Rubrics RCD
Rubrics RCD
Rubrics RCD
This constraint may be one of the most important factor that must be considered in
the design project. The design of the project must take into account the limited
amount of budget of the client. This constraint may be directed by selecting materials
Economic to be used and considering thequantity of materials needed. Considering this, the
designer will evaluate the total costs; that which includes the initial costs, factors
affecting the cost (inflation, TRAIN Law, Import/Export overhead cost) and
maintenance costs of alternatives to come up with the best design.
This constraint influences the cost of the project as for the duration of the construction
taken into man-hours. The design of the project must take into account the length of
Constructability time the project is to be constructed. Duration of the project can be dealt by preparing
proper construction project schedule and ensuring that the schedule is being
This constraint considers the service it may provide for the consumers of the building
for their satisfaction and comfort not only from the use of the building itself but also
the safety it guarantees from the natural calamities that may occur such as
Sustainability earthquake. The designer consider this constraint to assure the need for safety of the
consumers of the project. In the design, seismic resistance can be computed by
Earthquake load analysis.
Tied Columns
Tied columns are a concrete column reinforced with rectangular reinforcement called
“ties” in addition to longitudinal reinforcement. Tied columns have closed lateral ties
spaced approximately uniformly across the column. The spacing of the ties is limited
in that they must be close enough to prevent barrelling failure between them, and far
enough apart that they do not interfere with the setting of the concrete. The ACI
codebook puts an upward limit on the spacing between ties. ACI Code 7.10.5: Vertical
spacing of ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diameters, 48 tie bar or wire
diameters, or least dimension of the compression member. If the ties are spaced too
far apart, the column will experience shear failure and barrel in between the ties.
Spiral columns are cylindrical columns with a continuous helical bar wrapping around
the column.The spiral acts to provide support in the transverse direction and prevent
the column from barrelling. The amount of reinforcement is required to provide
additional load-carrying capacity greater than or equal to that attributed from the shell
as to compensate for the strength lost when the shell spalls off. With further thickening
Spiral Columns
of the spiral rebar, the axially loaded concrete becomes the weakest link in the system
and the strength contribution from the additional rebar does not take effect until the
column has failed axially. At that point, the additional strength from spiral
reinforcement engages and prevents catastrophic failure, instead giving rise to a
much slower ductile failure.
Combined Tied and Spiral Columns are closed lateral ties spaced approximately
Combined Tied and Spiral uniformly across the column with a combination of cylindrical columns with a
Columns continuous helical bar wrapping around the column. The spiral acts to provide support
in the transverse direction and prevent the column from barreling.
1. National structural code of
the Philippines (NSCP
2010) This code provides a provision in which it will give the designer a minimum standard
such as loads, load combination, the computation for reinforcing, the allowable value
of such structural element and others. The main purpose of the National Structural
Code of the Philippines is to support the safety or to safeguard life in which it guides
the designer on how he/she will design a certain project. It also gives the materials’
best quality if the code provision is followed. The code provision shall apply mainly in
construction, altering, moving, demolition, repair, maintenance and use of any
building or structures with its extent except work located in public ways, hydraulic
flood control system and indigenous family dwellings.
2. Modern Tools/Techniques -
Design Project Title: Design of Four (4)-Storey Reinforced Concrete Commercial Building
Group Members: Fungo, Kenneth E. Course Code: CE502
Course Title: Reinforced Concrete Design
Sem./School Year: 1st Sem/ 2019-2020
SOs Addressed by the Course Performance Indicators Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Score
1 2 3
Identify, formulate, and solve complex Identify an engineering The engineering problem The engineering problem The engineering problem
engineering problems (student problem and/or satisfy a and/or need is unidentified and/or need is identified and/or need is clearly and
outcome b) need specifically identified
Formulate engineering The engineering solution to a The engineering solution to The engineering solution to
solutions to a given given problem and/or need is a given problem and/or a given problem and/or
problem and/or need not formulated need is partly formulated need is correctly and
completely formulated
Solve the engineering The engineering problem The engineering problem The engineering problem
problem and/or satisfy the and/or need is unsolved and/or need is solved by and/or need is innovatively
need adopting existing solved by adopting new
technologies, systems, technologies, systems,
components, or processes components, or processes
and methods and methods
Solve complex engineering problems Apply appropriate Less than three constraints Three constraints are More than three appropriate
by designing systems, components, or constraints in the design are applied in the design applied in the design constraints are applied in
processes to meet specifications within process process process the design process
realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, cultural, social, Apply appropriate Appropriate standards and Appropriate local standards Appropriate local and
societal, political, ethical, health and standards and codes in codes are not applied in the and codes are applied in international standards and
safety, manufacturability, and the design process design process the design process codes are applied in the
sustainability in accordance with design process
(student outcome c) Use trade-offs to Less than three options were Three options were used in More than three options
determine final design used in the trade-offs to the trade-offs to determine were used in the trade-offs
choice determine the final design the final design choice to determine the final design
choice choice
SOs Addressed by the Course Performance Indicators Score
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary
1 2 3
Use the techniques, skills, and modern Identify appropriate Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and
engineering tools necessary for techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools are modern engineering tools modern engineering tools
engineering practice in complex modern engineering tools not clearly identified in the are well identified in the are appropriately identified
engineering activities necessary in the design design process design process in the design process
(student outcome e) process
Use appropriate Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and Appropriate techniques,
techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools are modern engineering tools skills, and modern
modern engineering tools not appropriately used in the are appropriately used in engineering tools are
in the design process design process the design process accurately used in the
design process
Apply principles of ethics and commit Demonstrate ethics by Design project submitted or Design project submitted or Design project submitted or
to professional ethics and submitting or presenting a presented does not cite presented partly cited presented completely cited
responsibilities design project that cites references references based on references based on
(student outcome h) references Turnitin results Turnitin results
Demonstrate Design project is not Design project is submitted Design project is submitted
professionalism by submitted or presented on or presented on schedule or presented ahead of
submitting or presenting schedule as planned as planned schedule as planned
the design projects on
schedule as planned
Communicate effectively on complex Deliver effective oral
engineering activities with various presentations Use the mean score from the rubric for oral presentation of design projects
communities including engineering
experts and society at large using
Write a design project
appropriate levels of discourse
report that illustrates Use the mean score from the rubric for design project report
(student outcome j)
effective writing in English
Total Score
Total Score
Percentage Rating= ( ) x 100
Student Outcome (b): Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems.
Program: BS Civil Engineering Course: CE502- Reinforced Concrete Design Section: CE51FA2 1ST Semester School Year: 2019-2020
Evaluated by:
Program: BS Civil Engineering Course: CE502- Reinforced Concrete Design Section: CE51FA2 1ST Semester School Year: 2019-2020
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary
Performance Indicators Score
1 2 3
4. Apply appropriate Less than three constraints are Three constraints are applied in More than three appropriate constraints
constraints in the applied in the design process the design process are applied in the design process
design process
5. Apply appropriate Appropriate standards and codes Appropriate local standards and Appropriate local and international
standards and codes are not applied in the design codes are applied in the design standards and codes are applied in the
in the design process process process design process
6. Use trade-offs to Less than three options were used Three options were used in the More than three options were used in the
determine final design in the trade-offs to determine the trade-offs to determine the final trade-offs to determine the final design
choice final design choice design choice choice
Evaluated by:
Student Outcome (h): Apply principles of ethics and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities.
Program: BSCE Course: CE502 Section: CE51FA2 1ST Semester School Year: 2019-2020
Evaluated by: