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ASTM A312 A312M Standard Specification For Seamless Welded and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes

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Used in USDOE-NE standards

Designation: A 312/A 312M – 09

Standard Specification for

Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic
Stainless Steel Pipes1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 312/A 312M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope* and furnished provided such pipe complies with all other
1.1 This specification2 covers seamless, straight-seam requirements of this specification.
welded, and heavily cold worked welded austenitic stainless 1.5 Grades TP321 and TP321H have lower strength require-
steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive ments for pipe manufactured by the seamless process in
service. nominal wall thicknesses greater than 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm].
1.6 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
NOTE 1—When the impact test criterion for a low-temperature service are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the
would be 15 ft·lbf [20 J] energy absorption or 15 mils [0.38 mm] lateral
SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each
expansion, some of the austenitic stainless steel grades covered by this
specification are accepted by certain pressure vessel or piping codes system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system
without the necessity of making the actual test. For example, Grades shall be used independently of the other. Combining values
TP304, TP304L, and TP347 are accepted by the ASME Pressure Vessel from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the
Code, Section VIII Division 1, and by the Chemical Plant and Refinery standard. The inch-pound units shall apply unless the “M”
Piping Code, ANSI B31.3, for service at temperatures as low as −425 °F designation of this specification is specified in the order.
[−250 °C] without qualification by impact tests. Other AISI stainless steel
grades are usually accepted for service temperatures as low as −325 °F NOTE 2—The dimensionless designator NPS (nominal pipe size) has
[−200 °C] without impact testing. Impact testing may, under certain been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as “nominal
circumstances, be required. For example, materials with chromium or diameter,” “size,” and “nominal size.”
nickel content outside the AISI ranges, and for material with carbon
content exceeding 0.10 %, are required to be impact tested under the rules 2. Referenced Documents
of ASME Section VIII Division 1 when service temperatures are lower 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
than −50 °F [−45 °C]. A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-
1.2 Grades TP304H, TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
TP310HCb, TP316H, TP321H, TP347H, and TP348H are A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
modifications of Grades TP304, TP309Cb, TP309S, TP310Cb, of Steel Products
TP310S, TP316, TP321, TP347, and TP348, and are intended A 941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Re-
for service at temperatures where creep and stress rupture lated Alloys, and Ferroalloys
properties are important. A 999/A 999M Specification for General Requirements for
1.3 Optional supplementary requirements are provided for Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe
pipe where a greater degree of testing is desired. These A 1016/A 1016M Specification for General Requirements
supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made for Ferritic Alloy Steel, Austenitic Alloy Steel, and Stain-
and, when desired, it is permitted to specify in the order one or less Steel Tubes
more of these supplementary requirements. E 112 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
1.4 Table X1.1 lists the standardized dimensions of welded E 381 Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets,
and seamless stainless steel pipe as shown in ANSI B36.19. Blooms, and Forgings
These dimensions are also applicable to heavily cold worked E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the
pipe. Pipe having other dimensions is permitted to be ordered Unified Numbering System (UNS)

This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,
Stainless Steel and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
A01.10 on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products. contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved May 15, 2009. Published June 2009. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1948. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as A 312/A 312M – 08a. the ASTM website.
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-
cation SA-312 in Section II of that Code.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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University of British Columbia Library pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
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A 312/A 312M – 09
2.2 ANSI Standards:4 heat—treatment procedure, except for “H” grades, S30815,
B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose S31035, S31272, S31254, S32654, N08367, N08904, N08925,
B36.10 Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe and N08926 shall consist of heating the pipe to a minimum
B36.19 Stainless Steel Pipe temperature of 1900 °F [1040 °C] and quenching in water or
2.3 ASME Standard: rapidly cooling by other means.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code : Section VIII5
2.4 AWS Standard: 6. Materials and Manufacture
A5.9 Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- 6.1 Manufacture:
Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Electrodes6
6.1.1 The pipe shall be manufactured by one of the follow-
2.5 Other Standard:
ing processes:
SAE J1086 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys
(UNS)7 6.1.2 Seamless (SML) pipe shall be made by a process that
does not involve welding at any stage of production.
3. Terminology 6.1.3 Welded (WLD) pipe shall be made using an automatic
3.1 Definitions: welding process with no addition of filler metal during the
3.1.1 The definitions in Specification A 999/A 999M and welding process.
Terminology A 941 are applicable to this specification. 6.1.4 Heavily cold-worked (HCW) pipe shall be made by
applying cold working of not less than 35 % reduction in
4. Ordering Information thickness of both wall and weld to a welded pipe prior to the
4.1 Orders for material to this specification shall conform to final anneal. No filler shall be used in making the weld. Prior
the requirements of the current edition of Specification A 999/ to cold working, the weld shall be 100 % radiographically
A 999M. inspected in accordance with the requirements of ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, latest
5. General Requirements revision, Paragraph UW-51.
5.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con- 6.1.5 Welded pipe and HCW pipe of NPS 14 and smaller
form to the applicable requirements of the current edition of shall have a single longitudinal weld. Welded pipe and HCW
Specification A 999/A 999M unless otherwise provided herein. pipe of a size larger than NPS 14 shall have a single
5.2 Heat Treatment: longitudinal weld or shall be produced by forming and welding
5.2.1 All pipe shall be furnished in the heat—treated con- two longitudinal sections of flat stock when approved by the
dition in accordance with the requirements of Table 2. The purchaser. All weld tests, examinations, inspections, or treat-
ments shall be performed on each weld seam.
6.1.6 At the option of the manufacturer, pipe shall be either
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., hot finished or cold finished.
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http://www.ansi.org.
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
6.1.7 The pipe shall be free of scale and contaminating
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http:// exogenous iron particles. Pickling, blasting, or surface finish-
www.asme.org. ing is not mandatory when pipe is bright annealed. The
Available from American Welding Society (AWS), 550 NW LeJeune Rd., purchaser is permitted to require that a passivating treatment be
Miami, FL 33126, http://www.aws.org.
Available from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
applied to the finished pipe.
Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, http://www.sae.org.

