Scheme of Examination: B.Tech (Petroleum Engineering)
Scheme of Examination: B.Tech (Petroleum Engineering)
Scheme of Examination: B.Tech (Petroleum Engineering)
Periods Exter Subject EDI
S.No Course Code Subject SESSIONAL EXAM nal Total T
L T P CT TA Total
Departmental Electives:-
Differential Calculus-I 9L
Leibnitz theorem, Partial Differentiation, Euler’s theorem, Change of variables Expansion of functions of several
Differential Calculus-I I 9L
Jacobian, Approximations and errors, Extrema of functions ofseveralvariables, Lagrange method of multipliers
M ultiple Integrals: Double and triple integrals, Change oforder, Change of variables, beta and gamma functions, Application to area,
volume, Drichlet integral and applications.
Vector Calculus 6L
Point functions Gradient, divergence and curl of avector and their physical interpretation, Line, surface and volume
integrals, Green, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorem.
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Kreyszig, Wiley India
A Text book of Engineering Mathematics (Vol .1) by Peter V. 0' Neil, Cengage Learning
Relativistic Mechanics:
Inertial and Non-inertial Frames Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Galilean and Lorentz Transformation,
Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Addition of Velocities, Mass Energy Equivalence and Variation of Mass
with Velocity. Radiation: Kirchoffs Law, Stefan's law (only statement), Energy spectrum of Blackbody Radiation,
Compton Effect.
- (7L)
Polarization: Phenomenon of Double Refraction, Ordinary and Extra-ordinary Rays Nicol Prism, Production and
Analysis of Plane, Circularly and Elliptically Polarized Light, Fresnel Theory, Optical Activity, Specific Rotation,
Polarimeter. Laser: Principle of Laser Action, Einstein's Coefficients, Construction and Working of He-Ne and Ruby
Electromagnetic: Ampere's Law and Displacement Current, Maxwell's Equations in Integral and Differential Forms
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Free Space and Conducting Media, Pointing Theorem. Magnetic Properties of
Materials: Basic Concept of Para- , Dia and Ferro-Magnetism, Langevin's Theory of Diamagnetism, Phenomenon of H
ysteresi s and Its Applications
Essential properties of superconductors (zero resistivity), London equations, penetration depth and coherence length, Meissner
effect, critical field , critical current Isotope effect, heat capacity, Type I and Type II superconductors Characteristics of
superconductors in superconducting state, applications of superconductors. Wave Mechanics : Wave Particle Duality, de
Broglie Concept of Matter Waves, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Schr6dinger Wave Equation and Its Applications:
Particle in a Box.
Reference Books:
Introduction to Special theory of Relativity Robert Resnick — Wiley India
Physics of Atoms ,Wehr Richards & Adia
Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday, Wiley India
4 7th
Rate of reaction, order & molecularity of reaction, Zero order, First Order, Second order reaction, steady
state approximation, concept of activation energy, energy barrier, cell potential, liquid junction potential,
conductance & its variation with dilution, Transport no. Kohlraush's Lahr and its application, pH, buffer
solution, calculation of pH of buffer mixture solubility & solubility Product, Nernst distribution law & its
application, corrosion, its type, Mechanism & control , Theory of Electrochemical corrosion. Hardness of
water, boiler feed water, Softening of water (Calgon Process, Zeolite process, Lime Soda process & Ion
exchange process), Reverse osmosis, treatment of boiler feed water.
Introduction & classification of polymers, Types of Polymerization, bulk solution, suspension &
emulsion, copolymers, vulcanization, PVC, Polyamides, Polyurethane, Polyethylene, Poly propylene,
PET, Resins (Phenol Formaldehyde), PM MA, PAN, Rubber, Conducting and Biodegradable polymers
Pyroceramics, Toughened glass, Strengthening of glass, Refractories, Nano Composites Protective
Coatings Fe, Al, Cu, Pb & Zn alloys, Organometallics& their applications.
Classification of Fuels, calorific value of fuel, gross & net calorific value, determination of calorific value
using Bomb calorimeter, Coal, Biomass and Biogas, Bio Fuel,
Esterification & Transesterification,Introduction of Lubricants Mechanism of Lubrication, Classification of
Lubricant, Bio Lubricant, Flash and Fire Point, Pour Point, Cloud Point, Aniline point, Viscosity index.
Titrimetric analysis with reference to acid-base, redox, precipitation and complex metric titration. Elementary ideas
and simple applications ofUV, visible, mass and NM R spectraltechniques AIM R spectral techniques.
