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Astm E-543-09 Qa

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Designation: E543 – 09

Standard Specification for

Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E543; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This specification has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope E213 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Metal Pipe and

1.1 This specification covers minimum requirements for Tubing
agencies performing nondestructive testing (NDT). E214 Practice for Immersed Ultrasonic Testing by the
1.2 When using this specification to assess the capability of, Reflection Method Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves3
or to accredit NDT agencies, Guide E1359 shall be used as a E215 Practice for Standardizing Equipment for Electromag-
basis for the survey. It can be supplemented as necessary with netic Examination of Seamless Aluminum-Alloy Tube
more detail in order to meet the auditor’s specific needs. E243 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
1.3 This specification can be used as a basis to evaluate nation of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes
testing or inspection agencies, or both, and is intended for use E273 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Zone of
for the qualifying or accrediting, or both, of testing or Welded Pipe and Tubing
inspection agencies, public or private. E309 Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tu-
1.4 The use of SI or inch-pound units, or combination bular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
thereof, will be the responsibility of the technical committee E317 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics
whose standards are referred to in this standard. of Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing Instruments and Systems
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the without the Use of Electronic Measurement Instruments
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the E376 Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Exami-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- nation Methods
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. E426 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
nation of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austen-
2. Referenced Documents itic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 E427 Practice for Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen
E94 Guide for Radiographic Examination Leak Detector(Alkali-Ion Diode)
E114 Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam E428 Practice for Fabrication and Control of Metal, Other
Contact Testing than Aluminum, Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic
E125 Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indica- Testing
tions on Ferrous Castings E431 Guide to Interpretation of Radiographs of Semicon-
E127 Practice for Fabricating and Checking Aluminum ductors and Related Devices
Alloy Ultrasonic Standard Reference Blocks E432 Guide for Selection of a Leak Testing Method
E164 Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments E433 Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspec-
E165 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General tion
Industry E479 Guide for Preparation of a Leak Testing Specification
E493 Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer
Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing Mode
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on E494 Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Mate-
Nondestructive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.09 on rials
Nondestructive Testing Agencies.
Current edition approved June 1, 2009. Published July 2009. Originally approved
E498 Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer
in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as E543 - 08a. DOI: 10.1520/ Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer
Probe Mode
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced
the ASTM website. on www.astm.org.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E543 – 09
E499 Test Methods for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer E1025 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material
Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indi-
E515 Test Method for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Tech- cators (IQI) Used for Radiology
niques E1030 Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Me-
E545 Test Method for Determining Image Quality in Direct tallic Castings
Thermal Neutron Radiographic Examination E1032 Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Weld-
E566 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Sorting ments
of Ferrous Metals E1033 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
E569 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Struc- nation of Type F-Continuously Welded (CW) Ferromag-
tures During Controlled Stimulation netic Pipe and Tubing Above the Curie Temperature
E570 Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromag- E1067 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Fi-
netic Steel Tubular Products berglass Reinforced Plastic Resin (FRP) Tanks/Vessels
E571 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami- E1118 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Re-
nation of Nickel and Nickel Alloy Tubular Products inforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP)
E587 Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Contact Testing E1139 Practice for Continuous Monitoring of Acoustic
E592 Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries
Sensitivity for Radiography of Steel Plates 14 to 2 in. (6 to E1211 Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using
51 mm) Thick with X Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors
Thick with Cobalt-60 E1212 Practice for Quality Management Systems for Non-
E650 Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission destructive Testing Agencies
Sensors E1254 Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed
E664 Practice for the Measurement of the Apparent Attenu- Industrial Radiographic Films
ation of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Waves by Immersion E1312 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
Method nation of Ferromagnetic Cylindrical Bar Product Above the
E690 Practice for In Situ Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Curie Temperature
Examination of Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes E1315 Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Steel with
E703 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Sorting Convex Cylindrically Curved Entry Surfaces3
of Nonferrous Metals E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
E709 Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing E1359 Guide for Evaluating Capabilities of Nondestructive
E746 Practice for Determining Relative Image Quality Testing Agencies
Response of Industrial Radiographic Imaging Systems E1417 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing
E747 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material E1419 Practice for Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled,
Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
(IQI) Used for Radiology E1444 Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing
E748 Practices for Thermal Neutron Radiography of Mate- E1496 Test Method for Neutron Radiographic Dimensional
rials Measurements
E749 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During E1571 Practice for Electromagnetic Examination of Ferro-
Continuous Welding magnetic Steel Wire Rope
E750 Practice for Characterizing Acoustic Emission Instru- E1606 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Exami-
mentation nation of Copper Redraw Rod for Electrical Purposes
E751 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During E1629 Practice for Determining the Impedance of Absolute
Resistance Spot-Welding Eddy-Current Probes
E797 Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultra- E1742 Practice for Radiographic Examination
sonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method E1774 Guide for Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers
E801 Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Ex- (EMATs)
amination of Electronic Devices E1781 Practice for Secondary Calibration of Acoustic
E803 Test Method for Determining the L/D Ratio of Neu- Emission Sensors
tron Radiography Beams E1816 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing Using Electromag-
E908 Practice for Calibrating Gaseous Reference Leaks netic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) Techniques
E976 Guide for Determining the Reproducibility of Acous- E1888/E1888M Practice for Acoustic Emission Examina-
tic Emission Sensor Response tion of Pressurized Containers Made of Fiberglass Rein-
E999 Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radio- forced Plastic with Balsa Wood Cores
graphic Film Processing E1901 Guide for Detection and Evaluation of Discontinui-
E1001 Practice for Detection and Evaluation of Disconti- ties by Contact Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Ultrasonic
nuities by the Immersed Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Method Methods
Using Longitudinal Waves E1930 Practice for Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmo-
E1004 Test Method for Determining Electrical Conductiv- spheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using
ity Using the Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Method Acoustic Emission

