Course of Study
W.E.F. 2015-16 (2nd , 3rd, 4th year)
I Year: Odd Semester
Teaching Scheme Contact Exam Duration Relative Weights (%)
Hours/Week (h)
S. Subject Course Title Subject Credit L T P Theory Practical CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE
No. Code Area
Group A
1 MA101 Mathematics - I ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP101 Physics – I ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 AC101 Chemistry ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 ME101 Basic AEC 4 4 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
5 ME103 Workshop AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 HU101 Communication HMC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 16 1 7
Group B
1 MA101 Mathematics - I ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP101 Physics – I ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 EE101 Basic Electrical AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 CO101 Programming AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
5 ME105 Engineering AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 EN101 Introduction to AEC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 15 1 9
I Year: Even Semester
Teaching Scheme Contact Exam Duration Relative Weights (%)
S. Subject Course Title Subject Credit L T P Theory Practical CWS PRS MTE ETE PRE
No. Code Area
Group A
1 MA102 Mathematics – ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP102 Physics – II ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 EE102 Basic Electrical AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 CO102 Programming AEC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
5 ME102 Engineering AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 EN102 Introduction to AEC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 15 1 9
Group B
1 MA102 Mathematics – ASC 4 3 1 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
2 AP102 Physics – II ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
3 AC102 Chemistry ASC 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 15 30 40 -
4 ME104 Basic AEC 4 4 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
5 ME106 Workshop AEC 2 0 0 3 0 3 - 50 - - 50
6 HU102 Communication HMC 3 3 0 0 3 0 25 - 25 50 -
Total 21 16 1 7
II Year: Odd Semester
2. EN Geotechnical 4 3 0 2 3 0 15 25 20 40 -
202 Engineering DCC
III Year: Odd Semester
IV Year: Odd Semester
List of Departmental Elective Courses
18. EN351 Environmental Pollution & E- Waste Management
19. EN353 Occupational Health & Safety Management
20. EN355 GIS & Remote Sensing
21. EP351 Physics of Engineering Materials
22. EP353 Nuclear Security
23. HU351 Econometrics
24. MA351 History Culture & Excitement of Mathematics
25. ME351 Power Plant Engineering
26. ME353 Renewable Sources of Energy
27. ME355 Combustion Generated Pollution
28. ME357 Thermal System
29. ME359 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
30. ME361 Industrial Engineering
31. ME363 Product Design & Simulation
32. ME365 Computational fluid dynamics
33. ME367 Finite Element Methods
34. ME369 Total Life Cycle Management
35. ME371 Value Engineering
36. MG351 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Analysis
37. MG353 Fundamentals of Marketing
38. MG355 Human Resource Management
39. MG357 Knowledge and Technology Management
40. PE351 Advance Machining Process
41. PE 353 Supply Chain Management
42. PE355 Work Study Design
43. PE357 Product Design & Simulation
44. PE359 Total Life Cycle Management
45. PE361 Total Quality Management
46. PT361 High Performance Polymers
47. PT363 Separation Technology
48. PT365 Non-Conventional Energy
49. PT367 Polymer Waste Management
50. PT369 Nanotechnology in Polymers
51. PT371 Applications of Polymer Blends and Composite
52. IT 351 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
53. IT 353 Data Structures and Algorithms
1. Subject Code: CE-251 Course Title: Building Material and Construction
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:III
8. Prerequisite: NIL
construction joints. Acoustics & sound and fire proof construction, I.S.
Total 42
1 Mamlouk and Zaniewski, “Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, Pearson.
2 Arora, S. P. & Bindra, S. P., “A text book of Building Construction”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
4 Kulkarni, C.J., “A text book of Engineering Materials”, Ahmedabad Book Depot, Ahmedabad.
8 Punmia, B. C., “A text book of Building Construction”, Laxmi Publications, Delhi, Madras.
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: II
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
This course aims to describe the role of strength of materials. The aim of unit-1 is to study mechanical
properties of materials and various types of stress and strains. The objective of unit-1 is to draw the
shear force and bending moment diagrams. The aim of unit -3 is to calculate the deflection of the beam
by various methods. The objective of unit-4 and unit-5 are to do the analysis of columns and torsion
of the shaft.
5 Torsion of Shaft
Total 42
From unit-1, the student will learn the concept of mechanical properties of materials. Form unit-2. They
will get knowledge of drawing the shear force and bending moment diagrams of beam. Unit-3, unit-4 &
unit-5 give the concept of calculation of deflection of beam, column analysis and torsion of the shafts.
12.Suggested Books :
1. Subject Code: EN-203 Course Title: Engineering & Environmental Surveying
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:III
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives:
2. Plain table Surveying and Leveling: Plane table Surveying: Plane table and its
accessories, methods of plane tabling, two point problem, three point problems
by different methods. 9
curvature and atmospheric refraction in leveling , precise leveling, modern
leveling instruments, contouring: characteristics and uses of contour, modern
methods of depicting relief on map.
12.Suggested Books:
2. Arora, K.R., “Surveying”, Vol. I & II, Standard Book House, Delhi.
3. Bannister, A. and Baker, R., “Solving Problems in Surveying”, Longman Scientific Technical, U.K..
4. Kennie, T.J.M. and Petrie, G., “Engineering Surveying Technology”, Blackie & Sons Ltd, London.
5. Punmia, B.C., “Surveying”, Vol. I & II, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:III
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1 Aquatic chemistry
Hydrological cycle, Chemical structure of water molecule, unusual
properties of water, solubility of solids and gases in water, Carbonate
cycle, pH of water, Chemical Equilibrium, Redox reactions. Application
of principles of chemistry for solving environmental engineering
2 Water Pollution
Chemistry of pollution due to nutrients (CNP), Oxygen demanding
wastes, salts, detergents, heavy metals, pesticides, hydrocarbons, PCBs,
radioactive compounds.
3 Atmospheric Chemistry
Composition of atmospheric layers, sources of air pollution, major
pollutants of air, chemistry of photochemical smog formation, acid rain, 9
ozone depletion; green house effect and global warming.
4 Environmental Microbiology
Microbial taxonomy, Classification of morphological aspects of bacteria,
algae, fungi, protozoa, and other aquatic micro flora; microbial growth 10
and dynamics; pure and mixed cultures; Aerobic and Anaerobic
metabolism; microbial transformation of organic matter (CNPS),
acclimatization of waste; microbial inhibition mechanisms.
5 Role of Microbes in Environment
Total 42
11. Course Outcomes
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:III
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
This course aims to describe the role of RCC Structural Design. The object of unit-1 is to study different
type of materials used in RCC construction and different type of beams used. Unit-2 tells about the
design of columns. The aim of Unit-3 studies the idea of design of slab. The object of Unit-4 is to get
concept of foundations. The aim of unit-5 is to study the design of steel structure elements.
S.No. Contents Contact Hours
3 One Way and Two Way Slab :Introduction, one way and two way slab, 8
load distribution in a slab, IS 456: 2000 recommendations of the slab,
design of one way and two way slabs
From unit-1, the student will learn the various types of RCC materials and different types of beams used
in practical. From unit-2, the student will get the concept of design of column, From unit-3 and unit-4,
the student can do designs of slabs and foundations. The unit-5, the student will get the knowledge of
steel structure elements.
1. Subject Code: CE 252 Course Title: Structural Analysis
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weight; CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: IV
7. Subject Area:AEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives: To familiarize the students with the concepts of the subject and its related applications in
Civil Engg.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents
1 Classification of Structures, Stress Resultants, Degree of Freedom per node, Static
and Kinematic degrees of indeterminacy. Work and Energy. Strain energy of 09
deformable systems, Betti’s theorem of reciprocal work and Maxwell’s theorem.
Principle of virtual work and complementary virtual work, Principle of total
minimum stationary potential energy, Stable and unstable equilibrium, Castigliano’s
Theorem I and II.
2 Analysis of determinate beams and plane frames. BM, SF and Axial thrust diagrams,
Rolling loads, Influence lines diagrams Reaction, SF, BM, for determinate beams. 08
Floor beams. ILD for Slope and Deflections in simple beams.
3 Classification of pin jointed determinate trusses. Analysis of plane, complex,
compound and simple space trusses. Method of tension coefficient, graphical method 08
of substitution. Maxwell’s diagram to analyse simple trusses.
4 Deflection due to bending: The moment curvature relation, Macaulay’s method, 08
Moment area and Conjugate beam method, Deflection of determinate plane frames
using strain energy and unit load method, Elastic curve sketch).
5 Analysis of arches: Linear arch, Eddy’s theorem, three hinged parabolic arch,
Spandrel braced arch. Influence line diagrams for Horizontal thrust, BM RSF,NT. 09
Stability of Columns: Study of ideal rigid columns,two bar and three bar systems.
Euler’s formula for long columns, Columns with eccentric axial loads, Rankine’s
Total 42
1. Theory of Structures, Stephen P. Timoshenko and D. H. Young McGraw-Hill international
book editions ( ISBN 10: 0070648689 ISBN 13: 9780070648685), 1965
2. Structural Analysis a unified classical and matrix approach, A.Ghali, A M Neville and T G Brown,
SPON PRESS (In India by Replika Press Pvt. Ltd.) (ISBN 13-978-0-415-28092-1), 2003
3. Intermediate Structural Analysis, C K Wang,Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2014 ISBN
10: 0070702497 / ISBN 13: 9780070702493, 2014
4. Elementary Structural Analysis, J B Wilbur, C H Norris, S Utku, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 0-07-058116-9 , 2003
5. Strength of Materials, Vol. I: Elementary Theory and Problems Paperback – 2004 ,S.
TimoshenkoCBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,2004
6. Strength Of Materials,3E, Vol II Timoshenko S.CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2002) ISBN 10: 8123910770 ISBN 13 : 9788123910772,2002
7. Mechanics of Materials 8th Edition by James M. Gere and Stephen P. TimoshenkoCBS Publishers
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2004)ISBN 10: 8123908946 ISBN 13: 978812390894,2004
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:IV
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
12. Suggested Books:
1. Das, B. M. (2011). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. Cengage Learning.
2. Murthy, V. N. S. (2011). Textbook of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. CBS
Publishers and Distributers Pvt. Ltd.
3. Punmia, B. C. (2005). Soil Mechanics and Foundations. Laxmi Publications Pvt Ltd.
4. Singh, Alam (2014). Soil Engineering: Volume 1: Fundamentals and General Principles. CBS
Publishers and Distributers Pvt. Ltd.
1. Subject Code: EN-204 Course Title: Water Engineering: Design & Application
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:IV
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives:
5 O & M of Water treatment plants, Domestic & Industrial water treatment. 8
Total 42
11. Course Outcomes:
1. Students can learn the basic fundamentals of water engineering and design
3. Students will understand the factors which effect the water properties.
1. Subject Code: EN-206 Course Title: Engineering Geology, GIS & Remote Sensing
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:4
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
10. Detail of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
2 Minerals and Rocks: Minerals: Definition, Physical and optical properties, sources, 8
Groups of rock & ore forming minerals. Study of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic. Geological Agencies. Weathering, erosion by running waters, glaciers,
wind, and oceans and their engineering importance.
3 Structural Geology and Geo Chemistry: Structural Geology: Dip, strike, folds, faults 8
& joints and their engineering aspects. Geo Chemistry: Sources of salinity in
groundwater, Effect of rocks and minerals on the quality of ground water
4 GIS : Introduction and Definition of GIS, Components of GIS, GIS Data Types, Data 9
Representation, Geo-referencing of GIS Data, Spatial Data Models, Raster
Geoprocessing, Vector Geo-processing, GIS Database and Database Management
System, Spatial Data Analysis, GIS Software Packages, GIS Applications
Total 42
1. Student will learn about basics of Geology and its importance in engineering.
2. Student will be able to understand the properties of rocks, minerals and its application and
importance in environmental engineering.
3. Student will learn the various effects of rocks and minerals on the quality of ground water.
4. The unit of GIS will create a clear cut understanding among students about geographical
information system, its components, DMS and its various applications in real life.
5. Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about remote sensing, electromagnetic spectrum,
and its diverse applications.
1. Annadurai, R. Nagalakshmi, R. (2016). Textbook of Engineering Geology. Ane Books Pvt. Ltd..
3. Singh, Parbin (2008). Engineering and General Geology. S. K. Kataria & Sons.
4. Todd, D. K., Mays, L. W. (2005). Groundwater Hydrology. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Varghese, P. C. (2012). Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..
7. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System – AM Chandra & SK Ghosh, Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
8. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems – C. P. Lo & Albert K.W. Yeung, PHI
Learning Private Limited, New Delhi.
9. Geographic Information System – Kang Tsung Chang, Tata Mc Graw hill, Publication Edition, 2002.
1. Subject Code: EN 208 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Hrs Practical: 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5. Credits:4
6. Semester: IV
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives:To familiarize the students with the concepts of fluids and hydraulics machines concepts.
The object unit 1 is to understand the properties and laws of fluids. The other unit objects are the different
types of flow and the concepts of turbines and pumps.
10. Details of Course:
velocity distribution in pipe flow and plate flow, Darcy’s weisbach equation, friction
factor, water hammer.
6 Dimensional analysis and models: Dimensional homogeneity, Rankines and 5
Buckingham’a pie theorem, dimensionless numbers, Types of models and model
7 Boundary layer theory: Concept of boundary layer, laminar and turbulent 4
boundary layers, boundary layer thickness, laminar sub-layer, hydrodynamically
smooth and rough boundaries, cavitations.
Total 42
11. Course Outcomes:
1. The students will learn the fluids and its properties.
2. The unit -2 gives the understanding of hydro-static laws and hydro-static forces.
3. The students get the ideas of kinematic of fluids.
4. Unit-4 tells the Bernoulli;s equations and its applications.
5. Unit-5 and unit-6 gives the Laminar and Turbulent flow through pipes and Dimensional analysis and
6. Unit-7 and unit-8 gives the concepts of understanding the Boundary layer theory and Hydraulic
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. To educate the student on the working principles and design of various physical, chemical, and
biological treatment systems for water and wastewater, including sludge.
