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10th Class Physics

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Physics 10th Class

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Work is the product of force and ____________. In MKS system the unit of force is ____________. If the velocity of a body is doubled, its kinetic energy will become ____________ times. The Mechanical Advantage of an Inclined Plane is ____________. Radioactive ____________ is used to treat the cancer of thyroid glands. If the weight of a body is 49.0 Newtons, its mass is ____________kg. Displacement is an example of ____________. One microsecond = ____________ second. The unit of the power of lens is called ____________. The image formed in the human eye is real, inverted and ____________. ____________ takes place when the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. ____________ joules of heat are required to melt one kg of ice at OC. The unit of conductance is ____________. ____________ particles are strong ionizing agents. The irregular motion of small, suspended particles in air or water is called ____________. The unit of capacitance is ____________. The combined resistance of a circuit is more if all the resistance are connected in ____________. The ____________ of its wave length and frequency. The process in which a heavy nucleus breaks up into two or more smaller nuclei with the release of tremendous energy is called ____________. The centripetal force required by artificial satellites to move around the earth is provided by ____________. The melting point of a substance which contracts of freezing with the increase of pressure. The ratio of the size of the image to the size of the object is called ____________. The minimum amount of energy that the electron requires for being emitted from a metal surface is known as the ____________ of the metal. The unit of the capacity of a capacitor is ____________. Physics is that branch of science which affords the study of the properties of matter and ____________ and interaction between them.
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21. 22. 23.

24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

The Muslims emphasized upon the importance of ____________ in science. Science is the ____________ heritage of all mankind. ____________ is the first book written on the subject of algebra by Khawarzmi. Laser is the field of ____________ physics. In every day life and physical science ____________ has a fundamental importance. In international system of units, the unit of length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, intensity of light and quantity of matter are called ____________ units. The units derived from the fundamental units are called ____________. Kilogram is the unit of ____________ in ____________ units. If you wish to measure length with accuracy greater than 0.01 cm you would use a ____________. The zero error of a measuring instrument can be ____________ or ____________. If the graph between two quantities is a straight line then these quantities are ____________ proportional to each other. The slope of a straight line Distance-time graph represents ____________. If the quantities are directly proportional to each other then while expressing the relation between them by an equation one of the two quantities is multiplied by ____________. A scalar has only ____________ but no ____________. A vector has ____________ as well as ____________. Vectors are added graphically by using ____________ rule. The angle between rectangular components of a vector is ____________. The x-component of force F acting at an angle with the axis is given by the formula ____________. A body is said to be in motion when it is ____________ its position with respect to its surroundings. The numerical value of g is ____________m/s2. The distance covered by moving object in one second is called ____________. If a moving body covers equal distance in equal intervals of time however small the internal way be, in a particular direction, then the velocity is called ____________ velocity. The rate of change of velocity is called ____________. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 98 m/s and after 10 seconds it reaches the maximum height. The average acceleration of the ball is ____________. Speed in a given direction is called ____________. Two bodies of mass 1 kg and 5 kg are dropped from a building 196 m high. The time taken by 1kg mass to reach the ground is ____________ second and that by 5 kg is ____________ second.

32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

48. 49.

50. 51.

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52. 53. 54.

Motion cannot be produced in a body without ____________. No moving object can be stopped without applying ____________. The property of the matter by virtue of which it resists any attempt to change its state of rest or of uniform motion is called ____________. When an external force acts upon a body then it produces an ____________ in the body in its own direction. The acceleration produced in a body under the influence of an external force is ____________ proportional to the magnitude of the force. The quantity of matter in a body is called its ____________. The force with which earth attracts a body towards its centre is called ____________ of the body. Every action has a reaction, these are ____________ in magnitude but ____________ in direction. The product of mass and velocity is called ____________. The centripetal force required by the planets to move constantly in their____________ is provided by the force of ____________. When one body slides over the surface of another body then unevenness of the surfaces result in ____________ that causes the obstruction in the motion of the body. Rolling friction is much ____________ than sliding friction. Greater is the ____________ of a force greater will be the torque. The fist condition of equilibrium is that the resultant of all the forces acting on a body in equilibrium is ____________. If a body in stable equilibrium is slightly disturbed it comes back to its ____________ position. If the centre fo gravity of a body lies at the point of suspension or support, the body is said to be in the state of ____________ equilibrium. The second condition of equilibrium is that the resultant of all the ____________ acting on a body is zero. If the centre of gravity of a body is at the point of ____________, then it will be in the state of neutral equilibrium. The attractive force between any two bodies of the universe is called ____________. The gravitational force between any two bodies depends on their ____________ and ____________ between them. Acceleration due to gravity does not depend upon ____________ of the body. The weight of a body becomes ____________ if it is taken at a distance double the radium os the earth from the centre of the earth. If a force does work on a body the body must ____________. When the force acting on a body and its displacement are known, the formula used to calculate the work done by the force is ____________.
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57. 58. 59. 60. 61.


63. 64. 65.

66. 67.



70. 71.

72. 73.

74. 75.

76. 77.

The unit of power in S.I unit is the ____________ which is the same as ____________ per second. The force acting on a freely falling body of mass m kg is given by the formula F = ____________ where ____________ equals to 9.8 ____________. When an amount of work W is done on a body in the gravitational field, the ____________ of the body is increased by an amount ____________. Energy can be transferred from one form to another but it cannot be ____________ or ____________. Work done by a body by virtue of its motion is called ____________. ____________ energy is acquired by the body due to change in its position. When we assume that there is no loss of ____________ due to friction in a machine then the ____________ is equal to the ____________. The efficiency of a machine is the ____________ of work done by the machine to the work done ____________. The see-saw is an example of a order of ____________ kind. The mechanical advantages of a whell and axle system is given by the ____________ of the ____________ to the ____________. ____________ is a device which makes the process of doing work easier. According to the molecular theory of matter, the molecules of the matter always remain in a ____________ motion. As the molecules of the solids do not move from one place to another, hence solids keep their ____________ intact. The property of the matter by virtue of which it resists any force that tends to produce deformation in it is called ____________. The force acting on a unit area of a solid, that tends to produce deformation in the solid is called ____________. When a force is applied on a metallic wire, a change in length to its length takes place, then the ratio of the change in length to its original length is called ____________. Within the elastic limit the deformation produced in a solid body is ____________ proportional to the applied force. The density of the body depends upon the ____________ of the body. The ____________ of the ornaments can be determined by finding its density. The instrument used for measuring the unknown pressure with respect to atmospheric pressure is called ____________. The differences between the three states of matter can be described by referring to the ____________ energy of ____________. Youngs Modulus or the modulus of ____________ is the ratio of stress to ____________ and its SI unit is ____________.


79. 80. 81. 82.


84. 85.

86. 87.






93. 94. 95.



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Hookes Law state that within ____________ limits the ____________ exerted is proportional to the ____________ produced. The pressure at a point in aliquid is determined by the ____________ of the point and the ____________ of the liquid.


