Power Power: Designer Designer
Power Power: Designer Designer
Power Power: Designer Designer
No 119
o. 120
Calculating Losses and Junction Temperature for
Feature Article ............... 1-7 High-Power-Density Switching Converters
High-Power Density — By Matthew Reynolds, Principal Applications Engineer
Switching Regulators
LM2830/31/32 ......................2 Introduction
Today’s silicon fabrication technology has allowed power conversion ICs to increase
Dual High-Power Density power density by an order of magnitude from the technology that existed just five
Switching Regulator years ago. Smaller geometries and other power-process improvements have enabled
LM26400Y ............................4 National Semiconductor to create more efficient devices. Increases in efficiency are
realized by new intellectual property including lower RDS-ON and lower capacitive
devices. Further, smaller silicon geometries decrease the size of the logic circuits,
allowing for a greater amount of space for the main power-pass elements.
In the last five years, National Semiconductor has leveraged new process tech-
nologies and created a family of buck, boost, and buck-boost converters, as well
as Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converters (SEPICs) in small packages that
are industry leaders in power density. Examples of devices available today are
the LM2734Z, LM2830/31/32 buck converters, and the LM2735 boost and
SEPIC converter. The LM2734Z has an input voltage range of 3V to 20V and
a switching frequency of 3 MHz. The LM2830/31/32 buck converters hold a
leadership position in power density as does the LM2735 converter. This article
will provide an overview of these devices as well as application circuits and tips
that are helpful in using high-density DC-DC monolithic converters.
To explain how fabrication process developments increase efficiency, one must
first understand power losses in a monolithic DC-DC converter. Losses can be
categorized into two types: conduction losses and switching losses. Conduction
losses are the easiest to understand, and these will be addressed first.
Conduction Losses
All silicon devices have resistance associated with them. Conduction of current
through resistances in the IC and package results in IRMS2 x R power losses.
To illustrate the losses within a DC-DC converter, it is useful to consider the
buck converter. The buck converter is the most common DC-DC converter
today. This topology produces an output voltage lower in magnitude than the
input voltage.
Power Supply Designs for
Modern FPGAs
High-Power Density Switching Regulators
Deliver Up to 2A Output Current
Lower power FPGA,
Digital logic
Internal compensation
simplifies design
LM2832 2A eMSOP-8, LLP-6
0 0.5 1 1.5
Ideal for use in multimedia set-top boxes, USB–
Output Current (A)
powered devices, DSL modems, and hard disk drives
For FREE samples, datasheets, online design tools, and more information on the LM2830/31/32, contact us today at:
POWER designer
Calculating Losses and Junction Temperature for High-Power-Density
Switching Converters
Area 1 TS
SS V CC V DD Control FET
+VL - D’TS
Area 2 Area 4
- Synchronous FET VDIFF
and Body Diode Area 3 DTS
V EN V FB GND Area 5
330 pF 80
Efficiency (%)
100 kΩ
4 3
EN FB 10 µF
LM2735 2 60
5 1 50
22 µF
0.01 0.1
Output Load (A)
High Output Current
• 2.1A Switch current over full temperature range
• Boost from 5V to 12V at 700 mA
Product ID VIN Range Switch Current VOUT Max Frequency Ideal For Package
600 KHz XDSL modem, portable devices, white
LM2731 2.7V to 14V 1.4A 22V 160 MHz LED current sources SOT23-5
600 KHz TV tuners, set top boxes, white LED
LM2733 2.7V to 14V 1A 40V 1.60 MHz current sources SOT23-5
LCD and OLED displays for portable SOT23-5
NEW 520 KHz applications, USB powered devices, LLP-6,
LM2735 2.7V to 5.5V 2.1A 24V 1.60 MHz white LED current source eMSOP-8
For FREE samples, datasheets, online design tools, and more, visit us today:
POWER designer
Calculating Losses and Junction Temperature for High-Power-Density
Switching Converters
MOSFETs are to be off for a short period of time in was common to see 50 nS rise and fall times five
order to eliminate “shoot through”. Shoot through is years ago. Today, similar applications with newer
a term used to describe what would happen if both technology delivering 5 nS rise and fall times are
MOSFETs were on at the same time, and allowing commonly seen. This is a significant improvement
VIN to be shorted to ground. This would create a very in order of magnitude.
