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Training Plan EPAS NC II Anex AB

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The documents discuss various modules related to basic competencies, career professionalism, working in a team environment and servicing consumer electronic products. The key topics covered include communication at workplace, participating in meetings, defining roles and responsibilities, organizational goals and work priorities.

The main topics covered include workplace communication, working in a team, practicing career professionalism and servicing consumer electronic products. Specific modules discuss topics like obtaining workplace information, participating in discussions, setting work priorities and diagnosing faults in electronic products.

The learning outcomes discussed across the modules include obtaining and conveying workplace information, participating in meetings, identifying team roles, setting work priorities, maintaining professional growth and preparing tools for installation of electronic products.

03 Benitez Compound, Lower Magsaysay Avenue, Baguio City, 2600

Tel. No.: (074)-244-1429 Mobile No.: 0907-789-1439/ 0935-055-1451
Course: Basic Competencies
Units of Competency: Participate in workplace communication
Module Title: Participating in workplace communication
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (X) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources

LO 1: Obtain and convey Specific and relevant Site: Communication at workplace
workplace information is (slideshare.net)
information accessed from
appropriate sources Key word: Communication in Workplace
Appropriate medium is
used to transfer
and ideas
Workplace procedures
for the location and
storage of information
are used
LO 2: Participate in Team meeting and Site:
workplace establish protocols.  How To Encourage Participation in
meetings and Workplace interactions Team Meetings | Indeed.com
discussions are conducted in a  Lesson 03: Participate in Workplace
courteous Meeting and Discussion –
Manner. Electronics Products and Assembly
Questions about NCII (wordpress.com)
simple routine  CLIPS Word Template
workplace procedures (tafensw.edu.au)
and matters Key word: Participating in Team Meeting
concerning working
conditions of
employment are asked
and responded to
Meetings outcomes
are interpreted and
Lo3. Complete relevant Written communication  Wilde, J., Jr. (2003). You all spoken
work related documents following standard here: Southern talk at its down-home
format of the best. Athens: University of Georgia
organization. Press.
Workplace data is Key Word: relevant work related
recorded on standard documents
forms and documents

Course: Basic Competencies

Units of Competency: Work in team environment
Module Title: Working in team environment
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.
( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources

How to be a good role Site:
model.  Lesson 01: Describe and Identify
LO1. Describe team role Responsibility of a Team Role and Responsibility in a
and scope team leader. Team. (wordpress.com)
Role and objective of Keyword: Team Role and Scope
the team
LO2. Identify own role and Job procedures Site: How to Define Roles and
responsibility within a Responsibilities for Team Members
Standard operating
team (atlassian.com)
and/or other workplace
Machine/equipment Keyword: Roles and Responsibility
specifications and
LO3. Work as a team Work procedures and Site: LO2 Identify own role and
member practices responsibility within team LO3 Work as a
Legislation and team member | Course Hero
industrial agreements
Conditions of work Keyword: Work as a Team Member

Course: Basic Competencies

Units of Competency: Practice career professionalism

Module Title: Practicing career professionalism

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources

LO1. Integrate personal Personal growth and Site: How to Align Individual, Team, and
objectives with work plans Organizational Goals for Success
organizational goals Intra- and (quantumworkplace.com)
interpersonal Keyword: Organizational Goals
Organization and its
LO2. Set and meet work Company operations, Site: Lesson 02: Set and Meet Work
priorities procedures and Priorities (wordpress.com)
Company policies Keyword: Work Priorities

Fundamental rights at
work including gender
LO3. Maintain Work values and Site: 10 Tips for Personal and Professional
professional growth ethics Growth
and development Trainings and career (crownbusinesscoachinggroup.com)

NPI_EPAS NCII_Flexible Learning_Training Plang Page | 43

opportunities Keyword: Professional Growth
Personal hygiene

Course: Basic Competencies

Units of Competency: Practice occupational health and safety procedures
Module Title: Practicing occupational health and safety procedures
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
Safety regulations and Site: Identify hazards in the workplace: How
workplace safety to identify hazards + examples
LO1. Identity hazards
Hazards/risks in the (sitemate.com)
and risks
workplace Video viewing site: (1) HAZARDS AND
Contingency measures RISKS YouTube
during workplace Keyword: hazards and risks
LO2. Evaluate hazards Terms of maximum 1997-2021 Canadian Centre for
and risks tolerable limits in harm Occupational Health & Safety
or damage are Site: Hazard and Risk : OSH Answers
identified based on (ccohs.ca) & Evaluating and controlling
threshold limit values. hazards and risks (slideshare.net)
Effects of the hazards Keyword: Hazards and risks
are determined
OHS issues and/or
concerns and identified
safety hazards
LO3. Control hazards Occupational Health Site: Identify, assess and control hazards |
and risks and Safety (OHS) Safe Work Australia
procedures for Keyword: Identify, assess and control
controlling hazards
hazards/risks Video viewing site: (1) The Hierarchy of
Procedures for dealing Controls - YouTube
with workplace
Personal protective
equipment (PPE
LO4. Maintain OHS Emergency-related Site: Identify, assess and control hazards |
awareness drills and trainings Safe Work Australia
OHS personal records Keyword: Identify, assess and control
DOLE regulations on hazards
safety legal Video viewing site: (1) The Hierarchy of
requirements Controls - YouTube
Occupational Safety and Health Standard.
Retrieved from:
Maintain OHS Awareness. Retrieved from
Awareness.pdf - 11 TVL-IA-EIM Quarter
2 \u2013 Module 6 Maintain Occupational
Health and Safety | Course Hero
Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Apply Quality Standards