E543 – 09
E1932 Guide for Acoustic Emission Examination of Small 4. Significance and Use
Parts 4.1 This specification is applicable where the systematic
E1961 Practice for Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing of Girth assessment of the competence of a nondestructive testing
Welds Using Zonal Discrimination with Focused Search agency by a user or other party is desired.
Units 4.2 It is intended that the requirements specified in this
E1962 Practice for Ultrasonic Surface Testing Using Elec- specification apply to independent, public, or in-house agencies
tromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) Techniques to the extent required by the purchase order or specification.
E2001 Guide for Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy for This specification does not apply to in-house equipment,
Defect Detection in Both Metallic and Non-metallic Parts methods, and examinations used for the exclusive purpose of
E2075 Practice for Verifying the Consistency of AE-Sensor internal process control. It is intended that this specification
Response Using an Acrylic Rod apply to all examination(s) used for the final acceptance
E2076 Test Method for Examination of Fiberglass Rein- examination(s) if such examination(s) are required by the
forced Plastic Fan Blades Using Acoustic Emission purchase order or specification.
E2096 Practice for In Situ Examination of Ferromagnetic 4.3 Criteria are provided for evaluating the capability of an
Heat-Exchanger Tubes Using Remote Field Testing agency to properly perform designated examinations and
E2191 Practice for Examination of Gas-Filled Filament- establishes essential characteristics pertaining to the organiza-
Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emis- tion, personnel, facilities, and quality systems of the agency.
sion This specification may be supplemented by more specific
E2192 Guide for Planar Flaw Height Sizing by Ultrasonics criteria and requirements for particular projects.
E2223 Practice for Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled,
Steel Pressure Vessels Using Angle Beam Ultrasonics 5. Organization of the Agency
E2261 Practice for Examination of Welds Using the Alter- 5.1 The following information concerning the organization
nating Current Field Measurement Technique of the agency shall be provided by documentation:
E2338 Practice for Characterization of Coatings Using 5.1.1 A description of the organization including:
Conformable Eddy-Current Sensors without Coating Ref- The complete legal name and address of the main
erence Standards office,
E2373 Practice for Use of the Ultrasonic Time of Flight The names and positions of the principal officers and
Diffraction (TOFD) Technique directors,
E2374 Guide for Acoustic Emission System Performance The agency’s ownership, managerial structure, and
Verification principal members,
E2375 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Wrought Products The functional description of the agency’s organiza-
2.2 Other Documents: tion structure, operational departments, and support depart-
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifi- ments and services. This may be demonstrated in the form of
cation and Certification in Nondestructive Testing4 charts that depict all the divisions, departments, sections and
ANSI/ASNT-CP-189 ASNT Standard for Qualification and units, and their relationships,
Certification in Nondestructive Testing Personnel4 All relevant organizational affiliates of the agency
NAS-410 Certification and Qualification of Nondestructive and the principal officers of affiliates and directors of the
Personnel (Quality Assurance Committee)5 affiliates where applicable, External organizations and organizational compo-
3. Terminology nents and their functions that are utilized for significant
technical support services, and
3.1 Definitions—Additional definitions are contained in the A brief history of the agency including its relation-
specific specification or in Terminology E1316. ship with its organizational component affiliations and other
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: supporting information.
3.2.1 agency—the public, independent, or in-house nonde- 5.1.2 A general description of the type of users of the
structive testing organization selected by the authority to agency’s services.
perform the examination(s) required by the purchase order or 5.1.3 A listing of the relevant technical services offered.
specification. 5.1.4 A list giving applicable dates of the qualifications,
3.2.2 authority—the owner, prime contractor, engineer, ar- accreditations, and recognition of the agency by others.
chitect, or purchasing agent in responsible charge of the work,
or duly recognized or designated representative. 6. Responsibilities and Duties Discussion—The agency and the authority may be 6.1 A nondestructive testing agency’s capabilities should
the same in some cases. include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following
methods: magnetic particle, penetrant, radiographic/
fluoroscopic, ultrasonic, eddy current, and leak testing.
Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box NOTE 1—A comparison of selected NDE Methods is provided as
28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518, http://www.asnt.org. Appendix X1.
Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. (AIA), 1000
Wilson Blvd., Suite 1700, Arlington, VA 22209-3928, http://www.aia-aerospace.org. 6.2 It is the responsibility of the agency to ensure that:

