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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)
Background Information
Xiomara Fonseca

February 12, 2015

Cleveland Elementary School

Grade Level:
3rd grade

Lesson Focus:
Cooperative Learning

# of students:

Equipment and Facilities:

12 hoola hoops (various sizes)
12 small cones
6 roll out mats
10 scarves

Safety Considerations:
Students will need to be aware of their surroundings
and the objects scattered on the floor. Their heads will
also need to be up so they do not accidentally bump
into another student.

Black Top Area

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: If student(s) is behaving Previously Learned Skills:
inappropriately or is disruptive during activity or
Cooperative learning definitions: Teamwork,
instruction they will be given one verbal warning. If
communication, listening.
this behavior continues the student(s) will be asked to
sit out from the activity until the teacher feels it is
appropriate for the student(s) to return to the activity.
If the student(s) continues this undesirable behavior
or behavior in an extreme manner: bullying, fighting,
etc. they will be removed from the activity for the rest
of the time period of Tiger Pride and sent inside with
the After School Program.
Teaching Strategy:
Mosstons Teaching Strategy- Practice

Academic Language:
Cooperative learning, teamwork, communication.


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Psychomotor (P):
SWBAT demonstration locomotor skills and coordination while performing the task of
avoiding obstacles while being linked to another student, 8 out of 10 times.
Cognitive (C):
SWBAT strategize problem solving skills to be implemented in the task(s) with 85% accuracy.
Affective (A):
SWBAT demonstrate teamwork and positive attitudes by displaying either: high fives,
encouragement, positive communication.
H-R Fitness (H):
SWBAT recognize the physiological responses to exercise and will be engaged in MVPA for at
least 50% of the lesson.


I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies
that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.


1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.

Describe the pre-class arrangement

Teacher: Standing in the center of Home Base circle.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Students: Seated in Home Bases yellow circle.

Equipment: Equipment pre-arranged.
Diagram the pre-class arrangement


Content Development

(Illustration of


Instant Activity:
I See, I See:
- Students will listen to the action the teacher
calls out then perform that actionn. For
example if the teacher says I See, I See
monkeys the entire class will then act like
their own interpretation of monkeys.

Diagram Instant


a) Goal Orientation for each task

California I
Goal of this task is for students to
listen to instructions and develop
creative skills while performing
locomotor skills.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

1 minute Set Induction:

Today you all will continue learning about
cooperative learning. What did we say on
Tuesday on what cooperative learning meant?
So we are going to continue practicing on
how to be good partners and good teammates
with today's activity.

(Illustration of
Start/Stop Signals:
Attention grabbers:
Clapping counts
Activity starter/stopper:

a) Goal Orientation for each task

Goal of this task is to prepare

students with the objective of the
day and what the task for the day
will be and why.

Grouping Strategies:
Students get pick their
own partners. If there
are not enough students
then the teacher will get
involved or group
students into three

seconds When the teacher says go, the students will
walk from Home Base with their partner to
the base line of the basketball court. There
they will link their arms together with their
partner and wait for the whistle to begin.




Diagram Task 1

California II, IV
NASPE 1, 2, 4
Goal of this task is for students to
work as a team and communicate
for cooperative purposes.

Lesson Core - Task 1:

Chain Linked
- Students will link arms with another student
and walk through a course with objects
everywhere in side this course. The first 5
rounds students will simply walk with their
partners then the final three rounds students
will hop with their partners through the
Demonstration Plan:
Teacher-student demonstration

Teaching Cues for Task 1:

Review of jumping: both feet
together, pushing off, landing on
both feet.
Common Errors Task 1:
1. Students purposefully skipping
certain objects so they can win.
2. Students being overly
competitive and not jumping
correctly or running when the task
asked for walking.

Questions to Check Understanding

1. When you reach a cone or a hoola-hoop,
what will you and your partner do?
2. When you reach the center of the
basketball court what will you and your
partner do?
seconds Students will grab one piece of equipment and
return it to the teacher. Afterwards the
students will sit quietly at Home Base to be
ready for Closure.


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15


Content Development

(Illustration of

Minutes Review:
1. What did we learn about today and this
2. Can someone please tell me cooperative
learning meant again?
3. For next week, we will be learning about
Movement concepts.

a) Goal Orientation for each task

Diagram The Closure N/A

References Used:
I See I See (Kristi Wyant)
Chain Links (Xiomara Fonseca)


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