2. To educate the students about the various modes of conveyance of wastewater from the source of
its generation to the treatment plant.
Total 42
1. To make them understand the fundamentals of waste water treatment .To learn about the various
Pollutants in water and waste water and also to study about their characteristics.
2. To understand in detail about the design principles of various physical treatment processes of
3. To understand in detail about the design principles of various chemical treatment processes of
4. To understand in detail about the design principles of various biological treatment processes of
5. To improve the knowledge on the Selection of unit operation and processes and to study the
design oriented aspects of sand filters and other treatment processes.
6. To understand about the design principles of conveyance systems of wastewater.
3. Wastewater Treatment Concept and design approach – G.L. Karia and R.A. Christian, PHI
4. Fiar, G.M., and Geyer, J.C., Water and Wastewater engineering, Vol-I & II, John Wiley and sons,
New York.
5. Anaerobic Sewage treatment by Van Haandel and Lettinga, John Wiley & Sons Publication
6. Eckenfelder, Activated sludge treatment of industrial wastewater
7. Steel, E.W, and Mc Ghee, T.J., Water Supply and Sewerage. Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New York.
8. Hammer, M.J., Water and Wastewater Technology. John Wiley and sons-Inc, New York.
9. Garg, S.K., Water Supply Engineering- Vol-I, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
1. Subject Code: EN-303 Course Title : Instrumentation Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory : 3 Hrs. Practical : 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWE: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40, PRE:0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: DCC
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. Fundamentals of functional elements of measuring system, Classification and calibration.
2. Estimation of errors in measurement and minimization, measurement of pressure, temperature
and flow etc.
3. Introduction of Sepctro-analytical Methods
4. Understanding of Chromatographic Methods
5. Learn the Electro Analytical Methods and continuous measurement methods.
5. Electro Analytical Method: Conductometry Potentiometry, Coulometry and 08
Polarography.Continuous Monitoring instruments and their principals: NDIR for
CO, Chemiluminescence analysis for NOX and fluorescence analysis for SO2
11.Course Outcome
12.Suggested Books:
10.Detail of Course:
1 UNIT – I 10
Sources, Composition & Properties of Municipal solid waste. Handling &
Separation of solid waste, Municipal Waste (Management & Handling
Rules, 2000), Integrated solid waste management (SWM) System,
Hierarchical approach for SWM. Solid Waste Collection & Transportation:
Types of collection systems (Hauled- container system & Stationary
container system), Collection routes & their Layout, Solid waste transfer
2 UNIT – II 10
Solid waste generation and collection rates; Waste handling and separation,
storage and processing at source, solid wastes collection methods,
separation, processing, and transformation of solid wastes, transfer and
transport of solid wastes
3 UNIT – II 11
Methods of Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste
Landfills: Classification, Types & methods, Site selection, Site preparation,
Composition, Characteristics, Generation, & Control of Landfill gases;
Composition, Formation, Movement & control of leachate in landfills;
landfill design. Re-vegetation of closed landfill sites, Long term post closure
plan, Groundwater monitoring during & after closure.
4 UNIT – IV 11
Transformation and recycling of waste materials; Composting: Theory of
composting, Manual and mechanized composting, Design of composting
plan, Recovery of bioenergy from organic waste. Thermal Conversion
Technologies: Incineration, Pyrolysis & Gasification Systems. Types &
design of Incinerators.
Total 42
1. To make the students understand the fundamentals of solid wastes and also the types, need and
sources of solid wastes.
2. To understand about the methods of waste characterisation and source reduction and to study the
various methods of generation of wastes.
3. To understand in detail about the storage, collection and transport of wastes and also to study about
the methods used for handling and segregation of wastes.
4. To know about the basics of the waste disposal options and also a detailed study on the disposal in
landfills and also to learn about landfill remediation.
5. To understand about the waste transformation and material/energy recovery technologies with
regard to municipal solid wastes
1. George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen, Samuel A. Viquel, “Integrated Solid Waste Management:
Engineering, Principles & Management issues”, McGraw-Hill- International Edition.
2. CPHEEO Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management.
3. Michael D. LaGrea, Phillip L. Buckingham, Jeffrey C. Evans, “Hazardous Waste Management and
Environmental Resource Management”, McGraw-Hill- International Edition.
4. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”,
McGraw-Hill- International Edition.
5. Mackenzige L. Davis, David A. Cornwell, “Introduction to environmental engineering”, McGraw-
Hill- International Edition.
6. Arcadio P. Sincero, Gregoria A. Sincero, “Environmental Engineering, A Design Approach”,
Prentice Hall India.
7. William P. Cunningham, Mary Ann Cunningham, “Principles of Environmental Science”, TMH.
8. Richard T. Wright, “Environmental Science”, Pearson Education.
9. Bala Krishnamoorthy, “Environmental Management, Text Book and Cases”, PHI Publication.
11. Course Outcome
1. Air Pollution:- M.N. RAO and H.V. RAO , M C Graw Hill Education.
2. Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science: - G. M. Masters
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VI
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives:
3. To introduce the basic concept of Evaporation and methods of estimation of evaporation and
4. To introduce the concept of hydrographs and stream gauging for measuring the runoff
6. To understand the meaning of flood and methods of calculating the future flood
10. Details of Course
1. UNIT I: Precipitation
Run Off: Surface run off, factors affecting run off, Hydrographs, flow rating 9
curves and flow duration curves. Mass curve. Rainfall run-off relationship.
Stream gauging, measurement of stage and velocity.
Total 42
1. Students can learn the basic fundamentals of hydrology and Ground water.
2. Students will know that how the precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and runoff calculate.
3. Students will understand the factors which effect the hydrological equations.
4. Students will learn the procedure to calculate and plot the hydrograph and unit hydrograph.
5. Students will know the difference between confined aquifer and unconfined aquifer.
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VII
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives: To familiarize the students to work in group and develop an independent understanding of
engineering and analysis of engineering systems. He should also be able to write and present the work
done during the course.
5. Credits: 2
6. Semester: VII
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives: To familiarize the students to work in industry and working culture of the industrial
system. He should also be able to write and present the work done during the course.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
S. N. Contents Contact
1 Unit-1: 8
2 Unit-2: 8
Analysis of rates, prime cost, work charge establishment, quantity of materials per unit
of work for major civil engineering items, Resource planning through analysis of rates,
market rates, PWD schedule of rates and cost indices for building material and labour.
Introduction to valuation.
3 Unit-3: 8
4 Unit-4: 9
Unit-5: 9
Total 42
1. Subject Code: EN- 407 Course Title: Vibration Analysis & Control of Noise Pollution
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Tutorial 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PRE 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1 UNIT –I 8
Basics of Sound, Sound propagation in air, Indoor sound propagation,
Fundamentals of Noise, Difference between sound and noise, Sound Power,
Sound Intensity, Sound Pressure Levels, Measurement of noise, Sources of
noise, Outdoor and Indoor Noise Propagations, Ambient noise level
2 UNIT –II 8
Noise pollution in India, Factors Affecting Noise Pollution, Road Traffic
Noise Monitoring, Ambient Noise Monitoring, Occupational Noise
Monitoring, Vibration monitoring, traffic noise data analysis, health effects
of noise
Highway Traffic Noise: noise from vehicles, effects of operating
conditions on vehicle noise levels, individual sources of vehicle noise,
assessment of road traffic noise, traffic noise rating, practical aspects of
traffic noise measurement, prediction of noise levels due to highway
4 UNIT –IV 9
Train Noise: introduction, elements of train noise, diesel engine noise,
transmission noise, rail-wheel interaction noise, vibration from railway
vehicles, modelling of train noise
Aircraft Noise: introduction, assessment of community reaction to aircraft
noise, sources of aircraft noise, aircraft noise prediction, control of aircraft
5 UNIT –V 8
Noise Control Measures, Industrial noise control, Principles of Noise
Pollution Control, Sound Absorption, Basics about Noise Barrier, Design
of Noise Barrier, Vibration Damping, Muffling, Green Belt for Noise
Total 42
1. The student will understand the basics about sound and noise
2. They will be able to understand the worldwide scenario of noise pollution and different monitoring
3. The student will have a clear cut understanding about traffic noise, its adverse effects and its
modelling part.
4. The students will have a clear understanding about the train and aircraft noise as well as its
modelling part.
5. They will be able to suggest the control measures to different noise generated from different
12.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VII
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire theoretical knowledge of industrial
processes, operations, manufacturing. It includes study of liquid, solid and air discharges from
industries, waste characteristics. Also their management, treatment and disposal.
1. UNIT – I
2. UNIT – II
Wastes from Industries: Textile Wastes; Dairy wastes; Slaughterhouse, Poultry and
fish processing waste; Tannery Wastes; Sugar Mill Wastes; Pulp and Paper Mill
Waste; Fermentation Industry Waste; Engineering Industry Waste; Petroleum and
Petrochemical wastes; Fertilizer and Pesticides Industry waste; Wastes from
vegetable, food and allied industries, Rubber Waste.
4. UNIT – IV
Pollution Prevention:General Approach, Source Reduction, Waste minimization,
strength and volume reduction, segregation, reuse, recycle, material conservation,
recovery, Benefits of Pollution Prevention.
Methods for Treating Wastewaters from Industry:Wastewater Treatment
Mechanisms, Waste Equalization, pH Control, Chemical Methods of Wastewater
Treatment, Biological Methods of Wastewater Treatment, Physical Methods of
Wastewater Treatment.
5. UNIT – V
Treatment and Disposal of Solid Wastes from Industry:Landfilling, Incineration,
Composting Industrial Wastes, Solidification and Stabilization of Industrial Solid
Wastes. 7
Total 42
1. Subject Code: EN-402 Course Title: B.Tech project-II
5. Credits: 8
6. Semester: VIII
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives: To familiarize the students to work in group and develop an independent understanding of
engineering and analysis of engineering systems. He should also be able to write and present the work done
during the course.
1. Subject Code: EN - 404 Course Title: Environmental Impact Assessment & Audit
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VIII
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire understanding of the principles,
process, and the necessary techniques for environmental impact assessment, mitigation and
monitoring. It also includes analysis and prediction of impact on resources and environment caused
due to development projects.
1 UNIT-I 9
Definition and history of environmental impact assessment, related law necessary for
EIA, Objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment, Process for EIA, TOR, IEE,
Components of EIA Reports.
2 UNIT-II 10
Prediction and assessment of impacts on air and noise; soil and land use; water
quantity and quality; biological: terrestrial ecology-forest and wildlife,
aquatic ecology-plankton, nekton, benthos and importance of coastal habitat; human
use, quality of life, socio‐economic. Consideration of human values in design &
execution of projects.
Total 42
11.Course Outcome:
1. Acquiring knowledge on principle of EIA, definition, history and law related to EIA
2. Study tools for evaluation of environmental impact.
3. Assessment and prediction of environmental impacts on physical, biological, humans and quality
of life.
4. Learn Environmental auditing and Indian laws for EIA.
12.Suggested Books:
Department Elective Courses
1. Subject Code: EN-305 Course Title: Soil Pollution and Remediation
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
2 waste characterization: Waste disposal on land, Site selection, Leachate and Gas 8
Generation, Waste characterization, waste containment principles.
5 Control: Detection, control and remediation of subsurface contamination, Various 9
types of barrier systems; Reclamation of contaminated sites; economic analysis, Case
Total 42
12.Suggested Books :
1. Geo Environmental Engineering: Principles and Applications, L.N. Reddi and H.I.Inyang, Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York
2. Design, Construction and Monitoring of Landfills, Amalendu Bagchi, Ohn Willey and Sons, Inc.
3. Final Covers for solid waste landfills and abandoned dumps, R.M. Koerner and David E. Daniel,
ASCE press
4. Geo Environmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment, and Emerging Waste
Management Technologies, Hari D. Sharma and Krishna R. Reddy,
1. Subject Code: EN-307 Course Title: Planning and Design of Environmental Engg. Works
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:V
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire theoretical knowledge of planning
involved in setting up, operation and management of environmental engineering works. Understand
various parameters and considerations in designing various systems and planning of land-use, water
Planning: Short and long term planning, Master plan, per capita costs, expansion 8
& extensions.
4. Design of conveyance system for source and fugitive, Design of cyclone and
cyclone scrubbers, venture-scrubbers, packed towers and fabric filters. Design of 9
control for volatile organic carbon compounds.
Total 42
11.Course Outcome:
12.Suggested Books:
4. Birdie GS, Birdie JS, Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering (including Environmental
Engineering), Dhanpatrai & Sons,
5. N. C. Gautam (2004) Landuse/Landcover and Management Practice in India, BS Publications/BSP
6. Garg SK, Water Supply Engineering Vol-1, Khanna Publishers
7. Syed R Qasim, Edward M Motley, Guang Zhu (2000) Water Works Engineering: Planning, Design
And Operation, Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0131502115, ISBN-13: 978-0131502116.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives:
1. To introduce the principle importance and scope of water resource system relevant to
Environmental Engineering.
2. To introduce the concept of water system planning and its requirement.
3. To learn application of linear and dynamic programming models in water resource systems.
4. To understand importance of water quality in planning and management.
5. To appreciate the role of ground water and contamination transport mechanism, basic
equations and modeling.
10. Details of Course:
S. N. Contents Contact
formulation for W.R. systems, Multi-objective Water Resource Planning, Non-
inferior Solutions.
5. Modeling
Total 42
1. Water Resources Systems Planning and Management, Sharad K. Jain, V.P. Singh, Elsevier, 2003
2. Water Resources Systems Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and
Applications, Daniel P. Loucks, Eelco Van Beek, 2005.
3. S.Vedula, P.P.Majumdar-Water Resources Systems, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,
4. M.C. Chaturvedi, W.R.Systems-Planning and Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New
5. Louks D Petal W.R.System Planning & Analysis, Prentice Hall-1981.
6. Bedient P.B., Rifai H.S., Newell C.J., “Groundwater Contamination- Transport and Remediation”,
Prentice Hall, New York.
7. Bear J. and Cheng A.H.D., “Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport (Theory and
Applications of Transport in Porous Media)”, Springer, New York.
