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LNG Course Revision

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38th session Original: ENGLISH
Agenda item 3


Model course - Liquefied natural gas tanker (LNG) cargo and ballast handling simulator

Note by the Secretariat

Executive summary: This document provides a draft model course on Liquefied natural gas
(LNG) cargo and ballast handling simulator
Action to be taken: Paragraph 5
Related documents: MSC 50/27; STW 17/11; and STW 37/18

1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its fiftieth session (MSC 50/27, paragraph 12.10),
approved the procedures developed by the Sub-Committee, at its seventeenth session
(STW 17/11, annex 5), for validation of model courses related to the implementation of the
STCW Convention.

2 The Sub-Committee, at its thirty-seventh session (23 to 27 January 2006), concurred with
the proposal by India to develop a simulator model training course relating to Liquefied Natural
Gas (LNG) cargo (STW 37/3/2) and to submit it to the Sub-Committee for validation in due
course (STW 37/18, paragraphs 3.7 and 3.10).

3 The preliminary draft of this model course was forwarded to members of the validation
panel for their comments. The comments received have been incorporated as appropriate.

4 The final draft model course is set out in annex.

Action requested of the Sub-Committee

5 The Sub-Committee is invited to consider the above information and decide as



For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are
kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.
STW 38/3/2






International Maritime Organization

STW 38/3/2
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This course is based on training guidelines as produced by SIGTTO and training

material developed by the Directorate General of Shipping, Government of India.

It has been prepared by training institutions based in Mumbai.

IMO wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the Government of India for its
provision of expert assistance, valuable cooperation, and generous funding in support of
this work.

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Introduction 4

Part A :Course Framework 6

Part B: Course outline & Timetable 11

Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus 13

Part D : Instructor Manual 29

Appendix: Sample Exercise Scenarios 48

Exercise 1 49
Exercise 2 51
Exercise 3 52
Exercise 4 54
Exercise 5 56
Exercise 6 58

Part E: Evaluation 60

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! Purpose of the model courses

The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist maritime training institutes
and their teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training courses or in
enhancing, updating or supplementing existing training material where the quality
and effectiveness of the training courses may thereby be improved.

It is not the intention of the model course programme to present instructors with a
rigid "teaching package" which they are expected to "follow blindly". Nor is it the
intention to substitute audio-visual or "programmed" material for the instructor's
presence. As in all training endeavours, the knowledge, skills and dedication of
the instructor are the key components in the transfer of knowledge and skills to
those being trained through IMO model course material.

Because educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in

maritime subjects vary considerably from country to country, the model course
material has been designed to identify the basic entry requirements and trainee
target group for each course in universally applicable terms, and to specify clearly
the technical content and levels of knowledge and skill necessary to meet the
technical intent of IMO conventions and related recommendations.

! Use of the model course

To use the model course the instructor should review the course outline and
detailed syllabus, taking into account the information provided under the entry
standards specified in the course framework. The actual level of knowledge and
skills and prior technical education of the trainees should be kept in mind during
this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus which may cause
difficulties because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and that
assumed by the course designer should be identified. To compensate for such
differences, the instructor is expected to delete from the course, or reduce the
emphasis on, items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the
trainees. He should also identify any academic knowledge, skills or technical
training which they may not have acquired.

By analysing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow
training in the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate
pre-entry course or, alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge
required to support the technical training elements concerned at appropriate
points within the technical course.

Adjustment of the course objectives, scope and content may also be necessary if
in your maritime industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake
duties which differ from the objectives specified.

STW 38/3/2
Page 5

Within the course outline, Part B, the course designers have indicated their
assessment of the time which should be allotted to each subject area. However, it
must be appreciated that these allocations, are arbitrary and assume that the
trainees have fully met all the entry requirements of the course. The instructor
should therefore review these assessments and may need to reallocate the time
required to achieve each specific learning objective.

! Lesson plans
Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of
the course objectives, the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the
detailed syllabus. The detailed syllabus contains specific references to the
textbooks or teaching material proposed to be used in the course. An example of
a lesson plan is included in the instructor manual in most model courses, but in
this course, the exercise scenarios supplied as an appendix to the instructor
manual serve this purpose. Where no adjustment has been, found necessary in
the learning objectives of the detailed syllabus, the lesson plans may simply
consist of the detailed syllabus with keywords or other reminders added to assist
the instructor in making his presentation of the material.

! Presentation
The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various
ways until the instructor is satisfied that the trainee has attained each specific
learning objective. The syllabus is laid out in learning-objective format and each
objective specifies what the trainee must be able to do as the learning outcome.

! Evaluation or assessment of trainee progress

The nature of this course involves all the trainees and the instructors in an
ongoing process of individual and group evaluation.

! Implementation
For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention must
be paid to the availability and use of:
" properly qualified instructors
" support staff
" rooms and other spaces
" equipment
" textbooks, technical papers and
" other reference material

Thorough preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. IMO

has produced a booklet entitled "Guidance on the implementation of IMO model
courses", which deals with this aspect in greater detail. A copy of this booklet is
included as an appendix to this course.

STW 38/3/2
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Part A: Course Framework

Course Framework

! Scope
The course is essentially a practical one and consists of a series of exercises
structured around the operation of the cargo and ballast installation of a LNG
gas tanker and carried out in conjunction with a simulator.

The exercises are controlled by an instructor and will initially, allow the
trainees to become familiar with the layout of the cargo, ballast and deck
tanks forming the system and the instrumentation and controls that are used.

The exercises continue with the simulation of the normal procedures and
operations for the hold drying, the use of inert gas and nitrogen for inerting,
gassing up, cooling down, loading and discharging of LNG cargo, warming up
cargo tanks, ballasting and de-ballasting, gas freeing tanks, etc.

The importance of loading and discharging so as to avoid undue stressing of

the hull are introduced at appropriate points of the simulator programme.

Each simulator exercise is preceded by a briefing lecture and followed up by a

group discussion during which the actions and decisions of the trainees are

During the series of exercises the trainees will assume specific roles in the
cargo or other operation that is being simulated, with one trainee taking the
role of the officer in charge of the particular operation being simulated.

Note: Officers and ratings who are to serve aboard gas tankers are required
by paragraphs 1 and 2 of Regulation V/1 of the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978
(as amended in 1995) to have appropriate experience aboard operational gas
tankers and to have completed approved shore-based specialized training
related to gas tanker operations.

It is not claimed that this course, using simulation of LNG Gas Tanker cargo
and ballast operations, meets the requirements of paragraphs 5 of
Regulation V/1 of STCW 1995 in respect of service aboard ship and
shore-based training.

! Objective
The trainees who successfully complete the course will make a safer and
more effective contribution to the operation and control of the cargo and
ballast installation of a gas tanker, which will improve ship safety and provide
greater protection of the environment.

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In particular, there will be:

− familiarization with the equipment, instrumentation and controls used for
cargo handling on a LNG tanker
− a greater awareness of the need for proper pre-planning, the use of
checklists and the time scales involved in the various cargo handling
− an enhanced awareness to apply proper and safe procedures at all times
when carrying out the various operations on board a LNG tanker
− an acquisition of experience in identifying operational problems and
solving them
− an improvement in the ability to make decisions which promote safety
and protect the environment.

! Entry standards
Entry to the course is open to merchant navy officers who wish to improve
their knowledge and understanding of the operation and control of cargo and
ballast operations, and other related operations on LNG tankers. The course
will provide a more formalized training to consolidate and enhance experience
gained from service aboard a LNG tanker.

! Course certificate, diploma or document

On successful completion of this course, a document should be issued
confirming that the holder has completed a short course on gas tanker cargo
and ballast handling using a simulator. Administrations which approve such
training as satisfying any part of the requirements of Regulation V/1 of
STCW 1978 (as amended in 1995) should make an appropriate endorsement
to the document.

! Course intake limitations

The course intake is regulated by the number of trainees who can utilize the
simulator for any given activity. For this reason the maximum number of
trainees should normally be twelve. When circumstances demand it, the
trainees can be split into two sub-groups of up to six in each group and
activities be phased so that all students can receive the same period of
training on the simulator.

The briefing and debriefing sessions can be carried out as main group or
sub-group activities, according to circumstances.

! Staff requirements
The instructor shall have appropriate training in instructional techniques and
training methods (STCW Code, section A-I/6). It is recommended that the
instructor in charge of the course should hold a management level certificate
of competency, and should have experience in the operation and control of
cargo-handling operations on a gas tanker, including the use of inert gas and
STW 38/3/2
Page 8

nitrogen in inter-barrier and hold spaces, with training and use of a simulator
as a training aid. To operate the course successfully, at least one other
instructor is required, preferably with similar qualifications and experience as
the instructor-in-charge.

! Teaching facilities and equipment

The cargo-handling system being simulated by the training installation should
be modelled on an authentic cargo-handling system of a modern LNG gas
tanker, including its equipment, instrumentation and centralized cargo
operations control centre, taking into account national, international and other
requirements relating to safety and pollution prevention.

