Abstract Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Sacred Heart Avenue, Digos City, Philippines
Tel. No. (082) 553 2433 local 105* Fax No.: (082) 553 2433
Website: www.cjc.edu.ph * Email: cjccollegedepartment@yahoo.com
Cor Jesu College, a premier Catholic educational institution in Southern Mindanao, envisions fully transformed persons inspired by the spirituality of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the charism of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart.
We, the members of the Cor Jesu College community, commit ourselves to:
1. Advance a responsive and dynamic learning environment that draws out the best in all; (EXCELLENCE)
2. Nurture a compassionate community that journeys as one family united at the Heart of Christ; and (COMMUNITY)
3. Strengthen responsible stewardship towards social transformation, progress and sustainable development. (APOSTLESHIP)
Institutional Level
Legend: L- Facilitates learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P Allows student to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
O Opportunity for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)
Desired Learning Outcomes Course Content/Subject Teaching and Learning Assessment Task Grading Criteria Resource Time Table
Matter Activities Materials
At the end of the lesson, the I. Basic Concepts Lecture/Discussion: The Problem Set: The students Rubrics for checking Laptop 1st Quarter
students will be able to: teacher will have an interactive will work on ten (10) the content of the 12 hours
Review some familiar a. Algebraic Structures. discussion on the concept of problems covering the four problem set LCD Projector
mathematical structures. algebraic structures. (4) basic concepts of the (see attachment)
Determine whether the b. Properties of Integers. subject. This task should be
statement is a theorem or not. Group Discussion: hand-written particularly
Determine whether the given c. Modular Arithmetic Students will be grouped into the process of solving. A
relation is an equivalence five (5) groups). They will be cover page is required for a
relation. d. Equivalence Relations tasked to discuss the different good output. Designs are
Finding the number of properties of integers. allowed.
different partitions of a given Slides Presentations:
set. Students will be required to Oral Recitation
Proving a statement using present a PPT Presentation on
mathematical induction. the focus of Modular Arithmetic. Quiz
Finding all complex solution
of a given equation. Problem Solving : The Assignment
teacher will give activity sheets
to students for investigation of
the topic Equivalence Relation
At the end of the lesson, the II. Groups Concept Map/Gallery Walk Problem Set: The students Rubrics for checking Laptop 2nd Quarter
students will be able to: Divide the class into 6 groups. Each will work on ten (10) the content of the 12 hours
Determine whether the a. Properties, Subgroups group is assigned to one property of problems covering the two (2) problem set LCD Projector
binary operation gives a groups. The groups are tasked to basic concepts of the subject. (see attachment)
b. Cyclic groups write their associations with the This task should be hand-
group on the given set.
concept through a concept map. written particularly the process
Investigate the common of solving. A cover page is
properties of groups. c. Permutation Group required for a good output.
Proving problems on groups Designs are allowed.
Show that every group can Lecture- Discussion Oral Recitation
be thought of as a subgroup The teacher will have an
of function under interactive discussion on the
compositions. cyclic groups. Quiz
Finding the number of
generators of cyclic group. Brainstorming: Assignment
Determine whether a group Students are given time to
is cyclic or not and the order discuss among members
of the given factor group the concept of permutation
Compute the expression for group.
the given permutation.
At the end of the lesson, the III. Isomorphism Video Clip Paper and Pencil Rubrics for checking Laptop Third
students will be able to: Divide the class into groups. assessments: the content of the Quarter
Determine whether the group a. Properties Present a video clip in the class Quiz: Students will answer set problem set DLP 12 hours
focusing on properties of of items and they will show (see attachment)
is isomorphic of not.
isomorphism. Provide guide their solutions.
Show that the map is b. Automorphism
questions relating to message Problem Set: Students will
homorphism. conveyed by the video clip accomplish a problem set on
Determine whether the amp c. Cayley & Theorem presented. isomorphism.
is a ring isomorphic or not.
Compute for the indicated Thinking at Right Angles Assignment: Students will
evaluation homorphism. Students will have the topic answer given questions.
Determine the fixed field of Automorphism and ask them to
list the concepts of it and right it
the automorphism or set of on the shorter leg. On the longer
automorphisms. leg, feelings and associations of
the topic will be written.
Feelings and
At the end of the lesson, the IV. Rings Eight Squares Role Playing: The students Rubrics for checking Laptop 4th Quarter
students will be able to: Students to fold a piece of paper will proceed on their the role play 6 hours
Understand the definition of a. Properties into 8 squares. respective groups to (see attachment) DLP
various kinds of rings. Student then search around the conceptualize a role play
room to find 8 people who can showing the application of the
Investigate some of the b. Subrings
concept of rings in the real
give 8 different pieces of
elementary properties of information on rings world.
rings. The person who has added the
Prove and solve problems information is to sign the section
on rings. they have added the information
Decide whether the given to.
set together with the given Debrief by asking students for
operations is a commutative the information they have
gathered and who provide them
ring or ring with unity, field
with that information. This can
skew or an integral domain. be recorded on blackboard.
Find all units and
characteristics of the given V. Integral Domain Rubric for checking the Laptop and DLP
KWLH Paper and Pencil
ring. Teachers will help students assessments:
content of the problem
Prove and solve problems a. Examples activate prior knowledge through Quiz: Students will answer set set
on fields group instruction activity that of items and they will show (see attachment)
Show that a factor ring of b. Fields serves as a model for active their solutions.
thinking during Problem Set: Students will
an integral domain maybe a
reading/discussion. accomplish a problem set on
field. What How Integral Domain
What We Can
We Want We
Know to Find
Learn Assignment: Students will
d answer given questions.
Out More
A. Midterm Grade
1. Quizzes, Assignments, Oral Recitation 25%
2. First Quarter Examination . 25%
3. Midterm Examination 50%
B. Final Grade
1. Quizzes, Assignments, Oral Recitation, etc . 12.5%
2. Third Quarter Examination 12.5%
3. Midterm Grade 25%
4. Final Examination 50%
Classroom Policies 1. Observe punctuality
2. Observe responsibility and cooperation in doing group tasks
3. Observe deadlines
4. Strictly No Permit No Exam on major exams
5. No absence during Teaching demonstration
6. Cheating is not allowed. It is a ground for failure of the subject.