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7.7590.0007-xxxxxxxxx msp.

November 2018

1.10011.0001 6. Preparation
• Samples containing more than 25 mg/l H2O2
1.10011.0002 must be diluted with distilled water or perox-
ide-free ether.
• The pH of the aqueous sample must be
within the range 2 - 12.

Peroxide Test If necessary, buffer the sample with sodium

acetate or, respectively, adjust the pH with
hydrochloric acid.

1. Method 7. Procedure
Peroxidase transfers peroxide oxygen to an Protect the reaction zones from light (also
organic redox indicator. This produces a blue during the reaction time)!
oxidation product. The peroxide concentration is
measured semiquantitatively by visual com- Determination in aqueous solutions:
parison of the reaction zone of the test strip
with the fields of a color scale. Immerse the reaction zone of the test strip in the
pretreated sample (15 - 30 °C) for 1 sec.
2. Measuring range and number Allow excess liquid to run off via the long edge of
the strip onto an absorbent paper towel and after
of determinations 15 sec determine with which color field on the
label the color of the reaction zone coincides most
Measuring range / color- Number of exactly.
scale graduation determinations Read off the corresponding result in mg/l H2O2.

Notes on the measurement:
(Cat. No. 1.10011.0002)
0.5 - 2 - 5 - 10 - 25 • Every blue colouration within 3 min can be
mg/l H2O2 interpreted as a positive result.
(Cat. No. 1.10011.0001) • If the color of the reaction zone is equal to or
more intense than the darkest color on the
scale or if another color emerges, repeat the
3. Applications measurement using fresh samples diluted
This test measures inorganic peroxides in aque- with distilled water or, respectively, peroxide-
ous solutions and organic solvents. Polymeric free ether until a value of less than 25 mg/l
peroxides are not at all or only incompletely H2O2 is obtained.
Sample material: Determination in organic solvents (readily
Simple ethers volatile ethers):
UHT milk
Pickling and copper-stripping baths Immerse the reaction zone of the test strip in the
Bleaching and oxidizing agents (paper and tex- pretreated sample (15 - 30 °C) for 1 sec.
tile industries) After the solvent has evaporated (gently fan the
Disinfectant and rinsing solutions (e. g. food strip back and forth for 3 - 30 sec), humidify the
technology, laundries) reaction zone for 1 sec with 1 drop of distilled
water and allow excess liquid to run off via the
Swimming-pool water long edge of the strip onto an absorbent paper
4. Influence of foreign substances After 15 sec assess the color of the reaction
This was checked individually in solutions with zone.
12.5 and 0 mg/l H2O2. The determination is not
yet interfered with up to the concentrations of Note on the measurement:
foreign substances given in the table. Cumulative It is recommended to treat the measure-
effects were not checked; such effects can, ment results obtained in organic solvents
however, not be excluded. only as guideline values, since the color in
appearance and intensity may vary depend-
Concentrations of foreign substances in mg/l
ing on the solvent medium. In this connec-
CrO42- 10 IO4- 40 tion every blue coloration of the reaction
[Fe(CN)6]4- 10 MnO4- 2 zone indicates that peroxide is present.
[Fe(CN)6]3- 10 S2O82- 20
Hg 250
VO3 5
8. Method control
To check test strips and handling:
Make up 5.0 ml of Perhydrol® (H2O2 30 %
5. Reagents and auxiliaries ^ 333 000 mg/l H O ) to 500 ml with distilled
= 2 2

The test strips are stable up to the date

water and mix. Take 1.5 ml of this solution,
stated on the pack when stored closed at
make up to 500 ml with distilled water, and
+2 to +8 °C.
mix. Subsequently analyze immediately
(solution is not stable) as described in
Failure to adhere to the storage tempera-
section 7. The content of H2O2 determined
ture of +2 to +8°C will lower the shelf life
should be 10 mg/l.
Additional notes see under
of the test strips and the accuracy of the
measuring values.
Package contents: 9. Note
Tube containing 25 test strips
(Cat. No. 1.10011.0002) Reclose the tube containing the test strips
or immediately after use.
containing 100 test strips
(Cat. No. 1.10011.0001)
Other reagents:
MQuant® Universal indicator strips pH 0 - 14,
Cat. No. 109535
Sodium acetate anhydrous GR for analysis,
Cat. No. 106268
Hydrochloric acid 1 mol/l Titripur®,
Cat. No. 109057
Diethyl ether for analysis EMSURE®, Merck KGaA, 64271 Darmstadt, Germany,
Cat. No. 100921 Tel. +49(0)6151 72-2440
Hydrogen peroxide 30 % H2O2 (Perhydrol®)
GR for analysis, Cat. No. 107209 EMD Millipore Corporation, 400 Summit Drive
Burlington MA 01803, USA, Tel. +1-978-715-4321

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