Contoh PBL
Contoh PBL
Contoh PBL
In the 21st century up-to-date, promptly adaptable, practical knowledge form the
base for successful career, competitive advantage, success and achievements in the
life of graduates. Professional knowledge and language competencies are amongst
the skills and knowledge that promote career and success in life. The boom and
buzz words of the 21st century like lifelong learning, promptly adaptable
knowledge, self-directed study, multimedia or information society all reflect the
significant characteristics of the information society. In the learning society the
attitude to learning, the structure and organisation of the learning process have
been changing. The teaching-learning process moves from the product-based to
process-based learning, and, in parallel, both content and structure of lessons
encourage students to engage in active and meaningful learning. The learning
environment facilitates such instructional methods that require learners to actively
gather and apply knowledge, therefore, takes another shape in which the students
as well as the teachers roles and duties alter. Consequently, further teachinglearning methods evolve to meet the new requirements of the profession and the
demand of the higher education, notwithstanding the challenges of computerbased learning. Practical training and tutor groups as well as work placements get
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Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
Most of higher educational institutes face the problem how to transfer knowledge
and how to develop and ensure professional and up-to-date practical skills.
Nowadays, obviously, lifelong learning has proved to be fundamental and the use
of multimedia, computer-based teachinglearning as well as e-learning, which,
according to Stockley [1] all include the use of a computer or electronic device in
some way to provide training, educational or learning material 1 are all cutting a
bigger and bigger slice from the cake of education in the information society. At
the same time the learners must be trained and prepared to become an
independent, autonomous and lifelong learner who, as Oxford [2] claims, is able
to plan their active, conscious, and purposeful self regulation of learning2.
Nevertheless, the undergraduates must be trained and skilled so as to ensure the
application of powerful communication and professional skills in their jobs thus
helping them to make a career.
As a consequence of the development of industrial society into the information
society the teacher-centred learning environment was smoothly replaced by the
learner-centred environment, in which the process of learning and not the product
is emphasised. Since PBL is a learner-centered instructional method it
unambiguously promotes process-oriented learning and numerous other factors
that enhance its. Barrows et al. defined PBL as ...the learning which results from
the process of working towards the understanding of, or resolution of, a
problem[3]. During the classroom tutorials learners are actively engaged in the
learning material, cooperate in the tutor groups and solve authentic, complex, real
life problems thus gaining the theoretical knowledge. Boud and Feletti claimed:
Problem based learning is an approach to structuring the curriculum which
involves confronting students with problems from practice which provide a
stimulus for learning [4]. During the process students learn to solve problems,
train their communicative skills, will be capable of critical thinking, get prompt
feedback and be involved in student self- and peer-assessment. As a result, such
skills are fostered that will actively and successfully back them in their future
career. As Barrows [5] states the learning process will become an active,
integrated and constructive process (obviously) influenced by social and
contextual factors 3. Mayo et al. stated that PBL posed significant, contextualized,
authentic situations, and provided students with resources, guidance, and
instruction when students developed and applied domain knowledge and problemsolving skills [6]. PBL differentiates to a great extent from the traditional way of
teaching that student got familiar to in their primary and secondary education. The
principle behind PBL is to change the teaching-learning process and instead of
applying the theory practice (to put theory into practice, e.g. lab or trainings)
teaching process, PBL is characterised by the problem - practice theory
learning process. Students get to know the problem first, and after having time to
discuss and analyse the problem they actively gather and apply knowledge to
solve the problem and find one or multiple solutions. The theoretical learning
material will be discussed during the evaluation lecture that follows the tutor
In the student-centered learning environment that is desirable for PBL, the central
figure of the learning-teaching process is the student. The learning objective is not
the reproduction, recall and learning of passively received learning material but
the active and creative engagement of students in group work and in individual
study thus transferring the skills and knowledge. The individual, autonomous selfdirected learning gives the freedom to the learner to decide individually and
consciously on the learning strategy and on the time scale s/he wants to follow.
Within PBL students identify their learning goals, help plan the seminar, lead
discussions 4 [7], [8] and conduct self- and peer assessment. PBL requires some
prior knowledge to start with. Should students know nothing about the given
problem or field of profession, the tutor should recognise and give a minilecture
before the phases of PBL might start. PBL presumes a conscious way of learning
through which the student not only studies the learning material but also actively
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Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
learns it. Students must be aware of their prior knowledge and what they want to
learn and what learning strategy they want to apply. As a result, the learning
process becomes more interesting, more efficient and the students will become
more motivated and self-directed learners. Students will actively participate in the
learning process as well as actively take part in order to gain the knowledge (not
the teacher lectures the learning material, but the student gains the knowledge).
Learning becomes reflective learning that is the students with the help of the tutor
discuss the theory through the problem during the evaluation lecture that follows
the seminar or as it can be called the tutor group. The theoretical part of the
learning material is covered during these evaluation lectures.