The simulator complex should comprise of a “deck pipeline area”, "cargo

control room", an "instructor unit", and a space for briefing and debriefing, with
tables and chairs, a blackboard and, where such audio-visual aids are to be
used, an overhead projector.

The simulator unit should be based on a general-purpose computer system

with real-time operating programs connected to the deck pipelines, cargo
control centre and the instructor unit. Information printout machines and visual
display units should be incorporated into the system for trainees and

The cargo control centre should contain a number of consoles covering the
cargo and related systems, each with its own mimic diagram showing the
system layout. The consoles will cover pumps, valves, compressors,
instrumentation, communication, alarms, etc. Various operations such as
loading, discharging, ballasting, inert gas production, cargo tank inerting,
cooling down, gassing up cargo tanks, etc., will be set up and controlled from
the centre.

The instructor unit should, preferably, be separate from the control centre and
fitted with a window for observing and monitoring the trainee activity and

The instructor unit will have an appropriate console for monitoring the various
processes and operations being simulated, and be capable of introducing
commands and specific malfunctions in accordance with the training

Outline sketches on figures D1, 2 and 3 of the instructor manual show the
arrangement of a cargo-handling simulator installation and the tank
arrangement of a LNG tanker.

! Teaching Aids (A)

A1 Instructor manual and its appendix (Part D of the course)

A2 Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (LNG)

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A3 Videos
• An Introduction to Liquefied Gas Carries (Code 753)
• The Chemistry of Liquefied Gases (Code 641)
• The Physics of Liquefied Gases (Code 642)
Available from: Videotel Marine International Ltd.
84 Newman Street
London W1P 3LD, UK
Tel: +44 171 299 1800 Fax: +44 171 299 1818
e-mail: mail@videotelmail.com
URL: www.videotel.co.uk

! IMO references (R)

R1 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and
Watchkeeping for seafarers, STCW Convention 1978 (as amended
in 1995)

R2 Regulations for the prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid

substances Annex II, MARPOL 73/78 consolidated edition.

R3 Inert Gas Systems (IMO – 860E)

R4 I.M.O. Model Course 1.06 (Specialized Training for Liquefied Gas


R5 Code for the Construction and Equipment of ships carrying Liquefied

Gases in Bulk, as amended (IMO-782)

R6 International Code for the Construction and Equipment of ships

carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) (IMO-104)

! Textbooks (T)
T1 Liquefied Gas Handling Principles an ships and in Terminals by
Mcguire & White (SIGTTO) (London, Witherby Marine Publishing)
(ISBN 1 85609-087 6)

T2 Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied Gas) (I.C.S.) (London, Witherby Marine

Publishing, 1996) (ISBN 0-906270-03-0)

T4 Gas Transportation and Storage by Alan Vaudolon

T5 Safe Gas Tanker Operations Capt. KSD Mistree & Mr. BK Sharma

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! Bibliography (B)

B1 Drager – Tube Handbook. 11th ed. (Drager Sicherheitstechnik

GmbH, Revalstrasse 1, D-23560 Lubeck, Germany 1998)
(ISBN 3-926762-06-3)

B2 ICS/OCIMF SIGTTO, Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied

Gases), 2nd ed. (London; Witherby & Co. Ltd., 1995)(ISBN 1-85609
082 5)

B3 SIGTTO / An Introduction to Design and Maintenance of Cargo

System Pressure Relief Valves on board Gas Carriers (London,
Witherby & Co. Ltd., 1998)

B4 Bureau Veritas Gas Carrier Safety Handbook. (London,

LLP Limited, 1997) (ISBN 1-85978-109-8)

B5 SIGTTO / IACS Applications of Amendments to Gas Carrier Codes

Concerning Type “C” Cargo Tank Loading Limits. (London,
Witherby & Co. Ltd., 1997) (ISBN 1-85609-125-2)

B6 SIGTTO / Recommendations and Guidelines for Linked Ship /

Shore Emergency shut-down of Liquefied Gas Cargo Transfer
(London, Witherby and Co. Ltd., 1987)

B7 SIGTTO / Crew Safety Standards and Training for large LNG

Carriers (London, Witherby & Co. Ltd., 2003)

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Part B: Course Outline & Timetable

Course Outline

Subject Area Approximate Time (Hours)

Lecture/ Practical
1. Familiarization 1.5 4.5
1.1. Type of ship (LNG)
1.2. Type of Tanks
1.3. Tank arrangements (General)
1.4. Pipeline arrangements
1.5. Pipe system, control valves, ESDS
1.6. Pumps (Spray & Cargo),
Low Duty (L/D) and High Duty (H/D) Compressors,
Low Duty (L/D) and High Duty (H/D) Heaters,
LNG Vaporizers and Forcing Vaporizers
1.7. Instrumentation
1.8. Controls
1.9. Basic operations and procedures

2. Special operations and Procedures 3 7

2.1. Tank atmosphere evaluation
2.2. Use of Nitrogen, Inerting of tanks
2.3. Gas freeing
2.4. Gassing up cargo tanks
2.5. Cooling down of cargo tanks
2.6. Loading procedures
2.7. Boil off Gas (BOG) Control
2.8. Warming up cargo tanks

3. Ballast Operations 1 3
3.1. General provisions
3.2. Ballasting
3.3. De-ballasting

4. Cargo Operations 1.5 4.5

4.1. General provisions
4.2. Loading cargo (O2,Liquid & Vapour Purge)
4.3. Discharging cargo

5. Operational Problems / Difficulties 1 3

5.1. Cargo and related operations – normal working
5.2. Introduction of system faults, malfunctions,
5.3. Remedial actions

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Course Timetable


1st Period 1. Familiariz- 2. Special 2.5 Cooling 3.3 Ballasting 4.3 Discharging
(1.5 hours) ation Operations down of 3.4 Deballasting Cargo
1.1 Tank & cargo tanks
Arrangement Procedures
1.2 Pipeline 2.1 Tank
Arrangement Atmosphere
2nd Period 1.3 Pipe system 2.2 Use of 2.6 Loading 3.3 Deballasting 4.3 Discharging
(1.5 hours) control valves, Nitrogen Procedures 4. Cargo Cargo
ESD 2.7 BOG Operations 5. Operational
1.4 Pumps Control 4.1 General Problems
2.8 Warming up Provisions 5.1 Cargo &
cargo tanks related
3rd Period 1.5 Instrument- 2.3 Gas freeing 3. Ballast 4.2 Loading 5.2 Introduction
(1.5 hours) ation Operations Cargo of system
1.6 Controls 3.1 General (O2,Liquid faults,
Provisions & Vapour malfunctions,
Purge) accidents

4th Period 1.7 Basic 2.2 Gassing up 3.1 General 4.2 Loading 5.3 Remedial
(1.5 hours) Operations of cargo Provisions Cargo Actions
& tanks 3.2 Ballasting 4.3 Discharging
Procedures Cargo

Note: Teaching staff should note that time tables are suggestions only as regards sequence and
length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lectures to suit
individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff
available for training.

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Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus

The detailed teaching syllabus indicates the contents of the course and appropriate
references and teaching aids.

! Learning objectives

The detailed teaching syllabus has been written in learning objective format in which the
objective describes what the trainee must do to demonstrate that knowledge has been
transferred. This format is an appropriate teaching and assessment tool to express:

• The depth of understanding of a subject and the degree of familiarization

with a subject on the part of the trainee.

• What capabilities the trainee should really have and be able to


Every instructor is encouraged to teach learning in an ‘objective-related’ way instead

‘material-related’. In this context, all objectives are understood to be prefixed by the
words, ‘The expected learning outcome is that the trainee is able to . . . ’.

To indicate the degree of learning outcome of this course, the learning objectives for the
Detailed Teaching Syllabus can be classified in three ‘dimensions’:

• C (cognitive)

• A (affective)

• P (psycho-motor)

Within a dimension, they are hierarchized by increasing complexity (C1 to C6, A1 to A5,
and P1 to P5) where the complexity (depth, familiarization) is expressed (following B.
Bloom and others) by a typical verb as follows:

Cognitive dimension of learning objectives:

C1 Knowledge describe, outline

C2 Comprehension explain

C3 Application apply, perform, operate

C4 Analysis analyse

C5 Synthesis synthesize, construct, plan

C6 Evaluation assess

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Affective dimension of learning objectives:

A1 Reception; notice recognize

A2 Response respond

A3 Value value

A4 Organization organize

A5 Value characterization accept, appreciate

Psycho-motor dimension of learning objectives:

P1 Imitation imitate

P2 Manipulation manipulate

P3 Precision move, mark

P4 Co-ordination co-ordinate (operations, menus)

P5 Naturalization automate, internalize

! References and teaching aids

In order to assist the instructor, references are shown against the learning objective to
indicate IMO references and publications, bibliographies, textbooks and other
references, as well as additional teaching aids which the instructor may wish to use
when preparing course material. The material is listed in the course framework. The
following notations and abbreviations are used:

R IMO reference

T Textbook and other references

B Bibliography

A Teaching aid

Ap. Appendix

An. Annex

Ch. Chapter

p. Page

STW 38/3/2
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Para. Paragraph

Sc. Section

The following are examples of the use of references:

"R1 -Reg. V/1" refers to regulation V/1 of the International Convention on Standards of
Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, STCW Convention, 1978 (as
amended 1995).