E543 – 09
6.2.1 It performs only examinations for which it is ad- tracted. The manual shall be prepared in accordance with the
equately equipped and staffed. requirements of Practice E1212. Additional requirements or
6.2.2 Its employees perform only examinations for which clarifications are contained in 9.2 through 9.6. The manual
they are adequately qualified. shall be of sufficient detail to provide complete guidance for
6.2.3 Its equipment is calibrated and personnel are certified their use by the agency’s personnel.
in accordance with applicable specifications. 9.1.1 The agency management shall designate a person or
6.2.4 All equipment is properly maintained. persons within the agency who has responsibility for maintain-
6.2.5 It informs the authority of any discrepancy or limita- ing the agency’s quality system. This person(s) shall have
tion imposed on the testing accuracy by such factors as surface direct access to top management. This person shall conduct and
finish, form, shape, or procedure. document an internal audit at least once every year to verify
6.3 The following duties are those usually performed by the that the quality system is functioning properly.
agency: 9.2 Process Control (Operational Procedures)—This sec-
6.3.1 To perform all examinations in accordance with speci- tion shall contain the information necessary to control the
fied standards or quality-control criteria, or both. (The neces- various activities necessary for the examination of materials.
sary documents shall be furnished by the authority, or the Items covered shall include receiving and preparing material,
agency, or both, as specified in the applicable purchase identification and marking, test procedures and specifications
agreements.) The agency should call to the attention of the to use, reports, and return of material.
authority at once any irregularity or deficiency noted in the 9.3 Personnel Qualification—The requirements, procedures
documents. for training, certification, and recertification for each level of
6.3.2 To submit promptly to the authority formal reports of qualification.
all examinations that indicate compliance or noncompliance of 9.4 Equipment Maintenance and Calibration—This section
the material with 6.3.1. The agency should be prepared to shall contain all of the following:
substantiate examination results when required. 9.4.1 Inventory Listing—All available equipment shall be
6.4 The agency may, in accordance with an agreement with listed with the following information noted:
the authority, report only compliance or noncompliance with Name of the manufacturer.
the applicable specifications or control documents. The author- Equipment model and serial number.
ity reserves the right for disposition of noncomplying material.
6.5 The authority may, at its discretion, inspect the proce- Characteristics subject to calibration.
dures, equipment, and personnel program of the agency. Range of operation and range of calibration. Reference to recognized standardization procedures
7. Personnel acceptable to the authority, if applicable.
7.1 The agency shall document the following: Frequency of calibration.
7.1.1 Written outline or chart defining operational personnel Allowable tolerances or maximum sensitivity.
positions and their lines of responsibility and authority. Source of verification.
7.1.2 Summary job description for each professional, scien- 9.4.2 Calibration—Each instrument or machine, when cali-
tific, supervisory, and technical position category, documenting bration is required, shall have either a calibration sticker
the required education, training, or experience, or a combina- affixed, or record of certification on file, containing the
tion thereof. following:
7.1.3 Records or resumes that document the qualifications, Instrument calibrated.
work experience, and training history of each person in a Serial number.
position described in 7.1.2. Calibration date.
7.2 The agency shall make available a description of its
means of ensuring the continued competence of its personnel to Calibration next due.
perform NDT, including the maintenance of written records to Name of individual who performed last calibration.
document the results. If calibration is not required, a sticker, stating no calibration is
necessary shall be affixed, or a record shall be on file to this
8. Personnel Qualification/Certifications effect.
8.1 Nondestructive testing (NDT) personnel shall be quali- 9.4.3 The equipment shall be calibrated against currently
fied and certified in accordance with a nationally or interna- certified standards calibrated by accepted government or in-
tionally recognized NDT personnel qualifications practice or dustrial agencies (or shall indicate that it is calibrated as used,
standards such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, NAS- or that no calibration is necessary) at least at the following
410, or a similar document. The practice or standard used and specific intervals in accordance with a written procedure which
the applicable revision shall be specified in the contractual shall also specify who is to calibrate each equipment type:
agreement between parties. Magnetic Particle:
PROCEDURE MANUAL (1) Timer and Ammeter—Check every 90 days, unless
subjected to electrical repair or inadvertently damaged, at
9. Minimum Requirements which time calibration is required prior to use.
9.1 Each agency shall have prepared a written Procedures (2) Black Lights—Maintain a minimum level of intensity,
Manual for the type of work for which the agency is con- as specified by the agency.

E543 – 09
(3) Suspension Concentration Test—Check prior to use or What indications should appear at each step.
daily, whichever is less restrictive. Indications and their evaluations. Penetrant: Recording of test results.
(1) Penetrants and Emulsifiers—Check monthly for con- 9.6 Records and Documentation:
tamination. 9.6.1 Records—All applicable records pertaining to 9.2
(2) Dryers—Check monthly for thermostat accuracy. through 9.5 shall be maintained in a central file and in other
(3) Black Lights—Maintain a minimum level of intensity, accessible files as necessary, and should be available for
as specified by the agency. examination by the authority. Radiographic—Calibrate densitometers prior to 9.6.2 The internal process forms or job record forms shall be
each use, utilizing calibrated film strips. filed with the written report to the authority and become a part Ultrasonic—The authority shall approve the re- of the permanent record. They should include the following
quired calibration intervals. minimum information: Leak Testing: Order and reference numbers.
(1) The equipment shall be calibrated at the beginning of Specification.
each shift. Type of test and procedure identification.
(2) The standards shall be calibrated at 6-month intervals. Serial or part numbers, alloy numbers, heat and lot Eddy Current—Calibration of the system at the start numbers, as applicable.
and end of each run and at the beginning of each shift (or turn) Special instructions from the customer.
using the reference standard (secondary) is normally required. Customer’s (authority’s) name.
This or other required calibration intervals shall be approved Results of the examination.
by the authority. A notation of all known deviations from any stan- Written records of the results of the checks and
dard test method(s) referenced and all requirements of the test
calibrations are to be maintained at a central location. The
method(s) that were not performed by the agency.
above checks are minimum and do not relieve the responsibil-
9.6.3 All applicable internal reports should be signed by the
ity of constantly checking and immediately repairing any item
technician performing the work and by Level II or Level III
which may affect test results. A history of the repairs, modifi-
personnel. A procedure for auditing of reports by Level III
cations, or substitutions shall be maintained.
personnel must be included.
9.5 Equipment Operation and Technique File:
9.5.1 Each type of equipment in use shall have a complete 9.6.4 Personnel qualification records should be developed in
manual which contains all information necessary to operate accordance with 8.1 and be available in an active file as long as
and maintain the equipment in accordance with applicable employment continues. When personnel leave the agency, the
codes and specifications. The manual shall include the main- records may be transferred to an inactive file but should not be
tenance procedures and schedules for each type of equipment discarded for a period of five years or as otherwise specified.
and the calibration schedule of each type of equipment. 9.6.5 Specification File—The company should maintain an
9.5.2 A technique file should be maintained for each type of orderly file containing all codes, specifications, and amend-
equipment. It should be available for the guidance of the ments under which it is performing work. The company does
technician. The manual shall include: not have to possess codes and specifications for which it has no Summary of test procedure. use. Step-by-step preparation of material for examina-
tion. 10. Keywords Reference standard. 10.1 equipment calibration; laboratory evaluation; NDT Control of essential variables, such as the time laboratories; personnel certification; quality control; quality
required for each test step (if applicable). manual