The structure of the lesson, the students roles and their activity, as well as the
teachers role significantly differs from the conventional roles in the traditional
teaching-learning environment. Moust, Bouhuijs s Schmidt [9] determined the
phases of a PBL lesson in seven steps. The tutorials practically are split into two,
since the evaluation and assessment of a problem is conducted in the following
tutorial. The table below presents these seven steps:
1 Clarify terms
and concepts
that are not clear
2 Define the
3 Analyse the
4 Discussion
5 Formulate
learning goals
6 Self study
7 Evaluation
Student Roles
In a PBL tutorial the roles of the student also turns from passive to active.
Contrary to the conventional lesson, surviving the lesson is not a possible
alternative or behaviour, only active contribution to the discussion counts. A
student can play three main roles in a tutorial roles taken in a discussion or in
group dynamics are not listed -: chair person, assistant and group member [9]. The
tasks related to the various roles are summarised in the following table.
Group member
Provides structure
Makes notes and writes down matters that are relevant for him
Figure 2
Student rolses based on Moust, Bouhuijs and Schmidt
Similarly to the changed student roles, the roles of the teacher also change
compared to the roles in the traditional teaching-learning environment. The
teacher becomes a tutor and a facilitator, whose role is to create such a learning
environment in which students feel comfortable and are encouraged to form their
ideas freely. In this learning environment mistakes are considered as possible
learning opportunities and not indicators of serious lack of knowledge. Tutors, of
course, still have professional knowledge and should the discussion go sideway,
the tutor has to intervene by asking questions and send the discussion back to the
right direction. If problem-solving is stuck at some point in the tutor group, the
teacher again intervenes with his/her questions in order to roll the ball The tutor
must find the appropriate balance between allowing students to discuss issues on
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Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
their own and intervening in group interactions5 [11]. The tutors responsibility
is to stimulate the learning process, to encourage active cooperation within student
groups, and to monitor and assess the depth and complexity of the discussion, the
learning process, and the achievement of the learning goals. The teacher is not an
instructor, but a cognitive trainer, a coach who helps students become
independent, self-directed learners, who are capable of creative thinking therefore
ensuring more successful training. Consequently, PBL becomes again more
efficient and makes student more motivated in the learning process. At the same
time, the tutor should also develop classroom-and group-work norms, and the
attendance policy and give due dates and prescribe course fulfilment criteria.
PBL has successfully been being applied in several fields of profession since the
70s. PBL has proved to be successful in medical studies, in electronic engineering
as well as in economics education, since real life problems occur in each
discipline, these types of problems must be sold after graduation. If we restrict our
examination into higher education in foreign languages or in ESP (English for
Specific Purposes) it can be noted that these are content-based, process-oriented
educational forms, where language becomes a tool. In the fields of ESP it is
inevitable that the teacher/tutor should be familiar with the profession thus
resulting in a content-based educational form, where PBL can be applied.
There are four-five types of problems that can be applied in PBL courses. These
are case studies, simulations, role-plays, so-called ill-structured i.e. problems
with multiple solutions and task-based or project-based problems. These types
can all be solved in group- and team- work or in workgroups. Self study is carried
out outside the tutorial as the form of autonomous, individual study. Workgroups
and/or group-work are the basic learning structures in PBL. They help to create
smaller learner- and working communities, to learn and work in these
communities and help students take on their ideas and arguments. A more liberal,
looser group dynamics make it possible for the students to learn such
communication skills like right questioning, brainstorming or arguing. They learn
to actively participate in the work process, since a PBL course always closes with
self- and peer- assessment. If the student is confident and feels that his/her opinion
and work is important for the group s/he will definitely become more motivated
and his/her learning efficiency grow.
Case Studies
The application of case studies in the traditional learning environment has already
required an active participation in the learning process. However, case studies can
be solved individually and do not require group discussions outside the classroom.
Case studies can be not only tailor-made, simplified case studies, but case studies
taken from journals, annual report, or periodicals as well. The tutors task is to
select such problems, debates or studies taken from real life cases that make the
tutorial up-to-date, more interesting and attractive.
The merger of simulations and problem-based learning (PBL) can enhance both
active-learning strategies, on condition that adequate software is available.
Simulations benefit by using a PBL framework to promote student-directed
learning and problem-solving skills to explain a simulated dilemma with multiple
solutions. Further brainstorming and a discussion of possible other solutions can
be made outside the classroom. The practical usage of simulation games can be
seen during work placements which enable students to try out solutions found in
simulations in real life circumstances. PBL benefits because simulations structure
the information students receive to focus learning on the intended curriculum and
increase the strategy's effectiveness in a wider variety of venues. A combined
strategy - a PBL simulation - places its simulation at the forefront of learning and
helps students and teachers sift through the overwhelming complexity that can
arise in a more pure PBL [10].