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University of British Columbia Library pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements

Composition, %B
Grade Desig- Tanta-
Manga- Phos- Chrom- Molyb- Tita- Colum- Nitro- Vana- Alum-
nationA Carbon Sulfur Silicon Nickel lum, Copper Cerium Boron Other
nese phorus ium denum nium bium genC dium inum
... S20400 0.030 7.0– 0.045 0.030 1.00 15.0– 1.50– ... ... ... ... 0.15– ... ... ... ... ...
9.0 17.0 3.00 0.30
TPXM-19 S20910 0.06 4.0– 0.045 0.030 1.00 20.5– 11.5– 1.50– ... 0.10– ... 0.20– 0.10– ... ...
6.0 23.5 13.5 3.00 0.30 0.40 0.30
TPXM-10 S21900 0.08 8.0– 0.045 0.030 1.00 19.0– 5.5– ... ... ... ... 0.15– ... ... ...
10.0 21.5 7.5 0.40
TPXM-11 S21904 0.04 8.0– 0.045 0.030 1.00 19.0– 5.5– ... ... ... ... 0.15– ... ... ...
10.0 21.5 7.5 0.40
TPXM-29 S24000 0.08 11.5– 0.060 0.030 1.00 17.0– 2.3– ... ... ... ... 0.20– ... ... ...
14.5 19.0 3.7 0.40
TP201 S20100 0.15 5.5– 0.060 0.030 1.00 16.0– 3.5– ... ... ... ... 0.25 ... ... ... ... ...
7.5 18.0 5.5
TP201LN S20153 0.03 6.4– 0.045 0.015 0.75 16.0– 4.0– ... ... ... ... 0.10– ... 1.00 ... ... ...
7.5 17.5 5.0 0.25
TP304 S30400 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 8.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20.0 11.0
TP304L S30403 0.035 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 8.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20.0 13.0
TP304H S30409 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 8.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

A 312/A 312M – 09
0.10 20.0 11.0
... S30415 0.04– 0.80 0.045 0.030 1.00– 18.0– 9.0– ... ... ... ... 0.12– ... ... 0.03–
0.06 2.00 19.0 10.0 0.18 0.08
TP304N S30451 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 8.0– ... ... ... ... 0.10– ... ... ...

20.0 18.0 0.16

TP304LN S30453 0.035 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 8.0– ... ... ... ... 0.10– ... ... ...
20.0 12.0 0.16
... S30600 0.018 2.00 0.02 0.02 3.7– 17.0– 14.0– 0.20 ... ... ... ... ... 0.50 ...
4.3 18.5 15.5 max
... S30615 0.16– 2.00 0.030 0.03 3.2– 17.0– 13.5– ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.80–
0.24 4.0 19.5 16.0 1.50
... S30815 0.05– 0.80 0.040 0.030 1.40– 20.0– 10.0– ... ... ... ... 0.14– ... ... 0.03–
0.10 2.00 22.0 12.0 0.20 0.08
TP309S S30908 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 22.0– 12.0– 0.75 ... ... ... ... ... ...
24.0 15.0
TP309H S30909 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 22.0– 12.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.10 24.0 15.0
TP309Cb S30940 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 22.0– 12.0– 0.75 ... 10 3 C ... ... ... ...
24.0 16.0 min,
1.10 max
TP309HCb S30941 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 22.0– 12.0– 0.75 ... 10 3 C ... ... ...
0.10 24.0 16.0 min,
1.10 max
S31002 0.015 2.00 0.020 0.015 0.15 24.0– 19.0– 0.10 ... ... ... 0.10 ...
26.0 22.0
TP310S S31008 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 24.0– 19.0– 0.75 ... ... ... ... ... ...
26.0 22.0
TP310H S31009 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 24.0– 19.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.10 26.0 22.0
S31035 0.04– 0.60 0.030 0.015 0.40 21.5– 23.5– 0.30– 0.15– 2.0– 0.002– W 2.0–
0.10 23.5 26.5 0.60 0.30 3.5 0.008 4.0
Co 1.0–

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TABLE 1 Continued
Composition, %B
Grade Desig- Tanta-
Manga- Phos- Chrom- Molyb- Tita- Colum- Nitro- Vana- Alum-
nationA Carbon Sulfur Silicon Nickel lum, Copper Cerium Boron Other
nese phorus ium denum nium bium genC dium inum
TP310Cb S31040 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 24.0– 19.0– 0.75 ... 10 3 C ... ... ... ...
26.0 22.0 min,
1.10 max
TP310HCb S31041 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 24.0– 19.0– 0.75 ... 10 3 C ... ... ...
0.10 26.0 22.0 min,
1.10 max
... S31050 0.025 2.00 0.020 0.015 0.4 24.0– 20.5– 1.6– ... ... ... 0.09– ... ... ...
26.0 23.5 2.6 0.15
... S31254 0.020 1.00 0.030 0.010 0.80 19.5– 17.5– 6.0– ... ... ... 0.18– ... 0.50– ...
20.5 18.5 6.5 0.22 1.00
S31272 0.08– 1.5– 0.030 0.015 0.25– 14.0– 14.0– 1.00– 0.30– 0.004–
012 2.00 0.75 16.0 16.0 1.40 0.60 0.008
S31277 0.020 3.00 0.030 0.010 0.50 20.5– 26.0– 6.5– 0.30– 0.50–
23.0 28.0 8.0 0.40 1.50
TP316 S31600 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0– 11.0– 2.00– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18.0 14.0E 3.00
TP316L S31603 0.035 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0– 10.0– 2.00– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18.0 14.0 3.00
TP316H S31609 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0– 11.0– 2.00– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.10 18.0 14.0E 3.00

A 312/A 312M – 09
TP316Ti S31635 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 16.0– 10.0– 2.00– 53 ... ... 0.10 ... ... ... ... ...
18.0 14.0 3.00 (C+N)
TP316N S31651 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0– 11.0– 2.00– 0.10– ... ... ...

