Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics: 5th Lecture, 2 October 2013
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics: 5th Lecture, 2 October 2013
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics: 5th Lecture, 2 October 2013
5th Lecture, 2 October 2013
M.Sc. Juho Tyster
Lecture contents
EMC measurements
Case study: EMC in electric vehicle applications
EMI measurements for conducted and radiated EMI
EMI characteristics and challenges within the electric vehicle (EV)
EMI inside the EV
Radiated EMI
EV charging interface, smart grids
Grid interference
EMC measurements
Antenna is any circuit element that couples the wave between
transmission line and surrounding space
Typical unintentional antennas in power electronics are the open-ended
wire agains ground plane, wire loop with current, or conductive plane,
chassis, etc. Against a ground potential
EM wave in
transmission line
EM wave in free
EM wave in
transmission line
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
Radiated EMI measurement
Radiated EMI is produced by the device under test (the power electronics
equipment), coupled through unintentional antennas
In EMI measurements, standardized antennas are used to receive these
radiated fields
Line impedance stabilizators
Electric supply grid impedance is not constant
Line impedance stabilization network (LISN) is a circuit that produces some
standardized grid impedance for measurement purposes
1 F
50 H
100 nF
1 k
CISPR 16-1 standard 50 / 50 H LISN for 150 kHz 30 MHz EMI
Grid side D.U.T. side
EMI out
Measurement methods for EMI
Conducted and radiated EMI is measured with EMI test receiver (a type of
radio frequency power meter), or less preferably, with spectrum analyzer
FCC (US) and CISPR (IEC/International) define the specifications for the
official test receiver
Suggested reading for details is the Henry W. Ott book
Details not required for understanding the principle
Conducted EMI: LISN + Test receiver + device under test
Radiated EMI: Test receiver + standard antennas + device under test
This all happens in an EMI room as defined by the standard
And once again, several national standards exist, such as FCC in North
America, CENELEC in Europe, and VDE in Germany
International procedures defined by IEC/CISPR
Generally very similar
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
FCC: Radiated EMI test method
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
FCC: Radiated EMI test method
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
Challenges in antenna
FCC: Conducted EMI test method
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
FCC: Conducted EMI test method
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
LISN (Line Impedance
Stabilization Network)
provides a known
impedance in the input,
and isolates the setup
EMI from the grid.
LISN outputs the
interference voltage from
an RF connector
EMI test receiver
Basically an ordinary superheterodyne radio receiver with standardized
intermediate frequency (IF) filter and a power meter in form of a peak
Measures the power across the EMI spectrum
Produces an EMI power spectrum estimate
This spectrum is compared to (national) limits
What the EMI receiver shows?
[Agilent web page http://www.agilent.com]
Limits, regulations
Comparing the test data with the regulation limits
[References: Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems,
Henry W. Ott, 2nd ed., Wiley 1988]
Class A: Office/Industrial
Class B:
Home/Consumer use
CISPR and EN limits, examples
E.g. CISPR (international) defines limits for typical equipment such as:
CISPR11: Industrial, medical, scientific
CISPR13: Consumer electronics
CISPR14: Home appliances (white goods), power tools
CISPR15: Lighting
CISPR22: Computers
EN 61800-3 for European markets of AC motor drives
Mainly interested in harmonic power quality in industrial AC drives
Limits depend on application type and target country
EMC in electric vehicles
EMI characteristics of an EV
Switching-mode power supplies, power cabling, and signal cabling
physically close together
Multiple junctions between cable harnesses, connectors
DC feed invites for bad cabling design
Separation between cables, current loops
Car itself presents a good RF shield due to metal chassis
Vehicle EMI couples to the grid when charging
Main components
Charging converter Storage battery
Power interconnections
Motor converter
EV power electronics
Control bus
EMI inside EV
Power electronics itself is the same as in any SMPS applications
IGBT or MOSFET based converters
All the potential EMI sources as in previously discussed topics
Interconnection cabling is similar to solar applications
DC link interconnection harness
Battery/charger location vs. motor converter location
Failure to prevent common-mode path via e.g. bearings can be detrimental
to bearing life time
Transient operation vs. steady-state: EMI dependence on load conditions
Car acceleration/deceleration (electric braking)
Load profile
EMC inside the vehicle, standardization is developing
Interference in auxiliary electronics, radio/audio/video
EMI inside EV vs. in-car electronics
Power filtering adds weight, space requirement, and cost (true for any
system, but compare a car vs. industrial installation)
Conducted EMI with shared storage battery
Control electronics (critical), leisure electronics (user experience)
Battery is the common point of coupling for conducted EMI
Currently standard CISPR measurement method for conducted EMI is
unable to cope with load transients (e.g. acceleration)
Measurement standards for EV are still under development
Short-time Fourier transform-based spectrum analysis is better choice for
car power electronics
Typical problem in FM radio band
Interconnection shielding vs.
Use of shielded harnesses and cabling results in lower conducted EMI
Common-mode return path in shield vs. chassis
Location and cabling of line impedance stabilization network in
measurements vs. real-world vehicle application
Closest match when LISN connected to battery with shielded cable, with
shield connected at both ends
But CISPR standard LISN is badly suited for EV measurements
Reducing SMPS-borne EMI
Spread-spectrum techniques employed
Variable switching frequency
Smaller filter size can achieve the same EMI level
Both battery charger and motor converter
Constant carrier
Radiated EMI in an EV
Communications electronics antenna field distribution is dependent on
passenger configuration [1]
Power electronics-borne radiated EMI sources typically outside the cabin
Field distribution still strongly dependent on chassis structure
Radiated EMI measurements standards are still developing [2]
Vehicle radiated EMI is still concentrated on combustion engine ignition
Wrong frequency spectrum
[1] L. Low, A. R. Ruddle, J. M. Rigelsford, R. J. Langley, Computed Impact of Human
Occupants on Field Distributions Within a Passenger Vehicle, IEEE EUCAP 2011
[2] Ferran Silva and Marc Aragn, Electromagnetic Interferences from Electric/Hybrid
Vehicles, IEEE General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 2011 XXXth URSI
Conclusions in in-car EMI
CISPR etc. standards not well suited for EV EMI measurements
Wrong test methods and no mutual agreement in the industry yet
In principle the design methods are the same as e.g. photovoltaic
applications, and prevention follows normal power electronics design
Car chassis is a good shield on itself, but external wiring harnesses can be
a major radiated EMI source
Grid-side interface
In case of all-electric vehicle, the storage battery is charged from the grid
Managing large number of charging EVs connected to the grid requires
some intelligence
Time distribution of charging events, and possible use of car energy
storage to meet grid peak power demand
Intelligent managing of distributed storages and charging, Smart Grid
Smart vs. grid power quality
Voltage sags, swells, individual EVs connecting to the grid
EVs vs. other power electronics directly connected to grid
Energy storage potential
Regulations still developing, new topic [3]
Smart does not mean the EMI problems are mitigated automatically
Still follows the design rules in grid interfaces, filtering etc.
EVs, photovoltaic power generation, fuel cell power, wind, all involve
direct connection of power electronics to the grid
[3] Magnus Olofsson, Power Quality and EMC in Smart Grid, IEEE 10th International
Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilization, 2009