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Shear Force and Capacity in Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints With Good Bond Along Beam and Column Bars

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13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

August 1-6, 2004
Paper No. 1761



Shinji MORITA1, Kazuhiro KITAYAMA2, Shinji KISHIDA3 and Takao NISHIKAWA4


The effect of good bond along beam and column bars within a joint on shear strength in reinforced
concrete interior beam-column joints was investigated. Five interior beam-column joint specimens with
one-half scale were tested. The bond along beam and column bars within a joint and loading history were
chosen as the test parameters. All specimens eventually failed in joint shear. To study on horizontal and
vertical shear forces input to joint panel, concrete compressive stress distributions acting on beam and
column critical sections were researched through measuring concrete normal strains by gauges stuck on
beam and column surfaces. The depth of the concrete compressive zone at beam and column critical
sections exceeded a half of the beam and column depth respectively. This means that all concrete
compressive force at critical section is not necessarily introduced to joint panel as a shear force. The
decrease in either horizontal or vertical joint shear force, which was computed using measured tensile
forces of steel bars and accounting for non-contribution of the concrete compressive force to joint shear,
resulted in the degradation of story shear force.


At the Great Earthquake in Hanshin Awaji areas in 1995, a lot of severe damages were observed in
reinforced concrete beam-column joints. Although provision to seismic design of beam-column joints was
added after the great earthquake in AIJ Standard for Structural Calculation of Reinforced Concrete
Structures [1], it is not based on the failure mechanism of beam-column joints.

Shear resistant mechanism of beam-column joints is currently studied focusing on the modeling for joint
failure caused by deterioration of flexural resistant mechanism [2], [3], [4] and the stress transmission
mechanism in a joint using finite element analysis [5], [6], [7]. These studies were not enough to explain
the correlation of joint shear force with joint failure. The flexural resistant model by Shiohara [2] can
explicate well the mechanism of joint failure without decrease in joint shear force. There is, however,
different failure type of a joint panel from Shiohara model, which can be defined as shear failure caused

Graduate Student, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. Email:morita@ecomp.metro-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. Email:kitak@ecomp.metro-u.ac.jp
Research Associate, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. Email:skishida@ecomp.metro-u.ac.jp
Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. Email:tanishi@arch.metro-u.ac.jp
by the degradation of joint input shear force. It is necessary to grasp the influential parameters on the joint
shear behavior.

In this paper, the concrete strains at the beam and column critical sections were measured in detail. Joint
shear force was calculated considering the shape of concrete compressive stress block at the critical
sections. Then five interior beam-column joint specimens without transverse beams nor slabs were tested
to investigate the correlation of the bond along beam and column bars with the joint shear strength.


Properties of specimens are listed in Table 1. Section dimensions and reinforcement details are shown in
Figures 1 and 2. The five interior beam-column joint specimens with one-half scale were tested. Section
dimensions and the specified concrete strength (18 N/mm2) were common for all specimens. The beam
width was equal to the column width for all specimens. The bond along beam and column bars within a
joint and the loading history were chosen as the test parameters. Specimen M1 was control specimen. The
bond along beam bars within a joint for Specimens M2, M3 and M4, and along column bars for Specimen
M6 was improved by the increase in the surface area of the beam or column bar within a joint by welding
the same diameter bars. The reinforcement details were identical for Specimens M2 and M3. The reversed
cyclic load was applied at the top of the column for Specimens M1, M2, M4 and M6, whereas the
monotonic load for Specimen M3. Hoops composed of four sets of 4-D13 were provided as joint lateral
reinforcement for Specimen M4. Properties of the steel and the concrete are shown in Tables 2 and 3.

Table 1: Properties of specimens

Specimens M1 M2 M3 M4 M6
Column axial
Column bar Total bar : 16-D22, Hoops : 4-D10@60
Beam bar Top and bottom bar : 4-D25, Stirrups : 4-D10@60
2-D6@80 4-D13@40 2-D6@80
Joint Hoops 2sets 4sets 2sets
pwj=0.16% pwj=2.51% pwj=0.16%
welded bar column
none beam bar
in a joint bar
Loading path reversed cyclic monotonic reversed cyclic
pwj:lateral reinforcement ratio in a joint

