Fluid Flow Fundamentals
Fluid Flow Fundamentals
Fluid Flow Fundamentals
mechanics of fluid flow. This article outlines the basics of both monophase and multiphase flow.
Winter 1996 61
Flow structures changing with deviation.
The mixing layer thickness is:
For a given pipe deviation = constant Holdup and velocity profiles are deter-
For a horizontal pipe 0 Velocity mined by the pipe deviation, average
For a vertical pipe water holdup and the size of the mixing
layer. In nearly vertical wells up to 20
(top), the mixing layer is large and extends
across the pipe diameter. There is a
smooth varying mix of oil and water across
ho l
er ca
at o
the pipe. As pipe deviation is slightly
w L
Top Bottom
M laye
increased, gravity ensures there is a higher
ixi r
Nearly vertical well
Holdup concentration of oil in the upper section.
Oil and water (mixed) 1
everywhere across the In moderate to highly deviated wells of 20
section of the pipe.
to 85 (middle), portions of the pipe have
Decreasing Smooth velocity
profiles. monophasic fluid flow. The multiphase flu-
water holdup Almost linear holdup 0
ids segregate by gravity with the heavy
profiles. Top Bottom fluid at the bottom of the pipe. The mixing
layer moves towards the top of the pipe,
and this domain has the most complex
flow structure with large gradients of veloc-
ity and holdup distributions. At low flow
rates, backflow may occur, where water is
Increasing recirculated. The water velocity will be
average Velocity
negative in the lowest portion of the pipe.
water holdup
In nearly horizontal and horizontal wells,
from 85 to 95, the mixing layer becomes
Multiphase flow structures. Downhole
0 small, almost disappearing at 90 (bottom).
multiphase flow consists of a mixing layer
The flow is monophasic oil at the top of the
of bubbles between two monophase lay- Deviated well Top Bottom pipe and monophasic water at the bottom
ers. The mixing layer thickness ()
Very complex flow of the pipe. As soon as the well deviates
depends on the pipe diameter and inclina- Holdup
structure. 1 slightly from 90, the monophasic oil and
tion. In vertical wells, the mixing layer is Monophasic water water streams flow at different velocities.
infinitely large, and mixing is uniform phase at the bottom
across the pipe. For horizontal wells with of the pipe.
stratified flow, there is essentially no mix- Dispersed oil phase at
ing layer. In deviated wells, as average the uppermost of the
pipe. 0
water holdup increases, the mixing layer
Large velocity and Top Bottom In a system with multiphase flow, buoy-
moves up across the pipe as shown by the holdup gradients. ancy due to pipe deviation causes different
position of the local water holdup profile
density phases to separate with a mixing
(blue line) within the red box.
layer of dispersed bubbles in between.
Separation into at least two different immis-
cible phases with a mixing layer in between
Multiphase Flow Dynamics leads to what is called a flow structure.
In general, production logs are used to Multiphase flow structuresat least in
diagnose unwanted water or gas entries at two-phase floware characterized by the
downhole conditons, where: oil and water width of the mixing layer. Under these con-
are immiscible; gas is miscible with water, ditions, another parameter of the flow sys-
Top Bottom
in small quantities; and gas is miscible with tem becomes critical to understanding the
Nearly horizontal well
oil, in large quantities. At a given pressure Holdup flow structure: deviation angle of the pipe
and temperature, oil and water can absorb Almost stratified flows. 1
from vertical. The mixing layer thickness is
Monophasic oil at the
a given amount of gas until they are saturat- top and monophasic fixed for a given pipe diameter and borehole
ed with gas. Above this gas saturation con- water at the bottom. deviation. As the overall fractional volume
Narrow mixing layer.
centration limit, gas cannot mix further and Oil and water streams 0
of water in the pipewater holdup
stays as a separate gas phase. So for a given flow at different Top Bottom changes, the position of the mixing layer
pressure and temperature, there can be up moves across the pipe diameter (above left).
