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Tilt-Up Building Seismic Design - Precast or Cast-In Place

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Tilt-Up Building Seismic Design

Precast or Cast-in Place?

By Joe Steinbicker, P.E., S.E. and John Lawson, S.E.

Tilt-up buildings have been successfully designed and constructed
throughout the United States for over fifty years. Today, the tilt-
up method of construction is used extensively to build all types

of buildings, currently at a rate of 300,000,000 square feet of
tilt-up concrete panels constructed in the United States each
year. Recently, with the adoption of the 2006 edition of the

International Building Code (IBC) in conjunction with the
ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings t and Other
igh what

Structures, there has developed some confusion p y rover build
ing type should tilt-up construction be classified for the purposes

of seismic design monolithic cast-in-place or precast?

Traditional Precast
Courtesy of John Lawson
vs. Tilt-up

i n Structural Wall

Traditionally, precast concrete buildings Tilt-up panels are generally handled

are considered as structures comprised only once. They are lifted or tilted from
of numerous small individual pieces of Current tilt-up engineering practices

the casting slab and erected in their final
concrete cast at an off-site plant and
trucked to the jobsite for assemblage

g a
position in one, continuous operation.
Tilt-up panels are generally of such large
typically use the tilt-up concrete wall
panels as Structural Walls, whether one

and erection. These traditional precast size and weight that they can only be story or multi-story. ASCE 7-05 defines
elements are often in the form of beam

a constructed on site and in close proximity a Structural Wall as, Walls that meet
Structural PracticeS

elements, column elements, horizontal to their final location in the structure. the definition for bearing walls or shear

plank elements, and narrow vertical wall Panel gravity loads are supported walls. Furthermore, a Bearing Wall is
elements. Generally, seismic loads are directly by the foundation instead of defined as, Any wall meeting either
resisted by coupling beams to columns being supported by a structural frame. of the following classifications: 1) Any
for frame resistance, and coupling narrow Typically, tilt-up panels are erected before metal or wood stud wall that supports
wall elements together for composite shear the structural frame. Tilt-up panels are more than 100 lbs/linear ft (1,459 N/m)
wall resistance. In these situations, the usually load-bearing for gravity loads of vertical load in addition to its own
individual element has little or no lateral and lateral loads. In fact, a whole weight, 2) Any concrete or masonry
resistance on its own, but relies upon the industry developed around the tilt-up wall that supports more than 200 lbs/
assemblage to achieve lateral resistance. construction method. Tilt-up concrete linear ft (2,919 N/m) of vertical load
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) construction is a unique form of site-cast in addition to its own weight, and a
defines precast concrete in Section 2.2 of precast construction and, as such, has its Shear Wall (vertical diaphragm) as, A
Building Code Requirements for Structural own specialized set of design parameters wall, bearing or nonbearing, designed
Concrete (ACI 318-05) and Commentary and construction techniques. to resist lateral forces acting in the plane
(ACI 318R-05) as a Structural concrete By their nature, tilt-up panels are of the wall (sometimes referred to as a
element cast elsewhere than its final individually stable wall elements seldom vertical diaphragm). Walls that do not
practical knowledge beyond the textbook

position in the structure. Under this requiring coupling devices for composite meet these criteria are instead classified
broad definition, tilt-up concrete action. Penetrations within walls are as non-structural components. Clearly,
construction can be classified as site-cast surrounded by deep beams above which, tilt-up buildings are generally comprised
precast. The ACI clarified this with ACI in turn, are monolithically cast to wall of Structural Walls.
318-95 when the following was added pier elements at the sides. The only With this in mind, the tilt-up building
to Chapter 16, Precast Concrete, in the discontinuities are at the vertical panel structural system would be classified as a
Commentary Section R16.1.1, Tilt joints, often twenty or thirty feet apart, bearing wall system as defined by ASCE
up concrete construction is a form of and the panel-to-footing interface. The 7. In ASCE 7, Table 12.2-1, Design
precast concrete. As stated in Chapter performance and ductility of this lateral Coefficients and Factors for Seismic
1 of the ACI Tilt-Up Construction Guide force resisting system is closer to cast Force-Resisting Systems, there are now
(ACI 551), several features make the in-place construction than traditional three categories under the heading for
tilt-up construction method a unique precast. Historically, the authors are bearing wall systems that potentially
form of precast concrete, different from unaware of any seismic performance apply to tilt-up buildings as a form of
traditional methods: problems at these interfaces. precast concrete construction. These are

