Syllabus - Civil Engg
Syllabus - Civil Engg
Syllabus - Civil Engg
Course of Study
W.E.F. 2015-16 (2nd, 3rd, 4th year)
I Year: Even Semester
Teaching Scheme Contact Exam Duration Relative Weights (%)
S. Subject Course Title Subject Credit L T P Theory Practical CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE
No. Code Area
Group A
1 MA102 Mathematics - ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP102 Physics – II ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 EE102 Basic Electrical AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 CO102 Programming AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
5 ME102 Engineering AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 EN102 Introduction to AEC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 15 1 9
Group B
1 MA102 Mathematics – ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP102 Physics – II ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 AC102 Chemistry ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 ME104 Basic AEC 4 4 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
5 ME106 Workshop AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 HU102 Communication HMC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 16 1 7
II Year: Even Semester
S.No. Code Title Area Cr L T P TH PH CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE
1. EN252 Environmental
AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
2. CE202 Mechanics of solids DCC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3. CE204 Engineering Survey DCC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4. CE206 Soil Mechanics DCC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
5. Hydraulics & 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40
CE208 DCC -
Hydraulic Machines
6. Engineering 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 23 18 0 10
III Year: Even Semester
List of Departmental Elective Courses
List of University Elective Courses
1. Subject Code: EC 251 Course Title: Basic Electronics & Instrumentation
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 20 MTE: 25 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: I
7. Subject Area: AEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with the concepts basic electronics & instrumentation.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction to semiconductor physics : Classification of materials (conductors, 07
insulators and semiconductors) intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor, drift and diffusion
currents, p-n junction diode: Physical operation, diode current equation and I-V
characteristic and piecewise linear model, concept of load line, breakdown in p-n diode,
Zener diode
Diode Applications: Rectifier Zener regulators, clipping and clamping circuits.
2 Bipolar Junction Transistor:Physical structure and modes of operation. BJT current 08
components, BJT characteristics, large-signal equivalent circuit and concept of load line,
small signal equivalent, Basic single-stage BJT amplifiers (CE, CB, CC) and frequency
response of an RC coupled amplifier. JFET/ MOSFET characteristics and amplifiers
3 Concept of positive and negative feedback, merits and demerits of negative feedback, 08
Principle of oscillation, LC and RC oscillators. Power Amplifiers (Class A and Class B),
Operational Amplifier and basic applications. Operation Amplifiers: Ideal
characteristics, basic applications: Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier, Integrator,
Differentiator, Voltage follower, Summing and Difference Circuits
4 Introduction to Digital Circuits: Boolean Algebra, Logic gates, minimization of 06
switching function, Karnaugh map method, Binary adder, subs tractor, multiplexer and
decoder. Flip-flop, counter. Shift registers
5 Electronic Measurements: Electronic voltmeter, multimeter. Differential voltmeters, 06
time, frequency and phase angle measurements using CRO, Digital voltmeter, multimeter
and storage oscilloscope.
6 Instrumentation: Transducers, strain gauges, inductive & capacitive transducers, 07
piezoelectric and Hall-effect transducers, thermisters, thermocouples, photo-diodes &
photo-transistors, signal conditioning and telemetry, basic concepts of smart sensors and
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: CE201 Course Title: Civil Engineering Basics and Applications
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: I
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with the concepts Civil Engineering and related applications.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Building Materials : Bricks, stone, lime, timber, plywood, glass, plastics, steel, 8
aluminum; classification properties and selection criteria, introduction to new materials.
2 Building Construction : Importance of building byelaws, loads on buildings. types of 12
foundations and selection criteria, brick masonry, stone masonry & bonds. Types of
walls, partition and cavity walls, design criteria.
3 Cement : Manufacturing & types, compositions, uses and specifications, aggregates, 10
classifications and properties, admixtures: types properties and selection criteria.
Mortar : Lime and cement mortars, types and classifications.
Concrete mix design : as per IS code.
4 Introduction to Engineering Geology : Dynamics of earth, study of minerals and rocks, 10
structural features of rock, weathering processes, geological time scale, structural
features and classification of rocks.
Total 40
11. Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: CE203 Course Title: Engineering Mechanics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: II
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with the concepts Civil Engineering and related applications.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Fundamental concepts: System of units, scalar and vector quantities, characteristic of 5
force, fundamental laws of mechanics, system of forces, two force systems, three force
system, equilibrium of a body, equilibrium equations for plane force and space force
2 Co-planar concurrent forces: Composition of force, resolution of forces, concurrent and 5
non concurrent forces, non concurrent force, couple, moment, Varignon’s theorem,
resultant of coplanar force systems and reaction of supports.
3 Analysis of pin jointed frames: Perfect, deficient and redundant frames, method of 7
Joints, method of sections, tension co-efficient method and graphical method for plane
and space frames.
4 Friction and lifting machines: Law of friction, angle of friction, angle of repose and 7
cone of friction, wedges, law of machines, mechanical advantage and velocity ratio,
efficiency, self-locking and reversibility of machines, pulley, wheel and axle.
5 Centroid and moment of inertia: Centre of gravity, Theorem of Pappus and Guldinus, 8
moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem, polar moment of inertia, radius of gyration and
moment of inertia of composite sections, mass moment of inertia and product moment of
6 Kinematics and kinetic: Rectilinear and curvilinear motion, projectile, relative motion, 8
kinetics of particle, Newton’s laws, work, energy and power, conservation of energy,
impulse and momentum, impact.
Total 40
1. Subject Code: CE205 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: II
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with the concepts Civil Engineering and related applications.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Properties of fluids, types of fluids and continuum principle. 3
2 Fluid Statics: Basic definition, hydro statics law, Pascal’s law, manometers, hydro statics 6
forces on submerged surfaces, buoyancy.
3 Kinematics of flow: Types of flow, streamline, pathline, principle of conservation of 5
mass, velocity, acceleration, velocity potential and stream function, vorticity and
4 Fluid dynamics: Euler;s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, and its application, Pitot tube, 5
venturimeter, Orifices and mouth pieces.
5 Laminar and turbulent flow in pipe: Laminar flow through pipes, velocity distribution, 7
turbulent flow, Reynolds equation, prandtl’s mixing length theory, velocity distribution
in pipe flow and plate flow, Darcy’s weisbach equation, friction factor, water hammer.
6 Dimensional analysis and models: Dimensional homogeneity, Rankines and 5
Buckingham’a pie theorem, dimensionless numbers, Types of models and model analysis.
7 Boundary layer theory: Concept of boundary layer, laminar and turbulent boundary 6
layers, boundary layer thickness, laminar sub-layer, hydrodynamically smooth and rough
boundaries, cavitations.
8 Drag and lift: Forces exerted by flowing fluid on rest body, drag and lift, streamlined 4
body and bluff body, skin friction, drag on sphere, cylinder and flat plate.
Total 41
11. Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: CE207 Course Title: Engineering Analysis and Design
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: I
7. Subject Area: EAD
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with the concepts Civil Engineering and related applications.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Structural Engineering: Various infrastructural projects, types of structures (1 D, 2 D & 7
3 D), equations of equilibrium, analysis and design, stress-strain characteristics of
concrete and steel, design philosophies.
2 Geotechnical Engineering : Introduction to soil and rock, foundations for different type 7
of structures, earth retaining structures, stability analysis of slopes such as embankments,
levies, dams and canals. Introduction to underground structures like tunnels, shafts,
caverns and some important ground improvement techniques.
3 Water Resources Engineering : Hydrological cycle, types of flow, flows in pipes and 7
channels, types of dams, introduction to hydro power engineering.
4 Transportation Engineering : Modes of transportation, transportation system, role of 7
traffic engineers, design concepts in transportation engineering, pavement/runway
materials, introduction to railway systems.
5 Environmental Engineering : Sources of water, Quantitative and qualitative analysis, 7
water and waste water design, concepts of water and waste water treatment plants, mode
of conveyance of waste water.
6 Surveying : Classification of survey, types of equipment for surveying, importance and 5
application of survey, introduction to GIS & GPS and their applications
Total 40
11. Suggested Books:
2. Reinforced concrete Limit State Design , A. K. Jain, Nem Chand and brothers, 2000
Roorkee, (ISBN 10-8185240663).
3. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics, Gopal Ranjan and Rao, New Age International 2000
Delhi, (ISBN 978-81-224-1223-9).
4. Water Resources and Water Power Engineering, N. Subramanyam, New Age 2001
International Delhi, (ISBN 13-978-818-940-1290).
5. Water & Waste Water Technology, Hammer & Hammer, Prentice-Hall of India, 2003
New Delhi, (ISBN 81-203-2108-1)
6. Highway Engineering, Khanna & Justo, Nem, Chand & Brothers, Roorkee, (ISBN 2005
1. Subject Code: MG203 Course Title: Fundamentals of Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3 6. Semester: III 7. Subject Area: HMC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: The basic objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the basic concepts of
management necessary to deal with emerging business environment besides sensitizing them about societal
10. Details of Course:
Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers
1 Fundamental of Management, Stephen P. Robbins, David A. De Cenzo and Mary
Coulter, Pearson Education, 2011( ISBN:9780273755869)
2 Financial Accounting, 4 ed, S.N. Maheshwari and S.K. Maheshwari, Vikas
Pulication,2005 (ISBN: 8125918523)
3. Management, James A F Stonner, Pearson Education,2010 (ISBN: 9788131707043)
4. Marketing Management, 14th ed., Philip Kotler , Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy
and MithileswarJha, Pearson Education, 2013 (ISBN: 9788131767160)
5 Knowledge Management in Organizations: A Critical Introduction, Donald Hislop,
Oxford University Press,2013 ISBN: 9780199691937.
1. Subject Code: EN-252 Course Title: Environmental Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: Autumn & Spring
7. 7. Subject Area: DCC
8. 8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective:
1. To introduce basic concepts of water engineering and design.
2. To understand the characteristics of water & waste water.
3. To introduce the definition, principle, types and design of sedimentation tank.
4. To introduce the definition, principle, types and design of trickling filter, septic tanks, anaerobic sludge
digestion, stabilization ponds and aerated lagoons..
5. To introduce the Solid waste management.
6. To introduce basic concepts of Noise pollution
10. Details of Course
2 Garg: Water Supply Engineering (Environmental Engineering Vol.-I) 2010
3 Punmia: Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering 2016
4 Steel and McGhee: Water Supply and Sewerage. 1991
5 Birdie: Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering. 2010
6 Wastewater Engg. by Metcalf and Eddy (McGrow Hill) 4th Edition
1. Subject Code: CE 204 Course Title: Engineering Survey
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40
PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 4
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Importance of Surveying to Engineers; Plane and Geodetic surveying, 6
Classification of surveys, Basic Principles of Surveying, Type of maps, scales and uses,
plotting accuracy, map sheet numbering, coordinate and map projection. Organization of
field and office work
2 Survey Instruments, Measurement of Distances, Angles, Azimuths: Introduction to 6
surveying equipments, chains, tapes, compass, theodolites, tacheometer, EDM, total
Stations and other instruments, types of errors, source of errors and precautions
3 Chain, Compass and Plane Table Surveys : Chain survey procedures, errors and 6
corrections, planning and carrying out chain survey. Compass survey, types of compass
and various terms related to magnetic compass, computing and plotting a traverse. Plane
table surveys and mapping
4 Leveling,Triangulation and Trilateration and Contouring: Leveling and measurement 8
of elevations, different methods of leveling. Methods of control establishment, traversing,
triangulation, trilateration, computation of coordinates, trigonometrical leveling, theodolite
surveying and tachometry, contouring, Curves: curve layout, horizontal, transition and
vertical curves.
5 Project Surveys, Hydrographic Survey, Astronomy and Map making in India: 6
General requirement and specifications of Engineering project surveys, Reconnaissance,
Principles and practices, construction surveys, location and layout surveys. Hydrographic
survey, shoreline, tidal and river surveys, soundings in hydrographic survey, Terms in
astronomical survey, basics of spherical trigonometry. Map in the making-survey of India
publication, conventional symbol charts and different types of maps. Appropriate
experiments would be taken up.
Total 32
1. Subject Code: CE 206 Course Title: Soil Mechanics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 4
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Introduction to soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, importance 6
in civil engineering, nature of soil, soil formation and soil type. Simple Soil Properties:
Basic definitions, phase relations, index properties, basic concepts of clay minerals and
soil structure.
2 Soil Classification and Identification: Field identification, Textural Classification, 8
Unified Soil Classification System, Indian Standard Soil Classification system, Group
Hydraulic Conductivity: hydraulic conductivity or permeability, Darcy’s law,
Discharge and Seepage velocities, Laboratory methods of determination, Factors
affecting hydraulic conductivity, Hydraulic conductivity of layered soils, Field
determination of hydraulic conductivity, Neutral and effective stresses, Critical
hydraulic gradient, Capillary water in soils.