E543 – 09

(Mandatory Information)


of the part. Current is passed from one pad to the other through
the part. Pads are normally used with stationary equipment and
A1.1 General
rigged so that the pads are in contact with the part under
A1.1.1 The agency responsible for nondestructive examina- pressure.
tion of material should be equipped with, or have access to, at A1.2.1.3 The coils, prods, clamps, and pads are energized
least the equipment listed for the applicable processes. with high-amperage low-voltage currents. Therefore, equip-
A1.1.2 Nondestructive testing systems can include multiple ment must be available to transform line current and, when
examination stations with extensive supporting mechanisms required, to rectify it. The equipment should contain an
and controls. Others may be simply utilizing only manual ammeter to indicate the magnetizing amperage, suitable
application of a basic instrument. switches, and, when required, timers to control the length of
NOTE A1.1—Sections A1.2 through A1.8 of this specification are time that the current is applied. If different amperages are
intended to be educational although they do contain some mandatory required, the equipment shall produce the maximum required
requirements. Section 2 provides a list of documents which include amperage with a suitable control for reducing the amperage to
specific requirements in the applicable test methods. the required lower levels. Cables should be of adequate but not
A1.2 Magnetic Particle Equipment excessive length and large enough to carry the required
A1.2.1 Equipment for Magnetization of Parts shall be ca- A1.2.1.4 Magnetic particles may be applied either wet or
pable of inducing a flux density of sufficient intensity and dry. Dry particles should be applied uniformly with a dusting
direction to perform the required examination. Either a-c or d-c or light blowing action. Wet particles should be applied by
(fullwave or half-wave rectified) equipment or permanent aerosol cans or by hosing. Provisions should be available to
magnets shall be used as specified by the contract, purchase ensure that the required amount of particles are in suspension
order, or specification to produce the required magnetization. when the spray is applied and to periodically check the
A1.2.1.1 The part or a section of the part may be magne- concentration of the solution.
tized by induction or by passing current through the part or
A1.2.1.5 Adequate lighting shall be available when the parts
section by permanent conductors, contact plates, clamps, or
are viewed for indications. When fluorescent dyed particles are
prods. After proper cleaning of the part, the magnetic particles
used, ultraviolet light (3200 to 3800 Å (320 to 380 nm)) must
may be applied either wet or dry.
be available. Adequate white light must be available when
A1.2.1.2 The magnetic field is induced in the part by the use
viewing visible dyed particles and should be available for use,
of any of the following:
as needed, when viewing fluorescent dyed particles.
(1) Yoke—Used to magnetize sections of parts. It is a
A1.2.2 Equipment for Demagnetization should be capable
U-shaped iron core with a coil around the cross bar or a
of demagnetizing all part configurations, to the minimum
U-shaped or flexible permanent magnet. The magnetic field
residual field specified in the specification or purchase docu-
across the open ends is used to induce a magnetic field in the
ment, regardless of size and configuration. Demagnetization is
part or section. The yoke’s fixed or movable legs are used with
normally accomplished by stepping down a-c or d-c voltage
the open ends in contact with the part. The yoke is normally
while the direction of the d-c is changed between each step, or
operated by line voltages (110 or 220 V).
by withdrawing the part from an a-c field. Demagnetization can
(2) Coil—Used to magnetize parts or sections. It is a
be accomplished by induced fields or by passing a current
current-carrying conductor formed into a coil of several turns.
through the part. Induced fields using coils are generally the
The magnetic field inside the coil is used to induce a magnetic
most effective method. Facilities should include a coil, cables
field into the part or section.
(when required) and equipment to produce adequate voltages
(3) Prods—Used to magnetize sections of parts. They are
and amperages, reversing and stepdown switches, and a meter
rods, normally 1⁄2 to 1 in. (12.7 to 25.4 mm) in diameter and 8
to indicate residual external magnetic fields.
to 10 in. (203 to 254 mm) in length, made of copper with a
handle on one end. The ends of a pair of prods are placed on NOTE A1.2—See Guide E709, Reference Photographs E125, Terminol-
the part and current passed from one prod to the other through ogy E1316, and Practice E1444 for other requirements for magnetic
the part. The magnetic field is produced in the area between the particle inspection.
(4) Clamps—Used to magnetize sections of parts. They are A1.3 X- and Gamma-ray Radiographic Equipment
spring-loaded clamps with braided copper pads on the inside of A1.3.1 Radiation Source—The radiation source shall be
the jaws. The clamps are clamped onto the part and a current capable of producing sufficient energy and intensity to examine
is passed from one clamp to the other through a part. materials in accordance with required specifications. Either
(5) Pads—Used in stationary equipment to magnetize X-rays or gamma rays may be used unless otherwise specified
parts. They are braided copper or lead pads placed at each end by the contract, specification, or purchase order.

