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End G 8 Proposal

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1. ABEBAW TILAHUN-------------------------1927
2. BESNT ALAGAW-----------------------------1991
3. DENEKEWU SHAWULE-------------------2016
4. MARALEM MERETU----------------------1968
5. MULUKEN FELEKE------------------------1929
6. TIZITA AYINTESFA------------------------1884








First of all we would like to thank our God for giving health, peace, strength skill and knowledge
for all aspect of our educational carrier. Secondly we would like to express our heart full thanks
to our advisor Mr. Temesgen Kebede (MSc.) for his advice in every steps of our study.


ANOVA analysis of variance

LSD list significant difference
M .A.S.L. Mean Above Sea Level
NS none significant
RCBD randomized complete block design
SAS statistical analysis system



ABBREVIATION AND ACRONYMS.........................................................................................III

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................................IV


2. LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................3

2.1 Botanical Description of Maize.............................................................................................3

2.2. Ecology of Maize..................................................................................................................3

2.3. Effect of Sowing Date on Vegetative Development of Maize..............................................3

2.4. Effect of Sowing Date on Growth and Dry Matter Yield.....................................................4

2.5. Effect of Sowing Date on Grain Yield of Maize...................................................................5

2.6. Effect of Sowing Date on Kernel Number per Cob..............................................................6

2.7. Effect of Sowing Date on Kernel Mass of Maize.................................................................7

2.8. Effect of Sowing Date on Tasseling and Physiological Maturity.........................................7

3. MATERRIAL AND METHODS.................................................................................................8

3.1. Description of the Study Area...............................................................................................8

3.2. Experimental Materials.........................................................................................................8

3.3 Experimental Procedure.........................................................................................................8

3.4 Treatment and Experimental Design.....................................................................................8

3.5. Data Collection and Measurement.......................................................................................9

3.6. Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................10

4. WORK PLAN............................................................................................................................11

5. LOGISTIC.................................................................................................................................12



Maize (Zea maize L.) is belongs to (Gramineae) family and one of cereal crop production in the
world after wheat and rice .The most widely center of maize was in Mexico or central America
around 4000 BC, because this area is considered to be the home of different grass a near relative
maize (Hozumi et al., 2008).Early civilization of the Americas depend on maize production.
Maize has an extremely wide distribution, the crop is known grown on all contents and has
become an important food in many tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate countries including
most parts of tropical Africa (Kuipmeyer et al., 2009) .
World average yield for maize is about 4.5 ton per hectares and that of developed countries is 6.2
Ton/ ha.it is the staple food of 24 million households in east and south Africa and is annually
planted our an area of 15.5 million hectare. In Ethiopia maize is under cultivation from 500-
400M above sea level (altitudes).The crop requires an average daily temperature of at least 240C.

Maize is high length crop reach up to 4-6m tall. The root system consisting of adventitious
root developing from the lower nodes of the stem near the soil surface ,but a single system
sometimes penetrating to a depth of over 2m (Monteith,2002 ). Stem is usually single and solid
with internodes reaching 20-30cm, leaves are alternate, simple and with pronounced midrib
(Woolley, 2005).
In Ethiopia maize is produced for food especially in major maize producing region mainly for
low income groups. It is consumed as “Injera”, porridge, Bread and Nefro. The main purpose for
staple food, feed for livestock and poultry, and as a raw material for many industrial products.
The matured maize grain is rich with starch, protein, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, minerals and
vitamin (Porter et al., 2010).
Maize is one of the field crops that the production system requires optimum sowing date for
adequate growth and development. In practice recommended dates are normally drawn up from
the results of long running series of agronomic experiments, which can give mean planting dates
for highest yield to either with realistic estimates of expected yield produce for each week of
delay in planting .Sowing at early date is good growth and better yield production. on the
other hand maize sowing at late time concern affect the final grain yield and does not get
proper condition for its growth and production. It is depends on different weather and

environmental condition (Oteguet.1999). Farmer sowing maize at optimum water and
temperature for optimum yield (Duncan, 2011).