3 Seepage: Laplace’s equation for simple flow problems, Flow nets, Seepage calculation 8
from flow nets, Flow nets in anisotropic soil, Seepage pressure, Uplift pressure, Seepage
through earth dams, Exit gradient, Piping, Criteria for design of filters. Compaction:
General principals, Laboratory determination, Factors affecting compaction, Field
compaction, Compaction of cohesionless and cohesive soils, Field control of
4 Stress Distribution: Elastic constants of soils and their determination, Boussinesq 8
equation for vertical stress, The Westergaard equation, Stress distribution under loaded
areas, Concept of pressure bulb; Newmark’s influence chart, contact pressure. Shear
Strength: Introduction, Mohr’s circle of stress, Mohr-Coulomb failure theory, Shear
strength parameters, Various Laboratory tests for measurement of shear strength, UU,
CU and CD tests and their relevance to field problems, Plotting of test data, Shear
strength characteristics of Normally consolidated and over consolidated clays, shear
strength characteristics of sands.
5 Compressibility and Consolidation: Importance of compressibility, Effect of soil type, 10
stress history and effective stress on compressibility, Factors affecting consolidation and
compressibility, Normally consolidated and over consolidated soils, Void ratio-pressure
relationship, Coefficient of compressibility and Volume change, Mechanism of
consolidation, Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation, Laboratory consolidation tests and
analysis of data, Determination of Cofficient of Consolidation.
Total 40
1. Basic and applied soil mechanics by Gopalranjan and Rao, ASR (revised 1995
edition), New Age International, New Delhi. (ISBN 785-45-7080-1)
2. Introduction to geotechnical engineeringby Holtz R and Kovacs, WD, John 2007
Wiley New York. (ISBN 63-77-7894-5)
3. Soil Mechanics: TW Lambe and RV Whitman , John Wiley New York. 2004
(ISBN 85-17-0454-7)
4. Soil Mechanics and Foundation engineering by VNS Murthy, Sai 2000
Kripa(ISBN 78-91-0441-3)
5. Soil testing for engineers by Lambe, TW John Wiley New York. (ISBN 2009
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Types of flow in channel, Geometrical properties of channel section, 7
velocity distributions and pressure distributions in open channel flows, continuity
equation; super critical flows and unsteady flows.Uniform flow in
channels:Chezy’sequation, Manning’s formula, Manning’s roughness coefficients,
Equivalent roughness, Hydraulically efficient different channel sections, Computation of
uniform flow.
2 Energy depth relationships: Specific energy, critical depth, concept of specific force, 6
alternate depths, specific energy diagram.
3 Gradually varied flows: Differential equation of GVF, Different types of flow profiles, 6
Flow controls.
4 Rapidly varied flows: Hydraulic jump in different types of channels, properties of jumps. 6
Broad crested weirs, sharp-crested weir, ogee spillway, sluice gate flow and critical depth
flumes & their applications.
5 Hydraulic Turbines: Introduction, Dynamics forces on curved and bends, Elements of 10
hydroelectric power plants, head and efficiencies of hydraulic turbines, classification of
turbines, Pelton wheel turbine, working proportions of Pelton wheel, Design of Pelton
wheel runner, study and design of Francis turbine, Draft tube theory, Cavitation, Kaplan
turbine, working proportions of Kaplan turbine, Efficiency, specific speed, unit quantities
and velocity triangles.
6 Hydraulic Pumps: centrifugal pumps, types, performance parameters, scaling, pumps in 6
parallel; reciprocating pumps air vessels, performance parameters; and hydraulic ram.
Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
11. Suggested Books:
2 Subramanya, K., “Theory And Application of Fluid mechanics including Hydraulic 1997
Machines”, TMH New Delhi (ISBN 0-07-460369-8)
3 Subramanya, K., “Flow in Open Channels”, TMH New Delhi. (ISBN 0-07-462446- 2006
4 Srivastava Rajesh,” Flow Through Open Channels”, Oxford University Press. 2008
5 Garde, R.J. “Fluid Mechanics Through Problems”, New Age International (P) 1997
Limited, Publishers (ISBN 81-224-1131-2)
6 Ojha, C.S.P., “Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, OXFORD, University Press. (ISBN 2010
10: 19 569963-7)
1. G.J. Thuesen, & W.J. Fabrycky, Engineering Economy, Pearson Education, ISBN
013028128X 2007
2. William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, C. Patrick Koelling, Engineering Economy, 2009
Prentice Hall,( First Indian reprint). ISBN 0131486497
3. Donald G. Newman, Jerome P. Lavelle & Ted G. Eschenbach, Engineering Economic
Analysis, Oxford University Press, USA , 2004, ISBN 0195168070
4. Seema Singh, Economics for Engineering Students, IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd,
2014, ISBN 8190777041
1. Subject Code: CE 301 Course Title: Analysis of Determinate Structures
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 5
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contact
N. Hours
1 Classification of Structures, Stress Resultants, Degree of Freedom per node, Static and
Kinematic degrees of indeterminacy. Work and Energy. Strain energy of deformable 10
systems, Betti’s theorem of reciprocal work and Maxwell’s theorem. Principle of virtual
work and complementary virtual work, Principle of total minimum stationary potential
energy, Stable and unstable equilibrium, Castigliano’s Theorem I and II.
2 Analysis of determinate beams and plane frames. BM, SF and Axial thrust diagrams,
Rolling loads, Influence lines diagrams Reaction, SF, BM, for determinate beams. Floor 8
beams. ILD for Slope and Deflections in simple beams.
3 Classification of pin jointed determinate trusses. Analysis of plane, complex, compound
and simple space trusses. Method of tension coefficient, graphical method of substitution. 8
Maxwell’s diagram to analyse simple trusses.
4 Deflection due to bending: The moment curvature relation, Macaulay’s method, Moment 8
area and Conjugate beam method, Deflection of determinate plane frames using strain
energy and unit load method, Elastic curve sketch).
5 Analysis of arches: Linear arch, Eddy’s theorem, three hinged parabolic arch, Spandrel
braced arch. Influence line diagrams for Horizontal thrust, BM RSF,NT. Stability of 10
Columns: Study of ideal rigid columns,two bar and three bar systems. Euler’s formula for
long columns, Columns with eccentric axial loads, Rankine’s formula. Appropriate
experiments would be taken up.
Total 44
Year of
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors
1. Theory of Structures, Stephen P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young McGraw-Hill 1965
international book editions ( ISBN 10: 0070648689 ISBN 13: 9780070648685)
2. Structural Analysis a unified classical and matrix approach, A.Ghali, A M Neville 2003
and T G Brown, SPON PRESS (In India by Replika Press Pvt. Ltd.) (ISBN 13-978-
3. Intermediate Structural Analysis, C K Wang,Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2014
2014 ISBN 10: 0070702497 / ISBN 13: 9780070702493
4. Elementary Structural Analysis, J B Wilbur, C H Norris, S Utku, Tata McGraw-Hill 2003
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 0-07-058116-9
5. Strength of Materials, Vol. I: Elementary Theory and Problems Paperback – 2004 2004
,S. TimoshenkoCBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Strength Of Materials,3E, Vol II Timoshenko S.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. 2002
Ltd., New Delhi (2002) ISBN 10: 8123910770 ISBN 13 : 9788123910772
7. Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition by James M. Gere and Stephen P. 2004
TimoshenkoCBS Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2004)ISBN 10:
8123908946 ISBN 13: 978812390894
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students to work in group and develop an independent understanding of
engineering and analysis of engineering systems. He should also be able to write and present the work done
during the course.
9. Objective:
1. Subject Code: HU 304 Course Title: Professional Ethics and Human Values
2 Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE ) (Hrs.): Theory 03 Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 2
6. Semester: V/ VI
7. Subject Area: HMC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective Processes: To make students aware of the ethics and codes of conduct required by Engineers and
10. Details of Course:
Total 28
1. Suggested Reference:
3. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50
PRE: 0
4. Credits: 4
5. Semester: 6
6. Subject Area: DCC
7. Pre-requisite: NIL
8. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
9. Details of Course:
S. Contac
N. t Hours
1 Theorem of Least work, Concepts of Symmetry. Analysis of fixed beams, continuous
beams, simple rigid and pin jointed indeterminate frames using method of consistent 10
deformation, strain energy methods. Müller Breslaü principle and its application in
drawing influence lines for indeterminate beams.
2 Analysis of continuous beams, simple frames with and without translation of joints using
slope deflection method and moment distribution method. Analysis of symmetric 10
3 Flexibility and stiffness matrix method of analysis of beams, rigid and pin jointed plane
frames. 8
4 Analysis of two hinged arches. Influence line diagrams for BM, SF and thrust in two 8
hinged arches. Analysis of cables with concentrated and continuos loading. Basics of
Suspension bridges with two and three hinged stiffening girders. Influence line diagrams
for BM SF in stiffening girders.
5 Basics of plastic analysis. Theorems of plastic collapse. Plastic analysis of beams, plane
frames using statical and mechanism methods. Minimum weight design methods. 8
Total 44
10. Suggested Reference:
12. Advanced Structural Analysis, Devdas Menon, Narosa Publishing House Pt. Ltd. 2009
ISBN 978-81-7319-939-4
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Soil Exploration: Purpose; Planning and reconnaissance; Various methods; Bore holes 6
and depth of exploration; Sampling and samplers; Standard penetration test; Correlations
between penetration resistance and strength parameters; Static cone test; Dynamic cone
test; Plate Load test; Interpretation of test results; Indirect methods of soil exploration.
2 Earth Pressures and Retaining Structures: Lateral earth pressure problems; Plastic 8
equilibrium in soils, active and passive states; Earth pressure at rest; Rankine’s theory of
active and passive earth pressures; Active and passive earth pressure of cohesive soils;
Coulomb’s earth pressure theory; Graphical constructions to evaluate earth pressures;
effect of surcharge and earthquake loading; earth pressure due to inclined backfills;
Stability Analysis of retaining walls, choice of backfill material and importance of
drainage; Bracings for open cuts, recommended design diagrams of earth pressure for
typical soils; Earth pressure on cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls; Arching and its
practical implications.
3 Stability of Slopes: Factor of safety; Stability of infinite slopes; Stability of finite slopes; 8
The Swedish circle method; Bishop’s simplified method; Friction circle method; Taylor’s
stability number; Acceptable values of factor of safety; Critical conditions for the stability
of earth dams; Road and earth dam embankments; Modes of failure and the usual
protective measures; Slope inclinations usually adopted.
4 Shallow Foundations: Common types with illustrations of situations where each one of 8
them is adopted; Terminology; Rankine’s analysis; Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory;
Types of failures; Bearing capacity computations in cohesionless and cohesive soils;
General bearing capacity equation, Meyerhof’s analysis, Effect of water table on bearing
capacity; Bearing capacity on layered soil; Use of field test data; Foundation settlements;
Components and limits of settlements’; Estimation of settlement of footings / rafts by
using field and laboratory test data; Corrections for rigidity and 3-dimensional
consolidation effects. Pile Foundations: Classification and uses of piles; Selection and
installation of piles; Load carrying capacity of piles, dynamic and static formulae; Single
pile and group actions; Pile load tests; Negative skin friction, Settlement of pile groups;
Laterally loaded piles.
5 Well Foundations: Situations where adopted; Types of wells or caissons; Elements of 10
wells; Methods of construction; Tilt and shifts; Remedial measures; Depth and size of
wells on the basis of scour depth; Bearing capacity and settlement; Terzaghi’s lateral
stability analysis. Introduction to Machine Foundations: Types of machines and their
foundations; Terminology; Design criteria; Field methods of determining design
parameters-Cyclic plate load test; Block vibration test; Response of block foundations
under vertical vibrations. Foundation on Expansive Soils: Identification of expansive
soil; problems associated with expansive soils; Design considerations of foundations on
expansive soils; Under-reamed piles.
Total 40
2. Kadiyali, L. R., “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, 1997
Khanna Publishers, New Delhi (ISBN 0-05-748162-1)
3. Saxena, S. C. and Arora, S. P., “A Text Book of Railway Engineering”, 1981
Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi (ISBN 0-07-05584-5)
1. Suggested Books:
Personality Development and Soft Skills, Mitra, Barun 2014
4 K. New Delhi:Oxford University Press.ISBN-
1 Fasteners, Connections for transmitting axial forces, eccentric load and beam reactions
including moments, Analysis and design of semi-rigid connections. 10
2 Tension members, compression members including built-up, column splice and column 08
3 Design of beams (laterally restrained & unrestrained) including built up, un-symmetrically
bending, grillage beams and Beam-column. 10
4 Buckled and un-buckled design of plate girder and gantry girders. 8
5 Roof trusses and steel Tanks. Appropriate experiments would be taken up. 6
Total 42
4 Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, rain gauge, measurement of rainfall, rain fall analysis, 13
infiltration, runoff estimation; Stream flows and their measurement, Stage-discharge
curves, Unit & Synthetic hydrographs and their applications, flood hydrograph. Peak
flows estimation and flood frequency analysis. Reservoir routing and channel routing.
6 Ground water engineering: Aquifers, movement of ground water, steady and unsteady 5
flow towards wells in confined and unconfined aquifers, well losses.
