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Wind Design

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Note: Also for your kind attention the Drag comp k t ponent is not in ncluded as per BS 6399 P2 19 2.4.

5 Page 997 e 35 as in our case D= b and the cod states if D>b then include the Friction D = de b Drag componen nt. 1.Dyn namic Augment tation factor (C Cr) Buildi height abov ground level H = 47m, Ho ing ve owever Height of Walls for dry cladding ranges b/w 16 & ts 19 m) Buildi type = Fram buildings with structural walls around l ing med w lifts and stairs only Buildi Type Facto Kb = 1 (Tabl 1 BS 6399, Part2 1997) ing or le P Dynam Augmentat mic tion Factor Cr = 0.05(Figure 3 BS 6399, Pa 2 - 1987) art 2.Chec cking limit of applicability a Dynam augmentati factor Cr < 0.25 mic ion Heigh of the buildin H < 300m ht ng Both augmentation factor and the height of the bu a f h uilding are with the limits h hin hence the BS63 provisions 399 s are valid 3.Site wind speed Vs = Vb x Sa x Sd x Ss x Sp 2.2 V 2.2.1 of BS: 639 99-Part 2 Vb = 26.5 m/s Vb is the basic wind speed corresp 2 d ponds to hourly mean wind sp y peed at 10m he eight (wind speed correspo onds to 3 sec gust speed at 10 height = 45 g 0m 5m/s. ) Sa = 1+ 0.001 1 s Sa is the Altit s tude factor from (BS6 m 6399-Part II) s = 10 m 1 (si altitude (in meters above mean sea level) ite m m )) Sa = 1.01 1 99-Part II) (Re to table 3) Sd = 1 Sd is the Directio factor from (BS639 d on efer Ss = 1 Ss is the Seasion factor from (BS639 nal 99-Part II) Sp is the Probabi Sp = 1 p ility factor from (BS6 m 6399-Part II) Hence Vs = 26.77m/ e /s 4. Terr categories rain s Effect ht. He = 47 tive 7m (refer BS6399-part II, annex .figure E.1) B , e

5. Met thod of Wind Load calculatio considered as Standard me L on a ethod Effect wind speed tive d Ve = Vs x Sb V Sb = Terrain and bui T ilding factor (f from table 4) Considering clo C osest distance t sea = 10 km to m for He = 47 m corres e sponding Sb = 2.03 Ve = 26.77x2.03 =54 m/s 2 4.33 Dynam pressure ( has been calcu mic h ulated based on Standard meth n hod) qs = 0.613 Ve2 ( Cl.2.1.2 BS6399: :PartII-1997) qs = 0.613 x (54.33)2 = 1809N/m2 = 1.81KN/m2 Arriving at the extern wall pressu coefficients the building is considered a a whole nal ure s, as Factor Sb for stand dard method :For site in cou untry or up to 2km in town o Closest sea wi ind distance He m 10 km Sb e, Effective hei ight Closest se wind distan He, m ea nce <2 1.35 5 1.57 10 1.73 15 1.82 20 1.89 30 1.96



nsidered in ET TABS) Wind ( applied in X direction con l L= D L


D =85m, H=47m, D/H = 1.8 80

Wind Direct tion

Wind ( applied in Y direction considered in ETABS) l L= B


D ~85m, H=20 D/H = 1.8 0m, 80


Wind Direction
ction on buildi ing: Total wind force ac Total pressure, P = 0.85 (Pfront - Prear) (1+Cr p 0 r) Pfron - Pr Pfront = qs xCp x Ca x A nt C From BS 6399-2 : 1997 From (BS 6 m 6399 -2-1997

Cp = 1.1 (Table -5a of BS6399 Pa 2) 1 art Hence total force, P = 0.85 x qs xCp x Ca x A (1+Cr) e x P= 0.8 x qs x1.1 x Ca x Face area x (1+0.05) 85 Size effect factor Ca of Standard method (Fig.4, BS6399-P2 1997) a d Consid (Site in cou der untry) Closest distance to sea = 10 km a for eff fective height He (>30 to 50), so Zone A is considered H Consid (Site in cou der untry) Closest distance to sea ( 2 to <10 km a m) Wind ( applied in X direction considered in ETABS) l 85.m m l


Diagonal dimension a a = 97m From figu 4, BS6399 Part II: 1997 Z ure Zone A Ca = 0.82 2

Wind ( applied in Y direction con d nsidered in ETA ABS) l 85m m l


Diagonal dimension a a = 97m From figu 4, BS6399 Part II: 1997 Z ure Zone A Ca = 0.82 2

