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Elizabeth Winslett Multimedia Design Project Report: Product URL

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Elizabeth Winslett
Multimedia Design Project Report
Product URL: http://amdmdwebquest.wordpress.com_______________________
This web quest will be done in the subject of Advanced Mathematics Decision Making. This
class is normally taught to seniors in high school. It is taught to the students are the lowest level
of intelligence in math. They are the students who have IEPs, 504, and ELL plans. They
require special notes, special attention, and slow teaching. They need very specific directions.
The classroom has one computer so this WebQuest will need to be done in the computer lab or
the library. It can be done in groups or by themselves. My students will work better in pairs.
These classes have done a few projects in the class but they required a lot of assistance with
basic manipulation of the computer, research, and work. The classes meet for 50 minutes 3 times
a week and 90 minutes once a week. There will be 2 classes completing the project. In class one,
there are 20 students. Of those 20 students, 8 of them are ELL and have a very low level English
comprehension and 5 of them have very low cognitive abilities. In class two, there are 25
students. Of those 25 students, 2 are ELL students with a moderate level of English
understanding. The teacher is very comfortable with technology and prefers using it when
possible. The standards that we will be looking at include but are not limited to: MAMDMD 2.
Students will build the skills and vocabulary necessary to analyze and critique reported statistical
information, summaries, and graphical displays; and MAMDMD 3. Students will apply
statistical methods to design, conduct, and analyze statistical studies. They will also be
addressing the NETS-S standards 2 and 3. The learning objects that I wish to accomplish
include: working in pairs, basic research skills, basic computer skills, statistical analysis, creating
graphs, analyzing graphs, and comparing topics using statistics.

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This WebQuest will be done in the Statistics Unit. It will come after we discuss how to use graphs
properly and create graphs by hand. It will also come after we have discussed the formulas in
analyzing the quarterback rating for football quarterbacks and the batting average for baseball
players. It will come after we have talked about what the basis statistical terms are. Those terms are
mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, quadrant 1, quadrant 3, pie chart, bar graph,
pictograph, line graphs, histograms, dot plots, and stem and leaf plots. This project will summarize
the unit. It will take the place of the unit test. The students will need Google, ESPN, and Excel.
They will also need the WebQuest home page. The students will have 4-5 days in the computer lab
to complete the project. The students will be allowed to move at their own tempo. The students will
need to use of a microphone at the end of their project. This can be done group by group with the
rest of class being quiet and the group moving to a different room to complete the screencast. The
students will be able to use computers that have screens that can be enlarged. The co-teacher that is
in both classrooms can aid students by reading aloud to them or by aiding in the usage and
computations of the statistics. There will be a screencast program that is needed. They will upload
their final project to YouTube and email the link to the teacher. They will watch a video about what a
screen cast is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5e5oO1zAPw . The steps the students will take
to complete are as follows:
1. Choose a sport: Football, Baseball, Basketball or Hockey
2. Choose your favorite team in that sport
3. Choose 3 other teams to compare your team to
4. Begin researching statistics the 4 teams you choose
5. Look at what all is available to research, look at the statistics available.
6. Choose 5 different areas in which to compare your teams.
IF football, maybe you look at the average points per game, average yards per game, and
average number of turnovers
IF baseball, maybe you look at batting average per team, average runs per game, and average
number of hits allowed
7. Create an excel document with these statistics for each team
8. Use bar graphs, circle graphs, and other graphs to compare the teams.
9. Write a summary of your statistics, comparing each team, and order them from best to worst
according to their statistics.
10. Persuade me to root for your team using only statistics.
11. With these teams, compare one player from each team. Whether it is the quarterbacks for
each team, the pitcher, or the best batter for each team.

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12. Complete steps 4-10 for each player of these teams.
13. Create a power point with all of the information
14. Create a screen cast of all of the information above. This is what you will turn in.

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The project will be developed on a weekly basis. I will look at ideas and research different
WebQuests in the first week and the second week. I will look at my target audience and see if
there is an instruction problem that I can solve. Weeks 3 and 4, I will look at the different tools
that can be used to create, develop, and implement my WebQuest. Weeks 5 and 6, I will solidify
my ideas and begin to lay my foundation. Weeks 7 and 8, I will be looking at how I assess the
students learning and starts to build on my foundation. Weeks 9 and 10, I will decide how to
implement and when it will occur. I will start to set up a student process based on the learning
objectives I want them to know. Weeks 11-13, I will put the finishing touches together, build my
WebQuest Page and see what feedback I can get back. I will need WordPress, Google, ESPN,
and a screen caster program, all of which I am comfortable with.

After we have learned the necessary terms and definitions, the students will work on it daily for
4-5 days or until they have finished. This project will need to take place in a computer lab that
has access to microphones, headphones, and screencast programs. I will need to arrange lab time
for the classes that will be completing this project. Everything else needed for the project will ne
digital. For classroom management, I will just to make sure that students are on task and not on
their computer playing games. All of the project will be done in school because we live in a very
poor area and not everyone has a computer at home. I will have a co-teacher in the class to help
me keep the students on task and working. They will also be able to help with the math and take
students to another area to record their screen cast.

This project will be used the final assessment of the unit. It will act as the unit test. If the
students do well with this project, it will help them remember the information because it was
more authentic then just having the student take another end of unit test. The students will be
required to produce a screen cast of their final power point presentation. This screen cast will
summarize everything the project was supposed to include. The students will talk me through
their project and their conclusions and persuade me of the best team choice. The screen cast will
be assessed using the rubric on the WebQuest page. I will be doing walk-bys throughout the
entire project so that I know where the students are at in their projects and what I might need to
do or add the next day to make it easier for the students to succeed. I will know the quality of
the design of the project if the students have reached a thorough understanding of the material by
the end. I will also know if was good by the ease of which the students understand the
WebQuest. I will take notes as the students work through the Quest. The target audience is
seniors in Advanced Mathematics Decision Making.

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Project development- I learned how to edit audio and how to use screencasts to aid a student with
a fear of presenting in front of a class. I think that in the future I will try harder to get my fellow
teachers on board with the project. I hope to be able to create more and use more in my classes. I
enjoy having the students use the internet and research to draw their own conclusion about a
topic. I think it really aids in the ownership of the success or failure of a student.
Instructional Design- I, unfortunately, was not able to implement the project yet. I hope to be
able to implement the project next semester. We had to do Graduation Test review for several
seniors and so several topics got pushed back until we got a majority of them to pass. A positive,
however is that I will be able to continue to tweak and edit my project to make it even better by
the time I implement my project with students.
Personal Growth I re-learned how much I love to build websites and blogs! I find it thoroughly
amazing. I learned how much I love to learn about new technologies and how much I enjoy
learning to use and program new devices. I think it is just so much fun to learn about the ever
growing uses that technology can bring into the classroom. I really wish that I was able to use
more technology in my own classroom.
For Others To others, I would say be patient, learning all of this new information can feel
overwhelming at times, but it is completely worth it. You will be able to reach more students by
using technology and terms that apply to them, like selfie. It is important to stay ahead. Do not

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