Total 41
11. Suggested Books:
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors Year of
1 Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private 2015
Limited(ISBN 0-07-75158-4)
2 Patra, K, C, “Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering”, Narosa Publishing 2002
House(ISBN 0-07-06472-59-8)
3 Viessman Jr. W. and Lewis G. L. “Introduction to Hydrology”, Prentice- Hall of 2008
India Pvt Ltd. India (ISBN 0-07-478214-1)
4 Garg, S.K, “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, Khanna Publishers, 2014
New Delhi. (ISBN 0-07-06487-1)
5 Modi ,P.N., “Irrigation Water Resources and Water Power Engineering”, Standard 1990
Book House, Delhi. (ISBN 0-07-078546-7)
6 Asawa, G. L. “Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering”,New Age 1993
International Publishers. (ISBN 0-07-795568-3)
Departmental Elective Courses
1. Subject Code: CE 305 Course Title: Mechanics of Materials
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 5
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
N. Hours
1 Rigid and deformable bodies, strength, stiffness and stability, stresses, tensile, 8
compressive and shear, deformation of simple and compound bars under axial load,
thermal stresses, strain energy
2 Types of beams, supports and loads, shear force and bending moments in beams, 8
cantilever, simply supported and overhang beams, stresses in beams, theory of simple
bending, stress variation along the length and in the beam section, effect of shape of beam
section on stress induced, shear stresses in beams, shear flow
3 Analysis of torsion in circular bars, shear stress distribution, bars of solid and hollow 8
circular sections, stepped shaft, compound shafts, application to close coiled springs,
maximum shear stress in spring section, deflection of helical close coiled springs
4 Elastic curve of neutral axis of the beam under normal loads, evaluation of beam 8
deflection and slope, double integration method, Macaulay’s method, Moment area
method, end conditions, equivalent length of a column, Euler’s load, other expressions
5 Biaxial state of stresses, thin cylindrical and spherical shells, deformation in thins 8
cylindrical and spherical shells, principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr’s circle for
stresses Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
Total 40
1. Suggested Books:
2. Timoshanko S.P., ‘Elements of Strength of Materials’, Tata McGraw-Hill 1997
Publishing Company Ltd. (ISBN 88-03-0404-4)
3. Kazimi SMA, ‘Solid Mechanics’, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company 1981
Ltd. (ISBN 69-27-0494-7)
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Clay mineralogy, clay-water electrolyte system, soil structure and fabric. 06
2 Effective stress, pore pressure, hydraulic conductivity and its directional variations, 08
3 Seepage behaviour of soil- flownet constructions by various technique, seepage in 08
layered soils, filter design, seepage through dam body
4 Consolidation: one-dimensional and generalised consolidation theories, primary and 08
secondary consolidation,determination of Cv by various methods,visco elastic models,
sand drains,effect of smear,numerical solutios, consolidation settlements.
5 Shear behaviour of soils, pore pressure parameters, UU, CU&CD tests, stress path 10
method for settlement analysis. Total & effective stress-path, water content contours,
stress history, Anisotrppy of strength, Thixotropy, Creep, Determination of in situ
undrained shear strength, stress-strain characteristics of soils,Determination of modulus
Total 40
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Design of Intake structures. Site investigations for subsurface water sources and 4
design of Infiltration wells, galleries / Ranney wells.
2 Design of Water distribution network . Use of EPA NET & WATER GEMS in 8
distribution network design . . Size and Cost Optimization of Rising main .
Introduction to Linear Programming ,dynamic programming and Non Linear
Programming . Their application to optimization problems in design of
Environmental Engineering Works.
3 Detailed design of Water treatment train that include Screens, Plain 10
sedimentation, Mixing, Flocculators, Clarifiers , Filtration units and Disinfector
units. Design of different types of Aerators, filters, Clariflocculators, Softeners,
Sludge processing units etc
4 Planning and Design of storm and sanitary sewers. Computation - flow, cross 6
section size and grade. Hydraulic modeling and design using SEWER GEMS,/
5 Detailed Design and arrangement of Sewage Treatment Plant: Preliminary/ 13
Primary treatment - Screens , Grit chamber, Skimming tank, Primary sedimentation
etc; Physico- chemical & Chemical treatment systems; Biological treatment systems-
Activated Sludge process, Fixed Film ( Trickling Filter), Oxidation Ditch, Oxidation
Pond , UASB ; Disposal/ treatment of sludge-Anaerobic digestion, sludge drying
Design of Septic/ Imhoff Tank. Design of low cost in situ/ onsite Sanitation systems
Emerging Technologies for Waste Water Treatment and their design
Total 41
S. Contents Contact Hours
1 Photogrammetry : Basic concepts, Photogrammetry, aerial and terrestrial, 6
applications of photogrammetry, types and geometry of aerial photograph, flying
height and scale, relief (elevation) displacement
2 Stereoscopy and Photogrammetric Mapping : Stereoscopy, Monocular, binocluar 6
and stereoscopic visions, stereoscopes, Parallax, parallax formula for height
determination, corrections to elevation. Introduction to photogrammetric mapping,
advantages and disadvantages, Mapping, Mosaics and map substitutes. ground
control extension for photogrammetric mapping, aerial and radial triangulation
Total 32
1 Introduction of structural dynamics, types of prescribed loads,. Coordinates and
coordinate transformation, Principles of Dynamics: DAlembert’s principle, Principle of 10
Virtual Work, Hamilton’s principle, mathematical and analytical models., Free body
diagram and equation of motion Single degree freedom systems, Simple problems on un-
damped and damped free vibration, frequency, period and amplitude, Logarithmic
decrement, , Types of damping system,
2 Response of SDOF System to Harmonic excitation, Dynamic excitation, Vibration of un-
damped two degrees of freedom system, Simple problems, Free vibration of MDOF 10
System, Natural Frequencies & Mode shapes Rayleigh”s method, Stodola method
3 Modal response of MDOF systems, Mathematical model of MDOF Systems, Seismic
coefficient and response spectrum method of analysis as per IS 1893 Code Provision. 10
Simple problems on response of MDOF systems to earth quake excitation.
4 Strong ground motion measurements, Seismic hazard analysis, Measurement of dynamic 10
soil properties, One dimensional ground response analysis, Liquefaction: Susceptibility
and effects, Simple problems.
5 Concept of Earthquake Resistant Design, IS 1893: Part I 2002; Provisions for Seismic 8
Design: Ductile reinforcement detailing as per IS 13920 Code., Provisions of IS 4326:
1993,IS 13827 1993,IS 13828 1993 Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
Total 48
Sl. No. Contents Contact
1 Introduction, Classification and index properties of rock, Stress in rock 8
mechanics and rock engineering, stress component and stress matrix, principal
stress, in situ stress, method of stress determination, Strain, strain tensor.
2 Rock strength and failure criteria, laboratory testing of rocks, Griffith’s 8
theory, Coulomb’s theory, in-situ tests on rock mass; deformation characteristics,
mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of rock mass.
3 Rock exploration, site investigation, preliminary, detail and geophysical 8
investigation, exploratory drilling methods and their utility, Exploration
planning,Foundation on rocks; bearing capacity of intact and jointed rocks;
general consideration for design of foundation, treatment of rock defects.
4 Openings in rock mass and stresses around openings; pressure tunnels, 8
development of plastic zone; rock support needed to avoid plastic deformation;
lined and unlined tunnels; support pressure and slip of the joint; underground
excavation and subsidence.
5 Rock slopes; types of rock slope failure, rock slope analysis- conventional and 8
numerical method, rock slope stabilization, rock bolt and anchors, methods of
construction; problems associated with tunnels, tunnelling in various subsoil
conditions and rocks. Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
Total 40
11 Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: CE 317 Course Title: Solid Waste Management and Air Pollution Control
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 5
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Generation rates and Characteristics / composition of Municipal waste, Bio-Medical 11
Waste, Plastic Waste ,e-waste and hazardous wastes.Solid waste in Industries and
Agricultural sector.Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules 2015 ,
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change applicable to Collection,
segregation, Storage and Transportation of Municipal Solid waste. Solid waste
handling methods, Treatment and Disposal of wastes
2 Solid waste handling methods : Segregation - material Recycle ,reuse ;Sanitary Land 10
fill concept and Design of Engineered Sanitary Land fill, Lechate problem;
Biomethanation ; Composting- type of composting, theory, design of conventional
compost/ Vermi compost plant; Thermal methods- Incineration, Pyrolysis & its by-
products etc . Cost Economics studies: Transportation route & cost optimization
3 Air Pollution : regulations in India,Chemistry, meterology, plume rise and dispersion, 11
Effects on human health and environment. Measurement and analysis of pollutants
such as CO, HC, SPM, SOx, NOx, and ozone etc
4 Basic principles and Design of Air Pollution Control: Cyclones ,Bag filters, 08
particulate chambers, Electrostatic precipitator, Scrubbers, catalytic converters
Total 41
2. Subject Code: CE 319 Course Title: Applications of Geoinformatics remote sensing and
in Engineering
3. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
4. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
5. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
6. Credits: 4
7. Semester: 5
8. Subject Area: DEC
9. Pre-requisite: NIL
10. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
11. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 UNIT 1: Introduction to Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS: Definitions 6
of Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS, sources of energy, electromagnetic
spectrum, electromagnetic radiation, reflection, transmission and absorption, black body
radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wein’s displacement law, emissivity, Kirchoff’s law,
thermal emission, Planc’s formula. Platforms and sensors, active and passive sensors,
PAN, Multi and hyperspectral remote sensing data acquisition systems in optical
wavelength region, basic principles of data acquisition and measurement in natural scenes,
multi and hyperspectral data statistics, digital data file formats. GPS satellite network
2 Optical, Thermal and Microwave Remote Sensing. Brief review of Optical, thermal 6
and microwave remote sensing, their utility, merit and demerits, Interaction of EMR with
atmosphere, scattering, refraction, absorption, transmission, atmospheric windows,
interaction of EMR with earth surface, spectral characteristics of remote sensing data,
optical radiation models, summary of visible to shortwave region models, spectral
reflectance curves, radiation calculation. thermal sensors and their characteristics. Thermal
infrared region models, radiation components – surface-emitted component, surface-
reflectance, atmospheric emitted component, path-emitted component, total at-sensor,
emitted radiance, interpretation of thermal images – day and night images, emissivity
consideration, thermal inertia considerations. factors affecting analysis of thermal images,
data models for thermal image analysis.
3 Basic Photogrammetry and Digital Image Processing: Photogrammetry, aerial and 6
terrestrial, applications of photogrammetry, types and geometry of aerial photograph,
flying height and scale, relief (elevation) displacement. Stereoscopy, measurement and
parallax and height determination, photogrammetric mapping.Digital data bank, digital
image, digital image processing introduction to, preprocessing, enhancement,
classification, visual image interpretation, Introduction to software - MATLAB, ENVI,
ERDAS, AutoCAD etc
4 Maps, Datums, Projections Systems and spatial data analysis - Plane and Geodetic 8
surveying, Classification of surveys, Basic Principles of Surveying, Type of maps,
scales and uses, plotting accuracy, map sheet numbering. Datums, coordinates and
map projection systems. Data retrieval and querying, measurements in GIS,
classification, accuracy.
5 Applications of Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS: Land cover 6
classification survey and Mapping, Digital elevation model (DEM), GPS surveys,
Introduction to SAR data processing and SAR interferometry, Applications in Disaster
management, geology, forest security and military projects. Appropriate experiments
would be taken up.
Total 32 Hrs
S. Contents Contact
N. Hours
1 Unit 01: Understanding disaster 8
Concept of disaster, Different approaches, Concept of Risk, Levels of disasters, Disaster
phenomena and events (Global, national and regional)
2 Unit 02: Hazards and Vulnerability 8
Natural and man-made hazards; response time, frequency and forewarning levels
of different hazards, Characteristics and damage potential of natural hazards; hazard
assessment, Dimensions of vulnerability factors; vulnerability assessment, Vulnerability
and disaster risk, Vulnerabilities to flood and earthquake hazards
3 Unit 03: Disaster management mechanism 8
Concepts of risk management and crisis management, Disaster management cycle,
Response and Recovery, Development, Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness, Planning
for relief
4 Unit 04: Capacity building 8
Capacity building: Concept, Structural and nonstructural measures, Capacity assessment;
strengthening capacity for reducing risk, Counter-disaster resources and their utility in
disaster management, Legislative support at the state and national levels, BIS guidelines
5 Unit 05: Planning for disaster management 8
Coping strategies; alternative adjustment processes, Changing concepts of disaster
management, Industrial safety plan; safety norms and survival kits, Mass media and
disaster management, Strategies for disaster management planning, Steps for formulating
a disaster risk reduction plan, Disaster management Act and Policy in India,
Organisational structure for disaster management in India, Preparation of state and district
disaster management plans Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
Total 40
11. Suggested Books:
1. Introduction: importance and history of ground improvement. Mechanical 8
Modifications: properties of compacted soil, compaction control tests, field compaction,
applications. Precompression: technique, procedure, and applications. Sand Drains:
method, procedure and applications.
2. Prefabricated vertical drains: method of installation and design. Soil Stabilisation: 8
shallow stabilisation with additives like lime, fly ash, cement and other materials.
Chemical modifications and Grouting. Hydraulic modification: dewatering systems,
filtration, drainage and seepage control with geosynthetics.