18.0 14.0E 3.00 0.16

TP316LN S31653 0.035 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0– 11.0– 2.00– ... ... ... 0.10– ... ... ...
18.0 14.0E 3.00 0.16
TP317 S31700 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 11.0– 3.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20.0 14.0 4.0
TP317L S31703 0.035 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0– 11.0– 3.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
20.0 15.0 4.0
... S31725 0.03 2.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 18.0– 13.5– 4.0– ... ... ... 0.10 ... 0.75 ...
20.0 17.5 5.0
... S31726 0.03 2.00 0.040F 0.030 1.00 17.0– 14.5– 4.0– ... ... ... 0.10– ... 0.75 ...
20.0 17.5 5.0 0.20
... S31727 0.03 1.00 0.030 0.030 1.00 17.5– 14.5– 3.8– ... ... ... 0.15– ... 2.8– ... ... ...
19.0 16.5 4.5 0.21 4.0
... S32053 0.03 1.00 0.030 0.010 1.00 22.0– 24.0– 5.0– ... ... ... 0.17– ... ... ... ... ...
24.0 26.0 6.0 0.22
TP321 S32100 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... ... 0.10 ... ... ...
19.0 12.0
TP321H S32109 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... ... 0.10 ... ... ...
0.10 19.0 12.0
... S32615 0.07 2.00 0.045 0.030 4.8– 16.5– 19.0– 0.30– ... ... ... ... ... 1.50– ...
6.0 19.5 22.0 1.50 2.50
... S32654 0.020 2.0– 0.030 0.005 0.50 24.0– 21.0– 7.0– ... ... ... 0.45– ... 0.30– ...
4.0 25.0 23.0 8.0 0.55 0.60
... S33228 0.04– 1.00 0.020 0.015 0.30 26.0– 31.0– ... ... 0.60– ... ... ... ... 0.05– ... 0.025
0.08 28.0 33.0 1.00 0.10
... S34565 0.03 5.0– 0.030 0.010 1.00 23.0– 16.0– 4.0– ... 0.10 0.40– ... ... ... ...
7.0 25.0 18.0 5.0 0.60
TP347 S34700 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
19.0 13.0

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TABLE 1 Continued
Composition, %B
Grade Desig- Tanta-
Manga- Phos- Chrom- Molyb- Tita- Colum- Nitro- Vana- Alum-
nationA Carbon Sulfur Silicon Nickel lum, Copper Cerium Boron Other
nese phorus ium denum nium bium genC dium inum
TP347H S34709 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
0.10 19.0 13.0
TP347LN S34751 0.005– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... 0.20– ... 0.06– ... ... ... ... ...
0.020 19.0 13.0 0.50F,K 0.10
TP348 S34800 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... 0.10 ... ... ... ...
19.0 13.0
TP348H S34809 0.04– 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0– 9.0– ... ... 0.10 ... ... ... ...
0.10 19.0 13.0
... S35045 0.06– 1.50 ... 0.015 1.00 25.0– 32.0– ... 0.15– ... ... ... ... 0.75 ... ... 0.15–
0.10 29.0 37.0 0.60 0.60
... S35315 0.04– 2.00 0.040 0.030 1.20– 24.0– 34.0– ... ... ... ... 0.12– ... ... 0.03– ... ...

A 312/A 312M – 09
0.08 2.00 26.0 36.0 0.18 0.08
TPXM-15 S38100 0.08 2.00 0.030 0.030 1.50– 17.0– 17.5– ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2.50 19.0 18.5
... S38815 0.030 2.00 0.040 0.020 5.5– 13.0– 15.0– 0.75– ... ... ... ... ... 0.75– ... ... 0.30

6.5 15.0 17.0 1.50 1.50

... N08367 0.030 2.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 20.0– 23.5– 6.0– ... ... ... 0.18– ... 0.75 ... ... ...
22.0 25.5 7.0 0.25
... N08904 0.020 2.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 19.0– 23.0– 4.0– ... ... ... 0.10 ... 1.00– ... ... ...
23.0 28.0 5.0 2.00
... N08925 0.020 1.00 0.045 0.030 0.50 19.0– 24.0– 6.0– ... ... ... 0.10– ... 0.80– ... ... ...
21.0 26.0 7.0 0.20 1.50
... N08926 0.020 2.00 0.030 0.010 0.50 19.0– 24.0– 6.0– ... ... ... 0.15– ... 0.50– ... ... ...
21.0 26.0 7.0 0.25 1.50
New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE J1086.
Maximum, unless otherwise indicated. Where elipses (...) appear in this table, there is no requirement and analysis for the element need not be determined or reported.
The method of analysis for nitrogen shall be a matter of agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer.
For small diameter or thin walls or both, where many drawing passes are required, a carbon maximum of 0.040 % is necessary in grades TP304L and TP316L. Small outside diameter tubes are defined as those
less than 0.500 in. [12.7 mm] in outside diameter and light wall tubes as those less than 0.049 in. [1.20 mm] in average wall thickness (0.044 in. [1.10 mm] in minimum wall thickness).
For welded TP316, TP316N, TP316LN, and TP316H pipe, the nickel range shall be 10.0–14.0 %.
For welded pipe, the phosphorus maximum shall be 0.045 %.
The titanium content shall be not less than five times the carbon content and not more than 0.70 %.
The titanium content shall be not less than four times the carbon content and not more than 0.60 %.
The columbium content shall be not less than ten times the carbon content and not more than 1.00 %.
The columbium content shall be not less than eight times the carbon content and not more than 1.0 %.
Grade S34751 shall have a columbium (niobium) plus tantalum content of not less than 15 times the carbon content.