Statement of problem

Most of farmers in Ethiopia have been use their own sowing time and agronomic practice rather
than the recommended date. Sowing date has great effect on the growth and development of
maize. Maize sowing at early time affect by different weather and environmental condition such
as frost weather and high respiration. On the other hand sowing at delay or late is reducing the
final grain yield, grain moisture and lower growth. So it results in low productivity or complete
failure of germination .very early sowing and very late sowing can result in lower growth and
yield due to unfavorable weather and environmental condition occur after sowing so this is to
conduct experiment to determine possible sowing date.


 To evaluate the effects of sowing date on the growth and development of maize.
 To investigates the optimum time of sowing date on maize in the study area


Ho- There is no growth and development difference between sowing date of maize before and
after optimum time of sowing.
Ha- There is growth and development difference between sowing date of maize before and after
Optimum time of sowing


2.1 Botanical Description of Maize

Maize (Zea maize L.) is cereal crop in the family (Gramineae) .It is monoecism annual and one
of the largest of the cereals, capable of reaching 15 feet in height. It has a variety of
morphological features, some early maturing types and produces eight up to nine leaves, whereas
later maturing types bear 42-44 leaves. Maize has adventitious roots. The roots grow down ward
at the time of seed germination (George Aqua, 2011). The roots arise from the nodes up the stem,
about 1-2 inches below the soil surface. The aerial roots nodes on the stem above the ground.
Maize is pre dominantly cross- pollinated .The immediate effect of the pollen parent flower on
the characteristics of the endosperm and embryo. This effect is manifested when one type of
maize is pollinated by another type. For example, when sweet maize is cross pollinated by flint
maize, the resulting kernels are smooth and starchy instead of wrinkled.

2.2. Ecology of Maize

Maize is generally less suited to semiarid or equatorial climates. The crop requires an average
daily temperature of at least 240C adequate growth and development. The optimum temperature
for growth and development ranges between 25-30 0C temperatures above 300C reduce yield
(Brink and Belay, 2006).

Maize has a good growth habit in different favorable soil properties such as good internal
drainages, optimal moisture regimes, sufficient and balanced quantities of plant nutrients and
chemical property. Although large-scale maize production takes place on soils with clay loam
that have air and moisture for optimal healthy maize production. Conservation of moisture and
irrigation has a significant impact on maize grain production (Mossier et al., 2006).

2.3. Effect of Sowing Date on Vegetative Development of Maize

Maize sowing date affects growth stages of maize by sensitive to heat and water stress. All the
management aspects of growing maize crop (cultivar selection, plant density, amount and timing
of fertilizers, etc.), planting date is probably the most subject to variation because of the very
great differences in weather at planting time between seasons to seasons and within the range of
climates (Otegui,2005). The year-to year variation in plant establishment, pest and disease
incidence makes it difficult to predict optimum planting dates for maize crops (Martin, 2011).
In practice recommended dates are normally drawn up from the results of long-running series of
Agronomic experiments, which can give mean planting dates for highest yield to either with
realistic estimates of expected yield produce for each week of delay in planting (Lauer et al.,
2004). Several reservations must be appreciated in addition to the fact that use of the
recommended date is required for high yield in that season (Oktem, 2005).
First, there can be very large Difference in the pattern of response to planting date among
cultivars. Secondly, the Interaction between plant diseases and planting date are not fully

2.4. Effect of Sowing Date on Growth and Dry Matter Yield

Variation in maize planting date modifies the radioactive and thermal conditions during growth.
The amount of incident radiation and the proportion of this radiation that is intercepted by the
Crop directly determine crop growth rate (Cirilo & Andrade, 2004). Delays in planting date
determined important reductions in the amount of incident radiation accumulated from
emergence to silking because it hastened development. Inversely, high temperatures during early
growth of late plantings hastened leaf area development as shown by their high early percentage
of active radiation to interception values. Several authors reported similar temperature effects on
leaf appearance rate and on leaf expansion in maize (Maddonn, 2004). At the grain filling stage,
plants exposed to low radiation and low temperature in late plantings, compared to Early
planting, it results in decreased dry matter production.