Height of the Wa all Hr


V = Vs x Sb Ve m/s

qs = 0.613 Ve2 kN/m2) (k

< 2m 1.35 36.140 5m 1.57 42.029 46.312 10m 1.73 15m 1.82 48.721 20m 1.89 50.595 NET PRESSURE ON THE BUILD P N DING p = 0.85 x qs x1.1 x0 5 0.82 x (1+0.05) N/mm2 = 0.8 qs 805
Load case : Wind on (+)X direction & (-)X direction c (

0 0.801 1 1.082 1 1.314

1.455 1.569

< 2m 5m 10 0m 15m Net Pr ressure KN/m2 0.645 0.871 1.0 058 1.171 NET PRESSURE ON THE BUILD P N DING p = 0.85 x qs x1.1 x0 5 0.82 x (1+0.03) N/mm2 = 0.5 qs 578
Load case : Wind on (+)Y direction & (-)Y direction c (

20m 1.263

Net Pr ressure KN/m2 2

< 2m 0.645

5m 0.871

10 0m 1.0 058

15m 1.171

20m 1.263

Check king External and Internal Pr a ressure P = Pe Pi (BS 639 P2 1997, 2.1 e 99 1.3.3) Pe = qsCpe Ca (BS 6399 P2 1997, q 6 Pi = qsCpi Ca (BS 6399 P2 1997, q 6 For Ex xternal Wind Pressure as per (BS 6399 P2 1997, ) 2 For D= 85 m, H= 47 m , with L= D = B = ~` 85m = 7 m shown in Figure 12, in terms of the scaling length b given by b = B or b = 2H, n e h , which hever is the sma aller, hence 2H = 2x47 = 94 m and B = 85 m hence b = 8 m then H 85 For Fr ront,,D/H = 1.8 calculated before 80 Cpe = 0.78, for Fron (Table 5 Ex nt xternal pressure coefficients C pe for vertical walls BS 6399 P2 1997) e l 9 Cpe = -0.5, Rear ( Table 5 Extern pressure coe T nal efficients Cpe f vertical wal BS 6399 P2 1997) for lls 2 Cpe = -1.3, Side Zon A Isolated shown figure next page( Tab 5 External pressure coeff ne n ble ficients Cpe for vertica walls BS 639 P2 1997) al 99 Cpe = -0.8, Side Zon B Isolated shown figure next page( Tab 5 External pressure coeffi ne n ble ficients Cpe for vertica walls BS 639 P2 1997) al 99 Ca = 0.82 for Diagon Dimension a = 97 m as ca 0 nal n alculated befor re qs = 1.569 KN/m2 as calculated be efore with H= 20 m the maxim 2 mum height of the wall under dry fixing f Pe = 0.85 x qs xCp x Ca x A (1+ 0 pe +Cr) = 0.85 x1. .569x 0.78 x 0 .82(1+0.05) = 0.896 KN/m2 for Front 0.82(1+ 0.05) = - 0.574 KN/m2 for Rear Pe = 0.85 x qs xCp x Ca x A (1+ 0 pe +Cr) = 0.85 x1. .569x(- 0.5) x 0 m Pe = 0.85 xqsxCpe x Ca x A (1+C = 0.85 x1.5 0 Cr) 569x (-1.3) x 0 .82(1+ 0.05)= -1.493 KN/m2for Side Zone A 2(1+ 0.05) = - 0.919 KN/m2 f Side Zone B Pe = 0.85xqs xCpe xCa x A (1+C 0 Cr)=0.85 x1.569 (-0.8) x 0.82 9x for nternal Wind Pr ressure For In Cpi = 0.2 Internal Pressure Coeffic cient as per (B 6399 P2 199 2.6.1) Tabl 16 BS 97, le For Ca a= 10 x 3vo a, olume of cavity between Wal and Cladding , BS 6399 P2 1997 Clause 2 y ll g 2 a = 10 x 3 0.06x20x where cav = 0.06 m Height = 20 m W 0 x85, vity H Width = 85 m a = 47 m Ca =0.86 From figure 4, BS639 Part II: 1997 Zone A 99 7 qs = 1.569 KN/m2 as calculated be efore with H= 20 m the maxim 2 mum height of the wall under dry fixing f Pi = 0.85 x qs xCpi x Ca x A (1+C = 0.85 x1.5 241 i Cr) 569x 0.2 x 0.86 6(1+0.05) = 0.2 KN/m2 Pe-Pi = 0.896 0.24 = 0.655 KN/ 2 for Front 41 /m Pe-Pi = -0.574 0.24 = - 0.815 KN/m2 for Rear 41 K r Pe-Pi = -1.493 0.24 = -1.734 KN 2 for Side Zone A 41 N/m Pe-Pi = - 0.919 0.2 = -1.16 KN 2 for Siode Zone B 241 N/m e

Theref fore the Max Net Wind Press N sure we will de esign for Cladd ing Height of wall < 20 m d In Com mpression = 1.263 KN/m2 In Suc ction = - 1.734 KN/m2

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