100. Archimedes principle states that the apparent loss of ____________ of an object ____________ to the ____________ of the volume of liquid ____________ by object. 101. Atmosphere ____________ can be measured using either an aneroid or a mercury ____________. Two unit for the measurement are mm of ____________ and ____________. 102. Heat is a form of ____________ which flows from a body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature. 103. Increase in length of a body on being heated is called ____________. 104. Instead of expanding water contracts when heated from 0C to 4C, but it expands when heated from 4C to 100C. Such an expansion is called ____________ of water. 105. 32F is the same temperature as ____________C and ____________F is the temperature as 100C. 106. the heat energy involved in a change of state is called ____________ heat. 107. The operation of a liquid in glass thermometer depends on the fact that the volumetric expansion of glass is ____________ than the volumetric expansion of the ____________. 108. Thermostats are devices, which control ____________ in a certain region. 109. If the pressure on the surface of a liquid is increased it will boil at a ____________ temperature. 110. The general gas law states that the relationship between the volume, the pressure and the temperature of a gas is ____________ x ____________ = nR____________. 111. Whenever two bodies at different temperatures are brought in thermal contact with each other the heat lost by hot body is ____________ the heat gained by the cold body. 112. The amount of heat required to change 1kg of a liquid at its boiling pint into vapours at the same temperature is called the ____________ of vaporisation. 113. The boiling point of water ____________ on increasing the pressure on its surface. 114. The change of liquids into vapours without being boiled is called ____________. 115. A motion which repeats it self in equal intervals of time is called ____________. 116. ____________ is also a periodic motion. 117. While executing a simple harmonic motion, the magnitude of the acceleration of the body is ____________ to its distance from the mean position and the direction of the acceleration is always towards the ____________. 118. The vibratory motion of the bob of a simple pendulum is ____________. 119. The waves in which the particles of he medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of waves are called ____________. 120. Transverse waves consist of ____________.
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121. Longitudinal waves consist of ____________ and ____________ and as they pass through a medium, the particles of the medium vibrates in the ____________ of the waves. 122. Wave length is the distance between two such ____________ particle which are in the similar ____________ of these periodic motion. 123. Human ear cannot hear sound of frequency greater than ____________ and it is known as ____________. 124. An interesting example of resonance is that of ____________. 125. Sound which is agreeable to human ear is called ____________ sound. 126. The characteristics of musical sound are ____________, ____________ and ____________. 127. The distance between the pole and the principal focus of a spherical mirror is the ____________ of the mirror. 128. The image formed by a mirror is always virtual, erect and smaller than the object. 129. An object 5cm from a plane mirror forms an image, of the object that is the same size and the object and ____________ cm from the mirror. 130. A ray which passes through the curvature of a mirror is ____________ back along the same path after reaching the mirror. 131. The focal plane of a spherical mirror is ____________ to the ____________ axis and intersects this axis at the ____________ focus. 132. In order to solve problems involving spherical mirrors distances are measured from the ____________ of the mirror, and the distances of real objects and ____________ images are taken as ____________. 133. If the object is placed in front of concave mirror between principal focus F and pole P, the image is formed ____________ the mirror. 134. The ratio of the size of image to the size of the object is called ____________. 135. The focal length of concave mirror is taken as ____________ whereas the focal length of convex mirror is taken as ____________. 136. Light is a form of ____________. 137. When a ray of light enters obliquely from a rarer into a denser, medium then it bends ____________ the normal. 138. The refractive index of a medium does not depend upon the angle of incidence but it does depend upon the nature of the ____________. 139. When a ray of light enters from a denser into a rarer medium then that angle or incidence for which the corresponding angle of refraction is 90 is called ____________. 140. Least distance of distinct vision for a normal human eye is ____________. 141. A transparent medium bounded by three rectangular surface and two triangular surfaces are called a ____________. 142. A transparent medium bounded by one or two spherical surfaces is known as a ____________. 143. A lens through which the rays after refraction converge at a point is called ____________ lens.
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144. Any ray of light passing though a particular point inside a lens does not suffer any change in direction. This point is called ____________. 145. That point where all the rays coming parallel to the principal axis, converge after passing through a lens is called ____________. 146. The index of refraction of a substance can be calculated by dividing the speed of light in vacuum by the speed of light in ____________. 147. When the object is at a long way away the image from a convex lens is obtained at ____________. 148. The image formed is always virtual, diminished and erect in a ____________ lens. 149. The reciprocal of the focal length of a lens is called the ____________ of the lens. 150. The unit of power used by opticians is called a ____________. 151. When an eye can see clearly only distant object, it suffers from ____________. 152. Light consists of minute particles called ____________ according to the Corpuscular theory of light. 153. Light is a form of ____________ which propagates as trains of ____________ according to wave theory of light. 154. According to quantum theory light is supposed to be a form of ____________ which is absorbed and emitted in ____________. 155. The speed of light in air is ____________ than the speed of light in water. 156. ____________ light is composed of lights of different ____________. 157. Splitting up of white light into several colours is called ____________. 158. According to ____________ light is propagated in space in the form of waves. 159. Electromagnetic waves differ in frequency and in ____________. 160. Light is emitted by ____________ atoms. 161. An electron may absorb energy and be lifted to a higher ____________. 162. Practically the whole ____________ of the atom is concentrated in its nucleus. 163. The electrons of the outer most orbit in an atom are known as ____________ electrons. 164. The smallest unit of negative charge that can exist in nature is on an ____________. 165. Coulomb is defined as the amount of charge carried by a current of ____________ in ____________ second. 166. Like charges ____________ each other and unlike charge ____________ each other. 167. The number of ____________ electrons are very ____________ in a insulator. 168. One milliampere is equal to ____________. 169. The graph between current passing through a conductor and the potential difference across its end is always a ____________.
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170. If resistance R1 and R2 are connected in such a way that potential difference across them always remains the same, this will be possible only when they are connected in ____________. 171. The rate of flow of electric charge in a conductor is called ____________. 172. In the S.I system of units electric field intensity is measured in ____________ per ____________. 173. According to Ohms law the ____________ flowing in a conductor is ____________ proportional to the potential difference between its ends. 174. In a parallel combination of resistors the total resistance is always ____________ than the resistance of any individual resistor. 175. The potential difference between two points is 1 ____________ if 1 joule of electrical energy is changed into another form of energy when ____________ passes from one point to the other. 176. A freely suspended magnet always points in the ____________ direction. 177. The region around a magnet where its magnetic effect is felt is called its ____________. 178. The magnetic lines of force ____________ longitudinally. 179. The magnetic lines of force never ____________ one another. 180. If an electric current is passing through a wire then a ____________ is produced around it. 181. If the electric current is flowing from top to bottom in a wire, then the direction of the lines of force will be ____________. 182. If the flow of current at any end of a coil is anti clockwise then this end will be a ____________ pole. 183. ____________ is a sensitive electrical instrument that detects the presence of current in a circuit. 184. Ammeter is an electrical instrument used for measuring ____________. 185. The instrument used to measure the potential difference is called ____________. 186. The semiconductors doped with pentavalent elements are called ____________ substances. 187. A semic conductor diode has a very ____________ electric resistance when it is forward biased. 188. When a semi conductor diode is reverse biased, electrons and holes will move ____________ the p-n junctions. 189. The sound is carried through space by fluctuating radio waves, also known as ____________ carrier waves. 190. The satellites launched into an orbit around the earth must keep their position static relative to the earth. 191. Group ____________ impurities are called acceptor impurities. 192. Group V impurities are called ____________ impurities. 193. Holes are the charge carrier in ____________ type material. 194. ____________ are the charge carrier in N-type material. 195. PN junction behaves as a ____________.
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196. The size of the atom is ____________m, whereas the size of its ____________ is ____________ 10-14m. 197. Ever -particle carries ____________ charge which is double the charge of ____________. 198. The velocity of -rays vary from ____________ to ____________. 199. ____________ is also called electron. 200. ____________ rays are not deflected by an electric or magnetic field. 201. In ____________ reaction two lighter nuclei are combined to form a heavy nucleus. 202. A reaction in which ____________ nucleus splits into fragments is called ____________. 203. An atom of radon ____________.

Rn222 which contains X protons and Y neutrons, where X = ____________ and Y =

204. Nucleus of ____________ is called alpha particle. 205. The time in which half of the atoms of an element decay is called ____________ EXTRA NUMERICALS Scalars and Vectros 1. A force of 60 N on a body at an angle of 60 with the horizontal. Find the horizontal and vertical components. A force of 200N acts on a body at an angle of 60 with the horizontal. Find the horizontal and vertical components. A body walks 10m towards west, then 20m towards north and finally 20m east to north at an angle of 60. Find the resultant displacement. Two forces of 30N and 40N are acti9ng on a body. Find the resultant if the angle between them is 90. One person walks to east at 3km/h and another heads south at 4km/h how far apart are they after two hours? A woman 10km north, turns towards the northwest, and walks 5km further. What is her final position? Find the component of vector A and B, if A and B makes an angle of 30 and 45 with the horizontal axis respectively and = = 0.5km. A B A car proceeds to another car. Its velocity increases from 25 to 100km/h in 3 sec. What is the average acceleration. A car initially moving at 20m/s brakes with deceleration of 2 m/s2. How long will it take for car to stop.



4. 5.

6. 7.



10. A jet plane accelerates on a runway from rest at 4m/s2. After 5 sec, find its distance traveled and velocity. 11. A train travelling with a velocity of 30m/s stops with a uniform acceleration in 5 sec. What is the acceleration of the train. Kinematics 1. A stone is dropped from the roof of a building 44.1m high. Find the time taken by the sone to reach the ground.
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A train is moving with a velocity of 90km/h. by applying the emergency brakes a retardation of 5m/s2 is produced. Find the distance covered by the train before it stops. A train is moving with a velocity of 72km/h. By applying the emergency brakes a retardation of 1m/s2 is produced. Find the distance covered by the train before it stops. A stone is dropped from a height of 19.6m. Find the time taken by it to reach the ground. A car is moving with a velocity of 12m/s. On applying brakes the car stops after covering a distance of 144m, find its acceleration. Find the time taken by sunlight to reach the earth when the velocity of light is 3x108m/s and the distance between the sun and the earth is 1.5x108km. The velocity of light is 3x108m/s. find the distance of earth in km to the nearest star, which is 4 light years away from our planet (earth). A racing car initially at rest has a constant acceleration for 0.25km. It speed at the end of the period is 24km/h. What is the acceleration of the car? How long does it require to cover the 0.25km distance. From what height must water fall to strike a turbine wheel with a vertical downward velocity of 30m/s? A stone dropped from a bridge strikes the water in 5 sec. (a) What is the velocity of the stone when it strikes the water? (b) What is the height of the bridge? A motorist travelling at 90km/h, applies his brakes and comes to rest with uniform retardation in 20 sec. Calculate the retardation in m/s2. A solid sphere falls freely from rest in air, with acceleration of 9.8m/s2. How far does it fall in 5 second?


4. 5.




9. 10.



Force and Motion 1. On braking a car of mass 10kg travelling at 36km/h, it comes to rest after a distance of 200m. Find the average force acting on it. A body of mass 5kg covers a distance of half kilometer from rest in 20sec, find the force acting on the body. A body of mass 5kg covers a distance of 300m from its position of rest in 5sec with uniform acceleration. Find the force acting on the body. A man weighs 980N. What is the mass in kg? A woman has a mass of 50kg. What is her weight in Newton. A 0.5kg ball is initially at rest. If a 10N force is applied for 2 seconds. What is the final velocity of the ball. What acceleration is produced when a 100N force is applied to a body of mass 10kg. A resultant for of 25N acts on a mass 0.5kg starting from rest. Find (a) the acceleration in m/s2 (b) the final velocity after 20sec (c) the distanced moved in m. A train is moving with a velocity of 72km/h. Any applying the brakes a retardation of 0.5 m/s 2 is produced. Find the time it will take to stop. A box weighing 100N is at rest on a horizontal floor. The coefficient of static friction is 0.3. What is the minimum force needed to start the box in motion?



4. 5. 6.

7. 8.



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A box weighing 100N is pushed on a horizontal floor. The coefficient of sliding friction is 0.2. What is the minimum force needed to start the box in motion?

Circular Motion and Gravitation 1. The distance between the centre of two spheres of mass 20kg and 10kg is 25cm. Calculate the force of gravitation between the two spheres if G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2. A car travels on a flat circular track of radius 200m at the rate of 30m/s and has a centripetal acceleration 4.5m/s2. If the mass of the car is 100kg. How much frictional force is required to provide the centripetal acceleration? An automobile is running on a circular highway with a velocity of 120m/s. The radius of the highway is 1000m. what is the centripetal acceleration? A mass of 3kg at the end of the spring is being whirled in a circle of radius 3m with a constant speed of 10m/s. What is the pull of the whirling body on the string? A body of mass 400g placed on a horizontal surface is tied to one end of string 20cm long. The other end of the string is tied to a nail. Find the tension in the string if the body completes one rotation in one second. Calculate the tension on a string 50cm long when tied to a mass of 200gm and whirled in a circle with a speed of 10m/s. What is the gravitational force of attraction between two bodies of masses 40kg and 50kg when the distance between them is 10m.







