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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: Towns High School Your Name or Group Name: Chris Bush Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. behavioral Policy resource/infrastructure behavioral Planning resource/infrastructure ADMINISTRATIVE behavioral Budget resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Electronic Information resource/infrastructure behavioral Assessment resource/infrastructure behavioral CURRICULAR Curricular Integration resource/infrastructure behavioral Teacher Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Student Use resource/infrastructure behavioral Stakeholder Involvement resource/infrastructure behavioral Administrative Support resource/infrastructure SUPPORT behavioral Training resource/infrastructure behavioral Technical/Infrastructure Support resource/infrastructure behavioral Local Area Networking (LAN) resource/infrastructure behavioral District Area Networking (WAN) resource/infrastructure CONNECTIVITY behavioral Internet Access resource/infrastructure behavioral Communication Systems resource/infrastructure New Technologies INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

vey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent While Evaluator Comments the ideas for improvement exist, no X A policy exists, but has not been utilized X Technology has been untouched 5-8 X Outline of afor plan exists, but no with attempt has X Exists lowest priority X We are not allowed to buy technology with X Most staff members use administrative X Systems areare available X While there available resources, X Quite a few electronic resources, including X Online gradebooks are used, other tools X Tools and are available, but lack ofdepartments staff X Some are more technology based X Technology is available school wide, use is X Most teachers use some technology, but X Teachers have one computer per X Use is mainly limited to word processor anduse X Students will rarely technology in the X Recent attempts at involving teachers has X See above X Administration is consulted, but has X Administration is consulted, has X Training is but general nonexistent, or is X Training is general nonexistent, is the X Many do not or use support offered X Tech office is of limited usefulness and run X Printing and network drives only X School is full wired, although wireless X Data only X Data only X Limited by a lack of computer access, X Classroom access exists, but excessive X Email is the primary form of communication X Some students have been given email X While some teachers readily adopt new X While some teachers X X X readily adopt new very limited very limited

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