04 UM Supplemental Materials
04 UM Supplemental Materials
04 UM Supplemental Materials
Secrets for developing
the Unbeatable Mind
and Mental Toughness!
By Mark Divine
Secrets for developing
the Unbeatable Mind
and Mental Toughness!
By Mark Divine
Unbeatable Mind Copyright © 2011-2012
by Mark Divine
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Mark Divine,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.
“Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it.” – Ella Williams
• Are we conscious of where are food comes from i.e. processed industrial food
or family farm?)
• Is food merely nourishment for the body or is it equally nourishment for the
• Do we actually taste and enjoy our food or just eat like our mouth is a conveyor
A warrior seeks the clarity and focus to be able to see through illusion, mass
hallucinations and general bullshit. Part of the warrior’s path as it relates to food is to
start to de-condition themselves from what I will call ‘food porn’ and begin to relate
to food in a consciousness and intentional way. Food porn is the culinary culture cre-
ated from the interplay between Madison Avenue, government agencies and special
interest groups, which leads to what is generally called SAD (Standard American Diet)
and all of its cultural manifestations. It’s almost a misnomer to actually call it food
since a lot of what is sold as ‘food’ has very little to do with real food. It’s more like
Franken food created in labs and field-tested on millions of unsuspecting Americans
and others throughout the world. The end results are increased number of those suf-
fering from diabetes, heart disease, cancer, digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases,
neurological impairments, etc
Warriors in all aspects of their lives but especially food need to ask not only what
is possible but also what is appropriate. With an Unbeatable Mind, the impossible
becomes possible but when it comes to food, it’s more important to ask what is ap-
propriate for human beings to not only survive but also thrive.
So, when it comes to the types of food you eat, one question that needs to be
asked is what is actually appropriate for human beings. That’s different than what
is expedient, conventionally accepted and/or sold by Madison Ave (remember ‘food
porn’). As integral warriors, we must see SAD for what it is and its pretty damn sad.
To answer the question what is appropriate for human beings we must know what we
were designed to eat in order to not only survive but also thrive. A dispassionate look
at human biology suggests that the appropriate diet for human beings is one similar
to what is today popularly called Paleo or Primal.
What is Paleo?
It is a nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and
animals that various human species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic Era—
a period of about 2.5 million years that ended around 12,000 years ago with the
development of agriculture. It is known as the Paleolithic diet (abbreviated paleo diet
or paleodiet), also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet, Primal
and hunter-gatherer diet.
As a general rule, paleo foods are foods that don’t require any kind of advanced
processing to be made edible. This leaves a wide variety of foods available like meat,
fish, poultry and game; vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruit, and most naturally occurring
fats and oils. What it rules out is most packaged, processed foods, dairy, any kind
of grains or starches and legumes (mostly beans, peas, lentils and the like, but also
extending to peanuts which is not technically a nut). All cooking methods are allowed,
but most curing and preserving methods, which typically involve a large amount of
salt and other chemicals, are discouraged.
Many people report favorable improvements in performance after “going Paleo”,
even if it is just one part of Paleo. Any of the steps below are generally good for your
health and diet… feel free to customize your Paleo Diet to eliminate the things you
want to or are most sensitive to and keep in your diet the others. For instance, some
people just eliminate wheat, thus are “gluten-free Paleo”.
The modifications of Paleo for SEALFIT come as a result of three aspects of our train-
ing and philosophy:
1. SEALFIT athletes are often deployed to remote places that lack the
consistency of food availability. An MRE must suffice in these situations
(including at Kokoro Camp!). So, it might be a good idea once in a while to
eat non-paleo foods (only if you have your health already dialed in) in order
to reduce the severity of a negative reaction to a specific food especially GI
troubles in the midst of travel or intense training.
2. SEALFIT Athletes work harder and burn more energy than the typical athlete.
Thus we must cycle more carbohydrates into our diet. Paleo for some is seen
as a low carbohydrate diet but in fact it does not have to be. It is important to
eat the foods necessary to fuel your athletic performance.
3. No fueling plan can be adhered to if it is too rigid. I have seen even the most
disciplined athletes fall off the wagon after a year of Nazi style attitude about
the diet and how no other diet is appropriate. Be wary of absolutisms! You
must tailor your fueling to your training schedule, the availability of the foods
you need (and want), and sensibility. Don’t make it a total bummer, but have
fun with it and watch your training results accelerate to new heights.
