pet peeve of yours, please forgive me, but because of Woodruff Church of God, there are many people this Christmas that will truly have a blessed Christmas. Thank you for being such a loving and caring congregation. Thank you for allowing us to try new things to reach our community. Thank you for stretching at times in order to engage our culture and to seek to entice the lost to come to Jesus. I will give a report at a later date, but this church has gone above and beyond to insure that people understand the true meaning of Christmas but also at the same time, receive gifts and blessings. I have never been more proud than I am right now. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Below are a few pictures!
I also wanted to say thank you to everyone that came to our church fellowship on Sunday night. We had a great time! Even more of a blessing was that we had 6 of our bus ministry children who had their parents with them. We are beginning to see the Lord answer our prayer that through the children, we would be able to reach their parents. Thank you to those who prepared food, those that helped to serve, clean up.whatever you did, WE LOVE YOU! Hope you made new friends or learned someone a little better. Never pass up an opportunity to fellowship..we need it! This coming Sunday, we will continue in the AM service with our series entitled RELATIONSHIPS: Lessons from the Christmas story characters. Please be in church with us this Sunday as we look at the Christ Child. This could be a momentous day in the lives of people. Please, invite your family and friends, especially if they do not know Jesus. I am believing the Lord for more souls Sunday! Sunday night will be a special time in the sanctuary as we have a candlelight service. If you have a smart phone, download a free app that has a candle burning. iPhone has one called candle light and Droid has one called candle free. During the service, we will call for those of you that have that to open up that app. What a great use for our technology!!!!! Next week, the office will be open on Monday only. The rest of the week, it will be closed. Some of our staff have to travel to get to their families and we hope you understand if the office if closed. We will be on call and should you need us, call the church office at 4762977. The phone will be forwarded to one of our mobile phones so that we can be reached. Thank you for allowing us time with our families as your enjoy the time with yours. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! Prayer List
AMERICA, Raymond Lowman, Kim Roberson, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Megan Laster, Jackson Knight, Tommy Wallace, Jewell Hammons, Mike Cox, Cindy & Coty Cox, Cheryl Corbett, Teanna & Shea Cox, Barbara Logan, Tabatha Baker, Gia Olden, James Perini, James Arnold, Randy Lambert, Loretta Kelley, Linda Lida & Family, Gayle & Aurthor Harris, Lawrence Clark, Audrey Clark, Jeremy Greene, Christa Cline, Tish York, Jeremy York, Josh Cline, Curt Ellison, Morgan Cooper, Heather Phillips Burson, June Osborne, Bruce Cash, Darlene Bright, Jack West, Caitlin Gillespie , Pat Roddy, Ann Richards, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes
Important Choir practice this Wednesday 12/18 at 6:30. The choir will wear Christmas colors this Sunday, 12/22 and robes on 12/29
JOY CLUB CHRISTMAS: Our annual JOY CLUB Christmas meeting is this Thursday at 6:30 PM. A wonderful program has been planned and we ave already turned in our number to the caterer. We will have 100 in attendance! Thanks to all of you who have signed up to attend. SENIOR MEN: We need several of our senior men to meet with Pastor Shealy Thursday Morning at 9:00 AM to help prepare fruit bags for our meeting that evening. It should not take more than one hour to do this if we have a good turn out. Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks to all who donated to the Toy Closet. We were able to help 33 children/teens have a very Merry Christmas this year. Thanks to Spartanburg County Sherrif's department for donating 8 bicycles
Mainstream Ministries will be having its annual Christmas Party at Fatz in Spartanburg on Southport Rd. TONIGHT at 6:30. We will be doing a Chinese gift exchange so please bring a gift ($5 value) for each person in your family. Space is limited to the first 30 to signed up. See you tonight!
No Youth Drama Practice until January. Youth Christmas Celebration & ugly Christmas Sweater Contest December 18th 6:30pm - 8pm Youth Ice Skating will be THIS Saturday, December 21. This has been changed due to the number of youth involved in the Childrens Christmas play. We will leave from the church at 12pm and return about 5:30pm Saturday
We want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped with Extreme Kidz Christmas Plays and the Baby Parade! There will be no Drama or Praise and Worship Practice. The next practice will be January 6. Upcoming Events: January 10 Extreme Kidz to Greenville Road Warriors Hockey Game. January 18 Extreme Kidz Lunch to community
Spotlight: Happy Birthday to Patrick Brown With Love from your family
Ministry Leaders for This Week December 22, 2013 Greeters- Pat Chappell & Robbie Gwinn Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & John Nemitz Usher Team #3 Buddy Arnold, Freddie Bright, Lamar Crowe, Tracy Grant, Clint Letourneau, & Marion Simmons Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt and Rob Laster Bus Take Home: Clint Letourneau and Rob Laster
Van 1 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian Hellems Van 2 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June Vassey Wednesday Late Workers: Donna & Ramona NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Alison Arnold PM: Ann Knight Music- Wednesday-Lavonda Stonell AM-Allen Durham Praise Team- Gold Computer- Patrick Guitar- Korey, Duck, & John
Ministry Leaders for NEXT Sunday, December 29, 2013 Greeters- Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Walter Housand Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Michael Brown, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, & Kenny Waddell NurserySunday AM Ann Knight & Ashton Garrett PM-Brooke Jones Music- Sunday AM-Brantley Burnett PM-Jason Hayes Praise Team- Maroon Computer- Chas Guitar- Korey, Duck, & Greg