ASG 410+ - Synchronizing System - : Manual
ASG 410+ - Synchronizing System - : Manual
ASG 410+ - Synchronizing System - : Manual
ASG 410+
- Synchronizing System -
Version 5.1xxx
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Warning note ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Exchange of units (older than units with number 38495)............................................................................................ 3
1.3 List of the version numbers....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Safety technology note for the user........................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Measurement data................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Power supply .................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 Voltage measuring inputs .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.5.3 Auxiliary and control inputs................................................................................................................................ 8
1.5.4 Auxiliary and control outputs.............................................................................................................................. 9
1.5.5 Controller outputs............................................................................................................................................ 10
2 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Function table ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 LED “gen c.b. ON” flashes...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Control inputs ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.4 Control outputs ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Potential separation between the power supply and the discrete inputs.................................................................... 13
2.6 Operating states .................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6.1 No load operation............................................................................................................................................ 14
2.6.2 GCB synchronization....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.6.3 Closing the GCB without synchronization (GCB black start).............................................................................. 14
2.6.4 Isolated operation............................................................................................................................................ 14
2.7 Analog controller outputs (Option Qu/Qf) ................................................................................................................ 15
2.7.1 Controller settings ........................................................................................................................................... 16
3 DISPLAY ELEMENTS AND CONTROLS .................................................................................................... 18
3.1 Pressure-sensitive front membrane ........................................................................................................................ 18
3.1.1 Short description of the light-emitting diodes and buttons.................................................................................. 18
3.2 Light-emitting diodes .............................................................................................................................................. 19
3.3 Buttons.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
3.4 Display .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
3.4.1 Automatic mode: Double voltage/frequency display during synchronization....................................................... 21
3.4.2 Automatic mode: Alarm display........................................................................................................................ 21
4 CONFIGURATION SCREENS (INPUT OF THE PARAMETERS) ................................................................ 22
4.1 Configure password protection ............................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Configuration via the lateral plug (direct configuration)............................................................................................. 24
4.3 Basic settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.4 Controller configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 No-load control................................................................................................................................................ 26
4.4.2 Frequency controller........................................................................................................................................ 27
4.4.3 Voltage controller ............................................................................................................................................ 29
4.4.4 Synchronization functions................................................................................................................................ 31
4.4.5 GCB black start............................................................................................................................................... 32
4.4.6 Synchronization time monitoring ...................................................................................................................... 32
4.5 Watchdog configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.5.1 Generator frequency monitoring (Option F) ...................................................................................................... 33
4.5.2 Generator voltage monitoring (Option U).......................................................................................................... 34
4.5.3 Overfrequency monitoring (Option J)................................................................................................................ 35
4.5.4 Mains voltage monitoring (Option V) ................................................................................................................ 36
4.5.5 Phase shift monitoring (Option H) .................................................................................................................... 37
4.5.6 Alarm relay...................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.5.7 Changing passwords....................................................................................................................................... 38
4.6 Parameter set pre-selection (Option G)................................................................................................................... 39
4.6.1 Logical functions (Option G) ............................................................................................................................ 39
5 COMMISSIONING ....................................................................................................................................... 40
6 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 42
6.1 Technical data ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 Dimensions............................................................................................................................................................ 43
6.3 Wiring diagram....................................................................................................................................................... 44
7 LIST OF PARAMETERS.............................................................................................................................. 45
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1 Introduction
This manual has been developed for a unit fitted with all available options. Inputs/outputs, functions,
configuration screens and other details described, which do not exist on your unit may be ignored.
The present manual has been prepared to enable the installation and commissioning of the device.
On account of the large variety of parameter settings, it is not possible to cover every possible
combination. The manual is therefore only a guide. In case of incorrect entries or a total loss of
functions, the default settings can be taken from the enclosed list of parameters.
If you exchange an
• old unit (ASG 4101 or ASG 4104 [without the "+" according to number]
à up to device number 38494)
for a
• new unit (ASG 410+ à starting with device number 38495)
please connect the unit according to the following table.
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1.3 List of the version numbers
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1.4 Safety technology note for the user
This documentation contains the relevant information for the normal use of the pro-
duct described herein. It is intended to be read by qualified staff.