Work, Energy and Power 1. 2. A ball of mass 100gm is moving with a velocity of 50cm per sec. Find its K.E in joules. A force of 100N is acting on a body at an angle of 60 with the horizontal. Find the work done if the body covers a distance of 2m. A force of 10dynes acts through a distance of 5cm. Find the work done? (1Dyne = 10 -5N Also 1erg = 10 Joule)



A force of 5N is acting on a body at an angle of 30 with horizontal. Calculate the work done if the body moves through a distance of 5m. Calculate the work done by a laborer of mass 60kg in climbing a ladder 4 meters high. A ball of mass 5kg is moving with a velocity of 2m/s. Find the K.E of the ball. A force of 80N lifts a body from the surface of the ground to height of 4cm. Find the work done by the body. A body of mass 10kg is moving with a velocity of 10m/s. A constant force acts for 4 seconds and reduces its velocity to 2m/s. find the momentum before and after the application of the force.

5. 6. 7.


Machines 1. A machine requires 800J of work to raise a load of 600N through a vertical distance of 1m. Find the efficiency of the machine. Pitch of the screw jack is 0.0033 m and length of the arm is 0.42m. Find the mechanical advantage of the screw jack if its efficiency is only 25%.


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A mass of 10kg is hung by a wire of length 2 metres and area of cross-section 0.001 square cm. If the increase in length of wire is 0.02cm. Find the value of stress and strain. A cylinder of length 10cm is filled with water, find the pressure at the bottom if the density of water is 1gm/c.c. A wire 10ft long and of cross- sectional area 0.125sq inch increases by 0.015 inches in length when a weight of 450 lbs is supported from it. Find the value of its strain and stress in lbs/inches2.



Heat 1. 500gm of lead shots at 100C are mixed with 200 gm of water at 20C. find the temperature of the mixture. The specific heat of lead is 128 J/kgK and specific heat of water 4200 J/kgK. A brass rod of length 3.0m at 0C is heated to 100C what would be its length if the coefficient of linear expansion of brass is 19 x 10-6/C. A 600gm iron pieces at 100C is dropped into 200gm of water at 20C. the temperature of the mixture is 41C. Find the specific heat of iron. Calculate the amount of heat required to heat 500gm of water at 20C to 80C. How much heat is given out by a mixture of 0.1kg water and 0.05 kg of lead when cooled from 100C to 35C. 400gm of iron at 100C is mixed with 100gm of water at 16c. The final temperature of the mixture is 40C. Find the specific heat of the iron. What is the final temperature of the mixture if 100gm of water at 70C is added to 200gm of cold water at 10C and will be stirred. Calculate the amount of heat energy required to heat 1kg of water from 50C to 80C. Determine the amount of heat required to vapourize 1kgm of water at 100C. How much will a brass rod of length 30m expand when it is heated from 0C to 40C? The coefficient of linear expansion is 19 x 10-6 /C.



4. 5.



8. 9. 10.

Waves and Sound 1. 2. 3. Calculate the time period of a simple pendulum whose length is 0.8m. (g = 9.8 m/s2) Calculate the time period of a simple pendulum whose length is 1.8m. (g = 9.8 m/s2) A body of mass 1kg is suspended from a spring. On pulling the body down through a distance of 1cm form its equilibrium position, an increase of 0.25N is noted in the extension of the spring. When the body is released, find its time period of oscillation. 40 waves pass across a point in 2 seconds. If the wave length of the wave is 5cm, calculate the velocity of wave. Calculate the time period of a simple pendulum whose length is 1 metre when the value of g = 9.8 m/s2. The frequency of wave is 15cycle per second and its wavelength is 5cm, compute the velocity of the waves.




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Refraction of Light and Optical Instruments 1. An object is placed at a distance of 30cm in front of a concave mirror whose focal length is 20cm. Find the position and nature of the image. The focal length of a concave mirror is 10cm. Where should be an object be placed so as to get its real image magnified twice. An object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from a convex lens whose focal length is 40cm. If the object is 5cm high Find the position, the nature and height of the mage so formed. The distance between an object and a screen is 49cm.A convex lens is placed between them. The image obtained on the screen is magnified 6times. Calculate the focal length of the lens. An object is placed at a distance of 20cm from a convex lens and its real image is formed at a distance of 30cm from the lens. Find the focal length of the lens. The focal length of a convex lens is 12cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get a virtual image twice the size of the object. The speed of light in air is 3 x 108m/s and its speed in a glass is 2 x 105km/sec. Find the refractive index of the glass. The focal length of a convex lens is 20cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get a real image twice the size of the object. The distance between the object and a screen is 60cm. A convex lens is placed between them to obtain a real image magnified four times. Find the focal length of the lens. The focal length of a convex lens is 20cm. Where should an object be placed to get its real image magnified 4 times. The distance between an object and a screen is 40cm. A convex lens is placed between the object and the screen so as to get an image on the screen magnified 3 times. Find the focal length. An object is placed at a distance of 40cm from a convex lens whose focal length is 24cm, find the position and the nature of the image.












Electricity 1. Three resistances of 3, 6 and 12 ohms are joined in (a) series and (b) parallel. Find the combined resistance in each case. A motor works at 250volts. A current of 5 ampere passes through it for 10minutes. Calculate the amount of energy used in it. Three resistances of 3, 4 and 6 ohms are connected in parallel and then joined to a battery of 3 volts. Find the current flowing through the battery. A o.1 ampere current is passing through a 50 kilo ohm resistance. Calculate the potential difference between the two ends of the resistance. Three resistances of 2, 3 and 6 ohms are connected on parallel in an electric circuit and then joined to a battery. Find the resultant resistance in the circuit. The potential difference between the two ends of an electric lamp is 250 volts. Find the resistance of the lamp if a current of 500 milli-amperes is flowing through it. 250 volts and 100 watts are written on an electric bulb. Find the resistance of the filament of the bulb when it is lighted for 4 hours.
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The potential difference between the ends of an electric lamp is 220 volts. Find the resistance of the lamp if a current of 500 milli-amperes is flowing through it. 220 volts and 100 watts are written on an electric bulb. Find the resistance of bulb and the energy consumed in kilo watt hour in one day if the bulb is lighted for 8 hours daily. A house has six 100watt bulbs which are in use for five hours daily. Compute the electrical energy consumed in 30 days. Also find the cost of energy per month if the rate is 50 paisa per unit. A house is fitted with ten 40 watt tube lights, five 60watt fans and five 100 electric energy consumed during the month of April 1995 if all the appliances were used for 6 hours daily. Also find the cost of energy per moth at the rate of 50 paisa. Two point charges 2C and -5C are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Find the force of attraction between them. (K=9x109Nm2/C2) Potential difference between the plates of a capacitor is 1000 volts. Find the capacitance of the capacitor in micro farad. When charge on each plate is 0.025 coulomb. A capacitor of capacity 10F is raised to a potential difference of 400 volts. What is the charge on it.







GIVE THE REASONS OF THE FOLLOWING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A body is moving with uniform acceleration. Can the direction of its velocity change? A body is thrown vertically upward. What is the magnitude of its acceleration? What is the condition in which a body moving with uniform speed has variable velocity? Under what condition a body whose velocity is directed towards east has acceleration directed west. According to first law of motion every object continues its state of rest or motion but the boy riding the push bike stops after some time if he stops the pedaling. Why? How do we move forward? Explain why it is dangerous to jumps from a fast moving train? Why do we fell a jerk when we fire a gun? When a person is sitting on the chair why does no he fall on the ground? The Earth pulls the moon. Why does it no fall? What is the cause of friction? Why is the rolling friction less than the sliding friction? Why a book lying on a table is in rest? How does a paratrooper descend with a uniform velocity. When the Earth pulls them? Why does merry-go-around not move until some force is applied to create torque? If one side of a book lying on a table is raised a little by application of force, the book will return to its original position, when the force is withdrawn. Why? What is the direction of the motion of a body describing a unifrom circular motion?
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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


18. 19.

A body is moving in a circle with uniform speed. Is its velocity also uniform? Is there any acceleration in a body moving in a circle with a uniform speed. What do we call that acceleration? What is the function of the acceleration acting on a body moving in a circle? What is the direction of the acceleration? To move a car along a round track a centripetal force is necessary. How is the force provided? Why is the value of g at a hill less than its value at the sea shore and is less at the poles than at the equator? What will the value of g at a distance equal to the radius of the earth and at a distance twice the radius of earth? Why we use negative sign in the value of retardation or deceleration/ Why does a body or ball thrown upward always fall on the ground? Why does a screw jack always have efficiency less than 100%? Why does a body loose more weight in honey than in water? Why is the steel more elastic than rubber? Police make check post with sand bags or concrete block why? Why it is easy to stop the bicyccle than a car when their velocities are same? What type of work is done by a fixed pulley and movable pulley? In what ways are lever, an inclined plane and a pulley alike? Why does an object float? Why does a piece of stone sink in water but a ship with a huge weight floats? A person does some work on the computer but physicist say that he did not do any work why? Why do some solids such a wood, cloth and plastic foam have poor conductivity? Small gaps are left between the ends of two adjacent rails. Why is it so? When a flask having narrow neck full of water is heated water surface in the neck falls in the beginning. Give reasons? Why are the rocks broken during winter season? Why do the water supply pipes bursts during winter? How do fish and other aquatic animals in oceans and seas survive in extremely cold water? Why is steam at 100C more injurious than boiling water? Why a thermometer does not show any change in temperature when the heat is given to ice at 0C? Why does food cooked in pressure cooker take shorter time?
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21. 22.


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

45. 46.

Why is tea made on a mountain not tasty and the meat and pulse take longer time to cook? Both in evaporation and boiling molecules with higher than average kinetic energies leave the system. Why the evaporation cools the system but boiling does not? Evaporation is cooling process? Boiling point of a liquid remains constant although heat is continuously supplied to the liquid? How does gas exert pressure? What will be effect of temperature on the pressure of a gas? Why does the density of a body decreases on heating? What is the effect of pressure on melting point or freezing point? What is the effect of increase of pressure on the boiling points of liquids? What is the effect of the lowering of pressure on the boiling point of water? Why do fishes die in newly boiled water, which has been cooled? Why does water spilled on a floor evaporates more rapidly than the same amount of water in a glass? Would a pressure cooker be of any value on the Mount Everest? Why cannot liquids and solids be compressed as gases can? Why is the inner portion of railway track kept lower than the outer portions on turns? Why at 4C the density of water is maximum? Why has the coastal area moderate climate? How is the wavelength of stationary waves related to node and antinode? While crossing a bridge the soldiers are order to break the steps. Why? How do we identify the voices of our friends? Why is the flash of lightening seen earlier than the sound of thunder? Why are the explosive sounds produced in the sun not heard on the earth? Why does a part of car begin to vibrate very violently at a certain speed? If we walk fast why are tired quickly? Why we cant hear echo in our room? The pendulum wall clock gives wrong time in summer why? Why do we use light colored clothes in summer? Why do we use dark clothes in winter? Why doe we get sufficient light of sun in our rooms not directly open to sun?
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47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.

