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FS 1

Episode 2
Name of FS Student Paringit, Charlene A.
Course: BSED MATH Year & Section 2-1
Resource Teacher Mr. Glenn Asuncion Signature _____________________
Cooperating School Malinta National High School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in differentiating the
characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels.

Your Map
To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 1
Observe 3 groups of learners
from different levels
(preschool, elementary, and
high school)
Step 2
Describe each of the learners
based on your observations

Step 3
Validate your observation
by interviewing the
Step 4
Compare them in terms of
their interests and needs.


Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation
checklist if a more detailed observation is preferred.
1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves? How they move,
walk, run, go up the stairs, etc.?
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad,
easily cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behaviour. Are they selfconscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note: their
language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Where there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show
problem solving abilities

Learners Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learners characteristics and needs in this
matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at

different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just
sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.
Developmet Domain

Gross-motor skills
Fine-motor skills
Self-help skills

Interaction with
Interaction with

Moods and
expression of feelings



High School

Indicate age range of

children observed:

Indicate age range of

children observed:

Indicate age range of

children observed:
14 16 years old

-From my own
observation, most of
them run upstairs. But
some of them walk
upstairs carefully.
-They can write as
fast as they can.
-They can do things
on their own.
-They interact with
respect of course and
they can throw some
jokes sometimes.
-When it comes to
their classmates, they
are much comfortable
on expressing what
they really feel and
want to share.
-I think you can
caught up their
interest when they
like the topic like love
of course.
-Mostly of high
school students of
course are happy.
Because they can still
feel the enjoyment of
being a teenager.
Though you can see
them feeling
pressured sometimes
when it comes to their
subject requirements.
-They know how to
interact with others

well. They can control

their emotions.

Communication Skills

-Speaking in English

is not easy for them.

-Most of them are just
relying on their
-Not all of them can
solve a certain
problem. Only few
students developed
their problem solving

Thinking Skills

Your Analysis
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these child characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Age Range of Learners observed
14-16 years old

Salient Characteristics

They are listening when

the teacher is discussing.
But talking to their
seatmates is inevitable.
Some are also just
browsing on their phone
about what happened on
their fb account.

Implications to the
-High school students have a
long span of attention yet you
should not only rely on that.
Teachers should have
interesting and enjoyable
activities to catch their
attention more.

Your Reflections
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when
you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners
you observed?
When I in third year high school, Im sitting at the back most of the time because
of Alphabetical Seating Arrangement but I cant afford to talk with my seatmates
without listening to my teacher. We have that differences that talking is not my
nature. Of course its automatic that when the teacher is in front and discussing,
you should listen. Not listening is irrespectful. But we have this common that
when the teacher is not around and gave us something to write or to copy, Im also
talking to my seatmates. But still, Im copying the lecture.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did
she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social,
cognitive)? How did it affect you?
I have this teacher when I was in Grade 1. She keeps on inspiring me and showing
me that I can do things well. Because of that, I was inspired to study well. And
also my teacher when I was in 1st year high school. She showed me that I can do
more and reach for more. Thats why I strive hard for a good grade.

3. Which is your favourite theory of development? How can this guide you as a
future teacher?
For me, its Jean Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development. The behaviour and
attitude of students root when they are still a kid. As a future teacher, it will serve
as a guide to understand them about their cognitive skills and learn to adapt about
the differences of students.
4. Share your other insights here.

Students have different characteristics and needs. Therefore, we should learn to

understand them and help them to be better. We should be very flexible as a future
teacher and of course competitive yet efficient teachers. We should also learn to
interact with them in the way that they will be comfortable on talking to us for a
good teacher-student relationship.

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