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7 - Azimuth by Solar Observation

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Visayas State University

College of Engineering
Baybay City

Vision: The premier university of science and technology in the Visayas.
Mission: Provide excellent instruction, conduct relevant research and foster community engagement that produce
highly competent graduates necessary for the development of the country.

GEng 112
General Surveying II

Name: ________________________________ Date Performed: _______________

Lab Schedule: __________________________ Date Submitted: _______________
Group Number: _________________________


Laboratory Exercise No. 7

I. Introduction.

Azimuth determinations are generally made by observing either the sun or Polaris,
although other stars may be used. The two methods for determining azimuth from the sun are the
hour angle method and the altitude method. Accuracy requirements for the work, as well as
accuracy of the data used in the calculations, will determine the method to be used.
(Elgin, Richard L.)

II. Objective(s):
To determine the true direction (azimuth or bearing) of a line by a direct observation on
the sun.

III. Instruments and Accessories:

Theodolite or Engineer’s Transit, Pegs or Hubs, Range Poles, and a piece of White Card
or Paper.

IV. Procedure:
1. Preparation Prior to Sighting the Sun.
a. Set up and level the instrument at one end of a line whose true direction is to be
b. Set the horizontal circle reading to zero, and take a sight on a mark at the other
end of the line with the telescope in direct position.
c. Release the upper clamp then, raise and point the telescope as nearly as
possible toward the sun without looking through the telescope.
d. Hold a white card from 5 cm to 10 cm behind the eyepiece and slowly rotate the
telescope both in azimuth and altitude. When a circular shadow is cast on the
card clamp both motions.
e. Rotate the eyepiece until the cross hairs are also focused on the card. Then,
focus the telescope and make the image of the sun appear on the white card as
clearly and sharply as possible.

2. Sighting the Sun.

a. To make the observations, the image of the sun may be centered on the cross
hairs or brought tangent to them. The first method is simpler to perform but the
second method is more accurate and will be used in this particular exercise. Half
of the observations should be made with the sun in one quadrant and the other
half with the sun in the opposite quadrant.
b. Loosen the upper motion and take a series of sights to the sun first with the
telescope in direct position.
c. Both vertical and horizontal cross hairs are brought tangent to the eastern limb
and the upper (for morning observation) or lower (for afternoon observation) limb
of the sun. The sequences of images observed by this method are as shown in
the accompanying sketches shown below.

Figure 1. Sighting the sun.

d. For afternoon observations the horizontal cross hair is sighted a short distance
above the lower limb of the sun. Due to the sun’s apparent movement in its orbit
the horizontal cross hair approaches tangency. The vertical cross hair should be
kept continuously on the sun’s eastern limb by means of the upper tangent
e. The motion of the telescope is stopped at the instant when the horizontal and
vertical cross hairs are simultaneously tangent to the sun’s disk as shown on the
white card. Also, the time is observed and the vertical and horizontal circles read.
f. Make a second observation with the sun in the opposite quadrant. The vertical
cross hair is set a short distance to the right of the sun’s western limb. The
horizontal cross hair is kept continuously on the sun’s upper limb by means of the
vertical tangent screw. When the horizontal and vertical cross hairs are
simultaneously tangent to the sun’s disk the vertical and horizontal circles are
g. The above observations are repeated with the telescope in the reversed position
to obtain another set of measurement. Since the readings on the vertical and
horizontal circles are observed in opposite quadrants the average values will
actually represent measurements to the center of the sun’s disk.
h. When the observations are completed, the telescope (now in reversed position)
is again sighted along the line and the circle reading is observed for checking
purposes. The horizontal circle reading should now read 180 degrees.

3. Record the time, horizontal circle readings, and vertical circle readings for each
observation made. Refer to the accompanying sample format for the tabulation of
observed field data.



POSITION (Clockwise from mark to the sun)



1. Prior to the start of the observation the following data must be known in order to
determine the true direction of the line:
a. Magnetic azimuth from station to mark
b. Latitude of the place of observation
c. Temperature during the observation
d. Elevation of the place of observation
e. Meridian of the place of observation
f. Date of the observation
2. Different values needed for further computations will have to be referred to from the
following tables and publications:
a. Refraction and Sun’s Parallax
b. Multipliers for Observed Barometric Pressure or elevation
c. Multipliers for Temperature
d. Current Solar Ephemeris

3. The following values will have to be determined:

a. Mean horizontal angle from the mark to sun
b. Mean vertical angle to sun
c. Mean time at place of observation
d. GCT when observation was made
e. Sun’s apparent declination on date and time of observation
f. True altitude of sun corrected for refraction and parallax
g. Azimuth of the sun
h. True bearing of the line
i. Magnetic declination at the place of observation

4. The azimuth of the sun may be computed from the following equation:

Cos Z = Sin d – Sin h Sin I

Cos h Cos I

Where Z is the true azimuth of the sun, measured from north clockwise in the
morning and counterclockwise on the afternoon. Angle Z may be greater than 90°. A
minus value of Cos Z indicates a value of Z greater than 90°. The latitude of the
observer’s position is 1, h is the true altitude of the sun, and d is the sun’s apparent
declination during the instant of observation. The horizontal angle between the backsight
and the position of the sun (represented by the mean of the horizontal angles) is used
with the azimuth of the sun to obtain the true bearing or azimuth of the line.

5. An illustrative solar observation problem is given as an example for the student to

understand and learn the mechanics behind the required computations.

SOLAR OBSERVATION. Given the following data for sightings made on the sun:
latitude of place observation, N16°30.1’; temperature during observation, 21.1°C;
elevation of place of observation, 1580.62 m; meridian of the place of observation,
120°E longitude; date of observation, 18 April 1977.