74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86.

Why does sunlight reach us before sunrise? How is rainbow formed? Index or refraction of every substance is greater than 1? A watchmaker uses convex lens while repairing watches, why? If the burning end of a stick is moved in a circle at night, a circle of light is seen, why? Why do the old people use the bi-focal lenses? Why is light dual in nature? Why does atom emit radiation or light? Why is the atom electrically a neutral particle? Why do insulators or non-conductors not allow the flow of charge? Why do conductors allow the flow of charges? Why do we use the term conventional current? Why is the electric current in a material that conducts electricity zero in the absence of an applied electric field, when the free electrons are always on move? When does a current carry conduction and placed in a magnetic field experiences a force? How is the desired line of telephone dialed contacted? Why does the compass needle deflect when magnet is brought near it? Why does freely suspended magnet points in north south direction? Why does a ray of light change its direction when it enters a different medium obliquely? Why do the stars twinkle/ Why do oil spots on a road become coloured when it rains? Why are danger signals in red colour when the eye is more sensitive to yellow and green? Why electrician wear rubber shoes during repairing electric fault? Why do skiers ski on ice easily? An ice ball is made by pressing the pounded ice? Why does a traveler travelling in a desert on a hot sunny day observe at a distance the presence of water? The front of the fast moving car or aeroplane is made oblong why?

87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.


100. Why is the colour of sky blue? 101. The clinical thermometer has narrow bend in its capillary bore near the mercury bulb, why?
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102. Why is the germanium or silicon an insulator at low temperature when pure? 103. How does a hole flow? 104. Why is a radar useful in fog, smoke mist and clouds? IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES Scalar 1. Those quantities, which do not require the mention of direction for their complete specification, are called scalar quantities. Scalars are represented by a magnitude, which is any number with a proper unit. Scalar quantities are added, subtracted and multiplied by ordinary algebra. Some examples of scalar quantities are mass, speed, time, temperature, length and work etc. It is the acceleration due to gravity. Its value at the surface of earth is 9.8m/s2. Its value is variable It is determined by free fall method and simple pendulum It is a pulling force. K.E is the energy due to the motion of a body. Its value increases with velocity. Its value is equal to the product of mass and square of velocity. Vector Quantities, which require the mention of direction for their complete specification, are called Vector quantities.

2. 3. 4.

Vectors are represented by a magnitude which is a number with proper unit and also direction. Vector quantities are added and subtracted by vector algebra. Some examples of vector quantities are force, weight, moment, momentum and velocity etc. G It is universal gravitational constant. Its value is 6.67 x 10-11Nm2/kg2 Its value is constant throughout the universe Its value is determined by cavendish experiment. It is not a pulling force. Potential Energy P.E is the energy due to the position of the body. Its value increases with height Its value is equal to the product of the weight mg and height h. P.E = mgh

g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3.

Kinetic Energy

K.E = mv2



It can be converted into

It can be converted into K.E. Energy Energyis the capability to do a work.

Force 1. Force is the agent that changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion of a body. Its unit is Newton in S.I system. Total amount of force in the universe is not constant.

2. 3.

Its unit is joule in S.I system. Total amount of energy in the universe is constant. It can neither be created
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nor destroyed. However it can change form. Heat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Heat is the total amount of kinetic energy possessed by the molecules of a body. Heat is measured in Joules, calories or British Thermal unit. It is measure by calorimeter. Heat is an energy and flows from higher level irrespective of the quantity. Besides mass m of a body and its specific heat C, total heat of a body is determined by temperature also: Temperature Temperature is the average amount of kinetic energy possessed by the molecules of a body. Temperature is measured in degree. It is measure by thermometers. Temperature is the thermal condition that determines the direction of flow of heat. It is the heat in a body that determines its temperature.

Q = mct

Transverse Waves 1. In transverse waves the particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion of waves. Troughs and crests are produced in transverse waves. In transverse wave the distance between two identical position of two consecutive troughs or crests is known as Wavelength. Besides solid, liquid and gas, transverse waves can be produced in vacuum also for instance, electromagnetic waves are produced in vacuum. It appears sweet to the ears. Musical sound depends on intensity, loudness, pitch and quality. Musical sound has healing effect on patients. There is regularity in the variation of frequency and amplitude. It is concerned with supply of energy It is the cause of P.D as it produces P.D between the two terminals.

Longitudinal Waves In longitudinal waves the particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of motion of waves. Compressions and rerefactions produced is longitudinal waves. are

2. 3.

In longitudinal waves the distance between two identical positions of two consecutive compressions or rerefactions is known as Wave length. It can be produced in solids, liquids and gases only but not in vacuum.


Musical Sound 1. 2. 3. 4.

Noise It appears unpleasant to the ears. Noise depends upon intensity. Noise effects hearing and mental alertness. Noise or above 90db is harmful. Change in frequency and amplitude is abrupt. Potential Difference It is concerned with energy. It is the effect of e.m.f. spending of

Electromotive Force 1. 2.

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3. 4.

It has a definite direction. Its numerical value is obtained by dividing the produced total energy by the number of charge.

It has no direction. Its numerical value is obtained by dividing the work done by number of charges. P.d = Work done/Charge

e.m.f = total energy produce/number of charge

5. 6.

7. 8.

It is the cause of running current in the entire circuit. It is produced by many things i.e. chemical reaction in the cells, contact of dissimilar metals in the cell, self-induction etc. In a closed circuit it is more than P.D. Its unit is volt.

It is the cause of flow of current from higher potential to low. It is produced by e.m.f when current moves through a resistance. In the absence of resistance there would be no P.d. In a closed circuit it is less than P.D. Its unit is also volt.

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The oar of a boat is an example of the ____________ kind of lever.

.(First, Second, Third) 2. One microcoulomb = ____________ coulomb.

(10-6, 10-9, 10-12) 3. The commercial unit of electrical energy is ____________.

(Joule, Newton, Kilo-watt-hour) 4. If the mass of a body is 5 kg, its weight will be ____________ N.

(4.9, 49, 94) 5. Evaporation takes place at ____________.

(OC, 100C, all temperature) 6. The writer of the famous book Al Manazir is ____________.

( Bu Ali Sina, Ibn-al-Haitham, Yaqoob Kindi, Alberuni) 7. The equation Me = ____________ is used to determine the mass of the earth.

(gG/Re2, GRe2/g, G/gRe2) 8. The time period of seconds pendulum is ____________ second(s).

(1, 2, 3, 4) 9. One calorie is = ____________ joule(s).

(4, 2, 0.42, 42, 4200)

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10. One micro ampere = ____________ ampere. (10-2, 10-3, 10-6) 11. The famous book Kitabul Manazir was written by the Muslim scientist ____________. (Al-Beruni, Ibn Musa Alkhwarizmi, Ibn-ul-Haitham) 12. Three resistors of 3 ohms each connected in parallel have a combined resistance of ____________ ohm. (1, 9, 27) 13. Centripetal force = ____________. (mr/v2, rv2/m, mv2/r) 14. The focal length of a converging lens whose power is 5 dioptre is ____________ cms. (1/5, 20, 5) 15. An iron nail sinks in water because the upthrust on it is ____________ its weight. (greater than, smaller than, equal to) 16. By increasing the length of a conductor its resistance ____________. (increases, decreases, remains the same) 17. In a mirror or lens if the object distance is 4 cm, the magnification will be ____________. (2, 0.5, 8) 18. The image of an object formed by a microscope is ____________. (real and diminshed, real and magnified, virtual and magnified) 19. If the weight of a body is 29.4N, its mass will be ____________ kg. (1, 2, 3, 4) 20. The image formed by the objective of a compound microscope is ____________. (Real and diminished, real and magnified, virtual and diminished, virtual and magnified) 21. The density of water is maximum at ____________C. (100, 4, 0, -4) 22. The seconds pendulum is a simple pendulum whose time period is ____________ seconds. (1, 2, 3, 4) 23. Ibnul Haitham contributed towards ____________ physics. (Acoustical, Thermal, Optical, Chemical) 24. The name of the famous book of Alberuni was ____________.
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(Kitab-ul-Manazir, Aljabar-wal-Muqabla, Qanoon-al-Masudi, Zij-al-Khani) 25. The founder of algebra, a famous Muslim scientist born in 780 was ____________. (Alberuni, Al kindi, Al Khawarzmi, Naseer-ud-din Tussi) 26. The name of a Muslim scientist who was born in Basra and made several discoveries on music and acoustic was ____________. (Alberuni, Al Kindi, Al Khawarzmi, Naseer-ud-din Tussi) 27. Dr. A Salam was awarded Noble Prize for his work on ____________. (Electronics, Radiation, Grand Unification Theory, Gravitation) 28. 10-9 is called a ____________. (Desisecond, Millisecond, Microsecond, Nanosecond) 29. The fundamental unit of length in S.I unit of measurement is ____________. (Kilometer, Meter, Yard, Foot) 30. The standard meter is made of ____________ and is placed at the international Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sevres near Paris. (Platinum and Iridium Alloy, Platinum and Copper Alloy, Iron and Copper Alloy, Iron and Iridium Alloy) 31. If two quantities are directly proportional to each other the graph between them will be a ____________. (Circle, Straight line, Curve) 32. ____________ is a vector quantity. (Mass, Torque, Distance, Time) 33. ____________ is a scalar quantity. (Displacement, Force, Speed , Velocity) 34. Two forces of 3N and 4 N are acting on a body. If the angle between them is 90 then magnitude of the resultant force is ____________N. (1, 5, 7, 12) 35. The unit of torque in international system of units is ____________. (Newton, Kilogram, Newton-Meter, Meter) 36. For a force F, Fx = 6N and Fy = 6N. What is the angle between F and x-axis. (less than 30, 60, 30, greater than 60, 45) 37. By dividing the displacement of a moving body by the time taken we obtain ____________. (Average speed, Average Velocity, Uniform Velocity, Acceleration)