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A 312/A 312M – 09
6.2 Heat Treatment—All pipe shall be furnished in the 8. Product Analysis
heat-treated condition in accordance with the requirements of 8.1 At the request of the purchaser, an analysis of one billet
Table 2. Alternatively, for seamless pipe, immediately follow- or one length of flat-rolled stock from each heat, or two pipes
ing hot forming while the temperature of the pipes is not less from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer. A lot of pipe
than the minimum solution treatment temperature specified in shall consist of the following number of lengths of the same
Table 2, pipes shall be individually quenched in water or size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel:
rapidly cooled by other means (direct quenched). NPS Designator Lengths of Pipe in Lot
6.3 Grain Size: Under 2 400 or fraction thereof
6.3.1 The grain size of Grade UNS S32615, as determined 2 to 5 200 or fraction thereof
6 and over 100 or fraction thereof
in accordance with Test Methods E 112, shall be No. 3 or finer.
6.3.2 The grain size of grades TP309H, TP309HCb, 8.2 The results of these analyses shall be reported to the
TP310H and TP310HCb, as determined in accordance with purchaser or the purchaser’s representative, and shall conform
Test Methods E 112, shall be No. 6 or coarser. to the requirements specified in Section 7.
6.3.3 The grain size of grades 304H, 316H, 321H, 347H, 8.3 If the analysis of one of the tests specified in 8.1 does
S31035, and 348H, as determined in accordance with Test not conform to the requirements specified in Section 7, an
Methods E 112, shall be No. 7 or coarser. analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be
made, and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements
shall be accepted.
TABLE 2 Annealing Requirements
9. Permitted Variations in Wall Thickness
Grade or UNS DesignationA Heat Treating Cooling/Testing
TemperatureB Requirements 9.1 In addition to the implicit limitation of wall thickness
All grades not individually listed 1900 °F [1040 °C] C for seamless pipe imposed by the limitation on weight in
below: Specification A 999/A 999M, the wall thickness for seamless
TP321H, TP347H, TP348H
Cold finished 2000 °F [1100 °C] D and welded pipe at any point shall be within the tolerances
Hot finished 1925 °F [1050 °C] D specified in Table 3, except that for welded pipe the weld area
TP304H, TP316H shall not be limited by the “Over” tolerance. The wall thickness
Cold finished 1900 °F [1040 °C]
Hot finished 1900 °F [1040 °C] D and outside diameter for inspection for compliance with this
TP309H, TP309HCb, TP310H, 1900 °F [1040 °C] D requirement for pipe ordered by NPS and schedule number is
TP310HCb shown in Table X1.1.
S30600 2010–2140 °F
[1100–1170 °C]
S30815, S31272 1920 °F [1050 °C] D 10. Tensile Requirements
S31035 2160–2280 °F 10.1 The tensile properties of the material shall conform to
[1180–1250 °C]
S31254, S32654 2100 °F [1150 °C] D the requirements prescribed in Table 4.
S31277 2050 °F [1120 °C]
S31727, S32053 1975–2155 °F D
11. Mechanical Tests, Grain Size Determinations, and
[1080–1180 °C] Weld Decay Tests Required
S33228 2050–2160 °F
[1120–1180 °C] 11.1 Mechanical Testing Lot Definition —The term lot for
S34565 2050–2140 °F mechanical tests shall be as follows:
[1120–1170 °C]
S35315 2010 °F [1100 °C] D 11.1.1 Where the final heat treated condition is obtained,
S38815 1950 °F [1065 °C] D
consistent with the requirements of 6.2, in a continuous
N08367 2025 °F [1110 °C] furnace, by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type
N08904 2000 °F [1100 °C]
N08925, N08926 2010–2100 °F D furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically
[1100–1150 °C]
New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and TABLE 3 Permitted Variations in Wall Thickness
SAE J1086.
Minimum, unless otherwise stated. Tolerance, % from Nominal
Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means, at a rate sufficient to NPS Designator Over Under
prevent re-precipitation of carbides, as demonstrable by the capability of pipes,
heat treated by either separate solution annealing or by direct quenching, of ⁄ to 21⁄2 incl., all t/D
20.0 12.5
passing Practices A 262, Practice E. The manufacturer is not required to run the ratios
test unless it is specified on the purchase order (see Supplementary Requirement 3 to 18 incl., t/D up to 5 %
22.5 12.5
S7). Note that Practices A 262 requires the test to be performed on sensitized incl.
specimens in the low-carbon and stabilized types and on specimens representa- 3 to 18 incl., t/D > 5 % 15.0 12.5
tive of the as-shipped condition for other types. In the case of low-carbon types 20 and larger, welded, all
17.5 12.5
containing 3 % or more molybdenum, the applicability of the sensitizing treatment t/D ratios
prior to testing shall be a matter for negotiation between the seller and the 20 and larger, seamless,
22.5 12.5
purchaser. t/D up to 5 % incl.
Quenched in water or rapidly cooled by other means. 20 and larger, seamless,
15.0 12.5
t/D > 5 %

7. Chemical Composition where:

t = Nominal Wall Thickness
7.1 The steel shall conform to the requirements as to D = Ordered Outside Diameter
chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.