3. Vibroflotation technique, stone columns, sand compaction piles, dynamic compaction 8
technique, ground freezing, and electro-osmosis.
4. Ground modification by soil reinforcement: reinforcement techniques, use of flexible 8
geosynthetic reinforcement in bearing capacity improvement, slope stability, erosion
control, retaining walls and pavements.
5. Difficult soils: collapsible soils, physical parameters and identification, collapse 8
settlement, improvement techniques; expansive soils, general nature, swell test and
swelling pressure tests, classification, improvement of expansive soils.
11.Suggested Books:
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors Year of
1 Das, B. M. (2011). Principles of Foundation Engineering. Cengage Learning. 200 7
(ISBN 0-07-525486-7)
2 Koerner, R. M. (2012). Designing with Geosynthetics, Vol. 1 & 2. Xlibris 200 7
Corporation. (ISBN 0-254-755246-7)
3 Moseley, M. P., Kirsch, K. (2004). Ground Improvement. Spon Press. (ISBN 0- 2000
1. Subject Code: CE 312 Course Title: Water Power System and Design
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40
PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 6
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
Sl. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Development of water power, Estimation of Hydropower potential, 8
Comparison of Hydro, thermal and nuclear power,Flow duration curve, firm power,
secondary power, Load and Load duration curves, Load factor, etc.
2 Types of Hydropower Plants: Classification of hydropower plants, Run-of-river 8
plants, Valley dam plants, High head diversion plants, Diversion Canal plants, Pumped
storage plants, Tidal power plants.
3 Water Conveyance System: Power canals, Alignment, Design of power canals, 8
Flumes, Covered conduits and tunnels , Drainage and ventilation in tunnels. Penstocks:-
Alignment, types of penstocks, economic diameter of penstocks, Anchor blocks.
Forebay, Intakes, Balancing Reservoir, Ecsape , Surge Shafts/ Inclined Shafts. General
Layout of power house and arrangement of hydropower units. Underground Power
4 Dams: Selection of site, preliminary investigations, Final investigations, Types of 8
dams:- Rigid dams, Gravity dams, Arch and buttress dams, Basic principles of design
and details of construction. Earthen dams, rockfill dams, Design
considerations.Spillways: Types, spillway gates, Design of stilling basins.
5 Types of Turbines and their utility: Hydraulic Turbines, Classification Based on 8
Head, Discharge, Turbines, Differences between Impulse and Reaction Turbines,
choice of Type of Turbine-Specific Speed. Component Parts & Working Principles of a
Pelton Turbine and Francis Turbine.
Total 40
1.Subject Code: CE 314 Course Title: Tunnel, ports and harbor engineering
1. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
2. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
3. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
4. Credits: 4
5. Semester: 6
6. Subject Area: DEC
7. Pre-requisite: NIL
8. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
9. Details of Course:
s. Contents Contact
no. hours
1 Tunneling: tunnel alignment and grade, size and shape of tunnel, methods of 10
tunneling in soft soil, compressed air and shield tunneling, shafts in tunnels
,safety measures, ventilation, lighting and drainage in tunnels.
2 Introduction and planning of harbor: historical development of water 10
transportation in india and policy, classification of harbours, major port in
india and administrative set up, harbor economics. Harbor classification,
characteristics of good harbor, and principles of harbor planning, site
selection criteria and lay out of harboures.
3 Natural phenomena: wind, waves tides and currents phenomena, their 6
generation characteristics and effects on marine structures, silting, erosion
and littoral drift.
4 Design aspect and consideration for dock and harbor: marine structures; 8
general design aspects, breakwaters – function, types, general design
principles, wharves, quays, jetties, piers, pier heads, dolphin, fenders,
mooring accessories- function, types, suitability, design and construction
features, docks and locks; tidal basin, wet docks, design consideration,
operation of lock gates and passage, repair docks, graving docks, floating
docks, marine railway. Port amenities; ferry, transfer bridge, floating landing
stages, transit sheds, ware houses, cold storage, aprons, cargo handling
equipments, purpose and general description.
5 Harbor maintenance: navigation aids; channel and entrance demarcation, 6
buoys, beacons, light house electronic communication device. Harbor
maintenance; costal protection – purpose and devices, dredging, purpose,
methods. Dredgers- types, suitability, disposal of dredged material.
Appropriate experiments would be taken up.
Total 40
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors Year of Publication
1. Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, P.N. Godbole, R.S. Sonparote and 2014
S.U. Dhote, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Delhi (ISBN-978-81-203-4984-1)
2. Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, William Weaver Jr. and James M. 2004
Gere, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi (ISBN: 81-239-1151-
3. Elementary Structural Analysis, Charles Head Norris, John Benson 2005
Wilbur and Senol Utku, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited,
New Delhi (ISBN:0-07-058116-9)
11 Suggested Books:
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors Year of
1 Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunellig, by Z.T. 2000
Bieniawski(ISBN 0-07-074828-2)
2 Engineering Rock Mass Classification by Z.T. 1999
Bieniawski(ISBN 0-58-9687445-1)
3 Introduction to Rock Mechanics by R.E.Goodman(ISBN 0-07- 1998
4 Design and Construction of Tunnels by Pietro Lunardi(ISBN 0- 2005
5 Rock Mechanics and the Design of structures in Rock by bert 2003
and Duvall(ISBN 0-07-985642-7)
2 Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, John Freziger, Miloven Peric, 1999
Springer(ISBN 0-07-94562-6)
3 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers Bengt Andersson, Ronnie 1996
Andersson, Love Ka Kansson, Mikael Mrtensen, Rahman Sudiyo, Berend
Van Wachem, Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-07-146498-7)
4 Computational Fluid Dynamics – A Practical Approach, Jiyuan Tu, Guan 2005
Heng Yeoh, ChaoqunLiu(ISBN 0-07-0228847-9)
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
N. Hours
1 Design of staircase supported at ends, staircase supported at side of going, design of flat
slab, analysis and design of slab by yield line method. 08
2 Design of continues beams, cantilever beams, design of isolated rectangular footing,
design of rectangular and trapezoidal Combined columns footing. 08
3 Design of cantilever retaining wall and design of counterfort retaining wall. 08
4 Design of circular and rectangular water tanks on ground and under-ground, forrocement
water tanks, introduction to Intz tank and I.S. specifications for water tanks. 08
5 Introduction to folded plates & shells and introduction to portal frames. Appropriate 08
experiments would be taken up.
Total 40
Hrennikoff’s analysis. Ultimate lateral resistance of piles by various approaches.
Non-linear load-deflection response. Uplift capacity of piles and anchors.
Total 46
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction: Water conservation: Rain water harvesting techniques, water shed 9
development, ground water recharging, check dams, reservoirs and aquifers, control of
infiltration, seepage and evaporation, Soil Conservation: Introduction to soil erosion,
mechanisms and its causes and control, sheet erosion, rill erosion, gully erosion, control of
erosion by bunding, terracing, contour trenching, gully stabilizing, check dams.
2 Floods and flood Routing: Stream flows and their measurement, stage-discharge curves. 12
Unit hydrograph, instantaneous unit hydrograph and synthetic unit hydrograph theories;
and their applications. Flood estimation; flood frequency, risk and reliability analysis.
Reservoir and channel routing. Flood forecasting and flood management.
3 Principles of engineering economics: discounting techniques, un-certainty, planning 12
horizon. Selection of optimal alternatives .Application of linear, non linear and dynamic
programming in water resources. Optimal sequencing and scheduling of resources.
4 Planning of water resources projects, factors affecting irrigation and power development, 8
cost –benefit analysis for irrigation, water power and floods control projects. Computer
applications in the designs of water resources systems.
S.N. Name of Books/ Authors Year of
1 Das Ghanshyam, ”Soil and Water Conservation Engineering” (ISBN 0-07- 2004
2 Vedula, S and Majumdar,P.P.”Water Resources Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill 2007
Education Private Limited (ISBN 0-07-047334-1)
3 Subramanya, K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill Education 2008
Private Limited (ISBN 0-07-082404-1)
4 Kumar, D. Nagesh,”Water Resources Systems Planning and Management”, 2014
(ISBN 0-07-047821-1)
S. Contents Contact
N. Hours
1 Road accident situation in India, international comparison of road accident. 10
Multidisciplinary approach to planning for traffic safety and injury control, causes of
road accidents, control measures, roles of vehicle, roadway traffic, driver, and
environment, crash and injury causations; accident analysis, pre crash and post crash
models, conflict points.
2 Safety auditing: road safety audit, stages of auditing, methods involved; case studies. 10
Mixed traffic flow, traffic calming measures, strategies adopted in various countries, case
3 Transportation related pollution: road transport related air pollution, sources of air 10
pollution, effects of weather conditions, vehicular emission parameters, urban and non
urban traffic noise sources, noise pollution, noise barriers, pollution standards
measurement and analysis of vehicular emission, imitative measures.
4 EIA: EIA requirements of highways projects, procedure, MoEF, UK guidelines; EIA 10
practices in India.
Total 40
1. Subject Code: CE 417 Course Title: Finite Element Method for 2-D Structures
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 7
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Basic concepts, Discretistion, Displacement, Force and Hybrid Models. 2
2 Interpolation functions for General Element Formulations, Compatibility and 8
completeness, Polynomial forms, One Dimensional Elements, Geometric Isotropy,
Triangular Elements, Rectangular Elements, Isoperimetric Formulations, Axisymmetric
Elements, Numerical Integration.
3 Plane Stress/Strain, Finite Element Formulation, Constant Strain Triangle(CST), Linear 8
Strain Traingle(LST), Stiffness Matrix and Load Matrix Formation, Rectangular Element
Isoperimetric Formation, Plate Elements and Shell Elements, Axisymmetric Stress
Analysis, Torsion, Interface Elements
4 Application in Structural Dynamics and Vibrations: Mass (Consistent and Diagonal) and 6
Damping Matrices, Modal Analysis, Time History Analysis, Explicit Direct
Integration/Implicit Direct Integration and Mixed Methods.
5 Introduction to Nonlinear Problems: Geometric and Material (Elasto-plastic), Newton 8
Ralphson Method, Modified Newton-Ralphson Method, Arc Method.
6 Stationary Principles, Rayleigh Ritz Method and Interpolation, Weighted Residual 6
Methods and Variational Methods, Numerical Errors and Convergence
Total 42
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
Sl. Contents Contact
No. Hrs.
1 Introduction, fundamentals of vibrations, dynamical systems, vibration of elementary 8
systems-mass, spring, dashpot systems, degree of freedom, dynamic properties of geo-
materials, propagation of wave in granular media;
2 laboratory and field tests for evaluation of dynamic soil properties; analysis and design 10
of foundations for hammers, reciprocating engines and turbo generators; dynamic
stiffness of single pile and pile groups;.
3 vibration isolation and damping; theories for vibration of foundations on elastic media; 10
design procedures for foundations with dynamic load and construction features;
4 application of elastic homogeneous half space solution, lumped parameter solution; 6
5 large deformation problem, liquefaction of soils & cyclic mobility 6
1. Subject Code: CE 421 Course Title: : Hydraulic Structures & Flood Control Works
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40
PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 7
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction:. Project planning, site investigations, choice of type of dams, cost benefit 8
Dams and Spillways: Design concepts of Earthen dams, Buttress and Arch dams. Non-
overflow dams, design of various spillways and stilling basins.
2 Detailed design of diversion head works along with river training works, and their effects 6
on river regime.
3 Morphological study of river behaviors and classification. Theories of river meandering, 11
river regimes. Necessity principles and methods of river training. Local scour around
hydraulic structures. Case history river training works and abroad. Levees, Groynes, Cut-
offs and Guide bunds etc. River training works for different hydraulic structures.
4 Introduction, sediment properties, threshold conditions for uniform sediments, exposure 7
and sheltering effects in non-uniform sediments, critical tractive stress of non-uniform
cohesion-less sediments and cohesive soil, regimes of flow, analysis of ripples, dunes and
anti-dunes, resistance to flow and velocity distribution in alluvial streams, Bed load,
suspended load and wash load computation of bed load for uniform and non uniform
sediments; Mechanism of suspension, distribution of suspended load, computation of
suspended load and total load.
5 Design of flood control structures: Basic causes of flood, flood prone areas in India and 9
their problems, case history of some important river basins of India. Engineering and
administrative methods of flood plane regulation. Economic aspects of flood control
schemes, cost benefit analysis. Flood forecasting, flood warning and flood fighting.
Total 41
11. Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: CE 423 Course Title: : Advanced transportation engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 7
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
s. contents Contact
no. Hours
1 Transportation system planning: transportation policy, and types of surveys. 6
OD demand forecasting, trip generation, model split analysis, trip
distribution, route assignment analysis, transport network, network
2 Urban transport technology: classification mass and rapid transit system, 6
introduction to intelligent transportation system(ITS), public transport policy,
Intermediate transport, Introduction to BRT, Mono rail, sky bus, metro
projects, grade separated interchanges such as flyovers, under passes,
overpasses, concept of integrated inter model transit system
3 Transport economics and financing: vehicle operations cost, running cost, 8
pollution cost, value of travel time, road damage cost, congestion cost, accident
cost economic evaluation, various economic studies, transportation plans-
benefit cost method, net present value method, first year rate of return method,
internal rate of return method and comparision of various methods. Pavement
management systems. Highway financing, pay as you go method, credit
financing, private financing, BOT, BOOT, dedicated road funds, road pricing,
tolls, private provisions, advantages and limitations.