Table 2:Properties of steel bar Table 3:Properties of concrete

Yield Tensile Elongation Young's Compressive Tensile Young's
diameter stress strength u Modulus specimens strength strength modulus
y(N/mm ) t(N/mm )
(%) Es(kN/mm )
B(N/mm ) t(N/mm2) Ec(kN/mm2)
D6 344 485 27.3 186 M1 17.1 1.60 22.3
D10 424 569 13.6 166 M2 18.2 1.76 23.6
D13 429 593 13.7 184 M3 18.8 1.88 20.6
D22 520 683 21.6 193 M4 20.6 1.55 22.3
D25 520 674 14.2 192 M5 19.7 1.97 23.0
Es:Young's modulus was obtained by tensile test of steel bar M6 19.4 1.93 23.5
Ec:Secant modulus at 1/4B

270 65


Joint lateral 4-D25

West 4-D10@60 East a'
of 2-D6@80 (b) Joint section at a-a'
Beam section
(a) Detail of welded bar (Specimens M2,M3,M4)
(Specimens M2,M3,M4)

b b'

300 4-D10@60 (d) Joint section at b-b'

(Specimen M6)

Joint section 350
(c) Detail of welded bar Shaded area represents
Column section welded bars.
1225 350 1050 175 (Specimen M6)

Figure 1: Section dimensions and reinforcement details Figure 2: Details of welded bar in a joint

Loading Method
The beam ends were supported by horizontal rollers, while the bottom of the column was supported by
mechanical hinge. The horizontal load was applied at the top of the column. The column axial load was
not applied for the simplicity of the stress transmission in a joint panel. The lateral force was controlled by
the story drift angle for 1 cycle of 1/400 radian, 2 cycles of 1/200, 1/100 and 1/50 radian, 1 cycle of
1/33 radian and to the end after 2 cycles of 1/25 radian.


General Observations
The crack patterns after the story drift angle of 1/25 radian are shown in Figure 3. The diagonal shear
cracks occurred in the joint panel for all specimens. The concrete compressive failure was observed in
center of the joint panel for Specimen M1. However, the concrete compressive failure was observed in
wide area of the joint panel for Specimen M2 with welded bars along beam bars in a joint. The diagonal
cracks expanded to the beam and column hinge regions for Specimen M3 subjected to the monotonic
horizontal load. Specimen M4 failed such as a direct shear along horizontal plane in the center of joint
panel. The diagonal cracks expanded to the column hinge region for Specimen M6 with welded bars along
column bars in a joint. Column bars did not yield for all specimens. A few beam bars yielded at the story
drift angle of 1/25 radian only for Specimen M3. Therefore it was judged that the beam and column did
not yield. All specimens eventually failed in a joint shear regardless of the beam and column bar bond

(a)Specimen M1 (b)Specimen M2 (c) Specimen M3 (d) Specimen M4 (e) Specimen M6

Figure 3: Crack patterns
Story Shear Force-Drift Relationships
The story shear force drift relationships are shown in Figure 4. The maximum story shear force of
Specimen M2 with welded bars along beam bars in a joint increased by 17%, and of Specimen M6 with
welded bars along column bars in a joint increased by 14% comparing with that of Specimen M1.
However, there was little influence of welded bars along column bars on maximum story shear force
normalized by a concrete compressive strength B for Specimens M1 and M6. The story drift angle at the
maximum story shear force of Specimen M4 was larger than that of Specimen M2. However there was
little difference among the maximum story shear forces. The maximum story shear force of Specimen M2
subjected to cyclic load was much the same as that of Specimen M3 subjected to monotonic load. The
decline in the story shear force after the maximum story shear force of Specimen M3 was slight.

150 150
(a) push (b) push

100 over
100 over
Specimen M2
Story shear force, kN

Specimen M1

Control specimen Improved bond
50 50
along beam bars
0 0

-50 Maximum story -50 Maximum story

shear force:118kN shear force:138kN
-100 -100

-150 -150
150 150
(c) (d) push
,radian ,radian over
100 100 Maximum story
Story shear force, kN

Specimen M3

Improved bond shear force:138kN

50 50
along beam bars
0 Monotonic load 0

-50 -50 Specimen M4

Maximum story Improved bond
-100 shear force:140kN -100 along beam bars
Heavily reinforced joint
-150 -150
150 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
(e) push
Story drift , %
100 over
Story shear force, kN