large current spike through both MOSFETs. As the By looking at the previous equations for transition
current ramps down in the control MOSFET, the losses, one can see how the switching losses easily
body-diode current increases. There are losses associ- could be much greater in a lower switching-fre-
ated with this transition, and it can be approximated quency converter, depending on the two different
with simple geometry. The area of the two triangles is technologies being compared. These improvements
a fairly good approximation of the power loss in the in switching transition times have allowed National
rising and falling transitions. The area of a triangle is to create 3 MHz converters with decreased losses
1/2 base x height. The power loss during the falling compared to previous generations of lower
transition is: switching-frequency converters. Higher switching-
PSWF = 1/2(VIN x IOUT x FSW x TFALL) frequency converters also allow the customer to use
The power loss during the rising transition is: smaller external capacitors and inductors allowing
PSWR = 1/2(VIN x IOUT x FSW x TRISE) for a much smaller total application space.
The losses associated with the time that only the A significant loss in a buck converter application
synchronous FET body diode is on are: is the conduction loss in the external inductor.
PDIODE = (VD x IOUT x FSW x TD) The inductor has continuous current through the
DTS and D’TS periods, and RDCR losses can be
The quiescent power losses associated with power-
significant. For a given amount of PCB space for a
ing internal circuitry can be empirically measured
converter, a lower-value inductor will allow a larger
by powering the device and disconnecting any load
wire diameter and lower power loss.
from the output. The input current drawn multiplied
by the input voltage is a good approximation of the The time that the body diode is on (time TD), is
quiescent power loss. another significant power loss that can be minimized
with proper design. This time can increase or
decrease depending on changes in input voltage
Now that all significant power losses have been and output load. By implementing active circuitry
calculated, the overall efficiency can be calculated: that minimizes this time, the body diode losses are
Efficiency = H = = minimized within the IC. Many National synchro-
nous-buck-converter designs use active circuitry
that reduces this time.
After understanding the most significant losses
associated with a buck converter, it will be easier to Thermals
see how recent advances in silicon technology have After it is understood how losses in a DC-DC
allowed National Semiconductor to create a family converter are calculated, it becomes easier to
of high-density SOT-23 switchers. One of the easiest determine the temperature of the silicon junction
methods to describe the improvements is to discuss of a specific application.
a common myth about monolithic power converters Calculating junction temperature with any amount
and efficiency. It is fairly common to hear that “if of accuracy when using monolithic DC-DC
you want to improve efficiency, you need to use a converters has always been difficult for the customer.
lower switching-frequency device”. This is true only Often there is a recommended maximum junction
when comparing two DC-DC converters that are temperature from the IC manufacturer without an
fabricated on similar processes. As an example, it accurate means of measuring this temperature.
POWER designer
Calculating Losses and Junction Temperature for High-Power-Density
Switching Converters
The junction temperature of the device needs to be Therefore it would be improper to calculate the
calculated to ensure reliable operation in a given junction temperature using the R⍜JC value given on
application. There are many “rules of thumb” and the datasheet, while monitoring just the top-case
helpful guides within National’s datasheets. Fol- temperature.
lowing are also a couple of easy methods that will In order to properly calculate the junction tempera-
approximate the junction temperature of the device ture in the laboratory, one could define a thermal
in a specific application. impedance that allows us to measure the top-case
R⍜JA, R⍜JC, and R⌿JC Definitions: temperature with a thermal sensor attached. Let
R⍜JA: Thermal impedance from silicon junction to R⌿JC represent the thermal impedance associated
ambient air temperature. The units of measurement with just the top case to silicon junction.
are °C/Watt. Another common thermal impedance used to
T -T calculate junction temperature in the laboratory
R5JA = J A
PDISSIPATION is R⌿J-PCB. This thermal impedance is defined as
the thermal resistance from the silicon junction to
R⍜JC: Thermal impedance from silicon junction to
the ground lead of the device.
device case temperature.
These two thermal impedances allow the end user
R5JC = to calculate the junction temperature of our devices
using the following method.
Most data sheets contain values for R⍜JA and R⍜JC ROCASE-AMB
for each package. The datasheet values for R⍜JA and
R⍜JC are given so that a comparison can be made COCASE-AMB
illustrate thermal impedance, an electrical analogy is PCB
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provides a comprehensive library of
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