4 Traffic systems: traffic impacts, traffic studies, level of service, traffic analysis 8
process, basic traffic theory, intersection studies, turning movements, flow,
delays, and queuing, singnal design, grade separated intersection, parking
studies, traffic generation and parking, parking facilities.
5 Study of flexible pavement: IRC,AASHTO guide to design of pavement, 6
pavement failure, strengthening of pavement- benkelmen beam method.
Distress in pavements.
6 Study of rigid pavement: concept of rigid pavement, comparisons of rigid over 6
flexible pavement, design as per IRC guidelines, design of joints, dowel bars,
temperature reinforcement, pavement failure, overlay types and their design as
per IRC.
11. Suggested books:
1. Subject Code: CE 406 Course Title: Advanced Design of Steel Structures
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE: 40
PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 8
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
N. Hours
1 Industrial buildings, towers and durability 8
2 Fire resistance and design of steel stacks 8
3 Fatigue design and design of bridges 8
4 Aluminium structures, light gauge constructions, design and detailing for earthquake loads 8
5 Parallel flange and tubular sections, structure of multi-storeyed buildings and their 10
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
11. Suggested Books:
S.N. Title, Author, Publisher and ISBN No. Year of Publication
1. Advanced Engineering Fluid Mechanics Hardcover – K. 2005
Muralidhar (Author), G. Biswas (Author) Alpha Science International
Ltd(ISBN 0-07-748559-7)
2. Advanced Fluid Mechanics Hardcover – William P. Graebel(ISBN 1-78- 2009
1. Subject Code: CE 412 Course Title: Construction and design aspects in transportation
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 8
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
6 Satyanarayanan & Saxena, “Construction Planning and Equipment”, Standard 1993
Publishers Distributors, New Delhi. (ISBN 0-07-4646474-1)
1. Subject Code: CE 416 Course Title: Geo-environmental and Geo-hazard Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 8
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
1. Subject Code: CE 418 Course Title: GROUND WATER AND SEEPAGE
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 15 MTE: 30 ETE:
40 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: 8
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its
related applications in Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
Sl. No. Contents Contact
1 Traffic engineering studies and analysis: Objectives of traffic engineering 10
study, Components of road traffic and their effect on road traffic, Spot speeds,
speed and delay study, traffic volume survey, O-D survey, Parking study.
2 Theory of Traffic Flow: Basic diagram of traffic flow, Vehicular stream 10
equations and diagrams, shock waves in traffic, freeway capacity and level of
service, probabilistic aspects of traffic flow.
3 Traffic Control: Traffic control through time sharing and space sharing concepts, 10
traffic signs, traffic signals, road markings, islands, types of traffic signal systems,
signal coordination, application of ITS.
4 Traffic Safety: Accident data collection, analysis of accident data, causes and 10
prevention of accidents, pedestrian safety, road lights and Road safety audit.
Total 40
University Elective Courses
management : Cookies - HttpSession - Server Side includes - Request forwarding –
5. Concepts of Java Beans: Java Beans - Advantage of Java Beans - Reflection and 9
Introspection - Customizers – Persistence. Developing Java Beans : Bean Developer Kit
(BDK) - Creating a Java Bean - Creating a Bean Manifest file - Creating a Bean JAR file.
Controls and Properties of a Bean : Adding controls to Beans - Giving Bean Properties
- BeanInfo interface - SimpleBeanInfo class. Types of Properties: Design pattern
for Properties: Simple properties - Indexed Properties; Descriptor Classes - Giving
Bean methods - Bound and Constrained Properties - Property Editors.
Text Books
1. Java 2 Programming Black Book - Steven Holzner dreamTech Press(ISBN-
9788177226553), 2005
2. JavaBeans Programming from the GroundUp - Joseph O’Neil, TMGH, New
Delhi(ISBN- 007463786X), 2001
Reference Books
3 Head first EJB-O’Reilly (ISBN: 8173665265), 2003
4. “Beginning Java™ EE 6 Platform with GlassFish 3 From Novice to Professional” by
Antonio Goncalves– Apress publication(ISBN: 9781430219545), 2009
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce E-Commerce and ERP
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction: Definition of Electronic Commerce, E-Commerce: technology and 7
prospects, incentives for engaging in electronic commerce, needs of E-Commerce,
advantages and disadvantages, framework, Impact of E-commerce on business, E-
Commerce Models.
2. Network Infrastructure for E- Commerce: Internet and Intranet based E-commerce- 7
Issues, problems and prospects, Network Infrastructure, Network Access
Equipments, Broadband telecommunication (ATM, ISDN, FRAME RELAY).
Mobile Commerce: Introduction, Wireless ApplicationProtocol, WAP technology,
Mobile Information device.
3. Web Security: Security Issues on web, Importance ofFirewall, components of 6
Firewall, Transaction security, Emerging client server, Security Threats, Network
Security, Factors to consider in Firewall design, Limitation of Firewalls.
4. Electronic Payments: Overview, The SET protocol, Payment Gateway, certificate, 6
digital Tokens, Smart card, credit card, magnetic strip card, E-Checks, Credit/Debit
card based EPS, online Banking. EDI Application in business, E- Commerce Law,
Formsof Agreement, Govt. policies and Agenda.
1. Subject Code: CO355 Course Title: Cryptography and Information Security
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To study various cryptographic techniques, mathematics related to cryptography and some
network security protocols.
11. Suggested Books
S.No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principals and Practice”, Prentice
Hall, New Jersy. 2016
2. Atul Kahate, “Cryptography and Network Security”, TMH. 2009
Allocation of frames, Thrashing, Cache memory organization, Impact on
5. I/O Management & Disk Scheduling: I/O devices and organization of I/O 9
function, I/O Buffering, DISK I/O, Operating System Design Issues.
File System: File Concept, File Organization and Access Mechanism, File
Directories, File Sharing, Implementation Issues
6. Case Studies: Windows, Linux and Unix 3
Text Books
1. Silbersachatz and Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Pearson, 5th Ed, 2001
Reference Books
3. Milenekovic, “Operating System Concepts”, McGraw Hill 2001
complete specification Rights conferred on a patentee, transfer of patent,
Revocation and surrender of patents, Infringement of patents, Action for
infringement, Patent agents, Patent in computer programs.
3. Trademark: Introduction, Statutory authorities, principles of registration of 7
trademarks, rights conferred by registration of trademarks, Infringement of
trademarks and action against infringement, procedure of registration and
duration,licensing in trademark
4. Copyright: Introduction, Author and ownership of copyright, rights conferred 7
by copyright,term of copyright, assignment/licence of copyright, Infringement
of copyright ,remedies against infringement of copyright, registration of
copyright, copyright enforcement and societies
5. Industrial design: The design act-2000, registerability of a design, procedure of 6
registration of a design, piracy of a registered design, Case law on designs
6. International IPR & case laws: World intellectual property organization, WCT, 9
WPPT, TRIPS, Copyright societies, international IPR dispute resolution
mechanism. Case laws.
1. Law Relating to Intellectual property, fourth edition by B.L.Wadehra .Universal law
publishing co. pvt. Ltd , 2007. ISBN 978-81-7534-588-1
Reference books:
2. Intellectual property: Patents, copyright ,trademarks and allied rights. Fifth edition by
W.R. Cornish. Sweet & Maxwell publisher, 2003. ISSN 9780421781207
3 Law and practice of intellectual property in India by VikasVashishth, 2006
ISBN: 81-7737-119-3
4 Patents ,copyrights, trade marks and design by B L Wadhera, 2014
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To provide knowledge about the principles, concepts and applications of Database Management
10. Details of Course
Reference Books
1. Ramakrishna, Gehkre, “Database Management System”, McGraw-Hill 2014
1. Subject Code: EC351 Course Title: Mechatronics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of Mechatronics
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction : Basic Definitions and key elements of Mechatronics, 6
Mechatronic Design Approach: Functions of Mechatronic Systems, Ways of
Integration, Information Processing Systems (BasicArchitecture and hardware
and Software trade-offs, Concurrent Design Procedure for Mechatronic
2. System Interfacing, Instrumentation,and Control Systems: Input and output 6
Signals of a Mechatronic System, Signal Conditioning and microprocessor
control, Microprocessor-Based Controllers and Microelectronics,
Programmable Logic Controllers
3. Introduction to Micro- and Nanotechnology, Micro-actuators, Micro-sensors, 10
Nanomachines. Modeling Electromechanical Systems: Models for
Electromechanical Systems, Rigid Body Models, Basic Equations of Dynamics
of Rigid Bodies, Simple Dynamic Models, Elastic System Modeling, Dynamic
Principles for Electric and Magnetic Circuits, Earnshaw’s Theorem and
Electromechanical Stability
4. The Physical Basis of Analogies in Physical System Models: The Force- 6
Current Analogy: Across and Through Variables, Maxwell’s Force-Voltage
Analogy:Effort and Flow Variables, A Thermodynamic Basis for Analogies
5. Introduction to Sensors and Actuators: Characteristics of Sensor and Actuator 6
Time and Frequency Measurement, The Role of Controls an modelling in
Mechatronics: Integrated Modeling, Design, and Control Implementation,
Special Requirements of Mechatronics that Differentiate from Classic Systems
and Control Design, Modeling as Part of the Design Process, Modeling of
Systems and Signals
6. Design Optimizationof Mechatronic Systems: Optimization Methods, 8
Principles of Optimization : ParametricOptimization, General Aspects of the
OptimizationProcess, Types of Optimization Methods, Selection of aSuitable
Optimization Method, Optimum Design of Induction Motor (IM), IM Design
Introduction : Classical IM Design, Use of a Neuron Network for the
Identification ofthe Parameters of a Mechanical dynamic system, Mechatronics
and Computer Modelingand Simulation, Mechatronics and the Real-Time
useof Computers, Communications andComputer Networks,Control
withEmbedded Computersand ProgrammableLogic Controllers
1. Subject Code: EC-353 Course Title: Computer Vision
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS - MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of Computer Vision and algorithms for object detection,
recognition and tracking.
10. Details of Course
2. ARM System Developer’s Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software, Andrew N.
Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, , Morgan Kaufman Publication, 2004
3. Design with PIC Microcontrollers, John B. Peatman, Pearson Education Asia, 2002
4. The Design of Small-Scale embedded systems, Tim Wilmshurst, Palgrav, 2003
5. Embedded System Design, Marwedel, Peter, Kluwer Publishers, 2004
6. Introduction to various colour models: RGB, CMY, CMYK, HSI, HSV, and 6
YCbCr. Concept of image compression, Image Segmentation: detection of
discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, region based
segmentation, use of motion in segmentation.
1. Digital Image Processing/ Gonzalez and Woods/ Pearson Education, 2008/Third Edition
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing/ A.K. Jain/ PHI, Indian Edition
3. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB/ Gonzalez, Woods, and Eddins/ McGraw Hill,
Second/ 2013
4. Digital Image Processing/ K.R. Castleman/ Pearson, 2014
3. MOS inverters: Resistive load inverter, inverter with n-type MOSFET load, CMOS 8
inverter: Switching Threshold, Noise Margin, Dynamic behavior of CMOS inverter,
computing capacitances, propagation delay, Dynamic power consumption, static
power consumption, energy, and energy delay product calculations, stick diagram,
IC layout design and tools.
4. Designing Combinational Logic Gates in MOS and CMOS: 8
MOS logic circuits with depletion MOS load.
Static CMOS Design: Complementary CMOS, Ratioedlogic, Pass transistor logic,
BiCMOS logic, pseudo nMOS logic,
Dynamic CMOS logic, clocked CMOS logic CMOS domino logic, NP domino
logic, speed and power dissipation of Dynamic logic, cascading dynamic gates.
5. Designing sequential logic circuits: Timing matrices for sequential circuits, 8
classification of memory elements, static latches and registers, the bistability
principle, multiplexer based latches , Master slave Edge triggered register , static SR
flip flops, dynamic latches and registers, dynamic transmission gate edge triggered
register, the C2MOS register
6. Pulse registers, sense amplifier based registers, Pipelining, Latch verses Register 6
based pipelines, NORA-CMOS. Two-phase logic structure; VLSI designing
methodology –Introduction, VLSI designs flow, Computer aided design technology:
Design capture and verification tools, Design Hierarchy Concept of regularity,
Modularity & Locality, VLSI design style, Design quality.
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with power electronics and its applications.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Solid State Power Devices: Principle of operation of SCR, dynamic characteristic of 8
SCR during turn ON and turn OFF, parameters of SCR, dv/dt and di/dt protection,
snubber circuit, commutation circuits; Principle of operation ofMOSFET, IGBT,
GTO, MCT, SIT, SITH, IGCT, their operating characteristics.