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38. If the velocity of a moving body decreases by equal amound in equal intervals of time, however small they may be, the body is said to have ____________ acceleration. (Zero, uniform and positive, uniform and negative) 39. The velocity and acceleration of a body moving with a uniform speed a circle are ____________. (parallal, Mutually perpendicular, Opposite) 40. Two balls having different masses are thrown upwards simultaneously towards the roof of a building. They will reach the roof ____________. (simultaneously, one after the other (heavy ball first), one after the other (light ball first)) 41. By applying equal force on spheres of plastic and iron of equal volumes, greater acceleration is produced in the plastic sphere because its mass is ____________. (More, Less, More but is less, Less but is more) 42. The S.I unit of force is ____________. (Metre, m/s, Kg, Newton) 43. The unit of coefficient of friction is ____________. (Newton, Kilogram, Metre, None) 44. Friction can be reduced by using ball bearings because they ____________. (make the surface plane, make the suface grassy, convert sliding friction into rolling friction, have no friction of their own) 45. If the force acting on a body is doubled, then the acceleration produced is ____________ m/s2. (1/2, 1/4, doubled, quadrapled) 46. When a horse pulls a wagon, the force that causes the horse to move forward is the force____________. (He exerts on the wagon, the ground exerts on him, the wagon exerts on him, the wagon exerts on ground) 47. ____________ is the best approximation of the weight of an object of mass 800 gram. (88N, 80N, 8N, 0.8N 0.08N, 7.84N) 48. A body is said to be in a state of neutral equilibrium if its centre of gravity is ____________. (Below the point of suspension, above the point of suspension, At the point of Suspension) 49. A body is said to be in equilibrium if it is moving with ____________. (Uniform velocity, Uniform Acceleration, Variable Velocity) 50. Torque about an axis is defined as the product of ____________. (Mass and Force, Force and Moment Arm, Mass and Acceleration) 51. The centre of gravity of a body is a point where ____________.
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(the torques acts, The weight of the body appears to act, the external force acts) 52. In first condition of equilibrium the ____________ condition is satisfied. ( = 0, F = 0, P = 0) 53. The gravitational force between two bodies depends upon the product of their masses in addition to the ____________ them. (Distance between, Shape of bodies, Medium between, Sum of masses) 54. G is called ____________. (Gravitational attraction, Acceleration due to gravity, Gravitational Force, Gravitational Constant) 55. If a stone is tied to the end of a string and whirled in a circle the tension in the string provides ____________. (Centripetal Force, Centrifugal Force, Pressure, Reaction) 56. If the mass of a body moving in a circle with a uniform speed, is doubled then its centripetal force becomes ____________. (Twice, Three times, Four times, eight times) 57. If the uniform speed of a body moving in a circle is doubled, its centripetal force becomes ____________. (Twice, Three times, Four times, Eight times) 58. Energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called ____________ energy. (Potential, Electrical, chemical, Light, Kinetic) 59. Work is done when a body is moved through a distance by a ____________. (Fulcrum, Inclined Plane, Mechanical Advantage, Force) 60. The unit of work is ____________. (Watt, Joule, newton, Kilogram) 61. If the speed of the body is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes ____________. (half, twice, three times four times) 62. ____________ is same as a kg m/s2. (Joule, Newton, Watt, Kilo watt) 63. A ____________ is a simple machine. (sewing machine, a petrol engine, a bicycle, pulley) 64. If the fulcrum of a lever is between the effort and resistance, it is a ____________ class lever. (First, Second, Third) 65. A pair of scissors is an example of a ____________.
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(pulley, lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane) 66. ____________ belong to the second kind of lever. (Pair of scissors, Pair of forceps, door) 67. Molecules of matter are always busy in ____________ motion.

(never ending random, ceasing random, never ending regular, ceasing and regular) 68. Force of attraction between the molecules is ____________ proportional to the distance between them.

(Inversely, directly, squarly, square root) 69. The molecular theory of matter was experimentally testified by ____________.

(Hooke, Archemedies, Brown, Pascal) 70. The S.I unit of pressure is ____________.

(Pascal, Newton, Kilogram per cube meter, Newton meter) 71. The increase in volume is called ____________.

(Linear Expansion, Super Ficial Expansion, Volumetric Expansion) 72. The stopper of a glass bottle when stuck in its neck is taken out by heating the ____________ of the bottle.

(Stopper, Bottom, Neck) 73. When water is changed into ice, it ____________

(Expands, Contracts, becomes heavy) 74. The molecules of a solid ____________.

(move about haphazardly, remain stationary, vibrate) 75. A piece of metal becomes hot when it lies in the sun through ____________ .

(Conduction, Convection, Radiation) 76. A body with frequency f would complete one vibration in ____________ second.

(1/f, 1/f2, 1, f) 77. If the length of the pendulum becomes four times, its time period will become ____________.

(foureimes, twice, three times, eight times) 78. In transverse waves the distance between two consecutive crests or between two consecutive troughs is called ____________.

(Displacement, Wavelength, Velocity, Speed) 79. If the mass attached to a spring becomes four times, the time period of its S.H.M will become ____________.
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(twice, three time, four times, eight times) 80. If frequency of waves f = 30cycles per second and the wavelength = 0.2m, then the velocity of waves is ____________ per second.

(6, 150, 0.0066, 8) 81. The waves produced by a vibrating body in air are ____________ waves.

(Longitudinal, Transverse, Electromagnetic, Magnetic) 82. Speed of sound in air at normal temperature pressure NTP is ____________ m/s.

(336, 672, 712, 785) 83. The image formed in plane mirror is ____________.

(Real, Inverted, Virtual and erect, Real and Inverted) 84. If the inner surface of a spherical mirror is reflecting it is called ____________ mirror.

(Plane , Concave, Convex) 85. All the rays, parallel to the principal axis falling on a concave mirror, pass after reflection through its ____________.

(Pole, Principal Focus, Centre of Curvature) 86. If an object is placed at the centre of curvature of a concave mirror ____________ and ____________ image is formed.

(Virtual. Erect and Elarged, Real, inverted and small, Real , inverted and Equal, Real, inverted and enlarged) 87. If q =4 cm and = p = 2 cm, then the magnification of the mirror is ____________.

(2, 0.5, 4) 88. When a ray of light enters obliquely from one medium into an other it deviates from its original path. The phenomenon is called ____________.

(Reflection, Smaller than, Equal to, Unrelated to) 89. When a ray of light enters obliquely from a rarer into a denser medium, then angle of refraction is ____________ angle of incidence.

(Greater than, smaller than, equal to, unrelated to) 90. If an object is situated between the optical centre and the principal focus of a convex lens, then its image is formed on the same side as that of the object. This image will be ____________.

(Inverted, real and bigger in size, inverted, real and of the same size as that of object, inverted, real and smaller in size, erect, virtual and large in size) 91. For total internal reflection the angle of incidence must be ____________ the critical angle.

(greater than, smaller than, equal to, half of) 92. A convex lens is ____________.
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(thiner at the centre, thicker at the centre, a diverging lens, plane throughout) 93. The eye and the camera are similar because the image formed in both is ____________.

(Real, inverted and small, Real, erec and small, virtual, erect and small, real, inverted and enlarged) 94. In a photographic camera, a convex lens is used because it ____________.

(produces a real and small image, gives virtual image, produces an enlarged image, forms an image equal in size to the object) 95. The objective of a refracting telescope is a ____________.

(double convex lens, Convex mirror, Plane Mirror, Concave Mirror) 96. A single diverging lens is used in ____________.

(Magnifying Glass, A camera, the objective lens in a telescope, spectacles for the correction of short sightedness) 97. The pupil of the eye controls ____________.

(The focal lenght of the eye, The range of accommodation of eye, the distance of distinct vision, the amount of light reaching the eye) 98. The speed of light is ____________.

(3 x 106, 1.86 x 106, 3 x 108, 3 x 1010) 99. Small drops of rain water disperse sunlight into different colours. This is called ____________.