Late plantings also showed a higher nonstructural carbohydrate concentration in stems at mid-
grain filling than the early planting. This suggested that low temperatures during grain filling in
late plantings limited kernel growth as well as crop photosynthesis. Thus, the ratio between final
Kernel number and dry matter at silking dropped dramatically for the late plantings, indicating a

pre dominance of vegetative growth over reproductive growth. Late plantings is result in high
crop growth rates during the vegetative period because of high radiation use efficiency and high
percentage radiation interception, but conversely result in low crop rates during grain filling
because of low RUE and low incident radiation ( Maddonni et al., 2004) .In late plantings, both
solar radiation and low temperature may have a negative effect on kernel weight through
reductions in both radiation use efficiency and biomass partitioning to the grains (Andrich et al.,

2.5. Effect of Sowing Date on Grain Yield of Maize

Maize planted earlier develops better and has a higher yield potential because the Optimum
Vegetative period of development occurs in the cooler part of the season when Moisture stress
is less (Aldrich et al., 2005). The optimum early sowing date of maize is essential to grain yield
in short season areas. Many benefits related to early planting date compared to late planting date
and this include a long growth duration that allows a greater choice of hybrid maturities and
wider opportunities for replant decisions (cork and Kornberg, 2002). And also earlier planting
tends to place the tasseling and sulking period ahead of the greatest of moisture condition and
drought resistance (Tongue, 2009).

Early Planting date can contribute significantly to higher maize yields. And also higher yield is
not the only advantage of early planting because other benefit can also be achieved from high
plant density and high fertilizer rates (Shepard, 2009). It also allows harvesting earlier in the
season when conditions are usually better and field losses can be minimized (Hicks et al., 2002).
Very simply planting increases net return without adding production costs. On the other hand late
planting or planting after the optimum period consistently result in lower yields because shortens
the effective growing season for Maize, increasing the risk of exposure to lethal cold
temperatures in the season before grain maturation (Aldrich et al., 2005).

Yield reduction in late planting can be attributed to a short growth duration, insect and disease
pressure, heat and moisture stress during pollination results delayed planting are generally
accompany by increased temperatures during the growing season, which accelerate crop
development and decrease accumulated solar radiation, resulting in less biomass production,

kernel set and grain yield (Otego and Melon,2005). Delay in planting beyond a given date
results in a progressive reduction of yield because an increasing proportion of the available Solar
radiation will not be intercepted by the crop canopy. In practice, yield does normally decline with
delay in planting due to yield production encountered. The results of planting date experiments
can be highly inconsistent between seasonsand sites. For example, it is not unusual for a
relatively late sown crop to out yield the Control crop sown within what would be considered to
be the optimum period (Green et al., 2005). There are several reasons for such inconsistencies
and unexpected Results. First, the soil conditions at different planting dates will inevitably be
different and unfavorable conditions (excess or deficiency of soil moisture, serious incidence of
disease, etc.

The observed differences in the performance of crops sown on different commonly a reflection
of differences in established plant date. Secondly, Crop sown at different dates pass through each
developmental stage at slightly different times and therefore, under different environmental
conditions (especially Photoperiod and temperature); thus any one of the developmental stages
which determine the components of yield can occur under more or less favorable Conditions in
late sown crops(Alien,2002). For these reasons, it is easy to carry out a comparison of the grain
yields and their components of the different crops in a sowing date experiment.