8. American Society of Civil Engineers, “Groundwater Contamination by Organic Pollutants-
Analysis and Remediation”, Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: 00-063966, USA.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. Basic introduction about green house gases and their role in atmosphere.
2. To aware students about global warming and its implications.
3. To familiarize students with climate change and its effects on human life as well as on different
atmospheric phenomenon.
4. To introduce the fundamentals of carbon sequestration and different policies related to climate
5. To give idea about clean development mechanism, ozone depletion and mechanism of CFCs
10. Detail of Course:
3 Climate Change: Introduction, Worldwide observed impacts of climate 8
change, Proposed impacts of climate change worldwide, Temperature rise,
Sea level rise, Coastal erosion and landslides, Actions to stop global
warming, Ways to prevent global warming
Total 42
1. The student will learn about basics of green house gases and its effects.
2. The student will be able to understand the concept of global warming along with its effect on human
3. The student will learn the role of climate change in different atmospheric phenomenon.
4. The student will understand the significance of carbon credits, carbon sequestration along with the
national and international policies related to climate change.
5. Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about ozone and chlorofluorocarbons. In addition
to this they will also understand the concept of CDM and its operation.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Air Pollution, KL Dorean, CBS Publishers & Distributers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Principles and Practices of Air Pollution Control and Analysis, J.R. Mudakavi, I.K. international
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Carbon Capture: Sequestration and Storage (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology),
RE Hester and RM Harrison.
4. Climate Change: causes, Effects and Solutions, John T. Hardy. Willy Publication, USA.
1. Subject Code: EN - 313 Course Title: Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
Bioassays (Ames assay, sister chromatid exchange assay, mouse
micronucleus assay), Animal bioassays.
Total 42
12.Suggested Books:
1. B. Magnus Francis (1994). Toxic substances in the environment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA
2. Pradyot Patnaik (2007) 3rd edition. A comprehensive guide of hazardous properties of chemical
compounds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA
3. D. Kofi Asante-Duah (1998). Risk Assessment in Environmental Management: A Guide for
Managing Chemical Contamination Problems. Wiley Publishers.
4. Lorris G. Cockerham, Barbara S. Shane (1993) Basic Environmental Toxicology. CRC Press
1. Subject Code: EN- 315 Course Title: Ecology and Bio-monitoring Techniques
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. To learn fundamentals of dynamics of an ecosystem
2. To understand the basics of biogeography
3. To introduce the students to basics of biodiversity
4. To understand the process and mechanism of conservation
5. To learn the basics of biomonitoring
10. Detail of Course:
Total 42
1. Understanding of ecosystem functions and their interrelationships
2. Knowledge of effect of human activities on ecology
3. Knowledge of biodiversity status
4. Thorough understanding of conservation practices
5. Evaluation and characterization of ecosystems based on bio-monitoring
12.Suggested Books:
1. Navjot S. Sodhi & Paul R. Ehlrich (2010). Conservation Biology. Oxford University Press
2. F. V. Dyke (2008) Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications, Springer
3. T.M. Smith & R. L. Smith (2012). 8th Edition. Elements of Ecology. Pearson.
4. Eugene Odum (2005). 5th Edition. Fundamentals of Ecology. Cengage Publishers
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VI
7. Subject Area: DEC
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
To educate the students on the principles involved in the management of several hazardous and
biomedical wastes from source identification up to treatment, transformation, and disposal.
3 UNIT-III E-Waste 7
E-Waste: Definition and sources, Environmental and health impacts, Treatment
and management, E waste (Management & Handling) Rules.
Total 42
1. To make the students understand the fundamentals of hazardous wastes and also the types, and
sources of hazardous as well as biomedical wastes.
2. To understand about the characteristics of various types of hazardous and biomedical wastes.
3. To understand in detail about the storage, collection and transport of hazardous and biomedical
wastes, and also to study about the methods used for handling and segregation of wastes.
4. To improve the knowledge on the waste processing techniques which includes incineration,
solidification and stabilization of hazardous wastes
5. To know about the basics of the waste disposal options and also a detailed study on the disposal in
landfills and also to learn about landfill remediation.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Waste and Disposal Panlk T. Williams. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Environmental Science and Technology, By S. E. Manahan
3. Freeman H.M. (1988) Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal, McGraw
Hill. New York.
4. Chaudhury, G.R., Biological degradation and Bioremediation of toxic chemicals, Dioscorides
Press, Oregon, 1994.
5. Martin.A.M, Biological degradation of wastes, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1991.
6. Lie DHF and Liptak B.G, Hazardous wastes and solid wastes, Lewis Publishers, New York, 2000
7. La Grega M.D., Buckingham P.L. and Evan J.C, Hazardous waste Management, 2nd Ed, Mc
Graw Hill International, 2001.
1 UNIT –I 7
Introduction to groundwater hydrology; Porous media, distribution of
subsurface water, porosity and related properties of soils, subsurface
hydrological cycle, hydrogeologic formations.
Darcy’s law and continuity relations; Darcy’s law, hydraulic head and
gradient, factors affecting hydraulic conductivity, heterogeneity and
anisotropy, limitations to the validity of Darcy’s law, Storage in confined
aquifers, general continuity equation, continuity equation with a change in
total stress. Groundwater management models.
Hydrologic Cycle and Flow net: Hydrologic Cycle, Flow nets-Graphical
construction, Flow nets by numerical simulation, steady state Regional
Ground water Flow, Steady state hydrologic, budgets- Fluctuations in
ground water levels.
2 UNIT –II 7
Vadose zone and groundwater recharge : Soil water in vadose zone, soil
water characteristics curve, Darcy’s law and Richard’s equation, Infiltration
models, evaporation and desorption models, water balance and groundwater
Groundwater contamination : sources of subsurface contamination, mass
transport processes, general continuity equation, solute partitioning,
degradation losses.
Solute transport by advection : Potential theory, potential functions,
stream functions, travel time along stream lines, residence time distribution
theory, standard flow patterns
4 UNIT –IV 7
Solute transport by Diffusion
Fick’s law, molecular diffusion coefficients, diffusion in porous media,
diffusion in multiphase systems, application of diffusion equations to point
and constant source of contamination, volatization losses of soil
5 UNIT –V 7
Advection Dispersion Transport and Models : One dimensional flow and
column experiments, transverse dispersion, mechanical dispersion tensor,
moments of transport equation, analytical models of chemical spills, and
contaminant plumes
Chemical Properties and Principles: Constituents-chemical equilibrium-
Association and Dissociation of dissolved species-effects of concentration
gradients-Mineral dissolution and solubility- Oxidation and Reduction
Process-Ion exchange and Adsorption
6 UNIT –VI 7
Governing Equations for flow and transport in surface waters, chemical and
biological process models, simplified models for lakes, streams, and
estuaries. Model complexity: Selection and development, model resolution,
coupled and uncoupled models, linear and nonlinear models, solution
techniques, data requirements for calibration, application and evaluation of
environmental control.
Total 42
1. To make the students understand the fundamentals of Ground water and the various hydrologic
2. To make the students understand about the various steady state hydrologic budgets.
3. To make the students understand in detail about the development of Ground Water resources and
4. To know about the basics of the Transport process in solute transfer and hydro chemical behavior
of contaminants in the ground water.
5. To know about the basics of the Transport process in solute transfer and hydro chemical behavior
of contaminants in the surface water.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Randall J. Charbeneau, “Ground Water Hydraulics and Pollutant Transport ", 2000.
2. Allen Freeze, R. and John A. Cherry, "Ground Water ". Prentice Hall.Inc.1979.
3. B. K. Todd “Ground Water Technology”.
4. Thonana “Water Quality Modelling”.
5. Karanth ,” Ground Water Assessment, Development and Management” , McGraw
6. Hill Companies.
7. David Keith Todd and Larry W. Mays, “Groundwater Hydrology John Wiley and Sons.
8. K.R. Rushton ,”Groundwater Hydrology”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
1. Subject Code: EN-312 Course Title: Advance Surveying
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VI
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
Total 42
2. Students will understand the concepts of meaning, importance and scope of Triletration.
12.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VI
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1 Unit-1: 9
Unit-2: 9
3 Unit-3: 8
4 Unit-4: 9
5 Unit-5: 7
Total 42
1. The student will be able to understand the basics of green technology and its applications.
2. Understanding about green nanotechnology and green materials.
3. Able to comprehend about the role of green energy and sustainable development in life.
4. The students will learn about the importance of green management in corporate as well as in
industrial sector.
5. Learn about the application of green processes in various industries.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Kelliher, F., Reinl, L. Green Innovation and Future Technology. ISBN 978-1-137-47982-2
2. Leo A. Meyer. The Green Energy Management. ISBN 0880690534.
3. Jadhav, Nilesh Y. Green and Smart Buildings. ISBN 978-981-10-1002-6.
4. Sengupta, Amretashis, Sarkar, Chandan Kumar. Introduction to Nano. ISBN 978-3-662-
5. Kalia, Susheel, Kaith, B. S., Kaur, Inderjeet. Cellulose Fibers: Bio- and Nano-Polymer
Composites. ISBN 978-3-642-17370-7.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VI
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. To explain the role of law, policy and institutions in the conservation and management of natural
resources as well as pollution control
2. To introduce the laws and policies both at the national and international level relating to
3. To equip the students with the skills needed for interpreting laws, policies and judicial decisions
Air, Water and Marine Laws: National Water Policy and some state policies
Laws relating to prevention of pollution, access and management of water and
institutional mechanism: Water Act, 1974; Water Cess Act, 1977, EPA, 1986. 9
Pollution Control Boards Ground water and law Judicial remedies and
procedures Marine laws of India; Coastal zone regulations. Legal framework on
Air pollution: Air Act,1981; EPA, 1986
Hazardous Substances and Activities Legal framework: EPA and rules; PLI Act,
199 Principles of strict and absolute liability.
Total 42
1. Be familiar with the laws, policies and institutions in the field of environment
2. Acquire the skills needed for interpreting laws, policies and judicial decisions in a holistic
3. Acquire the ability to evaluate the role of law and policy in conservation and management of natural
resources and prevention of pollution
12.Suggested Books:
1. Birnie P. (2009) et al., International Law and the Environment, 3rd ed., Oxford.
2. Leelakrishnan P. (2006) Environmental Law Case Book, 2nd ed, Lexis Nexis, India.
3. Sands P. (2002) Principles of International Environmental Law, 2nd ed, Cambridge
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
5. Credits: 4
9. Objectives:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Unit-I 9
Highway: Highway planning in India, Highway Alignment, Geometric design of
Highway construction materials: Bituminous and concrete (With emphasis on the use
of environmental friendly industrial waste material) Design of flexible and rigid
pavements,. Soil stabilized roads Highway drainage and maintenance Roads on hills:
Alignment, Geometry, Drainage.
2. Unit-II 8
Railways: Introduction to rails, sleepers track, fitting and fastenings, Ballast,
Formation, track drainage, soil stabilization by environmental friendly waste
materials, points and crossings, turnouts. Railway signalling and interlocking
Modernization of railway track for high speed.
3. Unit-III 9
Airways: Planning and design of runways.
Aprons and Taxi-Track, Typical layout, marking and lighting,. Traffic Engg: Traffic
characteristics and traffic study, Traffic operations and control devices. Design of
intersections at grade and grade separated Highway Lighting.
4. Unit-IV 8
Traffic Noise- Measurement, Patterns and control, Traffic impact and Traffic
5. Unit-V 8
Waterways: Types of developments, Open Channel and river developments, locks
navigation, routes navigation requirements.
Total 42
1. Students can learn the basic fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Engineering
3. Students will understand the Traffic Noise- Measurement, Patterns, control and Traffic impact.
5. Students will know the routes navigation requirements.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Dr. L.R. Kadyali and Dr. N.B. Lal. Principles and Practices of Highway Engineering. Khanna
Publishers. ISBN no.: 81-7409-165-3
2. S.K. Khanna and C.E.G. Justo. Highway Engineering. Nem Chand & Bross, Civil Lines,
Roorkee, India. ISBN No. 978-81-85240-63-3
1. Subject Code: EN-411 Course Title : Occupational Hazards, Health & Safety
2. Contact Hours: L:3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Hrs. Practical : 0 Hr
4. Relative Weightage: CWE: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50, PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VII
7. . Subject Area: DEC
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
Sr. Contact
No. Hours
1. Unit-I 08
Occupational Hazards: Definition of Occupational Hazard, Different type of occupational
Hazards such as Physical Hazard, Chemical Hazards, Biological Hazards, Radiational Hazard,
Ergonomic Hazards psycho-social Hazard and their prevention.
2. Unit-II 08
Occupational safety and Health Act, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Right to
know laws, Indian Acts, Labour Act, Factories Act The Employes state Insurance Act, ILO Act,
OSHA accident causation, Investigation method and Different model.
3. Unit-III 10
Occupational Diseases: Definition of Occupational Diseases, Different types of occupational
Diseases silicosis, Anthrocosis, Byssinosis, Asbestosis, Farmer’s Lungs, Lead Poisoning,
occupational cancer, occupational dermatitis.
4. Unit-IV 08
Protection and Prevention: Measure for health protection of workers by nutrition, Environmental
Sanitation. Health education, etc. Prevention of occupational disease by Medical measuring,
Engineering Measure and legislation.
5. Unit-V 08
Assessment of hazards and health problem of different types of Industries- construction, textile,
food processing, Agriculture industries, Pharmaceutical Industries and waste water treatment
plant, .Survey of two industries for occupational hazards and safety management.
Total 42
1. Principles of Occupational Health and Hygine: An Introduction :- By Cherilyn Tillman Allen & Unwin
2. Environmental Pollution Health and Toxicology: S. V. S. Rana , Narosa Publication.
3. Preventive and Social Medicine: K. Park.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester:VII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
Water Resources: Hydrology, the hydrological cycle and its components, drainage systems,
classification of water resources, characteristics of water resources. Surface run-off, stream
flow estimation, problems of water and ground water resource depletion, watershed types and
Causes & Improvement of degraded Soil: Release of salts from rocks & minerals, composition
of rain water, river water, canal or reservoir water and sea water. Properties of different salts 9
- Chlorides, carbonates, sulphates, bicarbonates & nitrates of calcium, magnesium, sodium &
potassium. Role of soil slope, minerals, quality of irrigation water, climate and vegetation
cover on salinity & alkalinity of soil. Reclamation of saline & sodic soils.