(Dispersion, Interference) 100. According to Quantum theory of light photons are ____________. (Waves, Electromagnetic waves, Energy Packets, Particles) 101. According to Hygens wave theory, light propagates in the shape of ____________. (Photons, Waves, Particles) 102. We use a ____________ to disperse white light into different colours. (Convex mirror, Prism, Convex lens, Concave Mirror) 103. The radiation which produces the sensation of heat is called ____________. (Invisible Light, Ultra-Violet Rays, Infrared rays, visible light) 104. Electromagnetic waves carries ____________. (Wavelength, Frequency, Charge, Energy) 105. ____________ are not electromagnetic in nature. (Infrared rays, Ultra-violet rays, Radar waves, Sound waves) 106. A ray of white light is shone onto a glass prism. The light can not be ____________.
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(Deviated, Dispersed, Focussed, Refracted) 107. ____________ has the shortest wavelength. (Radio waves, Infrared Rays, Ultra Violet Rays, X-rays) 108. ____________ revolves around the nucleus in their respective orbits. (Neutrons, Protons, Electrons) 109. The lightest particle in an atom is ____________. (Neutron, Proton, Deutron, Electron) 110. If the quantity of charge on each of the two bodies is doubled, the force between them becomes ____________. (twice, four times, nine times, sixteen times) 111. The value of constant that occurs in coulombs force formula is ____________ Nm2/C2. (9 x 10-9, 9 x 10-16, 9 x 109, 9.9 x 10-9) 112. If two joules of energy is required to transfer one coulomb of charge from one point to another, the potential difference between these points will be ____________ volt. (1, 2, 4, 6) 113. The substance used as a medium between the two plates of a capacitor is known as ____________. (conductor, semi-conductor, dielectric, electrolyte) 114. if the charge on the plate of a capacitor is doubled, the potential difference between its plates will become ____________. (half, double, four times, one third) 115. The unit of capacity is called ____________. (Coulomb, volt, ampere, ohm, farad) 116. ____________ is that which is connected in series with the line wire in the electric circuit of a house. (Galvanometer, Voltmeter, Fuse, Ammeter) 117. The commercial unit of electrical energy is known as ____________. (Ohm, Volt, Ampere x second, coulomb, watt hour, kilo watt hour) 118. Electrical power in watts is obtained by the product of ____________. (volt and coulomb, current and resistance, coulomb and ampere, volt and ampere) 119. The maximum value of alternating current in either direction is known as its ____________. (Average, square, roo mean square, peak value) 120. One mega ohm resistance is equal to ____________ ohm.
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(106, 10-6, 108, 102, 10-8) 121. In a gas discharge tube the electric current is due to flow of ____________. (electrons, positive ions, neutrons) 122. ____________ is equivalent to Joule per coulomb. (Ampere, ohm, volt, watt) 123. Like pole ____________ each other. (Attract, Repel, Neither attract nor repel, Sometimes attract and some times repel) 124. The relation between electric current and the magnetic field was discovered by ____________. (Newton, Faraday, Fleming, Oersted) 125. If a current is flowing through a solenoid, then the north pole of the solenoid can be found using ____________ rule. (Right hand, Left hand, Faradays, Lenzs) 126. A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a wire of low resistance ____________ with the galvanometer. (In series, In parallel, In a combined way, in no way) 127. To measure current in a circuit an ammeter is always connected ____________. (In series, In parallel, In any way, Parallel to Voltmeter) 128. The materials in which electric current can flow easily due to their low resistance are called ____________. (Insulators, Semi conductors, Conductors) 129. The electric resistance of a semiconductor ____________ if temperature is increased. (decreases, increases, does not change) 130. A p-type substance is formed when a semi conductor crystal is doped with a ____________ element. (Divalent, Tetravalent, Pentavalent) 131. The current passing through a ____________ is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends. (Insulator, Semiconductor, conductor) 132. The frequency of radio waves lie in the range ____________. (20Hz to 20KHz, 30kHz to 30MHz, 600 MHz and above) 133. ____________ geostationary communication satellite placed in the equatorial orbit at 120 from one another, can cover the whole populated land of the world. (Three, four, Five)
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134. A radio wave is produced by a ____________ alternating current. (Low frequency, High frequency, Audio frequency) 135. To produce N-type crystal, germanium may be doped with a substance that is ____________ . (Divalent, Trivalent, Tetravalent, Pentavalent) 136. For forward biasing a PN junction, the positive terminal is connected to ____________ . (P-type crystal, N-type crystal, Neither P or N type crystal) 137. In p-type semi conductor most of current is carried by ____________. (Electrons, Protons, Holes) 138. The number of protons in the nucleus is called ____________. (Avogadro number, Atomic Number, Mass number, Nucleons Number) 139. The emission of rays from the nucleus is called ____________. (Chemical process, Atomic process, Radio-activity, Atomic dispersion) 140. -rays are found to be in ____________. (electromagnatic waves, electrons, fastly moving neutrons, fastly moving helium nucleus) 141. An element whose atoms have same atomic number bu different mass number are called ____________. (Molecule, Secondary element, Isotope,) 142. ____________ is most penetrating. (-rays, -rays, -rays) NUMERICALS Section A 1. A 600 gm iron piece at 100C is dropped into 200 gm of water at 20C. The temperature of the mixture is 41C; find the specific heat of iron. A train is moving with a velocity of 72 km/hr. By applying the brakes a retardation of 0.5 m/sec2 is produced. Find the time it will take to stop. A force of 60 N acts on a body at an angle of 60C with the horizontal. Find its horizontal and vertical components. A brass rod of length 3.0 m at 0C is heated to 100C. What should be its length if the coefficient of linear expansion of brass is 19 x 10-6 C-1. On braking a car of mass 1000 kg travelling at 36 km/h, it comes to rest after a distance of 20 m. Find the average braking force acting on it. A box weighing 200 N is pushed on a horizontal floor. What acceleration will result if a horizontal force of 100 N is applied to the box? Coefficient of sliding friction is 0.4.
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500 gm of lead-shots at 100C are mixed with 200 gm of water at 20C. Find the temperature of the mixture. The specific heat of lead is 128 J/kg.K. A force of 200 N acts on a body at an angle of 60 with the horizontal. Find its horizontal and vertical components. An rion rod of length 1 m is at 25 C. Find out its length at 100C if the coefficient of linear expansion of iron is 0.000012/C. A body of mass 200 gm placed on a smooth horizontal plane surface is tied to one end of a string 10 cm long. The other end of string is tied to a nail. Find the tension in the string if the body revolves in a circle at the rate of one revolution in one second. A ball of mass 100 gm is moving with a velocity of 50 cm per second; find its kinetic energy in joules. How much heat is required to convert 10 gm of ice at -10C into water at 100C? (sp.heat of ice = 2.1 x 103 J/Kg/C and the latent heat of ice = 3.36 x 105 J/kg) A boy selling his newspapers walks a distance of 300 m towards east. From there he goes along another road through a distance of 200 m towards north. He gain travels a distance of 200 m on a road, which makes an angle of 60 north of the west. Finally he walks 200 m on road going to the west. Find the displacement of the boy from the starting point to the end point. A river is flowing from west to east with a velocity of 8 km/h. A motor boat starts from a point on the south bank and moves towards north. If the velocity of motor boat in still water is 6 km/h. find the velocity of motor boat in the river. Three forces of magnitude 40 N., 30 N and 90 N are acting at angles of 0, 30 and 135 with the x-axis respectively. Find the magnitude of the resultant force. A force of 100 N acts at an angle of 30 with the horizontal. Find its horizontal and vertical components. A roller tied to a string is dragged on a floor The string makes an angle of 45 with the floor. If the tension in the string is 10 N. Find the force with which the roller is dragged. A stone of mass 2 kg falls from the top of a tower and reaches the ground in 3 seconds. How long will it take a stone of mass 3 kag to fall to the ground from the top of the same tower? A plane travels due west for an hour at a constant velocity of 200km/h. it then turns and travels due east for an hour with the same constant velocity. What its average velocity for the 2 hours period? A car moves on a straight road at 5 m/s. It is accelerated at 3 m/s2. What will be its velocity after 4 seconds? A bullet train starts from rest and moves with uniform acceleration of 0.12 m/s2. Find its final velocity and distance covered after 5 minutes. A bus is moving with a velocity of 72 km/h. By applying brakes, a deceleration of 0.4 m/s2 is produced. Find the distance covered by the bus before it stops. What is the acceleration of an object which accelerates along a straight path from rest and attains a velocity of 20 m/s after covering a distance of 50m in 5 seconds. A wicket keeper catches a ball moving at 30 m/s. (a) If he does not move his hand, the ball comes to rest in his glove over a distance of 1 cm. What is the average acceleration? (b) If he moves his hand as the ball is caught so that it comes to rest over 10 cm. What is its acceleration. A train starting from a station acquires a speed of 90 km/h in 25 minutes. It then continues to move with uniform speed for 2 hours. Then brakes are applied and it comes to rest in 25 minutes. Find the total distance covered.
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11. 12.




16. 17.










A stone dropped from a bridge strikes the water in 5 seconds. What is the velocity of the stone when it strikes the water? What is the height of the bridge. A ball is dropped from a height of 174 m. How much time will it take to reach the ground? With what velocity will it strike the ground? A shell is fired vertically upwards with the velocity of 98 m/s. Find the time taken by it to reach the highest point and how long it will stay in air. Also find the maximum height reached and the velocity with which it will hit the ground. A projectile is fired vertically upwards and reaches a height of 125m. Find the velocity of projectile and the time it takes to reach the highest point. A stone is dropped from a tower reaches the ground in 5 seconds. Calculate the velocity with which it hits the ground. Determine the acceleration of a 72 kg skater, when an unbalanced force of 144N acts on him. Two boys push horizontally a 30 kg bicycle and it accelerates at 1.5 m/s2. If the sum of opposing force is 40 N. What force must they be exerting on it? An object of mass 3 kg is moving on a rough surface with a velocity of 16 m/s. It covers a distance of 20 m before coming to rest. Find the opposing force. The weight of a tyre is 400N. A force of 280N is required to drag it on the road. Find the co-efficient of friction between the tyre and the road. A bullet of mass 10g is fired towards west at a velocity of 60 m/s. Calculate the momentum of the bullet. Which object has the greater momentum an object A of 50 kg moving at 3m/s or an object B of mass 3kg moving at 50 m/s? A truck is moving eastward with a velocity of 15m/s. If the momentum of the truck is 30000kgm/s. Find the mass of the truck. A body of mass 10kg is moving with a velocity of 10m/s. A constant force acts for 4 seconds and reduces its velocity to 2m/s. Find the momentum before and after the application of the force. A force is applied perpendicularly on a gate, 2 meters wide which requires a torque of 100 Nm to open it. What will be the minimum force required? A force of 50N acts on a body. If moment arm is 0.5m, find the value of torque. A body is pulled rightward with a force of 25N. to keep the body in equilibrium how much force will be applied leftward on the body. An automobile is running on a circular high way with a velocity of 120 m/s. The radius of the high way is 1000m. What is the centripetal Acceleration? A mass of 3 kg at the end of string is being whirled in a circle of radium 3m with a constant speed of 10 m/s. what is the pull of the whirling body on the string? Calculate the tension on a string 500 m long when tied to a mass of 200 gm and whirled in a circle with a speed of 10m/s. Two balls of 50kg and 25kg are placed in such a way that the distance between their centres is 50 cm. Find the force of attraction between the balls if the value of G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2. What is the mass of an object that is pulled down by a force of gravity of 294N at the surface of earth?
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31. 32.








40. 41.






47. 48.