Engineering Chemistry — Wiley India
Engineering chemistry by Sivasankar, TM H, New Delhi.
Organic Chemistry by Morrisson & Boyd, Pearson Publication.
Organic Chemistry by Loudon, Oxford University Press.
C ParameswaraMurthy, C V Agrawal and etal., Engineering Chemistry, BS Publication,
D.C. Network Theory : 4
Circuit theory concepts-Mesh and node analysis. Network Theorems- Super-position theorem.
Thevenin's theorem, Norton's theorem, Maximum, Power Transfer theorem, Star Delta
Steady State Analysis of A.C. Circuits : 5
Sinusoidal and phasor representation of voltage and current: single phase A.C. circuit behavior of
resistance, inductance and capacitance and their combination in series & parallel and power factor, series
parallel resonance-band width and quality factor : magnetic circuit.
Three Phase A.C. Circuits :4Star-Delta connections, line and phase voltage/current relations,
three phase power and its measurement.
3. Measuring Instruments:4Construction and principle of operation of voltage and current measuring
instruments; introduction to power and energy meters.
kl 4 Principle of operation, types and methods of starting, slip-torque characteristics applications. Single
phase Motors : Principle of operation and methods of starting of induction motor, Stepper motor
and universal motors.
References :
1. Dr. R. K. Singh and Dr. P.S. Subramanyam, Basic Electrical Engineering, BS Publication,
2. Gaikwad, Basic Electrical Engineering, Wiley India
3. A.e. Fitgerald, D.E., Higginbotham and A Grabel, -Basic Electrical Engineering - McGraw
4. H. Cotton, -Advanced Electrical Technologyll Wheeler Publishing.
ME 101/201 (Autumn / Spring)
Fundamental Concepts and Definitions 8L
Definition of thermodynamics System, Surrounding and universe, Phase, Concept of continuum, Macroscopic &
microscopic point of view. Density, Specific volume, Pressure, temperature. Thermodynamic equilibrium, Property,
State, Path, Process, Cyclic and non cyclic processes, Reversible and irreversible processes, Quasi static process
Energy and its forms, Enthalpy. UNIT-2 8L
Zeroth law:
Zeroth law, Different temperature scales and temperature measurement First law:First law of thermodynamics.
Processes- flow and non-flow, Control volume, Flow work and non-flow work, Steady flow energy equation,
Unsteady flow systems and their analysis. Second law: Limitations of first law of thermodynamics Essence of
second law, Thermal reservoir, Heat engines. COP of heat pump and refrigerator. Statements of second law and their
equivalence, Carnot cycle, Cannot theorem, Thermodynamic temperature scale, Clausi us inequality. Concept of
Properties of steam:
Properties of steam, Phase transformation process and its graphical representation on P-V, T-V & T-s diagram, M of I
i er diagram and Steam Tables, Processes involving steam in closed and open systems.
Introduction to I.C. Engines: Two & four stoke Si and C.I. engines. Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle.
Force system and Analysis
Basic concept: Review of laws of motion, transfer of force to parallel position, resultant of planer force system, Free
Body Diagrams Equilibrium. Friction:) ntroduction, Laws of Coulomb friction, Equilibrium of bodies involving dry
Structure Analysis
Beams: Introduction, Shear force and bending moment, Shear force and bending moment diagram for statical I y
determinate and indeterminate beams.
Trusses: I ntroductio n, Simple Trusses, Determination of forces in simple truss members, Method of joints and Method
of section.
Stress and Strain Analysis
Simple stress and strain: Introduction, Normal shear stresses Stress-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle materials,
Elastic constants, One dimensional loading of members of vaying cross section, Strain energy, Thermal stresses.
Compound stress and strains: Introduction, State of plane stress, Principal stress and strain, Mohrs circle for
stress and strain.
Pure Bending of Beams: Introduction, Simple bending theory, Stress in beams of different cross sections.Torsion:
Introduction, Torsion of Shafts of circular section, Torque and Twist, Shear stress dueto Torque.
Agarwal , Basic Mechanical Engineering, Wiley India
Concept of flow chart and algorithm; Algorithms to programs: specification, top-down
development and stepwise refinement ,Introduction to the design and implementation of
correct, efficient and maintainable programs, structured Programming„Use of high level
programming language for the systematic development of programs, programmability and
programming languages, Object codes, compilers. Introduction to the Editing tools such
as vi or MS-VC editors.
C: Data types, Identifiers, Storage class, Constant, Operators, expression, Statements,
console I/O statements, Selection statements: if-else, switch, Iteration Statements: for,
while, do-while, Jump statements: return, go to, break, continue, comments. Function, Call
by value, Call by reference, arguments to main(), return statements, recursion, function
prototypes, preprocessor directives.