E543 – 09
A1.3.1.1 X-ray equipment should contain voltage and am- A1.3.5.1 A darkroom or other suitable facility must be
perage controls (when applicable) and meters, a timer to time available to handle film when loading exposure holders, cutting
the length of the exposure, or other approved controls, and preloaded strip film, and when removing the film from the
provisions for positioning the tube head and the part being holder for processing. The darkroom should be equipped with
X-rayed (when applicable). The voltage and amperage range of both safe and white lights and a work area to handle the film.
the equipment must be adequate to penetrate the thickness of A1.3.5.2 When hand-processing equipment is used, facili-
the material to be evaluated and produce acceptable film ties must be available to process the film, in developer solution,
densities. stop bath or fresh water rinse, in fixer, and in a final fresh water
A1.3.1.2 Gamma rays are produced by radioactive materi- rinse (preferably not the rinse used between develop and fix),
als, such as cobalt-60 and iridium-192. Different isotopes emit and should include the use of a film dryer and a timer with an
gamma rays in a specific energy range. The isotope (size, alarm. A time/temperature relationship for film processing
energy level, and strength) should be selected in view of the must be maintained.
application (material, thickness, required image quality indica- A1.3.5.3 When automatic processing equipment is used, it
tor, sensitivity) and a reasonable exposure time. must be clean and time/temperature relationships and replen-
ishment rates must be maintained.
A1.3.2 Safety and Monitoring Equipment consistent with A1.3.5.4 Facilities for viewing the radiograph and for mea-
good practice and current regulations should be available and suring photographic or optical density must be available. The
normally includes safety switches, survey meters, film badges, viewing equipment should include both high- and normal-
dosimeters, signs, ropes, lead-lined room, and so forth, as intensity lights or separate viewers. A light transmission-type
applicable. Also, lead sheet, shot, or leaded rubber should be densitometer should be available to measure film density. A
available to control or reduce scattered radiation. reflection-type densitometer should be available to measure the
A1.3.3 Radiographic Quality Level and Identification density of X-ray paper.
Equipment. Image Quality Indicators (IQI’s) are used to A1.3.6 Reference Standards—Reference standards must be
evaluate the sensitivity of both setup and processing tech- in accordance with authority-furnished standards or specifica-
niques. They must be made from material that is radiographi- tions, or both, and when possible, should be established by the
cally similar to, and that represents the specified percentage use of the applicable set of ASTM reference radiographs.
thickness of the material to be evaluated. The IQI’s must be
NOTE A1.3—See Guides E94, E431, and E592, Practices E747, E801,
clean and properly identified. Blocks shall be available on E1025, and E1742, Test Methods E746, E1030, and E1032, and Termi-
which the IQI can be placed during the exposure, if required. nology E1316 for additional information concerning radiographic exami-
The thickness of the blocks should be approximately equal to nation, and Guides E999 and E1254 for information on film processing
the thickness of the sections being radiographed and radio- and storage.
graphically similar. When exposing nonhomogeneous speci-
A1.4 Neutron Radiographic Equipment
mens such as electronic components or other complex struc-
tured devices, IQI’s shall be selected to produce similar image A1.4.1 Neutron Beam— The neutron beam shall consist
densities to that of the area of interest of the device being mainly of collimated thermal neutrons, free of excessive
radiographed. Lead numbers and letters of adequate size and scattered neutrons and, for the direct exposure method as
thickness should be available for film identification purposes. defined in Practices E748, free of excessive gamma radiation.
There should be a sufficient number of each letter and number The degree of collimation, (L/D ratio) and neutron to gamma
to put all required identification on the film. However, alter- ratio shall be sufficient to provide clear images of objects in the
native methods of permanent film identification are permitted. area of interest. Other standards or Method E545, or combina-
Examples are light box exposures and permanent white ink. tions thereof, should be used as appropriate to verify sensitivity
and beam quality.
A1.3.4 Imaging Systems—The imaging system, that is, film,
A1.4.1.1 The neutron source shall provide adequate neutron
fluoroscope, and so forth, shall be capable of recording or flux to produce the specified radiographic quality in a timely
displaying an image to the sensitivity and contrast required by exposure. The source aperture or other method of collimation
the applicable specification, purchase order, or contract. Film, must be well defined to provide the image sharpness required.
or paper if permitted, should be stored in a cool, dry place that Method E803 can be used to make an analytical evaluation of
is completely protected from direct or scattered radiation the effective L/D ratio. The neutron source may be a reactor,
(background radiation excluded). Various types of intensifying accelerator, or radioisotope provided the requirements of the
screens are used in industrial applications, with the most specification can be met.
common being lead compound (or lead oxide) and fluorescent. A1.4.2 Safety and Monitoring Equipment, consistent with
When intensifying screens are employed, they should be clean good practice and current regulations should be available and
and free of scratches, wrinkles, surface contamination, and any normally includes area monitors, safety switches, survey
other conditions that may interfere with the production of a meters, film badges, dosimeters, signs, personnel barriers,
quality radiograph. adequate gamma and neutron shielding, etc., as appropriate to
A1.3.5 Processing and Viewing Equipment—Processing ensure the safety of operating and visiting personnel.
equipment, such as darkroom facilities, densitometers, and so A1.4.3 Imaging System—Normally, only single-emulsion
forth, shall be adequate to ensure that the quality intent of the film is used for direct neutron exposures. Other films that meet
applicable specifications is maintained. the requirements of the specification may be used. The film