Danger warning The subsequent notes are intended to prevent personal injuries as well as damage to
the described product and any connected units. Safety notes and warnings intended
to prevent any danger to the life and health of users or maintenance personnel and to
avoid any damage will be identified in this documentation by means of the symbols
and terms listed below. Within the framework of this documentation, the signals and
terms that are used have the following meaning:
The DANGER symbol draws your attention to dangers while the description indicates how to handle
and/or avoid such hazards. Any non-observance may cause fatal or serious injuries as well as
considerable damage to property.
If the warnings are not observed, the unit and any devices attached to it may be destroyed. Please
take into account appropriate precautions.
This symbol points to important notes concerning the mounting, installation, and connection of the
unit. These note should absolutely be observed when connecting the unit.
References to other notes and supplements as well as tables and lists are identified by means of
the "I" symbol. Most of the referenced sections are included in the Annex.
Proper use The unit must only be operated for the uses described in this manual. The prerequi-
site for a proper and safe operation of the product is correct transportation, storage,
and installation as well as careful operation and maintenance.
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1.5 Measurement data
A circuit breaker must be provided near to the device and in a position easily accessible to the
operator. This must also bear a sign identifying it as an isolating switch for the unit.
Connected inductances (e. g. Coils of operating current or undervoltage tripping devices, auxiliary
contactors and power contactors) must be wired with an appropriate interference protection.
24 V DC (+/-25 %)
24 V DC Power supply
Terminal Description Amax
Neutral point of the three-phase system or neutral terminal of the
0 voltage transformer (Measuring reference point); Sold.lug
à with three-conductor systems, do not connect
1 Power supply: +24 V DC, 10 W 2.5 mm²
2 Power supply: 0 V reference point 2.5 mm²
The ASG 410+ can operate (monitor) only one synchronization position (one power circuit breaker),
because it is a 1-power-circuit-breaker configuration. The voltage at terminals 23/24 is the voltage
to which the assessment of the synchronization at terminals 20/21 refers. The synchronization
voltage can be, e. g., the mains or busbar voltage.
There are generally three different variants for connection of the measuring circuit voltage:
• Direct connection to the low voltage system,
‚ Connection to medium voltage via two-pole isolated transformer (e. g. in the case of a
V-connection) and
ƒ Connection to medium voltage via single-pole isolated transformer (e. g. Y-connection).
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• Generator
0 20 21
L2 Generator
L1 voltage
3 2 1
• Mains/busbar
23 24
L2 Synchronizing
L1 voltage
3 2 1 3 2 1
• Mains
50 51 52
L2 Mains voltage
Note: The connection is only made if options V, J and H are installed; otherwise,
these terminals remain unused.
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1.5.3 Auxiliary and control inputs
18..250 V (AC/DC)
Signal device
Release GCB
Reply GCB CB 3
Reply: GCB is open
Terminal Accompanying Name Amax
Zero terminals (according to DIN 40 719 Part 3, 5.8.3)
NO (normally open) contact
3 7 GCB release 2.5 mm²
NC (normally closed) contact
4 7 Reply: GCB is open 2.5 mm²
18..250 Vac/dc
Signal device
isolated operation
Signal device 7
Configuration locked
64 63 62 61 60 65
3 Preselection of
set of parameters
4 (option G)
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1.5.4 Auxiliary and control outputs
15 14
Synchronizing impulse:
GCB close GCB
Relay output
external device
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1.5.5 Controller outputs
9 10
Speed Lower
controller Raise
Speed / frequency
11 12 13
Voltage Lower
0V 0V 9 10 0V 0V
UA 0V Speed / frequency
11 12 13
0V 0V 0V 0V
UA 0V UA 0V Voltage controller
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2 Description of functions
1 1 x Isolated operation D
Conditions The function of the device is also dependent, apart from the discrete input signals, on
the state of the available measured voltages. The particular function must also be ac-
tivated in configuration mode:
A Synchronization GCB Generator and synchronization voltage must apply to the
following conditions:
- 50% < U < 125% of the rated voltage UN
- 80% < f < 110% of the rated frequency fN
(after time monitoring trips, the synchronization will be aborted)
B Black start GCB - Parameter “Black start gen. switch ON”
- Synchronization voltage must be less then 5% of the rated
- Generator voltage and frequency must be within the config-
ured limits of the black start
C No-load operation - Parameter “Automatic no-load controlling ON"
- for f control:
Generator voltage > 50 % of rated voltage UN
- for U control:
Generator frequency > 90 % of rated frequency UN
- (Generator power circuit breaker open)
D Isolated operation - Generator voltage > 50 % of rated voltage VN
- For voltage controller: Parameter “Voltage controller in no-
load operation ON”
- (Generator power circuit breaker closed)
LED "gen c.b. ON" flashes Incorrect signal state of the "Reply: GCB is open" on terminal 4.
Possible faults:
- Reply present on (= 0 V)
generator and busbar voltage not synchronous
- Reply missing (= 24 V)
generator and main voltage synchronous
If the LED flashes, one must check to see whether the input on terminal 4 is correctly
wired. For the wiring to be correct, there must be 0 V applied to the input when the
power circuit breaker is closed.
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2.3 Control inputs
Reply: GCB is open The status of the power circuit breaker has to be signaled to the unit via this input.
Terminal 4 The input must be set if the power circuit breaker is open. (The status of this input is
checked for its plausibility and is signaled with the LED "Gen CB ON".)
Release isolated operation Set ................ • Release voltage/frequency control in the case of missing "Reply:
Terminal 5 GCB is open" (the LED "Gen CB ON" on the pressure-sensitive
front membrane lights up).
• Release black start for present "Reply: GCB is open" (the LED
"Gen CB ON" on the pressure-sensitive front membrane does not
light up).
Reset ............ • Shut down voltage/frequency controller in the event of a missing
"Reply: GCB is open" (the LED "Gen CB ON" on the pressure-
sensitive front membrane lights up).
Input blocked By setting this input, a switch into configuration mode from pressing "Digit↑" and
Terminal 6 "Cursor→" can be prevented. E.g. setting can be carried out using a keylock switch.
Parameter set pre-selection The unit in the configuration with Option G offers the possibility of operating up to
Terminals 60-65 6 Synchronization positions with different parameter sets. For each synchronization
position the following can be set separately:
- inherent delay,
- settings for the frequency controller and
- settings for the voltage controller.
Operational readiness The contact assembly is closed when the unit is ready for operation. The relay will
Terminals 18/19 drop out if the following occurs:
a) The internal self-monitoring system stated an alarm. In this case a trouble-free
function of the unit cannot be guaranteed and other appropriate measures have
to be taken into account, if necessary.
b) The synchronization time monitoring system is activated and has responded.
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The following messages must be evaluated externally (e. g. by looping in the corresponding relay in
the self-holding chain of the power circuit breaker).
The output of the following messages is always carried out and is independent of the power circuit
breaker state. The blocking of the corresponding message (e. g. when the machine is stopped)
must be carried out externally.
2.5 Potential separation between the power supply and the discrete inputs
By means of an appropriate external wiring, the common reference point of the dis-
crete inputs (terminal 7) can be electrically isolated from the supply voltage (0 V,
terminal 2). This is necessary, for example, if the discrete inputs are not to be driven
with +24 V DC and an electrical isolation of the control voltage (e. g. 220 V DC,
220 V AC) must be guarantee for the power supply.
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2.6 Operating states
The generator voltage and frequency will be adjusted to the configurable setpoint
values when the relays of the three-position controllers for voltage and speed are
switching accordingly (see also chapter 2.1 “Function table” on page 11). The gen-
erator switch is open.
The generator voltage will be corrected to the amplitude and frequency of the syn-
chronization voltage when the relays of the three-position controllers for voltage and
speed are switching accordingly. In consideration of the inherent delay the connect
command for the power circuit breaker will be output The synchronization is done
under the following conditions (see also chapter 2.1 “Function table” on page 11):
Output of a connect command for the power circuit breaker without synchronization if
the following conditions are met:
• The unit is in the automatic mode (LED “Automatic” lights up),
• the parameter "Gen. switch black start" has been set to "ON",
• the bus bar is not energized (VSS < 5 % VN),
• the generator voltage and frequency are within the configured limits,
• the input "Isolated operation" is set,
• the input "Release GCB" is set and
• the input "Reply: GCB is open" is set.
The generator voltage and frequency will be adjusted to the configurable setpoint
values when the relays of the three-position controllers for voltage and speed are
switching accordingly (see also chapter 2.1 “Function table” on page 11). The gen-
erator switch is closed. To activate the voltage controller, the parameter “voltage con-
troller in isolated operation” must be set to “ON”.