Single dimensional arrays, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, variable
length arrays. Strings, array of strings. Structures: array of structures, passing structure to
function, structure pointers, structure within structures. Unions, bit fields, enumerations.
Pointers: pointer variables, pointer operator, pointer expression, array of pointers,
multiple indirection, pointers to functions, dynamic allocation functions.
File VO : Streams and files, file system basics, fread, fwrite, fseek, random access I/O,
fprintf(), fscanf(), standard streams.
Reference Book
Gupta: C omputer Concepts & C Program ming, C omdex
Jones, C Programmi ng with probl em sol ving, Wiley Indi a
Let Us C : Yashwant Kanetkar [BPB]
M ast eri ng C , K .R .V enug opal , S.R . Pra s ad [ TM H ]
Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A.
Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, [India Edition]
3 1 0
Semiconductor materials and properties 4L
Group-IV materials Covalent bond, electron-hole concepts Basic concepts of energy bands in materials, concepts of
forbidden gap Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, donors and acceptors impurities
Junction diode and diode applications 5L
p-n junction, depletion layer, v- i characteristics, diode resistance, capacitance diode ratings ( average current, repetitive
peak current, non-repetitive current, peak-inverse voltage) Diode Applications4L rectifiers (half wave and full
wave), calculation of transformer utilisation factor and diode ratings, filter (C — filter), calculation of ripple factor and
load regulation clipping circuits, clamping circuits, voltage multipliers.
Breakdown diodes: breakdown mechanisms (zener and avalanche), breakdown characteristics, zener resistance,
zener diode ratings, zener diode application as shunt regulator.
Bipolar Junction Transistor 5L
Reference Books:
1. R. K. Singh & Lal Kishor, Basic Electronics Engineering, B S Publication, Hyderabad.
2. Gaikwad, Basic Electronics, Wiley India
3. A Mottershead, _Electronic devices and circuits'. PHI, 2000.
4. Morris Mano, _Digital Computer Design', PHI, 2003.
3 00
English Communication is an integral part of today's life. The advent of new technologies has lead to the rapid
development of a global village. A budding technocrat must be equipped with English language proficiency so that he/ she
can make a mark in this global vi I I age. Engineering students come from different backgrounds with different mother
tongues. It is imperative for them to overcome their native accentual patterns and gain proficiency in
speaking Standard English. They also need to acquire optimum writing skills Hence proper training in English
speaking and writing is necessary. This goes hand in hand with the development ofreading and listening skills. The course of
Basic Technical Communication will help in the development and improvement of the communication skills and
linguistic competence of engineering students.
1. To help students performbetter in allacademic subjects through greater command over theEnglish language.
2. To promote efficiency in English language with the development of the four skills of communication i.e.,
LSRW (Listening, Spa:icing, Reading and Writing).
3. To prepare students face the challenges oftheir professional lives in an increasinglyglobal ised world.
1) Communication – Definition. Process of communication,
2) Types of communication—Verbal and Non-Verbal communication; Formal and Informal communication
(grapevine) and their significance.
3) Barriers to Communication—Semantic barriers, Physical barriers, Psychological barriers, Interpersonal barriers and
Organizational barriers. Language as atool of communication.
4) Importance of communication with reference to students, professionals business etc.
5) Technical communication: Definition, Oral and Written technical communication. Difference between
general writing and technical writing.
6) Computer-aided Technical Communication.
7) Style in Technical Communication. Features of technical writing.
8) Importance of Technical Communication
1) Importance of Reading Skills Types of Reading Skills Methods of Improving Reading Skills Objectives of
Improving Reading Skills
2) Vocabulary Building: Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones Word formation (Prefixes and Suffixes). One
Word substitution,
3) Jargon/Technical Terminology– Use of Jargon and examples of Jargon.
4) Paragraph: Definition. Requirements of a paragraph -- Understanding, Unity, Coherence and Emphasis in a
paragraph. Identifying the Topic Sentence. Development of a Paragraph using Deductive order, Inductive
order, Chronological Order (Time Order), Spatial Order (Space Order), Expository Order, Question and
Answer Order, Comparison and Contrast Order. Devices used to impart Coherence and Emphasis in a
Paragraph. Analysis of a given Paragraph in terms of Unity, Coherence and Emphasis.
5) Developing Reading Skills and Reading Comprehension through the study of thematic and value based
critical reading of the following essays –
1) Importance of Listening Skills, Process of listening, listening and hearing, Active and Passive Listening.