Soil Loss Measurement: Soil losses due to erosion & extent of erosion - water and wind 8
erosion. Estimation of soil losses - universal soil loss equation, causes of soil loss-soil
erodability, rain fall erosivity, estimation of soil losses by wind erosion
Applications for management: Soil and water conservation measures, erosion control, case
studies in water resource conservation and management, flood management and control,
landslide control and mitigation measures, coastal zone management, watershed management
and case studies, earthquake mitigation for buildings and dams, forest fire mitigation and
management, RS and GIS techniques in forest fire mapping, management hazards such as
controlled burns escaping.
Total 42
12.Suggested Books:
1. Schwab, Fravert Edminster & Barnes (1981). Soil & water conservation engineering. John Wiley
& Sons Publication.
2. Roy, A.B. (2010).Fundamentals of Geology. Narosa Publications.
3. Singh, Rajvir (2000). Watershed Planning and Management. Yash Publishing House.
4. Soil taxonomy, basic system of soil classification for making & interpreting soil survey. Agriculture
Handbook No. 36, Nbss & Lup Publication New Delhi.
5. Ramarao, M.S.V. (1962). Soil conservation in India I.C.A.R. New Delhi.
1. Subject Code: EN-415 Course Title: System Simulation & Modeling
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VII
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire appropriate level of advanced
theoretical knowledge required to interpret and analyze contemporary and past environmental data
for modeling. Also develop an insight into modeling skills required to investigate the
interrelationships between environmental variables, and to predict their responses to changing
internal and external conditions.
Governing Equations for sub-surface flow and transport of pollutants, Simplified
models for sub-surface plume movements. Case studies using appropriate software
for sub-surface flow and transport of pollutants.
Dissolved oxygen models – DO sag model, BOD model, Streeter Phelps equation for
point and distributed sources. Eutrophication models for lakes and flowing water; 9
Use of QUAL2K and Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP).
Application of Air pollution dispersion model.
Total 42
11.Course Outcome:
1. Learning the fundamentals of environmental systems, Systems approach, Models and modelling.
2. Understanding the modes of contaminant transport and their modelling.
3. Study of groundwater flow models and contaminant transport.
4. Modelling of surface water flow models. Modelling in computer based softwares.
12.Suggested Books:
1.Subject Code: EN -406 Course Title: Advanced Open Channel Hydraulics
2.Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 2
3.Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical 0 Hrs
4.Relative Weight: CWS: 15 PRS: 25 MTE: 20 ETE: 40 PRE: 0
5.Credits: 4
6.Semester: VIII
7.Subject Area: DEC
8.Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives:To familiarize the students with the concepts of open channel flows. The concepts of open
channel are very useful in various types of flow.
10. Details of Course:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Unit 1 6
Introduction: Types of flows in open channel, geometrical properties of channel
sections, velocity distribution and pressure distribution in open channels, continuity
2 Unit II 10
Uniform flows in open channels: Chezy’sequation, Manning’s formula, Manning’s
roughness coefficients, equivalent roughness, hydraulically efficient different
channel sections. Normal depths and their computations.
3 Unit III `10
Energy depth relationships: Specific energy, critical depth, concept of specific
force, alternate depths, specific energy diagram. Application of momentum
principle in hydraulic jump, properties of jumps.
4 Unit IV 10
Gradually varied flows: Introduction, differential equation of GVF, different types
of flow profiles. Flumes and their applications. Rapidly varied flow:
5 Unit V 6
Rapidly varies flow: Introduction, Sharp crested weir, Ogee spillway, broad crested
weirs, Critical depth flume, Sluice gate flow, Culvert hydraulics.
Total 42
1. Subject Code: EN-408 Course Title: Risk and Reliability Analysis of Environmental System
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VIII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. To introduce students with concepts of risk and its measurement with regard to environmental
2. To familiarize students with characterization of various types of environmental risk and their
consequences, vulnerability of environmental hazards.
3. To familiarize students with various aspects of analysis of environmental risk assessment.
4. To familiarize students with various case studies environmental risks in various processes/indutries.
1 UNIT-I 7
Introduction: Sources of Environmental hazards, Environmental and
ecological risks, Environmental risk assessment framework, Regulatory
perspectives and requirements, Risk Analysis and Management and
historical perspective; Social benefit v/s technological risks; Path to risk
analysis; Perception of risk, risk assessment in different disciplines.
Elements of Environmental Risk Assessment : Hazard identification and
accounting, Fate and behaviour of toxics and persistent substances in the
environment, Properties, processes and parameters that control fate and
transport of contaminants, Receptor exposure to Environmental
Contaminants, Dose Response Evaluation, Exposure Assessment, Exposure
Factors, Slope Factors, Dose Response calculations and Dose Conversion
Factors, Risk Characterization and consequence determination,
Vulnerability assessment, Uncertainty analysis.
Different Analysis for Risk Assessment: Cause failure analysis, Event tree
and fault tree modeling and analysis, Multimedia and multipathway
exposure modeling of contaminant migration for estimation of contaminant
concentrations in air, water, soils, vegetation and animal products,
Estimation of carcinogenic and non carcinogenic risks to human health.
Methods for Risk Assessment: HAZOP and FEMA methods, Methods in
Ecological risk assessment, Probabilistic risk assessments, radiation risk
assessment, Data sources and evaluation.
5 UNIT-V 7
Risk Management: Risk communication and Risk Perception, comparative
risks, Risk based decision making, Risk based environmental standard
setting, Risk Cost Benefit optimization and tradeoffs, Emergency
Preparedness Plans, Emergency planning for chemical agent release,
Design of risk management programs, risk based remediation; Risk
communication, adaptive management, precaution and stake holder
Application: Case studies on risk assessment and management for
hazardous chemical storage, Chemical industries, Tanneries, Textile
industries, Mineral processing and Petrochemical plants, Hazardous waste
disposal facilities, nuclear power plants, contaminated site remediation,
Case histories on Bhopal, Chernobyl, Seveso, Three Mile Island
Total 42
1. Student will learn about basics of Geology and its importance in engineering.
2. Student will be able to understand the properties of rocks, minerals and its application and
importance in environmental engineering.
3. Student will learn the various effects of rocks and minerals on the quality of ground water.
4. The unit of GIS will create a clear cut understanding among students about geographical
information system, its components, DMS and its various applications in real life.
5. Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about remote sensing, electromagnetic spectrum,
and its diverse applications.
12.Suggested Books:
1. Cutter, S.L., Environmental Risk and Hazards, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
2. Kolluru Rao, Bartell Steven, Pitblado R and Stricoff, Risk Assessment and Management
Handbook, McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1996.
3. Kofi Asante Duah, Risk Assessment in Environmental management, John Wiley and sons,
Singapore, 1998.
4. Kasperson, J.X. and Kasperson, R.E. and Kasperson,R.E., Global Environmental Risks,
V.N.University Press, New York, 2003.
5. Risks and Decisions for Conservation and environmental management, Mark Burman, Cambridge
University Press.
6. Susan L Cutter, Environmental Risks and Hazards, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999.
7. Joseph F Louvar and B Diane Louver, Health and Environmental Risk Analysis fundamentals with
applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
1. Subject Code: EN- 410 Course Title: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VIII
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives:
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
Irrigation Principles: Basic Soil-water plant relation, consumptive use, depth and
frequency of irrigation, various methods of application of irrigation water, 9
irrigation efficiency, principal Indian crops and their water requirements,
Standards of irrigation water, use of seepage and waste water for irrigation. duty
and delta, methods of improving duty, irrigation efficiencies.
Weir and Barrage, component parts, Types of failures of floor, Bligh’s theory,
Lane’s weighted theory, Khosla theory, Pressure calculations, corrections Design 9
of sloping glacis Weir, impervious floor, Launching apron, Inverted filter,
proportioning of bays in barrage, anal head regulator, Spillways, Under sluices
portion and silt control devices.
Garrets diagram in channel design, cross section of an irrigation channel.
Channel breaches and their repair.
Losses in canal, water logging, its causes and effects remedies of water logging. 8
Lining of canal, advantages and disadvantages of lining, Types of lining. Design
of lined canal. Necessity of canal falls, types of fall, Design of sarda type fall.
Total 42
1. Students can learn the basic fundamental, principle and types of irrigation.
2. Students will understand the concepts of Weir and Barrage.
3. Students will know the Kennedy and Lacey theories.
4. Students will learn the cross-drainage works.
5. Students will learn Design of lined canal
12. Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VIII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
5 UNIT-V 8
Social and environmental, responsibilities towards environmentally
sustainable development, Role of local Government, Sustainability in the
Third World, Steps for adopting a sustainability approach
Total 42
1. The student will be able to understand the basics about sustainable development & its concepts.
2. Understanding about different dimensions of sustainability as well as its different applications.
3. Able to identify the environmental sustainability of transport system and capable to suggest
required steps for further enhancement.
4. The students will learn about role of technology in sustainable development.
5. Development of responsibilities towards the protection of environment and society.
12.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VIII
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
5. To update students about polices related to disaster management as well as role of different
government agencies in remediation of disasters.
Man induced hazards & Disasters: Mechanics & forms of Soil Erosion, - Factors &
causes of Soil Erosion, Conservation measures of Soil Erosion, Chemical hazards/
disasters— Release of toxic chemicals. nuclear explosion, Sedimentation processes, - 8
Global Sedimentation problems, Regional Sedimentation problems, Sedimentation &
Environmental problems, Corrective measures of 23 Erosion & Sedimentation,
Biological hazards/ disasters, Population Explosion
A regional survey of Land Subsidence, Coastal Disaster, Cyclonic Disaster & Disaster
in Hills with particular reference to India, Ecological planning for sustainability &
sustainable development in India-Sustainable rural development: A Remedy to 8
Disasters, Role of Panchayats in Disaster mitigations. Environmental policies &
programmes in India- Institutions & National, Centres for Natural Disaster reduction
12.Suggested Books:
8. M.C. Gupta Manuals on Natural Disaster management in India. National Centre for Disaster
Management,Il PA. New Delhi.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: VIII
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1. To understand the meaning, importance and scope of the Non-Conventional Energy Systems.
2. To introduce the principle of solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy,
hydro electric, tidal energy and nuclear energy.
3. To introduce the basic concept of Energy scenario in India.
4. To introduce basic concepts of Basic components of WECS.
5. To introduce the concept of Types of biomass and biomass conversion technologies.
10. Details of Course
4 UNIT IV: Hydro-electric and tidal energy: Introduction; Principles of conversion; 8
Classification and Components of conversion systems; OTEC; Advantages and
limitations; Potential in India.
5 UNIT V: Nuclear Energy: Introduction; fission and fusion reactions, Principles and 8
Components; Energy release rates, Advantages and limitations; present status and
future possibilities
Total 42
1. Students can learn the basic fundamental, principle and types of Non-Conventional Energy
2. Students will know Principle and systems of solar photo-thermal and photovoltaic conversion.
3. Students will understand the concepts of Basic components of WECS and its design.
4. Students will know Nature and classification of geothermal fields.
5. Students will understand Advantages and limitations Non-Conventional Energy Systems.
12. Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: EN-351 Course Title: Environmental Pollution & E- Waste Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester:V
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objectives: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire understanding of the new and
emerging contaminants from various industrial processes and their transformation products. Studying
emerging environmental issues related to newer methods of manufacture of industrial products.
1 UNIT-I 9
New and emerging pollutants and related transformation products, Effects & risks of
emerging contaminants on ecosystems and humans, Persistent pollutants. Analytical
methods for identifying emerging pollutants and the products of their transformation
Emerging pollutants’ emergence and fate in surface and ground water, as well as
mathematical modelling, Sustainable Development, Risk mitigation
5 UNIT-V 8
Total 42
11.Course Outcome:
12.Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: EN- 353 Course Title: Occupational Health & Safety Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
1 UNIT –I 8
Definition of Occupational Health as per WHO/ILO. Occupational Health
and Environmental Safety Management – Principles practices. Common
Occupational diseases: Occupational Health Management Services at the
work place. Pre-employment, periodic medical examination of workers,
medical surveillance for control of occupational diseases and health records.
2 UNIT –II 8
Occupational Health and Environment Safety Management System, ILO
and EPA Standards. Industrial Hygiene: Definition of Industrial Hygiene,
Industrial Hygiene: Control Methods, Substitution, Changing the process,
Local Exhaust Ventilation, Isolation, Wet method, Personal hygiene,
housekeeping and maintenance, waste disposal, special control measures.
Element of training cycle, Assessment of needs. Techniques of training,
design and development of training programs. Training methods and
strategies types of training. Evaluation and review of training programs.
Chemical Hazard: Introduction to chemical hazards, dangerous properties
of chemical, dust, gases, fumes, mist, Vapours, Smoke and aerosols.
Evaluation and control of basic hazards, concepts of dose response
relationship, bio-chemical action of toxic substances. Concept of threshold,
limit values.
4 UNIT –IV 9
Occupational Health Hazards, Promoting Safety, Safety and Health training,
Stress and Safety, Exposure Limit. Ergonomics-Introduction, Definition,
Objectives, Advantages. Ergonomics Hazards. Musculoskeletal Disorders
and Cumulative Trauma Disorders. Physiology of respiration, cardiac cycle,
muscle contraction, nerve conduction system etc. Assessment of Workload
based on Human physiological reactions. Permissible limits of load for
manual lifting and carrying. Criteria or fixation limits.
5 UNIT –V 8
Bureau of Indian standards on safety and health 14489 - 1998 and 15001 –
2000, OSHA, Process Safety Management (PSM) as per OSHA, PSM
principles, OHSAS – 18001, EPA Standards, Performance measurements to
determine effectiveness of PSM. Importance of Industrial safety, role of
safety department, Safety committee and Function.