Specimen M6

Improved bond
50 Story drift
along column bars
:1/200 radian
:1/100 radian
-50 :1/50 radian
Maximum story
:1/33 radian
shear force:134kN
-100 :1/25 radian

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Story drift , %

Figure 4: Story shear force story drift relationships


Beam Bar Bond

The bond forces along a beam bar within a joint for all specimens are shown in Figure 5. The bond force
was computed by the difference of the beam bar forces at opposite column faces. The bond forces along a
beam bar decreased at the story drift angle of 1/50 radian for Specimen M1, and of 1/100 radian for
Specimen M6. On the contrary, the bond forces of Specimens M2, M3 and M4 with welded bars along the
beam bars increased successively. Then, it was judged that welded bars along beam bars improved the
beam bar bond condition. The influence of the increase in lateral joint reinforcement on the beam bar
bond was not observed. Since the bond forces of the specimens with welded bars along beam bars did not
decrease even after the peak of the story shear force, the decrease in the story shear force is not attributed
to the beam bar bond.

250 250
200 M4 200
Bond force, kN

Bond force, kN
150 M3 150 M6
at maximum story
100 100
shear force M3
50 50 M2
M6 M1 M1
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Story drift , % Story drift , %

Figure 5: Bond force along beam bar Figure 6: Bond force along column bar
Column Bar Bond
The bond forces along a column bar within a joint for all specimens are shown in Figure 6. The bond force
was computed by the difference of the column bar forces at opposite beam faces. The bond forces along a
column bar decreased at the story drift angle of 1/50 radian for Specimens M1, M2, M3 and M4. The
bond forces along a column bar within a joint of Specimen M6 increased by 60% comparing with those of
other specimens. Then, it was judged that welded bars along column bars improved the column bar bond
condition. The decrease in the bond force along column bars caused the decay of the story shear force for
Specimens M2, M3 and M4. Concrete at the beam critical section failed in compression by flexural
moment after the peak of the story shear force for Specimen M6. Therefore the decrease in the bond force
along beam bars caused the decay of the story shear force for Specimen M6.

Concrete Strains at Beam and Column Critical Section

The concrete normal strains at beam and column critical sections were measured by strain gauges for all
specimens. The distributions of the concrete strain at the beam critical section for Specimens M1, M3 and
M6 are shown in Figure 7. The concrete strain c at the compressive strength obtained by cylinder tests
was drawn by a dashed line in Figure 7. The depth of the concrete compressive region at beam critical
section was approximately equal to beam full depth. The large compressive strain occurred at the top fiber
in tension because of residual accumulation of compressive strain due to cyclic load reversals. The
distribution of the concrete strain formed a triangle for Specimen M3 subjected to monotonic load. If
residual accumulation of compressive strain could be taken away, the distributions of the concrete
compressive strain would also form a triangle for the specimens subjected to the reversed cyclic load. The
compressive strain at the bottom fiber exceeded the strain of c at the story drift angle of 1/50 radian.
Location of strain gauges, mm

Location of strain gauges, mm

400 400
(a) (b)
350 350
300 300 Sp ecimen M 3
250 Sp ecimen M 1 250
200 200
150 150 c
100 c 100
50 50
0 0
-5000 -3000 -1000 1000 -5000 -3000 -1000 1000
concrete strain, concrete strain,
=0.25% =0.5%

Location of strain gauges, mm

=1% =2% 350 (c)
=3% =4%
300 Specimen M 6
70 25

150 c



strain 0
25 70


35 -5000 -3000 -1000 1000

concrete strain,

Figure 7: Strain distributions of concrete at beam critical section

Forces on both beam critical sections induced by the beam moment Mb is shown in Figure 8(a), and the
distribution of confining force to the horizontal expansion in joint panel is shown in Figure 8(b). Flexural
cracks occurred in critical sections at the story drift angle of 1/400 radian. Since shear force acts
simultaneously on the beam critical section in addition to flexural moment, the confining force can be
carried across the flexural crack by aggregate interlocking. Then the confining force decreases gradually
toward the top (or bottom) fiber in tension because of wide crack opening as shown in Figure 8(c).
Therefore, the distribution of the concrete compressive stress at beam critical section would result in a
triangle by the superposition of both concrete stress conditions shown in Figures 8(a) and 8(c).