Types of Listening: Academic listening, Appreciative listening, Attentive Listening, Critical Listening,
and Discriminative listening etc.
2) Methods for Improving Listening Skills Objectives of Improving Listening Skills
3) Bariersto listening: Semantic barriers Physical barriers, and Psychological barriers
4) Listening Comprehension: Identifying general content, Identifying specific information.
5) Listening for Notetdcing and drawing inferences
6) Developing listening skills and listening comprehension through the study of thematic and value bawd
critical reading ofthe fol lowi ng one-act play.
1. The Refund by Fritz Kari nthy
1. Introduction
Graphics as a tool to communicate ideas Lettering and' dimensioning, Construction of geometrical figures
like pentagon and hexagon.
2. Orthographic Projection
Principles of orthographic projections, Principal and auxiliary planes, First and Third angle projections.
Projection of points. Pictorial view.Projection of lines parallel to both the planes. Parallel to one and inclined to
other, Inclined to both the planes. Application to practical problemsProjection of solid in simple position, Axis or
slant edge inclined to one and parallel to other plane,Sol ids lying on a face or generator on a pl me.Sectioni ng of
solids lying in various positions True shape of the section.Development of lateral surfaces, sheet metal drawing.
1. Carpentry Shop:
2. Simple exercises based on black smithy operations such as upsetting, drawing down,
punching, bending, and fullering & swaging.
4. Welding Shop :
3. Lap joint.
6. Machine Shop :
8. 2. Plane turning.
9. 3. Step turning.
11. 5. Threading.
1. Hajra, Bose, Roy: Workshop Technology Vol 1 & 2, Media Promotors
2. Raghuvanshi B.S.: Workshop Technology, Vol 1 & 2, Dhanpatrai
C Programming Lab (PCS-101\PCS201)
List of Experiments
Differential Equations 8
Ordinary differential equations of first order, Exact differential equations, Linear differential
equations of first order, Linear differential equations of nth order with constant coefficients
Complementary functions and particular integrals, Simultaneous linear differential equations
Solutions of second order differential equations by changing the dependent and independent
variables Method of variation of parameters.
Laplace Transform 10
Laplace transform, Existence theorem, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse
Laplace transform, Laplace transform of periodic function, Unit step function, Convolution
theorem, Applications to solve simple linear and simultaneous liner differential equations.
Infinite Series 8
Introduction, Sequences Series: Convergence, Series of positive terms, Comparison tests
Integral tests, Comparison of ratio's, D'Alembert ratio test, Raabe's test, Cauchy root test,
Alternating series: Lebnitz rule, Power series Uniform convergence, Weierstress's M-test,
Properties of uniformly convergent series.
1. A Text book of Engineering Mathematics (Vol.2) by Peter V. 0' Neil, Cengage
2. B. S. Grewal: Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publications.
3. C. Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers Prasad Mudralaya
4. E. Kreyszij: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern.
4. M.D. Raisinghania: Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations, S. Chand
T his unit should be covered in classroom teaching as well as j udidous use of language lab, (There
should be optimum use of software's related to accent, presentation *ills etc.)
1. Kinesics, Para language, Proxemics.
2. Presentation skills - Features, Types, Structure, Aids and Importance.
3. Interpersonal communication skills — Role of Personality and its various
attributes like EQ, attitude, motivation, stress management and accepting
criticism in determining efficacy of interpersonal communication.
Applied Geology
Unit-1 [8]
Origin of Earth, Earth’s structure: core, mantle and crust; geological time scale and
Geo;ogical processes for rock formation.
Unit-II [8]
Rock types: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic process and rocks. Geological markers.
.Rocks and minerals: properties and identification in hand specimen, and under microscope.
Unit-III [6]
Unit-IV [8]
Fossils, Micro, Macro, Palyno fossils, index fossils, mode of preservation and significance
Unit-V [10]
Structural Geology: Rock- Structure types; Fault, topography and outcrops. Folds, faults,
joints& unconformities; classification and recognition. Igneous intrusion- dykes, sill and
batholiths, significance of entrapment in petroleum exploration.
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
Unit 1 [8]
Newtonian and non – Newtonian fluids. Incompressible and compressible flow. Two phase flow. Friction
factor estimation. Straight pipe bends, elbows, converging, diverging section.
Fluid pressure measurement. piezometers.. Manometers, Flow of fluid in pipes and flat surfaces.
one and two dimensional flow equations. Bernoulli's equation.. application, venturimeter, orifice
meter equivalength. Slurry transport.
