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Characteristics of Living Things Investigation Name: ____________________
CATEGORY Exceeded Achieved Developing Attempted
Hypothesis Independently Independently With some Needed assistance Development developed a developed a assistance, to develop a hypothesis for the hypothesis that created a hypothesis that was topic that is was relevant to the hypothesis that relevant or could be measurable and can topic and can be linked into the tested. be generalised. measured. topic that could be refined for measuring. Variables Independently Independently With help, Help needed to identified and identified which identified and identify and define clearly defined variables were clearly defined almost all the which variables going to be which variables variables. were going to be changed were going to be changed (independent changed (independent variables) and (independent variables) and which were going variables) and which were going to to be measured which were going be measured (dependent to be measured (dependent variables). Some (dependent variables). clarification variables). required. Description of Independently, With some With prompting, Procedure required Procedure procedures were prompts, procedures were questioning and outlined in a step- procedures were outlined in a step- explanation for it to by-step fashion that outlined in a step- by-step fashion, be followed. could be followed by by-step fashion but had 1 or 2 anyone without that could be gaps that would additional followed by require explanations. anyone without explanation. additional explanations. Data Collection Extensive data was Sufficient data was Data was recorded Minimal data was recorded and recorded that but required some recorded, heavy organised to could be used to prompting for its prompting was represent prove/disprove usage and required to link it to findings/variables hypothesis implications for the variables and and draw investigation. outcomes. conclusions
Presentation of Data Provided an Presented Data was Some/minimal data
(Book Creator) accurate, easy-to- collected data in presented with was presented to follow an organised some links to support representation of manner that methods, variables investigation. processes and required no or findings. Did results, using labels explanations. require elaboration or other from student. organisational methods to present the data effectively. Conclusion/Summary Student provided a Student provided a Student provided a Student detailed and conclusion clearly conclusion with stated/reiterated generalised based on their some reference to findings based on conclusion based data and linked it the data and their aspects of the on the data, aims back to their hypothesis. investigation, did and hypothesis. hypothesis. not necessarily draw a conclusion.