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A 312/A 312M – 09
TABLE 4 Tensile Requirements TABLE 4 Continued
Grade UNS Tensile Yield Grade UNS Tensile Yield
Designation Strength, min Strength, min Designation Strength, min Strength, min
ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa]

... S20400 95 [635] 48 [330] t # 0.187 100 [690] 45 [310]

TPXM-19 S20910 100 [690] 55 [380] t > 0.187 95 [655] 45 [310]
TPXM-10 S21900 90 [620] 50 [345] ... N08904 71 [490] 31 [215]
TPXM-11 S21904 90 [620] 50 [345] ... N08925 87 [600] 43 [295]
TPXM-29 S24000 100 [690] 55 [380] ... N08926 94 [650] 43 [295]
TP201 S20100 75 [515] 38 [260] Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm (or 4D), min, %: Longi- Trans-
TP201LN S20153 95 [655] 45 [310] tudinal verse
TP304 S30400 75 [515] 30 [205] All Grades except S31050 and S32615 35 25
TP304L S30403 70 [485] 25 [170] S32615, S31050 25 ...
TP304H S30409 75 [515] 30 [205] S31277, N08925 40 ...
... S30415 87 [600] 42 [290] N08367 30 ...
TP304N S30451 80 [550] 35 [240]
TP304LN S30453 75 [515] 30 [205]
... S30600 78 [540] 35 [240]
... S30615 90 [620] 40 [275]
... S30815 87 [600] 45 [310] controlled within a 50 °F [30 °C] or lesser range, the term lot
TP309S S30908 75 [515] 30 [205]
TP309H S30909 75 [515] 30 [205]
for mechanical tests shall apply to all pipes of the same
TP309Cb S30940 75 [515] 30 [205] specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness (or
TP309HCb S30941 75 [515] 30 [205] schedule) that are produced from the same heat of steel and
... S31002 73 [500] 30 [205]
TP310S S31008 75 [515] 30 [205]
subjected to the same finishing treatment within the same
TP310H S31009 75 [515] 30 [205] operating period.
S31035 95 [655] 45 [310] 11.1.2 Where the final heat treated condition is obtained,
TP310Cb S31040 75 [515] 30 [205]
TP310HCb S31041 75 [515] 30 [205]
consistent with the requirements of 6.2, in a batch-type furnace
... S31050: not equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically
t # 0.25 in. 84 [580] 39 [270] controlled within a 50 °F [30 °C] or lesser range, the term lot
t > 0.25 in. 78 [540] 37 [255]
... S31254:
shall apply to the larger of: (a) each 200 ft [60 m] or fraction
t # 0.187 in. [5.00 mm] 98 [675] 45 [310] thereof and (b) those pipes heat treated in the same furnace
t > 0.187 in. [5.00 mm] 95 [655] 45 [310] batch charge for pipes of the same specified outside diameter
... S31272 65 [450] 29 [200]
... S31277 112 [770] 52 [360]
and specified wall thickness (or schedule) that are produced
TP316 S31600 75 [515] 30 [205] from the same heat of steel and are subjected to the same
TP316L S31603 70 [485] 25 [170] finishing temperature within the same operating period.
TP316H S31609 75 [515] 30 [205]
... S31635 75 [515] 30 [205]
11.2 Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test—One tension
TP316N S31651 80 [550] 35 [240] test shall be made on a specimen for lots of not more than 100
TP316LN S31653 75 [515] 30 [205] pipes. Tension tests shall be made on specimens from two tubes
TP317 S31700 75 [515] 30 [205]
TP317L S31703 75 [515] 30 [205] for lots of more than 100 pipes.
... S31725 75 [515] 30 [205] 11.3 Flattening Test—For material heat treated in a continu-
... S31726 80 [550] 35 [240] ous furnace, by quenching after hot forming or in a batch-type
... S31727 80 [550] 36 [245]
... S32053 93 [640] 43 [295] furnace equipped with recording pyrometers and automatically
TP321 S32100: controlled within a 50 °F [30 °C] or lesser range, flattening
Welded 75 [515] 30 [205] tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute
# 3⁄8 in. 75 [515] 30 [205] 5 % of the lot, but in no case less than 2 lengths of pipe. For
> 3⁄8 in. 70 [485] 25 [170] material heat treated in a batch-type furnace not equipped with
TP321H S32109: recording pyrometers and automatically controlled within a 50
Welded 75 [515] 30 [205]
Seamless: °F [30 °C] or lesser range, flattening tests shall be made on 5 %
# 3⁄16 in. 75 [515] 30 [205] of the pipe from each heat treated lot.
> 3⁄16 in. 70 [480] 25 [170] 11.3.1 For welded pipe a transverse-guided face bend test of
... S32615 80 [550] 32 [220]
... S32654 109 [750] 62 [430] the weld may be conducted instead of a flattening test in
... S33228 73 [500] 27 [185] accordance with the method outlined in the steel tubular
... S34565 115 [795] 60 [415] product supplement of Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
TP347 S34700 75 [515] 30 [205]
TP347H S34709 75 [515] 30 [205] The ductility of the weld shall be considered acceptable when
TP347LN S34751 75 [515] 30 [205] there is no evidence of cracks in the weld or between the weld
TP348 S34800 75 [515] 30 [205]
and the base metal after bending. Test specimens from 5 % of
TP348H S34809 75 [515] 30 [205]
... S35045 70 [485] 25 [170] the lot shall be taken from the pipe or test plates of the same
... S35315 material as the pipe, the test plates being attached to the end of
Welded 94 [650] 39 [270]
Seamless 87 [600] 38 [260]
the cylinder and welded as a prolongation of the pipe longitu-
TPXM-15 S38100 75 [515] 30 [205] dinal seam.
... S38815 78 [540] 37 [255] 11.4 Grain Size—Grain size determinations on Grades
... N08367:
TP309H, TP 309HCb, TP310H, TP310HCb, UNS S31035, and