Module Title: Applying quality standars

Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources

LO1. Assess quality of Components/material  Video

received materials or s do not conform with https://www.youtube.com/watch?
components government regulation v=kWSPS8BLpiU
i.e., PEC,  https://anyflip.com/skebf/cbqj
environmental code
Check the receive
materials or
component parts.
Records of faulty
materials or
components are
replaced in
accordance with
workplace procedures
Organization work  Video-Environmental Aspects
LO2. Assess own work procedures https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Manufacturer’s v=unov_0D6_14
instruction manual  https://anyflip.com/skebf/xelz/basic
Safety and
aspects of production
LO3. Engage in quality Quality checking  https://anyflip.com/skebf/rmbw/basic
improvement procedures 
Quality improvement

Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Perform computer operations
Module Title: Performing computer operations
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
Main types of  https://www.slideshare.net/munim/comp
computers and basic uter-operation-60276345
LO1. Plan and prepare features of different  https://www.slideserve.com/suzy/perfor
for tasks to be operating system ming-computer-operations-powerpoint-
taken/ undertaken Main parts of a ppt-presentation
Storage devices and

NPI_EPAS NCII_Flexible Learning_Training Plang Page | 43

basic categories of
LO2. Input data into Relevant types of  https://squareboat.com/blog/different-
computer software types-of-software-with-examples
Storage Devices and
basic categories of  Storage devices and basic categories of
memory memory
Basic Ergonomics of - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-
keyboard and wSYn27pnYA
computer user  https://www.youtube.com/watch?

LO3. Access information Program/application  https://ergo-plus.com/office-ergonomics-

using computer containing the select-use-keyboard/
information required  http://www2.westsussex.gov.uk/Learnin
Keyboard techniques gandDevelopment/IT%20Learning
are carried out in line %20Guides/Microsoft%20Windows
with OH & %207/12%20Desktop%20icons.pdf
S requirements for
safe use of keyboards
Desktop icons
LO4. Produce software commands  Video
output/data using Data printed out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
computer system v=CBf-jIn44X0
Transfer data/files in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
accordance with v=uld-hwi4lYs
standard procedure.  https://www.slideshare.net/corb201/comp

LO5. Use basic functions Web surfing and  Video-Web browser

of web browser to browser https://www.youtube.com/watch?
locate information Search engines v=8UdNULkru5s
URLS , links and  https://www.slideserve.com/amato/lesso
keywords n-4-web-browsing

LO6. Maintain computer Systems for cleaning,  https://cssnc2site.wordpress.com/maintai

equipment and minor maintenance n-and-repair-computer-systems-and-
systems and replacement networks/
Procedures for  https://bus206.pressbooks.com/chapter/c
ensuring security of hapter-6-information-systems-security/
data, including regular
back-ups and virus
Basic file maintenance

Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Perform Mensuration and Calculation
Module Title: Performing mensuration and calculation
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO 1. Select measuring Knowing the correct  https://gltnhs-tle.weebly.com/lesson-
instrument specification of the 25.html
relevant sources  Film viewing
Identify the necessary https://www.youtube.com/watch?
measuring tools in v=n1DNMbEjaFQ
selecting job
Types of components
and objects to be
LO 2. Carry out Use accurate  Film viewing
measurement and measurement of task https://www.youtube.com/watch?
calculation given v=mdu3yURyDo8
Using the four  https://gltnhs-tle.weebly.com/lesson-
fundamentals of 34.html
mathematical operation
Introducing proper
procedure in
calculating fractions,
percentages, and
mixed numbers to
LO 3. Maintain measuring Using appropriate  https://www.slideshare.net/skyrocker000
instruments instruments/tools to 4/consumer-
avoid damage electronicsservicinglearningmodule
Identifying the proper  http://www.depedbataan.com/resources/
storage of the 9/k_to_12_electronics_learning_module
instruments to be kept .pdf

Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Prepare and interpret technical drawing
Module Title: Preparing and interpreting technical drawing
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Identify different Technical drawing  Introduction to technical drawing
kinds of technical Kinds of technical https://www.youtube.com/watch?
drawings drawing v=YE0oZZO7vbk&t=354s
Types of technical
drawing  https://gltnhs-tle.weebly.com/lesson-

 https://www.slideshare.net/salmanranaw
-Slide 58-75

LO2. Interpret technical Symbols used in the  Wiring Electrical Circuit by Roland
drawings drawing Palmquist
Dimensions of the key  https://www.slideshare.net/salmanranaw
features of the objects /k-to-12-electronics-learning-module-
depicted in the drawing 29530510
Electrical/electronic -Slide 76-80

NPI_EPAS NCII_Flexible Learning_Training Plang Page | 43

LO3. Prepare/ make Instruments/Equipment  https://www.slideshare.net/salmanranaw
changes on electrical/ in make changes on /k-to-12-electronics-learning-module-
electronic schematics and electrical/ electronic 29530510
drawings schematics and -Slide 81-100
schematic is drawn
and correctly identified

Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Use hand tools
Module Title: Using hand tools
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Plan and prepare Task identification.  Plan for task to be undertaken
for tasks to be undertaken Plan and prepare hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?
tools for task to be v=df0XejRNfl0
undertaken.  https://prezi.com/voqudhlcregn/plans-

LO2. Prepare hand tools Basic electronic tools  https://motor-control-

Function/ how to circuits.blogspot.com/2015/05/use-
operate basic hand-tools-identify-functional.html
electronic tools.  Electrician’s Tools by Roland Palmquist
Unsafe or faulty tools  https://www.makerspaces.com/basic-
are identified and electronics/
marked for repair
according to standard
LO3. Use appropriate Do and don’ts of using  https://www.safeworldhse.com/2020/09/
hand tools and test hand tools. hand-tools-safety-dos-and-donts.html
equipment All safety procedures  Electrician’s Tools by Roland Palmquist
in using tools are
observed at all times
and appropriate
personal protective
equipment (PPE) are
unplanned or unusual
events are reported.
LO4. Maintain hand tools Maintenance of tools is  Use and maintain hand tools
undertaken according https://www.youtube.com/watch?
to standard operational v=KdKUYucx2fw&t=545s
Appropriate locations
of the tools
How to handle hand
tools without damage.
Course: Common Competencies
Units of Competency: Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit
Module Title: Terminating and connecting electrical wiring and electronics circuit
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Plan and prepare Checking of materials  MLG College of Learning- CBLM
for according to Pages 1-20
termination/connect specifications and  https://kapitolyohs.files.wordpress.com/
ion of electrical tasks 2011/06/terminating-and-connecting-of-
wiring/electronics Selecting appropriate electrical-wirings-and-electronics-
circuits tools and equipment circuits-2nd.pdf
Following the planned  Wiring Electrical Circuit by Roland
to ensure OH & S Palmquist
guidelines and
LO2. Terminate/ connect Safety procedures in  https://kapitolyohs.files.wordpress.com/
wiring/electronic using tools. 2011/06/terminating-and-connecting-of-
circuits Methods in electrical-wirings-and-electronics-
termination/connection circuits-2nd.pdf
are used according to  Wiring Electrical Circuit by Roland
specifications, Palmquist
manufacturer’s  https://www.assemblymag.com/articles/
requirements and 83099-wire-termination-uses-and-
safety methods
successfully in
accordance with
standard procedure.
LO3. Test Conduct testing of all  https://www.youtube.com/watch?
termination/connect completed termination/ v=SfV0nW8zLMU
ions of electrical connections of electric
wiring/electronics wiring/electronic  https://www.youtube.com/watch?
circuits circuits v=nEAY78u_rGk
Check the wiring and  Wiring Electrical Circuit by Roland
circuit with standard Palmquist

Course: Common Competencies

Units of Competency: Test electronic components
Module Title: Testing electronic components
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Determine criteria Work instructions in  How to test electronic components
for testing testing electronics https://www.youtube.com/watch?

NPI_EPAS NCII_Flexible Learning_Training Plang Page | 43

electronics Data v=GW_-ycgJXhg
components sheets/Application  Testing electronic components
notes in testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?
electronics v=P0eDRChsFsI
components  https://www.dummies.com/programming
Testing criteria /electronics/components/electronics-

LO2. Plan an approach Various testing  https://www.dfliq.net/blog/the-basics-of-

for component methods electrical-components/
testing Types of  https://www.elprocus.com/major-
electronic components electronic-components/
Testing strategy
LO3. Test Testing methods  Test components
Problems and faults https://www.youtube.com/watch?
components v=RIpSK7SFWyI
detected by testing
Testing process  https://www.youtube.com/watch?

