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Lesson Plan in Research Grade 10

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Lesson Plan in Research Grade 10

June 24, 2019

I. Objectives:
At the end of this chapter, the students are expected to:
A. Explain the relationship between ethics and morality and the researcher’s ethical
responsibility when doing research.
B. Analyze their own practices while doing research and express their realizations.
C. Demonstrate full understanding of ethical norms and guidelines through correct
application of concepts in given exercises.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Ethical Guidelines and Considerations in Research

Almeida, A., Gaerlan A. & Manly, N. (2016) Research Fundamentals. Q.C.: Adriana
Publishing Co. Inc.
Brickmann, S. (2013). Qualitative inquiry in everyday life. London: SAGE
Publications Ltd.
Denscombe, M. (2002). Ground rules for good research. Philadelphia USA: Open
University Press.
Flick, U. (2011). Introducing research methodology. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.


 PowerPoint Presentation
 Laptop

III. Procedure:
A. Routinary activities
 Prayer
 Checking of classroom condition
 Checking of attendance
 Greetings

B. Motivation:
Directions: Watch the video presentation about please be guided with the following

Guide Questions:
1. What is the most fundamental problem of our planet?
2. How can we strengthen our ethical values?
3. How can we build a culture of lawfulness?
4. Do you agree that sometimes people do evil things? How? Explain your
5. Is it true that sometimes people consciously make unethical decisions? How?
Explain your answer.

Building a culture of lawfulness starts with strengthening our ethical values and the ability to act
upon them.


Directions: Watch the short animation provides an outline of the Principles and Guidelines for
Ethical Research and Evaluation in Development, co-published by the Australian Council for
International Development (ACFID) and the Research for Development Impact Network.


1. What is your idea about research ethics?
2. According to the video presentation there are how many principles and guidelines for
ethical research?
3. Is the video presentation relevant and useful for you as a researcher?
4. Why should researchers consider ethics in the conduct of research?
5. Describe a researcher who possesses integrity.

Research ethics provides guidelines for the responsible conduct of research. In addition, it
educates and monitors scientists conducting research to ensure a high ethical standard.
Basic Rules for Ethical Research
The professional integrity of the researcher becomes at sake when research is carried out
without considering moral issues on what ought to be done and what ought not to be done.
The notion of ethics is closely linked to the ideal of morality: and that ethics concerns the
system of moral principles by which individual can judge their actions as right or wrong, good or
bad. Ethics in research calls for a moral perspective rather than the practical or logical perspective
related to the research methodology. ---Denscombe (2002)
Principles and Guidelines for Ethical Research
1. Respect for human beings- researchers school avoid harming participants
2. Beneficence- research on human subjects should produce some positive and identifiable
benefit rather than simply be carried out for its own sake.
3. Research merit and integrity- research must be experience and competent, well
designed and carefully planned.
4. Justice- all people should be treated equally.
What are research misconducts?
1. Fabrication - making up data or results and recording or reporting them.
2. Falsification - manipulating research materials, or changing or omitting data or results
such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
3. Plagiarism - the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words
without giving appropriate credit.

Directions: Try to recall past experiences in your life as a student-researcher when you
unconsciously or unknowingly deviated from the ethical norms or expectations while doing
research. Do the following:
1. Write a narrative story of your past experience wherein you, as a student, did not conform
to the ethical norms while doing your research projects. Analyze your behaviour at that time
and reflect on what you should have done as an evidence of learning.
2. Discuss your experience in class and share other good practices when doing research

Directions: After reading and analyzing the given research topics below, make an outline of the
ethical norms that you will observe and comply with in all of the research projects.
Research 1: “Required Participation of Grade 8 Girls in the School’s Varsity Team”
Research 2: “Study Habits of Selected Special Children in Relation to their Academic Performance”
Research 3: “The Learning Behaviours of Kindergarten Pupils inside their Classroom”

Prepared by:


Research Teacher

Observed by:

English Department

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