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2.7 Analog controller outputs (Option Qu/Qf)
Control loop Kpr Tn Tv
Tt Kp T1
If an abrupt disturbance variable is applied to the control loop, the reaction of the
controlled system can be recorded at the output as a function of time (step re-
Step response x
(Example) xm
Tolerance band
0 Trise Tsett t/s
Various values can be obtained from the step response; these are required for ad-
justing the controller to its optimum setting:
Rise time Trise Period starting when the value of the control variable leaves a predefined tolerance
range for the control variable following a jump in the disturbance variable or reference
input variable and ending the first time the value re-enters this range.
Setting time Toff Period starting when the value of the control variable leaves a predefined tolerance
range for the control variable following a step in the disturbance variable or reference
input variable and ending when the value re-enters this range permanently.
Overshoot xm Highest transient setpoint value deviation during the transition from one steady-state
condition to a new steady-state condition following modification of the disturbance
variable or reference input variable (xm Optimal ≤ 10 %).
Permanent System deviation xd The present deviation between setpoint value and control variable in the steady-state
condition (PID controller: xd = 0).
From these values, the values KPR, Tn and TV can be determined by various calcula-
tions. Moreover, it is possible, by performing various calculations, to determine the
optimal controller settings, e. g. by calculating compensation or adjustment of the
time constants, T-sum rule, symmetric optimum. Other setting procedures and infor-
mation may be obtained from current literature.
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2.7.1 Controller settings
Initial state The start position of the controller is determined using the initial state of the control-
ler. If the controller is switched off, the initial state can be used to output a fixed con-
troller position. Even when the analog controller is switched off, the initial state can
be freely adjusted (e.g. the speed controller can be controlled in a statically manner).
The setting rule described below only serves as an example. Whether this method is
suitable for setting your particular controlled system has not been and cannot be
taken into account as each controlled system behaves uniquely.
There are various methods of setting a controller. The setting rules of Ziegler and
Nichols are explained below (determination for abrupt disturbances on the system in-
put); this setting method assumes a pure lag element connected in series with a first-
order lag system.
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Step response
x x x
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 0 t/s 0 t/s
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3 Display elements and controls
The pressure-sensitive membrane of the front panel consists of a plastic coating. All
keys have been designed as touch-sensitive membrane switch elements. The display
is an LC display, comprising 2 × 16 characters, which are indirectly illuminated in red.
Contrast of the display is infinitely variable by a rotary potentiometer at the left side.
Leonhard - Reglerbau
mains c.b. Stuttgart Automatic Synchronizer
1 rel.
gen c.b.
2 rel. 6 8
3 7 9 15
f- f+ V- V+
gen c.b. ON mains c.b. ON
10 11 12 13 14
____________________________________________________________ Buttons
12 > "display ↓" ....................................................................................Scroll display
12 > "select".................................................................................. Confirm selection
13 > "digit↑" .........................................................................................Increase digit
14 > "clear" ................................................................................ Acknowledge alarm
14 > "cursor→".......................................................... Input cursor by one to the right
____________________________________________________________ Display
15 > "LC display"...................................................................................... LC display
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3.2 Light-emitting diodes
left → right If the LED's run from left to right, the generator frequency
is too high, i. e., the generator or the variable mains turn
too rapidly;
right → left If the LED's run from right to left, the generator frequency
is too low, i. e., the generator respectively the variable
mains turn too slowly.
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8 .........................................LED Reduce controller output voltage (excitation) Color "GELB"
The "V-" indicates whether the unit outputs a pulse to reduce the voltage. The state
of the LED corresponds to the state of the relay “reduce voltage”.
3.3 Buttons
In order to facilitate the setting of the parameters, the buttons have an "AUTOROLL
function". It allows to switch to the next setting and configuration screens, the digits,
or the cursor position. The "AUTOROLL function" will only be activated when the user
depresses the corresponding keys for a certain period of time.
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14 ............................... BUTTON Acknowledge..Cursor→
Automatic ................. "clear" By pressing this button all alarm mes-
sages are deleted if they are no longer detected.
Configuration............ "cursor→" This button is used to move the cursor
one position to the right. When the last right-hand position
is reached, the cursor automatically moves to the first po-
sition left-hand of the value to be entered.
3.4 Display
15 ...............................DISPLAY LC display
"LC display"
The LC display outputs particular messages and values depending on the particular
mode. Parameters are changed in configuration mode, and voltages, e. g. voltages
are displayed.
