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Sari Dumai Sejati


Operation Manual for Boiler

Combustion Optimization and
Automation Scheme

Hangzhou HollySys Automation Co., Ltd


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................3
2 OPERATE DISPLAY EXAMPLE..................................................................................................................................3
3 INSPECTION AND SETTING WORK BEFORE PUTTING AUTO MODE INTO FUNCTION.................................................4
4 CONTROL SCHEME AND OPERATION DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................4

1 Boiler drum level automation control...........................................................................................4

2 Main-steam temperature automation control..............................................................................6
3 Furnace negative pressure automation control.........................................................................7
4 Secondary air automation control.................................................................................................8
5 Primary air automation control......................................................................................................9
6 Coal feeder automation control...................................................................................................11
7 Coordination control......................................................................................................................13
5 AUTOMATION PUT INTO FUNCTION STEPS............................................................................................................15
1 Drum levelmain feed-waterautomation..............................................................................15
2 Main-steam temperaturedesuperheaterautomation........................................................15
3 Furnace negative pressureinduced airautomation..........................................................15
4 Primary air automation.................................................................................................................15
5 Secondary air automation............................................................................................................15
6 Coal automation............................................................................................................................15
7 Bed temperature automation.......................................................................................................15
8 Loadmain-steam flowor main-steam pressure auto coordination.................................15
6 REFERENCE GRAPH ..........................................................................................................................................15

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme







Automation Scheme
1 General
PT. Sari Dumai Sejati DUMAI 2*16MW project equipped with 3 unit 130t/h CFB running in
main-steam pipe mode, the automation control ratio is low, the already function automation control of
feed water and desuperheater water is not so good, the whole combustion system isnt running in
automation mode. The function of combustion automation will be more economical and also been
able to protect from not-in-time manual operate and even mis-operation. The manual is to make sure
of the reliability and safety during the combustion automation commission work.
The boiler combustion automation loop including: feed water automation, desuperhater water
automation, induced air automation, primary air automation, secondary air automation, boiler bed
temperature automation, coal feeder automation, boiler pressure automation and coordination control.

Operate display example


track mode, cant operate;

When the color of manual operator is gray

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

When the color of manual operator is yellow force manual, only can manual operation
allowed, not allowed to put into auto mode.
When the color of manual operator is green manual, able to operate manual and allowed
to put into auto mode.
When the color of manual operator is purple : its in auto mode, manual change the output command
is not allowed, but switch to manual control is allowed.
Process value
Set point
Running mode

Valve output
auto mode
manual mode

Quickly increase/decrease

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

Graph 1

operate panel

Inspection and setting work before putting auto mode into function
Its suggested to switch to relative process control graph to make sure things like the controlled

parameter normal (no sudden change),device status be normal (no fault), still got space for manual
regulate before putting into auto mode. Operators may choose to put into auto mode after making sure all
the parameters are normal. Modify the set point according to requirements after putting into auto mode,
then system will automatically adjust the controller. If the adjusted parameters are over the setting limits,
the control loop will switch to manual control mode automatically and alarm, then operator should
accordingly adjust manually.

Control scheme and operation description


Boiler drum level automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Main feed water loop choose typical 3-element cascade PID controller, by adjusting feed water
control valve to control drum level. Control drum level by main controller, control feed-water flow by
vice controller, using the main steam flow as a feed-forward signal to directly fix feed-water flow.
Automation loop equips with switch on and cut condition, its not allowed to put into auto mode
when the required conditions are not meet. The automation mode will be cut when the control valve
fault, signal fault or the differential between set-point and drum level is high. When drum level is in
abnormal situation, fluctuation frequently and drum level high II or low II happens, its no need to
switch to manual mode, because the controller function direction is correct. Besides after you switch
to manual mode, you will adjust toward the same direction, so generally no need to switch to manual
mode at this particularly abnormal situation, unless its dangerous.
The purpose of main feed-water automation is to control drum level, including single-element
control and 3-element control. Only when the load (boiler main-steam flow) is >30% rated capacity
(40t/h), the main feed-water automation is allowed to put into function.
Before putting into auto mode, operators should manually adjust the drum level to be stable,
make sure main feed-water flow signal, main steam flow signal and drum level signal are normal (no
fault), then put bypass feed-water control valve into auto mode and change set-point.