(clockwise from mark to the (Measured Altitude of TIME
sun) sun)
175° 44.0’ 40° 55.0’ 2:30 PM
175° 58.5’ 40° 30.5’ (Start of
176° 13.0’ 40° 10.5’ observation)
176° 29.5’ 39° 59.5’
Telescope 2:40 PM
176° 41.0’ 39° 46.0’
Reversed (End of observation)
176° 50.5’ 39° 18.5’

If the transit is set up at point A and a mark is placed on B, determine the following:

a. Mean horizontal angle form the mark to the sun

b. Mean vertical angle to sun
c. Mean time at place of observation
d. Greenwich civil time when observation was made
e. Sun’s apparent declination on date and time of observation
f. True altitude of sun corrected for refraction and parallax
g. The value of angle Z, sun’s true bearing, and the true bearing of line AB.


(mean horizontal angle)


(mean vertical angle)

(mean time at 120°E longitude)

d. = Mean Time at 120°E ± Time Zone Correction

(Equivalent Greenwich Civil Time)

e. From the 1977 Solar Ephemeris: For O h, GCT, April 18 and 19, 1977, the sun’s
apparent declination are N 10° 42.4’ and N 11° 03.3’, respectively, and the
difference in declination for one hour between the two given periods is 0.87’.

(change in declination since midnight or

Oh )
(Declination of the sun at 6.58 h, 18 April

f. Determining True altitude of sun: For a vertical angle of 40°6.7’ taken at an

elevation of 1580.62m when the temperature is 21.1°C, the following values are
taken from tables
Me = 0.84 (elevation multiplier)
Mt = 0.96 (temperature multiplier)
P = 0.11’ (parallax correction)
Rv = 1.15’ (refraction value)

(Note: When obtaining values from tables there may be a need to reform some

R = Rv (Me) (Mt) = 1.15’ (0.84) (0.96)

= 0.93’ (refraction correction)
h = h’ – R + P = 40°6.7’ – 0°0.93’ + 0.0.11’
= 40° 5.9’ (true altitude of sun)

g. Solving for angle Z and sun’s true bearing:

’ (sun’s azimuth from north )

V. Results and Discussion


(Clockwise from mark to the TIME
274ᵒ56’ 48ᵒ22’
275ᵒ21’ 46ᵒ22’ 2:42:15
275ᵒ29’ 45ᵒ22’ 2:44:9
276ᵒ44’ 45ᵒ4’ 2:45:10
276ᵒ58’ 40ᵒ13’ 2:52:53
277ᵒ11’ 39ᵒ51’ 2:57:10
Reversed 278ᵒ38’ 38ᵒ53’ 3:01:05
278ᵒ59’ 37ᵒ49’

VI. Conclusion

VII. Recommendation(s): Optional

VIII Reference(s):

Elgin, Richard L., David R. Knowles and Joseph H. Senne, Celestial Observation Handbook and
Ephemeris, Lietz Co., Overland Park, Kansas. (A lot of good information in a little book.)


1. Astronomical observations as applied to surveying basically involves the determination of the

position of the sun or certain stars. Its purpose in surveying is to determine the direction of the
true meridian. When the true meridian is determined, true bearings or true azimuths can easily be
2. True directions are needed to establish property lines in order that tracts of land can be correctly
described. These directions are also needed when retracing old property boundaries, in
specifying directions of tangents on circular curves, and for various other purposes.
3. The field operations consist of measuring horizontal and vertical angles to the sun or star and
recording the precise time that the heavenly body is sighted. There is a need to make several
observations in a group. The observed values are averaged before being used in computations.
4. To observe the sun it would be convenient to have four persons: one to hold the white card, one
to track the sun with the upper tangent screw, one to tract it with the vertical motion, and one to
read and record the horizontal and vertical circles as well as the time.
5. Corrections for refraction and parallax have to be made on all observed vertical angles. The
following table is given for the student’s use.

6. To observe the sun directly through the telescope eyepiece may result in serious injury to the eye.
A piece of colored or smoked glass may be held between the eye and eyepiece as a safety
7. The stadia hairs should not be mistaken for the horizontal across hair. This is avoided by rotating
the telescope about the horizontal axis until all the three hairs are seen and identified accordingly.
8. The Roelof’s solar prism is another device for making observations on the sun. It is fitted to the
objective lens of the telescope and allows the viewer to see four overlapping images of the sun.
The telescope is said to be pointed at the sun’s center when the cross hairs of the instrument are
centered on the little diamond shaped area between the images formed.
9. A current edition of the Solar Ephemeris should be used for obtaining positions of the sun and
other selected stars. It will be noted that values tabulated in the Ephemeris are given for
Greenwich civil time. Standard times normally recorded for observations made must be converted
to Greenwich time before values could be extracted from the Ephemeris.
10. Similarly, a table will be needed to determine multipliers for observed elevation and temperature.
The table shown below is likewise provided for use of the student.
11. The most suitable time to observe the sun for azimuths is between 8 and 10 AM or 2 and 4 PM.
Between 10 AM and 2 PM the sun is close to the meridian and the solution for angle Z of the PZS
triangle becomes very week. Also, during these hours the rate of change of altitude of the sun
with the lapse of time approaches zero. The effects of refraction on observed altitudes are severe
before 8 AM and after 4 PM. It is difficult to read vertical angles greater than 50 deg since the
base of the instrument gets in the way of the line of sight of the telescope.
12. When azimuths are determined by observations on the sun, the accuracies attained depend on
many variables such as: weather conditions, precision of the instrument used, accuracy of the
time piece used, ability and experience of the observers, and the celestial body observed and its
position during the observation.
13. Normally, observations on the sun yield a low order of accuracy. With carefully executed
measurements, true directions may be determined to within 10 to 15 seconds.

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