LO4. Evaluate the testing Records testing  Wiring Electrical Components Part1and
process system are 2 by Roland Palmquist
evaluated based on  https://www.coursehero.com/file/p51c5a
standard procedures. s/LO-4-Evaluate-the-testing-process-41-
Document the testing Identify-testing-methods-that-were/
Identify testing

Course: Core Competencies

Units of Competency: Assemble electronic products
Module Title: Assembling electronic products
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Prepare to Work instructions are Electronic devices such as laptop,
assemble obtained and clarified cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic products based on job order or videos
Client requirements.
Required materials,
tools and equipment
are prepared and
Parts and components
needed to complete
the work are identified,
prepared and obtained
according to
LO2. Prepare/ Make PCB layout and rules Electronic devices such as laptop,
PCB modules Acceptable methods cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
and standards in videos
transferring copper-
cladded board.
Functionality of PCB is
tested and visual
inspection is performed
Based on standards
LO3. Mount and solder characteristics and Electronic devices such as laptop,
requirements of lead cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic components
and lead-free soldering videos, observation sheet
Soldering principles
techniques and
LO4. Perform electronic Assembly procedures Electronic devices such as laptop,
are performed in cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
products assembly
accordance with OH&S videos, observation sheet
policies and work
Modules and
accessories are
into the final product
WEEE directives and
3Rs waste
management program.
LO5. Test and inspect Final visual/sensory Electronic devices such as laptop,
inspection and testing cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
assembled electronic
procedure. videos, feedback form
Mechanical and
Work completion is

Course: Core Competencies

Units of Competency: Service consumer electronic products and systems
Module Title: Servicing consumer electronic products and systems
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Prepare unit, tools Tools, test instruments Electronic devices such as laptop,
and workplace for and personal cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
installation and protective videos
service Equipment.
Complete check-up of
consumer electronic
products and systems

LO2. Install consumer Install consumer Electronic devices such as laptop,

electronic products electronic products in cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
and systems accordance with videos, observation sheet

NPI_EPAS NCII_Flexible Learning_Training Plang Page | 43

requirements, and
without damage
Installation and testing
of equipment
Final inspections are
undertaken to ensure
that the installed
devices conforms to
technical requirements
LO3. Diagnose faults Pre-testing procedure Electronic devices such as laptop,
and defects of consumer Troubleshooting cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic products and techniques videos, observation sheet, manual washing
systems Test instruments machine, microwave oven, television
LO4. Maintain/Repair Personal protective Electronic devices such as laptop,
consumer electronic equipment is used in cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
products accordance with videos, observation sheet and feedback
Occupational Health form, manual washing machine, microwave
and Safety practices oven, television
discharge (ESD)
protection procedure
Care and extreme
precaution in handling
the unit/product is
observed as per
LO5. Re-assemble and Procedure of re- Electronic devices such as laptop,
test repaired consumer assembling repaired cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic product electronic products. videos, observation sheet and feedback
Final testing and form, manual washing machine, microwave
cleaning of repaired oven, television
electronic products.
Waste materials are
disposed of in
accordance with

Course: Core Competencies

Units of Competency: Service consumer electronic products and systems
Module Title: Servicing consumer electronic products and systems
Modality: Check which modality will be applied. Multi-modal is allowed.

( ) Full-online (x) Blended online ( ) Distance Learning

Learning Outcomes Contents Learning Resources
LO1. Prepare unit, tools Complete check-up of Electronic devices such as laptop,
and workplace for industrial electronic cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
installation / servicing components, products videos, observation sheet and feedback
and systems form, Manual of CCTV camera
Service manuals and
service information
Necessary tools, test
instruments and
personal protective
LO2. Install industrial Install consumer Electronic devices such as laptop,
electronic electronic products in cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
modules/products/ accordance with videos, observation sheet and feedback
systems manufacturer’s form, Manual of CCTV camera
requirements, and
without damage
Installation and testing
of equipment
Final inspections are
undertaken to ensure
that the installed
devices conforms to
technical requirements
LO3. Diagnose faults Pre-testing procedure Electronic devices such as laptop,
and defects of industrial Troubleshooting cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic techniques videos, observation sheet and feedback
modules/products/system Test instruments form, Manual of CCTV camera
LO4. Maintain/Repair Personal protective Electronic devices such as laptop,
industrial electronic equipment is used in cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
products accordance with videos, observation sheet and feedback
Occupational Health form, Manual of CCTV camera
and Safety practices
discharge (ESD)
protection procedure
Care and extreme
precaution in handling
the unit/product is
observed as per
LO5. Reassemble and Procedure of re- Electronic devices such as laptop,
test repaired industrial assembling repaired cellphones, module, Internet, recordings/
electronic products electronic products. videos, observation sheet and feedback
Final testing and form, Manual of CCTV camera
cleaning of repaired
electronic products.
Waste materials are
disposed of in
accordance with

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