2.6. Effect of Sowing Date on Kernel Number per Cob

The acceleration in the rate of crop development associated with increased plant density or with
delay in planting date means that the duration of the phase of spikelet initiation is reduced, the
overall effects of these management factors upon ear size are different (Bekele, 2012. In the case
of plant date, the rate of spikelet initiation is relatively affected with the result that ear number
declines progressively with late seeding time. Variation in planting date is commonly found to
have an influence upon the number of grains per ear (Otego & Melon, 2006).
Planting dates affect the kernel set and flower synchrony within the ear of maize. It is significant
relationship between kernel set per row and final ovule number per row for certain genotypes
planted on different dates. Reduced kernels per ear are the most consistent irreversible
Component of maize yield reduction under drought stress. The number of florets that may
become kernels cannot exceed exposed silk number and declines when environmental conditions

are below optimum. Such limitations to kernel number may have drastic impacts on grain or seed
production profitability and may be influenced by silk characteristics for a given hybrid or inbred
maize (Anderson et al., 2004).
2.7. Effect of Sowing Date on Kernel Mass of Maize
Sowing date affects kernel mass of maize at later planted crops to give lighter grains. Thus in
Most findings, grain mass is reduces by up to about 10 percent (Taylor, 2006). These generally
Support the idea that the individual grain mass for a given cultivar is a relative stable Character
(Madonna et al., 2004). When delay in the start of grain filling by a few days coincides with a
rapid deterioration in the environment, much larger effects can be anticipated.
Grain yield generally declines with delay in Sowing; principally as a consequence of decreases in
ear number because of small decreases in individual grain mass (Madonna et al., 2004).kernel
mass is conditioned by post silking crop growth with more dependence on reserve. Decreased
incident solar radiation reduced final kernel mass through reduction in bio mass production per
kernel, low temperatures impair grain filling through reductions in biomass partitioning to kernel
(Rathor, 2011).
2.8. Effect of Sowing Date on Tasseling and Physiological Maturity
The time length from silking to physiological maturity affect by planting dates. Daly in the
season of the sowing date the maize crops do not maturity since grains not formed a true black
layer (Sutton and stocked, 2007). Delayed planting decreased the thermal internal energy mid
silking and black layer formations to physiological maturity mainly because of their low values
of daily incident radiation (Tollenaar & Aguilera, 2006).
On the other hand radiation use efficiency for late planting is high in the early growing Stages
and low during the cool grain filling period. The opposite is true for early plantings that Show
low RUE from emergence to silking and sustained during most of the grain filling period when
temperature is more favorable for the photosynthetic process (Cirilo &Andrade, 2004). During
this extra period, plants will up takes more solar radiation and Store the energy because the lower
temperatures limit their growth and consumption energy estimation of thermal time required for
grain filling (period between silking and maturity) vary considerably. A better understanding of
the phonological response of maize to thermal time as planting is delayed not to improve the
accuracy of maturity for late planting maize (Badger, 20
3.1. Description of the Study Area
The study will be conducted in DebreBerhan University demonstration site and research field
from January 2019 to June 2019 under irrigation condition. The area is located at 130 km from
Addis Ababa at an elevation ranging between 2800 and 2845 m above sea level (m.a.s .l.)
(Hayman et al., 2015), and 090 35, 45, to090 36, 45, north latitude and form 390 29, 40, to390 31, 30,
longitude. The mean monthly maximum and minimum temperature range from 18.3 oC to 21.8oC
and from 2.4 to 8.9oC, respectively. The mean annual temperature is 18.61oC. It receives rain fall
pattern with maximum (293.02mm) and minimum (4.72mm) peaks in August and December
respectively. The mean relative humidity is estimated to be 10.9 percent. The soil type of the area
is vertisols. In general, the area falls under highlands (degas) agro- ecological zone with a frost
incidence from October to December (Gebremedhn et al., 2005).

