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Newsletter 8.6.13

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter August 6, 2013

Pastors Notes: Please pray for our Jamaican Missions Team!!!! Pray for their safety (they arrived in Old Harbor, Jamaica safe and sound), their health and the success of their mission. Pray that souls will be won to the kingdom of God and pray that relationships will be built (we like to call it Kingdom Connections). All of this for the GLORY OF GOD!!!!!

What a mighty moving of God in our services Sunday! Sunday morning was an hour and a half of worship & prayer. I still hear the words of that new song.Victors Crownstrongholds shall be broken. I am believing that strongholds were broken and fresh praise is coming from the lips of Gods people. OH HALLELUJAH!!!!! Then on Sunday night, Pastor Shealy brought an awesome and powerful word from John 11 entitled Jesus Wept. He described the things Jesus could have been weeping over, things He is presently weeping over and then we were charged to weep too. We should be weeping over sinners and sin. When is the last time we shed a tear over our lost loved ones, the sin in our community, etc.? I was challenged and stirred. How about you? PASTOR SHEALY will be preaching again this coming Sunday night (hell also be preaching the last 2 Wednesday nights of this month as well). PLEASE, please, please. Allow the whole day on Sunday to be the Lords day and be in church Sunday night to hear the Word of God. The Word of God is never wasted and is always useful and productive for us.

FALLFEST MEETING..Thursday, August 29th. Please note the change of date due to other meetings scheduled on the same night. VERY IMPORTANT!!!! FALLFEST DATE: October 5-6 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!!!! Sunday afternoon singing under the tent at 4:00 PM. Its going to be a great weekend!

If you are interested in teaching or assisting in and adult, youth or childrens Sunday School class for the 2013-2014 church year, please see Pastor Jason. Dont let your talents go unused. We will be holding Teacher/Worker nominations on Sunday August 18th. Please be in prayer for who to nominate or elect.

Ladies Munch Bunch will be meeting Wednesday, August 14th in the CLC for lunch. Contact Janet Sloan if you are interested in coming. Thank you!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ITS A BOY! Youre invited to a baby shower honoring Madalyn & Josh Strickland, next Sunday, August 11th, from 4:00-5:30 in the CLC. She is registered at Target.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prayer List

AMERICA, Lisa Culbertson, Curtis Culpepper, Clyde Roberson, Robin Erwin, Raymond Lowman, Kay Simmons, Danny Cooper, Kim Roberson, Kaye Brandanburg, Mary Ann Cox, Rhonda Rhodes, Ashley Layton, Tammy Pierson, Alicia Landurm, Megan Laster, Taylor Baston, Brian Arnold, Mavis Blackwell, Sarah Nelson, McKailey Smith, Jared Durham, Robbie Crowe, Larry Lida, Judy Mary Roddy, Jimmy Hall, Paul Nichols, Houston Cobb, Steve Hawkins, Ed Wilson, Don Colburn, Linda Lida & Family, Carol Hopson, Judy & Leroy Arrington, Thomas & Gladys Wallace, Conni Holcomb, Javin, Trina Mimms, Michael Young, Lib Patterson, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes **Christian Sympathy to Andrea Bishop in the death of a Sister, Iris Corn

Choir Color for this Sunday- RED On October 26, we will have a Music/Media/Sound Department picnic at Cleveland Park in Spartanburg. Save the date!!

PRIMETIMERS CHOIR: The choir will be singing on Sunday night August 18. We will be meeting at 5 PM for practice on the night we sing, and we are counting on all of you who lifted your hand saying you would help us with this effort if we could change our practice time. Make sure you put this date down and make your plans to sing with us. AMISH TRIP: We had a good group meet with us this past Sunday evening to express interest in going with us on this trip. There will be a $200.00 per person deposit that is required when you sign up to go. We will begin signing up people this week so make your check to WCOG-SAM. Come on and go with us. It will be a great time of fellowship and relaxation. For more information feel free to contact Pastor Shealy through the church office.

Toy Closet item to purchase this week is: Dolls Ladies Fun Friday- August 16th We will go out to eat and shop or see a movie.

August 13 - YLL Group Meeting August 18 - Back to School Sunday Night Live August 18 - Drama will begin at 4:45pm August 24 - Jello/Water Wars & Steak Supper

Sunday, August 4- Praise and Worship Practice 4:45 & Drama 5:15 Need Volunteers: If you would like to Volunteer to work in Extreme Kidz church on Sunday Mornings, Sunday Night, Wednesday night, or in the Nursery please see Ms. Donna. The Pine Car Derby Race is coming back! Any Boy or Man that would like to be involved in the race, please see Garren Burdette for details. Upcoming Events: August 17: Bash to School Bash at Look Up Lodge(all deposits are due) August 31: Extreme Kidz Lunch to the community. If you would like to donate bread, sandwich meat, individual bags of chips, bottled water, or sandwich ziplock bags please see Ms Donna. We will pack 300 bag lunches to help needy families in our community. Thank you for your support! September 22: Extreme Kidz Service and Lunch Fundraiser after the service. Make plans now to come worship with Extreme Kidz!

Good morning to everyone, what a beautiful Sunday morning service. God moved and a couple allowed Christ to enter their heart. Praise God!! I want thank everyone that decided to support the Hispanic ministry at the barbeque. Have a blessed week!

SPOTLIGHT: Ladies Fun Friday Painting Class Ministry Leaders for This Week Greeters- Janet Sloan & June Grubbs Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg Crossing Guard- David Hoyt Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & John Nemitz Usher Team #2Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand, Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt Wednesday Bus Pick Up: Phillip and Daniel Take Home: Clint and Daniel Van 1 Pick UP: Tabitha and Brian Van 1 Take Home: Deanna and Gina Van 2 Pick Up: Richard Bishop and Buster Van 2 Take Home: Garren and Thomas Kidz Late Workers- Phillip & Colleen NurseryWednesday- need someone AM Tanya Tumblin & Alison Arnold PM- Brooke Jones Kiddie Church: Tabitha & Brian Hellams Youth workers for Extreme Kidz Church: Faith, Josh & Zack Music Wednesday- Brad Burnett Sunday AM-Jason Hayes PM- Tiffany Burnett Praise Team- Gold Computer Chas Guitar Korey, Duck, Greg

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