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Leara Jane S. Maranan Bsed Math Iii: Answers

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Leara Jane S.



UNIT 2: activity 1

1. Refer to the K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide. Choose one performance standard

and its content standard in a specific quarter in Mathematics upon which you can base a
problem to be formulated for problem-based learning/project-based learning.
2. Analyze the content standard and the performance standard you selected in #1, and
construct a performance task scenario using GRASPS.



Performance standard: The learner is able to model situations using oral, written,
graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions,
linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
Content standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic
expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities
in one variable.

GOAL: The task is to addition and subtraction of polynomials.
ROLE: You are in a class, and your teacher gives you an activity about the addition and subtraction
of polynomials.
AUDIENCE: You are going to present your answers in front of your classmates and teacher.
SITUATION: Your teacher is searching for the students who didn’t get what he taught on class.
PRODUCT/PERFORMANCE: You are going to answer the activities using your acquired knowledge
from your teacher and present your output in front of your classmates and teacher.
STANDARD AND CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS: The presented output of activity given by your teacher
will be evaluated according to the following: explanation
Criteria Outstanding On Target Minimum target Below target
(presentation) 4 3 2 1
Solution(s) and Complete Complete Most of the Problem and
Work problem is problem is required solutions are
illustrated, when solved; Minimal solution(s) are randomly given
applicable and explanation is completed; with little or no
well organized given; however, explanations are detail on how
when solving the the details of the limited or solutions were
problem. math solution are missing; attained.
Solution(s) are evident. infrequent or no
clearly noted. Solution(s) are use of math terms
clearly noted. to explain
Clarity and Answers are well- Presents problem Answers require Answers have no
Neatness organized, neatly in a neat manner. viewer to study organization;
presented in a All segments of presentation to lacks necessary
colorful and the problem are find all the pieces neatness needed
engaging manner. visible, but lack of the task. to easily inform
Viewer can easily organization for Writing may not viewer.
follow the flow of clarity. be readily legible
information or organized.
Understanding Student obviously Student Student struggles Student's
Concept understands the understands the to understand or understanding is
concepts on concepts but explain how to minimal. Student
combining like makes a few add and subtract is unable to make
terms and is able small mistakes polynomials. a connection of
to explain and when adding or adding and
apply the subtracting subtracting
concepts. polynomials. polynomials.

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