Unit-IV [10]
Pumps: types, reciprocating and rotary. pump. construction details, performance characteristics
,Single & multistage operation. Turbine pumps, multistage turbine pumps
Unit V [8]
Compressors Types, Rotary and ceritrifugal _ Single stage and multistage Construction details and
performance characteristics
Chemical Thermodynamic
Unit I : [6]
Compression / expansion of ideal and non ideal gases. Horse power calculations. Single, double
and multi-stage operation.
Unit II : [10]
Thermodynamics of Gases and Liquid hydrocarbons, Force energy, work function, mollier
diagram, perfect and imperfect gases mixture. Equation of state, law of corresponding states ,
Joule – Thompson effect, Arrheneous equation, Activation Energy, Fugacity and fugacity
coefficient, Lewis fugacity rules. Third law of thermodynamics.
Unit IV : [8]
Gibb’s – Duhem equation, Gibb’s absorption equation. Phase rule, single, two and multi-
component system. Phase behavior, phase equilibria calculations. Ternary and pseudoternery
phase diagrams.
Unit V : [8]
Fluid flow thermodynamics; multi-phase flow in vertical, inclined and horizontal conduits.
pressure traverse and calculation. Thermodynamics of multi-phase multi component system
Heat Transfer Process
UNIT I: [6]
Heat transfer mode, conduction,convection, radiation.
UNIT II: [6]
Heat flow through solid and fluid, steady and unsteady heat transfer ,heat transfer coefficient.
Unit III: [8]
Heat transfer to fluid without and with phase change, evaporation.
Unit IV [12]
Heat exchange equipments ,types, contruction details, operating characteristics, shell and tube
,double pipe extended surface heat exchanger . Heat exchange fouling remedial action.
Unit V [8]
Well orientation survey. Well deflection, direction determination and presentation ,open hole,
perforated and slotted linear completion
Engineering Mathematics
UNIT I: [8]
Functions of complex variables I: Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann Equation, Harmonic
Functions, Line Integral in complex plain, Cauchy Integral Theorem ,Cauchy Integral Formula
for derivatives of Analytical functions
UNIT II: [6]
Functions of complex variables II: Power series, Taylor series, Laurent Series, Poles, zeros,
singularities, residue Theorem, evaluation of Real Integrals of the type ∫ ( , ) and
∫ ( )
Unit III: [8]
Special Function: Series solution of ODE of IInd order with variable coefficient with special
emphasis to Ligendre and Bessel differential equation, Ligendre polynomial of first kind ,Bessel
function of first kind and their properties.
Unit IV [8]
Numerical Technique 1:Zero’s Transcendental and Polynomial equation using Bisection
methods, Newton Raphson Method, rate of convergence of above methods, interpolation, finite
differences and difference table, Newton forward and newton backward interpolation, Lagrange
and Newton Divided difference formula for unequal intervals.
Unit V [8]
Numerical Technique II: Solution of system of linear equations ,gauss Seidal methods, Crout
Methods, Numerical integrals, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson 1/3 rule, Simpson 3/8 rule, solution of
ordinary differential equations (I,II and simultaneous equations) by Picard and Forth order
Ranga Kutta Method.
Ground Surveying
UNIT I: [10]
Objective, Classification, principles, application, linear measurements ,ranging and changing
,obstacles and error correction principles ,offsets and booking.
UNIT II: [6]
Angular measurement, prismatic compass, bearing, magnetic declination.
Unit III: [8]
Theodolite: transit theodolite, adjustments, measurement of horizontal and vertical angles.
Errors, traversing, leveling, instruments, curvature and refraction, corrections, Reciprocal
leveling ,errors
Unit IV [8]
Plane table surveying, methods, transferring, two-pt and three-pt problem etc, contouring,
interval, characteristic. Methods of locating contour. Interpolation
Unit V [8]
Global Positioning system (GPS), Theory, Principles and application and GIS : Introduction and
application in mapping.
Unit II
Reservoir fluid system: Volumetric and phase behavior of multi-component oil / gas systems.
Formation volume factor for oil and gas, viscosity, reservoir fluid sampling, PVT properties.
Measurement, estimation and application.
Unit III
Fluid flow through porous media: Darcy’s law, single and multi- phase system, linear, radical
and spherical flow, steady and un-steady state flow. Flow through fracture, GOR and WOR
Unit IV
Reservoir pressure determination: Pressure measurement techniques, bottom hole pressure
gauges, determination of reservoir pressure, significance.
Unit V
Reservoir drives: depletion, water drive, gas cap drive, combination drive, recovery factor.