“A1”, refers to the instructor manual in Part D of this model course.

! Instructor Manual

The instructor Manual (Part D) is included to provide additional information to

instructors. It is designed to help further in structuring and organizing a specific course.
The instructor is recommended to gain additional technical material from simulators
suppliers. Suppliers of simulators are also good sources of technical information.

The instructor should take pains to present the material within ‘a-use-at-sea’ context. It
is not just a matter of imparting technical knowledge.

# Note

Throughout the course, safe working practices are to be clearly defined and emphasized
with reference to current international requirements and regulations.

It is expected that the national institution implementing the course will insert references
to national requirements and regulations as necessary.

# Competence

The competence required by candidates may be expressed in terms of the Conventions

as follows:

1.1 Plan and ensure safe loading, care during the voyage and unloading or LNG
1.2 Safely and efficiently perform the carriage of LNG cargo.
1.3 Control trim, stability and stress
1.4 Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to
ensure safety of life and protection of the marine environment.

Training outcome (as stated in Table A-II/2)

The standard of knowledge, understanding and proficiency associated with the above
competences is therefore considered to be tabulated below.

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1.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply relevant international regulations,

codes and standards concerning the safe handling and transport of LNG cargoes
1.1.2 Plan and execute LNG tanker loading and unloading operations
1.1.3 Demonstrate a practical knowledge of LNG tankers and LNG tanker operations
1.1.4 Demonstrate a knowledge of the carriage of methane the precautions during
loading and unloading and care during the voyage
1.1.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the factors affecting trim, stability and stress as
applicable to LNG tankers.
1.1.6 Demonstrate a knowledge of maritime law embodied in international agreements
and conventions, with special regard to:
- responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the International
Convention for Safety of Life at Sea;
- responsibilities under the International Convention for the prevention of
Pollution from ships as applicable to LNG tankers; and
- Methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine environment by LNG

! Detailed Teaching Syllabus

All objectives are understood to be prefixed by the words “The expected learning
outcome is that the trainee is able to ………..…”.

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Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid

1 Familiarization (6 hours) R1-Reg.V/1 T1,T3 A1, A2

1.1 Type of LNG Ship

1.2 Type of tanks R1 T1,T3 A1,A2

1.3 Tank arrangement R3 T1,T3 A1, A2

.1 Lists of Tanks
− Cargo tanks
− Ballast tanks
− Fuel tanks
.2 Shows the tank arrangement on a
simple line diagram
.3 Compares the line diagram with the
simulator mimic diagram

1.4 Pipeline Arrangements R3 T1, T3 A1, A2

.1 Shows the pipelines of the simulated
systems on a simple line diagram
.2 Compares the line diagram with the
simulator mimic diagram

1.5 Pipe system control valves & R4 T1, T3 A1, A2

ESDS (Emergency Shut Down)
.1 Shows on the line diagram developed
for 1.4 the control valves and states
their function
.2 Describes the control valves used in
the system which should be
connected into the shore system
using one of the methods provided
(optical fibre, pneumatic, radio) and
explains how they function
.3 Describes the emergency shut down
(ESDS) system

1.6 Pumps, Compressors Low Duty R3 T1,T2, T3 A1, A2

(L/D) and High Duty (H/D),BOG
heaters Low Duty (L/D) and
High Duty (H/D), Forcing
Vaporizers and LNG Vaporizers
.1 Lists the pumps used in the system in
terms of
− Cargo pumps (centrifugal)
− Spray pumps (centrifugal)
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Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks, Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid
.2 Lists the compressors, Heaters,
Vaporizers used in the
− Low Duty, High Duty
Compressors and type
− Low Duty, High Duty Heaters
and type
− Vaporizers type
.3 LNG vaporizers
− gassing up of tanks and
maintaining cargo tank pressure
during discharge

1.7 Instrumentation R1, R3 T1, T3 A1, A2

.1 Lists and briefly describes the
instrumentation used in the simulated
system for:
− Liquid level in tanks
− Quantity in tanks
− Liquid temperature (bottom,
middle) in tanks
− Vapour temperature (top)
− Tank pressure
− Rate of liquid flow
− Custody Transfer Measurement
System (CTS)
− Cargo Tank Relief Valves

1.8 Controls R1, R2, R3,R4, T1, T3, B6 A1

.1 Lists the controls in the simulated

system for:
− Valves (ESDS)
− Start / stop of Cargo and Spray
− Start / stop of L/D & H/D
compressors and L/D & H/D
Heaters, LNG , Forcing
− Start/stop of cooling water
pump, glycol pump, lubrication
oil pump, etc.
− Start /Stop of Air / IG Driers
− Start/stop of inert gas generator
− Start/stop of nitrogen generator.
− Start/stop Water Curtain

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Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks , Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid
1.9 Basic operations and R1, R2, R3, R4, T1,T2,T3, B4, A1
.1 States that safe practices must be
used at all times
.2 States that cargo, ballast and tank
cleaning operations must not result in
marine / a pollution
.3 States that as far as is practicable a
‘checklist’ should be prepared and
used in each operation
.4 Under supervision constructs a
checklist for:
− loading cargo
− Discharging cargo
− Ballasting
− Deballasting
.5 Under supervision and using the
checklist, sets (prepares) the
simulator system for the operation of:
− Drying up Hold space and
cargo tanks
− Inerting of cargo tanks
− Gassing up cargo tanks
− Cooling down cargo tanks
− Loading cargo
− Discharging cargo
− Ballasting / Deballasting
− Warming up cargo tanks

2 Special operations and R1-Reg.V/1 T1,T2,T3 ,A1,A2

procedures (10hrs)
2.1 Tank Atmosphere Evaluation R2 T1, T3, B1
.1 States that operations such as
loading and discharging cargo, are
hazardous because of the danger of
fire and explosion
.2 States that for reasons of safety the
tank atmosphere should be
maintained in a non-explosive
.3 States that personnel should only
enter empty tanks when they have
been ‘gas freed’ and the atmosphere
in the tank has
− A hydrocarbon concentration
1% by volume, or less
− Toxic components below MAC

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Knowledge, understanding and proficiency IMO Textbooks , Teaching

Reference Bibliography Aid
− oxygen content 21% by volume
− States that portable gas
analysers are used to ensure
that the tank
− States that the gas analysis are
usually of three categories
− Oxygen meters
− Combustible gas indicators
.4 States that fixed oxygen analysers
are used to monitor the oxygen
content in the inert gas supply to the
.5 When gas freeing, uses the simulator
to measure the oxygen in the tanks
and in the inert gas supply to them

2.2 Use of Nitrogen & IG R2 T1, T3 A1, A2

.1 States that nitrogen is usually derived
by nitrogen generator

.2 States that pure nitrogen vapour is

used in LNG ships mainly for inerting
hold and inter barrier space, deck
piping, maintain compressor shaft
seal, to inert dual fuel lines and
eductor system
.3 States that normally cargo tanks are
inerted with pure nitrogen using
nitrogen generators or inert gas from
inert gas generators
.4 States that the Liquid nitrogen is kept
in a tank on deck

2.3 Gas freeing of cargo Tanks R2 T1,T2,T3,B1 A2

States that if personnel are to enter any
cargo tank, the tank atmosphere must be
free of flammable and toxic vapours, and its
oxygen content must be 21% by volume, as
specified in objective:
.1 Defines gas-freeing as the
replacement of hydrocarbon vapours
or inert gas with air
.2 States that gas-freeing on large
tankers is done by mechanical means
such as portable fans or fixed blower
.3 States that the inert gas blowers may
be used to carry out gas-freeing

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.4 States that care must be taken to
ensure that the atmosphere does not
come within the flammable range
during the gas-freeing operation on
an inerted tank
.5 Explains that gas-freeing a
non-inerted tank will bring the
atmosphere within the flammable
range for some time
.6 States that instruments for monitoring
the tank atmosphere vapours are
used to indicate the presence of
oxygen, hydrocarbons and certain
toxic constituents of hydrocarbon gas
and inert gas, with their
.7 Constructs a plan of operation for
gas-freeing the cargo tanks from:
− An inert condition
− A non-inert condition
.8 Sets (prepares) the simulator and
carries out gas-freeing in accordance
with the plan of operation
.9 Maintains a record (log) of the

2.4 Gassing up (Purging of inert R2 T1,T2,T3, A2

.1 States that gassing up in LNG ships
is carried out by purging IG in the
tanks with hot Gassified Natural Gas
(GNG) about 20ºC
.2 States that GNG content in the cargo
tanks should be periodically
.3 States that a tank pressure of
5-20 kpa should be maintained in the
cargo tanks