STRUCTURE magazine 10 January 2008

Dr. S.K. Ghosh
S.K. Ghosh Associates, Inc. NCSEA WEB SEMINAR
Dr. S.K. Ghosh heads his own consulting
practice, S.K. Ghosh Associates, Inc.,
Two Part Series:
in Palatine, Illinois and Laguna Niguel, Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
California. He was formerly Director,
Engineering Services, Codes, and Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
Standards, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois,
and is Adjunct Professor of Civil Engineering at the

University of Illinois at Chicago. Tuesday, January 15 , 2008

He has influenced seismic design provisions in the

Q & A on Chapter 16 (Structural Design) and

United States for many years by serving on or chairing
numerous committees and advisory panels. He Chapter 19 (Concrete) of the 2006 IBC
specializes in the analysis and design, including wind

and earthquake resistant design, of reinforced and 10:00 am - 11:30 am Pacific 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Central
prestressed concrete structures. He is a member of 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Mountain 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Eastern
the Boards of Direction of ACI and EERI (Earthquake
yrigPart 1 -- This seminar will present systematic background on shear wall

Engineering Research Institute).
In addition to authoring many publications in the area Cop design provisions for regions of high seismicity, as they have evolved in
recent years. It will provide a detailed explanation of the current ACI 318-05
of structural design, he has investigated and reported

shear wall design provisions for buildings in high seismic design categories.
on structural performance in most recent earthquakes.
The seminar will address the design of shear walls for flexure and axial
loads as well as for shear forces. Attendees will be allowed to ask questions
Seminar Cost for January 8th

intermittently, and responses will be provided.
$250 per connection.

Part 2 - The Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls seminar of
Seminar Cost for January 15th

the previous week will probably lead to some follow-up questions. Since the
$150 per connection for registrants of the

2006 IBC structural provisions have been applied to designs, SKGA has re-
January 8th Seminar. Other registrants - $250. ceived numerous questions on specific design-related provisions. This seminar

T a
will consist of two parts, the first on 2006 IBC Chapter 16 and the second on
Information: 312.649.4600 x202 Chapter 19. Dr. Ghosh will open each segment with a brief statement. He

Registration: www.ncsea.com will then take questions from the audience and respond to them.

S a
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Ordinary Precast Shear Walls, Intermediate through 21.2.7, and 21.7 shall