to three phases: oil with gas in solution Even with a relatively simple two-phase
traditionally called oil; water with a small 3. Flow structure and speed are phase-steering mecha- system, such as water and oil, the effect of
quantity of gas in solutiontraditionally nisms that may accelerate or slow down the physical- borehole deviation on mixing and flow
chemical equilibrium of the three fluid phases. Empiri-
called water; and free gasgas.3 cal equations are used for transforming the quantities structure is complicated. At least three types
When more than one phase is flowing in a seen downhole to surface, ambient conditions. These of flow structures can be defined based on
pipe, gravity ensures that the light phase corrections are small and approximate, and therefore the pipe deviation angle.
it is appropriate to neglect these steering effects at log-
travels at a faster speed than the heavier ging conditions. First, in vertical wells, the oil and water
phase. The speed difference is called the slip 4. The holdup profile can be approximated by a linear phases are fully mixed across the entire pipe
velocity. This phenomenon generates a dif- function. cross section. Even for wells with a deviation
ference between the phase flow-rate ratios less than 20, the mixing layer is large and
and the phase concentrationsfor example, the two phases are mixed across the pipe
in an oil-and-water system, the water cut is with a smooth velocity profile. However, as
always smaller than the water holdup. soon as the pipe is deviated further, gravity
62 Oilfield Review
600 Oil
80 89 90 91
Deviation from vertical
Winter 1996 63
At 91, the water flows downhill much water holdup. Here the velocity profiles are
Pure oil
faster than the oil because its density is complex, sometimes changing direction
Pure water higher. The oil-water interface level drops, across the pipe, and detailed measurements
and the water holdup is low. At high flow are necessary to accurately determine the
90 rates, the dependence on borehole devia- multiphase flow rates. In Domain-3, in the
3 tion is smaller because the increasing shear upper region of the plot are the nearly hori-
4 2
oil 1 Pure
frictional forces against the wall and inter- zontal wells, and their special problems
water face dominate. Under high flow-rate condi- with stratified fluid distributions and flow.
tions, the position of the interface, and Here, detailed holdup and velocity flow
0% 100%
Average water holdup
therefore average water holdup, is not as information is needed to determine accurate
dependent on borehole deviation as is the flow rates.
case in lower rates of flow. Finally, there is Domain-4 in the leftmost
In multiphase flow, the flows are usually region, where development is still ongoing
considered turbulent, although laminar flow to understand flow velocity and holdup
can occur when the borehole is perfectly distributions. Generally speaking, this
horizontal. As soon as the borehole is no domain is symmetrical to Domain-2. The
Four domains of flow derived from flow longer horizontal, one phase accelerates top of the pipe cross section is filled by
structure variation with deviation and and generates turbulence. The Reynolds monophasic oil and the bottom by a bub-
holdup. The traditional PL environment number, which is clearly defined in a pipe bly mixture. The velocity profile across the
Domain-1 has small borehole deviations with monophasic flow, can be redefined in pipe is complex. This is currently an area of
and a large mixing layer across the entire
pipe. Holdup and velocity profiles are multiphase flow in several ways by using the active research.
slowly changing. Domain-2 has deviated mixture velocity or the velocity of each
wells with high water holdup and complex phase and slip velocity. At present, there is Modeling in the Future
water velocity profiles. In highly deviated no general consensus on what to use for an An increasingly sophisticated understand-
and horizontal wells, Domain-3, the mixing
appropriate definition of Reynolds number ing of the mechanisms of different types of
layer is small and the flow consists of strat-
ified flow with monophasic regions at the in multiphase flow. fluid flow is helping to improve production
bottom and top of the pipe. Domain-4 has The types of flow structures, discussed here, logging services. Fluid-flow models, based
deviated holes and low water holdup. can be classified into four domains, with on a better understanding of the different
respect to the borehole pipe deviation and flow structures, are routinely used to help
the average water holdup. (left). interpret PL measurements.
In Domain-1, the lowest region of the plot, However, the current models are still too
are the traditional production logging mea- limited to accurately tackle all the con-
surements and techniquesapplied to verti- stantly changing flow structures actually
cal and nearly vertical wells. These wells seen within oil wells. The challenge is to not
have simple velocity and holdup profiles, only develop these improved models, but
where average measurements are suffi- also to introduce appropriate new logging
ciently accurate to determine fluid-flow measurements that adapt to every possible
rates. In the right region of the plot, flow structure.
Domain-2, are deviated wells with high
64 Oilfield Review