The distributions of the concrete strain at the column critical section for Specimens M1, M3 and M6 are
shown in Figure 9. The depth of the concrete compressive region was approximately equal to column full
depth. The distribution of the compressive stress at column critical section would also form a triangle due
to the same reason as the case of a beam.

(a) Vc (b) (c) Flexural

Confining crack
Tet T wt force
CL CL Expansion CL Expansion
Mb Mb
in joint panel in joint panel
Teb T wb Confining
force Flexural

Figure 8: Distribution of concrete compressive stress

2000 2000
(a) (b)
1000 1000

Concrete strain,

Concrete strain,
0 0
-1000 -1000
-2000 -2000
-3000 c -3000 c
-4000 Specimen M 1 -4000 Specimen M 3
-5000 -5000
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Location of strain gauges, mm Location of strain gauges, mm
=0.25% =0.5% 2000
=1% =2% (c)
=3% =4% 1000

Concrete strain,
-3000 c
25 60 60 60 60 60 25 -4000 Specimen M 6
0 100 200 300

Location of strain gauges, mm

strain gauge

Figure 9: Strain distributions of concrete at column critical section

Joint Shear Force

Calculation of Horizontal Joint Shear Force

The stresses acting on the beam critical section are assumed as shown in Figure 10, where the
distributions of the concrete compressive stress at both beam critical sections are congruent. The
distribution of the concrete compressive stress was assumed to form a trapezoid by taking account of
crushed concrete zone. The maximum concrete compressive stress was taken equal to 0.85B according
to the provisions by ACI Committee 318 [8], where B is concrete compressive strength by cylinder tests.
Notation x is the depth of crushed compression zone. Notations Tet and Teb are beam bar force at east top
and bottom respectively, notations Twt and Twb are beam bar force at west top and bottom respectively,
notations Cce and Ccw are resultant concrete force at east and west beam section respectively, notation Db is
beam depth and notation Vc is story shear force. Maximum horizontal joint shear force develops
mathematically on the horizontal center section in a joint panel. The horizontal joint shear force is
obtained by following equation.
V jh = Tet + b C cw b C ce Twt Vc (1)
where coefficient b is the ratio of concrete compressive force acting above center axis to resultant force
Ccw on west beam critical section, and coefficient b is the ratio of concrete compressive force acting
above center axis to resultant force Cce on east beam critical section. The sum of coefficients b and b
becomes unity due to symmetrical stress distribution of concrete on both beam critical sections. The
following equations can be obtained from the equilibrium of forces at beam critical sections.
Ccw = Twt + Twb (2)
Cce = Tet + Teb (3)
The following equation is obtained by substituting Eqs.(2) and (3) into Eq.(1).
V jh = Tet + b (Twt + Twb ) b (Tet + Teb ) Twt Vc
= Tet + (1 b ) (Twt + Twb ) b (Tet + Teb ) Twt Vc
= Tet + Twb Vc b (Twt + Twb + Tet + Teb ) (4)
The coefficient b is obtained by following equations.
for 0 x < b
4( Db 2 x 2 ) 2
b = (5)
x Db
for x < Db
x + Db 2
The coefficient b the depth of crushed compression zone x relationships are shown in Figure 11. The
coefficient b of Specimen M1 was plotted in Figure 11. The horizontal joint shear stresses joint shear
distortion angle relationships are shown in Figure 12. The joint shear stresses were computed by dividing
the joint shear force by the effective sectional area of the joint panel defined as the product of the beam
width (equal to the column width) and the column depth. The depth of crushed compression zone x was
decided as the point where the line of strain distribution crosses vertical line ofc in Figure 7. Beam bar
force was computed from the measured strains at the critical section through Ramberg-Osgood Model.
Average joint shear strength computed according to the provisions by Architectural Institute of Japan [9]
are drawn by dashed line in Figure 12. The horizontal joint shear stresses obtained by Eq.(4) for
Specimens M1 and M6 with deteriorating beam bar bond were by 21 to 28% smaller than the average
joint shear strength obtained by the provisions by Architectural Institute of Japan [9]. The maximum joint
shear force obtained by Eq.(4) for Specimens M1 and M6 were approximately equal to the lower limit of
the joint shear strength computed by multiplying the average joint shear strength by 0.85. On the contrary,
the joint shear stresses obtained by Eq.(4) for Specimens M2, M3 and M4 with improved beam bar bond
increased to the end of the test. Therefore, the behavior of beam bar bond provided great influence on the
horizontal joint shear force.