The standard feature two-line LC display may be used to retrieve performance quan-
tities when the automatic mode is activated. While in configuration mode, the individ-
ual parameters are indicated (see below).
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4 Configuration screens (input of the parameters)
The input screens can be scrolled, when you are in configuration mode (simultane-
ously pressing "digit↑" and "cursor→"), via "select". If the "select" button is pressed
for a longer period of time, the scroll function will be activated, and the screens will be
browsed rapidly. Please make sure that it is possible to scroll in the reverse direction
of the last four configuration screens. To do this you must simultaneously press the
buttons "select" and "cursor→". If no entry, modification or any other action is carried
out for about 10 minutes, the unit automatically returns to the automatic mode. It is
only possible to change into the configuration mode if the discrete input "input
locked" (terminal 6) is either not connected or not set.
Starting with unit version 3.01 there is a common version both measured voltages 100 V and 400 V.
The selection of the primary voltage is made using the corresponding screens described in previous
section of these manual.
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4.1 Configure password protection
The unit is equipped with a three-level code and configuration hierarchy, which en-
ables it to visualize various configuration screens for different users. A distinction is
made between:
Two hours after entering the code number the code level automatically drops back to CL0!
The default code number for code level 1 (CL1) is “0001”!
The default code number for code level 2 (CL2) is “0002”!
Only in code level 2 the password protection can be switched off!
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4.2 Configuration via the lateral plug (direct configuration)
To carry out configuration via lateral plug (direct configuration you require a direct configuration
cable (order code "DPC"), the LeoPC 1 program (supplied with the cable) and the corresponding
configuration files. Please consult the online help installed when the program is installed for a
description of the LeoPC 1 PC program and its setup.
The parameters of the unit can be read via lateral plug at any time. With the pass-
word protection switched off or if the unit is in code level 2, writing of parameters via
direct configuration is also possible. If the password protection is switched on and the
unit is in code level 0 or 1, the password (code number) of code level 2 must be en-
tered via direct configuration, to modify the parameters. The possibility, to modify pa-
rameters via display, is not affected thereby.
Two hours after entering the code number via direct configuration, the enabling for the writing of
parameters will be automatically released.
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4.3 Basic settings
Incorrect entries may lead to wrong measured results and destroy the generator!
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4.4 Controller configuration
The parameters of the controller are modified by entering values in the following
An incorrect input can lead to uncontrolled controller actions and destroy the generator!
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4.4.2 Frequency controller
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b.) Analog controller outputs (Option Qf - instead of three-position controller)
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4.4.3 Voltage controller
a.) Three-position controller (standard)
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b.) Analog controller outputs (Option Qu - instead of three-position controller)
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4.4.4 Synchronization functions
Synchronization Max. perm. differential frequency for synchron. (pos. slip) 0.02..0.49 Hz
df max = 0.00Hz The prerequisite of a connect command's being output is negative deviation from
this set differential frequency. This value specifies the upper frequency (positive
value corresponds to positive slip à generator frequency is greater than the busbar
Synchronization Max. perm. differential frequency for synchron. (neg. slip) 0.00..-0.49 Hz
df min = 0.00Hz The prerequisite of a connect command's being output is negative deviation from
this set differential frequency. This value specifies the lower frequency (negative
value corresponds to negative slip à generator frequency is less than the busbar
Closing time Inherent delay of generator circuit breaker for synchronization 40..300 ms
GCB =000ms The closing time of the generator power circuit breaker corresponds to the lead time
of the connect command. The connect command will be issued at the entered time
before the synchronization point.
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4.4.5 GCB black start
If the busbar is in its voltage-free state, the direct connection (black start) of the gen-
erator power circuit breaker (GCB) or mains power circuit breaker (NLS) may be
carried out.
dead bus op. GCB Maximum differential frequency for GCB black start 0.05..5.00 Hz
df max = 0.00Hz The prerequisite of the output of the connect command is that the generator fre-
quency may, at most, deviate from the rated value by the set value.
dead bus op. GCB Maximum differential voltage for GCB black start 1..60 V
dV max = 00V The prerequisite of the output of the connect command is that the generator voltage
may, at most, deviate from the rated value by the set value.
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4.5 Watchdog configuration
The message is output via contacts 43/44. The corresponding message text is shown
on the display.
