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MDP Projectreport Mcsmith

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Multimedia Design Project (MDPA) Report Template

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In the Analysis section you examine the context of the learning environment, the
learners themselves, and establish learning objectives for the project. The analysis
should provide you with clear statement of learning objectives and a sense of the
constraints you will need to consider as you design and implement the project (for
instance, if the classroom only has one computer that is hooked up to the internet,
then this will need to be developed as a part of station rotation or perhaps an
entire class project/WebQuest as opposed to individual or small group work).
Questions youll want to address in the analysis include, but may not be limited
Learner Analysis
Diverse learner characteristics and needs 5 th graders, all reading 4.5
grade level to 6.0 grade level. All students speak English as their primary
language. Students are well-versed in using technology. They all are
familiar with using MyBigCampus (an educational form of facebook),
Instagram, and Microsoft Office tools. They are quick learners and are
eager to learn more ways to use technology. My school is a theme
school. One of the focuses of the school is project based learning, so the
students are used to this format of teaching and learning. (PSC 2.5, 2.6)
Context Analysis
Class characteristics I teach 4 classes with 30 students in each class. The
classes are split into 1 co-teaching class, 3 Gifted/Advanced classes. We
have class every day for 55 minutes. This gives us ample time to work on
projects. We also can use Specials time in the Computer lab once a week
to work on projects involving technology. (PSC 2.5)
Technical considerations I have 4 student computers in my classroom. I
also have access to a laptop cart and ipad cart that can both be placed in
my classroom. We can visit the Media Center and the computer lab to help
gain access to technology. My 3 team teachers have agreed to allow
students to come in and use their 4 student computers if they are not being
used during their classes. (PSC 2.5). Students with special needs will be

given headphones, graphic organizers, and highlighters as needed

throughout the project. (PSC 3.4)
Teacher characteristics I am very comfortable with using technology. I
am proficient in Microsoft Office, MyBigCampus, Infinite Campus,
Socrative, Kahoot, Instagram, Twitter, screencasting through Jing and
many more. I use technology every day in my classroom as well as in my
personal life.
Georgia Performance Standards: Social Studies
SS5H1 The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of
the Civil War.
a. Identify Uncle Toms Cabin and John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry and explain how
each of these events was related to the Civil War.
b. Discuss how the issues of states rights and slavery increased tensions between
the North and South.
c. Identify major battles and campaigns: Fort Sumter, Gettysburg, the Atlanta
Campaign, Shermans March to the Sea, and Appomattox Court House.
d. Describe the roles of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant,
Jefferson Davis, and Thomas Stonewall Jackson.
e. Describe the effects of war on the North and South.
Technology Standards:
Creativity and Innovation - Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.
Communication and Collaboration - Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
Research and Information Fluency - Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate,
and use information.
Digital Citizenship - Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior
Technology Operations and Concepts - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
Task Analysis
Learning Objectives Essential Questions:
How did the Civil War shape America?
How have people dealt with issues of social inequality?

Students should be able to identify the key locations and people from the Civil
War. At the end of this unit, students should be able to explain why we still study
the Civil War and the effects of this war. Students will work in small groups for
some research portions of this unit. Their final projects will be turned in
independently. (PSC 2.1)

In the Design phase, you actually design the instructional element. For
WebQuests, the design phase entails sketching out the introduction or storyline
that couches the WebQuest, the task students will have to complete, and an outline
of the process they will undertake to complete the task. The instructional activities
of the project should be authentic and appropriate for the content and student
technology standards. (PSC 2.1, 2.3, 2.6) The tone, vocabulary, and style of the
project should be appropriate for the age and grade level of student. (PSC 2.6)
What online resources have you purposely selected and evaluated to deliver the
content for the project? (PSC 3.6) Please include citations for all resources used in
the project. (PSC 4.2)
A variety of modifications can be done to ensure the needs of all students are met.
On the Teacher Page of my WebQuest I listed out these options for
modifications. I am sure there are many more than can be completed. I just
wanted to try and keep the list concise.
1. To assist students in making a choice, provide a Venn Diagram comparing
the Union and Confederacy
2. As an alternative to the diary activity have students use a Venn diagram to
compare the lives of Union and Confederacy soldiers
3. Provide access to information sources in a variety of reading levels
4. Allow students to type or dictate information for their trading cards
5. Reduce the number of storyboard events
6. Provide a template with prompts to assist students with identifying key
information about the battles
7. Consider visual impairments and visual processing challenges when
selecting map materials.
8. Choose maps that have bold lines and print with only the necessary
9. Provide a kid-friendly resource map to assist students in locating and
labeling battle sites on their own maps
(PSC 2.5) This project adheres to the principles of Universal Design. These principles
can be seen throughout: equitable use (students are given equal opportunities to use and

