Wireless Communication: Keywords:-Morse Code, LDR, Binary Search Tree, Arduino
Wireless Communication: Keywords:-Morse Code, LDR, Binary Search Tree, Arduino
Wireless Communication: Keywords:-Morse Code, LDR, Binary Search Tree, Arduino
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Wireless Communication
SahayaSakila V1, Momin Nawaf Khalil2, Prateek Kulkarni3
Assitant Professor, 1,2,3Department of CSE
SRM IST Ramapuram, Chennai, India.
Morse Code algorithm convert the text message into To increase efficiency of Morse code the most
series of offs-on(Dashes and Dots) which can easily frequent letters are given smaller code such as letter E it is
understood by person. It coverts message into dots and most frequent latter in English language hence it is given
dashes, each Morse code represent either a text or prosing code a single dot i.e. (.). Most of the times binary search tree
represented by unique sequence. Duration of dash is three is used for better and faster understanding of Morse code.
times of duration of dot. It allows communication between
authenticated users, if authentication fails the procedure is
not completed. When the user enters the message it is
converted into dots and dashes using Morse code generator
depending upon the encoded message LED changes the
intensity of light the intensity of light is capture by light
sensors usually LDR, message is passed to Morse code
generator which decodes it. After the successful transaction
of message beep sound indicate delivery of message. Light
has higher intensity, efficiency, as well as better visibility
and performance quality than IR and Radio Spectrum, it also
provide less noise ratio.
Fig 2:- Binary Search Tree(BST) representing Morse code
The goal of these articles was as follows:
In BST left branch signifies dot in tree, and similarly
To Find efficient way to learn Morse code. right branch signifies a dash. Besides the root node, there are
Identify and eliminate non value components of existing 26 nodes containing the capital letters of the English
system. alphabet. Various algorithms are applied on the BST such as
Provide a system which is cheap, efficient and fast. depth-first search algorithm, breathe first search algorithms
To overcome limitation of existing systems and low in order to find the corresponding node.
range of radio spectrum.
IJISRT18OC33 www.ijisrt.com 6
Volume 3, Issue 10, October – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IJISRT18OC33 www.ijisrt.com 7