2.5 Cooling down of cargo tanks R2 T1,T3 A2

.1 States that cooling down is necessary
to avoid excessive tank pressures
(due to flash evaporation) during bulk
.2 States that cooling down of tanks
consist of spraying LNG liquid into a
tank at a slow rate and return GNG to
shore using H/D Compressor

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.3 States that ships tanks must be
cooled down slowly in order to
minimize thermal stress. The rate, at
which a cargo tank can be cooled
without creating high internal stress,
depends on the design of the
containment system and is typically
.4 States that reference should always
be made to the ship’s operating
manual to determine the allowable
cool down rate
.5 States that a procedure cargo liquid
from shore or from cargo tank is
gradually introduced into the tanks
through spray lines using spray
.6 States that during cool down
operation, much care for cargo tanks
and hold spaces must be taken as
pressure in the hold tends to drop

2.6 Loading Procedures R1, R2, R4, T1, T2, T3, T4 A1, A2
.1 States that the tanks must be partly
cooled by saving a small amount of
LNG cargo from the previous voyage,
in order to obtain maximum loading
rate. The rate of loading should be
adjusted to keep the tank pressure
below 20KPA. A high tank pressure
during loading means the cargo
temperature will be correspondingly

2.7 Boil off gas control

.1 States that LNG's boil-off gas is T1,T3 A2
usually used as a fuel for the ship's
propulsion. When boil-off gas is
burned in a boiler, the gas is drawn
from the tank by a compressor. And
after the gas is compressed to the
required pressure, it is heated to a
normal temperature by a heater and
is sent to the boiler to be burned to
generate steam for driving the main
propulsion turbine

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2.8 Warming up cargo tanks T1, T3 A2
.1 States that warming up is required to
prevent water vapour in I.G from
condensing in the cargo tanks during
the next inerting operation
.2 States that warming up can be
accomplished by circulating heated
GNG from / to all cargo tanks through
the H/D compressors and H/D heater
up to 50ºC to 80ºC
.3 States that a cargo tank temperature
by the temperature sensors in the
pipe towers should be warmed more
than 0ºC and a tank pressure shall be
kept about 15 kpa

3. Ballast Operations (4 hours) T1, T3 A2

3.1 General provisions
.1 States that ballast operations will be R1-Reg.V/1 T1, T3 A2
governed by national, international
and other appropriate rules and
regulations in order to prevent
marine pollution
.2 Uses procedures at all times which
promote safety and protect the
.3 States that ballast is required during
and after the discharge of cargo for:
− Maintaining the ship in the
correct trim for discharge, and
− Establishing the required
displacement and trim for
manoeuvring and making a sea

3.2 Ballasting R1 T1, T3 A2

.1 Constructs a checklist covering the
ballasting operation
.2 Compiles a ballast operation plan
given the desired draught and trim for
sea passage and taking into account:
The tanks to be used
− The ballast capacity
− The stability of the ship
− The induced stresses in the hull
− The discharging programme

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Sets (prepares) the simulator system and
carries out the operation
.3 Maintains a record (log) of the

3.3 Deballasting R1 T1, T3 A2

.1 States that De-ballasting may be
carried out at sea prior to loading
cargo and during loading operations
.2 Constructs a plan for the de ballasting
operation, given the trim conditions
taking into account:
− The stability of the ship
− Induced stresses in the hull
− The loading programme −
Sets (prepares) the simulator system and
carries out the operation, applying strict
measures and control to prevent pollution
Maintains a record (Iog) of the operation

4 Cargo Operations (6 hours) R1, Reg V/1

4.1 General provisions
.1 List the main sources of regulatory R1 T1,T3 A2
and other requirements as :
− National regulations and
− International regulations
− Tanker Safety Guide (Liquefied
Gas) (International Chamber of
.2 States that all procedures must be
"approved procedures" which
promote safety and the protection of
the environment

4.2 Loading cargo R1 T1,T3 A2

.1 Constructs a checklist for the loading
.2 Compiles a loading plan which lists
the sequence of tank filling, bearing
in mind:
− Requirements for stability
− Limits on stresses induced in
the hull structure
− The prevention of overflows
− Establishing tank sounding
− The discharge of ballast

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− Continuous monitoring of
Cargo temperature and
Pressure in cargo tanks
.3 Lists a valve control sequence to
confirm to the loading plan
.4 Explains how loading time is
.5 Sets (prepares) the simulator system
for loading and loads the ship
according to the plan
.6 Uses sounding measurement to
check the quantity of cargo in the
tanks Considering cargo temperature
and pressure in cargo tanks
.7 De-ballasts tanks as required by
draught and trim considerations
.8 Applies an emergency stop procedure
at some point during the loading
.9 Controls the final stages of loading by
reducing flow rates and "topping up"
.10 Controls vapour pressure by running
boil of control using L/D Compressors
and L/D Heaters to engine room
.11 Maintains a record (log) of the
.12 States that the gas purged from the
ship by the loaded LNG and the gas
evaporated by heat entering the
cargo tanks, pipelines, the onshore
pump equipments, are collected and
returned to the onshore facility by
means of the H/D compressors
equipped on the LNG tanker, and
prevent the pressure in the cargo
tanks from rising

4.3 Discharging cargo R1, Reg V/1

.1 Constructs a checklist for the R1, R2, R4 T1, T2, T3, B6 A1, A2
discharging operation
.2 Compiles a discharging plan which
lists the sequence in which the
− Tanks will be discharged,
bearing in mind:
− Requirements for stability
− Limits on stresses induced in
the hull structure
− Trim required for stripping
− Separation of cargo into
− Ballasting of tanks
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.3 Lists a valve control sequence to
confirm to the discharge plan
.4 Explains how discharge time is
calculated and makes a calculation
for the operation to be carried out
.5 Maintaining cargo temperature as
close to boiling point temperature of
cargo, thereby achieving minimum
pressure in cargo tanks maintaining
pressure within Maximum Allowable
Relief valve Setting (MARVS)
.6 Sets (prepares) the simulator system
for discharging cargo and discharges
the ship according to the plan
.7 Uses sounding measurements to
check the quantity of cargo in the
tanks before discharge is
commenced considering temperature
and pressure in cargo tanks
.8 Maintains temperature of cargo as
required by the terminal
.9 Maintains discharge rate if required
by using vapour return and
Compressors especially, if
discharging to a pressure storage
.10 States that tank atmosphere must be
maintained at a positive pressure (i.e.
above atmospheric pressure)
.11 Applies an emergency stop at some
point during the discharging operation
.12 In the final stages of discharging
cargo applies procedures for draining
and stripping keeping a close check
on discharge pressure of cargo
.13 Ballast as required by the discharge
.14 Maintains a record (log) of the

5 Operational Problems (4 hours) R1- Reg V/1

5.1 Cargo and related operations - R1, R3, R4 T1, T3 A2
normal working
Uses the simulator system to obtain one or
more operational situations as specified in
the syllabus sections 2, 3 or 4, to serve as a
starting point for the introduction of faults,
malfunctions or accidents
States examples of such operational
situations as:

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5.2 Ship making a ballast voyage to
a loading port with all ballast
tanks full, thereafter loading all
cargo tanks and taking into
− The draught required for going
alongside on arrival all cargo
− Tanks are to be loaded to 98%
of capacity with liquefied
natural gas(LNG) or more if
− Pollution control
− Considerations of stability and
hull deflection fire prevention
− Ship making a loaded voyage
to a discharge port with all
cargo tanks full of gas, taking
into account:
− After going alongside, all cargo
is to be discharged
− Required draught and trim for
making a ballast voyage
− Pollution control- such as spill-
prevention measures
− Considerations of stability and
hull deflection

5.3 Introduction of system faults,

malfunctions, accidents
States that during cargo handling, ballasting
and other associated operations, visual
vigilance must be maintained, with
instrument and meter readings being kept
under constant scrutiny in order that any
variation from the normal working conditions
can be detected quickly
States that any deviation from the normal
must be followed up to determine what is
States that considerations of safety and
pollution prevention are paramount, and that
if necessary an operation must be shut
down if the deviation from normal becomes

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5.4 Remedial actions
With visual observation and/or instrument R2, R3, R6, A2
and meter readings indicating a deviation
from normal operational conditions, action
must be taken to:
− Identify what is happening as
quickly as possible
− Bring the operational conditions
back to normal by alteration of
controls if this is possible
− Slow the operation down, or
shut the operation down if a
hazard involving safety or
pollution is imminent
− Investigate the possible causes
for the deviation from normal
and take remedial action once
the cause has been properly

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Part D: Instructor Manual

! General
This manual reflects the views of the course designer on methodology and
organization, and what is considered relevant and important in the light of his
experience as an instructor. Although the guidance given should be of value
initially, the course instructor should work out his own methods and ideas,
refine and develop what is successful, and discard ideas and methods which
are not effective.

Preparation and planning constitute a major contribution to effective

presentation of the course.