Reserve estimation: Resource and reserve, SPE classification of reserve, volumetric reserve
UNIT I [8]
Matrix algebra, solution of simultaneous algebraic equations: Gauss elimination, Gauss Jordan method,
Crout’s method, Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method, convergence of iterative methods.
Interpolation and extrapolation: Finite differences, Difference table, Newton’s forward and backward
interpolation formula, lagrange interpolation formula. Divide differences and Newton’s divide
differences formula. Numerical differentiation, numerical integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules,
Weddle’s formula, Gaussian Quadrature.
Numerical solution of O.D.E: Picard’s method, Taylor series method, Euler’s method, Modified Euler’s
method, Forth order Runge Kutta methods .Multistep methods: Milne’s method.
UNIT V [8]
Numerical solution of P.D.E: Introduction, classification of second order equations, Finite difference
approximation to derivatives, Elliptic equations, solution of Laplace equations, Solution of Poisson’s
equation, parabolic equations, solution of heat equations.
Unit I:
Production well equipment: Tubing heads, Christmas tree valves and chokes, flow tubing and
flow line performance.
Unit II:
Self flow well characteristics, productivity and GOR, fluid production handling system, group
gathering station, layout separation system.
Unit III:
Artificial - Lift methods of production, continuous gas – lift and intermittent gas lift, principle,
system and performance.
Unit IV:
Sucker rod pumping methods – system characteristics, plunger and rod stress conditions.
Unit V:
Unit –I (5)
Magnetic Survey –Survey instrument, geomagnetic anomalies, field methods, data correction
and reduction, anomalies interpretation .response for different type of geological structure,
remote sensing.
UNIT I: [8]
Drilling, choice of drilling methods. Rotary drilling rig components. Rock bit types
and operational characteristics. Drill string Components, drill pipes, drill collar, Kelly etc.
Unit IV [10]
Use of logging method for quality assessment, cement bond log. Formation isolation testing.
Formation drill ability, factor effecting load on bit ,rotational rpm, drilling fluid characteristics.
Unit V [6]
Well orientation survey. Well deflection, direction determination and presentation, open hole,
perforated and slotted linear completion.
Fifth semester
Material Balance Equation: Generalized and specific form for different drive
systems, drive type identification ,rock and fluid compressibility factor,recovery
factor estimation
Unit-III: (6)
Oil and gas field development :injection Production wells distribution pattern and
characteristics Optimum well spacing from techno economics analysis of field
performance, well and field production rate estimation, investment and operation
cost, Profitability estimation
Unit 1:
Momentum, heat and mass balance in multi- component system, heat transfer process: modes of
heat transfer, heat flow through solid and fluid steady and unsteady state heat transfer.
Unit II :
Mass transfer and application . Phase equilibrium, diffusion and inter- phase mass transfer.
Unit III :
Distillation: batch and continuous distillation, differential distillation, flash distillation, vacuum,
molecular and steam distillation, principles of azeotropic and extractive distillation, introduction
to multi component distillation system.
Unit IV :
Extraction : Liquid- liquid extraction, solid- liquid extraction, equipment used for single stage
and multistage continuous operations, analytical and graphical solution of single and multistage
operation, super critical fluid extraction.
Unit V :
Absorption, drying, crystallization, humidification, stage and continuous contact mass transfer
units- plate column, packed bed and fluidized bed.
UNIT I: [4]
Direct methods: core evaluation, mud and cutting analysis and significance.
UNIT V: [10]
Unit IV :
Oil-well cements, compositions, cement slurry components, setting and rheological behavior of
cement slurry, strength characteristics of set cement- mass additives used to modify cement
slurry characteristics.
Unit V :
Cement- slurry preparation and down hole displacement processes and system.
UNIT I: [10]
Introduction and present status of coal bed methane. Formation and properties of
coal bed methane. Thermodynamics of coal bed methane. Drilling, completion and
logging of coal bed methane wells.
UNIT III: [10]
Introduction and present status of gas hydrates. Formation and properties of gas
hydrates. Thermodynamics of gas hydrates. Phase behavior of gas hydrates.
Kinetics of gas hydrates. Drilling and completion of gas hydrates wells. Prevention
and control of gas hydrates.
Gas hydrates accumulation in porous media. Gas extraction from gas hydrates.
Uses and applications of gas hydrates.
UNIT V: [8]
Introduction and present status of shale gas. Formation and properties of shale
gas. Drilling and completion of shale gas. Uses and application of shale gas,
Prevention of shale gas. Environmental issues in shale gas exploration. Future
prospects of shale gas.