0.85 B 0.5
0.4 Specimen M1
Coefficient b


Twt 0.3

CL Vjh 0.2

b=1/4at x =0
East 0.1
T eb 0

T wb 0 100 200 300 400

Cce Depth of crushed compression zone x , mm

0.85 B
Figure 11: Coefficient b depth of crushed
Figure 10: Stress condition at beam critical section compression zone x relationships

Calculation of Vertical Joint Shear Force

The stresses acting on the column critical section are shown in Figure 13, which were assumed in the
same manner as beam section. Notations Tte1, Tte2, Ttm, Ttw2 and Ttw1 are column bar forces at top critical
section, notations Tbe1, Tbe2, Tbm, Tbw2 and Tbw1 are column bar forces at bottom critical section, notation
Cct and Ccb are resultant force at top and bottom column section respectively, notation Dc is column depth
and notations Vbe and Vbw are east and west beam shear force respectively. Maximum vertical joint shear
15 15
(a) (b)

10 10 Specimen M2
Specimen M1

Improved bond
5 Control specimen 5


jh , N/mm

along beam bars

0 at maximum story0
shear force
-5 -5

-10 -10

-15 -15
15 (c) 15
,radian ,radian
10 10


5 5

jh , N/mm

0 0
Specimen M3 Specimen M 4
-5 Improved bond -5 Improved bond

-10 along beam bars -10 along beam bars
Monotonic load Heavily reinforced joint
-15 -15
15 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Joint shear distortion angle , % Joint shear distortion angle , %
10 Specimen M6
Improved bond
5 Story drift
jh , N/mm

along column bars

:1/200 radian
at maximum story :1/100 radian
-5 shear force :1/50 radian
:1/33 radian
-10 :1/25 radian
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Joint shear distortion angle , %
Figure 12: Horizontal joint shear stress joint shear distortion relationships

force develops mathematically on the vertical center section in a joint panel. The vertical joint shear force
is obtained by following equation.
V jv = Tet1 + Tte 2 + c Ccb Tbe1 Tbe 2 c Cct Vbe (6)
where coefficient c is the ratio of concrete compressive force acting on the east side of center axis to
resultant force Ccb on bottom column critical section, and coefficient c is the ratio of concrete
compressive force acting on the east side of center axis to resultant force Cct on top column critical
section. The sum of coefficients c and c becomes unity. The following equations can be obtained from
the equilibrium of forces at column critical section.
Cct = Tte1 + Tte 2 + Ttm + Ttw 2 + Ttw1 (7)
Ccb = Tbe1 + Tbe 2 + Tbm + Tbw2 + Tbw1 (8)
The following equation is obtained by substituting Eqs.(7) and (8) into Eq.(6).
V jv = Tte1 + Tte 2 + c (Tbe1 + Tbe 2 + Tbm + Tbw2 + Tbw1 ) c (Tte1 + Tte 2 + Ttm + Ttw 2 + Ttw1 ) Vbe
= Tte1 + Tte 2 + (1 c ) (Tbe1 + Tbe 2 + Tbm + Tbw2 + Tbw1 ) c (Tte1 + Tte 2 + Ttm + Ttw 2 + Ttw1 ) Vbe
= Tte1 + Tte 2 + Tbm + Tbw 2 + Tbw1 Vbe c (Tbe1 + Tbe 2 + Tbm + Tbw2 + Tbw1 + Tte1 + Tte 2 + Ttm + Ttw 2 + Ttw1 ) (9)
The coefficient c is obtained by following equations.
for 0 x < c
4( Dc 2 x 2 ) 2
c = (10)
x Dc
for x < Dc
x + Dc 2
The coefficient c the depth of crushed compression zone x relationships are shown in Figure 14. The
coefficient c for Specimen M1 was plotted in Figure 14. The vertical joint shear stresses joint shear
distortion angle relationships are shown in Figure 15. The joint shear stresses were computed by dividing
the joint shear force by the effective sectional area of the joint panel defined as the product of the column
width and the beam depth. The depth of crushed compression zone x and column bar force were decided
by the same manner as beam section. Average joint shear strength computed according to the provisions
by Architectural Institute of Japan [9] are drawn by dashed line in Figure 15. The vertical joint shear
stresses obtained by Eq.(9) for Specimens M1, M2, M3 and M4 with deteriorating column bar bond were
by 7.5 to 19% smaller than the average joint shear strength computed according to the provisions by
Architectural Institute of Japan [9]. The joint shear strengths obtained by Eq.(9) for Specimens M1, M2,
M3 and M4 were approximately equal to the lower limit of the joint shear strength computed by
multiplying the average joint shear strength by 0.85. On the contrary, the joint shear stress obtained by
Eq.(9) for Specimen M6 with improved column bar bond increased to the end of the test. Therefore, the
behavior of column bar bond had great influence on the vertical joint shear force.
Tte1 x
C ct