2. Single-phase Converter: Half wave converter, 2-pulse midpoint converter, half 8
controlled and fully controlled bridge converters, input current and output voltage
waveforms, effect of load and source impedance, expressions for input power factor,
displacement factor, harmonic factor and output voltage, effect of free-wheeling
diode, triggering circuits.
Three-phase Converter: Half wave, full wave, half controlled and fully controlled
bridge converters, effect of load and source impedance, expressions for input power
factor, displacement factor, harmonic factor and output voltage,
3. AC-AC Converters: Principle of operation of cycloconverter, waveforms, 4
control technique; Introduction of matrix converter.
4. DC-DC Converters: Principle of operation of single quadrant chopper, 4
continuous and discontinuous modes of operation; Voltage and current
commutation, design of commutating components; Introduction to SMPS.
5. Inverters: Voltage source and current source inverters, Principle of operation 8
of single-phase half bridge and full bridge voltage source inverters, voltage
and current waveforms; Three-phase bridge inverter, 1200 and 1800 modes of
operation, voltage and current waveforms with star and delta connected RL
load; Voltage and frequency control of inverters; PWM techniques-single
pulse, multiple pulse, selective harmonic elimination, sinusoidal PWM.
6. Applications: 10
FACTS Technology: Reactive power control in power systems, transmission
system compensation, static series and shunt compensation, static shunt and
series compensators- SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, SSSC and their working
principles and characteristics. Combined series-shunt compensators –UPFC
and its applications and characteristic.
VSC-HVDC Systems: Principles and applications
Total 42
1. Subject Code: EE-353 Course Title: Electrical Machines and Power Systems
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: VIII
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: EE-208, EE-303, EE-304
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with electrical machines and power systems.
10. Details of Course:
11.Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Fitzgerald. A.E., Charles KingselyJr, Stephen D.Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
2 M.G. Say, ‘Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines’, CBS
Publishers, New Delhi, 2008
3 Nagrath I. J and Kothari D.P. ‘Electric Machines’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd,
Total 42
of arc production, electric arc welding, characteristics of arc, Design of Power supply and
welding control circuit, comparison between AC and DC arc welding, welding control.
4. Electrolytic Processes: Need of electro-deposition laws of electrolysis, process of electro- 08
deposition - clearing, operation, deposition of metals, polishing, buffing equipment and
accessories for electroplating factors affecting electro-deposition , principle of galvanizing
and its applications, anodising and its applications, electroplating on non-conducting materials,
manufacture of chemicals by electrolytic process, electrolysis for water purification
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Water Coolers: Principle of air conditioning, vapour 08
pressure, refrigeration cycle, eco-friendly refrigerants, description of electrical circuit used in
a) refrigerator, b) air-conditioner, and c) water cooler, variable speed drive for compressors,
high speed compressors, insta-chill, Peltier effect, thermoelectric cooling, sterling engines,
solar concentrator heating and cooling,
Total 42
Thermal Energy: solar radiation, flat plate collectors and their materials,
applications and performance, focusing of collectors and their materials,
applications and performance, solar thermal power plants, thermal energy
storage for solar heating and cooling, limitations.
2 Geothermal Energy 8
Resources of geothermal energy, thermodynamics of geo-thermal energy
conversion, electrical conversion, non-electrical conversion,environmental
considerations. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD):principle of working of MHD
power plant, performance and limitations.
3 Fuel Cells: Basic principle of working, various types of fuel cells, 8
performance and limitations.
4 Thermo-electrical and thermionic conversions 8
Principle of working of thermo-electrical and thermionic conversions,
performance and limitations. Wind energy: wind power and its sources, site
selection criteria, momentum theory, classification of rotors, concentrations
and augments, wind characteristics, performance and limitations of wind
energy conversion systems.
5 Energy from Bio-mass, Ocean Thermal, Wave and bio-waste 8
Availability of bio-mass and its conversion principles, ocean thermal energy
conversion principles, performance and limitations, wave and tidal energy
conversion principles, performance and limitations, bio-waste recycling
power plants.
4 Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems: A Manual for Technicians, Trainers and
Engineers,Chetan Singh Solanki, PHI Learning,2013.
5 Non Conventional Energy Resources, D.S. Chauhan, New Age International Pvt Ltd.,2006
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 UNIT-I 9
New and emerging pollutants and related transformation products, Effects & risks
of emerging contaminants on ecosystems and humans, Persistent pollutants.
Analytical methods for identifying emerging pollutants and the products of their
Micro pollutants- Pesticides, Pharmaceutical - Veterinary and human drugs,
personal care products, Surfactants and surfactant metabolites, Flame retardants,
Industrial additives and agents.Emerging pollutants’ toxicity, and their water-
related characteristics (degradability, solubility, sorption…)
Emerging Issues - E-waste, Hazardous Waste, Nuclear Waste, Nano pollution,
Thermal Pollution, pollutant emission and treatment
Emerging pollutants’ emergence and fate in surface and ground water, as well as
mathematical modelling, Sustainable Development, Risk mitigation
5 UNIT-V 8
Transformation Products of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment,
Removal of emerging contaminants from water, soil and air, methods and
preventive measures.
Course Outcome:
1. Introduction to new and emerging contaminants and their transformation products.
2. Study of pollutants from manufacturing of goods.
3. Emerging area in environmental pollution.
4. Study of life cycle of a contaminant, modeling and mitigation.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1. Subject Code: EN- 353 Course Title: Occupational Health and Safety Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC 8.
8. Prerequisite: Nil
9. Course Objectives:
1. Introduction about occupational health and related issues.
2. To give a basic idea about environmental safety management, industrial hygiene.
3. To introduce about training cycle, chemical hazards and control measures.
4. To aware and provide knowledge about ergonomics and different disorders.
5. To provide knowledge about different standards related to safety and health.
2 UNIT –II 8
Occupational Health and Environment Safety Management System, ILO and
EPA Standards. Industrial Hygiene: Definition of Industrial Hygiene, Industrial
Hygiene: Control Methods, Substitution, Changing the process, Local Exhaust
Ventilation, Isolation, Wet method, Personal hygiene, housekeeping and
maintenance, waste disposal, special control measures.
Element of training cycle, Assessment of needs. Techniques of training, design
and development of training programs. Training methods and strategies types of
training. Evaluation and review of training programs. Chemical Hazard:
Introduction to chemical hazards, dangerous properties of chemical, dust, gases,
fumes, mist, Vapours, Smoke and aerosols. Evaluation and control of basic
hazards, concepts of dose response relationship, bio-chemical action of toxic
substances. Concept of threshold, limit values.
4 UNIT –IV 9
Occupational Health Hazards, Promoting Safety, Safety and Health training,
Stress and Safety, Exposure Limit. Ergonomics-Introduction, Definition,
Objectives, Advantages. Ergonomics Hazards. Musculoskeletal Disorders and
Cumulative Trauma Disorders. Physiology of respiration, cardiac cycle, muscle
contraction, nerve conduction system etc. Assessment of Workload based on
Human physiological reactions. Permissible limits of load for manual lifting and
carrying. Criteria or fixation limits.
5 UNIT –V 8
Bureau of Indian standards on safety and health 14489 - 1998 and 15001 – 2000,
OSHA, Process Safety Management (PSM) as per OSHA, PSM principles,
OHSAS – 18001, EPA Standards, Performance measurements to determine
effectiveness of PSM. Importance of Industrial safety, role of safety department,
Safety committee and Function.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student will be able to understand the basics of occupational health and related issues.
2. Understanding of the fundamental aspects of safety, industrial hygiene along with learning theory
to safety training methodology.
3. Considerate about hazardous materials, emergency management, ergonomics and human factors
4. Able to understand the adverse effects of hazards and develop control strategies for hazardous
conditions and work practices
5. Learn about Indian standards of health and safety and able to apply applicable standards,
regulations and codes.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1. Handbook of Occupational Health and Safety, NIC, Chicago, 1982.
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I and II. International Labour
Organisation, Geneva, 1985.
3. Accident Preventional Manual, NSC Chicago, 1982.
4. Henrich, H.W., Industrial Accident Prevention, McGraw Hill, 1980.
2 Unit-2:GIS Data 9
GIS data types, Data representation, Data sources, Geo-referencing of GIS data,
GIS database, Database Management System, Data analysis terminology, GIS
software packages, GIS application
3 Unit-3:Remote Sensing 8
Introduction to Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing System, Multi concept of
remote sensing, Advantages and disadvantages of remote sensing,
Electromagnetic radiation, Polarisation, Thermal radiation
Course Outcomes:
1. The Student will learn about basics of GIS and its significance.
2. The Student will be able to understand the utility of GIS data as well as Data Management
3. The Student will learn the fundamentals of remote sensing.
4. The unit of Remote Sensing Platform will generate a clear cut understanding among students
about the satellites, their functioning and Global Positioning System. Geographical information
system, its components, DMS and its various applications in real life.
5. The Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about the application of remote sensing in
different areas.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing – George Joseph, University Press, Hyderabad,
2. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System – AM Chandra & SK Ghosh
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems – C. P. Lo & Albert
K.W. Yeung, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
4. Geographic Information System – Kang Tsung Chang, Tata Mc Graw hill, Publication
Edition, 2002.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
7. Subject area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the fundamentals /basic concepts and advances of
the different materials keeping in view of the engineering
applications. There is ample opportunity to become involved in
cutting edge Materials Science and Engineering Research
10.Detail of Course:
11.Suggested Books:
S. Name of Books/ Authors
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics, by C. Kittel, 1996/ John Wiley & sons
2. Solid State Physics, by S. O. Pillai, 2010/ New Age International (P) Ltd.
3. Materials Science and Engineering by V. Raghavan, 2009/PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
4. Solid State Physics, N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, 1976/ HBC Publication
5. Engineering Materials Science by Milton Ohring, 1995/Academic Press
6. Material Science and engineering: An Introduction By W. D. Callister Junior, 2007/ John
Wiley & Sons, Inc
7. Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials by SafaKasap, Peter Capper (Eds.),
5. Security system design and evaluation: Adversary path analysis and Multi path 08
optimization, Scenario development, Insider analysis, Transportation, Design
approaches and vulnerability assessments, System design at major public
events, Design of security systems to interrupt illicit trafficking, Analysis of
quantitative risk assessment methods.
6. Consequence mitigation and event response: Consequence management 04
following nuclear events, Analysis of deterrence value of security measures,
Roles and responsibilities of institutions and individuals
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
(Note: i. History of this subject in DTU is different from other subjects. This subject was demanded by
the students in final year. It is supported by the placement data also that number of non-technical
companies visiting campus for recruitment is increasing over year.
4. Credits: 3 (Four)
7. Pre-requisite- Nil
8. Details of Course
Syllabus Hours ( Total - 56)
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction Hrs
1.1 What is Econometrics? Why a separate discipline? How it is different from 6
Mathematical Economics, Type of Data, Sources of data
1.2 Estimating Economic Relationship, Methodology of Econometrics
1.3 Matrix and its Economic Application
2 Review of Calculus 12
2.1 Differential Calculus and its application in Economics- Elasticity of demand- Price
and Cross; Profit maximization under Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly and
Monopolistic Competition
2.2 Integral Calculus and its application in Economics - Capital Formation, Compound
Interest; Capital value and Flow Value; Consumer surplus under pure competition and
monopoly; Producers Surplus
2.3 Differential Equation and its application in Economics – Market Price Function;
Dynamic Multiplier;
3. Review of Statistics 14
3.1 Basic Ingredients of an Empirical study- Formulating a Model; Gathering data
Descriptive Statistics and its use in Business- Measure of Central Tendency: AM,
GM and HM, Median, Mode, Dispersion, Range, Quartile, standard Deviation,
Skewness, Kurtosis,
3.2 Probability - Discrete and Continuous; Probability Distribution: Binomial and
Poison distribution
3.3 Sampling techniques, Estimation and Hypothesis Testing, Interpreting the results
Mid semester
4. Regression 8 Hours
S.No. Name of Books, Authors, Publishers
1. Wooldridge Jeffrey , Introductory Econometrics, Cencage Learning- ISBN-13-
978-81-315-1673-7; ISBN-1081-315-1673-3,2014
2. Damodar N. Gujrati, Basic Econometrics, Mcgraw Hill Education (India)
Limited, Fifth Edition,2013 ISBN-978-0-07-133345-0; ISBN; 0-07-133345-2
3. Ramu Ramanathan, Introductory Econometrics with Applications, Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich Publishers, Latest USA ISBN-
11.Suggested books
S.No. Name of Books, Authors, Publishers
1. History of Mathematics, by carl B Boyer, Wiley International edition, 1968.
2. Mathematics of Music, Susan Kelly, UW-L Journal of under graduate research,
Vol-XIV, 2011.
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with thermodynamic cycles and various components of power
Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Power Plant Engineering by M.M. Elwakil, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN- 0070662746.
2 Power Plant Engineering by P.K Nag, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN- 0070435993.
3 Steam and Gas turbines by A Kostyuk and V Frolov, MIR Publishers, ISBN- 9785030000329.
4. Modern Power Plant Engineering by J Wiesman and R Eckart, Prentice hall India Ltd, ISBN-
5. Planning Fundamentals of thermal Power Plants by F.S Aschner, John Wiley, ISBN-
6. Applied Thermodynamics by T.D Eastop and McConkey, Longman Scientific and Technical,
ISBN- 0582305351.
