Evd 34
Evd 34
Evd 34
The valve is 2 way poppet type direct operated. It is available in
normally open and normally close configuration. it is possible to use
the valve with standard coils suitable DC or RAC (rectified alternate
current) for AC supply.
A special dual seal ring on the nose permits an efficient and reliable
sealing system.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
EV D - 34 - - - -
8 0009
V1-17 www.aidro.it
Max. pressure 25 MPa (250 bar) Electric Characteristics:
Nominal flow rate 10 l/min Those solenoid valves are normally equipped by coils type C30, which are energized from DC
Max. rec. flow rate 16 l/min or AC supply (see �). Coils type C30-***C are DC energized directly from a V***DC supply.
Coils type C30-***R are RAC (Rectified Alternate Current) energized from a V***AC supply, by
Dimension and installation see 4 � a full wave bridge rectifier incorporated in the connector. Solenoid valves type EVC2.34. can
Duty cycle ED 100% also be AC energized, directly from a V***AC supply, by using appropriate C30-***/50 or C30-
Mass (without coil) 0,120 kg ***/60 coils (see �). (*) Caution : with AC operation, the inrush current can be up to 3-4 times
the nominal holding value. Coils type C30 are normally provided for use of ISO 4400/DIN
43650/A connectors. For coils with different connection to the power supply, see table C30/36.
Δp in bar
0 5 10 15 20 25
Q l/min
Standard coils are compatible with KA-132 connectorS ; for some functions (R* =
bridge rectifier, L* = LED, etc.) the voltage has to be specified :
1 = V12, V24 2 = V115 3 = V230
The “energy saving” connectors – option ES – save current consumption to less
than 50% of the nominal and strongly reduce warming up of the coils.
EV*.34 valves are to be installed in cavity 3/4” 16 UNF with Ø 12,7
mm. Check the appropriate state and position of the seals and ,
screw the valve in the cavity and lock it with a torque of about 45 Nm 7 COILS TYPE C36 ( Ø 13mm- 22W )
applied on the 24 mm hexagon.
Coils voltage nominal resistence nominal insulation
DIN DC current 20° C (Ώ) power class
(A) (W)
C36-012C V 12 DC 1,90 6,3 22,8
02 : filter (0,25 mm) on way prevents from dirt and better diffuses the flow around
the poppet. 02 and 04 : manual override is of pin type. Push the pin to shift the
poppet and open (flow between 1 to 2); release the pin to reinstall the condition of
normally closed poppet (no flow between 1 to 2).
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www.aidro.it V1-17