Tte2 Ttm
Ttw2 Ttw1


0.4 Specimen M1
Coefficient c


V be Vjv Vbw
East West 0.1 c=1/4at x =0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Depth of crushed compression zone x , mm


T be1 Tbe2
Tbm Tbw2
C cb x Tbw1
Dc Figure 14: Coefficient c depth of crushed
Figure 13: Stress condition at column critical section compression zone x relationships

Evaluation of Joint Shear Capacity

The horizontal joint shear stresses of Specimens M1 and M6 with deteriorating beam bar bond decreased
after the peak of story shear force. Similarly the vertical joint shear stresses of Specimens M1, M2, M3
and M4 with deteriorating column bar bond decreased after the peak of story shear force. Notice that the
15 15
(a) (b)
10 10 Specimen M2
Specimen M1

Improved bond
5 Control specimen

jv , N/mm

along beam bars

0 0
at maximum story at maximum story

-5 shear force -5 shear force

-10 -10

-15 -15
15 (c) 15
(d) at maximum story shear force
10 ,radian 10 ,radian


5 5
jv , N/mm

0 0
Specimen M3 at maximum story Specimen M 4

-5 Improved bond shear force -5 Improved bond

along beam bars along beam bars
-10 -10
Monotonic load Heavily reinforced joint
-15 -15
15 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Joint shear distortion angle , % Joint shear distortion angle , %
10 Specimen M6

Improved bond
5 along column bars Story drift
jv , N/mm

:1/200 radian
:1/100 radian
-5 :1/50 radian
:1/33 radian

-10 :1/25 radian
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Joint shear distortion angle , %
Figure 15: Vertical joint shear stress joint shear distortion relationships
decrease in either horizontal or vertical joint shear force caused the degradation of story shear force as in
the case of Specimen M6 or Specimens M2, M3 and M4.

The joint shear capacity was decided by accepting horizontal or vertical maximum joint shear forces
whichever is smaller. The joint shear capacities and the lower limit of the joint shear strength computed
Table 4: Joint shear capacities
2 2
Joint shear capacity Lower limit of joint shear
Specimen jh, N/mm jv, N/mm 2 2 j / ul
j, N/mm strenth[9] ul, N/mm
M1 4.77 5.58 4.77 5.13 0.93
M2 5.66 5.66 5.36 1.06
M3 6.13 6.13 5.48 1.12
M4 5.59 5.59 5.86 0.95
M6 4.72 4.72 5.60 0.84
according to the provisions by Architectural Institute of Japan [9] for all specimens are listed in Table 4. If
the skeleton curve of joint shear force did not have local maxima, notation was described in Table 4.
The joint shear capacity could be evaluated appropriately by using the lower limit of the joint shear
strength for all specimens.


The conclusions obtained in this study can be summarized as follows.

(1) The maximum story shear force increased by 17% for the specimen with improved beam bar bond and
14% for the specimen with improved column bar bond.
(2) The distributions of the concrete compressive stress on beam and column critical sections resulted in a
triangle due to flexural crack and shear force.
(3) The behavior of beam and column bar bond provided great influence on horizontal and vertical joint
shear force respectively. The decrease in the horizontal and/or vertical joint shear caused the decay of
the story shear force.
(4) The joint shear capacity was decided by accepting horizontal or vertical maximum joint shear forces
whichever is smaller. The joint shear capacity could be evaluated appropriately by using lower limit of
the joint shear strength computed according to the provisions by Architectural Institute of Japan [9].


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