! Lectures
The main training components in the course are the practical exercises
carried out under supervision on the simulated cargo-handling plant.
However, before each exercise commences, a briefing and discussion on
important aspects of the exercise has been found effective, and provision has
been made for this in the course structure.

As far as is possible, the briefing for the exercise should use practical
examples involving real shipboard equipment and systems, referring to
diagrams, layout plans, technical drawings, photographs and other related
technical documents to supplement and reinforce the briefing. A typical
example of a LNG tanker is shown. (Figures 1 and 2)

A technique which has proved effective is to outline what is to be done and

achieved by the exercise, then explain in detail those aspects which are felt to
be important, and finally, to summarize the exercise, using key words and

There should always be a final discussion to make sure that each trainee
understands the role he will play and what is to be done and achieved by the

A useful teaching aid during the briefing is an overhead projector; copies of

the transparencies used can be distributed to the trainees for reference
purposes during the exercises.

! Simulator exercises
The cargo-handling plant and systems used aboard merchant ships which
transport gas products can differ in their layout and in the types of machinery
units and associated systems, so that the trainees will have varied knowledge
and experience of such plant.

It is important, therefore, to use the briefing period to explain precisely which

machinery units and systems are being simulated in the exercise, as well as

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their function, how they interact with each other and the role of the trainees
during the exercise.

The trainees should be encouraged to co-operate with each other, working

together as a team during the exercise, and to show the initiative and
enthusiasm that will bring the exercise to a successful conclusion.

An important aspect of cargo and ballast handling is safety, and it is vital to

ensure that safe practices are used throughout the exercise. Safety should be
stressed during the briefing. One major contribution to safety is the use of
checklists, which should be prepared beforehand, possibly as part of the
briefing procedure.

During an exercise it is useful if one trainee assumes the role of

officer-in-charge, with the responsibility of ensuring that the requirements and
activities of the exercise are properly carried out. Role playing is an important
element in the learning process, and with a number of trainees taking part in
the exercises on the simulator, this aspect could provide a stimulus to the
process of gaining knowledge and understanding.

! Preparing and conducting exercises

If further exercises are to be developed, or the ones supplied in the course
modified, it is important that they should not be too complex; otherwise the
trainees might have difficulties in carrying out their tasks and duties within an
allotted period of time.

An exercise should start with simple activities, making use of uncomplicated

components such as valves, pumps, fluid vapour systems, tanks, etc., and
move step by step into more complex activities.

The aim of the training programme is to use a step-by-step process to

introduce the trainees to the range of activities associated with the operations
of loading and unloading an LNG cargo.

For this reason a number of activities termed “Special Operations and

Procedures” have been grouped together to form section 2 of the syllabus.

Of course, on board ship these operations would not be carried out in

isolation, because they are all linked to other operations.

However, initially it is beneficial to study such operations in isolation, so that

what is taking place can be observed and studied without reference to some
other activity.

When the course has progressed to section 4 of the syllabus, all activities
dealt with in sections l, 2, and 3 will be used in the simulated activity of
loading and unloading a cargo of liquefied gas.

The simulator is designed to provide training for normal operational

procedures and for the input of abnormal or malfunction conditions. It is
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important that the trainees achieve a satisfactory level of competence under

normal conditions before proceeding to abnormal operations due to the
introduction of faults.

The exercises should provide the trainees with the most realistic impression of
actually being in a cargo control centre aboard ship. Realism is important for
this type of learning process. For this reason, if the simulator has an
associated sound system, it should be used.

! Exercise scenarios
The content of a scenario is governed to a large extent by the units and
systems that are being simulated.

The syllabus used for the course has been structured to provide some
flexibility in this respect, and the scenarios can be prepared using those
syllabus elements which match a specific simulator design.

For this course, scenarios should be designed to cover the operational areas
contained in the syllabus; for example:
" Familiarization
" Special Operations and Procedures
" Ballast Operations
" Cargo Operations
" Operational Problems.

The familiarization scenarios should aim at making the trainees not only feel
“at home” with the units and systems being simulated, but should also provide
some “hands-on” experience with the controls and some of the more basic
equipment and operations, such as valves, pumps, pipe systems,
compressors instrumentation, filling and emptying tanks, etc.

The operational scenarios should aim at providing experience in preparing

and carrying out the various tasks and procedures that are involved with the
safe transportation of liquefied natural gas in bulk.

The troubleshooting scenarios should be designed to provide experience in

identifying malfunctions and faults, and applying remedial procedures. It
should be noted that most simulator designs can introduce a large number of
malfunctions and faults. In this course, the scenarios can only deal with a few
faults because of time constraints. The course implementer is free to
introduce additional faults if time allows, or to change the faults to comply with
a particular simulator design.

Further details regarding the content of the scenarios are provided in the
guidance notes of the instructor manual.

! Monitoring the exercises

During the exercises the instructor should monitor the trainees’ progress and
record particular events which relate to safety or correct procedure in the
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exercise, making a summary for use in the debriefing period. However, even
an experienced instructor may occasionally find things going wrong when
trainees are trying to control all the parameters and actions involved in an
exercise, and any resulting incidents should be noted and discussed at the

If a second instructor is available, he should assist in monitoring the trainees

in their work. His task will vary according to the trainees’ abilities and
competence. He will be involved not only in the briefing and debriefing
activities, but also when the trainees become more experienced, assisting and
guiding them in the use of the equipment. He should follow their work closely,
but should avoid interrupting them and save important observations for the

! Debriefing
The time spent on debriefing should generally occupy between 10
and 15 per cent of the total time used for simulator exercises. Various facilities
may be used in debriefing, such as playback (in which the whole exercise is
recorded and any sequence is available for discussion), multi-channel
recorder or data-logging equipment.

The instructor should refer to the summary made during the exercise, raise
important points and direct the discussion among the trainees. He should
encourage them to examine critically the actions taken during the exercises.
He should try to avoid imposing his own views, but should ensure that the
trainees have used safe and correct procedures at all times.

! Guidance on specific subject areas

The guidance notes which follow contain advice on the treatment of the
subject areas listed in the course outline. The instructor should develop a
methodology based on his own experience, together with the advice and
guidance provided with the simulator being used in the course.

! Guidance Notes
These notes contain advice on the content of the course as given in the
course outline and the syllabus, and will provide a basis for the construction of
suitable scenarios.

! Familiarization (6 hours)
Initially it is important that the trainees become familiar with what is being
simulated and the simulator layout and controls.

Therefore the first briefing and discussion must cover at least:

" the cargo-handling plant, its systems and equipment in general
arrangement and in specifics such as the cargo system and
arrangements for ballast.
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" the instrumentation being used and what parameters are indicated and
" the controls that are used and where they are located
" the alarms that are fitted and what they protect
" the observance and use of safe practices and procedures at all times
" the importance of proper planning before undertaking any activity in the
machinery spaces
" the use of checklists to ensure that actions and activities are safe and
carried out in the correct sequence.

The practical exercises should start with simple activities involving such
operations as:
" opening and closing valves
" starting and stopping pumps, compressors and vaporizers
" using a checklist to prepare the simulator for loading cargo and filling a
cargo tank
" using a checklist to prepare the simulator for handling ballast and
" transferring ballast from one tank to another tank.

The trainees should note and record important instrument readings during the

The aim is to make everyone familiar with the layout of the plant, the
instrumentation used, and the location and use of controls.

! Operational Exercises (20 hours)

The aim of these exercises is to make the trainees familiar with the
cargo-handling units and the associated systems that are being simulated,
and to gain experience in the correct and safe procedures for preparation,
start up, putting on line, and setting the normal operating mode.

Sufficient procedures and operations have been identified in the syllabus to

cover most simulator designs, so that adequate practice can be obtained in
the operations that are used in the transport of LNG cargo.

With the trainees becoming familiar with the simulator and the range of
activities it can handle, scenarios can be constructed covering the various
operations contained in the syllabus objectives, and specimen scenarios are
provided as an appendix to the instructor manual.

It is important that the trainees become accustomed to making up and using

checklists for each operation, so that all actions are carried through in the
correct sequence and in a safe manner.

! Troubleshooting (4 hours)
These exercises aim at developing skill and confidence in handling
operational problems. A number of possible faults can be listed, such as:

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− Unload of contaminated water, because of

! defective monitoring instruments
! ineffective control being exercised, or
! wrongly set valves

− flow rate from pump insufficient, because of

! too much clearance between impeller and casing in a centrifugal
pump (usually because of wear or corrosion), or

− leak developing in a Unload line

− leaking of gas from the gland of the pump

but the particular simulator design will determine which faults and
malfunctions can be introduced.

It is important that the number of faults which are introduced can be dealt with
in the time available.

Only one fault should be dealt with at a time, and the next fault should not be
introduced until all the trainees are satisfied with the way they have handled
the previous one.

The instructors should not intrude too much in these exercises, and should
allow the trainees to sort the problem out for themselves.

It is essential to allow sufficient time in debriefing to explore thoroughly the

way in which the fault was identified, located and dealt with.