Physical Environment
Overview of physical ocean environment, geotechnical aspect – sea floor marine soils
composition and properties of sea water, seawater corrosion, offshore rigs, floating drilling
vessels. Fixed offshore structures, wind, wave, current and other forces acting on offshore
Field Operations: Station keeping, conventional mooring system, spread mooring system,
design considerations, operations, equipment and functions, Dynamic positioning system,
components, working.
Floater well control, shut in procedures, well kill operations, subsea well head, BOP Stack.
Deepwater Drilling:
Deepwater well construction problems and solutions, deepwater cementation, high temp- high
pressure wells, casing and mud policy. Drilling logs, gas hydrate problems. Deepwater drilling
operations, Riser system, components, riser tensioners, heave compensator, emergency
disconnect and hang off. Wellbore stability and rock mechanics, mud window for vertical,
horizontal deep water drilling. ROV
Offshore structures:
Fixed steel structures, Concrete Gravity Base Structures, TLPs,Semi -submersible and Floating
Production systems, SPM, SPARApplication. Depths and design limitations.Installation of
offshore platforms, Typical Platform Layout, Process flow diagram, Static and Rotary
Equipment. Safety systems.
Development and Production Operations: Risers for Production operations, deepwater
completion, Subsea completion, planning, production monitoring and control system
6.2Petroleum Engineering Design –I
Offshore field developments, Analysis of offshore structures, offshore platforms & their
stability, Buoyant force calculation, Bracing & framing patterns in offshore structures, Welding
of offshore structures, layouts of jacketed offshore platforms.
Analyses of Sea environment: Wind, waves and current forces.-Characteristics, analysis and
force evaluation, Sea soil & sea bed, Offshore piles and their foundation. Tubular/ rectangular
joints – Types, design, protection and failures. Corrosion in offshore structures and its
protection, Buckling &bending in offshore structures and in offshore pipe lines, Risk factors and
risk analysis
Offshore mobile rigs: Types, load and stress analysis, Fatigue calculation and safety factors,
Marine risers and tensioners.
Fixed platform design: Steel templates & concrete tower type platforms – construction,
fabrication and installation
Structural analyses: Stress analysis & calculation, Skewed and finite plates; Fillets and grooves
design, Offshore static and dynamic structural analysis.
6.3 Natural Gas Engineering
Introduction: Composition of Natural Gas, Utilization of Natural Gas, Natural Gas Industry,
Natural Gas Reserves, Types of Natural Gas Resources, Future of the Natural Gas Industry.
Properties of Natural Gas: Physical properties of natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids
associated with natural gas. Reservoir aspects of natural gas
Gas Compression: Types of Compressors, Selection, Thermodynamics of Compressors,
Compression calculations. Heat and Mass Transfer Principles and Applications in Natural Gas
Engineering, Use of Mollier Diagrams
Gas Flow Measurement: Process control and instrumentation in natural gas processing plants. .
Natural Gas Processing: Field separation and oil absorption process, Refrigeration and low
temperature processing, Liquefaction Process, Dehydration of Natural Gas, Sweetening of
Natural gas and sulphur recovery. Processing for LPG, CNG, system, Conversion of gas to
Unconventional gas: Coal Bed Methane, Natural Gas Hydrate, Basin Centered Gas, Tight Gas
Sands, Shale Gas. Current Technology for Shale Gas and Tight Gas Exploration and Production
Issue and Challenges to Enhance Supply of Natural Gas
Introduction: Historical background and review of primary and secondary recovery, injection
rate and pressures in secondary recovery.
Flood Patterns and Coverage: Basic flooding networks, directional permeabilities, off pattern
wells, natural and induced fractures.
Microscopic displacement of fluids in a reservoir: Capillary forces, viscus forces, phase
trapping, mobilization of trapped phases. Macroscopic displacement of fluids in a reservoir:
Areal sweep efficiency, vertical sweep efficiency, displacement efficiency, mobility ratio, well
Flow of immiscible fluids through porous media. continuity equation, equation of motion,
solution methods Water flooding, Fractional flow equation, Frontal advance theory. Recovery
efficiency, permeability heterogeneity.
Water flooding performance calculations: Frontal advance method, viscous fingering method,
Stiles method, Dykstra-Parsons Method, Water for water flooding.
Gas Injection-Immiscible Displacement: Dispersed gas injection, external gas cap gas injection,
foam drive process for oil recovery.