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A 312/A 312M – 09
UNS S32615 shall be made on each heat treatment lot, as grade of stainless steel pipe being repaired and as shown in
defined in 11.1, for the same number of pipes as prescribed for Table 5. Alternatively, subject to approval by the purchaser,
the flattening test in 11.3. weld repairs shall be made only with the gas tungsten-arc
11.5 HCW pipe shall be capable of passing the weld decay welding process using a filler metal more highly alloyed than
tests listed in Supplementary S9 with a weld metal to base the base metal when needed for corrosion resistance or other
metal loss ratio of 0.90 to 1.1. The test is not required to be properties.
performed unless S9 is specified in the purchase order. 15.4 Pipes that have had weld seam repairs with filler metal
shall be uniquely identified and shall be so stated and identified
12. Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test on the certificate of tests. When filler metal other than that
12.1 Each pipe shall be subjected to the nondestructive listed in Table 5 is used, the filler metal shall be identified on
electric test or the hydrostatic test. The type of test to be used the certificate of tests.
shall be at the option of the manufacturer, unless otherwise
specified in the purchase order. 16. Certification
12.2 The hydrostatic test shall be in accordance with Speci- 16.1 In addition to the information required by Specification
fication A 999/A 999M, unless specifically exempted under the A 999/A 999M, the certification shall state whether or not the
provisions of 12.3. material was hydrostatically tested. If the material was nonde-
12.3 For pipe whose dimensions equal or exceed NPS10, structively tested, the certification shall so state and shall state
the purchaser, with the agreement of the manufacturer, is which standard practice was followed and what reference
permitted to waive the hydrostatic test requirement when in discontinuities were used.
lieu of such test the purchaser performs a system test. Each
length of pipe furnished without the completed manufacturer’s 17. Marking
hydrostatic test shall include with the mandatory markings the 17.1 In addition to the marking specified in Specification
letters “NH.” A 999/A 999M, the marking shall include the NPS (nominal
12.4 The nondestructive electric test shall be in accordance pipe size) or outside diameter and schedule number or average
with Specification A 999/A 999M. wall thickness, heat number, and NH when hydrotesting is not
performed and ET when eddy-current testing is performed or
13. Lengths
UT when ultrasonic testing is performed. The marking shall
13.1 Pipe lengths shall be in accordance with the following also include the manufacturer’s private identifying mark, the
regular practice: marking requirement of 12.3, if applicable, and whether
13.1.1 Unless otherwise agreed upon, all sizes from NPS 1⁄8 seamless (SML), welded (WLD), or heavily cold-worked
to and including NPS 8 are available in a length up to 24 ft (HCW). For Grades TP304H, TP316H, TP321H, TP347H,
with the permitted range of 15 to 24 ft. Short lengths are TP348H, and S30815, the marking shall also include the heat
acceptable and the number and minimum length shall be
agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
TABLE 5 Pipe and Filler Metal Specification
13.1.2 If definite cut lengths are desired, the lengths re-
quired shall be specified in the order. No pipe shall be under the Pipe Filler Metal

specified length and no pipe shall be more than 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] Grade
UNS AWS A5.9 UNS Designation
Designation Class
over the specified length.
13.1.3 No jointers are permitted unless otherwise specified. TP201 S20100 ... ... ...
TP201LN S20153 ... ... ...
TP304 S30400 ER308 S30800, W30840
14. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance TP304L S30403 ER308L S30883, W30843
14.1 The finished pipes shall be reasonably straight and TP304N S30451 ER308 S30880, W30840
TP304LN S30453 ER308L S30883, W30843
shall have a workmanlike finish. Removal of imperfections by TP304H S30409 ER308 S30880, W30840
grinding is permitted, provided the wall thicknesses are not TP309Cb S30940 ... ... ...
decreased to less than that permitted in Section 9 of Specifi- TP309S S30908 ... ... ...
TP310Cb S31040 ... ... ...
cation A 999/A 999M. TP310S S31008 ... ... ...
S31272 ... ... ...
15. Repair by Welding TP316 S31600 ER316 S31680, W31640
TP316L S31603 ER316L S31683, W31643
15.1 For welded pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds TP316N S31651 ER316 S31680, W31640
NPS 6, and whose nominal wall thickness equals or exceeds TP316LN S31653 ER316L S31683, W31643
0.200, it is permitted to make weld repairs to the weld seam TP316H S31609 ER316H S31680, W31640
TP321 S32100 ER321 S32180, W32140
with the addition of compatible filler metal using the same ER347 S34780, W34740
procedures specified for plate defects in the section on Repair TP347 S34700 ER347 S34780, W34740
by Welding of Specification A 999/A 999M. TP348 S34800 ER347 S34780, W34740
TPXM-19 S22100 ER209 S20980, W32240
15.2 Weld repairs of the weld seam shall not exceed 20 % of TPXM-29 S28300 ER240 S23980, W32440
the seam length. ... N08367 ... N06625
15.3 Weld repairs shall be made only with the gas tungsten- ... S20400 ER209 S20980, W32240
... N08925 ... N06625
arc welding process using the same classification of bare filler ... N08926 ... N06625
rod qualified to the most current AWS Specification A5.9 as the