7. CEGB volumes on power plant, Cwntral Electricity Generation Board, ISBN- 0080155680.
8. NTPC/NPTI publications on Power plants, ISBN- 9788132227205.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 G. D. Rai, “Energy Technolgy”, Khanna Publishers, ISBN- 97881740907438.
2 S.P. Sukhatme, “ Solar Energy”, Tata-Mcgraw hill, New Delhi, ISBN- 0074624531.
3 “Solar Energy thermal process” JADuffie and W.A. Beckman, John Wiley& sons, New York,
ISBN- 1118418123.
4 Solar energy, Frank Kaieth& Yogi Goswami, Taylor and Francis, ISBN- 1560327146.
5 Treatise of Solar Energy, H.P. Garg, John Willey & sons, ISBN- 9027719306.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Combustion generated air pollution, Earnest S Starkman, Springer, ISBN- 9780306305302.
2 Fundamentals of Air pollution engineering, Richard C. Hagan, Prentice Hall, ISBN- 0133325371.
3 Air pollution threat & response, David Alym, Addison-Wesley Publication, ISBN- 0201043556.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K.Nag, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited,
ISBN – 1259062562, 2013.
2 Engineering ThermodynamicsbyRogers, Pearson Education, ISBN- 631197036.
3 Thermodynamics by Kenneth Wark, Mcgraw-hill Book Company, 5th edition, ISBN- 0070682860,
4. Engineering Thermodynamics: work and heat transfer by Gordon Rogers and Yon Mayhew,
Longman, 4th edition, ISBN – 0471861731, 1992.
5. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by Van Wylen and Sonntag, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
3rd edition, ISBN – 0471861731, 1986.
6. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Moran and Shaprio, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
7th edition, ISBN – 0470917687, 2010.
7. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Cengel and Boles, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, 8th edition, ISBN: 0073398179, 2014.
8. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering TechnologistsbyT.D. Eastop, Prentice Hall, 5th
edition, ISBN- 05820919344, 1993.
9. Treatise on Heat Engineering by V. P.Vasandani and D.S. Kumar, Metropolitan Book Co. (p) Ltd.,
ISBN- 810003500.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by C. P. Arora, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN- 9788120339156.
2 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by A. R .Trott and T. C. Welch, Butterworth- Heinemann,
ISBN- 9780080540436.
3 Refrigeration and Air ConditioningTechnology by Whitman, Jhonson and Tomczyk, Thomson
Delmer Learning, ISBN- 1111644470.
4 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Abdul Ameen, Prentice Hall of India Ltd, ISBN-
5 Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by P. N. Ananthanarayan, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN-
6 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Wilbert F. Stoecker and Jerold W. Jones, Tata McGraw
Hill, ISBN- 007061623X.
7 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Richard Charles Jordan, Gayle B. Priester, Prentice hall of
India Ltd, ISBN-9780406269313.
8 ASHRAE Handbook – Refrigeration 2010, ISBN- 9781933742922.
9. Objective: To make students aware of industrial engineering concepts of work study and measurement,
quality control and reliability etc.
11.Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Industrial Engineering and Management; B. Kumar, Khanna Publication, ISBN- 8174091963, 2011.
2 Introduction to work Study, International Labour Office, Geneva, 3rd edition, Oxford and IBH
publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, ISBN- 8120406028, 2008.
3 Industrial Engineering and Management, Pravin Kumar, Pearson Education, 1st edition, ISBN-
9789332543560, 2015.
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the process of product design and development.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Stages in design process: 5
Introduction to various stages of the design process: Formulation of problem, Generate
alternatives, Evaluation, Guided Redesign. Case study.
2 Product life cycle: 5
New product introduction: early introduction, increased product life. Life cycle
management tool, System integration, QFD, House of quality, Pugh’s method, Pahl and
Beitz method. Case studies
3 Value engineering: Introduction, nature and measurement of value. Value analysis job 5
plan. Creativity. Value analysis test. Case studies
4 Concurrent/ reverse engineering: 5
Introduction, basic principles, components, benefits of concurrent engineering. Concept
of reengineering
5 Material selection: Materials in design. The evolution of engineering materials. Design 5
tools and material data. Material selection strategy, attribute limits, selection process,
material selection. Case studies
6 Process selection: Introduction. Process classification: shaping, joining and finishing. 5
Systematic process selection, process cost. Computer – aided process selection
7 Design for manufacture and assembly: Design for Manufacture and Assembly 4
(DFMA). Reasons for not implementing DFMA. Advantages of DFMA with case studies.
Design features and requirements with regard to assembly, Design for Manufacture in
relation to any two manufacturing processes: machining and injection molding. Need,
8 System Simulation: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Experimental 4
nature of simulation, Numerical computation techniques, Continuous system models,
Analog and Hybrid simulation, Feedback systems, Computers in simulation studies,
Simulation software packages
9 Simulation of Mechanical Systems: Building of Simulation models, Simulation of 4
translational and rotational mechanical systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 David G Ullman, “The Mechanical Design Process.” Publisher- McGrawhillIncSingapore, ISBN-
13: 9780072975741, 1992.
2 Kevin Otto & Kristin Wood Product Design: “Techniques in Reverse Engineering and new
Product Development.” 1 / e 2004 , Publisher- Pearson Education New Delhi , ISBN-13:
3 L D Miles “Value Engineering.”Publisher- McGraw-Hill, 1972
4 Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger , “ Product Design &Development.”Publisher- Tata McGrawhill
New Delhi, ISBN-13: 9780078029066, 2003
5 Hollins B & Pugh S “Successful Product Design.” Publisher- Butter worths London, ISBN
6 N J M Roozenberg , J Ekels , N F M Roozenberg “ Product Design Fundamentals and Methods
.”Publisher- John Willey & Sons, ISBN-13: 9780471954651, 1995.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Computational Fluid Dynamics”,John Anderson,” McGraw- Hill Ltd.
2 Computational Fluid Dynamics”,Tu, Elsevier.
3 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics,Niyogi, Pearson Education, Delhi
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Finite Element Procedures, K.J. Bathe, Prentice Hall of India.
2 Finite Elements in Engineering by Chandrupatla and Belegundu.
3 Finite element Method by J.N.Reddy.
4. Finite element Method,O.C. Zienkiewicz& R.A. Taylor
5. Finite element Analysis,C.S. Krishnamurthy
6. Finite element Method, Kenneth H. Hubener
7. Finite Element Method, Desai & Abel
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Integrated Product Development M.M. Anderson and L Hein IFS Publications
2 Design for Concurrent Engineering J. Cleetus CE Research Centre, Morgantown
3 Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals: Integrated Product Development Prasad Prentice
hall India
4 Concurrent Engineering in Product Design and Development I Moustapha New Age
5 Product Lifecycle Management John Stark Springer-Verlag, UK
6 Product Lifecycle Management Michael Grieves McGraw Hill
7 Concurrent Engineering: Automation tools and Technology Andrew Kusiak Wiley Eastern
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Parker, D.E., “Value Engineering Theory”, Sundaram publishers, 1990
2 Miles, L.D., “Techniques of Value Engineering and Analysis”, McGraw Hill Book Co.,
2nd End., 1972
3 Khanna, O.P., “Industrial Engineering and Management”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1999.
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: Familiarizing the students with the financial environment of business, especially the
financial markets and acquaint them with accounting mechanics, process and system.
4 Financial Analysis-I: Distinction between cash profits and book 8
profits. Understanding the cash flow statement and the funds flow
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
S. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers
1 Fundamental of Management, Stephen P. Robbins, David A. De Cenzo and
Mary Coulter, Pearson Education,2011, ISBN- 978-0273755869
2 Introduction to Accountancy, 10 ed., T.S. Grewal, S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New
Delhi,2009, ISBN- 9788121905695
3 Advance Accounts by M.C Shukla and T.S Grewal and SC Gupta, S. Chand and
Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi,1997, ISBN- 9788121902786
4 Financial Accounting, 4 ed, S.N. Maheshwari and S.K. Maheshwari, Vikas
Pulication,2005, ISBN- 8125918523
5 Financial Accounting Reporting & Analysis, Cengage, 7/e, W Albrecht Stice &
James Stice, Cengage Learning,2010, ISBN- 0538746955
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The basic objective of this paper is to make students aware of fundamental
concepts of marketing necessary for making decisions in complex business situations by
managers and start up entrepreneurs.
1 Basic concepts of management: management process, 8
principles of management, functions, levels, managerial roles
and skills, managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility
5 9
Promotion and distribution decisions :design and
management of distribution channel for physical products and
services, reasons of channel conflict, handling strategies, basic
challenges in supply chain management of e-commerce firms
Total 42
4. Relative Weightage: CWS:25 PRS MTE:25 ETE:50 PR
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
S. No Name of the book /Authors /Publishers
1 Fundamental of Management, Stephen P. Robbins, David A. De Cenzo and Mary
Coulter, Pearson Education, 2011, ISBN-978-0273755869
2 Human Resource Management, G. Dessler, B. Varkkey, Pearson prentice Hall,
2011, (ISBN – 978-81-317-5426-9)
1. Subject Code :MG 357 Course Title : Knowledge and Technology Management
2. Content Hours L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory: 3 Hrs Practical 0
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: Preparing the students to understand how the new age organizations are leveraging on the
power of knowledge and technology. Acquiring the knowledge to address the issues faced by the
corporate world for a deeper understanding.
3. Creating Strategies for Success: KM strategy, Codification, 9
Personalization, Knowledge Management Implementation, Generating a
KM-specific vision, Integrating organizational and business goals with
KM, Choosing the right KM techniques, Relevant case studies in this
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Books /Authors/Publishers
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction, need of advanced machining processes, hybrid processes, microelectro 7
mechanical system, (MEMS), nano electromechanical systems(NEMS),Ultrasonic
micro machining - mechanics of cutting, parametric analysis, process capabilities,
2 Abrasive jet machining: Introduction, set ups, gas propulsion system, abrasivefeeder, 8
machining chamber, AJM nozzle, abrasive parametric analysis, processcapabilities,
applications, abrasive micro machining,
Water jet machining:Introduction, process characteristics, process performance,
applications, Abrasive Water jet machining: Abrasive finishing process: Working
principle, parametric analysis, process variables, process performance and
3 Abrasive flow machining- Working principle, parametric analysis, process variables, 10
process performance and applications, Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing-
Working principle, parametric analysis,process variables, process performance and
applications, Magnetic float polishing,Magnetic abrasive finishing- Working
principle, parametric analysis, processvariables, process performance and applications
4 Electro discharge machining (EDM): Introduction, Working principle, 7
parametricanalysis, process variables, process characteristics, applications, hybrid
processessuch as electro discharge grinding, diamond grinding, wire EDM,
Electrodischargemicro grinding,
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Introduction:Perspective of Supply Chain Management, Managing uncertainty, Key 6
issue in supply chain management.
2 Inventory Management and Risk Pooling: Inventory management, Classification of 8
inventory, Centralized versus Decentralized Warehousing and Risk pooling, Value of
Information, Quantification of Bullwhip effect, Causes and remedies of Bullwhip
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hrs
1 Productivity: Definition, reasons for low productivity, methods to improve 4
productivity, Work-study and productivity
2 Human factor in work-study: Relationship of work-study man with management, 5
supervisor & workers, qualities of a work-study man.
3 Method-study: Definition, objectives, step-by-step procedure, questioning 9
techniques, charts and diagrams for recording data. Like outline process charts,
flow process charts, multiple activity charts, two handed process chart, string
diagram, travel chart, cycle graph, Chrono-cycle graph, therbligs, micro motion
study and film analysis, Simo chart, principles of motion economy. Development
and installation of new method..
4 Work-Measurement: Definition, various techniques of work-measurement 9
work-sampling, stopwatch time study & its procedure, Job selection, Equipment
and forms used for time study, rating, methods of rating, allowances and their
types, standard time, numerical problems, predetermined - time standards and
standard data techniques. Incentive: Meaning, objectives of an incentive plan,
various types of incentive plans
5 Ergonomics: Introduction, history of development, man-machine system and its 8
components. Introduction to structure of the body- features of the human body,
stress and strain, metabolism, measure of physiological functions- workload and
energy consumption, biomechanics, types of movements of body members,
strength and endurance, speed of movements. NIOSH lifting equation, Lifting
Index, Maximum acceptable Weights and Forces, Distal upper extremities risk
factors, Strain Index, RULA, REBA.
6 Applied anthropometry - types, use, principles in application, design of work 7
surfaces and seat design. Visual displays for static information, visual displays
of dynamic information, auditory, tactual and olfactory displays and controls.
Assessment of occupational exposure to noise, heat stress and dust .Effect of
vibration/ noise, temperature, illumination and dust on human health and
Total 42
1. Subject Code: PE-357 Course Title: Product Design & Simulation
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To allow students to develop the technical, analytical, and managerial skills necessary to
perform the tasks successfully.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Content Contact Hours
1 Stages in design process: 6
Introduction to various stages of the design process: Formulation of
problem, Generate alternatives, Evaluation, Guided Redesign. Case
2 Product life cycle: 6
New product introduction: early introduction, increased product life.