Each simulator design will incorporate its own catalogue of faults and
malfunctions, and the manufacturer’s guidance should be used to construct
appropriate scenarios.

Bibliography (B)
The detailed teaching syllabus together with the instructor manual and its
guidance notes and the user guidance from the simulator manufacturer is all that
is required to implement the course. However, if supplementary reading or
reference is desired, the publications (as mentioned in Bibliography section).

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Fig D1: Outline sketch of a LNG tanker cargo and ballast handling simulator installation
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Fig 1: Particulars of the ship’s cargo and ballast systems

Fig.2: LNG Tanker

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Fig.3: Inerting and Drying with IG

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Fig.4: Inerted tank purged with LNG Vapour

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Fig.5: Purging an inerted tank with Vapour from shore

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Fig.6: Cooling down tanks using liquid from shore

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Fig.7: Cooling down with liquid from ships tanks

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Fig.8: Loading with Vapour return

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4.9.Laden Voyage

Fig.9: Loaded Voyage burning BOG

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4.10.NORMAL DISCHARGE with Vapour Return from shore

Fig.10: Unloading with vapour from shore

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4.10.NORMAL DISCHARGE without vapour return

Fig.11: Unloading without vapour from shore

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Fig.12: Ballast passage burning BOG using Forcing Vapourizer

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Fig.13: Warming up tanks using cargo vapours through HD Compressors

and HD Heaters

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This appendix contains six main exercises along with sub exercises relating to LNG cargo
and ballast operations, which can be used in most designs of LNG and ballast simulator.

Exercise No.1: Preparing, starting and operating the cargo and ballast system
This exercise can serve as an introduction to the practical tasks, making everyone familiar
with the equipment, it can then develop into the preparation, start up and operations of the
cargo and ballast systems

Exercise No.2: Gassing up and cooling down of cargo tanks

This exercise covers gassing up and cooling down of cargo tanks to prepare cargo tanks
prior loading of LNG. Guidelines: (1). Use Figs. 4 and 5 for change of atmosphere and
(2).Use Fig. 6 and 7 Liquid spraying from shore or from ships tank respectively with spray
pump .

Exercise No.3: Loading of LNG cargo / Deballasting – Loading sequence

This exercise covers the setting up of loading plans, the determination of correct tank
sequences, measurement of the tank atmosphere and the demonstration of skill in loading
and topping up cargo tanks. Covers deballasting and focuses on selecting the tanks to be
used, taking into account the effect on hull stresses and the requirements for stability.
Guidelines: See Fig. 8.. Loading with Vapour return from shore.

Exercise No.4: Unloading of LNG / Ballasting – Unloading sequence

This exercise covers the setting up of Unloading plans, the determination of correct tank
sequences, measurement of the tank atmosphere and the demonstration of skill in
Unloading and stripping cargo tanks. Covers ballasting and focuses on selecting the tanks
to be used, taking into account the effect on hull stresses and the requirements for stability.
Guidelines: Use Fig. 10. and 11 for LNG Unloading with or without Vapour Return.

Exercise No.5: Inerting / Gas-freeing/ Warming up of cargo tanks

This exercise covers drying up tanks, inerting and gas freeing of tanks, gassing up and
warming up of cargo tanks. Guidelines: Use Fig. 3 Inerting and Drying with Inert Gas. and
Fig. 13 Warming up tanks.

Exercise No.6: Ballast / Loaded passage using Boil-off to use for M/E
Propulsion and Ballasting / De-ballasting with Fault insertions for remedial
Loaded passage using Boil-off for use in M/E Propulsion and Ballasting/ De-ballasting to
provide experience in ballasting/ de-ballasting, particularly in connection with selection of
tanks, hull stresses and stability. Guidelines; Use Fig. 9, and. 12 Loaded voyage burning

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Exercise No.1: Preparing, starting and operating the cargo and

ballast system

Duration: 6 hours

Objective: To provide experience in the preparation, start up and operation of the

different subsystems.

After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to –

• Start and stop cargo pumps
• Evaluate a cargo tank atmosphere in terms of LFL, MAC value and oxygen
• Operate the gauging system and alarms used in a cargo and ballast tank
• Set or check the MARVS of all Cargo tank Relief Valves
• Test the operations of Fusible plugs
• Operate the Gas detection System (Fixed, Manual & Sequential and its testing
procedures for different locations)
• Identify the different pipelines and valves for cargo, i.e., liquid, vapour and ballast
lines including liquid, vapour and spray headers and control of Boil Off Gas
(BOG) to Engine room using L/D compressors and L/D heaters
• Identify the lines for cargo, ballast.
• Identify the equipment located for handling the cargo and ballast and for other
related operations, such as –
• Set up on the simulator and Operate Cargo pumps
• Set up on the simulator and Operate Ballast pumps
• Set up on the simulator and Operate Cooling water pump, glycol pump
• Set up on the simulator and Operate Lubricating oil pump
• Set up on the simulator and Operate L/D and H/D Compressors, L/D and H/D
• Set up on the simulator and Operate LNG Vaporizers and Forcing Vaporizers
• Identify the inert gas distribution systems (Inert Gas Generators, Nitrogen
• Identify the cargo tank ventilation system (vent lines & vapour lines etc)
• Open and close valves, Emergency shut down systems (ESDS)

Prerequisites: The underpinning knowledge about a LNG tanker and its constructions,
equipments, pipelines, properties, hazards and its limitations, etc.

Training Materials: OHP sheets Figs. 1 & 2 of mimic diagrams used in LCHS and
essential underpinning knowledge about LNG tanker.

Simulator Condition: Familiarization exercises enabling operation in

Membrane/Spherical types LNG tanker.

Briefing: Before the exercise starts, the instructor should go through the cargo handling
system and explain the different auxiliary systems, using drawings and diagrams similar
to the simulator display pictures. Pipe dimensions, working pressure, valves and
methods of valve control should be explained and discussed. Pumps for cargo and
ballast should be explained with regard to pump type, capacity and the start/stop
procedures. Boil off control system should be explained; start/stop of L/D compressors
and L/D heaters, start/stop of H/D compressors and H/D heaters, Requirements and
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use of Vaporizers and Forcing Vaporizers and it procedures should be explained and
discussed. Finally, the instructor should go through the system for inert gas distribution,
tank ventilation systems and methods of cargo tank atmosphere evaluation using gas
detection system (sequential, portable).

Student Action: After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:
• Call upon display pictures showing the cargo system and identify the different
equipment and items
• Identify a certain cargo, ie, liquid, and follow the line through the submersible
cargo pump to a certain cargo tank
• Identify the cargo pump on the line and valves from manifold to tank
• Start cargo pumps and Spray pumps.
• Open valves on Unload side of the pumps
• Open manifold valves
• Identify a certain ballast line and follow the line through the pump (p) or (s) to a
certain tank
• Identify the ballast pumps on the line and valves from sea inlet and overboard
line to tank
• Open suction valves in the ballast tank
• Open suction valves of the ballast pumps
• Start ballast pumps
• Start L/D compressors and L/D heaters, etc.
• Start/stop of H/D compressors and H/D heaters, etc. Close all valves
• Start/stop of Vaporizers and Forcing Vaporizers

Instructor Action: Explain the simulated ship type, its equipments, pipelines, etc.,
system mimics and symbols used in mimics, Load master, etc.

Debriefing: After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated to
discussion of the exercise. Any deviation from reality should be focused upon and

Evaluation: The instructor must set aside sufficient time to discuss thoroughly the
systems before the trainees start to use the simulator. Starting up should only be carried
out after observing and checking that everything has been correctly prepared. After the
trainees have made their observations, taken notes and completed the operations,
sufficient time should be set aside for discussion.

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Exercise No.2: Gassing up and cooling down of cargo tanks

Duration: 3 hours

Objective: To provide experience to prepare the tanks for loading and cooling down of

After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to –

• Identify the equipment used for cooling down tanks (spray pumps)
• Set up a plan for gassing up and cooling down all cargo tanks
• Prior to tank cooling, Tank should be gassed up
• Explain the necessity of tank atmosphere evaluation when gassing up.
• Follow lighter and heavier gases in vapour and liquid lines respectively using
displacement method, and/or Pressurization technique by dilution method.
• Monitor the change of gas using gas measuring instrumentation.

Prerequisites: Knowledge about gassing up, cooling down and procedure for cooling
down tanks, spray pumps.

Training Material : LCHS (LNG) ship types and essential underpinning knowledge
about LNG tanker and OHP sheets see fig. 4, 5, 6 & 7 if required for procedure of
cooling down cargo tanks.
Simulator Condition : All cargo tanks gassed up with LNG vapour.

Briefing: Before the exercise starts the instructor should explain and discuss the
equipment for tank cooling and gas-freeing. Methods of tank cooling (Liquid from
Shore/Ship) should be explained and discussed. The trainees should be made familiar
with procedures for the testing of tank atmosphere prior to starting and should be made
aware of the importance of such tests.

