Winsoc Fact Sheet
Winsoc Fact Sheet
Winsoc Fact Sheet
Wireless Sensor Networks
with Self-Organization Capabilities
for Critical and
Emergency Applications
The Problem
Sensor networks are currently receiving a huge
attention as a basic tool to detect emergency
events or monitor physical parameters of
interest, like radiation, pollution, temperatures,
pressures, and so on. One of the main
problems in designing sensor networks,
especially in cases where the network is placed
in areas difficult to reach, is, on one hand, the
high reliability required to the whole system
and, on the other hand, the potential
unreliability of the single sensor. Many
technological constraints make in fact the single
Avalanche Insert
Cyclone Volcano Drought Diseases
sensor potentially inaccurate and unreliable,
because of the need for battery recharge, small
complexity, low cost, etc. The other major
PICTURE critical issues are congestion around the sink or
control nodes and scalability. The most
or common approach available today consists in
Fire Typhoon Lahar Landslide Floods
adapting the protocol stack of communication
networks to sensor networks, taking into
DIAGRAMME account the specificities of the application and
focusing on energy-aware design. However,
requirements and constraints of sensor
networks are so different from communication
Storms EarthQuake Tsunami Tornado Hurricane networks that, in many cases, it is better to
devise innovative design methodologies which
are not necessarily bounded to the old
Project Objectives
WINSOC aims to develop of a very innovative
More Information: concept of sensor network that represents a significant departure from current state of art
(from 1/12/2006)
through a novel, bio-inspired, paradigm for low
Coordinator contact: complexity wireless sensor nodes, enabling self-
Paolo Capodieci organisation and distributed processing, without
Selex Communications - Italy the need of sending all the gathered data to a sink
E-mail: node.
Methodology and Key Technologies
In order to realise this vision, the project: Expected Results
• Develop and test innovative algorithms
implementing the self-organization capabilities of The WINSOC platform will allow easily
the low level sensors and devise the most deploying and managing networks of self-
appropriate radio interface responsible for the organizing sensor to obtain and relevant
interaction among nearby sensors; this information concerning monitoring and
technology has a rather broad scope and it is surveillance. Such a platform, therefore, will
especially useful for environmental monitoring foster the utilization of sensors to address the
increasing demand for complex systems
• Develop and test three system level simulators resulting from the need of more safety, more
addressing the following applications in security and more automated processes.
environmental monitoring: i) detection or WINSOC, therefore, will provide the perfect
prediction of landslides (according to US match between the users’ demand of relevant
government reports, landslides have killed more complex systems related to Monitoring
than 500 people from 1998 to 2001); ii) detection applications and the current trend of cost
of gas leakage, to prevent hazard situations or reduction of Sensors and Wireless devices.
simply avoid unnecessary wastes of energetic WINSOC project, satisfying such requirements,
resources; iii) monitoring of temperature fields, as will have several technical and scientific
a way to detect fires or, even better, to predict impacts on research and development in
the risk of a potential fire in a given area. The heterogeneous fields.
three simulators will incorporate the emulation of
the physical environment under test, for the WINSOC project addresses the problem of
applications mentioned before, the reaction of the Global Monitoring, and it will route in that
network to hazardous events, the performance of direction. Through the usage of Sensor
the network in terms of reaction time, probability Networks, in fact, it will be possible to have an
of detection, estimation accuracy, localization, economical and reliable system that will allow
fault tolerance; managing critical environmental risks like forest
fires and landslides. The implementation of
• Develop a reduced scale experiment for testing such a network will also elevate the degree of
the proposed approach in the case of safety in natural catastrophes as well.
temperature monitoring and obtain the
deployment experience from landslide detection
experiments with in-situ monitoring.
• Selex Communications - Roma Italy – Paolo Capodieci :
• University of Rome “La Sapienza - Sergio Barbarossa :
• Ceal-Leti - Grenoble France - Sylvie Mayrargue :
• Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Spain - Josep Vidal :
• Intracom s.a. Athens Greece - Panos Dallas : :
• Dune s.l.r. , Rome, IItaly - Fabio Ancreucci :
• Sapienza, s.l Madrid Spain - Maria A. Grado-Caffaro
• Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland - Martin Hasler :
• Ceske Centrum pro Vedu a Spolecnost Praha Czech Republic - Karel Charvat :
• Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India – Venkat Rangan -
• Antrix India - Sridhara Murhi :
Project Acronym: WINSOC
Project Reference: IST-2005-033914
Contract Type: STREP
Start Date: 01/09/2006
Duration: 30 months
End Date: 28/02/2009
Project Cost: 3.864.552 €
Project Funding: 2.443.856 €