E543 – 09
should be stored in a cool, dry place free of stray radiation. should include, when applicable, ultrasonic unit, search unit,
Conversion screens should be maintained in a clean condition. tank, bridge, recorder, couplant, and reference blocks.
Vacuum cassettes are usually used to obtain uniform pressure A1.6.1.1 Ultrasonic Unit— This unit should include a
contact between the film and conversion screen. Finished films pulser circuit, receiver circuit, CRT display or acceptable
should be free of lint images and excessive film or foil flaws in equivalent signal display.
areas of interest with no scratches or mottling. A dust-free A1.6.1.2 Search Unit— The cable, search unit, and search
atmosphere, such as a filtered laminar flow work bench, is tube (when immersion scanning is required).
recommended for loading film into the cassette. A1.6.1.3 The ultrasonic unit and search unit as a system
A1.4.4 Processing and Viewing—Processing equipment, should meet the performance requirements of the authority as
such as darkroom facilities, densitometers, etc., shall be determined by Practice E317.
adequate to ensure that the quality intent of the applicable A1.6.1.4 When immersion testing is required, a tank or
specifications is maintained. bubbler system is necessary to furnish a water path between the
A1.4.4.1 A darkroom or other suitable facility must be search unit and the part. The tank should be equipped with a
available to process film. The darkroom should be equipped bridge and a manipulating system to hold the search unit. The
with both safe and white lights and a work area to handle the bridge should be of sufficient strength to provide rigid support
film. for the manipulator.
A1.4.4.2 When automatic processing equipment is used, the A1.6.2 Reference Standards:
time/temperature relationships and replenishment rates must be A1.6.2.1 When reference blocks using flat-bottom holes are
maintained. When hand-processing equipment is used, facili- required, the holes should be processed and monitored in
ties must be available to process the film. accordance with the requirements of Practices E428 or E127.
A1.4.4.3 Facilities for viewing the radiograph and for a A1.6.2.2 When contoured surfaces are to be examined,
light-transmission densitometer for measuring optical density reference standards conforming to the general geometry of the
should be available. part or section should be used.
A1.6.2.3 Reference standards must be in accordance with
A1.5 Liquid Penetrant Equipment authority-furnished standards or specifications, or both, and
A1.5.1 Liquid penetrant inspection equipment consists of when possible, should be established by the use of the
the necessary apparatus to apply the penetrant, wash the applicable ASTM standard.
surface of the part, dry the part, and apply a developer, and a NOTE A1.5—See Practices E213, E273, E127, E114, E164, E214,
properly lighted area in which the part can be inspected. There E317, E428, E587, E664, E797, E1001, E1315, E1774, E1816, E1901,
are two basic liquid penetrant methods and three types of E1961, E1962, E2001, E2192, E2223, E2373, E2375, and Terminology
penetrant systems. Each system requires slightly different E1316 for additional information concerning ultrasonic testing.
facilities and apparatus for proper processing of parts. The two
liquid penetrant methods are fluorescent and visible. The three A1.7 Leak Testing
types of penetrant systems are water washable, post-emulsified, A1.7.1 Equipment:
and solvent removable (see Test Method E165). A1.7.1.1 Helium leak testing requires a mass spectrometer
A1.5.2 Equipment generally consists of either immersion that is peaked for helium and that has a sensitivity of at least
dip tanks or spray apparatus (spray guns, aerosol cans, etc.) or one decade less than the minimum leakage rate being tested.
brushing arranged in a logical order to allow for smooth flow Pressure chambers capable of withstanding positive and
of parts when the applicable sequence of operations (penetrant vacuum pressures may be required for some methods.
application, dwell, penetrant removal, drying, developing, A1.7.1.2 Radioisotope leak testing requires a tracer gas
examination) are followed as specified in Test Method E165 or pressurization system that has been approved and licensed by
other contract documents. the appropriate state or federal agencies, or both. Also scintil-
A1.5.3 Adequate lighting shall be available when the parts lation crystal detectors and Geiger Mueller counters are re-
are viewed for indications. When fluorescent dyed particles are quired which are capable of detecting emissions of the tracer
used, ultraviolet light (3200 to 3800 Å (320 to 380 nm)) must being used.
be available. Adequate white light must be available when A1.7.1.3 Halogen leak testing requires a standard probe-
viewing visible dyed particles and should be available for use, type halogen leak detector.
as needed, when viewing fluorescent dyed particles. A1.7.1.4 Bubble leak testing requires baths of the appropri-
NOTE A1.4—See Test Method E165, Terminology E1316, Reference ate size that are capable of heating the detector fluid to the
Photographs E433, and Practice E1417 for additional information con- specified temperature. Also, pressure vessels may be necessary
cerning liquid penetrant inspection. for pressurization of the test specimens prior to immersion in
the detector fluid.
A1.6 Ultrasonic Equipment A1.7.2 Reference Standards:
A1.6.1 Ultrasonic Instrumentation—The ultrasonic instru- A1.7.2.1 The helium leak standard shall have a leak rate at
mentation shall be capable of generating and detecting pulsed least as small as the limit being tested.
ultrasonic energy over an adequate frequency and power range A1.7.2.2 The Krypton 85 standard shall be encapsulated in
to ensure proper examination in accordance with the applicable the same type glass, wall thickness, and geometrical shape as
governing specification. The instrumentation and accessories the sample vials used to determine specific activity.