Student Action: After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:
• Set the lines for gassing up of tanks
• Select the line system for the cargo tanks that are to be cooled
• Set up a plan for cooling of these tanks
• Check tank atmosphere for oxygen content
• Commence tank cooling as required

Instructor Action: To set the exercise and monitor the proper procedure for cooling
down cargo tanks explaining that the rate of cooling down of the tank shell should not
be done at a rate of more than 10 deg. C per hour. All cargo tanks are required to be
cooled below 120ºC for preparing the tanks for loading.

Debriefing: After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated for
discussions. Any deviations from reality should be focused upon and discussed closely.

Evaluation: The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the systems
before the trainees start to use the simulator. After the trainees have made their
observations, taken notes and completed the exercise, sufficient time should be set
aside for discuss.

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Exercise No.3: Loading of LNG cargo / Deballasting - Loading


Duration: 6 hours

Objective:To provide experience in the setting up of loading plans, the determination of

the correct loading sequences, measuring the tank atmosphere, loading the cargo and
demonstrating skill in topping up cargo tanks.

After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to:

• Construct a loading plan
• Select cargo line or lines (liquid & vapour) using HD Compressors for vapour
• Determine correct loading/deballasting sequence
• Explain acceptable loading rate
• Demonstrate skill in topping up the cargo tanks

Pre-requisites : Stowage planning, stresses and Cargo calculation procedure

Training Materials: LCHS (LNG) ship types and essential underpinning knowledge
about Stowage planning, stresses and LNG Cargo calculation procedure. Use Fig. 8.
For explaining Loading with Vapour return.

Simulator Condition: Cargo tanks cooled down with LNG vapours to below -120ºC
and ready for loading.

Briefing: Before the exercise starts; the instructor should discuss thoroughly a loading
operation in general. Checklists and safety requirements should be explained and
discussed. Attention should be focused upon the necessity of good and close co-
operation between the ship and terminal for attaining safe operation.
The loading sequence of tanks should be discussed in relation to the trim of the ship
and the hull stresses, including an explanation for sea and Port condition with the
requirements of fuel consumption for arrival drafts.
Topping up procedures should be described and explained. The lesson should be
discussed in relation to the trim of the ship and the hull stresses. Topping up procedures
should be described and explained. The lesson should also include an explanation of
common monitoring equipment in a cargo tank and the emergency stop procedures.

Student Action:

After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:

• Select the cargo tanks for the loading of LNG
• Select the line system for loading
• Check the cargo tanks’ Pressure and temperatures
• Prepare lines and tanks for loading
• Connect the shore line to the manifold
• Commence loading at slow rate
• Check correct cargo flow
• Increase loading rate
• Observe pressure, flow, temperature and tank level
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• Reduce loading rate and give notices as required

• Top up the tanks to a pre-determined level
• Close the manifold
• Drain lines, purge manifold lines with Nitrogen and then air and finally close all
valves and sample the line for gas content.
• Disconnect the shore line
• Calculate the quantity of cargo loaded

Instructor Action: Set the exercise and monitor through out the exercise.

After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated to discussion. Any
deviation from reality should be discussed and investigated more closely.

Questions which can be discussed are:

• Other methods for loading?
• Can any other equipment/ line systems be used?
• Is it possible to load with a higher flow rate?

The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the procedures to be used for
loading before the trainees start to use the simulator, and allocate time for general
discussion after the exercise is completed.

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Exercise No.4: Unloading of LNG / Ballasting - Unloading sequence

Duration: 6 hours

Objective: To provide experience in the construction of Unloading plans, the

determination of the correct Unloading sequences, measuring the tank atmosphere,
Unloading the cargo and demonstrating skill in stripping of and draining of cargo tanks
and lines.

After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to:

• Set up an Unloading plan
• Select cargo line or lines (liquid & vapour) for loading
• Determine correct Unloading sequence for cargo tanks
• Determine the quantity of heel required to be kept as ROB
• Demonstrate skill in stripping the cargo tanks if required

Prerequisites: Unloading procedure, making a Unload plan considering ballasting

required and stresses.

Training Materials: LCHS (LNG) OHP Figs. 10 and 11.ship types and essential
underpinning knowledge about LNG tanker.

Simulator Condition: Cargo tanks cooled down to below -120º C and ready for

Briefing: Before the exercise starts, the instructor should discuss thoroughly a
Unloading operation in general. Checklists and safety requirements should be explained
and discussed. Attention should be focused upon the necessity of good and close co-
operation between the ship and terminal for attaining safe operation. The Unloading
sequence of tanks should be discussed in relation to the trim of the ship and the hull
stresses. Topping up procedures should be described and explained. The lesson should
be discussed in relation to the trim of the ship and the hull stresses. Topping up
procedures should be described and explained. The lesson should also include an
explanation of common monitoring equipment in a cargo tank and the emergency stop

Student Action:
After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:
• Select a number of cargo tanks for the Unloading of LNG
• Select the line system for unloading
• Check the cargo tanks’ atmosphere
• Prepare lines and tanks for loading
• Connect the shore line to the manifold
• Commence unloading at slow rate
• Check correct cargo flow
• Increase Unloading rate
• Observe pressure, flow, temperature and tank level

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• Stripping of cargo tanks, Handling of deepwell cargo pumps when tank level is
low and throttling of valve during stripping
• Close the manifold
• Drain and purge/aerate lines and close all valves
• Disconnect the shore line
• Calculate the quantity of cargo Unloaded

Instructor Action: Set the exercise and monitor the procedure for Unloading.

After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated to discussion. Any
deviation from reality should be discussed and investigated more closely.

Questions which can be discussed are:

• Other methods for Unloading?
• Can other line systems be used?
• Is it possible to Unload with a higher flow rate?

The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the procedures to be used for
Unloading before the trainees start to use the simulator, and allocate time for general
discussion after the exercise is completed.

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Exercise No.5: Inerting / Gas-freeing / Warming up of cargo tanks

Duration: 6 hours

Objective: To provide experience to prepare the tanks for cargo operations after
repairs/ man-entry/ dry-docking.
After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to:
• Identify the equipment used for inerting /Gas freeing/Warming up of cargo tanks.
• Set up a plan for inerting / Gas freeing all cargo tanks
• Explain the necessity of tank atmosphere evaluation prior to inerting /
• Follow lighter and heavier gases in vapour and liquid lines respectively using
displacement method.
• While entering dry dock e.g.: warming up, inerting, gas freeing

Prerequisites: knowledge about procedure for docking the ship and preparing tanks
after docking.

Training Material: LCHS (LNG) Simulator includes- Inert Gas plants, Nitrogen
Generators, H/D Heaters, and Vaporizers, etc. Use Fig. 3 & 13 for explaining Drying
and warming up procedures.

Simulator Condition: Tanks with LNG liquid at -161ºC / Tanks gas freed and dried

Briefing: Before the exercise starts the instructor should explain and discuss the
equipment for gas-freeing.
Methods of tank ventilation and gas freeing should be explained. The trainees should
be made familiar with procedures for the testing of tank atmosphere prior to entering
and should be made aware of the importance of such tests.

Student Action: After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:
• Select the line system for liquid freeing of cargo tanks that are to be inerted
• Drain liquid completely from cargo tanks, lines and pumps
• Set up a plan for gas-freeing and inerting of these tanks
• Prepare the lines for warming up these tanks
• Purge tanks with/Cargo vapours/ IG/ Air as directed by the instructor
• Check tank atmosphere for oxygen/%volume content as required

Instructor Action: Set the exercise and monitor the procedure followed by the student.

Debriefing: After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated for
discussions. Any deviations from reality should be focused upon and discussed closely.
It should be stressed that no tank should be entered without proper safety equipment
and personnel protection unless tests of the tank atmosphere prove it is safe.
Ventilation should always be in operation during tank inspection and/or tank work and
the atmosphere should be tested regularly.

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Evaluation: The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the systems
before the trainees start to use the simulator. After the trainees have made their
observations, taken notes and completed the exercise, sufficient time should be set
aside for discussion.

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Exercise No.6: Ballast / Loaded passage using Boil-off to use for M/E
Propulsion and Ballasting / De-ballasting with Fault insertions for
remedial actions
Duration: 3 hours

Aim: To provide experience in ballasting/ de-ballasting, in a loaded passage particularly

in connection with selection of tanks, hull stresses and stability and recognize any faults
and take remedial actions as and when incorporated by the Instructor.
After completing the exercise the trainees should be able to execute on the simulator:
• LNGs boil-off gas which may be used as a fuel for the ship's propulsion. When
boil-off gas is burned in a boiler, the gas is drawn from the tank by the L/D
compressor. And after the gas is compressed to the required pressure, it is
heated to a normal temperature by a L/D heater and is sent to the boiler to be
burned to generate steam for driving the main propulsion turbine
• In a ballast passage it may not be possible to draw enough vapour. It may then
entail using the spray pumps to draw liquid to the forcing vaporizer, then lead it to
the L/D heater before being sent to the boiler
• Explain how ballast is distributed to reduce hull stress and to obtain an
acceptable stability and manoeuvring ability of the ship
• Select the line for ballast/de-ballast
• Select the tanks required for ballast/de-ballast
• Operate the ballast pump
• Carry out the ballast/de-ballasting operation
• Recognize faults and take corrective actions immediately as and when they are
inserted by the Instructor.