Surface facilities for EOR processes: Treatment of water for reservoir compatibility. Design
consideration for water handling and injection system.Pumps types & sizing, Infectivity
problems. Gas compression for injection, gas compressors.Design consideration for gas
collection and distribution system for injection
6.5Oil and Gas Well Testing
Principles of Fluid Flow for steady state, semi steady state & non steady state conditions
Diffusivity Equation Derivation & Solutions, Radius of investigation, principle of superposition,
Horner’s approximation.
Drill Stem Testing: Equipment, DST chart observation and preliminary interpretation. Well
preparation for testing, Multiple well testing. Effect of reservoir heterogeneities & Well bore
conditions, fractured reservoir application.
Pressure Transient Tests: Drawdown and buildup-test analysis, determination of permeability
and skin factor, Analysis of pressure-buildup tests distorted by phase redistribution, Well-test
interpretation in hydraulically fractured wells, Interpretation of well-test data in naturally
fractured reservoirs, Wellbore effects, Multilayer reservoirs, Injection well testing, Multiple well
testing, Wire line formation testing. Wire line while drilling formation testing . Interference
testing, Pulse testing,
Applications of well testing: Well testing in horizontal wells, Extended Reach wells & multi-
laterals wells, tests with and without flow measurement
Computer–aided well test analysis: Derivative plot, diagonostic plot evaluation, data
preparation, nonlinear regression, Introduction to well testing software’s.
6.6Principles of Management
Basic functions of Management – Planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling
Introduction to Industrial Engineering techniques
Productivity: definition, measurement. Work study and its role in improving productivity of an
Types of production systems, Introduction to production planning and control
Concepts of Human Resource Management–Selection, Training & Development, Finance
Management Capital Budgeting Techniques. Pay-back period, ARR, NPV, IRR, PI; Sources of
capital; Cost concepts and Break-even analysis.
Project Management – Introduction, Network construction & identification of critical activities
Unit I: [6]
Specification of optimum separation process and system for a given type of oil
Design of gas-lift valve string for continuous and intermittent gas-lift system.
Unit V: [6]
Unit I: [6]
Model Equations: Black oil and composition inodels. Pseudo functions. Data
Preparation: Rock, fluid, mechanical, production and validation.
Unit V: [10]
Unit I: [6]
Unit V: [10]
Petro-chemical feed stock: BTX, olefins: method ethane and butane treated
products from natural gas, storage and safety measures: Floating roof tank,
spherical storage vessels; fire safety measures.
Unit I: [6]
Road and rail transport of crude oil & product. Tanker design, safety features.
Oceanic transport of oil and liquefied natural gas: design of ocean going tankers
and safety features.
Pipe line branching: Gas distribution control. Offshore pipe line: Sag and
overbend; stinger and riser, under-water welding.
Health hazard: Toxicity, physiological, asphyxiation, respiration and skin effects. Effects of sour
gases (H2 S and CO) on human health. Effect of corrosive material and atmosphere during sand
control, fracturing and acidization operation.
Unit II: [10]
Safety analysis: Operational risk in drilling, production and handling of oil and Gas, fire Hazard:
safety in drilling, production operations. Manual and automatic shut down systems, blow down
systems. Gas leakage, fire detection and suppression systems. Hazard and failure mode analysis:
disaster and crisis management.
Environment Health and Safety Management, Impact of oil and gas on air, water and soil
pollution, impact of drilling and production operations, offshore problems, oil-spill control.
Environmental impact assessment. Waste treatment & Management methods, effluent water
treatment and disposal. Contaminated soil remediation.
Noise pollution and remediation measure. Industrial Accident & prevention: Safety sampling,
Accident and Safety Audit; Legal requirements , Disaster Planning and control. Safety in
offshore operations.
Unit V: [8]
Gas detection fire detection and suppression, personal protection measures. Occupational
Physiology: Respiratory and skin effect. HSE regulation; oil mines regulations.
Unit I: [8]
Financial Accounts: Profit and loss account, Balance sheet ; elements, preparation and analysis,
depreciation ,depletion accounting.
Equipment cost estimation ,cost index, utilization,cash flow analysis ,time value of money
Profitability analysis , IRR , pay out time, present-worth estimation. Choice between alternative
Cost index plant cost estimation. Operational cost estimation : Elements, Cost Index, Plant Cost
Unit V: [8]
Taxation norms, accounting method. Risk and uncertainty accounting Petroleum contracts;
NELP Production sharing contract.
Unit I: [8]
The physical medium relevant physical phenomena. Pore scale versus continuum
scale, fluid and porous matrix properties.
UNIT V: [10]
Production Engineering