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4.5.2 Generator voltage monitoring (Option U)
The message is output via contacts 41/42. The corresponding message text is shown
on the display.
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4.5.3 Overfrequency monitoring (Option J)
Function Monitoring the mains frequency is absolutely vital if a generator is operated within a
public network. In the event of mains failure the generator which is operating in paral-
lel with the mains must be automatically disconnected from the mains. The message
can be processed in various manners. If isolated operation is required, in the event of
a mains failure, the mains power circuit breaker should be opened. However, if the
generator cannot cover the power supply of the isolated system in the event of a
mains failure, the generator power circuit breaker should be opened.
Mains voltage is applied separate from synchronization voltage at terminals 50, 51 and 52. Mains
monitoring is working independent of the state of the generator power circuit breaker. It is
reasonable to depend a shutoff on whether the generator is connected parallel to the mains by
external locking.
The message is output via contacts 35/36. The corresponding message text is shown
on the display.
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4.5.4 Mains voltage monitoring (Option V)
Function A three-phase monitoring is carried out in which the phase-to-phase voltages are
Mains voltage is applied separate from synchronization voltage at terminals 50, 51 and 52. Mains
monitoring is working independent of the state of the generator power circuit breaker. It is
reasonable to depend a shutoff on whether the generator is connected parallel to the mains by
external locking.
The message is output via contacts 33/34. The corresponding message text is shown
on the display.
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4.5.5 Phase shift monitoring (Option H)
Function A phase shift is a sudden change in the voltage curve, and may be caused by a ma-
jor generator load change. In this case, the measuring circuit detects a change in the
cycle duration once. This change in the cycle duration is compared with a calculated
mean value from previous measurements. Monitoring encompasses all three phases
and optional also one phase. The phase shift watchdog is active only if all line-to line
mains voltages are greater then 50 % of the rated transformer voltage. The phase
shift watchdog may be used as an additional facility for decoupling from the mains.
The message is output via contacts 35/36. The corresponding message text is shown
on the display.
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4.5.6 Alarm relay
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4.6 Parameter set pre-selection (Option G)
The unit in the version with Option G offers the possibility of operating up to
6 synchronization positions with various parameter sets. Synchronization positions
can be set for each:
- Inherent delay
- Settings for the frequency controller
- Settings for the voltage controller
Synchronization GCB By applying a release signal "Parameter set", the LED "Gen CB REL" lights up on the
pressure-sensitive front membrane. The display switches to the pre-specified syn-
chronization position. First, the function of the external pre-selection can be reviewed
so that one compares the display to the pre-specified signal (Example: With the re-
lease "Parameter set 3" the indication "G3" must appear in the LC display). Only
1 parameter set may be pre-selected at a time. If several discrete inputs "parameter
set ... [1..6]" set, the unit does not detect a defined state and blocks the synchroniza-
tion process. The parameter set 1 is released via terminal 3 released (Release
GCB 1).
Conditions The function of the device is also dependent, apart from the discrete input signals, on
the state of the available measured voltage. The particular function must also be ac-
tivated in configuration mode.
Synchronization - Mains voltage within the permissible range
Generator power circuit breaker - (Generator voltage within the permissible range)
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5 Commissioning
When commissioning the unit, please observe the five safety rules that apply to the handling of live
equipment. Make sure that you know how to provide first aid in current-related accidents and that
you know where the first-aid kit and the nearest telephone are. Never touch any live components of
the system or on the back of the system:
1. Prior to commissioning, check that all measuring voltages are correctly connected with regard to
phases. The rotating field must be measured. Any lack or incorrect connection of measuring
voltages or other signals may lead to incorrect functions and damage the unit as well as engines
and components connected to the unit.
Procedure 2. Disconnection of the connection commands directly on the power circuit breakers.
3. The supply voltage (24 VDC) must be applied following a check to ensure that all measur-
ing voltages have been connected in the correct phase relation.
4. By simultaneously pressing the two buttons "Digit↑" and "Cursor→" you arrive in input and
test mode. The discrete input "Configuration blocked" must be applied in this case to nega-
tive potential (= 0 V). The LED "Automatic" will be extinguished.
5. Input of the operating data in the sequence of the different screens. The setting limits can
derived from both the screen description (to the right next to the screens) and the parame-
ter list at the end of the manual.
6. If all releases are lacking, one must check whether the voltage present corresponds to the
value displayed. The absence of a measuring voltage can lead to an asynchronous
switching command when the black start is active.
