School Grade Level & Quarter Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
School Grade Level & Quarter Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
School Grade Level & Quarter Teacher SHS Track Week No. Inclusive Dates Learning Area Scheduled Time 7:30am - 8:30am/ 9:45am-Topic
Content Standard: Acquires knowledge Content Standards: Acquires knowledge of Content Standard: Acquires knowledge of Content Standard: Acquires knowledge of
of appropriate reading strategies for a appropriate reading strategies for a better appropriate reading strategies for a better appropriate reading strategies for a better
better understanding of academic texts. understanding of academic texts. understanding of academic texts. understanding of academic texts.
Performance Standard: Produces a Performance Standard: Produces a detailed abstract Performance Standard: Produces a detailed Performance Standard: Produces a detailed
detailed abstract of information gathered of information gathered from various academic texts abstract of information gathered from various abstract of information gathered from various
from various academic texts read. read. academic texts read. academic texts read.
Curriculum Guide Page No. 1 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No. 1 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No. 1 of 6 Curriculum Guide Page No. 1 of 6
1. Stating the central idea of the selection. 1. Reading the “autopsy surgeon’s report”. 1. The students will be reading the ‘Legal 1. The students will be reading the news report on
Indictment.” They will be discussing the text in “Local Girl Found Slain by Rejected Lover.”
2. Naming the various kinds of thinking. 2. Guiding them in their reading by explaining how the groups of five, focusing on the type of
How they will be able to report is structured. Asking them what they learn from language that is used in the selection; and 2. They will be comparing the text with the article that
identify kinds of thinking? each sentence in the report. They can begin with a they will be ask if the language commonly they read from the newspaper that they had brought;
They will be finding simple grid like the one below: used in ordinary communication. and what kind of information did they get from the
markers in the essay that text.
served as clues or Sentence Number Topic 2. The students will be sharing the findings of
indicators. 1 Cause of death the Great Jurors in plain language that can be 3. The Students will be spotting similarity/difference
Calling their attention to 2 Manner understood by an ordinary reader. between the two;
expressions; 3 Evidence
- (Paragraph2), Like 4 Evidence 3. Expressing the last paragraph of the District Are the words and sentences difficult to
“This is our... kind 5 Evidence Attorney’s statement in simple language. understand?
of thinking” 6 Manner
- “... a second kind 7 Evidence Who is narrating the event? How was the
of thinking ... event narrated?
(Paragraph 4), “A 3. The ideas that relate with one another can now be 4. Discussing with them the characteristics of a news
third kind of grouped together for a better appreciation of the text. report.
thinking... “
TM/TG Page: 12 TM/TG Pages: 13-15 TM/TG Pages: 16-17 TM/TG Page: 18
LM Pages: 23-33 LM Page: 34 LM Page: 35 LM Page: 36
Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet Additional Learning Materials: Internet
1. The teacher will ask the students if they 1. The students will be discussing in emphasizing 1. The students will be watching any of the 1. At the end of the activity the teacher will be
have engaged in the various kinds of importance of clustering of ideas under specific headings hearings on any of the recent issues being summarizing the students’ observations.
thinking; and which type of thinking do that can facilitate understanding of texts. investigated by the Senate on Television.
they most frequently engage in. 2. What did they learn about writing a news article?
2. The students will consider the following
a. How are the arguments presented?
b. What kind of language is used in
the hearings?
c. How do people address one
another in the hearings?
Assessment: Assessment: Assessment:
Actual Writing
Oral Oral Quiz
1) The teacher will be requiring the students 1) The teacher will be asking the students to
1) They will be ask on what benefits 1) The teacher will ask the students to state briefly to write the summary on the report entitled, write a news report about a recent school
do they get from the different the content of the autopsy surgeon’s report. Legal Indictment. activity.
types of thinking.
F. Remarks: F. Remarks: F. Remarks: F. Remarks:
This learning area English for Academic This learning area English for Academic and Professional This learning area English for Academic and This learning area English for Academic and
and Professional Purposes contained 80 Purposes contained 80 hours in the whole semester with Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in Professional Purposes contained 80 hours in the whole
hours in the whole semester with 1 hour 1 hour per session. the whole semester with 1 hour per session. semester with 1 hour per session.
per session.
SHS Teacher 1 Master Teacher, Academic Track SHS Focal Person Secondary School Principal IV