Life cycle management tool, System integration, QFD, House of
quality, Pugh’s method, Pahl and Beitz method. Case studies.
3 Value engineering:Introduction, nature and measurement of value. 6
Value analysis, job plan. Creativity and techniques of creativity.
Value analysis test. Case studies.
Material selection:Materials in design. The evolution of
engineering materials. Design tools and material data. Functional
material, shape and process. Material selection strategy, attribute
limits, selection process, common methods of material selection.
Case studies.
4 Concurrent/ reverse engineering: 6
Introduction, basic principles, components, benefits of concurrent
engineering. Concept of reengineering.
Process selection: Introduction. Process classification: shaping,
joining and finishing. Systematic process selection, Ranking,
process cost. Computer – aided process selection.
5 Design for manufacture and assembly:Design for Manufacture and 8
Assembly (DFMA). Reasons for not implementing DFMA. Advantages
of DFMA with case studies. Design features and requirements with
regard to assembly, product Design for Manufacture in relation to any
two manufacturing processes: machining and injection molding. Need,
6 System Simulation: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo 10
method, Experimental nature ofsimulation, Numerical computation
techniques, Continuous system models, Analog andHybrid
simulation, Feedback systems, Computers in simulation studies,
Simulation softwarepackages.
Simulation of Mechanical Systems: Building of Simulation
models, Simulation oftranslational and rotational mechanical
systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems.
Total 42
4 Sustainability:What Is Sustainability - Use of RenewableResources 8
- View to Design Horizon.
5 Harmonization of Environmental Goals: TLC for Emerging Vs 8
Developed Markets - Rules and Regulations to Guide Designers -
International Common Practices for End of LifeVehicles.
Total 42
5 Life Testing-Reliability-Life testing: objective, failure data analysis, 6
MTTF, MTBF, hazard rate, exponential and Weibull models, system
reliability-series, parallel and mixed configurations, Markov model.
6 Reliability Design and Allocation- Design for reliability, reliability 6
improvement techniques, active redundancy and standby redundancy, K-
out-of-N redundancy and maintenance policies.
Total 42
Processing and testing of conducting polymers, Applications and recent
advances in conducting polymers.
4 Synthesis and applications of photosensitive polymers, Curing reactions. 6
5 Polymers in specialty applications: Polymers in agricultural applications, 9
Green houses, Mulches, Control release of agricultural chemicals, Seed
coatings, Polymers in construction and building applications.
4 Ionic Separations: Theory, mechanism and equipments for 7
electrophoresis, dielectrophoresis and electro dialysis, Controlling factors,
Applications, Design considerations.
5 Thermal Separation: Thermal diffusion, Rate law, Theories of thermal 7
diffusion for gas and liquid mixtures, Equipments design and applications,
Zone melting, Equilibrium diagrams, Controlling factors, Apparatus and
6 Other Techniques: Adductive crystallization, Molecular addition 7
compounds, Clathrate compounds and adducts, Equipments, Applications,
Economics and commercial processes. Foam Separation: Surface
adsorption, Nature of foams, Apparatus, Applications and Controlling
2 Solar Energy: Solar radiation - beam and diffuse radiation, solar constant, earth 6
sun angles, measurement of solar radiation, flat plate collectors, concentrating
collectors, Solar air heaters-types, solar driers, Storage of solar energy-thermal
storage, Photo voltaics - solar cells & its applications.
3 Wind Energy: Basic system principles, Assessment of wind available, 4
Design principles, Manufactured designs, Sizing and storage of energy,
System efficiency, Overview of wind industry.
4 Energy from Biomass: Calorific value of Biomass samples, Pyrolysis, 6
Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas generation plants, classification,
advantages and disadvantages, constructional details, site selection,
digester design consideration, filling a digester for starting, maintaining
biogas production, Fuel properties of bio gas, utilization of biogas.
5 Geothermal Energy: Estimation and nature of geothermal energy, 4
geothermal sources and resources like hydrothermal, geo-pressured hot
dry rock, magma. Advantages, disadvantages, and application of
geothermal energy.
6 Ocean Energy: Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion systems like open 4
cycle, closed cycle, Hybrid cycle. Energy from tides, basic principle of
tidal power, single basin and double basin tidal power plants, advantages,
limitation and scope of tidal energy. Wave energy and power from wave,
wave energy conversion devices, advantages and disadvantages of wave
7 Magnetohydrdynamic Power Generation: Principle of MHD power 4
generation, MHD system, Design problems and developments, gas
conductivity, materials for MHD generators and future prospects.
8 Fuel Cells: Design principle and operation of fuel cell, Types of fuel cells, 4
conversion efficiency of fuel cell, applications of fuel cells.
9 Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen Production methods, Hydrogen storage, 4
hydrogen transportation, utilization of hydrogen gas, hydrogen as
alternative fuel for vehicles.
S. Name of Books/Authors/Publisher
1 Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems, Second Edition/ Frank Kreith, Susan Krumdieck/
CRC Press, 2013.
2 Non-conventional energy sources/ G.D. Rai/ Khanna Publishers, 2004.
3 Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Applications/ H.P. Garg & Jai Prakash/ Tata McGraw Hill,
4 Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes/ Duffic and Beckman/ John Wiley, 2013
5 Non Conventional Energy Resources/ Saeed and Sharma/ S.K. Kataria& Sons ,2013
2. Contact Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 00
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 03 Practical: 00
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 00 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 03
6. Semester: ODD-V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To impart knowledge about polymer waste and their management.
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Polymer and Plastics Waste: Definition of plastics waste and the 8
associated problems, Identification, collection methods and separation.
Integrated waste management – source reduction, recycling, energy
recovering process through thermal and biological destruction, Land
filling and composting.
2 Plastics waste management: Source reduction, reuse, repair, recycling, and 8
incineration with examples. Plastics recycling: Classification, Code of
practice, Primary, secondary, territory and quaternary recycling with
examples, Waste plastics as fillers.
3 Recycling and degradation of plastics: Recycling and sustainability 9
correlation, Basic principles and recovery, recycling and resource
4 Recycling of plastics by surface refurbishing, Application of a coating, 9
polishing, Plastics, Environmental and Thermal ageing, Chemical
degradation, Wear and erosion, Biodegradable plastics – an overview.
5 Environmental issues, policies and legislation in India. 8
S. Name of Books/Authors/Publisher
1 Plastics Recycling – Products and Processes/ Ehrig (Ed.)/ Hanser Publication, 1993
2 Recycling and recovery of plastics/ Brandrup/ Hanser Publishers, New York, 1996
3 Handbook of Plastics Recycling/ By Francesco La Mantia/ Rapra Tech Ltd , 2002
4 Introduction to Plastics Recycling/ By VannessaGoodship/ Rapra Tech Ltd ,2007
11.Suggested Books
S. Name of Books/Authors/Publisher
1 Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures/ Nabok/ Artech House, 2005.
2 Nanoscience: Nanotechnologies and Nanophysics/ Dupas, Houdy, Lahmani/ Springer-
Verlag Berlin Heidelberg ,2007
3 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology/ H.S. Nalwa/ Academic Press , 2002
4 A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/ Pradeep/ Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd. , 2012
1. Subject Code: PT371 Course Title: Applications of Polymer Blends and Composite
2. Contact Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 00
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 03 Practical: 00
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 00 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 03
6. Semester: ODD-V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To make student aware about the applications of polymers, blends
and composites.
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Concepts of polymer blends, Advantages of blends over conventional 8
polymers, Significance of polymer blend technology, Different steps
involved in designing of a blend, Different methods of blending,
Characterization of polymer blends.
2 Compatibilization and Phase Morphology, Role of compatibilizers in 8
blend technology, techniques of compatibilization, Phase structure
development in polymer blends, Factors affecting morphology of polymer
blends, Properties of polymer blends.
3 Reinforcements, Properties and applications of Glass, Carbon, Kevlar, 9
polyethylene, boron, ceramic and natural fibers. Concepts of matrix
material, Thermoset matrix materials like - epoxy, polyester, vinyl esters,
phenolic resin, polyimides, Thermoplastic matrix materials like -
polyolefins, polyether ether ketones, polyphenylene sulfide, thermoplastic
4 Concept of composites, particulate and fibrous composites, Properties of 9
composites, Fabrication of continuous and short fiber composites and
particulate composites, mechanical and physical properties
5 Applications of blends and composites for civil, aerospace, automobiles 8
4 Design Data for Reinforced Plastics/ N. L. Hancex, R. M. Mayer/ Chapman Hall,
5 Reinforced Plastics: Properties and Applications/ Raymond Seymour/ The Materials
Information Society, 1991.
Text Book
1. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich, K. Knight, McGrawHill 2009
4. Graphs: Terminology and Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs, 8
Directed Graphs, Representation of graphs, Breadth first search and
connected components. Depth first search in directed and undirected graphs
and strongly connected components.
5. Spanning trees: Prim's and Kruskal’s algorithm, union-find data structure. 10
Dijkstra’s algorithm for shortest paths, shortest path tree. Directed acyclic
graphs: topological sort and longest path.
Dynamic programming: Principles of dynamic programming.
Applications: Matrix multiplication, Travelling salesman Problem.
Text Books:
1. Horowitz and Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data structures”, Galgotia 1983
2. Tannenbaum, “Data Structures”, PHI 2007( Fifth
3. T .H . Cormen, C . E . Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to 2011 ( reprint)
Algorithms”, 3rd Ed., PHI.
Reference Books
1. R.L. Kruse, B.P. Leary, C.L. Tondo, “Data structure and program 2009( Fourth
design in C”, PHI Impression)
Aho ,Ullman “Principles of Algorithms ”
10. Details of Course
S.No. Contents Contact
1. Introduction to Goals and Applications of Networks, Network structure and 6
architecture, The TCP/IP reference model, services, Network Topology.
2. Data Link Layer and Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations, 6
LAN protocols -ALOHA protocols - Overview of IEEE standards - FDDI. -
Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window protocols.
3. Network Layer: Routing, Congestion control, Internetworking -TCP / IP, IP 8
packet, IP address, IPv6 and Mobile IP.
4. Transport Layer: Design issues, TCP and UDP, connection management, 8
Congestion control, Leaky bucket, Token bucket algorithm. QoS.
5. Application Layer: File Transfer, Access and Management, Electronic mail, 6
Virtual Terminals, Internet and Public Networks, Firewalls
6. Information and Web security: IP Security, Architecture, Authentication 8
header, Encapsulating security payloads, combining security associations,
Secure Socket Layer(SSL) and transport layer security, TSP, Secure
Electronic Transaction (SET), Electronic money.
Text Book
Reference Book
6. Semester: ODD
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce the concept of internet and web programming
10. Details of Course
S.No. Contents Contact
1. Internet and WWW: Internet basic, Introduction to internet and its 6
applications, E- mail, telnet, FTP, e-commerce, video conferencing, e-
business. Internet service providers, domain name server, internet address
World Wide Web (WWW): World Wide Web and its evolution, uniform
resource locator (URL), browsers - internet explorer, netscape navigator,
opera, firefox, chrome, mozilla. Search engine, web saver - apache, IIS,
proxy server, HTTP protocol.
2. WEBSITES BASIC ANDWEB 2.0: Web 2.0: Basics-RIA Rich 6
Internet Applications - Collaborations tools - Understanding websites and
web servers: Understanding Internet – Difference between websites and web
server- Internet technologies Overview – Understanding the difference
between internet and intranet; HTML and CSS: HTML 5.0 , XHTML, CSS
Firewalls for Trusted System: Roles of Firewalls - Firewall related
terminology- Types of Firewalls - Firewall designs - SET for E-Commerce
Transactions, intellectual property: copyright, patents, trademarks, cyber
4. SERVELETS AND JSP: JSP Technology Introduction-JSP and Servelets- 8
Running JSP Applications Basic JSP- JavaBeans Classes and JSP-Tag
Libraries and Files- Support for the Model- View- Controller Paradigm- Case
Study- Related Technologies.
5. XML: Introduction to XML, uses of XML, simple XML, XML key 6
components, DTD and Schemas, Well formed, using XML with
application.XML, XSL and XSLT. Introduction to XSL, XML transformed
simple example, XSL elements, transforming with XSLT
6. PHP: Starting to script on server side, Arrays, function and forms, advance 8
PHP, Basic command with PHP examples, Connection to server, creating database,
selecting a database, listing database, listing table names creating a table, inserting
data, altering tables, queries, deleting database, deleting data and tables, PHP my
admin and database bugs.
4. HTML: A Beginner’s Guide by Wendy Willard, Tata McGraw- 2009
Hill (ISBN: 9780070677234)
5. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites, Ullman, Larry, 2012
Peachpit Press.1 (ISBN: 978-0-321-78407-0)
11. Suggested Books
S.No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of Publication/
Text Books
1. The Complete Reference Java,, Herbert Schildt, 7th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-07163177-8, Publisher: McGraw Hill
3. The Java Programming Languages,, Ken Arnold, ISBN-13: 978- 4th Edition,
032134980, Publisher: Sun