In role plays students are guided to a certain role within the framework of a given
multimedia education software, in which they have to make strategic decisions
and must undertake the positive and negative consequences of the decisions. Role
plays can also be conducted in classroom frame, however, it looses its content of
A. Tick
Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
these problems help most to learn the ideas, concepts and techniques. The learning
goal of these problems is to emphasise the adequate depth of knowledge and not
the breadth of content covered. There is no unique solution, but solution
alternatives must be presented in case of these open-ended, complex problems. It
is not enough for students to recall the already learnt material but it has to be
actively used in order to enable students to support their own version of solution
and/or to give valid criticism and argumentation to others solutions.
Task-based Problems
Project-based Learning
and/or a week can be dedicated as a project week, and the teams have to finish the
project by due date.
PBL-Support Systems
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Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
Number of Answer
Number of Answer
Number of Answer
Figure 3
Frequency of answers in case of all the students, foreign students and Hungarian students
Upon evaluating the questionnaire neither the overwhelming success nor the
failure of PBL can be concluded. Evaluating the questions one by one it can be
noted that the students find PBL courses interesting (3.27), they discuss up-todate, real-life and relevant problems with pleasure, and are able to link the
theoretical knowledge to the problem. (3,8). Majority of the students prefer
teamwork and feel that they have learnt quite a lot from each other (3,08).
Regarding self-directed study, it would be advisable for students to work, do some
research and carry out self study in groups outside the classroom. It is quite
promising that two thirds of the students believe that they have studied as much
(3,23) as they could have done in a conventionally structured course and they
think they have learnt as thoroughly with PBL as they would have done on a
traditional course (3,06). Bearing in mind that the students have got used to the
conventional way of teaching throughout their earlier studies, the 3.23 result can
be considered a success. The average 2.97, however, which refers to the statement
that students would have understood the theory better in a conventional lectureseminar form, contradicts a bit to the previous result. In my opinion, the reason
behind the above is that students did not really enjoy the courses (2.97),
furthermore, the role of teacher/tutor comes to the forefront, since it is the tutors
role to create such a good atmosphere and build the group dynamics, in which
students are not frustrated and have the courage to open up and give his/her
opinion. For the question referring to the study time three-quarters of students
think that they had to spend more time on studying and preparing for exams.
However, this self-directed research and study is one of the crucial points of
PBL. The teacher/tutor/facilitator will always be available for face-to-face
consultation either individually or in group forms. Evaluating the questionnaire by
separating the Hungarian and foreign students it can be noted that PBL are more
popular and acknowledged amongst foreign students (primarily students on the
Erasmus exchange programme from western countries) than among Hungarians.
Reasons might root in the differences in the educational structure and the culture
of the countries. In order to make PBL more successful and more efficient not
only the students but the teachers must be prepared and trained as well. In my
opinion, the slightly worse Hungarian results reflect teacher resistance and
reluctance to PBL, since Hungarian teachers have also socialised in the
conventional educational structure and way of teaching. First the teacher ought to
be prepared for the application of a new method and their commitment might
bring the smashing success of problem-based learning.
Both the challenges of the 21st century and the requirements of the professions
force higher educational institutes to integrate the training of problem solving
skills, team work and decision making in their curriculum. PBL has proved to be a
successful tool to a great extent, since it is capable of converting the passively
gained knowledge into an active one. The types of activities using PBL help to
create and train such skills like efficient communication skills, good presentation
skills, good meeting skills and at the same time prepare for teamwork.
Furthermore, this way of learning also prepares students for individual, life long
This paper has examined some potential activity types that can be integrated in
PBL courses, some PBL support systems, some pitfalls and has presented the
result of a survey on PBL made among the students studying on the dual awards
programme in English at BBS FIMB. Two statements can be made as a result of
the survey at the Faculty of International Business and Management of the
Budapest Business School. On the one hand, the students, who are used to the
traditional giving lecture-learn-report/recall way of learning after their
elementary and secondary studies, are open to the PBL, however, foreign students
are more skilled for opinion forming and/or self-directed study. On the other hand,
when examining the teacher/tutor side, the question whether the teachers are
prepared and trained for PBL has arisen. Are they really trained for the facilitatortutor role? There have been feedbacks from various courses saying that the teacher
does not do anything, and/or the students are left alone. As a next step, I would
like to investigate teachers attitude to and readiness for the PBL.
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Application of Problem-Based Learning in Classroom Activities and Multimedia
In summary, it can be argued that with the application of PBL in various courses
the students have become more confident, more self-secured students with more
practical knowledge, who can stand by their opinions and gain such valuable skills
that will enhance learning motivation and efficiency and as a result the ability to
achieve and succeed in the market [15].
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Miao, Y.: Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Virtual ProblemBased Learning Environment, PhD dissertation, Der Technischen
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MacKinnon, M. M.: CORE Elements of Student Motivation in Problembased Learning. In M. Theall (Ed.) Motivation from within: Approaches
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