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Tiger Pride Lesson Plan 4-7

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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)

Teacher: Zoe Eldridge

Background Information
Date: April 7, 2016

School: Cleveland Elementary

Grade Level: 3rd grade

Lesson Focus: hand touch football

# of students: 15-20 students

Equipment and Facilities:

7 footballs
4 cones

Safety Considerations: One must be careful when on

the asphalt or the grassy area. A student can trip, fall
and get hurt. All students need to make sure that they
are paying attention over the course of the whole
lesson and all students have enough room to engage
in the activity without getting hurt. The students must
also make sure to be paying attention during the
lesson and focused so a ball does not hit them.
Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: For every lesson, the
Previously Learned Skills: basic skills of football
student that is not behaving properly will first receive throwing and catching
a warning and a reminder that the next time he or
she acts up he will have to sit out. If the student acts
up a second time, he will be asked to sit out. If a
student sits out twice over the course of the lesson, he
or she will be sent to the supervisor.
Teaching Strategy:
Academic Language: soft touch, hands up, eyes on
The strategy that will be used over this lesson is a
ball, step with opposite foot, L-shape of arm
teacher director strategy. In this instance the students
will learn how to perform the skill from the teacher
and then practice the skill with their classmates.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Psychomotor (P): Students will be able to properly throw and catch a football to a partner
properly 7 out of 10 times.
Cognitive (C): Students will be able to recite the cues of the skill of the football catch and
H-R Fitness (H): The students will be able to maintain moderate to vigorous physical activity
for 50 percent of the lesson.


I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.

Describe the pre-class arrangement

Teacher: Standing in front of the white line in front of the class.
Students: the students will be sitting on the white line at the beginning of class.
Equipment: all equipment will be set up

Diagram the pre-class arrangement

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development


Instant Activity:
Hey Everyone! We are going to start
class with a game of red light green light.
All of you will start on the white line at
the end of the blacktop. When I say green
light, everyone should try to their best to
get to the other end of the blacktop
before I say red light. When I say red
light everyone must freeze. The goal is to
be the first person to get the other end of
Set Induction:
We are going to continue the football unit
today with some practice of the two-hand
touch, which is what we will do instead
of tackling. Then we will practice some
more throwing and catching with
The purpose of the lessons today is to
work on our tackling skills and our
skills involving throwing and catching.
One has to throw and catch the ball in
order to get a touch down in football.


Transition N/A
Lesson Core - Task 1:
Today we are going to start class with a
game of freeze tag. One person will be
tagging the other students but in order to
tag the person you must touch the person
with two hands. If a student is tagged, he
or she will have to freeze until a fellow
teammate that is not tagged can touch
and unfreeze the person with a touch of
two hands.
Demonstration Plan:
I will first demonstrate how to properly

(Illustration of
Diagram Instant

Start/Stop Signals: I
will count down
and tell everyone
to freeze to get
his or her
attention. All
equipment will be
everyones legs
when I am

a) Goal Orientation for each

CA Standard 1.1: Chase, flee
and move away from others in
a constantly changing
environment. Students had to
run towards and from other
people in order to get to the
other side of the black top.

CA standard 5.6: Work in pairs

or small groups to achieve an
agreed upon goal.
Students will be working
together in pairs in order to be
the first to complete all

Grouping Strategies:
I will group students
together into groups.
Diagram Task 1

CA Standard 1.1: Chase, flee
and move away from others in
a constantly changing
environment. Some students
will touch others with two
hands while others flee from
them so they do not become
Teaching Cues for Task 1:
- run up to person
- -reach out with two
hands to touch the other

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15



Content Development

two-hand touch someone when tackling

in football. I will then have a student
demonstrate it.
Questions to Check Understanding
How many hands do you touch someone
when tackling them? (two hands) What
do we want to be careful of when tagging
someone else? (we want to be gentle and
not push the person down)
Transition: Have students go back to
white line and pair in groups of three
Lesson Core - Task 2:
Students will be in groups of three
relaying the football to each other. They
will practice short and long passes to
each other. The students will pass the
ball down the line of three and the last
person will have the choice of either
throwing the ball to the first person in
line or running the ball to the first person
in line.
Demonstration Plan:
I will have a group of three students
demonstrate the skills while I explain and
or help them demonstrate the skills.
Questions to Check Understanding
What is important to remember when
catching the football? (be prepared by
forming a triangle with hands and eyes
on ball at all times) Where should your
body be pointed when throwing the
football? (towards the target)
Students that have trouble throwing ball
can move closer to partner or run the
ball to the first person in line. Students
that are doing well can be further away
from partner and or throw the ball to the
first person in line.

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each

touch person about the
waist with two hands
Common Errors Task 1:
1. student does not touch the
other person with two hands
2. person shoves person instead
of touching them



Diagram Task 2

CA Standard 1.10: Throw and

catch an object with a partner,
increasing the distance from
the partner and maintaining an
accurate throw that can be
easily caught. Students were in
groups of three practicing their
throwing and catching with
Teaching Cues for Task 2:
- hold ball near back
with fingers over laces
- elbow tight to body and
ball up near ear
- point ball towards
target and non
throwing arm/foot
towards target also
- bring arm forward,
follow through and
- be prepared with hands
up and fingers in
triangle shape
- keep eyes on ball
- bring ball towards body
if need be

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each

Common Errors Task 2:
1. students do not have eye on
ball at all times
2. students not prepared to
catch ball


Transition: students will go to white line

where they were in beginning of class.


Review: Okay did everyone have fun
today? What all did we practice and or
learn today? (tagging someone with two
hands, and throwing catching ball more)
What is the end goal of football? (to get a
touch down). Next week we will be
focusing more on game play and the
different people involved in a game of


Diagram The



References Used:

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