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme


Control objective


Control objective: drum level

mainsteam flow, feed-water flow
Actuator: main
control valve


check if the control valve move smoothly or not, the deviation between valve output and feedback
<2.0%, the feedback better in range of 15%-75%, by adjust low capacity bypass to meet this
requirement , the deviation between drum level and set-point <30mm, otherwise manually
adjustment required. Operators may put it into auto mode after the drum level is normal, and
change the set-point.


Automation cut condition

When in auto mode and any of blow conditions happens, the controller immediately switch to
manual mode and alarm.
1the deviation between control valve output and feedback >10%
2the deviation between drum level and set-point >60mm
3the deviation between feed-water flow and set-point >45t/h
4main-steam flow over limitnormally 30t/h< flow <150t/h, and change rate <30t/h
5feed-water flow over limitnormally 20t/h< flow <150t/h, and change rate <30t/h
6drum level over limitnormally -150mm< drum level <150mm, and change rate <30mm


Main-steam temperature automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Desuperheater water loop use cascade PID controller, by adjusting desuperheater water valve to
control overheat outlet temperature. Using vice controller to control desuperheater water outlet
temperature (after water-spray temperature), using main controller to control overheat outlet

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

Need to use main-steam flow , air flow signal to feed-forward control.


Control objective

Control objective
steam temperature



Participate signal main




desuperheater outlet temperature(after water-spray); inlet temperature participate in feed-forward

Need to use main-steam flow , air flow signal to feed-forward control.


check if the control valve move smoothly or not, make sure the deviation between valve output

and feedback <2.0%, the valve is adjustable, the deviation between main steam temperature and setpoint <5, otherwise manually adjustment required. Operators may put it into auto mode when mainsteam temperature and main-steam flow is stable, and change the set-point.

Automation cut condition

When in auto mode and any of blow conditions happen, the controller immediately switch to manual
mode and alarm.
1the deviation between control valve output and feedback>10%;
2the deviation between main steam temperature and set-point >60;
(3) the deviation between desuperheater outlet temperature(after water-spray) and set-point
4main steam temperature over limitnormally 150< temp <500, and change rate <2
5 desuperheater outlet temperature(after water-spray) over limit normally 150< temp
<500, and change rate <2

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme


Furnace negative pressure automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Adjust induced air fan VFD by single-loop PID controller to maintain furnace negative pressure at
set-point. Meanwhile using primary air command and secondary air command as feed-forward
signal to fix IDF VFD output to avoid fluctuation.


Control objective


Control objective 2 for 2 of

furnace negative pressure.
Participate signal primary
air control command and
secondary air control command
ActuatorIDF VFD

check if the control valve move smoothly or not, make sure the dead-band area < 2.0%, the valve

is adjustable the deviation between negative pressure and set-point <30Pa, otherwise manually
adjustment required. Before put into auto mode, change the IDF VFD output safety range (automation
control output will not exceed these limits). Operators may change the set-point after put into auto
mode, and operators may also change the auto mode output limits to keep it at safety range.

Automation cut condition

When in auto mode and any of blow conditions happen, the controller immediately switch to
manual mode and alarm.
1the deviation between IDF VFD output and feedback >10%
2the deviation between furnace negative pressure and set-point >300Pa
3 negative pressure signal over limit normally 700Pa< pressure signal <300Pa, and
change rate <300Pa

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme


Secondary air automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Adjust SAF VFD by cascade PID controller using oxygen, total secondary air flow and total coal
flow signal. System will automatically calculate the required secondary air flow according to the
main-steam flow set-point, and using oxygen to fix secondary air flow. If coal increasing then will
increase secondary air flow, if coal decreasing then will decrease secondary air flow.
When negative pressure > 80Pa, temporary stop increasing the secondary air flow. When
negative pressure <-300Pa, temporary stop decreasing the secondary air flow. Cancel the temporary
stop adjusting limits until induced air automation have been adjust to normal range.