3.2. Experimental Materials

Experimental materials that will be used for conducting this experiment include highland maize
variety, urea, meter, hoe, water cane, and record book, rope, rule, tap meter, sped and NSPKB

3.3 Experimental Procedure

The experimental site will be selected and all unwanted materials such as stones, straw, weed,
plant remains and other substances will be removed. Land preparation will be done at the
beginning of irrigation using labor to fine a soil. Planting will be done a week later after
preparing the experimental area is advisable for proper germination occurs. And, the maize
seedling will be sowing first day, after ten day and after twenty day interval plant. Then, the
other agronomic practice like weeding, fertilize application, watering and cultivating will also

3.4 Treatment and Experimental Design

The field experiment will be laid out in randomized block design (RCBD) with three treatments
and three replications. The experimental area will be divided in to small homogeneous plot. The
experiment block will be design perpendicular to the slope gradient. Each plot area of 3m length
by 2m width 6m squire the distance between plots and block 0.5m and 1m respectively. The total
experimental area will have 10m length by 8m width 80 m square .each plot contain four row
and the spaces between row 0.75m and space between plant will be 0.25m, the border effect of
each plot will be 0.125m.

T1------------------------------------------first day sowing
T2-----------------------------------------after ten day sowing
T3----------------------------------------after twenty day sowing

Field layout
T1 T3 T1
T3 T1 T2
T2 T2 T3

3.5. Data Collection and Measurement

Data will be collected by measuring and counting on the following parameters;

 Days to 50% emergence counted from the date of sowing till with seedling emergence
from the plot.
 Stem diameter the diameter will be measure from each plot of five plants will take we
take average.
 Leaf length per plant Measured from the end of sheath to the tip of the leaf. Four plants
will be randomly taken from the middle row of each plot and the mean will be taken.
 Plant height it will be measured from the ground level to the top most growth point
above ground after the plants reached at maximum vegetative growth stage.
 Leaf number per plant counted at the maximum vegetative growth stage.
 Tasseling date

 Date of silking.
 Number of Cob per plant.

 Cob length
All the above parameter will be measured and collected from four (4) plants found in
the two middle row of each plot.

3.6. Data Analysis

The collected data will be subjected to (ANOVA). The ANOVA will be computed with the help
of SAS computer software program. Means of significant treatment effects will be separated
using (LSD) test at 1% and 5% level of significance.
3.7. Expect out Put
At the end of this study will be expect the
 Recommended sowing time for better maize growth and production will be identifying in
the study area.
 The effect of sowing date on growth and yield performance of maize will be evaluated.
3.8. Significance (Beneficially) of the Study
 Maize is highly productive cereals crop, it needs highly manageable agronomic practice
especially proper sowing date. So, give knowledge about proper sowing date.

 The study will be significantly identifies the appropriate sowing time for high growth
performance of maize.

 Serves as general guide line for farmer or researcher agency.


Table 1: work plan

Activities December January February M a r c h A p r i l M a y June
Proposal •

Proposal .
Material .
Develop .
Research .
First land .

Second land .
Field work • • •
Sowing date .
Data collection . . . .
Data analysis .
Report  
Draft report .
Presentation .


Table 2:- labor cost

No Activity Unit Quantity No/ days Unit price Total price

1 Land preparation Man 2 2 60 240

2 Leveling and layout Man 2 1 60 120

3 Sowing Man 2 1 60 120

4 Management Man 5 Three month 300 1980

total 2560

Table 3.Equipment and supplies cost

Item Unit Quantity Unit cost in birr Total

Maize seed kg 2 10 20 birr

Tape meter m 1 50 50 birr

Rope m 2 20 40 birr

Spade No. 2 25 50 birr

Ruler No 1 10 10 birr

Hoe No. 2 25 50 birr

total 220birr

Table 1 Stationery cost

No. Items Unit Quantity Unit price in birr Total

1 Pencil No. 2 1.50 3.00 birr

2 Pen No. 6 5.5 33 birr

3 Notebook No. 3 25.00 75birr

4 CD No. 1 20.00 20birr

5 Paper Rim 1 85.00 85 birr

total 216birr

Table 2 Budget summary

No. Item Subtotal

1 Labor cost 2150birr

2 Equipment and supplies cost 220 birr

3 Stationery cost 216birr

Total 2416 birr


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