Total 42
1. The student will be able to understand the basics of occupational health and related issues.
2. Understanding of the fundamental aspects of safety, industrial hygiene along with learning theory
to safety training methodology.
3. Considerate about hazardous materials, emergency management, ergonomics and human factors
4. Able to understand the adverse effects of hazards and develop control strategies for hazardous
conditions and work practices
5. Learn about Indian standards of health and safety and able to apply applicable standards,
regulations and codes.
12.Suggested Books:
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I and II. International Labour
Organisation, Geneva, 1985.
3. Accident Preventional Manual, NSC Chicago, 1982.
4. Henrich, H.W., Industrial Accident Prevention, McGraw Hill, 1980.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: NIL
9. Objectives:
2 Unit-2:GIS Data 9
3 Unit-3:Remote Sensing 8
Total 42
1. The Student will learn about basics of GIS and its significance.
2. The Student will be able to understand the utility of GIS data as well as Data Management System.
3. The Student will learn the fundamentals of remote sensing.
4. The unit of Remote Sensing Platform will generate a clear cut understanding among students about
the satellites, their functioning and Global Positioning System. Geographical information system,
its components, DMS and its various applications in real life.
5. The Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about the application of remote sensing in
different areas.
12.Suggested Books:
University Elective Courses
and interfaces of HttpServlet:
HttpServlet - HttpServletRequest - HttpServletResponse - Reading HTML form data from
Servlets - Response Headers - Response Redirection. Handling Servlets : Servlet
Chaining - HttpUtils - Database access with JDBC inside servlet. State and Session
management : Cookies - HttpSession - Server Side includes - Request forwarding –
5. Concepts of Java Beans: Java Beans - Advantage of Java Beans - Reflection and 9
Introspection - Customizers – Persistence. Developing Java Beans : Bean Developer Kit
(BDK) - Creating a Java Bean - Creating a Bean Manifest file - Creating a Bean JAR file.
Controls and Properties of a Bean : Adding controls to Beans - Giving Bean Properties
- BeanInfo interface - SimpleBeanInfo class. Types of Properties: Design pattern
for Properties: Simple properties - Indexed Properties; Descriptor Classes - Giving
Bean methods - Bound and Constrained Properties - Property Editors.
6. Components of EntrepriseBeans : Distributed Multitiered Applications -J2EE 9
components: J2EE clients, Web components, J2EE containers. Developing an Enterprise
Bean : Packaging - Enterprise JavaBeans Technology - Enterprise Bean - Contents of an
Enterprise Bean. Session Bean : Stateful session bean – life cycle of stateful session bean
- Stateless session bean – life cycle of stateless session – ejbCreate methods – Business
methods – Home interface – Remote interface – Running the session bean. Entity
Bean :Persistence - Bean managed Persistence - Container Managed Persistance - Shared
Access - Primary key – Relationships. Message Driven Bean :life cycle of message
driven bean – onMessage method.
Text Books
1. Java 2 Programming Black Book - Steven Holzner dreamTech Press(ISBN-9788177226553), 2005
2. JavaBeans Programming from the GroundUp - Joseph O’Neil, TMGH, New
Delhi(ISBN- 007463786X), 2001
Reference Books
3 Head first EJB-O’Reilly (ISBN: 8173665265), 2003
4. “Beginning Java™ EE 6 Platform with GlassFish 3 From Novice to Professional” by Antonio
Goncalves– Apress publication(ISBN: 9781430219545), 2009
2. Network Infrastructure for E- Commerce: Internet and Intranet based E-commerce- Issues, 7
problems and prospects, Network Infrastructure, Network Access Equipments, Broadband
telecommunication (ATM, ISDN, FRAME RELAY). Mobile Commerce: Introduction,
Wireless ApplicationProtocol, WAP technology, Mobile Information device.
4. Electronic Payments: Overview, The SET protocol, Payment Gateway, certificate, digital 6
Tokens, Smart card, credit card, magnetic strip card, E-Checks, Credit/Debit card based
EPS, online Banking. EDI Application in business, E- Commerce Law, Formsof
Agreement, Govt. policies and Agenda.
5. ERP Introduction, Benefits, Origin, Evolution and Structure:Conceptual Model of ERP, The 8
Evolution of ERP, The Structure of ERP. Business Process Reengineering, Data ware
Housing, Data Mining, Online Analytic
SDLC/SSAD, Object Oriented Architecture, Consultants, Vendors and Employees, ERP &
E-Commerce, Future Directives- in ERP, ERP and Internet.
2. Ravi Kalakota, Andrew Winston, “Frontiers of Electronic Commerce”, Addison- Wesley. 1996
1. Introduction: Need for security, Introduction to security attacks, services and mechanism, 6
introduction to cryptography, Conventional Encryption: Conventional encryption model,
classical encryption techniques- substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers, cryptanalysis,
stereography, stream and block ciphers, Intruders, Viruses and related threads.
2. Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principals, Shannon’s theory of confusion and 6
diffusion, Fiestal structure, data encryption standard(DES), strength of DES, crypt analysis
of DES, block cipher modes of operations, triple DES, IDEA encryption and decryption,
strength of IDEA, key distribution.
3. Introduction to graph, ring and field, prime and relative prime numbers, modular arithmetic, 8
Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, primarily testing, Euclid’s Algorithm, Chinese Remainder
theorem, discrete logarithms, Principals of public key crypto systems, RSA algorithm,
security of RSA, key management, Diffle-Hellman key exchange algorithm, introductory
idea of Elliptic curve cryptography, Elganel encryption
Web Security: Secure Socket Layer(SSL) and transport layer security, TSP, Secure
Electronic Transaction (SET), Electronic money, WAP security, firewall design principals,
Virtual Private Network (VPN) security.
1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security: Principals and Practice”, Prentice Hall, New
Jersy. 2016
4. Johannes A. Buchmann, “Introduction to Cryptography”, Springer-Verlag. 2004
Performance, Paged replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, Thrashing,
Cache memory organization, Impact on performance.
5. I/O Management & Disk Scheduling: I/O devices and organization of I/O 9
function, I/O Buffering, DISK I/O, Operating System Design Issues.
File System: File Concept, File Organization and Access Mechanism, File
Directories, File Sharing, Implementation Issues
Text Books
1. Silbersachatz and Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Pearson, 5th Ed, 2001
Reference Books
3. Milenekovic, “Operating System Concepts”, McGraw Hill 2001
10. Details of Course
1. Law Relating to Intellectual property, fourth edition by B.L.Wadehra .Universal law
publishing co. pvt. Ltd , 2007. ISBN 978-81-7534-588-1
Reference books:
2. Intellectual property: Patents, copyright ,trademarks and allied rights. Fifth edition by W.R.
Cornish. Sweet & Maxwell publisher, 2003. ISSN 9780421781207
3 Law and practice of intellectual property in India by VikasVashishth, 2006
ISBN: 81-7737-119-3
4 Patents ,copyrights, trade marks and design by B L Wadhera, 2014
5 Dr. B. L. Wadhera, “Intellectual Property Law Handbook”. Universal Law Publishing, 2002.
1. Introduction: Data base system concepts and its architecture, Data models schema and 7
instances, Data independence and data base language and interface, Data definition
languages, DML. Overall data base structure.
Data modeling using Entity Relationship Model: E.R. model concept, notation for ER
diagrams mapping constraints, Keys, Concept of super key, candidate key, primary key
generalizations, Aggregation, reducing ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model.
2. Relational Data Model and Language: Relational data model concepts, integrity 7
constraints, Keys domain constraints, referential integrity, assertions, triggers, foreign key
relational algebra, relational calculus, domain and tuple calculus, SQL data definition
queries and updates in SQL.
3. Data Base Design: Functional dependencies, normal forms, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF, 6
multi-valued dependencies fourth normal forms, join dependencies and fifth normal forms.
Inclusion dependencies, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD and
JDs, alternatives approaches to database design.
4. File Organization, Indexing and Hashing Overview of file organization techniques, 8
Indexing and Hashing- Basic concepts, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Ordered indices,
Multi-level indexes, B-Tree index files, B+- Tree index files, Buffer management
Transaction processing concepts: Transaction processing system, schedule and
recoverability, Testing of serializability, Serializability of schedules, conflict & view
serializable schedule, recovery from transaction failures, deadlock handling.
5. Concurrency Control Techniques: Locking Techniques for concurrency control, time 8
stamping protocols for concurrency control, concurrency control in distributed systems.
multiple granularities and multi-version schemes.
6 Case Studies: Commercial databases, Oracle, Postgress, MySQL 6
Text Books
1 Elmasri, Navathe,”Fundamentals of Database systems”, Addision Wesley, 2016
Reference Books
1. Ramakrishna, Gehkre, “Database Management System”, McGraw-Hill 2014
2. Date C.J.,”An Introduction to Database systems” 2006
1. Subject Code: EC351 Course Title: Mechatronics
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of Mechatronics
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1. Introduction : Basic Definitions and key elements of Mechatronics, Mechatronic 6
Design Approach: Functions of Mechatronic Systems, Ways of Integration,
Information Processing Systems (BasicArchitecture and hardware and Software
trade-offs, Concurrent Design Procedure for Mechatronic Systems
2. System Interfacing, Instrumentation,and Control Systems: Input and output Signals 6
of a Mechatronic System, Signal Conditioning and microprocessor control,
Microprocessor-Based Controllers and Microelectronics, Programmable Logic
3. Introduction to Micro- and Nanotechnology, Micro-actuators, Micro-sensors, 10
Nanomachines. Modeling Electromechanical Systems: Models for Electromechanical
Systems, Rigid Body Models, Basic Equations of Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Simple
Dynamic Models, Elastic System Modeling, Dynamic Principles for Electric and
Magnetic Circuits, Earnshaw’s Theorem and Electromechanical Stability
4. The Physical Basis of Analogies in Physical System Models: The Force-Current 6
Analogy: Across and Through Variables, Maxwell’s Force-Voltage Analogy:Effort
and Flow Variables, A Thermodynamic Basis for Analogies
5. Introduction to Sensors and Actuators: Characteristics of Sensor and Actuator Time 6
and Frequency Measurement, The Role of Controls an modelling in Mechatronics:
Integrated Modeling, Design, and Control Implementation, Special Requirements of
Mechatronics that Differentiate from Classic Systems and Control Design, Modeling
as Part of the Design Process, Modeling of Systems and Signals
6. Design Optimizationof Mechatronic Systems: Optimization Methods, Principles of 8
Optimization : ParametricOptimization, General Aspects of the OptimizationProcess,
Types of Optimization Methods, Selection of aSuitable Optimization Method,
Optimum Design of Induction Motor (IM), IM Design Introduction : Classical IM
Design, Use of a Neuron Network for the Identification ofthe Parameters of a
Mechanical dynamic system, Mechatronics and Computer Modelingand Simulation,
Mechatronics and the Real-Time useof Computers, Communications andComputer
Networks,Control withEmbedded Computersand ProgrammableLogic Controllers
10. Details of Course
1. Subject Code: EC- 355 Course Title: Embedded Systems
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE)(Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Computer Architecture and Microprocessors
9. Objective: To introduce fundamentals of 16 and 32 bit Microcontrollers, assembly language
programming. The course also focuses on interfacing of different interrupt driven peripherals. It also covers
in detail Real Time Operating Systems, Bus architecture, Digital Signal Processors and System On-Chip.
10. Details of Course
3. Design with PIC Microcontrollers, John B. Peatman, Pearson Education Asia, 2002
4. The Design of Small-Scale embedded systems, Tim Wilmshurst, Palgrav, 2003
5. Embedded System Design, Marwedel, Peter, Kluwer Publishers, 2004
S.No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers
1. Digital Image Processing/ Gonzalez and Woods/ Pearson Education, 2008/Third Edition
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing/ A.K. Jain/ PHI, Indian Edition
3. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB/ Gonzalez, Woods, and Eddins/ McGraw Hill,
Second/ 2013
4. Digital Image Processing/ K.R. Castleman/ Pearson, 2014
5. Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications/I. Pitas/John Wiley, 2002
6. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision/Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger
Boyale/ Cengage Learning, 4th Edition
Static CMOS Design: Complementary CMOS, Ratioedlogic, Pass transistor logic,
BiCMOS logic, pseudo nMOS logic,
Dynamic CMOS logic, clocked CMOS logic CMOS domino logic, NP domino logic,
speed and power dissipation of Dynamic logic, cascading dynamic gates.
5. Designing sequential logic circuits: Timing matrices for sequential circuits, 8
classification of memory elements, static latches and registers, the bistability principle,
multiplexer based latches , Master slave Edge triggered register , static SR flip flops,
dynamic latches and registers, dynamic transmission gate edge triggered register, the
C2MOS register
6. Pulse registers, sense amplifier based registers, Pipelining, Latch verses Register based 6
pipelines, NORA-CMOS. Two-phase logic structure; VLSI designing methodology –
Introduction, VLSI designs flow, Computer aided design technology: Design capture
and verification tools, Design Hierarchy Concept of regularity, Modularity & Locality,
VLSI design style, Design quality.
8. Pre-requisite: EE-203, EE-301
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with power electronics and its applications.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
6. Applications: 10
Total 42
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
2. Rashid M. H., “Power Electronics Circuits Devices and Applications”, 3rd Ed., Pearson
Education, 2004.
4. K.R. Padiyar, “Facts Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution”, New Age
publishers, 2013
1. Subject Code: EE-353 Course Title: Electrical Machines and Power Systems
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: VIII
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: EE-208, EE-303, EE-304
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with electrical machines and power systems.
10. Details of Course:
1 8
Transformers : constructional features, types, Special constructional features –
cruciform and multiple stepped cores, cooling methodology, conservators, breather,
Buchholz relay, voltage, current and impedance relationships, equivalent circuits
andphasor diagrams at no load and full load conditions,voltage regulation, losses and
efficiency, all day efficiency, auto transformer and equivalent circuit, parallel
operation and load sharing.
2 Asynchronous machines: General constructional features of poly phase 8
asynchronous motors, concept of rotating magnetic field, principle of operation,
phasor diagram, Equivalent circuit, torque and power equations, torque-slip
characteristics, losses and efficiency.