Control objective


Control objective oxygen

content, secondary air flow,
coal quantity, main-steam
ActuatorSAF VFD

Before put into automation, SAF VFD output safety range should be set, and make sure the

feedback is in this safety range. After furnace negative pressure put into auto mode control, then put
secondary air and primary air into auto mode control. SAF VFD feedback range better at 15%----80%,
otherwise manually adjustment required. After put into automation, operators may change oxygen

Automation cut condition

When in auto mode and any of blow conditions happen, the controller immediately switch to
manual mode and alarm.

1the deviation between SAF VFD output and feedback >10%

2the deviation between oxygen value and set-point 3

Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

3the deviation between secondary air flow and set-point >20Km3/h

4 secondary air flow over limit normally 100M3/h< flow signal <80000 M3/h, and change rate
<10000 M3/h
5oxygen signal over limitnormally 1< oxygen signal <10, and change rate <1.


Primary air automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Adjust PAF VFD by cascade PID controller using boiler bed temperature, total primary air flow
and total coal flow signal. System will automatically calculate the required primary air flow according
to the load set-point, and using bed temperature to fix primary air flow. If coal increasing then will
increase primary air flow, if coal decreasing then will decrease primary air flow.
When negative pressure > 80Pa temporary stop increasing the primary air flow. When
negative pressure <-300Pa temporary stop decreasing the primary air flow. Cancel the temporary
stop adjusting limits until induced air automation have been adjust to normal range.

PA flow dynamic
set point
2) Control objective

PA flow set-point,
no need to change
and changed value
will not function.


Control objective boiler bed

flow, coal quantity, mainsteam flow.
ActuatorPAF VFD

Before put into automation, PAF VFD output safety range should be set, and make sure the

feedback is in this safety range. After furnace negative pressure put into auto mode control, then put
secondary air and primary air into auto mode control. PAF VFD feedback range better at 30%----80%,
otherwise manually adjustment required. After put into automation, no need to change the set-point.

Automation cut condition

When in auto mode and any of blow conditions happen, the controller immediately switch to
manual mode and alarm.


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

1the deviation between PAF VFD output and feedback >10%

2the deviation between bed temperature and set-point100
3the deviation between primary air flow and set-point >30Km3/h
4primary air flow over limitnormally 100000M3/h< flow signal <50000 M3/hand change rate
<2000 M3/h


Coal feeder automation control

Basic control logic and scheme

Adjust total coal feeder manual operator by cascade PID controller using boiler load, boiler bed
temperature, drum pressure and coal feeder speed signals. Then use the total coal feeder manual
operator to automatically adjust the coal feeder that have been put into auto mode (at least 2 of 4),
meanwhile using oxygen deviation as a feed-forward signal to fix coal feeder output.
#1 coal feeder flow


The moment coal flow when put into

auto mode no need to change and
changed value will not function.

Bed temperature system

value no need to
change and




Control objective and Actuator:

Control objectivedirectly control the speed of coal feeder, indirectly control main-steam flow or bed
Actuator4 coal feeder

Operators should make sure all the coal feeder running normally and manually adjust them to


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

stable condition, then put them into auto mode in sequence (at least 2 of 4 put into auto mode, better
4 of 4). The set-point of total coal quantity may change by operators in total coal manual operator,
then system will automatically increase or decrease the auto-mode coal feeder to make the actual
total coal quantity be equal with coal quantity set-point. The deviation between 4 coal feeder is
allowed, operators may switch the coal feeder to manual mode for adjusting and making the balance
and put it into auto mode again after adjusting properly (meet bed temperature average allocate). The
transfer between auto mode and manual mode is bump less at any time. Operators may switch any
single coal feeder to manual mode when the deviation is not normal and put into auto mode again
when the speed is manually change to normal range. There is no need to change the set-point of any
single coal feeder.
The total coal manual operator is allowed to put into auto mode only when more than 2 coal
feeders have been put into auto mode. The boiler will be running in automation after the total coal
manual operator been put into auto mode, fixed main-steam flow or fixed main-steam pressure mode
will be select-able. Operators may change the main-steam flow set-point or main-steam pressure setpoint after choose running mode. After choose control mode, modification and set-point are not
allowed at any single coal feeder manual operator and total coal manual operator. Operators should
change these values at coordination part.