A lift carrying 120 kg of bricks travels to the top of a building 10m high. Calculate the energy used. A lever overcomes a resistance of 3300N when an effect of 165N is applied on it. Calculate the mechanical advantage and the efficiency of the lever if the effect arm is 25 times as long as the load arm. An object of mass of 100 kg is raised 2m above the ground using an inclined plane of length 10m. Calculate the effort applied parallel to the inclined plane. An exit ramp on a major free way is 200 m long and upper end is 10m above the highway. Determine the effort required to move a truck with trailer whose mass is 2000kg to the end of the ramp. The handle of the screw jack is 0.35m and its pitch is 0.005m. What effort must be applied at the end of the handle while lifting the load of 2200N if the efficiency of the jack is 40%. An Aluminium pipe has an inner radius of 0.02 m and an outer radius of 0.022m. It is subjected to a stress of 5 x 106Nm2. What is the applied force? If the pipe is 1m long, find also the elongation produced. Youngs modulus for aluminium is 7.0 x 1010N/m2. A car of 1000kg is accelerated from rest at 4 m/s2 for 10 seconds. Calculate the work done. Calculate the work done by a person who lifts a 10 kg object from the floor to a shelf 2 m above the floor. A force of 5N is applied on an object of mass 0.1 kg for 5 seconds. Find the work done by the force. A force of 588N acts on a box to move it 4m in 40 seconds. Calculate the power. A boy runs upstairs which has 500 steps each 20 cm high. His mass is 40kg and he takes 2minutes. Calculate the power used by the boy in climbing usptairs. How much energy is required in changing the velocity of an object of mass 5000kg from 20m/s to 30m/s? A resultant force of 20 N acts on an object of mass 4 kg for 10m. Find the final speed if the initial speed is 5m/s. A pendulum is raised to a height of 0.1m above its lowest position and released. Calculate the maximum velocity. An arrow is shot vertically upward with an initial velocity of 14m/s. How high will it go? Calculate the K.E of an object of mass 4 kg moving at a speed of 10m/s. A 2kg object is suspended from a copper wire 2.5m long and 0.6mm in diameter. How much does the wire stretch due to the gravitational force on the 2kg object. Youngs Modulus for copper is 12.5 x 1010 N/m2. If the height of a dam is 150m. What pressure does the water exert at the base of the dam? Take the density of water as 1000kg/m3. A hydraulic lift is operated by means of a pump, which can exert a pressure of 4.9 x 10 5 Pa. This pump is connected to a pipe of 50mm diameter. What should be the diameter of a piston that can raise a car of mass 2000kg? An object floats on water with 80 percent of its volume below the water surface. Find the density of the object. Take the density of water as 1000kg/m3. How much heat per second will be conducted approximately from one end to the other of a uniform rod of silver 1m long and 10cm2 in cross section if the temperature of one end is maintained at 50C and the other at 0C. (Coefficient of thermal conductivity of silver is 240J/C.m.s)
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53 54.

55. 56. 57.




61. 62. 63.






The Coefficient of linear thermal expansion of aluminium is 26 x 10-6 /C. An Aluminium rod is 2m long at 25C. What will be its length at 75C. Calculate the volume occupied by 5 mole of gas at 27C if it is subjectd to a pressure of 1.0 x 105N/m2. (Gas constant R = 8.13 /mole C) If 10 mole of a gas exert a pressure of 20 x 104 N/m2 when confined in a tank of 40m3 capacity at 57C. What would be the pressure of 100 mole of the same gas when confined in a 80m3 tank at 477C. How much heat energy will be required to raise the temperature of 100g of iron, through 10C. The specific heat of iron is 499.8 J/KgC. If 117.60 Joules of heat is required to raise the temperature of 10g of silver through 50C. Calculate the specific heat of silver. A piece of metal material is 0.2kg and is held in boiling water for 2 minutes and is then dropped into a copper calorimeter of mass 0.2kg containing 0.3kg of water at 20C. If the final temperature of the water is 25C, calculate the specific heat of the material. The specific heats of copper and water are 390 J/KgC and 4200J/KgC respectively. 20 gm of ice at -10C is converted into steam at 100C. Find out the total energy required to accomplish the change. Given the specific heat of ice, latent heat of ice and the latent heat of steam as 2.1 J/g, 326J/g and 2268 J/g respectively.







Section B 1. The focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm. where should be an object be placed to get its real image magnified four times? A 12-microfarad parallel plate capacitor is charged till the potential difference between its plates is 250 volts. Find the energy stored in it. A house is fitted with ten 40 watt tube lights, five 60 watt fans and five 100 electrical energy consumed during the month of April 1995 if all the appliances were used for 6 hours daily. Also find the cost of energy per month at the rate of 50 paisa per unit. A house has six 100 watt bulbs which are in used for five hours daily. Compute the electrical energy consumed in 30 days. Also find the cost of energy per month if the rate is 50 paisa per unit. Two point charges of +2 micro-coulombs and 5 micro-coulombs are placed at distance of 50 cm from each other. Find the force of attraction between them. (K= 9x109 N.m2/ C2) The distance between an object and a screen is 60 cm. A convex lens is placed between them to obtain a real image magnified four times. Find the focal length of the lens. A current of 0.005 milliampere is passing through a conductor. If the potential difference across its end is 25 volts, find the value of its resistance. 220 volts and 100 watts are written on an electric bulb. Find the resistance of the bulb and the energy consumed in kilowatt-hours in one day if the bulb is lighted for 8 house daily. The focal length of a convex lens is 20 cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get a real image twice the size of the object. The speed of light in air is 3 x 108 m/sec and its speed in a glass is 2 x 105 km/ sec. Find the refractive index of the glass. The distance between an object and a screen is 40 cm. When a convex lens is placed between them a sharp real image is obtained on the screen magnified three times; find the focal length of the lens.
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The potential difference between the ends of an electric lamp is 220 volts. Find the resistance of the lamp if a current of 500 milli-amperes is flowing through it. An object is placed at a distance of 30cm from a concave mirror of focal length 5cm. If the object is 5cm high, find the position and size of the image. If an object is placed a distance of 10cm from a spherical mirror and its virtual image is formed at a distance of 5cm from the mirror. Find the focal length and nature of the mirror. An object is situated at a distance of 20 cm from a concave mirror. Find the nature and position of the image if the focal length of the mirror is 15cm. An object is situated at a distance of 24.0cm from a concave mirror. The focal length of the concave mirror is 6cm. Determine the size of the image and its distance from the mirror if the object is 12cm high. The focal length of a concave mirror is 10cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get its, real image magnified four times? The radius of curvature of a concave mirror is 40cm. Where should an object be placed so as to get its, real image magnified four times? An object is situated at a distance of 20cm from a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20cm. Find the position and nature of the image. Focal length of a concave mirror is 10cm. If the object is situated at a distance of 60cm, 20cm, 5cm from the mirror find the distance of the image in each case. Calculate the speed of light in glycerine if its index of refraction is 1.47. The speed of light in water is 2.25 x 105 km/s. What is the index of refraction of water? Light travels from air into water whose index of refraction is 1.33. If the angle of incidence is 40. What is the angle of refraction? The focal length of a convex lens is 10cm. Where should an object be placed to get a real image, a virtual image twice the size of the object? Find the focal length of a convex lens if (a) p = 5cm, q = 10cm and the image is virtual (b) p = 30cm and the image is real. The focal length of a convex lens is one metre and an object is placed at a distance of 2m before it. Determine the position, nature and magnification of the image. The distance between an object and a screen is 49cm. A convex lens is placed between the object and the screen so as to get an image on the screen magnified six times. Calculate the focal length of the lens. The distance between an object and a concave lens is 18cm. The focal length of the lens is 6cm. Determine the nature, position and magnification by using the lens formula. Calculate the amount of work done in carrying a charge of +2.5C from A to B if A is at a potential of 60V and B is at +10V. Find the potential difference between the two ends of a conductor if it offers a resistance of 5. Take the current flowing through the conductor as 5 amperes. The potential difference applied to the terminals of a portable radio is 9.0 volts. Find the resistance of the radio if a current of 25mA is flowing through it. An electric toaster has a resistance of 12. What current will it draw from 120V supply?
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21. 22. 23.











Resistances of 4, 6 and 12 are connected in parallel and then joined to an emf source of 6V. Find the value of the equivalent resistance of the circuit, the total current from the circuit and the current passing through each resistance. Two light bulbs of 100 watt and 60 watt both operate in a 220V circuit. Which bulb has the higher resistance and which bulb carries the greater current?


Section C 1. 2. Find the length of a seconds Pendulum. (g=9.8 m/sec2) If the frequency of a wave is 15 cycles per second and its wavelength is 5 cm, compute the velocity of the wave. Find the length of a simple pendulum whose length is one meter when the value of g = 9.8 m/sec2. The wavelength of a wave is 0.1nm. Its speed is 3 x 108m/s. What is the frequency of the wave? A tuning fork vibrates 256 times each second and produces a wave 1.3m long. Calculate the period and the velocity of the wave. A radio station broad casts an AM radio waves whose frequency is 1230 x 10 3 Hz and and an FM radio wave whose frequency is 91.9 x 106 Hz. Find the distance between adjacent crest in each wave. (the speed of AM and FM radio wave is 3.00 x 1010 cm/s Find the time period of a simple pendulum whose length is 144cm. A body of mass 0.3 kg is attached to a horizontal spring. If the value of the spring constant is 5N/m, find the time period of the body if it is given a small displacement. A piece of paper completes 50 vibrations in 5s when some waves pass through the surface of water. Find the time period and the frequency of the piece of paper. If the wavelength of the wave is 10cm, find the velocity of the waves. 40 waves pass through a point on the surface of a pond in 2s. Calculate the wavelength if the velocity of waves is 3.5 m/s. The nucleus of nitrogen contains 9 neutrons. Find its charge number if its mass number is 16. The mass of 6C12 nucleus is found to be 0.164 x 10-27 kg less than its constituents. Calculate the energy released. How much energy must be released when 15 gm of mass is completely transformed to energy. Radium has a half-life of 1600 years. How much of 60 gm radium would be left after 4800 years. Half-life of radon is 3.82 days. How much of a 100 gm sample of radon would be left after 764 days.

3. 4. 5.


7. 8.



11. 12.

13. 14. 15.

TRUE AND FALSE 1. The devastation of Islamic world by Chengiz Khan and Halaku Khan resulted in the Islamic World to lag behind in the scientific field. Pin hole cameral was invented by Ibn-al-Haitham. Aljabar-wal-Muqabla is the famous book of Alberuni. Mamun-ur-Rashid appointed Alkindi to translate the work of Aristotle and other Greek philosophers.
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2. 3. 4.


