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Detailed Lesson Plan in English

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I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the students should able to:
a. identify adjective in a sentence;
b. come up with own definition of adjective; and
c. use adjective in a sentence.


TOPIC: Adjective
MATERIALS: Visual Aids, Power point, apples, box, ball
REFERENCE: http://www.grammarly.com/blog/adjective/

Value Focus: Learn to appreciate the things around you.

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Good Morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
Are you ready for today? Yes Ma’am.

Before we start our new lesson for today let’s
have a short review on our last topic which is
noun. (Raising hands)
What is noun again class? Ma’am, Noun names a person, animal, place,
Yes? thing, quality idea or action and they are usually
used in a sentence as subject of verb or as object
of a preposition.
Well said! Thank you.
Now, who can give me a simple sentence (Raising hands)
As he said that noun usually served as a subject is
a sentence. Then tell me the noun in your (Answers may vary)
Very good class! I believe that you are now ready
for our new topic.
I brought 3 different objects here inside this box
2 apples with different colors, a ball and a box
I need 3 volunteers to come in front. (raising hands)

I need you to pick one of these objects. Then tell (answers may vary)
something about that object to your classmates.
Thank you very much, you may go back to your

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
1. Presentation
What they did class is what we are going to talk
about this morning. Describing! Which is
2. Discussion
(presenting the power point)
An adjective is a describing word.
It describes a noun or a pronoun.
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities
or states of being of nouns
(asking someone to read from the power point) Adjectives which modify noun.
1. Margot wore a beautiful hat to the pie-
eating contest.
2. Furry dogs may overheat in the
3. My cake should have sixteen candles.
4. The scariest villain of all time is Darth
They can also describe the quantity of nouns: Vader.
may, few, millions, one, two…..etc.

But adjectives can do more than just modify

nouns. They can also act as a complement to
linking verbs or the verb to be. A linking verb is a
verb like to feel, to seem or to taste that describes
as state of being or a sensory experience.
(asking someone to read from the power point) Examples:
1. That man looks happy.
2. It smells gross in the locker room.
3. Your salad tastes really good.

3. Elicitation
Have the pupils do the following.
“A Day on the Farm”
I have a short story here. It is entitled “A Day on It was a beautiful day outside and Ana walked fast
the Farm”. with a big smile on her face as she headed down
Try to list down all the describing words used in to her grandfather’s farm. As enters the tall gate
the selection. of the farm, she saw a goat with curly tail, a
pretty cow, a fat pig, a fluffy sheep and a hungry
rooster. She also saw a river with clear water with
a colorful fish. She runs as fast as she can to her
grandfather’s old nipa hut. She greeted her
grandfather, took his hand and kissed it. She told
her grandfather that when the schooldays are
over, she will going to spend her vacation in the

4. Value Integration
Did you like the story class? Yes Ma’am!
Do you believe class that every day is a wonderful
day? (answers may vary)
Yes, every day is a wonderful day that we should
thank God. Each day, we experience different
moments. That maybe sad moments or your (listening)
happiest moments in life.
We should still appreciate it and put in mind that
God has a purpose for every happenings in our
life. That could just be His instruments for us to
become stronger.

5. Generalization
Did you understand about adjective class? Yes Ma’am!
Let me see then.
What are adjectives again? (raising hands)
Can someone define adjective in his/her own (answers may vary)
Very good!
What else did you learn about adjectives today? (answers may vary)
Very good!

Now who can give me a sentence with adjective? (answers may vary)
What is your adjective there? (answers may vary)
Very good class! You did well today!
A. Group Activity – The teacher will divide the class into two groups (Boys group vs.
Girls group).
Directions: Arrange the jumbled adjective words in its correct form. Write the correct word in a sheet
provided then paste to replace the right word. First group to finish wins.

1. ROUF turtles climbed on the log.

2. Mr. Henderson’s OELDTS son goes to college.
3. There is a squirrel on our FNROT porch.
4. We sat beneath a SADHY umbrella.
5. Sally picked up SETXEIN rocks when she walked by the creek.
6. Have you seen my CERKEECHD shirt?
7. A sidewalk leads to the KABC door.
8. The jacket I bought has DPEE pockets.
9. Polly fixed the BOERKN car.
10. How do my WEN glasses look?

B. Individual activity – Have the students do the following.

1) Circle the adjectives
Eager Quiet Scrawny Phone Jump
Low Horse Castle Famous Clever
Play Handsome Odd Driver Shallow
Ocean Rich Long Gentle Thankful
2) Complete the sentences using the adjectives from above.
1. The bird with short wings is _____________ looking.
2. Bob is _______________ to get his new puppy.
3. The _______________ actor is in a new movie.
4. A person has to be _____________ to solve puzzles.
5. Some fish prefer to swim in ______________ waters.
6. The tall man hit his head on the ________________ branches
7. The man who lives in the mansion is ________________.
8. My brother was _______________ that he got a new game.
9. We were tired after the ________________ soccer game.
10. I like to have _________________ time to read books.

Directions: Complete the sentences using adjectives to make it more interesting.
1. The goblet is __________________.
2. The boy wanted the _____________________ teddy.
3. I’ve lost my ___________________ glove.
4. She saw a __________________ necklace.
5. The __________________ puppy ran into the garden.
6. Have you seen the _________________ football?
7. I have a ____________________ coat.
8. The _____________________ car drove past quickly.
9. My __________________ friend is called Tom.
10. The dog sniffed the ______________________ sock.

Prepared by:

Carizza Jane D. Bagunu

Teacher Applicant

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