E543 – 09
NOTE A1.6—See Practice E427, Guide E432, Test Methods E493, nal or transverse notches, or both, may be used. Orientation,
E498, E499, and E515. dimensions, configuration, and position of the notches affect
A1.7.2.3 The halogen standard, with the response correction the response of the eddy-current system.
factor, shall be so contoured that the maximum leak will read (b) Holes—Drilled holes may be used. Care should be taken
on the upper 9⁄10 of the scale. during drilling to avoid distortion of the piece and hole.
A1.8 Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Equipment NOTE A1.7—See Practices E215, E243, E309, E376, E426, E566,
E571, E690, E703, E1004, E1033, E1312, E1606, E1629, E2096, E2261,
A1.8.1 Electronic Apparatus—The electronic apparatus and E2338 for additional information concerning electromagnetic (eddy-
shall be capable of energizing the test coils or probes with current) examination.
alternating currents of suitable frequencies and power levels
and shall be capable of sensing the changes in the electromag- A1.9 Acoustic Emission Equipment
netic response of the sensors. Equipment may include a A1.9.1 Acoustic Emission Instrumentation—The acoustic
detector, phase discriminator, filter circuits, modulation cir- emission (AE) instrumentation shall be capable of detection of
cuits, magnetic-saturation devices, display (recorder, scope or stress waves (acoustic emission) over an adequate frequency
meter, or both) and signaling devices as required by a particular range and propagation distance to ensure a proper examination
application. in accordance with the applicable governing specification. The
A1.8.2 Test Coils— Test coils may be of the encircling or instrumentation should include, when applicable, sensors, pre-
probe-coil type and shall be capable of inducing an electro- amplifiers, filters, and a processing unit.
magnetic field in the test specimen and standard and sensing A1.9.1.1 Sensors—Sensors transform particle motion into
changes in the electric and magnetic characteristics of the electrical signals that can be processed by the instrumentation.
specimen. Acoustic emission sensors are typically piezoelectric devices,
A1.8.3 Standards: but other types, for example, fiber optic or laser based, may
A1.8.3.1 Sorting Standards—In sorting, known reference also be used.
standard(s) are required.
A1.9.1.2 Pre-Amplifiers—Pre-amplifiers are typically used
A1.8.3.2 Coating Thickness Measurements Standards—
between the sensors and the processing unit. Pre-amplifiers
Calibration standards of uniform thickness are available in
boost the AE signal from the sensor and provide the electronic
either of two types: foil or coated substrate.
drive necessary to assure signal integrity (through long cable
A1.8.3.3 Conductivity Standards:
distances) to the processing unit.
(1) Primary Standards—Those standards which have a
value assigned through direct comparison with a standard A1.9.1.3 Filters—Both analog and digital filtering can be
calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards or have been used to eliminate noise and undesirable acoustic activity (for
calibrated by an agency which has access to such standards or example, low-frequency machine vibrations), outside of the AE
have been calibrated using equipment/methods which are analysis frequency range. Filters can be used in both pre-
traceable to NIST such as d-c resistance measurement tech- amplifiers and the processing unit.
niques. The primary standards are usually kept in a laboratory A1.9.1.4 Processing Unit—The processing unit includes 1
environment and are used only to calibrate secondary stan- or more AE processing channels, each typically consisting of:
dards. a filter, amplifier, data acquisition circuitry, AE signal or
(2) Secondary Standards—Those standards supplied with feature processing, a user interface (for example, a keyboard or
the instrumentation or standards constructed by the user for a keypad input and display) and data storage or results output
specific test. These standards are used to calibrate the instru- capability (for example, pass-fail indicator, bar graph, alpha-
mentation during most examination of materials. numeric readout). The processing unit must be capable of
A1.8.3.4 Discontinuity Standards: acquiring data and performing data analysis functions per the
(1) The standard used to adjust the sensitivity of the examination specifications.
apparatus shall be free of interfering discontinuities and shall A1.9.2 Reference Standards
be of the same nominal alloy, heat treatment, and dimensions A1.9.2.1 Because of the large variability of acoustic emis-
as the products to be examined. It shall be of sufficient length sion sources, due in part to material and loading, reference
to permit the spacing of artificial discontinuities to provide standards for acoustic emission examination should be specific.
good signal resolution and be mechanically stable while in the Material, geometry and loading conditions should be carefully
examining position in the apparatus. Artificial discontinuities controlled to provide reference signals for data analysis.
placed in the product to be examined shall be one or more of NOTE A1.8—See Practices E569, E650, E749, E750, E751, E976,
the following types: E1067, E1118, E1139, E1211, E1419, E1781, E1888/E1888M, E1930,
(a) Notches—Notches may be produced by Electric Dis- E1932, E2075, E2076, E2191, and E2374 for additional information
charge Machining (EDM), milling, or other means. Longitudi- concerning acoustic emission examination.

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(Nonmandatory Information)

X1. Comparison of Selected NDE Methods

Properties Sensed Representative Selected ASTM
Method Discontinuities Advantages Limitations
or Measured Applications Standards
X and gamma Changes in density Voids, porosity, Castings, weldments, E94 E431 E592 Detects internal Relative insensitivity to
radiography from voids, inclusions, inclusions, cracks, assemblies, explosives, E746 E747 E801 discontinuities; useful thin or laminar flaws
material variations, corrosion. detection of corrosion/ E999 E1030 on a wide variety of such as fatigue cracks or
placement of internal material loss, location/ E1032 E1316 materials; portable; delaminations which are
parts. dimension of internal E1742 permanent record. perpendicular to the
structures. radiation beam.