apply technology skills to their projects) and perceptible information (students are
allowed to use headphones when watching and listening to online resources. (PSC 2.6)
Students will have the opportunity to conduct some of their research in small
groups. The culminating project will be turned in as an individual assignment for
each student. Students will use a WebQuest to guide them in conducting their
research. A YouTube video is embedded into the WebQuest to give a quick clip
about the Civil War using music and photographs from that time period. Students
will use websites to conduct research and present their findings from that. (PSC
Students with special needs can use additional highlighters, graphic organizers,
headphones, microphones (to record their findings). All students will be given
opportunities for success no matter their ability level. (PSC 3.4)

I had never used Weebly to create a WebQuest before this class. I was able to
increase my comfort level enough with Weebly so that I could create a working
WebQuest. I also learned how to embed videos and music into websites. (PSC
3.3, 6.1) During the development process, double-check to ensure the Internet
links work, documents download properly, and video and audio is embedded
correctly. (PSC 3.5)

This project can easily be implemented in a 5 th grade classroom in the future. I
plan to complete this project with my students in the Fall. Before we begin the
project, we will complete several activities as refershers in conducting research
using the web. I will also walk students through the steps of completing a
webquest if they have not done so before. (PSC 6.3).

When I begin to implement this project, I will need access to the computer lab
once a week. I will also ask the computer teacher if students can work on this
during computer specials time. This will give students additional time out side of
the normal class time to complete their projects. I will reserve the laptop and ipad
carts for this project as well. I will double check with my team teachers to make
sure we can use their 4 student computers for research if needed. I will also let our
technology support teacher know that I will be completing this project with my
students. I want to make sure she is aware of the project just in case we have any
issues that arise with the technology as we are working. (PSC 3.1, 3.2, 3.5)
Students will be made aware of the expectations when completing projects and
using technology. I will use my normal classroom management system (a token
economy) with my students when they are working. (PSC 3.2) Students will work

on the WebQuest activities at school only. I want to make sure that the students
are actually completing the work and not the parents. I also do not want any
student to get upset because he/she does not have computer access at their home.
We will work on this project at the end of our Civil War Unit. This WebQuest
project should last no longer than 2 weeks. (PSC 4.1) This will be a joint project
with the Language Arts teacher in 5th grade as well as the computer lab teacher.
The Language Arts teacher will help students with the writing/grammar aspect of
this project. The computer lab teacher will allow students to conduct research
during her class and will be available to assist if any issues with technology arise.
(PSC 3.7)
Teacher Page of the WebQuest gives additional resources and modifications for
this WebQuest. (PSC 2.5)

The Evaluation section describes how you will know if this WebQuest/project
actually helps students learn and if it is a well-designed project from the student
Student Learning
Students will compile their work into one Civil War scrapbook.
This is their task for the WebQuest. All of the activities within the
scrapbook are a showing of what they have learned throughout
our unit on the Civil War. A rubric will be used to check student
work. The teacher will monitor student progress through
anecdotal notes and observations. Students will complete a
questionnaire at the end of the WebQuest giving feedback and
tips to the teacher about the project. (PSC 2.7)
Product Design
As the students work through the WebQuest, the teacher will take anecdotal notes
that will be compiled at the end of the unit. When the teacher completes her
reflection about the project, the anecdotal notes will be referenced. Student
questionnaire answers will be compiled into one document. The teacher will look
at all of the data and reflect back on the project.

Reflect on this project around four aspects:
Project Development This project was fun to create. I wanted
to create a project over something that I am interested in as well
as a topic that I cover with my 5 th grade students. The planning

portion of this project took the longest for me. Once I decided
what topic I wanted to cover, I had to look at all of the resources I
use from year to year and pick and choose a good combination
of them all. The actual WebQuest building was fun! It didnt take
too long at all. I wouldnt change anything from that process.
Instructional Design Using a WebQuest is a great way to get
student engaged with using technology. Since I havent
completed this project with students yet, I am not sure what will
work well or what to improve.
Personal Growth I learned that I am more skilled in using
technology than I realize. I also learned that I have to continue to
be a master of time management or I will spend hours on just
one activity! I love using technology and want to share this love
with my students.
For Others I would highly suggest this type of activity for other
teachers. Creating projects such as this one was relatively easy
once you get the hang of it. These WebQuests can be changed
slightly to be used year after year.

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