When in auto mode, any of the below 8 conditions happens, the controller immediately switch to
manual mode and alarm.

1more than two coal feeder manual operator in manual mode

2the deviation between main-steam flow and set-point > 45T
3the deviation between main-steam pressure and set-point >2Mpa
4the deviation between bed temperature and set-point > 200
5the deviation between coal quantity output and set-point >20T
6main-steam flow <70T
7main-steam pressure signal over limitnormally 2Mpa< pressure signal <10Mpa, and change
rate <1Mpa
8 main-steam flow signal over limit normally 70t/h< flow signal <150t/h, and change


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

Coordination control

Operator graph description:


1 data

2 data

3 data

4 data

5 data

6 data


Total coal

Press PID
Bed Temp PID


7 data


Total coal MAN

Upside data of group 1: bed temperature change Steam
rate per
Decrease 0.5T coal to

avoid bed temperature increase sharply when the change rate is >0.01. Increase 0.5T coal to
avoid bed temperature decrease sharply when the change rate is <-0.01.
Downside data of group 2: steam product of 1T coal (weighted average value of past 8

Upper data of group 2predicted coal quantityautomatically calculate according to the coal


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme

quality of past 6 hours and present main-steam flow set-point.

Downside data of group 2: coal quantity adjust range, default 0.5T, coal feeder output will
adjust and control at the range of 0.5T of predicted coal quantity. Operators may change this data to a lower
value when the coal quantity is not allowed to change sharply. Decreasing this value will make controller work
stable, but will infect the response speed to the main-steam flow change. This value is not allowed be >2,
otherwise the bed temperature will highly fluctuation, better set between the range of 0.5~1.5.

Upper data of group 3actual total coal-feed quantity.

Downside data of group 3actual total coal-feed quantity COMMAND.

Upside data of group 4: Max bed temp set-point950

This is the allowed maximum bed temperature set-point at present situation. If any
temperature be higher than this value, then system will decrease coal flow and forbid to
increase coal flow ,the decrease limit range is: up limit 2.5T, down limit 1T, (only allowed to
decrease, not allowed to increase).
Downside data of group 4: Max main-steam flow set-point. When the actual main-steam flow
is higher than this value, force to decrease total coal quantity adjust range, the decrease limit
range is: up limit 2.5T, down limit 1T, meanwhile to restrain the increase of coal feeder output.
(only allowed to decrease, not allowed to increase).

Upside data of group 5actual average bed temperaturedelete the maximum and
minimum data, choose the average value of the remain 4 values.
Downside data of group 5average bed temperature set-point. This value will not put into
function when the bed temperature is changing following the fixed main-steam flow or fixed
pressure mode, when its in following mode, the fluctuation range is 20.

Upside data of group 6: actual main-steam pressure.

Downside data of group 6: main-steam pressure set-pointoperators may modify this value
when in fixed main-steam pressure control mode, set-point will not function when in fixed
main-steam flow control mode.

Upside data of group 7: actual main-steam flow.

Downside data of group 7: main-steam flow set-pointoperators may modify this value when
in fixed main-steam flow control mode, set-point will not function when in fixed-pressure
control mode.

Control mode: fixed main-steam pressure control mode and fixed main-steam flow control
mode switch button, choose proper control mode according to requirement during normally


Operator Manual for Boiler Combustion Optimization and Automation Scheme


Automation put into function steps

Drum levelmain feed-waterautomation

Main-steam temperaturedesuperheaterautomation

Furnace negative pressureinduced airautomation

Primary air automation

Secondary air automation

Coal automation

Bed temperature automation

Loadmain-steam flowor main-steam pressure auto coordination


Only after induced air putting into automation, primary air and secondary air automation been
Only after primary air or secondary air put into automation, total coal feeder automation (mainsteam flow or main-steam pressure control mode) been allowed.
Main feed-water automation, desuperheater water automation are independent, no influence with
other automation system.
Slag quantity is very low and not frequently desalg, so its no meaning to put bed pressure into automation

Reference graph


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