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A 312/A 312M – 09
number and heat-treatment lot identification. If specified in the
purchase order, the marking for pipe larger than NPS 4 shall Example: ASTM A 312/A 312M Pipe 304 NPS 12 SCH 40S
include the weight. SMLS
Specification Number ASTM A 312
18. Government Procurement Pipe P
Grade 304
18.1 Scale Free Pipe for Government Procurement: NPS 12
Wall 0.375
18.1.1 When specified in the contract or order, the following SMLS OR WELDED SML
requirements shall be considered in the inquiry, contract or
order, for agencies of the U.S. Government where scale free
pipe or tube is required. These requirements shall take prece- Specification Number ASTM A 312
Tube T
dence if there is a conflict between these requirements and the Grade 304
product specifications. Outside Diameter 0.250
18.1.2 The requirements of Specification A 999/A 999M for Wall 0.035
pipe and Specification A 1016/A 1016M for tubes shall be
applicable when pipe or tube is ordered to this specification. 18.1.5 Ordering Information—Orders for material under
18.1.3 Pipe and tube shall be one of the following grades as this specification shall include the following in addition to the
specified herein: requirements of Section 4:
Grade UNS Designation Pipe or tube, Part number,
TP304 S30400
TP304L S30403 Ultrasonic inspection, if required,
TP304N S30451 If shear wave test is to be conducted in two
TP316 S31600 opposite circumferential directions,
TP316L S31603
TP316N S31651 Intergranular corrosion test, and
TP317 S31700 Level of preservation and packing required.
TP317L S31703
TP321 S32100 19. Keywords
TP347 S34700
19.1 austenitic stainless steel; seamless steel pipe; stainless
18.1.4 Part Number: steel pipe; steel pipe; welded steel pipe


One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified in the
purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency of test or analysis than is provided
in the supplementary requirement. Subject to agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer,
retest and retreatment provisions of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.

S1. Product Analysis S3. Flattening Test

S1.1 For all pipe NPS 5 and larger in nominal size there shall S3.1 The flattening test of Specification A 999/A 999M shall
be one product analysis made of a representative sample from be made on a specimen from one end or both ends of each pipe.
one piece for each ten lengths or fraction thereof from each Crop ends may be used. If this supplementary requirement is
heat of steel. specified, the number of tests per pipe shall also be specified.
S1.2 For pipe smaller than NPS 5 there shall be one product If a specimen from any length fails because of lack of ductility
analysis made from ten lengths per heat of steel or from 10 % prior to satisfactory completion of the first step of the flattening
of the number of lengths per heat of steel, whichever number test requirement, that pipe shall be rejected subject to retreat-
is smaller. ment in accordance with Specification A 999/A 999M and
S1.3 Individual lengths failing to conform to the chemical satisfactory retest. If a specimen from any length of pipe fails
requirements specified in Section 7 shall be rejected. because of a lack of soundness that length shall be rejected,
unless subsequent retesting indicates that the remaining length
S2. Transverse Tension Tests is sound.

S2.1 There shall be one transverse tension test made from S4. Etching Tests
one end of 10 % of the lengths furnished per heat of steel. This S4.1 The steel shall be homogeneous as shown by etching
requirement is applicable only to pipe NPS 8 and larger. tests conducted in accordance with the appropriate portions of
S2.2 If a specimen from any length fails to conform to the Method E 381. Etching tests shall be made on a cross section
tensile properties specified that length shall be rejected. from one end or both ends of each pipe and shall show sound

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A 312/A 312M – 09
and reasonably uniform material free of injurious laminations, S9.2 The sample, of approximately 2–in. [50–mm] length,
cracks, and similar objectionable defects. If this supplementary shall be prepared from a production length of pipe. Depending
requirement is specified, the number of tests per pipe required on the size of the pipe, it is permitted to section the sample
shall also be specified. If a specimen from any length shows longitudinally to allow it to fit in the Erlenmeyer flask. As a
objectionable defects, the length shall be rejected, subject to minimum, the tested sample shall include the entire weld and
removal of the defective end and subsequent retests indicating adjacent area and the full length of base metal 180° across from
the remainder of the length to be sound and reasonably uniform the weld. All burrs and sharp edges shall be removed by light
material. grinding. Dust and grease shall be removed by cleaning with
S5. Radiographic Examination soap and water or other suitable solvents.
S5.1 The entire length of weld in each double welded pipe S9.3 The hydrochloric acid solution shall be prepared by
shall be radiographically examined, using X-radiation, in slowly adding reagent grade (approximately 37 %) hydrochlo-
accordance with Paragraph UW-51 of Section VIII Division 1 ric acid to an equal volume of distilled water.
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. In addition to Warning—Protect eyes and use rubber gloves when han-
the marking required by Section 13 each pipe shall be marked dling acid. Mixing and testing shall be performed in a
“RT” after the specification and grade. Requirements of S5 protective enclosure.
shall be required in the certification.
S9.4 The test container shall be a 1–L Erlenmeyer flask
S6. Stabilizing Heat Treatment equipped with ground-glass joints and an Ahline condenser.
S6.1 Subsequent to the solution anneal required in 6.2, The volume of the solution shall be approximately 700 mL.
Grades TP309HCb, TP310HCb, TP321, TP321H, TP347, S9.5 The thickness of the weld and the base metal 180°
TP347H, TP348, and TP348H shall be given a stabilization from the weld shall be measured near both ends of the sample.
heat treatment at a temperature lower than that used for the These measurements shall be made with a micrometer with an
initial solution annealing heat treatment. The temperature of anvil shape suitable for measuring the thickness with an
stabilization heat treatment shall be as agreed upon between the accuracy to at least 0.001 in. [0.025 mm].
purchaser and vendor. S9.6 The sample sections, both weld and base metal, shall
S7. Intergranular Corrosion Test be immersed in the flask containing the solution. Boiling chips
S7.1 When specified, material shall pass intergranular cor- shall be added and the solution brought to a boil. Boiling shall
rosion tests conducted by the manufacturer in accordance with be maintained through the duration of the test. The time of
Practices A 262, Practice E. testing shall be that which is required to remove 40 to 60 % of
S7.1.1 Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condi- the original base metal thickness (usually 2 h or less) If more
tion for low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped than 60 % of the base metal thickness remains, it is permitted
condition for other grades. The applicability of this test and the to terminate the test after 24 h.
preparation of the sample for testing for grades containing S9.7 At the end of the test period, the samples shall be
greater than 3 % molybdenum shall be as agreed by the removed from the solution, rinsed with distilled water, and
purchaser and manufacturer. dried.
NOTE S7.1—Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condition for S9.8 The thickness measurements as in S9.5 shall be re-
low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped condition for other peated. The anvil shape of the micrometer used shall be
suitable for measuring the minimum remaining thickness with
S7.2 A stabilization heat treatment in accordance with an accuracy to at least 0.001 in. [0.025 mm].
Supplementary Requirement S6 may be necessary and is
permitted in order to meet this requirement for the grades S9.9 The corrosion ratio, R, shall be calculated as follows:
containing titanium or columbium, particularly in their H R 5 ~ W 0 2 W ! / ~ B0 2 B !
S8. Minimum Wall Pipe W0 = average weld-metal thickness before the test,
S8.1 When specified by the purchaser, pipe shall be fur- W = average weld-metal thickness after the test,
nished on a minimum wall basis. The wall of such pipe shall B0 = average base-metal thickness before the test, and
B = average base-metal thickness after the test,
not fall below the thickness specified. In addition to the
marking required by Section 17, the pipe shall be marked S8. S9.9.1 The corrosion ratio for HCW pipe shall be as specified
in 11.5.
S9. Weld Decay Test S9.9.2 The corrosion ratio shall be 1.25 or less, or as further
S9.1 When specified in the purchase order, one sample from restricted in the purchase order, when the weld decay test is
each lot of pipe shall be subject to testing in a boiling solution specified for welded (WLD) pipe.
of 50 % reagent grade hydrochloric acid and 50 % water.

