Ball Mill Calculations PDF
Ball Mill Calculations PDF
Ball Mill Calculations PDF
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Manufacturing Process • Typical Properties • Mill Lining Blocks • Grinding Media
• Steatite Grinding Media • Grinding Media Sizes • Calculation of Media Charge • Advantages and Applications
Calculations for mill motor power, mill speed and media charge
Considering the weight of mill lining and grinding media, work out the motor power required, in consultation with the mill manufacturer.
To calculate media charge for cylindrical mill
Formulae are given below:
1. For batch type ball mill :
M = 0.000691 x D2 x L
where : M = Weight of grinding media charge in kgs
D = Mill Internal Dia in cms. after lining
L = Internal length of the mill in cms. after lining.
2. For continuous type ball mill :
M = 0.000503 x D2 x L
Example To calculate grinding media charge for a steatite ceramic lined batch type mill size : Dia 6' x 6' Long (Dia 180 cm x 180 cm L) (mill openings
are not considered).
Thickness of tapered bricks = 6.5 cms
Thickness of straight bricks = 4.2 cms
Therefore D = 180 13 = 167 cms
L = 180 8.4 = 171.6 cms
M = 0.000691 x 167 x 167 x 171.6
Grinding media quantity = 3307 kgs
To calculate the motor power required for a cylindrical type ball mill, the following formula can be applied :
W = 0.04116 x D3 x L x n x (0.6d + 0.4d1)
where : W = Required motor power in HP
D = Internal dia of the mill in mtr
L = Internal length of the mill in mtr
d = Specific gravity of grinding media
d1 = Specific gravity of substance
n = Speed of ball mill in rpm.
Example 1: Let the internal dia of the mill be 1.8 mtr and internal length be 1.8 mtr. If Alumina grinding media is used density d = 3.6.
If milling substance is alumina in slurrry form with around 70% solids then d1 = 2.0
W = 0.04116 x (1.8)4 x 19 (3.6 x 0.6 + 2 x 0.4) = 24.3 HP
Example 2: If Steatite grinding media are used to mill the glass frit
d = 2.65 and d1 = 1.6 then,
W = 0.04116 x (1.8)4 x 19 x (2.65 x 0.6 + 1.6 x 0.4) = 18.3 HP 1/2
4/9/2015 Jyoti Ceramic Industries Pvt. Ltd.
To calculate the speed of the mill, use the following formula:
Nc =
Where : Nc = Critical speed
D = Internal dia in ft.
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