MP 26 Digital Process Transmitter: Product Profile
MP 26 Digital Process Transmitter: Product Profile
MP 26 Digital Process Transmitter: Product Profile
Product profile
The MP 26 series of Digital Process
Transmitters is designed to combine The direct-access front end interface The Sense-amplifier supports 4 and
reliable weight information from and the optional PC-Tool MP 26/10 also 6 wire Load Cells. This allows
process vessels with extremely easy make the instrument ideal for all connections over long distances
operation and setup. applications where ease of use and a without losing accuracy.
A wide range of strain gauge load simple but effective data acquisition
cells can be connected and output is of weight values is required. Input circuit control
provided in the common 4… 20 mA The built-in Zero-set function allows Continuous control of input circuit
signal format. for simple adaptation of Zero to and input signal range.
Direct access to all configuration changing dead loads.
and operation levels via the front The standard input control circuit Zero set function
keys. The MP 26/10 engineering tool and the limit/alarm function can be To suppress changing dead loads via
provides the same level of access via combined and provide in the front keys or an external switch.
a comfortable PC-Program. conjunction with the built-in relay
simple direct process control. Input signal filter
Description Intelligent first order low pass filter
The transmitter is designed for the The Transmitter is equipped with to suppress unwanted signal
use in typical control cabinets on pluggable screw terminals. This deviation caused by external
convenient DIN rails. Multiple Terminals allow an easy installation disturbances. Adjustable time
instruments can be easily ligned up and exchange of Instruments. constant and tolerance band.
in the cabinet. The very slim housing Signal changes that exceed the set
concept safes space. tolerance band will by-pass the filter
directly for speedy response.
The full galvanical isolation of input
circuit and the analogue output
from the supply make the
instrument especially easy and safe
to integrate.
Technical Data
Analogue output Environmental conditions
Load cell supply 0/4… 20 mA, 0/2...10V configurable Temperature
10 VDC, internal Resolution: 14 bit, Operation: -10… +55° C
max. 4 Load cells a 350 Ohm useable stepwith 1,5 ìA Storage: -30… +70° C
4- or 6-wire connection Impedanze 600 Ohm / 2KOhm max. Humidity: 90 % RH, keine Betauung
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