3 Synchronous machines : General constructional features, armature winding, emf 9
equation, effect of distribution and pitch factor,flux and mmf relationship, phasor
diagram, non-salient pole machine, equivalent circuit, determination of equivalent
circuit parameters by open and short circuit tests, voltage regulation using
synchronous impedance method, power angle characteristics
4 Single line diagram of power system, brief description of power system elements, 9
synchronous machine, transformer, transmission line, bus bar, circuit breaker and
isolator. Supply System:different kinds of supply system and their comparison,
choice of transmission voltage. Transmission Lines:configurations, types of
conductors, resistance of line, skin effect
5 Transmission lines: Calculation of inductance and capacitance of single phase, three 8
phase, single circuit and double circuit ,transmission lines, representation and
performance of short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect,surge
impedance loading.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
1 Fitzgerald. A.E., Charles KingselyJr, Stephen D.Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2006.
2 M.G. Say, ‘Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines’, CBS Publishers, New
Delhi, 2008
3 Nagrath I. J and Kothari D.P. ‘Electric Machines’, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd,
5 Electrical Power Systems,C. L.Wadhwa, New age international Ltd. Third Edition, 2010
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: VIII
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: EE-203, EE-313
9. Objective:To familiarize the students with instrumentation systems.
10. Details of Course:
Total 42
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W.D. Cooper and A.D. Helfrick,
Prentice Hall International, 2009.
2 Measurement Systems Application and Design Ernest Doebelin, McGraw- Hill Higher
Education, 5th edition , 2003
3 Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis, B.C. Nakra& K. Chaudhry, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2001.
5 Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Curtis D. Johnson, Pearson, 6th edition, 1999
2 Electric Heating : Advantages of electrical heating, Heating methods: Resistance heating – 08
direct and indirect resistance heating, properties of resistance heating elements, Induction
heating; principle of core type and coreless induction furnace, Electric arc heating; direct and
indirect arc heating, construction, working and applications of arc furnace, Dielectric heating,
applications in various industrial fields, Infra-red heating and its applications, Microwave
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Water Coolers: Principle of air conditioning, vapour 08
pressure, refrigeration cycle, eco-friendly refrigerants, description of electrical circuit used in
a) refrigerator, b) air-conditioner, and c) water cooler, variable speed drive for compressors,
high speed compressors, insta-chill, Peltier effect, thermoelectric cooling, sterling engines,
solar concentrator heating and cooling,
Total 42
2. Taylor E. O., “Utilization of Electric Energy (in SI units)”, Orient Longman, Revised in S.I. units by Rao,
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: VIII
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: EE-301, EE-303
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the non-conventional sources of energy and their integration
to the grid.
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Renewable Energy Resources, John Twidell, Tony Weir, Taylor and Francis, 2nd edition,2005.
2 Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes,John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman, John Wiley &
Sons, 4th edition,2013.
3 Biofuels, Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Benefits and Risks,D. Pimentel,
Springer,1st edition,2010.
4 Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems: A Manual for Technicians, Trainers and
Engineers,Chetan Singh Solanki, PHI Learning,2013.
5 Non Conventional Energy Resources, D.S. Chauhan, New Age International Pvt Ltd.,2006
2 System and Processor Architecture : von Neumann, Harvard and their variants 2
5 Application Specific Logic Design using Field Programmable Devices and ASICs 2
7 Bus I/O and Networking Considerations, Bus and Wireless Protocols 4
13 Programming Paradigms 2
14 System Verification 2
Total 42
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester:VI
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The overall aims of the course are for students to acquire understanding of the new and
emerging contaminants from various industrial processes and their transformation products. Studying
emerging environmental issues related to newer methods of manufacture of industrial products.
1 UNIT-I 9
New and emerging pollutants and related transformation products, Effects & risks
of emerging contaminants on ecosystems and humans, Persistent pollutants.
Analytical methods for identifying emerging pollutants and the products of their
Emerging pollutants’ emergence and fate in surface and ground water, as well as
mathematical modelling, Sustainable Development, Risk mitigation
5 UNIT-V 8
Course Outcome:
4. Study of life cycle of a contaminant, modeling and mitigation.
11.Suggested Books:
2. Alok Bhandari; Rao Y. Surampalli; Craig D. Adams; Pascale Champagne; Say Kee Ong; R.
D. Tyagi; and Tian Zhang, Eds., (2009) Contaminants of Emerging Environmental Concern,
American Society of Civil Engineers, ISBN (print): 978-0-7844-1014-1, ISBN (PDF): 978-0-
1. Subject Code: EN- 353 Course Title: Occupational Health and Safety Management
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs
4. Relative Weightage: CWS 25 PRS 0 MTE 25 ETE 50 PR 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Prerequisite: Nil
9. Course Objectives:
Unit Contents Contact
no. Hours
1 UNIT –I 8
Definition of Occupational Health as per WHO/ILO. Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Management – Principles practices. Common Occupational
diseases: Occupational Health Management Services at the work place. Pre-
employment, periodic medical examination of workers, medical surveillance for
control of occupational diseases and health records.
2 UNIT –II 8
Occupational Health and Environment Safety Management System, ILO and EPA
Standards. Industrial Hygiene: Definition of Industrial Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene:
Control Methods, Substitution, Changing the process, Local Exhaust Ventilation,
Isolation, Wet method, Personal hygiene, housekeeping and maintenance, waste
disposal, special control measures.
Element of training cycle, Assessment of needs. Techniques of training, design and
development of training programs. Training methods and strategies types of training.
Evaluation and review of training programs. Chemical Hazard: Introduction to
chemical hazards, dangerous properties of chemical, dust, gases, fumes, mist,
Vapours, Smoke and aerosols. Evaluation and control of basic hazards, concepts of
dose response relationship, bio-chemical action of toxic substances. Concept of
threshold, limit values.
4 UNIT –IV 9
Occupational Health Hazards, Promoting Safety, Safety and Health training, Stress
and Safety, Exposure Limit. Ergonomics-Introduction, Definition, Objectives,
Advantages. Ergonomics Hazards. Musculoskeletal Disorders and Cumulative
Trauma Disorders. Physiology of respiration, cardiac cycle, muscle contraction,
nerve conduction system etc. Assessment of Workload based on Human
physiological reactions. Permissible limits of load for manual lifting and carrying.
Criteria or fixation limits.
5 UNIT –V 8
Bureau of Indian standards on safety and health 14489 - 1998 and 15001 – 2000,
OSHA, Process Safety Management (PSM) as per OSHA, PSM principles, OHSAS
– 18001, EPA Standards, Performance measurements to determine effectiveness of
PSM. Importance of Industrial safety, role of safety department, Safety committee
and Function.
Course Outcomes:
1. The student will be able to understand the basics of occupational health and related issues.
2. Understanding of the fundamental aspects of safety, industrial hygiene along with learning theory
to safety training methodology.
3. Considerate about hazardous materials, emergency management, ergonomics and human factors
4. Able to understand the adverse effects of hazards and develop control strategies for hazardous
conditions and work practices
5. Learn about Indian standards of health and safety and able to apply applicable standards, regulations
and codes.
11.Suggested Books:
2. Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Vol. I and II. International Labour
Organisation, Geneva, 1985.
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester:V
8. Prerequisite: Nil
9. Course Objectives:
Unit Contents Contact
no. Hours
2 Unit-2:GIS Data 9
GIS data types, Data representation, Data sources, Geo-referencing of GIS data, GIS
database, Database Management System, Data analysis terminology, GIS software
packages, GIS application
3 Unit-3:Remote Sensing 8
Digital Image Processing, Application of Remote Sensing in Land use and Land
cover mapping, Ground water mapping, Urban growth studies, Wasteland mapping,
Disaster management, Agriculture, Forestry application
Course Outcomes:
1.The Student will learn about basics of GIS and its significance.
2.The Student will be able to understand the utility of GIS data as well as Data Management System.
3.The Student will learn the fundamentals of remote sensing.
4.The unit of Remote Sensing Platform will generate a clear cut understanding among students about
the satellites, their functioning and Global Positioning System. Geographical information system,
its components, DMS and its various applications in real life.
5. The Student will be able to attain thorough knowledge about the application of remote sensing in
different areas.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
2. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System – AM Chandra & SK Ghosh Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. Geographic Information System – Kang Tsung Chang, Tata Mc Graw hill, Publication
Edition, 2002.
1. Crystallography:
Introduction to crystal physics,Space lattice, Basis and the Crystal structure, Bravais
lattices; Miller indices, simple crystal structures,Interplanar spacing, Intra and
Intermolecular bonds (Ionic, Covalent, Metallic, Van der Waals and Hydrogen Bond),
Defects in crystals, Basics of X- ray diffraction and its applications 10
2. Semiconductors:
Band theory of solids, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, Statistics of electrons and
holes in intrinsic semiconductor, Hall effect, Effect of temperature on conductivity,
Generation and recombination, drift and diffusion current, Einstein relation, Applications 10
of Semiconducting Materials.
3. Dielectric and Magnetic Materials
4. Superconductivity:
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
1. Subject code: EP353 Course title: Nuclear Security
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25, PRS:--, MTE: 25, ETE: 50, PRE: --
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: EVEN/ODD
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
5. Security system design and evaluation: Adversary path analysis and Multi path 08
optimization, Scenario development, Insider analysis, Transportation, Design
approaches and vulnerability assessments, System design at major public events,
Design of security systems to interrupt illicit trafficking, Analysis of quantitative risk
assessment methods.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
(Note: i. History of this subject in DTU is different from other subjects. This subject was demanded by
the students in final year. It is supported by the placement data also that number of non-technical
companies visiting campus for recruitment is increasing over year.
4. Credits: 3 (Four)
5. Semester: Fifth and Sixth Semester
7. Pre-requisite- Nil
8. Details of Course
Syllabus Hours ( Total - 56)
The Probability distribution of Disturbances (meu); Normality Assumption, Method of
Maximum Likelihood
11.Suggested books
1. Ancient, Medieval and Modern Indian Mathematics: Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, 7
Bhaskar, Lilavati, Ramanujan
2 Introduction to Ancient books of Indian Mathematicians: Sidhantas, Sulvasutras, 7
Vedic Mathematics
3 Contribution of Indian Mathematicians in the field of Mathematics: Value of Pi, 7
The symbol zero, Number theory, Trigonometry, and Mensuration, Hindu
Multiplication, Long Division, Indeterminate equation
4 Mathematicians Around the world: Newton, Leibnitz, Cauchy, Lagrange in the 7
field of Geometry, Calculus, Algebra, Probability
5 Algebra in the Renaissance: Solution of cubic equation, Ferrari’s Solution in the 7
quartic equation, Irreducible Cubics and complex numbers
6 Paradoxes, Fallacies and Pitfalls of Mathematics 7
Total 42
11.Suggested books
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with thermodynamic cycles and various components of power
S. No. Contents Contact
1 Indian energy scenario, Indian coals: formation, properties, analysis, benefication and heating 7
value calculation of coals; coking and non-coking coals, fuel handling systems; coal gasification.
Classification of power plants, base load and Peak load power stations, co-generated power plant,
captive power plant, and their fields of application & selection criteria,.
2 Steam Generators: High pressure utility boiler, natural and forced circulation, coking and non- 7
coking coal, coal benefication, coal pulverization, pulverized fuel firing system, combustion
process, need of excess air, cyclone furnace, fluidized bed boiler, electrostatic precipitators and
wet scrubbers, boiler efficiency calculations, water treatment.
3 Combined Cycle Power Plants: Binary vapour cycles, coupled cycles, gas turbine- steam turbine 7
power plant, gas pipe line control, MHD- Steam power plant.
4 Other power plants: Nuclear power plants - working and types of nuclear reactors, boiling water 7
reactor, pressurized water reactor, fast breeder reactor, controls in nuclear power plants, hydro
power plant -classification and working of hydroelectric power plants, tidal power plants, diesel
and gas power plants.
5 Instrumentation and Controls in power plants: Important instruments used for temperature, 7
flow, pressure, water/steam conductivity measurement; flue gas analysis, drum level control,
combustion control, super heater and re-heater temperature control, furnace safeguard and
supervisory system (FSSS), auto turbine run-up system(ATRS).
6 Environment Pollution and Energy conservation: Economics of power generation: load 7
duration curves, power plant economics, pollution from power plants, disposal/management of
nuclear power plant waste, concept of energy conservation and energy auditing.
Total 42
Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: ME 353 Course Title: Renewable Sources of Energy
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, wind and
1 Man and Energy, world production and reserve of conventional energy sources, Indian production 7
and reserves, Energy alternatives
2 Solar radiation: Origin, nature and availability of solar radiation, estimation of solar radiation. 7
Photovoltaic cells. Design consideration and performance of different types of solar cells. Flat
plate, focusing collectors. Effects of receiving surface location and orientation.
3 Devices for solar thermal collection and storage. Energy storage devices such as water storage 7
systems, packed Bed storage systems, phase change storage systems. Heat transfer considerations
relevant to solar energy. Characteristics of materials and surfaces used in solar energy absorption.
4 Application systems for space heating, solar water pumps, solar thermal pond, Solar Thermal 7
Power plants, solar distillation, Solar Refrigeration and solar air conditioning, other solar energy
5 Solar PV systems. Fuel Cell Technologies. 7
Generation and utilization of biogas, design of biogas plants, Wind energy systems.
6 Geothermal Energy Systems. Tidal energy systems. Oceanic power generation. Design 7
considerations, Installation and Performance Evaluation. MHD power generations. Role of the
nonconventional energy sources in power planning.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: ME 355 Course Title: Combustion Generated Pollution
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To introduce the students to different types of fuels, emissions from various engines, exhaust
treatment of various engines and instruments used for measuring emissions.
1 Engine fundamentals: Fuels, alternative fuels for IC engines, Type of hydro carbons. Gasoline 7
specifications. Effect of Engine parameters on performance, fuel injection for SI engines, Engine
vehicle road performance, road performance and fuel economy.