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A 312/A 312M – 09

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Table X1.1 is based on Table number 1 of the

American National Standard for stainless steel pipe (ANSI

TABLE X1.1 Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe

NOTE 1—The decimal thickness listed for the respective pipe sizes represents their nominal or average wall dimensions.
NPS Outside Diameter Nominal Wall Thickness
in. mm Schedule 5SA Schedule 10SA Schedule 40S Schedule 80S
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm

18 0.405 10.29 ... ... 0.049 1.24 0.068 1.73 0.095 2.41
1⁄ 4 0.540 13.72 ... ... 0.065 1.65 0.088 2.24 0.119 3.02
3⁄ 8 0.675 17.15 ... ... 0.065 1.65 0.091 2.31 0.126 3.20
1⁄ 2 0.840 21.34 0.065 1.65 0.083 2.11 0.109 2.77 0.147 3.73
3⁄ 4 1.050 26.67 0.065 1.65 0.083 2.11 0.113 2.87 0.154 3.91
1.0 1.315 33.40 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.133 3.38 0.179 4.55
1 1⁄ 4 1.660 42.16 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.140 3.56 0.191 4.85
1 1⁄ 2 1.900 48.26 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.145 3.68 0.200 5.08
2 2.375 60.33 0.065 1.65 0.109 2.77 0.154 3.91 0.218 5.54
2 1⁄ 2 2.875 73.03 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.203 5.16 0.276 7.01
3 3.500 88.90 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.216 5.49 0.300 7.62
3 1⁄ 2 4.000 101.60 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.226 5.74 0.318 8.08
4 4.500 114.30 0.083 2.11 0.120 3.05 0.237 6.02 0.337 8.56
5 5.563 141.30 0.109 2.77 0.134 3.40 0.258 6.55 0.375 9.52
6 6.625 168.28 0.109 2.77 0.134 3.40 0.280 7.11 0.432 10.97
8 8.625 219.08 0.109 2.77 0.148 3.76 0.322 8.18 0.500 12.70
10 10.750 273.05 0.134 3.40 0.165 4.19 0.365 9.27 0.500B 12.70B
12 12.750 323.85 0.156 3.96 0.180 4.57 0.375B 9.52B 0.500B 12.70B
14 14.000 355.60 0.156 3.96 0.188B 4.78B ... ... ... ...
16 16.000 406.40 0.165 4.19 0.188B 4.78B ... ... ... ...
18 18.000 457.20 0.165 4.19 0.188B 4.78B ... ... ... ...
20 20.000 508.00 0.188 4.78 0.218B 5.54B ... ... ... ...
22 22.000 558.80 0.188 4.78 0.218B 5.54B ... ... ... ...
24 24.000 609.60 0.218 5.54 0.250 6.35 ... ... ... ...
30 30.000 762.00 0.250 6.35 0.312 7.92 ... ... ... ...
Schedules 5S and 10S wall thicknesses do not permit threading in accordance with the American National Standard for Pipe Threads (ANSI B1.20.1).
These do not conform to the American National Standard for Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe (ANSI B36.10–1979).


Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 312/A 312M-08a, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved May 15, 2009)

(1) Added a value for the nitrogen content of TP321H in

Table 1.

Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 312/A 312M-08, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved October 1, 2008)

(1) Added UNS N08925 to 5.2.1, Table 1, Table 2, Table 4, and (3) Revised Note B of Table 1 to include a statement explaining
Table 5. the meaning of ellipses.
(2) Corrected reversed chromium and nickel contents for UNS (4) Changed tungsten content for UNS S31035 from “2.0–3.0”
N08926 in Table 1. to “2.0–4.0” in Table 1.

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A 312/A 312M – 09

Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 312/A 312M-07, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved March 1, 2008)

(1) Added Types 201 and 201LN to Table 1, Table 4, and Table (2) Added new Grade S31035 to 5.2.1, 6.3.3, 11.4, Table 1,
5. Table 2, and Table 4.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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