Precast Shear Walls and Special Reinforced be satisfied. The commentary
Concrete Shear Walls. The category of for this definition states, The
Intermediate Precast Shear Walls is new, provisions of 21.8 are intended
and represents a transition in detailing and to result in a special precast
expected performance between ordinary and structural wall having mini
special systems. With the lack of the word mum strength and toughness
precast, the applicability of the Special equivalent to that for a special
Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall category to reinforced concrete structural
tilt-up may not be immediately obvious, but wall of cast-in-place concrete.
a quick reference to ACI 318-05 will clarify This establishes that a Special
this application. Precast Structural Wall is equiv
The intent of ACI 318-05 towards the alent to a Special Reinforced
proper classification of Structural Walls can Concrete Structural Wall.
be obtained by reviewing the provisions in Part of the initial confusion
conjunction with the commentary. Chap regarding the proper classifi
ter 21 of ACI 318-05, Special Provisions for cation of tilt-up construction
Seismic Design, Section 21.1 Definitions, stems from the development
provides the following guidance. Structural of the precast concrete seis
Walls are defined as Walls proportioned to mic design provisions. Much
resist combinations of shears, moments, and of the research work has been
axial forces induced by earthquake motions. directed towards investigating
A shear wall is a structural wall. Structural the seismic performance of
walls shall be categorized as follows: A Spe traditional precast concrete Courtesy of John Lawson
cial Precast Structural Wall is defined as, A structures with improved connections. precast concrete systems. Inadvertently, these
precast wall complying with the requirements The landmark research associated with the provisions are extending to site-cast tilt-up
of 21.8. In addition, the requirements for PRESSS (Precast Seismic Structural Systems) construction, because tilt-up falls under the
ordinary reinforced concrete structural walls Research Program has greatly influenced broad umbrella of precast concrete. Although
and the requirements of, 21.2.3 the specific ACI 318 seismic provisions for the precast concrete seismic provisions may

STRUCTURE magazine 11 January 2008

at first seem awkward to apply to tilt-up of the connection that are not designed to their large size and relatively low force levels,
construction, a rational approach can be yield shall develop at least 1.5Sy. Some are stable as individual elements and do not
developed by understanding the intent of designers interpret this to mean that tilt-up require panel-to-panel connections or panel
the provisions. panels used as Intermediate or Special Precast to-footing connections to resist overturning
Structural Walls must be connected to the (tension) forces due to earthquake forces.
Navigating the Code Provisions foundation. However, the Commentary Thus, tie down connections to the footings
Tilt-up walls in seismic regions must for Section 21.13 Intermediate Precast are not required since no design tensionforce

follow Intermediate and Special Precast Structural Walls states in part, Connections is calculated.
Structural Walls provisions of 21.13.2 In between precast wall panels or between wall Chapter 16 of ACI 318-05, Precast Concrete
connections between wall panels, or panels and the foundation are required to Section (c) states, When design

between wall panels and the foundation, resist forces induced by earthquake motions forces result in no tension at the base, the ties
yielding shall be restricted to steel elements and to provide for yielding in the vicinity of required by shall be permitted to
or reinforcement. and 21.13.3 Elements connections. Many tilt-up panels, due to be anchored into an appropriately reinforced

concrete floor slab on grade. The seismic
ht shear forces can also be transferred between

Cop the tilt-up panels and the floor slab on
grade, just as they are transmitted between a

suspended structural concrete floor slab and a
concrete structural wall. This is often analyzed
with the shear friction principles of ACI 318

through the use of doweling reinforcement.

Continuing the load path, the floor slab on

grade must be designed to resist the forces

being transferred as well.

T a Conclusion

Tilt-up construction is a unique form of
precast concrete sharing many similarities

a with monolithic cast-in-place concrete. As

concrete code provisions have become more

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prescriptive and construction-type specific,

confusion and unintended interpretations are
always a risk. Fortunately, tilt-up construction
has performed very well in terms of acting
as a lateral force resisting system. Where it
can be argued whether the precast seismic
provisions were originally intended to apply
to tilt-up, this article demonstrates that a tilt-
up building can be navigated through these
provisions successfully without compromising
expected performance.

Joe Steinbicker, P.E., S.E. is President

of Steinbicker & Associates. He is a
founding member of the Tilt-Up Concrete
Association and currently a member of
their Board of Directors. He is also a
founding member and past chairman of
ACI Committee 551 Tilt-Up Concrete
Construction. He can be reached via email
at joes@sai-engineers.com.
John Lawson, S.E. is Vice President
of Kramer & Lawson, Inc. He is the
recipient of the 2006 TCA Engineering
Achievement Award for his involvement in
BOOTH #N1423 clarifying code provisions related to tilt-up
construction. He can be reached via email
at john@kramerandlawson.com.

STRUCTURE magazine 12 January 2008

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