2 Emissions and air pollution: Automotive Emissions and their role in air pollution. Photo-chemical 7
smog. Chemistry of smog formation. Combustion in Homogeneous mixtures, emission formation.
Incomplete combustion, formation of hydro-carbons, Carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen,
Aldehyde emissions.
3 Influence of design and operating variables on gasoline engine exhaust emissions. 7
Hydrocarbon Evaporative Emissions: Various sources and methods of their control. Canisters for
controlling evaporative emissions. Emission control systems for gasoline engines: Blow by control
closed PCV system design.
4 Exhaust treatment devices: Air injection into exhaust system. 7
5 Thermal reactors, Catalytic convertor. 7
Stratified charge engines. Honda CVCC engine.
Diesel engine combustion Emissions: Sources of emissions during combustion. Effect of air fuel
ratio, speed, injection timing on performance and emission formation. D.I and I.D.I engine
6 Methods of reducing emissions, exhaust gas recirculation, smoke emission from diesel engines. 7
Emission Instruments: Non- dispersive Infrared analyzer, Gas chromatograph, flame ionization
detector, chemiluminescent analyzer
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarise the students with the process of thermodynamic analysis of engineering systems
and to enhance critical thinking and provide them with a wider view to handle engineering problems.
10. Details of Course:
S. No. Contents Contact
1 Fundamentals: properties of pure substance in Solid, Liquid and Vapour Phases, PVT Behavior 7
of simple compressible system, T-S and H-S diagram, Steam Tables, determination of quality of
steam, Throttling Calorimeter, Combined Separating & Throttling Calorimeter, Maxwell and
other thermodynamics relations, mixture of non reactive ideal gases, Real gases, Compressibility
chart, Law of corresponding state, Air water vapor mixture, calculation of properties of air water
vapour mixture.
2 Rankine Cycle And Analysis: Rankine cycle and its representation on T-S and H-S diagrams; 7
Effect of low backpressure and high entry pressure and temperature and its limitations; necessity
of re-heating, ideal and actual regenerative feed water heating cycle and its limitations. Typical
feed water heating arrangements for various capacity power plants.
3 Introduction To Boilers: Classification of Boilers, Boiler mountings and accessories; draft 7
systems, circulation system; Combustion and its calculations, and Boiler performance.
4 Steam Nozzles: Types of Nozzles, Flow of steam through nozzles; Condition for maximum 7
discharge through nozzle; Nozzle efficiency. Effect of friction and Supersaturated flow through
5 Steam Turbines : Working principle and types of steam turbines; Velocity diagrams for impulse 7
and reaction turbines, compounding of impulse turbines; Optimum velocity ratio and maximum
efficiency. Comparison of impulse and reaction turbines. Condition line and reheat-factor, losses
in steam turbines; governing of steam turbines.
6 Condensers and Cooling towers: Types and working of condensers, types and performance of 7
cooling towers.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To learn properties of different refrigerants, and thermodynamic cycles of refrigeration.To
understand comfort parameters and air conditioning.
10. Details of Course:
1 Introduction to Refrigeration: 7
Necessity and applications, unit of refrigeration and C.O.P., types of Ideal cycles of refrigeration,
air-refrigeration, bell coleman cycle, open and dense air systems, actual air-refrigeration system
problems, refrigeration needs of aircrafts, actual refrigeration system
2 Vapour Compression Refrigeration: 10
Working principle and essential components of the plant, simple vapour compression refrigeration
cycle - COP, Representation of cycle on T-S and p-h charts - effects of sub cooling and super
heating - cycle analysis - Actual cycle, Influence of various parameters on system performance –
necessity of multistaging, multistage compression system, and their analysis, necessity and
working of cascading system
3 Refrigerants and Absorption Refrigeration: 4
Desirable properties of refrigerants, classification of refrigerants used, nomenclature, ozone
depletion, global warming, vapor absorption system, calculation of max COP.
4 Air Conditioning: 7
Psychometric properties & processes, comfort air-conditioning, summer and winter air-
conditioning, cooling & dehumidification systems, load calculation and applied psychrometry.
5 Human Comfort: 7
Requirements of human comfort and concept of effective temperature, comfort chart, comfort air-
conditioning, requirements of industrial air-conditioning, air-conditioning load calculations.
6 Control: 7
Refrigeration and air-conditioning control, air handling, air distribution and duct design
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
8 ASHRAE Handbook – Refrigeration 2010, ISBN- 9781933742922.
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 4
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To make students aware of industrial engineering concepts of work study and measurement,
quality control and reliability etc.
1 Introduction 7
Introduction, Definition and objectives of Industrial Engineering, Scope of Industrial Engineering,
Production systems and their classifications; Productivity-Total and partial productivity, Reasons
and remedy for poor productivity
2 Job analysis and Work Measurement Systems 7
Work System Design: Taylor’s scientific management, Gilbreth’s contributions; method study,
micro-motion study, principles of motion economy; work measurement - stop watch time study,
micro motion and memo motion, work sampling, standard data, PMTS; ergonomics; job
evaluation, merit rating, incentive schemes, and wage administration; business process
3 Production Planning and Control 7
Types and characteristics of production systems Objective and functions of Production, Planning
& Control, Routing, Scheduling and Operations scheduling, production scheduling, job shop
scheduling problems, sequencing problems, scheduling tools and techniques, Loading,
Dispatching and its sheets & Gantt charts
4 Quality Engineering 7
Quality concept and costs; statistical quality control, Concept of specification limits, statistical
control limits, process capability, Process control and control charts for both attributes and variable
data. Acceptance Sampling- Single and double sampling
5 Reliability and Maintenance 7
Reliability, availability and maintainability; distribution of failure and repair times;
determination of MTBF and MTTR, reliability models; system reliability determination;
Maintenance management and its objectives, Various types of Maintenance Planning,
House Keeping, 5S concepts
6 Material Handling 7
Principles, functions, and objectives of Material Handling; Selection and classification of Material
Handling Equipments; Relation of material handling with plant layout
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the process of product design and development.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
4 Concurrent/ reverse engineering: 5
Introduction, basic principles, components, benefits of concurrent engineering. Concept of
5 Material selection: Materials in design. The evolution of engineering materials. Design tools and 5
material data. Material selection strategy, attribute limits, selection process, material selection.
Case studies
6 Process selection: Introduction. Process classification: shaping, joining and finishing. Systematic 5
process selection, process cost. Computer – aided process selection
7 Design for manufacture and assembly: Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA). 4
Reasons for not implementing DFMA. Advantages of DFMA with case studies. Design features
and requirements with regard to assembly, Design for Manufacture in relation to any two
manufacturing processes: machining and injection molding. Need, objectives
8 System Simulation: Techniques of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Experimental nature of 4
simulation, Numerical computation techniques, Continuous system models, Analog and Hybrid
simulation, Feedback systems, Computers in simulation studies, Simulation software packages
9 Simulation of Mechanical Systems: Building of Simulation models, Simulation of translational 4
and rotational mechanical systems, Simulation of hydraulic systems
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
4 Karl T Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger , “ Product Design &Development.”Publisher- Tata McGrawhill New
Delhi, ISBN-13: 9780078029066, 2003
5 Hollins B & Pugh S “Successful Product Design.” Publisher- Butter worths London, ISBN 9780408038614.
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To provide basic concepts of CFD in terms of comprehensive theoretical study and its
computational aspects.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
11.Suggested Books:
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To enable students to apply Galerkin method and virtual work principle to problems in solid
mechanics. To teach them numerical solution of differential equations with finite element method.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
11.Suggested Books:
1. Subject Code: ME 369 Course Title: Total Lifecycle Management
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concept of Total Life Cycle, and applying life cycle
thinking to define tradeoffs. This course also introduces to sustainability and use of renewable resources.
11.Suggested Books:
S. No. Name of Authors /Books / Publishers
1 Integrated Product Development M.M. Anderson and L Hein IFS Publications
2 Design for Concurrent Engineering J. Cleetus CE Research Centre, Morgantown
3 Concurrent Engineering Fundamentals: Integrated Product Development Prasad Prentice hall India
4 Concurrent Engineering in Product Design and Development I Moustapha New Age International
5 Product Lifecycle Management John Stark Springer-Verlag, UK
6 Product Lifecycle Management Michael Grieves McGraw Hill
7 Concurrent Engineering: Automation tools and Technology Andrew Kusiak Wiley Eastern
2. Contact Hours: 42 L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To understand the concept and approaches of value analysis and engineering with an emphasis
on case studies.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
studies, Effective organization for value work, function analysis system
techniques- FAST diagram, Case studies
Total 42
11.Suggested Books:
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: Familiarizing the students with the financial environment of business, especially the
financial markets and acquaint them with accounting mechanics, process and system.
2 Introduction to Financial Environment and accounting: Financial 10
Markets - Capital Markets, Basics of capital market mechanism, instruments,
financing and rating institutions. Importance, Objectives and Principles of
Accounting, Accounting Concepts and conventions, and the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) Overview of the Accounting
Process. Accounting standards as Issued by Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India (ICAI).
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
2 Introduction to Accountancy, 10 ed., T.S. Grewal, S. Chand and Company (P) Ltd., New
Delhi,2009, ISBN- 9788121905695
3 Advance Accounts by M.C Shukla and T.S Grewal and SC Gupta, S. Chand and
Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi,1997, ISBN- 9788121902786
4 Financial Accounting, 4 ed, S.N. Maheshwari and S.K. Maheshwari, Vikas
Pulication,2005, ISBN- 8125918523
5 Financial Accounting Reporting & Analysis, Cengage, 7/e, W Albrecht Stice & James
Stice, Cengage Learning,2010, ISBN- 0538746955
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory: 3 Hrs Practical 0
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The basic objective of this paper is to make students aware of fundamental concepts
of marketing necessary for making decisions in complex business situations by managers and
start up entrepreneurs.
5 9
Total 42
11. Suggested Books
2 Marketing Management, 14th ed., Philip Kotler , Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy
and MithileswarJha, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013,(ISBN-10: 9788131767160)
3 Marketing, 14th ed., Etzel, Bruce J Walker, William J Stanton and Ajay Pandit, Mc
Graw Hill Education, 2009, ISBN -9780070151567
4. MKTG, Charles W Lamb, Joe F Hair, Carl NcDaniel and Dheeraj Sharma, Cengage
Learning,2012, ISBN- 9788131517086
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: To develop necessary understanding in design and execution of human resource strategies
for the achievement of organization goals.
1. Basic concepts of management: management process, principles of management, 8
functions, levels, managerial roles and skills, managerial ethics and corporate social
2. Introduction: Concept, nature, scope, objectives and importance of HRM; Evolution 9
of HRM; Environment of HRM; Personnel Management vs HRM. Acquisition of
Human Resources: HR Planning; Job analysis – job description and job specification;
recruitment – sources and process; selection process – tests and interviews; placement
and induction. Job changes – transfers, promotions/demotions, separations.
3. Training and Development: Concept and importance of training; types of training; 8
methods of training; design of training programme; evaluation of training
effectiveness; executive development – process and techniques; career planning and
4. Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal – concept and objectives; 8
traditional and modern methods, limitations of performance appraisal methods.
5. Compensation and Maintenance: Compensation: job evaluation – concept, 9
process and significance; components of employee remuneration – base and
supplementary; maintenance: overview of employee welfare, health and safety,
social security.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
2 Human Resource Management, G. Dessler, B. Varkkey, Pearson prentice Hall, 2011, (ISBN –
3 International HRM a cross cultural approach, T. Jackson, Sage publications, London, 2002,
(ISBN – 0-7619-7404-0)
1. Subject Code :MG 357 Course Title : Knowledge and Technology Management
2. Content Hours L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE )(Hrs.): Theory: 3 Hrs Practical 0
5. Credits: 3
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: Preparing the students to understand how the new age organizations are leveraging on the
power of knowledge and technology. Acquiring the knowledge to address the issues faced by the
corporate world for a deeper understanding.
Total 42
11.Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Books /Authors/Publishers
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To understand basic principles of various processes and their applications. State various
parameters influencing the machining process.
2 Abrasive jet machining: Introduction, set ups, gas propulsion system, abrasivefeeder, 8
machining chamber, AJM nozzle, abrasive parametric analysis, processcapabilities,
applications, abrasive micro machining,
3 Abrasive flow machining- Working principle, parametric analysis, process variables, process 10
performance and applications, Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing- Working
principle, parametric analysis,process variables, process performance and applications,
Magnetic float polishing,Magnetic abrasive finishing- Working principle, parametric analysis,
processvariables, process performance and applications
6 Plasma arc machining: Working principle, Plasma arc cutting system, applications. 2
Total 42
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To understand the key considerations at the various stages involved in the supply of product
in order to maintain the smooth flow from source to the point of consumption so that overall
organizational performance may improve.
3 Resource planning: Aggregate Production Planning- Chase and leveling strategies, MRP, 6
MRP-II, Agile manufacturing Systems
5 Strategic Alliances: Introduction, Third party logistics, Demand driven strategies, Distribution 8
strategies- direct shipment, cross docking, transshipment, Supplier relationships management,
Customer relationship management.
Total 42
11. Suggested Books:
1. Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, Philip K. and ‘Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategic
and Case Studies’, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, (ISBN, 10: 0072357568, 13: 978-0072357561).
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To provide basic understanding to the students about the concept and significance of work
study and ergonomics. To impart thorough knowledge to the students about various techniques of work-
study for improving the productivity of an organization.
1 Productivity: Definition, reasons for low productivity, methods to improve productivity, 4
Work-study and productivity
Total 42
1. Barnes Ralph M., "Motion & Time study: Design and Measurement of Work", Wiley Text Books, ISBN-
10: 8126522178, 2009.
2 Marvin E, Mundel& David L, "Motion & Time Study: Improving Productivity", Pearson
Education,ISBN-10: 0136030440, 2000.
3 Benjamin E Niebel and FreivaldsAndris, "Methods Standards & Work Design", McGraw Hill,ISBN-
101259064840, 1997.
4 International Labour organization, "Work-study", Oxford and IBH publishing company Pvt. Ltd.,
N.Delhi, ISBN-10 8120406028, 2001
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 0 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To allow students to develop the technical, analytical, and managerial skills necessary to
perform the tasks successfully.