Neutron Compositional Presence, absence, Ordnance, Castings, E545 E748 E803 Good penetration of Relatively unportable.
radiography inhomogeneities or mislocation of O-Rings E1496 most structural metals; Thick sections of
components or high sensitivity to hydrogen-containing
variations of suitable favorable materials; materials; limited facilities
composition permanent record. High
spatial resolution

Liquid penetrant Surface openings. Cracks, porosity, laps, Castings, forgings, E165 E433 E1316 Inexpensive; easy to Discontinuity must be
examination and seams. weldments, metallic and E1417 apply; portable. open to an accessible
nonmetallic components. surface; false indications
often occur.

Eddy current Changes in electrical Cracks, seams, laps, Bars, rods, wire, tubing, E215 E243 E309 Moderate cost; readily Conductive materials
examination and magnetic voids, and variations local regions of sheet E376 E426 E566 automated; portable; only; shallow penetration;
properties caused by in alloy composition metal, alloy sorting, and E571 E690 E703 permanent record if geometry sensitive;
surface and near- and heat treatment. thickness gaging. E1004 E1316 needed. reference standards
surface discontinuities. E1606 E1629 often necessary.
E2261 E2338

Microwave Anomalies in complex In dielectrics: Glass-fiber-resin Non contacting; readily No penetration of metals;
examination dielectric coefficient disbonds voids, and structures; plastics; automated; rapid comparatively poor
surface anomalies in cracks; in metal ceramics; moisture examination. definition of flaws.
conductive materials. surfaces: surface content; thickness
cracks. measurement.

Magnetic particle Leakage in magnetic Surface or near- Ferromagnetic products E125 E709 E1316 Stable; inexpensive Ferromagnetic materials
examination field flux caused by surface cracks, laps, such as weldments, E1444 only; surface preparation
surface or near-surface voids, and nonmetallic castings, forgings, and may be required; false
discontinuities. inclusions. extrusions, and other indications often occur.
basic steel products.

Magnetic flux Leakage in magnetic Surface or near- Ferromagnetic products E570 E1571 Sensitivity to typical Ferromagnetic materials
leakage field flux caused by surface cracks, laps, such as weldments, discontinuities; readily only; proper
examination surface or near-surface voids, and nonmetallic castings, forgings, and automated; moderate magnetization of part
discontinuities. inclusions. extrusions, and other depth penetration; sometimes difficult when
basic steel products. permanent record, if parts do not have
needed. uniform cross section.

Ultrasonic Changes in acoustic Cracks, voids, Weldments, plates, tubes, E114 E127 E164 Excellent penetration; Requires acoustic
examination impedance. porosity, lamination, castings, forgings, E213 E214 E273 readily automated; coupling to surface;
delaminations, and extrusions; thickness E317 E428 E494 good sensitivity and reference standard
inclusions. gaging. E587 E664 E797 resolution; requires usually required; highly
E1001 E1315 access to only one dependent upon operator
E1316 E1774 side; permanent record, skill; relative insensitivity
E1816 E1901 if needed. to laminar flaws which
E1961 E1962 are parallel to the sound
E2001 E2192 beam.
E2223 E2373
Sonic examination Changes in acoustic Disbonds, Laminated structures; Simple to implement; Geometry sensitive; poor
impedance. delaminations, cracks, honeycomb; small parts. readily automated; definition.
or voids. portable.

E543 – 09

TABLE Continued
Properties Sensed Representative Selected ASTM
Method Discontinuities Advantages Limitations
or Measured Applications Standards
Ultrasonic Same as ultrasonic Used primarily for Examination of a limited Produces a viewable Cost; limited to small
holography examination. evaluation of region of the structure in image of discontinuities. regions of the structure;
discontinuities each image. poor definition compared
detected by other to radiography.

Infrared testing Surface temperature; Voids or disbonds in Laminated structures; Produces a viewable Cost; difficult to control
anomalies in thermal nonmetallics; location honeycomb; electric and thermal map. surface emissivity; poor
conductivity or surface of hot or cold spots in electronic circuits; definition.
emissivity, or both. thermally active insulated structures;
assemblies. refractory lined structures
and machinery.

Strain gauges Mechanical strains. Not used for detection Stress-strain analysis of Low cost; reliable. Insensitive to preexisting
of discontinuities. most materials. strains; small area
coverage; requires
bonding to surface.

Brittle coatings Mechanical strains. Not commonly used Stress-strain analysis of Low cost; produces Insensitive to preexisting
for detection of most materials. large area map of strain strains.
discontinuities. field.

Optical holography Mechanical strains. Disbonds; Honeycomb; composite Extremely sensitive, Cost; complexity;
delaminations; plastic structures; tires; precision produces map of strain requires considerable
deformation. parts such as bearing field; permanent record skill.
elements. if needed.

Leak detection Pressure changes, Leaks in closed Vacuum systems; gas E427 E432 E479 Good sensitivity; wide Requires internal and
bubbles, acoustic hiss, systems. and liquid storage E493 E498 E499 range of external access to
or the passage of a vessels; piping. E515 E908 E1316 instrumentation system; contaminants
tracer fluid through a available. may interfere; can be
pressure boundary. costly.

Acoustic emission Stress wave energy Cracks, structural Crack detection and E569 E650 E749 100% volumetric Structure must be
generated by growing anomalies, leaks, also location during proof E750 E751 examination in real loaded, sensors must be
flaws, areas of high delamination, fiber testing, crack time, complicated in contact with structure.
stress, leaks. fracture and matrix propagation, composite, geometries, very high
failure in composite structures, metal sensitivity, permanent
materials. structures, rotating record, accurate flaw
equipment. location.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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