Critical Cavitiation Factor
Critical Cavitiation Factor
Critical Cavitiation Factor
5.1 Introduction
Hydraulic transients and hydraulic vibrations are common problems
encountered in the operation of pumped and storage power plants,
conventional, power plants, and hydraulic structures. Many model studies on
the transient fluid flows and their vibration problems have been carried out. In
many applications, such as in turbine and pump operafans, cavitation
conditions are known to occur which resulted in two-phase flow art downstream
of the fluid system. For cases with intensive cavitation in tfce fluid system,
studies on the similarity between model and prototype are few. With the
present state-of-the-art, modelings of similarity for the time dependent hydraulic
transient and vibration problems are not satisfactory. Reliable data on
cavitation and information on the characteristics of cavitation exciters are also
almost impossible to predict the quantity of air getting through the machine and
remain downstream of the system, systematic analysis has te be carried out
with various assumed amount of air content (e) in the model analysis of the
transient fluid flow problem. Whiteman and Pearsall (1959) have given in the
first study on the effects of air content on wave speed in a transient fluid system
is conducted by Details survey on effects of air on wave speed in fluid systems
is given by Lee (1991).
(c) T.R.Benga and S.C.Sharma formula for cc:
i. cc = 0.0625 (Ns/444)2 for Francis turbines (5.7)
Based on the available data on the hydro power stations in India and
other countries we have tried an empirical formula for predicting the
critical cavitation factor for hydro turbines as given below:
Calculated values of cc for different ‘Ns’ are compared with the actual
values predicted from the model test and found close to each other as
shown in Fig. 5.1 to Fig. 5.17.
Similarly an empirical relationship has been developed fbi bulb turbines
for the formation of cavitation bubble formation interms of Ns given below
cc = 1.06 [0.60 + 0.30 (Ns/550)3] for bubble formation. (5.17)
The prediction for cc at bubble formation from the above formula has
yielded good results comparable with model test results shown in the above
mentioned figures.
Cavi ation Test No: 1
Head on the turbine = 7.53m
Guide ’■ane opening = 80%
Runner vane opening = 90%
Turbine Efficiency = 90.8%
Specific speed N, = 814
oP = 1.758
Inference = No Cavitation
ctp = 1.437
CJcc - 1.33 Oct = 1.43
Obc= 1.667 Obi = 1.77
Inference = Inception of
--------------------- Cavitation
Cavitation Test No: 3
Head or the turbine = 7.53m
Guide vane opening = 80%
Runner vane opening = 90%
Turbine Efficiency = 89.37%
Specific speed Ns = 802
oP= 1.322
Figures 5.1 - 5.3 show the photographs of model testing for cavitation in
bulb turbine at a constant guide vane opening of 80% and at a runner vane
opening of 90% for various specific speeds. The model test report for the
critical cavitation factor Oct and cavitation factor for bubble formation am are
compared with the analytical results obtained by curve fittirg equation on the
corresponding ace and abe are shown in these figures. The model test results
and analytical results are compared and found very close. The equations for the
prediction of critical cavitation factor and for bubble formation cavitation factor
are hereby validated. By this method the critical cavitation factors for severe
cavitation and the babble formation can be easily predicted. The efficiency of
the bulb turbine is reduced by 1.58% by the effect of cavitation. The specifics
speed is reduced by 1.47% this reduction in specific soeed reduces the
efficiency and increases the probability of cavitation. The eq jalent head on the
proto type has been fixed at 7.53m by this model study.
Cavitation Test No: 4
Head on the turbine = 6.5m
Guide vane opening = 83.5%
Runner vane opening = 90°/e
Turbine Efficiency = 89.65°/<
Specific speed Ns = 899
cjp = 2.172
Oc = 1.61
abb =2.024
Inference = No Cavitation
Cavitation Test No: 7
Head on tae turbine = 6.5m
Guide van* opening = 83.5%
Runner vtne opening = 90%
Turbine Efficiency = 88.6%>
Specific saeed Ns = 896
oP = 1.549
of 6.50m.
gp = 5.677
CTc = 0.91
Cavitation Test No: 9
Head on the turbine = 7.53m
Guide vane opening = 67%
Runner vane opening = 60“/
Turbine Efficiency = 92.35°/.
Specific s oeed Ns = 687
oP = 1.704
Oce = 0.93 Oct = 0.95
Obc= 1-26 Ob.= 1.26
Inference = No Cavitation
Figures 5.9 - 5.11 show the model test results on cavitaion phenomenon
at 67% guide vane opening and at 60% runner vane opening at various specific
speeds at a working head of 7.53m in the prototype. The model test report for
the critical cavitation factor and cavitation factor for bubble formation aw are
compared with the analytical results obtained by solving an equation on the
corresponding ace and at* are shown in these figures. The node! test results
and analytical results are compared and found to be very close The efficiency
has been reduced by 1.04% and 1 to specific speed has Deen reduced by
1.16% at the time of cavitation.
Cavitatiwn Test No: 14
Head on -he turbine = 6.5m
Guide vaae opening = 71%
Runner vane opening = 60%
Turbine Efficiency = 90.29%
Specific speed Ns = 753
gp = 0.935
Gee =1.12 Oct =1.00
Inference = No Cavitation
Cavitat:>on Test No: 16
Head on the turbine = 6.5m
Guide vane opening = 89%
Runner vane opening = 100°/»
Turbine Efficiency = 86.17°/
Specific speed Ns = 949
aP = 2.085
Cce= 1.92 Oct 2.08
CTbe= 2.23 Obi 2.43
Inference = Inception of
Comparison of model test results with analytical test resdts for cavitation
factors for the bulb turbines are given in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1 Comparison of model test results with analytical test results for
cavitation factors for the bulb turbines
Cavitation factor
Critical cavitation
at bubble
Plant formation
Specific cavitation by by
by by Inference
Speed |NS) factor model model
(oP) analytical analytical
test test
equation equation
report report
(ace) (Obe)
(°ct) M
inception of
688 0.967 0.95 0.94 1.26 1.26
inception of
760 1.015 1 1.12 1.28 1.47
inception of
811 1.437 1.43 1.35 1.77 1.66
inception of
902 1.69 1.69 1,7 1.98 2.04
inception of
949 2.085 2.08 1.95 2.43 2.23
5.3 Conclusions
The prediction of critical cavitation factor and bubble cavitation factor at
different specific speed for the bulb turbines can be easily predicted by using an
empirical equation without going for a detailed model study. The model test
results and curve fitting equation for bulb turbines are compared and found out
that our results are in line with the above results obtained by Hiroharn [1996] in
predicting critical cavitation factor ac and bubble formation factot
The cavitation severity and its location predicted in the model test
conducted for the bulb turbine is found different in the prototypes installed at
different locations. The severity of the cavitation in the pratotypes, have
deformed the runner casings in our study. The scale effect in the model study
has been proved, as confirmed by the research conducted by T.S.Lee and
S.Pejovic [1996] and gives a very close approximation on the results.
Still photography is taken with shutter speed of 1/500 with exposure time of
1 second. It is taken inside the discharge ring at runner vane moving area with
Photographs shown in figure 5.1 to 5.3 at page no. 72 & 73 are cross-
referred for the cavitation and efficiency. The efficiency ^ no cavitation is
90.8% and at inception of cavitation is 90.6% and at full cavitation is