Alberuni proposed that the Indus valley was the basin of an ancient ocean that has gradually dilled by mud. Naseer-ud-din Tussi had an observatory built at Maragha. The behaviour of atoms in the isolated states is studied under the branch of nuclear physics. The fundamental unit of time in S.I units is minute. The S.I unit of acceleration is meter per second square. 1 nanosecond = 10-8 second. Hundredth of a mm can not be measured correctly with a micrometer screw gauge. A physical balance is device used for measuring weight. The fundamental unit of length is centimeter. A force directed north may balance a force directed south. Two forces of different magnitudes and opposite in direction may balance each other. Two forces of the same magnitude but opposite direction must balance each other. Speed is a vector quantity. The process of splitting up a vector into two or more vectors is called resolution of vectors. The motion of a pendulum is an example of vibratory motion. The least distance from one point in the direction of another point is called displacement and it is a scalar quantity. The speed of a car moving on a straight road is decreasing on applying the brakes. It velocity and acceleration are in the same direction. The acceleration of a body moving with uniform speed in a circle is zero. The acceleration due to gravity for light bodies is less and large for heavy bodies. The speed and magnitude of velocity of bodies moving on a straight road are equal. A moving car comes to rest by the application of brakes. Its final velocity is zero. All the equations of motion represent the relations between four out of five quantities (vi, vf, a, t, s). Newtons first law of motion is also known as law of inertia. The acceleration produced in a body under the influence of an external force is inversely proportional to the applied force. Mass is a vector quantity whereas weight is a scalar quantity. Friction is a self adjusting force which is equal to but in the opposite direction of the applied force just before the motion begins. The maximum force of friction is called limiting friction.
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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

29. 30.


32. 33.

The value of the limiting friction is inversely proportional to normal reaction. Had there been no friction it would bot have been possible to set a body in motion or to stop a moving body. The biggest disadvantage of friction is that some energy is continually being lost due to friction between some parts of the machines. The value of the coefficient of friction depends upon the nature of the surfaces in contact. It is wrong to say that mass is the measure of inertia. The first condition of equilibrium is that the algebraic sum of torques acting on a body in equilibrium is zero. If a body in a unstable equilibrium is slightly tilted , then its C.G is lowered. If the centre of the gravity of a body in equilibrium is lower than the point of suspension or support then it is in the state of unstable Equilibrium. A body is said to be in static position if it is at rest. The second condition of equilibrium is that the algebraic sum of all the torque acting on a body is zero. The centre of gravity of regular shaped objet lies at their edges. Law of gravitation is only applicable to the heavenly bodies. The acceleration due to gravity g varies inversely as the square of the distance of the body from the centre of the earth. The mass of the earth can be determined with the help of the law of universal gravitation. Centripetal Force is inversely proportional to the square of the mass of the body. While taking a turn on a horizontal road the centripetal force is provided to a car by the friction between the road and its tires. A body moving with a uniform speed on a circle has a uniform Velocity. Energy is an agent for change. Joule is the unit of power. Velocity is the rate of doing work. Potential energy of a body is the energy, which it acquires by virtue of its motion. When a simple pendulum swings, its total energy at the extreme point is wholly kinetic. For a screw jack the mechanical advantage is given by 2d/h where d is the effort arm and h is the pitch of the screw. The efficiency of an inclined plane is increased when the angle it make with the horizontal is decreased. The mechanical advantage of a moveable pulley is four. The ratio of output and input in a machine is known as Mechanical Advantage.
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35. 36. 37.

38. 39.

40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

45. 46. 47.

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

55. 56. 57.

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

In a fixed pulley its block is connected from the weight. Rubber is more elastic than steel because we apply greater force to deform steel. Stress is a unit less quantity. The ratio of stress to strain is constant and is called modulus of elasticity. The force acting normally on a unit area is called pressure. Mass per unit volume of a body is known as density. In liquids the pressure at the same depth is not equal in all directions. The pressure inside a vessel containing gas is due to the weight of the gas. If the weight of a body is less than the upward thrust, the body will float on the surface of the liquid. Every substance has a definite density by which it can be identified. A solid object sinks in a fluid when the buoyancy force acting on the object is greater than the weight of the object. The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a body is proportional to temperature of the body. The increase in unit volume of a body per degree rise in its temperature is called the Co-efficient of volume expansion. At 4C the volume of water is minimum and its density is maximum. The real expansion of liquid is less than its apparent expansion. Heat is such a form of energy which cannot be converted into mechanical energy. The moderate climate of regions near seas and lakes is due to the maximum specific heat of water. Heat which is given to a solid body while it is melting, it is used to over come the Beautiful force between its molecules, the temperature of the body is not increased by the absorption of this heat. Cooling is produced in the compressor of a refrigerator by the process of evaporation. A maximum minimum thermometer measures temperature over a limit of usually 35C and 43C. The temperature of a liquid remains constant during the process of evaporation. Amplitude is the distance between the extreme positions of a vibrating body. The time required to complete one vibration is called time period. The motion of the bob of a simple pendulum is not S.H.M. Force applied to a spring is inversely proportional to the extension in the string. As the waves pass over the surface of water, the particles of water start moving with the waves. The velocity of a wave is equal to the product of the frequency asnd wavelength of the wave.

69. 70.

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.

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Wave length is the distance between two such consecutive particles of the medium which are in the similar state of their periodic motion. Wave is the only effective way of transferring energy from one place to another. The pitch of sound increases if the frequency of vibrating body is increased. Generally pitch of the sound of women is lower than the pitch of the sound of men. The characteristic of sound which helps us to distinguish the soundness of the same pitch and loudness is called the quality of sound. The frequency of a wave is directly proportional to its time period. It is due to irregular reflection of light that sunlight reaches us before sunrise and persists for sometime even after the sunset. In case of a convex mirror, for all object distances, the image formed is always real. Rays of light parallel to the principal axis after reflection from a concave mirror diverge. If the object is placed in front of a concave mirror at principal fucus F, the image is formed at infinity. In spherical mirrors, the radius of curvature is twice as large as its focal length. If a ray of light enters normally from one medium into the other then the angle of refraction is much larger than angle of incidence. One angle of the totally reflecting prism is 90 while the other two angles 45 each. The principal focus of a concave lens is always virtual. A virtual image is that which can be obtained on a screen.

86. 87. 88. 89.

90. 91.

92. 93. 94. 95. 96.

97. 98. 99.

100. The reciprocal of the focal length of a lens is called its power. 101. The unit of power of lens is dioptre. 102. Centre of curvature is the centre of that sphere of which the lens is a part. 103. The distance between the centre of curvature and the optical centre is called focal length. 104. The image formed by a concave lens is always real. 105. The principal focus of a convex lens is always real. 106. Total internal reflection always takes place when the angle of incidence is much less than the critical angle. 107. A simple microscope is a biconcave lens. 108. The image in the human eye is formed at the iris. 109. A compound microscope contains a convex and concave lens. 110. Infrared radiation stimulates the formation of vitamin D. 111. Due to atmospheric pollution the oxygen layer is being damaged day by day.
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112. The frequency of visible light waves ranges from 0.1m to 0.3m. 113. Rainbow appears in the sky on the side opposite to where the sun is located. 114. White light is refracted while passing through a prism. The amount of refraction is not the same for all colours composing the white light. 115. The frequency of a photon of violet light is double than the frequency of a photon of a red light. 116. The mass of proton is 100 times larger than the mass of an electron. 117. Neutron is a particle which has a negative charge and its mass is equal to that of an electron. 118. The force between two charges varies directly as the square of the distance between them. 119. Repulsion is the sure test for a body being charged. 120. Objects build up a static charge when protons are lost from it due to friction. 121. Electric intensity at any point in an electric field is the force experienced by an electron placed at that point. 122. Generation of negative charges in a neutral body due to presence of a charged body near it is known as electrostatic induction. 123. The potential difference between two points in an electric field is that force exerted on a unit positive charge as it si moved between these two points. 124. The electron in metals which are not attracted to any particular atom are known as free electrons. 125. The flow of current in a metal is due to flow of protons. 126. Volt is the unit of electric current. 127. The conventional current always flows from a point at a higher potential to a point at lower potential. 128. The magnetic lines of force start from the south pole and end at north pole and they are continuous through the body of the magnet. 129. The magnetic lines of force can pass more easily through iron than air. 130. Faraday discovered a connection between electric curren and magnetism. 131. The magnetism of an electromagnet depends upon the number of turns and the magnitude of the current passing through the coil. 132. The magnetic field produced by a current passing through a solenoid is similar to a magnetic field due to a bar magnet. 133. If a current carrying conductor is held perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field, then no force acts upon it. 134. The working of a galvanometer depends upon the magnetic field of a permanent magnet and its interaction with the magnetic field produced round the current carrying wire. 135. A galvanometer having a shunt fitted parallel to it is called a voltmeter. 136. A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a wire of suitable resistance in series with it.
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137. A good voltmeter is that voltmeter whose resistance is so high that a very small current passes through it. 138. Rubber, glass, mica, ceramic and plastics are good conductors. 139. Semi conductors are the elements in the group IV. 140. The electric current can hardly pass through the pn-junction if a semi conductors diode is forward biased. 141. Sound waves travel in space with the velocity of light. 142. Holes are the charge carrier in n-type material. 143. The nucleus of

U92 has equal number of protons and neutrons.

144. The emission of rays from radium is an example of atomic fussion. 145. -particle is a nucleus of hydrogen. 146. -rays carry positive charge. 147. The mass of helium nucleus is equal to the sum of the mass of two protons and two neutrons. 148. The splitting of nucleus of the atom is called fission. 149. The fusion process cntinues in the sun and other stars. WRITE DOWN THE UNITS OF FOLLOWING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Density Velocity Power Momentum Heat Area Pressure Acceleration Capacitance

10. Resistance 11. Power of Lens 12. Force 13. Stress 14. Volume 15. Electric Power
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16. Potential Difference 17. Charge 18. Capacity 19. Energy 20. Commercial unit of energy 21. Length 22. Mass 23. Time 24. Electric Current 25. Temperature 26. Luminous intensity 27. Amount of substance 28. Frequency 29. Electric Field Intensity

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