Carrying out the exercise

Before the exercise starts the instructor should explain Boil off Control in LNG ships and
also discuss the ballast operations to be carried out. Correct ballasting and de-ballasting
procedures should be discussed. National and international regulations for pollution
should also be focused upon as these affect the handling of ballast. With the Unloaded
ship as a starting point, the trainees should ballast the ship to a draught necessary for
safe passage.

After the explanations (discussion) the trainees are to:

• Set the lines to start boil off control to Boiler using L/D Compressor and L/D
• Set the lines using forcing Vaporizers in a ballast passage.
• Stipulate the draught necessary for the safe handling of the ship
• Select the number of tanks necessary for ballast to obtain the stipulated draught
• Prepare the lines and tanks for ballasting/de-ballasting
• Commence ballasting by “running in”
• Check ballast flow
• Start the ballast pump when this is appropriate
• Top up the ballast tanks to a calculated level

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• Quickly recognize any faults and take remedial actions as and when inserted by
the Instructor
• Stop pumps
• Close all valves.

After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated to discussion of the
exercise. Any deviation from reality should be focused upon and discussed.

Time taken
The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the recognition of inserted
faults. After the trainees have made their observations, taken notes and completed the
exercise, time should be allowed for discussion stating the corrective actions and fault
recognition techniques.

Prerequisites: knowledge about procedure for using BOG as propulsion fuel

Training Material: LCHS (LNG) Simulator includes - H/D Heaters, Vaporizers, etc. Use
Fig. 9 & 12 for explaining Ballast passage and Loaded passage Boil off Gas burning

Instructor Action: Set the exercise and monitor the procedure followed by the student.

Debriefing: After the exercise has been carried out, time must be allocated for
discussions. Any deviations from reality should be focused upon and discussed closely.
It should be stressed that vigilance in monitoring Temperature and pressure trends is
the key to following the conditions within the tank and taking early action in case of any
machinery failures.

Evaluation: The instructor must set aside sufficient time for discussing the systems
before the trainees start to use the simulator. After the trainees have made their
observations, taken notes and completed the exercise, sufficient time should be set
aside for discuss where are the areas for improvement.

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Part E: Evaluation

1. Introduction
The effectiveness of any evaluation depends on the accuracy of the description
of what is to be measured.

The learning objectives that are used in the detailed teaching syllabus will provide
a sound base for the construction of suitable tests for evaluating trainee progress.

2. Method of evaluation
The methods chosen to carry out an evaluation will depend upon what the
trainee is expected to achieve in terms of knowing, comprehending and
applying the course content.

The methods used can range from a simple question-and-answer discussion

with the trainees (either individually or as a group) to prepared tests requiring
the selection of correct or best responses from given alternatives, the correct
matching of given Items, the supply of short answers or the supply of more
extensive written responses to prepared questions.

Where the course content is aimed at the acquisition of practical skills, the
test would involve a practical demonstration by the trainee making use of
appropriate equipment, tools, etc.

The responses demanded may therefore consist of:

! the recall of facts or information, by viva-voce or objective tests
! the practical demonstration of an attained skill
! the oral or written description of procedures or activities
! the identification and use of data from sketches, drawings, maps,
charts, etc.
! carrying out calculations to solve numerical problems
! the writing of an exercise log.

3. Validity
The evaluation must be based on clearly defined objectives, and it must truly
represent what is to be measured. There must be a reasonable balance between
the subject topics involved and also in the testing of trainees’ KNOWLEDGE,

The time allocated for the trainee to provide a response is very important. Each
question or task must be properly tested and validated before It is used to ensure
that the test will provide a fair and valid evaluation.

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4. Reliability
To be reliable, an evaluation procedure should produce reasonably consistent
results no matter which set of papers or version of the test is used.

5. Subjective testing
Traditional methods of evaluation require the trainee to demonstrate what has
been learned by stating or writing formal answers to questions.

Such evaluation is subjective In that It invariably depends upon the judgment of

the evaluator. Different evaluators can produce quite different scores when
marking the same paper or evaluating oral answers.

6. Objective testing
A variety of objective tests have been developed over the years. Their common
feature Is that the evaluation does not require a judgment by the evaluator. The
response is either right or wrong.

One type of objective test involves supplying an answer, generally a single word,
to complete the missing portion of a sentence. Another involves supplying a short
answer of two or three words to a question. Such tests are known as ‘completion
tests’ and ‘short answer tests’.

Another form of objective testing consists of ‘selective response tests’ in which

the correct, or best, response must be selected from given alternatives. Such
tests may consist of ‘matching tests’, in which items contained in two separate
lists must be matched, or they may be of the true/false type or of the multiple-
choice type.

The most flexible form of objective test is the multiple-choice test, which presents
the trainee with a problem and a list of alternative solutions, from which he must
select the most appropriate.

Action on a simulator can be recorded and objectively analysed during a replay or

debrief using log printouts.

7. Distracters
The incorrect alternatives in multiple-choice questions are called ‘distracters’,
because their purpose is to distract the uninformed trainee from the correct
response. The distracter must be realistic and should be based on
misconceptions commonly held, or on mistakes commonly made.

The options “none of the above” or “all of the above” are used in some tests.
These can be helpful, but should be used sparingly.

Distracters should distract the uninformed, but they should not take the form of
‘trick’ questions that could mislead the knowledgeable trainee (for example, do
not insert “not” into a correct response to make It a distracter).
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8. Guess factor
The ‘guess factor’ with four alternative responses in a multiple-choice test would
be 25%. The pass mark chosen for all selective-response questions should take
this into account.

9. Scoring
In simple scoring of objective tests one mark may be allotted to each correct
response and zero for a wrong or nil response.

A more sophisticated scoring technique entails awarding one mark for a correct
response, zero for a nil response and minus one for an incorrect response.
Where a multiple-choice test Involves four alternatives, this means that a totally
uninformed guess involves a 25% chance of gaining one mark and a 75% chance
of losing one mark.

Scores can be weighted to reflect the relative Importance of questions, or of

sections of an evaluation.

Information Requested of Instructors Who Implement IMO Model Courses

1. IMO model courses are periodically revised to take into account the changes
which have taken place in relevant Conventions, resolutions and other
matters affecting each course. To help lMO to improve the content of courses
when they are revised, the assistance of all instructors who implement or
participate in implementing courses is requested, whether the implementation
is part of an IMO technical co-operation project or part of a Maritime Training
Academy’s regular programme.

Information requested and its format

2. To simplify their consolidation by IMO, the technical comments and
suggestions for the Improvement of model courses should follow the format
that is outlined below. If no comments or suggestions are to be provided
under a topic, please insert “no comment’ against the Item.

3. Please identify:
.1 the course number and title;
.2 the date and location of its implementation;
.3 the approximate number of IMO model courses you have implemented
to date; and
.4 the approximate number of times you have Implemented this particular
model course.

4. In commenting on Part A — Course Framework, please comment on the

Items (‘Scope’, ‘Objectives’, etc.) in the order In which they appear In the
course; In all cases, please Indicate:

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Page 63

1. the number of participants who met the entry standards and the
number who did not;
2. the course intake and, if the recommendations In ‘Course Intake
limitations’ were exceeded, the reasons for this and your observations
on the effect of this on the qualify of the course;
3. If the conditions under ‘Staff requirements’ were met; If not, please
Indicate the nature of the deficiency and give your observations of the
effect of this on the quality of presentation of the course; and
4. any lack of equipment or facilities as compared with the
recommendations under ‘Teaching facilities and equipment’ and your
observations of the effect of this lack on the quality of presentation of
the course.

5. In commenting on Part B — Course Outline, please bear in mind that minor

variations In time allocations are Inevitable. Major difficulties with allocations
of time and any omissions or redundancies of subject areas should be briefly

6. In commenting on Part C — Detailed Teaching Syllabus, please identify the

specific learning objectives concerned by their paragraph numbers.

7. In commenting on Part D — Instructor’s Manual, please clearly identify the

section concerned. If the bibliography or the practical exercises are found to
be unsatisfactory, please.

Identify suitable alternative texts, as far as is possible, or outline alternative

exercises, as appropriate.

8. Any further comments or suggestions you may have which fall outside the
scope of the items listed above may be added at the end. In particular, your
views on the usefulness of the course material to you in implementing the
course would be appreciated, as would the contribution to IMO of any
additional teaching material you found useful in implementing it.

Please address your comments to:

Maritime Safety Division

International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment
London SE1 7SR
Tel: (+) 44 207 735 7611
Fax: (+) 44 207 587 3346



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