STEP 2 Eliminate dairy from your diet especially milk and highly processed
cheeses and yogurts. If your health is fine and you do not have any negative
responses to dairy, its ok to eat raw cheese and minimally processed high fat
STEP 3 Eliminate all other starches (corn, beans, etc). Use vegetables and
seasonal fruits as your primary sources of carbohydrates which can include
sweet potatoes. Rice is also ok on a limited basis. Paleo can be lower carb
but one does not have to be low- carb on a paleo type diet. It all depends on
one’s level of physical activity. The preference is to burn both fat and carbs for
STEP 4 Eliminate junk food and highly processed food stuff including food
laden with additives and preservatives (sugar, soda, high fructose corn syrup,
msg, aspartame, etc)
STEP 5 Eliminate vegetable oils and use olive oil and coconut oil for cooking
Use olive oil for low heat cooking and coconut or organics grass fed butter for
higher heat cooking.
STEP 7 Use eating as a meditative practice. Be aware of how you feel while
you eat. Bring a calm mind and relaxed body with you to each meal.
STEP 6 Use meal-time as a time to re-connect with your team (or yourself).
Whether it’s your work team, family, friends or military unit.
Shopping List:
Protein sources include meat and poultry if you are a meat eater. If you are not inclined
to eat meat, then you must ensure that you get enough protein from other sources,
and probably supplement as well.
Best: Wild game or 100% grass fed local lean meats (Trader Joes, farmer’s markets,
Sprouts, Whole Foods, Costco)
Second Best: Organic, naturally raised and hormone and antibiotic free (locally grown
when possible)
** Flank Steak
** Chicken Breast (including ground
** Lean Hamburger (beef, bison, buffalo) and minimally processed sausage)
** Chuck Steak,Turkey (including ground and
** Top Sirloin Steak minimally processed sausage), Veal, Game Hen Breasts
** Game Meat, Pork Loin, Pork Chops
** Beef Jerky (low sodium, least amount of ingredients, no soy sauce, ideally
Second best is canned fish in water or olive or fish oil, with minimal salt
Vegetables should be your main source of carbohydrate and are also a good source
of protein. Non starchy vegetables should be a big part of each meal. Virtually all
vegetables offer excellent nutritional value.
Best are organic, locally grown, in season; Fresh or fresh frozen. Second best are
non-organic, locally grown; Fresh or fresh frozen. Third best are freshest store bought,
grown as close as possible and washed thoroughly, or imported organic.
Best fruit sources are organic, locally grown, in season; Fresh or fresh frozen.
Third best are freshest store bought, grown as close as possible and washed thoroughly,
or imported organic.
Nuts and seeds are packed with protein, fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants and
lots of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and magnesium. Nuts in modera-
tion are very healthy but over eating them can stall weight loss. Cashews especially
are delicious but surprisingly high in carbohydrate and contain too much omega 6.
Best are organic, raw, unsalted nuts and seeds in shell. Second best are non-
organic, raw, unsalted nuts and seed in shell. Finally, third best are organic, raw,
unsalted, shelled whole nuts and nut halves
Fat is good for you. Fat is essential to your well-being and happiness. Fat is a
great source of energy. Fat triggers our sense of being full. Fat is an essential part
of many of your cellular and hormonal processes. We sicken and die fairly quickly
without adequate intake of essential fats.
** Coconut (raw unsweetened flakes, milk)
** Almond Milk (organic with minimal ingredients)
** Nut Flours (minimize use)
** Nut/Seed Butters (no peanut butter)
** Avocado (on the fruit list but considered a fat source more than a fruit)
Oils are a good source of fat. The best sources of oils are organic extra-virgin
oils packed in dark bottles. Second best are non-organic extra-virgin oils packed in
dark bottles. Finally, third best are organic virgin or non-organic extra virgin all in
dark bottles.
** Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Avoid other vinegars. They may be made from grain
and not grain or gluten free. Use Lime or Lemon juice as a substitute for
** Honey (get raw, organic local honey if possible; honey is still sugar so use very
minimally or avoid completely)
** Agave Nectar (get raw, organic and local if possible; Agave is still sugar so use
very minimally or avoid completely; honey is actually better for you)
** Clean filtered water, Coffee (try to limit)
** Herbal Tea, Black or Green Tea