The Fibonacci Series - Golden Mean Gauge
The Fibonacci Series - Golden Mean Gauge
The Fibonacci Series - Golden Mean Gauge
The line below shows a part of the Fibonacci series, from 21 to 89, to scale, Search...
with 2 Gauges superimposed on adjacent sections of the series to
demonstrate that the parts are in the Golden Proportion.
Golden Mean Gauge seen on the right.
No consideration of the Golden Proportion can be complete without
mention of the Fibonacci Series which is the complementary view of the
Golden Proportion as illustrated above by the 3 Golden Mean Gauges.
These numbers are also abundant in the beauty of nature and teeth.
De nition
In this series of numbers each term is the sum of the previous two terms as
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 etc.
The division of any two adjacent numbers gives the amazing Golden
number e.g.
34 / 55 = 0.618 or inversely 55 /34 = 1.618.
e.g. one pair could be 21 and 34 and the next pair could be 34 and 55
34 / 55 = 0.618 or 55 / 34 = 1.618
The New Scientist Dec. 81 featured on its cover a daisy head showing the
double spiral. The article then went on to discuss the Fibonnaci series,
showing other examples of the double spirals in nature and comparing
them to computer generated double spirals. The writers also postulated an
explanation for the way plants growth illustrates the Fibonacci series in
the position and spacing of the leaves (Phylotaxis.)
Muslim Art
The rst double digit number is 8 + 5 = 13 but the 13 has been reduced to 3
+ 1 = 4 similarly the next double digit 8 + 9 = 17 has been reduced to 8 etc
etc . The process called Kabalistic reduction is a frequently used method of
manipulating numbers. The next line shows the alternate numbers
selected- Excluding 9. From this line a pattern was generated as seen in the
3 gures, related to the number sequence. From this was built the nal
decorative pattern.
The Fibonacci Cascade
Add 1.618 to 2.618 = 4.236 which added to 2.618 = 6.854 etc etc. And this
number is the addition of the previous two terms which is non other than
the famous Fibonacci Series.
A mathematician would easily understand that all this stems from the
following formula:-
= 1.618
The Universe
Fibonacci Association
Phylotaxis is the study of the ordered position of leaves
on a stem.( Phyllos-leaf taxis order). ( lo pastry thin
leaves of pastry) with particular reference to their
repetition in the same alignment
The Fibonacci series have been observed in phylotaxis
and extensively studied in three different spiral
arrangements .
Golden Mean
1. VERTICALLY. Where leaves on a stem demonstrate the
Gauge Fibonacci Series as they spiral up the stem .
2. HORIZONTALLY. Where the spirals are horizontal like
on the at head of the sun ower.
3. TAPERED OR ROUNDED, like the tapered pine cones or the rounded
Chrysanthemums or pineapples which also show a double set of spirals as
in the adjacent pictures.
Brian Goodwin in his book, How the Leopard changed its spots, discusses
Phyllotaxis at length and describes a model of phylotaxis produced by two
French scientists Douady and Couder. They also managed to reproduce the
double spirals of the similar to those of the sun ower by computer.
Brian Goodwin further asks about Phylotaxis. What is the inherent nature
of the simple rules that govern this diversity. What are we looking at when
we see such a magni cent variety of plants and owers?
It is the ratio between the perimeter of a circle where the larger part A, is
to the smaller part B, as the larger part A is to the whole A+B. Our old
familiar Golden Proportion premise here seen in yet another guise.
Golden Mean The other example of the Golden Proportion is concerned with the number
Gauge of leaves between one leaf and the next one directly overhead and the
number of rotations before this position is reached.
Some trees like Elmwood and basswood, the leaves along a stem seem to
occur alternately on two opposite sides and we speak of 1/2 phyllotaxis. In
the beech and hazel the passage from one leaf to the next is I/3 of a turn.
We have already seen that the number of double spirals of the sun ower
head are also Fibonacci numbers. The spirals have perhaps moved from the
vertical plane to the horizontal plane.
Sun ower
The Fibonacci numbers also appear when we examine the number of petals
of certain common owers e.g.
Iris 3 petals Daisy 34 petals
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