7. Checking the signal "CB release": After applying the "Release Generator CB" the LED
"Gen. CB RELEASE" on the pressure-sensitive front membrane lights up.
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8. Synchronization of the power circuit breaker:
a) Separation of the connection to the power circuit breaker;
b) The voltage at which synchronization is to occur must be within the permissible
c) The signal "Release generator CB" is applied;
d) If the generator voltage is 50 % more than the set rated value, the frequency control-
ler begins to control. The control parameter should be set so that the set value is op-
timally adjusted (Display: NT [mains] and GN [generator]).
e) Prior to the automatic closing of the power circuit breaker, one categorical has to
check, whether the measuring voltages are connected correctly. It has to be
checked, whether the synchronization conditions are met at the moment, the ASG4
outputs the connection command. This check is done at best by a measurement of
the differential voltage at the power circuit breaker.
9. Black start
The output of the command for connecting to a de-energized busbar can be simulated in
input/test mode. The illumination of the LED "Switch-on" indicates, that at this moment, an
add-on order would be output for the corresponding switch if automatic mode was se-
10. By simultaneously pressing the two buttons "Digit↑" and "Cursor→ " automatic mode is ac-
tivated. This is also possible by setting the discrete signal "Configuration mode blocked".
11. After successfully connecting the generator power circuit breaker, the LED "Gen. CB ON"
must light up.
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6 Appendix
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6.2 Dimensions
48 25
Y1 Y5 X1 X5
60 65 50 54
0 1 24
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6.3 Wiring diagram
IA 0V 0V
Quasi-continuous controller with analog outputs
9 10
UA 0 V
IA 0V 0V
9 10
Three-position controller
Alternatively Option Qf:
Analog controller
11 12 13 8
41 42 43 44
Lower Function:
VOLTAGE Generator over frequency break-
Generator under voltage contact
20 21
Generator voltage L1
60 ... 65 33 34 35 36
Mains over frequency Function:
Mains over voltage break-
Release GCB
14 15 3
Synchronizing pulse:
close GCB Preselection of
set of parameters
23 24
7 18 19
Readiness for operation make-
Common (term. 3, 4, 5, 6)
ASG 410+
Configuration locked
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7 List of parameters
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Option Parameters Setting range Default Customer settings
Line 1 - Text - Line 2 1/5 A setting
F Gen.frequency- Monitoring ON/OFF OFF o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
.. Gen. overfreq. f > 40.00..70.00 Hz 55.00 Hz
.. Gen. overfreq. Delay time 0.04..9.98 s 3.00 s
.. Gen. underfreq. f < 40.00..70.00 Hz 45.00 Hz
F Gen. underfreq. Delay time 0.04..9.98 s 3.00 s
U Gen.voltage- Monitoring ON/OFF OFF o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
.. Gen.overvoltage V > 20..520 V 460 V
.. Gen.overvoltage Delay time 0.04..9.98 s 3.00 s
.. Gen.undervolt. V < 20..520 V 340 V
U Gen.undervolt. Delay time 0.04..9.98 s 3.00 s
J Mains frequency- Monitoring ON/OFF OFF o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
.. Mains overfreq. f > 40.00..70.00 Hz 50.20 Hz
.. Mains overfreq. Delay time 0.02..9.98 s 0.10 s
.. Mains underfreq. f < 40.00..70.00 Hz 49.80 Hz
J Mains underfreq. Delay time 0.02..9.98 s 0.10 s
V Mains voltage- Monitoring ON/OFF OFF o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
.. Mains overvoltage V > 20..520 V 440 V
.. Mains overvoltage Delay time 0.02..9.98 s 0.10 s
.. Mains undervolt. V < 20..520 V 360 V
V Mains undervolt. Delay time 0.02..9.98 s 0.10 s
H Phase shift Monitoring ON/OFF OFF o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
.. Phase shift.mon. 1/3 phase .. 3 ph. only 1/3 phase
.. Ph. shift value (One phase) 3..90 ° 30 °
H Ph. shift value (3-phase) 3..90 ° 8°
Auto-acknowledge messages ON/OFF ON o ON o OFF o ON o OFF
Auto-acknowledge relays 1..99 s 1S
Define level 1 code 0000..9999 0001
Define level 2 code 0000..9999 0002
Different synch. parameters 1..6 1
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