10. Details of Course:
Unit Content Contact Hours
3 Value engineering:Introduction, nature and measurement of value. Value 6
analysis, job plan. Creativity and techniques of creativity. Value analysis
test. Case studies.
Total 42
4. Engineering Design and Design for Manufacturing: A structured approach, “John R. Dixon
and CPoli” Field Stone Publishers, USA. ISBN: 9780964527201
5. Material Selection in Mechanical Design, “M. F. Ashby”Elsevier. ISBN: 9780080419077
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 3 Practical: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To familiarize the students with the concept of Total Life Cycle, management of old vehicles,
applying life cycle thinking to define tradeoffs. This course also introduces to sustainability, use of
renewable resources.
4 Sustainability:What Is Sustainability - Use of RenewableResources - View 8
to Design Horizon.
Total 42
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: V
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To understand the philosophy and core values of Total Quality Management (TQM);
determine the voice of the customer and the impact of quality on economic performance and long-term
business success of an organization;
Unit Content Contact
No. Hours
4 Six Sigma and ISO 9000:2000- Principles of Six Sigma, Statistical basis, 6
Tools and techniques, DMAIC principle, application of six sigma in
manufacturing and service organizations, structure of ISO standards, Factors
leading to ISO, Implementation and registration, Benefits of ISO.
Total 42
1. Evans JR,Lindsay WM, “The Management and Control of Quality”, Cengage learning,
India, ISBN-10: 8131501361, 2011
2 BediKanishka,“Quality Management”,Oxford University Press India, ISBN-
10: 0195677951, 2006
3 Besterfield,“Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education, ISBN-10: 9332534454, 2015
4 Gryna FM, Chua RCH, Defeo JA, “Juran‟s Quality Planning and Analysis for Enterprise
Quality”, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, ISBN-10: 0070618488, 2006
S. Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Heat resistant polymers: Requirements for heat resistance, Determination of heat 9
resistance, Synthesis, Structure-property relationships, Applications of heat
resistant polymers like polyamides, polyimides and its derivatives,
polyquinolines, polyquinoxalines, PBT, PBO, PBI, PPS, PPO, PEEK, engineering
plastic blends.
2 Liquid crystalline polymers, Concept of liquid crystalline phase, Theories of 9
liquid crystallinity, Characteristics of LC state and LCPs, Rheology of liquid
crystalline polymers, Blends of LCPs, Self reinforced composites, Applications.
3 Conducting polymers, Conduction mechanism, semi-conductors and conducting 9
polymers, Band theory, Doping of polymeric systems, Processing and testing of
conducting polymers, Applications and recent advances in conducting polymers.
4 Synthesis and applications of photosensitive polymers, Curing reactions. 6
5 Polymers in specialty applications: Polymers in agricultural applications, Green 9
houses, Mulches, Control release of agricultural chemicals, Seed coatings,
Polymers in construction and building applications.
3 Fire Properties of Polymeric Composites Materials/ A.P. Mouritz, A G. Gibson/ Springer,
4 Modern Biopolymers science: Bridging the divide between fundamentals treatise and
industrial application/S. Kasapis, I.T. Nortan, J.B. Ubbink/ Elsevier 2009
11. Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Books/Authors/Publisher
1 New Chemical Engineering Separation Techniques/ Schoen/ Wiley Interscience, New York,
2 Separation Processes/ C.J. King/ Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,1982.
3 Bioseparations – Principles and Techniques/ B. Sivasankar/ Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi, 2005.
4 Separation process Principles/ Seader, Henley and Roper/ John Wiley & Sons 2010
5 Membrane Separation processes/ Kaushik Nath/ PHI , 2008.
5 Geothermal Energy: Estimation and nature of geothermal energy, geothermal 4
sources and resources like hydrothermal, geo-pressured hot dry rock, magma.
Advantages, disadvantages, and application of geothermal energy.
6 Ocean Energy: Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion systems like open cycle, 4
closed cycle, Hybrid cycle. Energy from tides, basic principle of tidal power,
single basin and double basin tidal power plants, advantages, limitation and scope
of tidal energy. Wave energy and power from wave, wave energy conversion
devices, advantages and disadvantages of wave energy.
7 Magnetohydrdynamic Power Generation: Principle of MHD power generation, 4
MHD system, Design problems and developments, gas conductivity, materials
for MHD generators and future prospects.
8 Fuel Cells: Design principle and operation of fuel cell, Types of fuel cells, 4
conversion efficiency of fuel cell, applications of fuel cells.
9 Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen Production methods, Hydrogen storage, hydrogen 4
transportation, utilization of hydrogen gas, hydrogen as alternative fuel for
2. Contact Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 00
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 03 Practical: 00
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 00 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 03
6. Semester: ODD-V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To impart knowledge about polymer waste and their management.
10. Details of Course
Unit Contents Contact
No. Hours
1 Polymer and Plastics Waste: Definition of plastics waste and the associated 8
problems, Identification, collection methods and separation. Integrated waste
management – source reduction, recycling, energy recovering process through
thermal and biological destruction, Land filling and composting.
2 Plastics waste management: Source reduction, reuse, repair, recycling, and 8
incineration with examples. Plastics recycling: Classification, Code of practice,
Primary, secondary, territory and quaternary recycling with examples, Waste
plastics as fillers.
3 Recycling and degradation of plastics: Recycling and sustainability correlation, 9
Basic principles and recovery, recycling and resource conservation.
4 Recycling of plastics by surface refurbishing, Application of a coating, polishing, 9
Plastics, Environmental and Thermal ageing, Chemical degradation, Wear and
erosion, Biodegradable plastics – an overview.
5 Environmental issues, policies and legislation in India. 8
surface atoms, Surface energy and surface stress, surface defects, Properties at
nanoscale (optical, mechanical, electronic, and magnetic).
2 Nano-materials, Classification based on dimensionality, Quantum Dots, Wells and 8
Wires, Carbon-based nano-materials, Metal based nano-materials, Nanocomposites,
Nanopolymers, Nanoglasses, Nanoceramics, Biological nanomaterials.
3 Synthesis of nanopolymers, Chemical Methods, Metal Nanocrystals by Reduction, 9
Solvothermal Synthesis, Photochemical Synthesis, Sonochemical Routes, Chemical
Vapor Deposition, Metal Oxide - Chemical Vapor Deposition, Physical Methods
such as ball Milling, electrodeposition, spray pyrolysis, flame pyrolysis, DC/RF
magnetron sputtering, Molecular beam epitaxy.
4 Nanofabrication, Photolithography and its limitations, Electron beam lithography, 9
Nanoimprint, Soft lithography patterning, Characterization with Field Emission
Scanning Electron Microscopy, Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy, High
Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope, Scanning Tunneling Microscope,
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Auger
electron spectroscopy, Rutherford back scattering spectroscopy.
5 Applications of nanomaterials, Solar energy conversion and catalysis, Molecular 8
electronics and printed electronics, Nanoelectronics, Polymers with aspecial
architecture, Applications in displays and other devices, Nanomaterials for data
storage, Photonics, Plasmonics, Nanomedicine, Nanobiotechnology and
11.Suggested Books
S. No. Name of Books/Authors/Publisher
1 Organic and Inorganic Nanostructures/ Nabok/ Artech House, 2005.
2 Nanoscience: Nanotechnologies and Nanophysics/ Dupas, Houdy, Lahmani/ Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg ,2007
3 Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology/ H.S. Nalwa/ Academic Press , 2002
4 A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/ Pradeep/ Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Ltd. , 2012
1. Subject Code: PT371 Course Title: Applications of Polymer Blends and Composite
2. Contact Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 00
3. Examination Duration (Hrs.): Theory: 03 Practical: 00
4. Relative Weight: CWS: 25 PRS: 00 MTE: 25 ETE: 50 PRE: 00
5. Credits: 03
6. Semester: ODD-V
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: NIL
9. Objective: To make student aware about the applications of polymers, blends
and composites.
10. Details of Course
1. Subject Code: IT351 Course Title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
9. Objective: The student should be able to understand the different supervised, unsupervised and
reinforcement learning algorithms and choose the appropriate machine learning tool for different real world
2. Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate and Test, Hill Climbing, Best-first search, 6
Branch and bound, A* algorithm, Game playing.
6. Applications &Research Topics: Applications in the fields of web and data mining, 6
text recognition, speech recognition
11. Suggested Books
Text Book
4. The elements of statistical learning, Friedman, Jerome, Trevor Hastie, and 2001
Robert Tibshirani. Vol. 1. Springer, Berlin: Springer series in statistics,
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
7. Subject Area: UEC
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
9. Objective: The objective of the course is to familiarize students with basic data structures and their use
in fundamental algorithms.
10. Details of Course
Text Books:
1. Horowitz and Sahni, “Fundamentals of Data structures”, Galgotia 1983
2. Tannenbaum, “Data Structures”, PHI 2007( Fifth
3. T .H . Cormen, C . E . Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”, 2011 ( reprint)
3rd Ed., PHI.
4. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Rajsekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer
Algorithms,” Galgotia Publication
Reference Books
1. R.L. Kruse, B.P. Leary, C.L. Tondo, “Data structure and program design in 2009( Fourth
C”, PHI Impression)
2. Aho ,Ullman “Principles of Algorithms ”
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
8. Pre-requisite: Operating systems, Algorithm Design and Analysis and data structures
2. Data Link Layer and Medium Access sub layer - Channel Allocations, LAN 6
protocols -ALOHA protocols - Overview of IEEE standards - FDDI. - Elementary
Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window protocols.
4. Transport Layer: Design issues, TCP and UDP, connection management, 8
Congestion control, Leaky bucket, Token bucket algorithm. QoS.
Text Book
Reference Book
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
3. Examination Duration (ETE) (Hrs.): Theory 3 Hrs Practical 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
1. Internet and WWW: Internet basic, Introduction to internet and its applications, E- 6
mail, telnet, FTP, e-commerce, video conferencing, e-business. Internet service
providers, domain name server, internet address World Wide Web (WWW): World
Wide Web and its evolution, uniform resource locator (URL), browsers - internet
explorer, netscape navigator, opera, firefox, chrome, mozilla. Search engine, web
saver - apache, IIS, proxy server, HTTP protocol.
2. WEBSITES BASIC ANDWEB 2.0: Web 2.0: Basics-RIA Rich 6
Internet Applications - Collaborations tools - Understanding websites and web
servers: Understanding Internet – Difference between websites and web server-
Internet technologies Overview – Understanding the difference between internet and
intranet; HTML and CSS: HTML 5.0 , XHTML, CSS 3.
3. E-MAIL SECURITY & FIREWALLS : PGP - S/MIME - Internet Firewalls for 8
Trusted System: Roles of Firewalls - Firewall related terminology- Types of
Firewalls - Firewall designs - SET for E-Commerce Transactions, intellectual
property: copyright, patents, trademarks, cyber laws
4. SERVELETS AND JSP: JSP Technology Introduction-JSP and Servelets- Running 8
JSP Applications Basic JSP- JavaBeans Classes and JSP-Tag Libraries and Files-
Support for the Model- View- Controller Paradigm- Case Study- Related
5. XML: Introduction to XML, uses of XML, simple XML, XML key components, 6
DTD and Schemas, Well formed, using XML with application.XML, XSL and
XSLT. Introduction to XSL, XML transformed simple example, XSL elements,
transforming with XSLT
6. PHP: Starting to script on server side, Arrays, function and forms, advance 8
PHP, Basic command with PHP examples, Connection to server, creating database,
selecting a database, listing database, listing table names creating a table, inserting
data, altering tables, queries, deleting database, deleting data and tables, PHP my
admin and database bugs.
S.No. Name of Books / Authors/ Publishers Year of Publication/
Text Books
1. Internet and Web Technologies by Raj Kamal, Tata McGraw Hill 2002
edition. (ISBN: 9780070472969)
2. An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation, Mark Levene, 2010
Pearson Education. (ISBN: 978047052684)
3. Modeling the Internet and the Web,PierreBaldi,PaoloFrasconi, Padhraic 2003
Smyth, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (ISBN: 978-0-470-84906-4)
Reference Books
4. HTML: A Beginner’s Guide by Wendy Willard, Tata McGraw-Hill 2009
(ISBN: 9780070677234)
5. PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites, Ullman, Larry, Peachpit 2012
Press.1 (ISBN: 978-0-321-78407-0)
2. Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0
5. Credits: 3
6. Semester: ODD
8. Pre-requisite: Nil
2. The Java Environment: Installing Java, Java Program Development, Java Source 6
File Structure, Compilation, Executions. Lexical Tokens, Identifiers, Keywords,
Literals, Comments, Primitive Datatypes, Operators Assignments.
3. Object Oriented Programming: Class Fundamentals , Object & Object reference, 8
Object Life time & Garbage Collection, Creating and Operating Objects ,
Constructor & initialization code block, Access Control, Modifiers, methods Nested
, Inner Class &Anonymous Classes, Abstract Class & Interfaces Defining Methods,
Argument Passing Mechanism, Method Overloading, Recursion, Dealing with Static
Members, Finalize() Method, Native Method.
4. Extending Classes and Inheritance: Use and Benefits of Inheritance in OOP, 8
Types of Inheritance in Java, Inheriting Data members and Methods, Role of
Constructors in inheritance, Overriding Super Class Methods, Use of “super”,
Polymorphism in inheritance, Type Compatibility and Conversion Implementing
5. Package: Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages, Package as Access 6
Protection, Defining Package, CLASSPATH Setting for Packages, Making JAR
Files for Library Packages Import and Static Import Naming Convention For
6. GUI Programming: Designing Graphical User Interfaces in Java, Components and 8
Containers, Basics of Components, Using Containers, Layout Managers, AWT
Components, Adding a Menu to Window, Extending GUI Features Using Swing
Components, Java Utilities (java.util Package) The Collection Framework:
Collections of Objects, Collection Types, Sets , Sequence, Map, Understanding
Hashing, Use of Array List & Vector.
3. The Java Programming Languages,, Ken Arnold, ISBN-13: 978- 4th Edition,
032134980, Publisher: Sun