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Wireless Communication: Keywords:-Morse Code, LDR, Binary Search Tree, Arduino

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Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Wireless Communication
SahayaSakila V1, Momin Nawaf Khalil2, Prateek Kulkarni3
Assitant Professor, 1,2,3Department of CSE
SRM IST Ramapuram, Chennai, India.

Abstract:- This paper describe microcontroller based III. METHODOLOGY

system which interface with PC to decode and encode
the given user message. We have used Arduino UNO
microcontroller. After the origin of wireless
communication technology it has gain enormous
popularity, and it offers a reliable medium for
communication. Telegraphy using Morse code is one of
the earliest methods used in field of electric
communication. Generally, wireless communication
means transferring the information from one place to
another place which are not connected by any means of
electrical network. Morse code speed is generally
measure in Words per Minutes (WPM) or Characters
Per Minutes (CPM), skilled person can often understand
40 wpm depending upon the length of words. Morse code
is universally used for SOS, amateur radios, aviation
navy and coast guard. This article provides a system
which is useful for wireless communication which is
much simpler mode of communication and reduces
writing complexity.

Keywords:- Morse code, LDR, Binary Search Tree, Arduino


I. INTRODUCTION Fig 1:- International Morse Code

Morse Code algorithm convert the text message into To increase efficiency of Morse code the most
series of offs-on(Dashes and Dots) which can easily frequent letters are given smaller code such as letter E it is
understood by person. It coverts message into dots and most frequent latter in English language hence it is given
dashes, each Morse code represent either a text or prosing code a single dot i.e. (.). Most of the times binary search tree
represented by unique sequence. Duration of dash is three is used for better and faster understanding of Morse code.
times of duration of dot. It allows communication between
authenticated users, if authentication fails the procedure is
not completed. When the user enters the message it is
converted into dots and dashes using Morse code generator
depending upon the encoded message LED changes the
intensity of light the intensity of light is capture by light
sensors usually LDR, message is passed to Morse code
generator which decodes it. After the successful transaction
of message beep sound indicate delivery of message. Light
has higher intensity, efficiency, as well as better visibility
and performance quality than IR and Radio Spectrum, it also
provide less noise ratio.

Fig 2:- Binary Search Tree(BST) representing Morse code
The goal of these articles was as follows:
In BST left branch signifies dot in tree, and similarly
 To Find efficient way to learn Morse code. right branch signifies a dash. Besides the root node, there are
 Identify and eliminate non value components of existing 26 nodes containing the capital letters of the English
system. alphabet. Various algorithms are applied on the BST such as
 Provide a system which is cheap, efficient and fast. depth-first search algorithm, breathe first search algorithms
 To overcome limitation of existing systems and low in order to find the corresponding node.
range of radio spectrum.

IJISRT18OC33 www.ijisrt.com 6
Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Our system utilizes Arduino UNO microcontroller on

to which breadbox board is connected .On breadbox Board
we have installed LED light to display intensity, also we
have include LDR sensor to encode the message. also it
includes LCD screen through which the decoded message
can be displayed.
Fig 3:- Extended BST representing Morse code
The tree can further be extended to include digits,
Our system can be used in various field such as navy,
punctuation and non-English characters. This tree includes
military and aviation field for navigation of flight and also
two extended levels and adds 10 digits, 8 punctuation
for Air Traffic Control (ATC). Demand for spectrum is
characters, and 7 non-English characters to the 26 character
increases by 108% each year. Since it is not restricted to
original Morse code.
radio spectrum but visible light spectrum we have about
IV. EXISTING SYSTEM more than 1000 times of the spectrum. Furthermore our
system can be also be useful for emergency message
The major issue in wireless communication is the encoding and decoding such as for SOS etc.
limited of radio frequency spectrum which cause the field of
optical wireless communication has been rapidly developed IX. CONCLUSION
during the recent years. We studied the research paper “A
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Ashwini.B.Halakerimath and Sneha Vasudev. Dhage of communication which can be used for high range and more
Department of Computer Science and Engineering secure purpose. The input which is given gets converted into
AGMRCET-Varur, Hubli, Karnataka, India, published in sequence of dots and dashes. Upon reaching the other side it
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and again gets decoded. Therefore the communications is
Technology (IJLTET) Special Issue - IDEAS-2013. This achieved without use of wire and also include lucid
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In our system we have used Arduino UNO which is 4. H. Haas, “Wireless Data from Every Light Bulb”, TED
open source microcontroller on to which breadboard I Website, Aug. 2011. [Online]. Available:
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Fig 4:- System Architecture

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